Platinum Gazette 07 February 2014

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Glencore and Merafe’s joint venture Lion ferrochrome smelter near Steelpoort from the R555 road at night, with (still under construction) Lion 2 sticking it’s neck out on the left (green framework).


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© Platinum Gazette

7 February 2014




Production, sales records for Merafe The figures

Samancor ECM has expanded its mission in conjunction with the communities to repair, rebuild and paint school desks that were found to be in a state of disrepair. As part of Samancor’s training and development strategy community members were employed on short term contracts to attend the Generic Engineering skills programme. Once training had been completed the community learners were able to flaunt their newly acquired skills by designing the new desk tops and securing them to the repainted desk frames. Samancor’s vision with this gesture is to influence the community in a positive way, helping the schools and the community enjoy a stronger connection and the learners feeling more connected to their community creating a positive experience for everyone.

Announcing results for the year ended 31 December 2013, Merafe said this week that the company’s attributable ferrochrome production from the Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture (the Venture) was 32% higher year on year. This increase was as a result of higher demand, resulting in operating utilisation of 87% of the Venture’s smelting capacity. Ferrochrome sales volumes for 2013 increased by 23% year on year. Regarding relations with its employees, the campany stated that wage negotiations relating to all the smelters and mines were concluded and implemented during 2013. Currently, the Venture is not significantly impacted by the strikes in the platinum industry and at this stage, has adequate chrome ore supply. The Venture’s total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) improved from 4.05 in 2012 to 3.84 in 2013. The Lion II Project contributed to this improvement with more than 7 million man hours worked, without any lost time injury. With regards to Lion 2 smelter the company announced that hot commissioning commenced in the last quarter of 2013 and will continue during the first half of 2014. First production has been slightly delayed mainly due to limited availability of contractors over the December holiday period as well as heavy rainfall and windy conditions in the last quarter of 2013. The overall project however remains within schedule and on budget and it is envisaged that the smelter will be fully operational toward the middle of 2014.

Skills programme benefits derelict school desks

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Water till 2025 On Tuesday Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Cllr David Mogobo Magabe, together with his Members of the Mayoral Committee handed over two (2) water projects to the community of Maila Segolo and Maila Mapitsana respectively at Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality. The project has been ongoing for a couple of years. The project will supply water until the year 2025 if taken care of, to Maila Mapitsana, Manganeng, Ramphelane, Madirane, Tjatane, Marulaneng and Maila Segolo and many others within Makhuduthamaga. The project was done by Pula Systems. Kgoshi Maila and his community thanked the executive mayor for his leadership and hard work in making sure the community has access to clean fresh water. Mayor Magabe thanked the community of Maila Mapitsana for their patience and requested them to take care of the project as it belongs to them now.

Kgoshi (chief) Maila (in the red tie), and Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe, at the ribbon cuttin g ceremony at the the water project.

(Information and photographs: Communications Unit - Sekhukhune District Municipality)

Meanwhile, back at the (Burgersfort) ranch ... Burgersfort town’s water problems do not seem to be solved. Since December last year consumers are struggling with water pressure, intermittent water cuts, sometimes during the day and almost every night. Platinum Gazette has tried to inform readers what the problems are by soliciting reaction from Lepelle Northern, who claim that they also communicate to consumers (incidently we could not find one consumer who received any communication from Lepelle Northern since December). After updating the community through the newspaper on the water situation in early January (we are thankful for that), it seems nothing has changed. Water supply still come and go and sometimes the pressure is so low the water can as well be cut off. So we sent an e-mail to Lepelle Northern again two weeks ago, requesting a further update. No reaction. Another em-mail after that one. No reaction. So we tried to phone. No answer, cellphone’s voicemail service kicks in. We leave a message. No reaction. We send a SMS to the regional manager and communications manager. No reaction. Sorry, we tried.




Things fall apart Three dead in

All photographs on this page was taken during the past week in Burgersfort.

The Greater Tubatse Municipal office building.

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The Greater Tubatse Municipality may currently occupy a state of the art building, but many things fall apart around it. The Acting Municipal Manager, Ms MA Monyeapao did not attend the Special Council Meeting to adopt the 2012/2013 Annual Report and the 2013/2014 Mid-year report. Unhappy taxi drivers allegedly held her hostage in her office. By the time of going to press the newspaper could not confirm this or why. According to opposition parties within GTM, this was a ploy to avoid facing questions regarding alleged misconduct, corruption and other allegations that has plagued the municipality over the past few months. One of the issues they are concerned about is the continuation of her appointment as acting municipal manager. In the mean time the state of the town’s roads is becoming a huge concern and road traffic signs are either absent, vandalised or simply ignored by road users. (See photographs left and on the right). Traffic officers seem to be unable to bring the motorists in Burgersfort to book and get them to drive responsibly and safe. A municipal pound that was due to be constructed to assist with controlling stray animals (that also cause traffic disruptions) is of no help as cattle continue to roam the town’s streets.

six car pile-up An accident near Jorge’s Resort between Burgersfort and Steelpoort left three people dead on Saturday 1 February 2014. According to Special Commander Madilonga of the Burgersfort SAPS, it is not clear what caused the first vehicle to lose control. This car caught fire as a second vehicle crashed into it that also burst into flames. “It seems that six cars were driving from Steelpoort towards Burgersort and we suspect speeding my have contributed to the accident,” he told the newspaper. “ If they had been travelling the speed enforced on that road with the correct following distances the vehicles would have had enough time to stop, but in the end six vehicles collided into each other”. Two people died on the scene of the accident and a third was taken to Dilokong hospital were he passed away on arrival. Occupants of the other vehicles involved in the accident sustained minor injuries and were not taken to hospital by ambulance. Madilonga said: “We urge people to start taking road safety serious. The SAPS will be acting against those making themselves guilty of speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. Also pedestrians who are found to be over the legal alcohol limit on the road will have to face the law”.




Fuel price increases: How The latest fuel price increase of 39c for petrol and 24c for diesel has pushed the price to a record high and the Automobile Association (AA) warns that it is not the end. In a statement released this week the AA said that the petrol price could reach R16 a litre in the medium term. Economist Mike Schussler this week explained that various things have an impact on the fuel price. “OIl cost $113 a barrel one year ago and on Sunday this week it’s $106 so the petrol price is going down in other countries, but the rand has weakened so much that it is going up for us”. The rand has reached a five year low against the dollar last week when it traded at R11.38 for a dollar and at R15.50 an euro. The reality is that many consumers are simply putting in less fuel into their vehicles. Schussler said that statistics are showing that people now put 5% less fuel into their vehicles per service station stop compared to a year ago. An estimated 30c increase is expected at the end of February because of the weak rand. The chain effect of fuel price increases can be felt through all industries. Mr Richard Downing of the SA Chamber of Commerce and Industry has said that many South Africans are already living beyond their means. Food prices are set to rise, this after electricity prices went up 8% last year and utility bills increased by 3.5% between November and December. According to economist George Glynos, consumers may get a break in 2015, but most forecasters are careful not to make a too rosy prediction. Platinum Gazette asked readers how they cope with the latest increase in the fuel price and what they think about it.

Mnr. Koen van Zyl sê: “Hulle moet nou maar vir ons donkies gee om op te ry. Al probleem: hulle ry die donkies langs die pad dood!”. Ms Thari Mashaba and Ms Virginia Masemola said: “We won’t be able to come to work. Some people don’t have permanent posts and the money we earn is not enough to cover everything. It is difficult”.

Mr Tim Matsi said: “I don’t think government is doing the fuel increases intentionally. I think they are doing it to cope with international pressure. But hey, it is bad! We just have to cope!”

Mr Justice Mphahlele said: “It is a question of government increasing the salaries of all sectors so that when the petrol goes up it must not become an inconvenience to all people. With wage negotiations the issue of fuel increases must be taken into consideration because it affects everyone across the board. It is making life very difficult”.

Mr Tebogo Makofane said: “Government has been complaining about strikes, but don’t they think the petrol hikes make it difficult for people to cope? They must take that into account. I drive every day from Burgersfort to Steelpoort for work and the fuel price increase is affecting me a lot”.

Mr Gadson Komane said: “Salaries are not increased as much as the petrol price. We don’t even know the Consumer Price Index this is a disaster. We are not going to cope. Especially those earning a little will struggle. Public transport and food prices will go up. There is nothing we can do. How are we going to survive now? We are really disappointed with our government. They must do something to stop this”.

Mr Xolani Maseko said: “Government must do something about it. People should form lift clubs to work to save money. This way you can save a lot”. With him is Xome.

Mr Kenneth Magama, Mr Thomas Chafadza and Mr Mbunge Gandu said: “You never know when it will go up again. So it makes it difficult to plan and budget. It is not fair. Everything goes up, especially food. Government should subsidise petrol for the benefit of the poor”.




do you cope with it?

Mr Jerry Ndlovu and his family - Ronia, Octavia and Evelina said: “We are driving less. We just do better planning. It is not fair that the price keeps going up. Government must do something”.

Mnr Roelof Lourens sê: “Dis baie nadelig vir die land want nou word kospryse ook opgesit. Dit is ook nie asof die brandstof handelaar by die verhogings baat vind nie, die geld gaan na die regering. Dis ook baie nadelig vir die ekonomie en die mense van die land. Almal moet ry werk toe en skool toe. Die regerende party vat die kos uit die mense se monde terwyl daar ‘n gebrek aan dienste en instandhouding van infrastruktuur soos paaie is”.

Mr Manny Antunes said: “We are being taxed so much, the burden is just becoming too much. Everything goes up while we have to pay personal tax, VAT, e-tolls and where is the money going? It worries me that the quality of life people are able to afford is going down so much”.

Mr Solomon Matebula, Mr Innocent Dlamini and Mr Michael Ngwenyma said: “It is difficult. We are working but the problem is that we get small salaries. Things go up but the money goes down. Life is difficult. We don’t think government can do something about it, it is just the way they operate. They only think about themselves”.

Mr Asad Ali and Mr Safraz Mohammed said: “The diesel price is too much now! In Burgersfort there is too many people and no business so people suffer because of the fuel price. It is unfair that everything is going up”.

Mr Maurice Masehla said: “It is affecting our lives very negatively. Our lives become very difficult when the petrol and diesel prices keep going up. It is not a nice situation. You just have to stick to a budget and avoid unnecessary expenses”.

Mr Solly Ramogayana said: “This will bring our people to their graves. It is because of the petrol price that people go into debt with cash loans. People are working, but cannot support their families. Salaries don’t increase. Now we must sit down and discuss this with the politicians. We are on our way to elections and if the governor is not doing the will of the people, perhaps it is time for another organisation. This government only consider themselves, their friends and family”.

Ms Edna Guchu said: “I’ll try to drive less now that the price is up again. It is not fair that it goes up so much. It is time government does something about it”. With her is Diane.

Mnr. Johan Vogel sê: “Hulle is besig om die land in die grond in te druk. ‘n Jaar terug het ‘n barrel olie meer gekos as nou, maar steeds bly die petrol prys opgaan!”.



Platinum Gazette

Nuwe onnies by Laerskool Burgersfort Notice/Kennisgewing NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS

Laerskool Burgersfort spog met nuwe onderwysers. Hulle is: mnr. Juan-André Joubert, mnr. Damon Nel, juffrou Karla Swart en juffrou Carmen Joubert. (Foto en inligting verskaf deur Laerskool Burgersfort).

DEA REF: 14/12/16/3/3/1/907 Notice is hereby given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations published in Government Notice No. R543, R544 of 2010, in terms of Section 24 (5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998) of Eskom Holdings Limited’s intention to carry out the following activity:

Basic Assessment Environmental Management Programme for the construction of a new 132KV distribution line from the existing Lydenburg substation to the existing Merensky substation, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Province.

The project applicant, Eskom Distribution has appointed Royal HaskoningDHV Environmental, as an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP), to undertake environmental studies to identify and assess all potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project.

AVAILABILITY OF THE DRAFT SCOPING REPORT FOR REVIEW As part of the Public Participation Process, you are invited to review and comment on the Draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR) .The Draft BAR will be available for a period of 40 days as per the new NEMA regulations. The report will be available from 7 February 2014 to 18 March 2014. The report will be available on the following websites and at the following public places: • Royal HaskoningDHV Environmental website / website: • Lydenburg Library: 40 Viljoen st, Lydenburg • Thaba Chweu Local Municipality: Cnr Central & Vijoen street, Lydenburg • Lydenburg Post Office: 38 Voortrekker str , Lydenburg • Burgesfort Tubatse Library Next to Old Tubatse Municipality Offices: Cnr Kort & Eddie Sedibe St, • Greater Tubatse Local Municipality: 1 Kastania street, Burgersfort

‘Belly Laugh Day’ at Joshua Generation Joshua Generation hosted a ‘Belly Laugh Day’ at the school on 24 January 2014. Learners and teachers dressed as funny as they could with hats and other

accessories so that everyone could have a good laugh at each other and share the joy of smiling and laughing. (Photographs and information supplied by Joshua Generation).

PUBLIC MEETING All I&AP’s are requested to attend the public meeting which will be held on .13 February 2014. at Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, 1 Kastania street at 14: 00, where representatives from Royal HaskoningDHV Environmental and Eskom Distribution will be available and will explain the proposed project in detail. During the public meetings Royal Haskoning Environmental and Eskom Distribution representatives will be able to answer any queries that I&AP’s might have with regards to the proposed project.

WHO SHOULD YOU CONTACT? All I&AP is requested to address their written comments on/before 18 March 2014 to the Public Participation Consultant mentioned below. Hope Mokolane (at Royal HaskoningDHV) Public Participation Consultant P O Box 867, Gallo Manor, 2052 Tel: (011) 798 6434; Fax: (011) 798 6001; E-mail:

SEFATENG MINING PROJECT NOTICE OF PUBLIC OPEN DAY AS PART OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR A MINING RIGHT APPLICATION DMR - LP30/5/1/1/2/10062MR Location: The proposed Sefateng Mining Project is situated on parts of the farms Zwartkoppies 413 KS and Waterkop 113 KT, approximately 85 km south-east of Polokwane, on the R37 road. The project is situated on the administrative border between Greater Tubatse and Fetakgomo Local Municipalities (part of Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality). Notification is given in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002). Notice is hereby given of Public Open Day Meetings to be held on 15 and 16 February 2014, please contact the Public Participation Manager at the details below for more details if you want to attend. Applicant: Sefateng Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd Description: The proposed Sefateng Mining Project is mainly an underground mine for chrome ore with a Life-of-Mine of approximately 30 years. Three small opencast pits will provide access to the underground declines. A processing plant and associated infrastructure will be constructed on the farm Zwartkoppies 413 KS. The proposed mine is situated adjacent to the local towns/settlements of Lesetse and Ledingwe and local communities of Ga-Phasha, Ga-Mampa, Seokodibeng and Tjibeng is present on the properties. For more information contact: Mrs Adele Bezuidenhout or Mrs Lizinda Dickson, Naledi Development, PO Box 13509 Sinoville, 0129. Tel : 012 543 9093 & Fax : 012 543 9610, Email :

A smile a day keeps the doctor away! Everyone enjoyed the ‘Belly laugh day’.


Platinum Gazette


Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405

9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. VIP Rentals Two and Three Bedroom Units available Please phone: 074 354 1274 OFFICES TO LET: Burgersfort Extension 5, 166 Marone Street at Dr Phetla’s surgery adjacent to Supa Quick. Monthly rental of R5000, payable

before occupancy. Contact 079 498 1932 / 082 857 8226 3 bedroom house in a security village available to rent in March 2014, R10 000 pm. Please contact owner at 076 834 3457

To advertise your product, service or vacancies contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Vacancies/Betrekkings * Vacancies/Betrekkings Betrekking Tegnikus DRINGEND benodig by Red Security Steelpoort. Goeie pakket. Stuur CV na: of kontak: Morne: 013 231 8025 Rudie: 076 684 7144

BOKONI PLATINUM MINE As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the employer of choice in the mining field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:

SENIOR ENGINEERING FOREMAN (D1) Work Description The Senior Engineering Foreman is a 2.9.2 appointment in terms of the MHS Act and is responsible to supervise artisans, Shaft timberman and the Operation of the shaft.

Minimum Requirements

 Blasting certificate  Seven years shaft experience, of which at least two as Shaft Foreman  Relevant Trade Certificate & Certified Competent 2.9.2  Basic Computer literacy (Word/Excel/ Outlook/SAP R3)  English literate & valid driving license code 08  Good knowledge of different maintenance philosophies.  Be able to give technical support and advice to mechanical, electrical and shaft disciplines.  Proven record of supervision and maintenance on shafts, winders, pump stations, conveyor plants and shaft ore flow systems.  Good track record on improved maintenance and cost reduction.

Key Responsibilities  Undertake to plan, up to 1 year ahead and assists with 5 year planning, the budget requirements according to the planned maintenance schedules versus operational targets and budgets  Undertake to plan the spares requirements according to the planned maintenance schedule and ensure their availability  Liaise with the Operation management team regarding daily, weekly and monthly progress to plan, budget and employee resources  Oversee that all work practices are executed in compliance with legal requirements  Regularly communicate progress of section against operational targets and objectives via a design communication and supervisory forum to subordinates  Evaluate, monitor and provide continuous feedback to the section regarding performance efficiencies, standards of the section labour, equipment, budget and process targets  Oversee the quality of workmanship and conduct regular inspections around the section and the Operation to ensure good availabilities and reliabilities  Plan daily, weekly and monthly work requirement and priorities wiht operational team  Allocate labour resources and equipment to schedule and priority activities so as to maintain and ensure high levels of labour, equipment and operational performance standards.  Liaise with other Supervisors to ensure that any problems that could overlap with other sections are pro-actively identified and discussed  Oversee the development of a healthy spirit of co-operation within the section  Identify operational priorities within the shaft that would ensure the optimization of the shaft’s performance  Monitor the process to identify any possible problems or risk areas to the section and schedule remedy actions. Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by E-mail to closing date 14 February 2014. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.




Gras groei nou mooi by Tubatse Chroom Klub

Want to be a soccer referee? Mr Daniel Sekano, the chairperson of the Tubatse LFA Referees Association invites all LFA referees as well as people interested in becoming a referee to attend a meeting this Sunday. The meeting will be held at the Old Municipal Buildings in Burgersfort and is scheduled for 09:30 the morning.

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Die nuwe gras wat by Tubatse Chroom Gholf Klub geplant is, groei reeds so dat dit hul eerste sny kon kry. Die setperke is met spesiale stikstof (Green Gold) behandel. Dit is nou op 12mm gesny en het weer ‘n stikstof behandeling ontvang voor daar sand (top dressing) oor gegooi word. Die gras word nou gelos om deur die sand te groei. Die klub hoop dat die nuwe setperke teen middel Maart gereed sal wees om op te speel. Die nuwe bowwe se gras groei ook goed en is al amper gereed vir spel. Die baan is op die oomblik oop met tydelike setperke voor die nuwes. Lede en die publiek is welkom om ‘n rondte gholf te kom speel. Die kostes om te speel is R30 vir 9 gate en R50 vir 18 gate. Die kommittee van die klub bedank graad ie lede vir hul geduld met die opgradering van die baan en hoop dat hulle hoogs in hul skik sal wees met die nuwe setperke, bowwe en ander veranderings. Hulle word spesiaal genooi om intussen hul langspel te kom oefen. (Inligting en foto’s: Willem Montgomery, Tubatse Chroom Gholf Klub)

Tubatse Masters clash with Dwarsrivier Mine Tubatse Masters FC (yellow kit) played a friendly game against Dwarsrivier Mine (black kit) on Saturday last week. The game formed part of the Soccer Tournament currently being played by the Eastern Limb Mines and invitational teams.

Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676 Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Dwarsrivier Mine suffered to keep the Tubatse Masters away from their goal box and lost the game 0-4 against the Masters. The goals for Tubatse Masters were scored by Mbesuma Mabaso, Aubrey Malindisa (2) and Lekgotla Motswiane.




Mines face off at Mangabane Mangabane sports ground was a hive of activity on Saturday last week when the second round of the Eastern Limb Mines soccer tournament took place. Photographs on this page are of games between Modikwa Platinum Mine and Samancor ECM, Dwarsrivier Mine and Tubatse Masters as well as the Tubatse SAPS and Tubatse Chrome. Get the results on page 12 as well as the programme for the finals this weekend.

Photographs below and directly above were suppied by Tubatse SAPS.

Spectators packed the stands to come and support their teams. The public is again welcome this weekend when the finals will be played at Mangabane sports ground. The first games will start at 09:00 with the prize giving before 18:00 the evening.

While they waited for a new game to start young soccer stars in the making took a turn on with the ball.



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Platinum Gazette

SPORT Eastern Limb Mine’s soccer heats up The Eastern Limb Mine’s soccer tournament had its second round on Saturday last week. A friendly game between Dwarsrivier Mine and Tubatse Masters kicked they day’s play off. Tubatse Masters won this game. The official games had the following results: Modikwa 3 - Mogalakwena 0; Tubatse Chrome 5 Tubatse SAPS1; Two Rivers Platinum Mine 3 - ASA Metals 1; Mototolo 0 - Bokoni Platinum Mine 2.

On Saturday 8 February the finals will be taking place at the Mangabane sports ground in Mangabane village. Both netball and soccer games will be played. Andy Mohloke, one of the event organisers requested the teams to please be punctual and abide by the rules. The programme for Saturday is as follows: Soccer: 09:00 - Tubatse Chrome vs Marula Platinum Mine; 10:05 - Modikwa Platinum Mine vs Two Rivers Platinum Mine; 11:10 - Bokoni Platinum Mine vs Dwarsrivier Mine; 12:15 Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines vs Twickenham Platinum Mine. A friendly game between Mangabane and Nkomati Mine will be played at 13:20. The first semi-final will be played at 14:05 and the final is scheduled to start at 16:30. Netball: 10:00 - Mogalakwena vs Marula Platinum Mine; 10:50 - Modikwa Platinum Mine vs Twickenham Platinum Mine; 11:35 Dwarsrivier Mine vs Samancor ECM. At 12:20 there will be a volleyball game between a combined team from Modikwa and Marula vs Nkomati. The finals of the netball will be played at 15:45. Inquiries: Andy Mohloke, 078 823 0878.

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