Platinum Gazette 06 September 2013

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© Platinum Gazette

06 September 2013

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Women against crime - p3

Binne / Inside:

Mapoch Women

Winterveld Festival

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Danger No warning signs, no barrier, cattle in the road, and heavy traffic makes this excavation on the side of the R36 road between Leboeng and Strydom Tunnel on the Abel Erasmus Pass all the more dangerous. Nobody seems to take resposibility or care to attempt to do something about it. We are investigating.


Disappointment for Bokoni Atlatsa Resources Corporation announced that the Department of Mineral Resources lifted the section 54 work stoppage order at Bokoni Platinum Mine’s UM2 shaft, and normal operations resumed on Friday, 30 August 2013. The company earlier announced that a winch operator lost his life in a scraper winch-related accident at Bokoni Platinum Mine’s (Bokoni) UM2 shaft section on Wednesday, 28 August 2013.Immediately after the accident Bokoni mine management stopped operations at the affected section. Harold Motaung, CEO of Atlatsa, said, “We deeply regret losing a member of our family. An improving safety culture, with

specific emphasis on changing individual behavioural patterns, is imperative to our overall transformation strategy at Bokoni. Management will continue to place emphasis on this focus area, which has been disappointing over the past month.” This is the second fatality at Bokoni within a month. A contract miner was fatally injured in a fall of ground accident at Bokoni Platinum Mine Vertical Shaft on Tuesday 6 August 2013. The fatalities come at a time when Bokoni’s safety record has been steadily improving over the past 15 months with two million fatality free shifts achieved on 3 August 2013.

Limpopo liquor blitz warns local taverns

Limpopo Liquor Inspectors scrutinising the credentials of a liquor trading establishment The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), in partnership with the Limpopo Economic Development Environment and Tourism Department (Ledet) closed down five illegal taverns and issued fines totalling R83 500 during a three-day blitz inspection operation in Polokwane and surrounding areas. The joint operation which commenced from 29 to 31 August 2013 was conducted by officials from the dti’s National Liquor Authority (NLA), Ledet, the South African Police Services, the Department of Home Affairs and the Polokwane Local Municipality. According to the Director of Legal Support and Prosecutions at NLA, Mr Sandile Nkosi, the aim of the blitz operation was to enforce compliance to the Liquor Act and to ensure that traders operated within the set regulations as stipulated by their licensing conditions. “Within the three days of operation, we raided 192 operating outlets ranging from bottle stores, taverns, pubs and restaurants to manufactures and distributors. Of these establishments, we discovered five taverns were operating without legal licenses, and we appropriately closed them down. We also confiscated 8 500 litres of alcohol and issued fines totalling R83 500,” said Nkosi.

He added that the most common contravention was traders not complying with what is termed a “Liquor Restaurant License”. This license permits the trader to sell alcohol and serve food on their premises. “In most establishments we would discover that the trader is solely trading in alcohol and not serving any food. Upon further investigation the trader would plead ignorance and state lack of knowledge as a factor. Of course all of these would be tactics to justify their transgressions and we know this for a fact as we have it on good authority that provincial liquor inspectors workshop these traders prior to us instituting a blitz operation,” added Nkosi. The blitz operation targeted traders in and around the Polokwane Central Business District, Mankweng, Sebayeng, Solomondale and Westernburg, Zebediela and Lebowakgomo. The Liquor Act of 2003, which is administered by the dti, requires the department to reduce the socio-economic costs of liquor abuse in the country. The Act also requires that the NLA to promote the development of a responsible and sustainable liquor industry in a manner that inculcates the ethos of social responsibility among other things.



Operation Vuvuzela Basadi a success The SAPS Tubatse Cluster closed Women’s Month with Operation Vuvuzela Basadi On Friday 30 August 2013 the SAPS Tubatse Cluster held Operation Vuvuzela Basadi as part of their Women’s Month activities. Police women, reservists, clerks and typists from cluster stations which include Tubatse, Mecklenburg, Burgersfort and Ohrigstad formed part of the operation. They received support from policemen and traffic officers

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147. Email: adverts@ platinum gazette. com Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00.

during the operation. The day’s activities was led by Tubatse Brigadier Sylvia Ledwaba. Women from other departments such as the provincial traffic office, local traffic department, CPF’s and VEP were part of the operation. They started on the R37 road where they stopped vehicles and searched both vehicles and passengers. Crime prevention tips were given to the motorists and 9 people were fined for non compliance of the Road Traffic Act. One was fined for drinking liquor in public. Later during the day the women also arrested two suspects in a rape case. One was arrested in Mareseleng Village and one in Burgersfort. Brigadier Ledwaba expressed her happiness with the success of the

operation and with everyone who participated in the day’s activities. (Photographs and information: Const. Jerial Movundlela). Right top and bottom: The women stopped and searched vehicles, drivers and passengers. They were assisted by men from various stations and departments.





Mapoch’s Mine honour women during Women’s Month Last week Thursday Mapoch’s Mine near Roossenekal honoured women in celebration of Women’s Month. The Mine held a function at the Mapoch’s Club where a variety of guest speakers addressed the women. Approximately 65 women attended the event. The subjects covered in the various speeches included health, education, working with teenagers, religion and many more. Speakers included local as well as national figures. After all the formalities the women were treated to a warm meal and delicious cakes baked by the Mapoch’s Mine team who organised the day.

Customers are still winning at Tubatse SUPERSPAR Tubatse SUPERSPAR’s Win-A-Car competition is delivering weekly winners of lucky draw prizes. Customers can enter the competition in store and not only stand a chance to become a weekly winner but also stand a chance to win

the big prize just before Christmas. The winner of the main prize will drive off in a brand new VW Polo. Visit Tubatse SUPERSPAR for a friendly and value for money shopping experience and to enter the competition.

Mr Aaron Masheilane from Leboeng won a R500 shopping voucher. Ms Marie Mabelane handed him his prize.

Ms Kate Mashaba from Leboeng won a car cleaning kit. Ms Petronella Ngele from Tubatse SUPERSPAR handed over the prize.

Ms Ireen Ngobeni from Phiring won a R500 shopping voucher from Tubatse SUPERSPAR. She received her prize from Ms Faith Rakolota from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Mr Sello Moloto from Sehunyane won a Salton Electric Urn. He received his price from Ms Selina Nyundu from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.



Laerskool Atokia is bedrywig Laerskool Atokia is ‘n vinnige klompie bymekaar. Die skool het 14 atlete wat in die Limpopo Landloopspan opgeneem is. Dis sowat 10% van die skool. Die groepie gaan op 14 September op Potchefstroom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe deelneem. Ter ondersteuning van die atlete het die skool ‘n dag met die tema “happy feet’ gehou. Die leerlinge het verskillende skoene, kous ens. gedra en wat ‘n heel kleurvolle groep. Die skool bedank graag hul afrigters vir hul werksetiek. “Ons is dankbaar teenoor ons Skepper vir die talent en werksetiek van ons atlete en afrigters,” sê die skoolhoof, Mnr. Beukes van Zyl. (Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Atokia)

Bo: Die Landloopatlete saam met hul afrigters. Hulle is deel van die Limpopospan.

Arbor Day at Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort celebrated Arbor Day on Friday last week. The seniors came together for a quiz about the Tree of the Year, the Cross Berry. The questions for the quiz was selected by the Land Service members. Teams received an information sheet to study and had to

As part of the Arbor Day celebrations at the school the different grades are putting up creative designs with the theme Arbor Day. The different classes will be judged and a winner be announced soon. The grade 3 class has made some colourful flowers that they’ve put up in their class’ windows. They could not wait to pose in front of their class while the senior learners participated in the quiz. With them is their teacher, Ms Lötter.

answer questions about the tree. The winners planted a tree on the school grounds afterwards. All learners were requested to bring flowers, shrubs and other plants to school. They planted this in the school gardens while the quiz winners planted the tree of the year.





What is your opinion about SA A survey by the Fraser Institute in Canada containing the input of 742 global mining executives revealed that South Africa is the fourth least attractive investment destination in the world when it comes to mining. South Africa ranked lower than Zimbabwe. The executives’ comments about South Africa included: “Strikes, demonstrations, military killing workers”; “Country with unworkable political structure” and “Both South Africa and Zimbabwe are driving social experiments not driven by logic and economy but by ideology. In the absence of reason, primary industries become the cash cows to fund the unfundable. The rise of oligarchs in both countries evidences decline”. Mr Fred McMahon from the Fraser Institute said: “If you’re thinking of investing in South Africa, you don’t know if you’re going to have a mine, or whether you’re just going to have picketers walking around outside”. At the Mining Lekgotla held in Sandton last week, where the survey was discussed, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said: “So what are we doing with our resources, how do we attract investment and ensure that all stakeholders benefit from this investment?” He added that mining is a long term industry and that investors wanted to know with a good deal of certainty that their investments would be safe. He told the audience that everyone should work at changing the negative perceptions about South Africa. We asked readers what they think about the survey and how South Africa can turn things around as an investment destination.

Ms Regina Mamaila said: “The strikes, people complaining, wanting to take things into their own hands are all problems for investors. People say mines must belong to government. They complain about their salaries now, but what would it be like if government should take over the mines? People need to change their attitudes before we can change perceptions about South Africa. In South Africa we don’t want to do small business. When we see foreigners coming in and start to make money with small businesses we want to chase them away. When they leave we just go and sit with our arms folded again”.

Mr Jacob Mabetha and Mr Doctor Masinga said: “You know, there are too many strikes. Government must intervene. If there are always strikes, people won’t come. The damage strikes are doing is taking our economy down the drain. Here many companies run at a loss and there are too many expenses. However we would still take a risk and invest in South Africa”

Mr Maeyane Tadile said: “Yes, we are worse than Zimbabwe. I would be scared if I was a mining executive looking to invest. There are too many strikes and people die in these strikes. People are not getting enough money. Just look at the price of petrol and other expenses. Government must subsidise more things like petrol then South Africa would be more attractive with less problems.

Mr Chief Kgwete said: “We just have to work on our labour force and unions. Unions are becoming too friendly and sometimes are even part of investor companies. If we can fix this then things will come right. South Africa has a good labour force and we need to change the attitudes of people. We must just implement our labour laws to the full, then all will be alright. Investors must make workers part of the companies so that they benefit properly from the profits, but also lose if they strike”.

Me. Madeleine Venter en Mnr. Willem Fourie sê: “Suid-Afrika het potensiaal, maar dit word nie reg toegepas nie. Ek (Madeleine) was al in baie lande en ander lande is duur in vergelyking met ons. Jy kry hier eintlik baie vir jou rand. Ons bemark onsself verkeerd en ‘n mens moet goed soos stakings eers onder beheer kry voor beleggers beter van ons sal dink”.

Mnr. Bennie Tlou sê: “Ek sal ook bang wees om hier te belê. Ons moet almal saam sit en dink wat ons kan doen om sulke persepsies te verbeter. Dit kan ‘n groot probleem wees dié”.

Mr Skhumbuzo Gumede said: “Mining executives and investors are being chased away by crime and strikes as well as corruption. If we can deal with those, then investors will have confidence in South Africa, but it will take time. It won’t change overnight”.

Mr Thomas Numa said: “It’s not true that we are worse than Zimbabwe. If government can just provide for the people then there won’t be strikes and investors will like us. Government is failing us”.

Ms Evelyn Morena said: “We must be willing to do things for ourselves, be entrepreneurs and work hard then people from America and other countries will want to invest with us”.

Mr Willy Seloane and Mr Mahlatse Sebatane said: “To attract the foreign guys we must show them how we do things. To strike is to show that I need something. Most people don’t listen. Foreigners must learn how we live and do things and adapt, then they will get return on their investments. Before they put their money in South Africa they must learn our ways. Government must inform investors about this”. Links: Mnr. Renaldo Venter sê: “Dit is nie ‘n goeie plek vir buitelanders om te belê nie. Hier is te veel politiek, moord en bedrog. Deur die regte mense in die regte poste te sit kan SuidAfrika se beeld beter word”.




as an investment destination?

Ms Rebone Mokgethwa with Ms Mokgadi Sello said: “We’d invest because South Africa has lots of money and through investing here you can make a lot of profit. Our government must listen to the people. Attend to salary increases to stop useless strikes”.

Mr Anthony Mashego said: “South Africa is a good place to invest. We don’t have to worry about the increasing number of strikes. That is part of the rights of the workers. We’ve proved ourselves to be a safe country while hosting events such as the Soccer World Cup, Rugby World Cup, African Cup of Nations etc. Investors must realise they’ve exploited our country while they were paying our people peanuts. Now we know our rights. When we make demands they think we are negative. It is our right to demand that investors bring their money to South Africa because South Africa is now playing a parental role towards our neighbouring countries. They depend on South Africa and our economy”.

Ms Ivy Mafane and Ms Pretty Masuku said: “No, we would not invest in South Africa because there are too many strikes. We’d rather invest in Zimbabwe or Mozambique. We must find a way to have better labour relations, that will change the way people think about South Africa as an investment destination”.

Mr Joshua Kgorutle and Mr Schoeman Malepe said: “We’d invest in South Africa. There is a lot of opportunity. Corruption must however be rooted out and the police must help do that because communities cannot do that on their own. The mentality of employers towards employees must also be changed, then investors will come here”.

Right: Mr Mpho Adolf Maropane said: “In South Africa there is a lot of poor people. They need jobs. Investors should not be scared to put money in South Africa because these people want to work and have jobs. South Africa is a cool country. We are one nation that can do anything”.

Mr Rustin Moraba, Mr Bennett Moraba and Mr Konana Mabelane said: “The whole South Africa has strikes and the problem is the leaders. We would not be scared to invest and do business in South Africa if we were acting for an international company. Corruption is the problem here. If that can change, we can change the negative perceptions about South Africa”.

Mnr. Mohamed Salim Essack sê: “Ek kan verstaan dat ons daar op die lys lê. Ons kort stability om dié goed te verbeter. Ons in Burgersfort voel eerste as daar iets in die mynbedryf gebeur. Johannesburg voel dit eers ses maande later. Almal wag vir dit wat in Zimbabwe gebeur het, om ook hier te gebeur. Hulle doubt ons politics en economy. As ek vir ‘n mynmaatskappy moes besluit oor investment sou ek dit eers stadig doen en kyk wat gebeur met die strikes ens”.

Mr Kenneth Bamthandi Makofane, Mr Julius Mpho Mamogale and Mr Morgan Mafologela said: “We would obviously not consider South Africa for investment if we were working for an international company. The strike rate is too high. To solve the problem people need to be educated about politics. There are countless numbers of mickey mouse organisations who still believes in power struggles instead of engaging management in an intellectual debate. To fix it we need to change people’s attitudes”.

Mr Samuel Shime Matuludi and Mr Tlaishego Makofane said: “We would not invest in South Africa. You are not safe here. Even from the police you are not safe. A return on investment is the problem when trying to get foreign investors. To fix this they must start with the labour force. Start at the top and clear out all corruption”.

Mr Sammy Masite said: “No, we are not worse than Zimbabwe. Government must contribute towards the salaries of employees at the mines, then investors will be interested in our country. More money means less strikes. Our government is responsible for this thing”.




Winterveld Fees weereens propvol Die jaarlikse Winterveld Fees was soos ander jare ‘n groot sukses. ‘n Verskeidenheid kunstenaars het opgetree, besoekers kon tussen die stalletjies deur snuffel en daar was natuurlik die potjiekoskompetisie en die kaskar wedren. Die uitslae van die potjiekoskompetisie was: Beste Bees Pot - Tyre Corporation; Beste Hoender - Tweefontein 2; Beste Skaap MegaBus; Beste Wildspot - Sylvania Doornbosch en die Algehele Wenner - Tyre Corporation. Die kaskarre se uitslae: Tubatse Hedgehogs was eerste, Tweefontein was tweede en in die derde plek Doornbosch. Die prys vir die beste gees het aan die Hell Riders gegaan. Die organiseerders van die fees bedank al die borge van die dag omdat so ‘n fees nie moontlik sou wees sonder hul ondersteuning nie.

Ricus Nel (bo) asook die sangpaar Wynand en Cheree Strydom (onder) in aksie.

Tubatse Hedgehogs by die wenstreep.

Die Tweefonteinspan gee oor aan ‘n paar vars bene.

Nadia Crystal op die verhoog.

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Verskeie kunstenaars het opgetree en by die stalletjies was alles van kos tot hope pret. Links is die meisies van Mwah!




pret en plesier vir oud en jonk

Die potjiekoskompetisie was soos elke jaar ‘n groot treffer. Die algenele wenners vir die dag was Tyre Corporation wat die tema ‘Op die plaas’ gehad het. Onder: DJ Ossewa het ook ‘n potjie kom maak. Gretha Pers was baie gewild by die jongspan.

Daar is heerlik gekuier terwyl verskillende kunstenaar gesorg het dat die dansvloer vol bly.

Bo: Tubatse Chrome het die kaskar wedren gewen. Bo is hulle met die trofee.

The live music throughout the day had at times the audience on their feet.

Thorburn Security Solutions kept a close watch on everything at the festival, making use of their new mobile command unit.

Daar was hope kindervermaak gedurende die dag. Daar is slegs toegang gehef en kinders kon dan soveel op die verskillende pretritte ry as wat hulle wou. Teen die aand het die koue begin knyp en sommige kinders het snoesig by die verhoog en uit die pad van die dansende pare na die kunstenaars kom luister. Regs: Gretha Pers en Wysneus het vir net soveel vermaak vir die ouer mense as vir die kinders gesorg. Daar is van verskillende maniere van toyi-toyi tot ‘n tipiese boereskoffel gedoen.




Calvin College Family Day hosted ‘This day is meant to bring together the various stakeholders in education’ Last week Saturday Calvin College hosted their annual Family Day at the school. This day is meant to bring together the various stakeholders in education such as educators, learners and parents. The guest speaker, Pastor Tema, praised educators and learners for taking the school to greater heights in the academic field. He advised learners against taking drugs and alcohol as these bad practices would act as barriers in achieving their goals. There were various performances and displays by the learners. These included the grade 9 technology demonstrations that were testimony to their abilities to transfer knowledge taught into reality. The demonstrations were mainly different models that linked theory with practice. The Director of the Calvin College, Mr. Antony Devassy, is currently expanding the school. New classroom blocks are under construction to accommodate more learners in 2014. Enrolment for new learners is currently taking place on Saturdays until the end of November 2013.

(Information and photographs: Partson Ngwarai)

Women’s Month celebrated at Ga-Selahle The Thusanang Women’s Forum from Ga-Selahle Village between Burgersfort and Ohrigstad celebrated the end of Women’s Month last week Saturday. The Thusanang Women’s Forum was established about two months ago and currently consists of 11 women from the area who get together every Tuesday to do some craft and needle work. The word Thusanang means to help each other. On Saturday the group held a small concert with the theme that all are one in God. Although women may wear different masks, have different skin colours or jobs, they are all the same in their hearts and before God. The Women are trying to empower themselves through the group and anyone who would like to become involved in terms of sponsorship or support can contact Emilia van Rensburg on 083 674 2564.

(Photographs: Van Rensburg family)

The Thusanang Women’s Group had various visitors for their concert on Saturday. Chief John Selahle and his wife Maria as well as representatives from the Ohrigstad SAPS and Social Services attended the event.



Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

2. Betrekking/ Vacancy A vacancy exists for a motivated person with good communication skills. The ideal candidate would be a male (although female candidates will be considered on merit). Applicants must have a valid drivers licence and their own vehicle in a good roadworthy condition. The person must be willing to travel in a 150km radius from Burgersfort in the Limpopo province. Must be able to start as soon as possible. Must be fluent in English and knowledge of a local language will be advantageous.

Previous experience in the cellular industry will be an advantage. Salary: R5000 basic salary and R2500 travel allowance. Fax CV’s to: 086 605 2398. Closing date: 15 September 2013

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277. MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous DREAM HEADBOARDS!! Give your bedroom a facelift with

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail:

Excellent quality, Professional finishes, 5 sizes, designs and colours to choose from, Easy D-I-Y Installation, at VERY Affordable Prices!! For enquiries, quotes and orders Contact us on 071 643 6645 E-mail: We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Alo-Ed Productions Customised printing on almost anything, T-Shirts, Caps, Mugs, Coasters, Mousepads,Bottle Openers, Keyrings, Tiles, Puzzles, fridge magnets and MANY more .... For enquiries, quotes and orders Please contact us on071 643 6645 or

9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats available. Contact: 074 354 1274

10. Te Koop/ For Sale URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R200 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765 Two x three bedroom flats for sale. Situated in Burgersfort. Brand new! Contact: 076 666 1100 FOR SALE Original DVD’s (movies) at discount prices. Display racks Popcorn machine Contact: Adri van Rooyen 0826725811

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy

* Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality

* CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS

* Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Magaba Garage

Notices/Kennisgewings NOTICE IN RESPECT OF A LICENCE APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ACT, 1977 (ACT NO 120 OF 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested of affected that NGWAABE INTERGRATED ENERGY CENTRE hereinafter referred to as ‘the applicant’, has submitted an application for a SITE licence, application number F/2007/09/06/0002 ERF NO 509, STAND NO 5 AGRICULTURAL OFFICES, RANTHO VILLAGE NGWAABE, NGWAABE The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: * Telephone: (012) 406 7788; or * Fax: (012) 341 4228; or * E-mail: Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, 192 Visagie Street, Corner Paul Kruger and Visagie Street, Pretoria, 0001. Postal Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, Private Bag X96, Arcadia, 0001.Pretoria, 0001. KENNISGEWING AANGAANDE ‘N LISENSIE APPLIKASIE IN TERME VAN PETROLEUM PRODUKTE WET 1977 WET NO 120 OF 197 Kennis geskied hiermee aan alle belang hebbende of geaffekteorde partye dat NGWAABE INTEGRATED ENERGY CENTRE, hierna verwys as “die aansoeker”, ‘n aansoek om KLEINHANDELSLISENSIE (PERSEEL LISENSIE), ingedien het aansoeknommer F/2007/ 09/0002. GEDEEJE & VAN ERF NO.509, STAND NO.5 AGRICULTURAL OFFCES, RANTHO VILLAGE, NGWAABE. Die doel van die aansoek is om ‘n lisensie an die aansoeker toe te staan om kleinhandelspetroleumverkope te bedryf, soos die aansoek uiteengesit s, Reelings ter insae van die aansoek dokumentasie kan getref word deur die Kontroleerder van Petroleumprodukte te kontak by Tel 012-406 7788 of faks 012-341 4228, of E-pos Enige beswaar teer die uitreiking van ‘n lisensie ingevolge hierdie aansoek wat duidelik bogenoemde aansoek nommer moet teen, moet die Kontroleerder van Petroleumprodukte binne twintig (20) werksdae na die verskyning van hierdie kennisgewing bereik sodange beswaar moet by die volgende straaf of posadres ingedien word Straatadres Die Kontroleerder van Petroleumprodukte, Departement van Energie, Visagiestraat, 192 hoek van Paul Kruger en Visagiestraat, Preoria, 0001. Posadres Die Kontroleerder van Petroleumprodukte, Departement van Energie, Privaatsak x96, Arcadia, 0001

This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested of affected that NGWAABE INTERGRATED ENERGY CENTRE NPO hereinafter referred to as ‘the applicant’, has submitted an application for a RETAIL licence, application number F/2007/09/06/0004



Kennis geskied hiermee ann alle belang hebbende of geaffekteorde partye dat NGWAABE INTEGRATED ENERGY CENTRE NPO, hierna verwys as “die aansoeker”, ‘n aansoek ons KLEINHANDELSLISENSIE, ingedien het aansoeknommer F/2007/09/0004. GEDEEJE & VAN

The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: * Telephone: (012) 406 7788; or * Fax: (012) 341 4228; or * E-mail: Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, 192 Visagie Street, Corner Paul Kruger and Visagie Street, Pretoria, 0001. Postal Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, Private Bag X96, Arcadia, 0001.Pretoria, 0001.

ERF NO.509, STAND NO.5 AGRICULTURAL OFFCES, RANTHO VILLAGE, NGWAABE. Die doel van die aansoek is om ‘n lisensie an die aansoeker toe te staan om kleinhandelspetroleumverkope te bedryf, soos die aansoek uiteengesit s, Reelings ter insae van die aansoek dokumentasie kan getref word deur die kontroleerder van Petroleumprodukte te kontak by Tel 012-406 7788 of faks 012-341 4228, of E-pos Enige beswaar teer die uitreiking van ‘n lisensie ingevolge hierdie aansoek wat duidelik bogenoemde aansoek nommer moet teen, moet die Kontroleerder van Petroleumprodukte binne twintig (20) werksdae na die verskyning van hierdie kennisgewing bereik sodange beswaar moet by die volgende straaf of posadres ingedien word Straatadres Die Kontroleerder van Petroleumprodukte, Departement van Energie, Visagiestraat, 192 hoek van Paul Kruger en Visagiestraat, Preoria, 0001. Posadres Die Kontroleerder van Petroleumprodukte, Departement van Energie, Privaatsak x96, Arcadia, 0001



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SPORT Gwarra-Gwarra golfdag Verlede Saterdag het ongeveer 80 golfspelers by Tubatse Chrome Klub saamgetrek vir die jaarlikse GwarraGwarra golfdag. Die wind het veral deur die oggend baie gewaai en dinge vir die spelers bemoeilik. Panarotti’s Burgersfort was net buite die Klubhuis gereed om spelers met ‘n koue bottel water te verwelkom. Hulle was een van die dag se borge. Sulke betrokkenheid is deel van die Panarotti’s gees van omgee.

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