Platinum Gazette 07 June 2013

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Š Platinum Gazette

07 June 2013



Situation still tense at Glencore Xstrata operations

1000 fired Glencore Xstrata Plc yesterday confirmed that a number of workers from their Magareng, Helena and Thorncliffe chrome mines remained fired after they failed to appeal their dismissal before the deadline earlier this week. Speaking telephonically to Platinum Gazette, Glencore Xstrata Chrome spokesperson, Christopher Tsatsawane, said the company condemns any form of violence and intimidation and will continue to work with authorities to resolve the situation peacefully and strive to ensure the safety of employees at the company’s operations. As far as could be determined a strike started May 28 at Helena Chrome Mine after an employee who is a member of the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union accused a shift supervisor of assault. The action spread to the Magareng and Thorncliffe chrome mines, while management has put the employee and supervisor on special leave pending an investigation into the incident that sparked the unrest. Earlier this week Tsatsawane told the media that about 1000 of the employees who have participated in an unprotected (illegal) strike have been dismissed, and they had until Tuesday to appeal their dismissal. As far as Platinum Gazette could determine the clinic at Thorncliff Chrome Mine was set alight by striking workers at about 15:30 last week Friday. Nobody was injured and the flames were put out quickly.

07 JUNE 2013

Tense but open Burgersfort access routes open after shots, arrests The whole situation around the facilities or lack thereof for taxis at shopping centres in Burgersfort turned ugly on Thursday evening this week when a number of taxis blocked access to the Police Station in Burgersfort and also vowed to close off all the access routes to the town. Platinum Gazette, readying itself for this week’s print, could not personally attend all the hot spots, but kept abreast of developments via various contacts, social media and sms. As far as could be determined the blockade at the Police Station was not tolerated, between 12 and 14 taxis were removed and a few people were arrested after rubber bullets were fired by the Police. At the time of going to press routes were open at Dilokong Hospital, at Riba Cross and to Steelpoort, but the town was quiet. Taxis were not running, but Great North Transport buses were seen in town. Inner city taxis seemed to be hesitant to operate, but a small number did dash from point to point. As far as could be determined scheduled meetings between local government, business and taxi associations did not take place this week because certain businesses choose not to attend.

Limpopo 2013 initiation to start The Limpopo initiation schools are scheduled to commence on the 14 June 2013 and end on the 13 July 2013. Says the Limpopo Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs: “Unfortunately, before the season could even start officially, the province has been in the news for allegedly running initiation schools where it has been reported that six initiates lost their lives, specifically in Sekhukhune district. The areas in which these illegal schools were started share a border with Mpumalanga Province. Some initiation schools have started on 4 May 2013 long before the official date of commencement. It is in these illegal initiation schools where death of initiates occurred. We would like to express our heartfelt and deepest condolences to the affected families. May the soul of the initiates rest in peace! Upon receiving the reports of these illegal schools, the Department assembled and dispatched an Assessment Task Team to the areas concerned to investigate this matter. This took place on the 20th of May 2013. The team discovered that there are indeed illegal initiation schools under Kgoshi PJ Mahlangu of Limpopo and King Maboko of Mpumalanga. It is regretteble to note that like in 2012, even in 2013, Kgoshi P J Mahlangu has conducted illegal Initiation Schools worse after being adviced repeatedly to desist from doing so by Government. It was found that Kgoshi PJ Mahlangu had 135 regiments with a total number of 1005 initiates and King Maboko with 19 regiments accounting to 305 initiates. It was also discovered that Mr Petrus Van Rooyen also known as Mr Makua has one initiation school with 16 initiates. These findings prompted the Department to report the matter to Station Commanders of respective Police Stations in the areas, with the purpose of opening criminal cases and/or closing down the illegal schools. We expect the law to take its course and those who are reponsible must face the full might of the law. Government will not be a party to Cultural Practices that kill innocent people. It is in the light of these unfortunate occurrences occassined by people who are hell-bent on spoiling the hard work put into the 2013 initiation season that we are fresh from a meeting with strategic stakeholders in this very locality. These are stakeholders who must ensure incident free 2013 initiation season. In attendance were Senior Traditional Leaders, who are sole permit holders, Traditional Surgeons and personnel from the Department of Health who will be monitoring initiates jointly with CoGHSTA officials from day one to the last day. We also had the Provincial Commissioner of the police to ensure that all arms of Government speak and act in unison. The purpose of the meeting was to brief and prepare all these stakeholders on precautionary measures to be followed in order to have incident free initiation season. I take this opportunity to report that, the Department has for this season approved 142 applications, of which 107 are for boys and 35 for girls. The breakdown as per district is as follows: Vhembe were issued with 31 permits, Waterberg 21 permits, Mopani 20 permits, Capricorn 07 permits, Sekhukhune 63 permits. We are making a clarion call to all permit holders to adhere to all the initiation school prescripts. We also call upon parents to verify the legitimacy of initiation schools they intend to send their children to with their respective Traditional Authorities. To people who want to take chances of running initiations schools without permits, we say be prepared to incur the full might of the law. There will be zero tolerance to law breakers and they will be brought to book. Let this ancient practice achieve the cultural objectives it was meant to without anyone giving it a bad name. If you want to do business, please look somewhere else. This is not a venture to make money. Attending an initiation school should continue to be a respected tradition among our communities. Deaths of young people who are destined to be future leaders is deplorable, worse when it happens in hands of people who are custodians of this ancient institution.” The Department emphasiuzed the following: · No person shall hold an initiation school without a valid permit issued to him/her in terms of Section 2 (1) of the Northern Province Circumcision Schools Act No. 6 of 1996. · No traditional surgeon or any other person is allowed to perform rituals in an initiation school without a certificate of fitness issued for that purpose by a registered medical practitioner authorized by the Premier or authorized officer to do so in terms of Section 3 (1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. · No traditional nurse or any other person is allowed to look after initiates in an initiation school without a certificate of attendance of training referred to in regulation 5, provided that the prohibition shall become effective on the day immediately after the conclusion of the training concerned in terms on Section 4(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. · No person below the age of twelve can be admitted to an initiation school in terms of Section 7(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. · No initiate shall be admitted to an initiation school more than five days after the commencement of the school in terms of Section 7(3) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. · No person is allowed to abduct another for the purpose of taking the abducted person to an initiation school in terms of Section 9(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003.

07 JUNIE 2013



Hearts that care Donations for GaA group of women from Steelpoort this week showed that their hearts are in the right place. Usually Platinum Gazette is invited to attend functions where donations are made on behalf of a company. This week however, the group collected and donated blankets and food to Lehlaba Disabled Workshop and Créche at Riba Cross out of their own pockets. The women, Ruth Makena, Adolphine Maifadi, Sarah Malema, Lesego Sebata, Rebone Mohlolo, Ntokozo Motsileng and Elsie Mashishi donated 14 blankets and groceries worth more than R2000. This all came from their own pockets. Ruth is the co-ordinator of the group who are friends. “We were talking and know that we are very blessed to have our jobs, families and be warm this winter. That was when we decided to do something,” Ruth explained. They decided to give something back and as winter is approaching give blankets and food to help relieve the need. Lehlaba Disabled Workshop and Créche looks after 126 children. The hand-over was attended by Kgosigadi Riba, Lucas Mashoeu, Lucas Riba, Ntwampe Riba and MP Sedibe. Kgosigadi Riba praised the women and thanked them for what they were doing. The women plans to twice a year collect food and blankets or clothes to donate to worthy causes. Anyone who would like to become involved can contact Ruth on 076 283 4801.

Manoke’s orphans The Inter-denomination Youth Development group collected warm clothing in the various Greater Tubatse Municipal Wards. On Saturday last week they they officially launched their structure at a gathering at Ga-Manoke and also donated the clothes they’ve collected to orphans in the area.

The function was attended by the group’s members, orphans and people involved with caring for the orphans. People who would like to become involved with the Inter-denomination Youth Development group can contact Pastor Moses Mashaba on 079 400 8345 or 073 156 4545.

(Photographs & Information: Pastor Moses Mashaba).



07 JUNE 2013

Global Prayer Day hosted

(Information and photographs: Pastor Moses Mashaba)

On 17 May approximately 150 people attended a Global Prayer Day meeting at the old municipal buildings in Burgersfort. The day was organised by the Interdenomination Youth Development group. Prayers was said for the area, people living with HIV/Aids and other pressing issues. The Ga-Manoke choir also performed while Pastors delivered various motivational messages.

Maelebe Primary School forms partnerships

Maelebe Primary School in Steelpoort Tukakgomo has formed partnerships with various projects to further impact on the community. One of the projects they are involved with is with the non profit organization Community Work Program (CPW). Previous work by CPW includes paving at the school garden. CPW is also

involved with health care, building and construction, educator assistance and gardening. The group helps members of the community who are interested in starting their own vegetable garden . (Photograph above are CPW workers in one of the vegetable gardens). (Information & photographs: Lifi Tlaka).

07 JUNIE 2013



Take a girl child to work Crime Snippets

(Photographs & Information: Constable Sibatana Maimela Andrew )

On Thursday last week the Leboeng SAPS held a “Take a girl child to work� campaign as part of their Child Protection Week programme with learners from local primary schools. Leboeng Primary School, S.M Nkoana Primary School, Moraba Primary School and Pitsaneng Primary School,On Thursday 201305-30 leboeng SAPS conducted take a girl child to work as part of child protection week programme with the learners from local primary schools viz Leboeng primary school, S.M Nkoana primary school, Moraba primary school and pitsaneng primary school, each school sent four learners from grade 6 and 7. They spend the whole day with the police. They were taught how the police conduct their daily duties. They were also taken, office by office through the station. The officials explained and showed them their duties practically. The station commander captain Solomon Moholane taught them different type of abuses and he told them to report any form of abuse to the police. He again told them not to use drugs such as dagga, nyaope e.t.c. He encouraged them to focus on education so that they can become police officers in the future.

38-Year old man, Serage Maletswane Mishack from Makopung village was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment or a R4000 fine of which half is suspended for three years on condition the accused is not convicted of similar offence during the period of suspension. The sentencing took place at Leboeng Periodical Court on Tuesday. In December last year he used an axe to assault his mother. He was demanding money from his mother because it was pension day and her denial led to the assault. The SAPS warns other people to refrain from assaulting elder people.

Assault does not pay A 32-year old man, Piet Moagi from Mapareng village was sentenced to a fine of R1200 rand or three months imprisonment. R800 is suspended for three years on condition the accused is not convicted of similar offence during the period of suspension. The sentencing took place at Leboeng Periodical Court on Tuesday 4 June 2013. This was after the accused assaulted his mother with a chair and smashed windows with stones. The SAPS condemned this kind of behaviour and warned other people like the accused that if you commit domestic violence you will find yourself behind bars. (Information: Constable Sibatana Maimela Andrew )



07 JUNE 2013

What do you think is the state Every year with the adoption of the new budget before the new financial year, the Greater Tubatse Municipality hosts an event where all residents of the area are invited. The Mayor presents the State of the Municipality Address (SOLMA). This reflects on what has been achieved in the past year and what lies in the future. This year the event will take place at Leboeng. To ensure all residents of the area get the chance to attend the event, transport is organised through the ward structures. We asked readers whether they will be attending the event and what they think the state of the municipality currently is. Platinum Gazette will next week bring readers more information about what to expect in the coming financial year.

SOLMA State of the Local Municipality Address When: 8 June 2013

Mr Peter Mashaba said: “I will be attending the SOLMA event. My opinion on the state of the municipality: they are trying. They should take time to come to the communities and ask where they are failing and where they are doing well. This is a democratic government, so the municipality don’t have to do it all on their own. The communities must contribute through communication”.

Time: 10:00

Mr Frans Mdluli said: “I’ll be attending. At the moment things in the municipality are not right. Firstly the taxi rank. They must build a taxi rank. If you are a stranger coming from Johannesburg to Burgersfort and you arrive at night, there is no place to stop. They drop you off at the Engen garage and if you walk into town you’ll get robbed of your belongings as criminals hide in the bushes next to the road. Whose fault is that? The fault of the council and municipality. By not building a taxi rank they are giving crime a chance to increase”.

Ms Joyce Komane said: “Yes, I’ll go to the SOLMA. They are trying their best in the municipality, although it is not 100%. They must get to 100%”.

Where: Mareologe Primary School, Leboeng Transport will be provided. Contact Ward Counsellors and CDWs for more details. Right: Mr Patrick Mnisi said: “I’ll be there on Saturday. At the moment the municipality is not doing very well. They don’t use the money in the budget for the right things”.

GTM SOLMA 2013 Leboeng

Ms Zoë Tambula said: “I don’t have transport, so I will not attend the event. I would have loved to hear what is going on there. I think they need to clean up this town. They should do something about the people urinating in public. You’ll see them in town just urinating and nobody does anything to them. Next to KFC they also do it and they are working with food inside!” With her is Naledi.

Mnr. NIco de Jonge sê: “Ek gaan die SOLMA ‘n skip gee. Die toestand van die munisipaliteit is baie goor. Slaggate word nie reggemaak nie en overall is dit net nie reg nie”.

Ms Rachel Maloma said: “Yes, I will go to the SOLMA. They are trying their best. The municipality needs us to inform them of what we need”. With her is Tetelo.

Mr Doctor Masinga said: “I’ll go there. What is important is that they must build a new taxi rank. If they can do that the state of the municipality will be much better. There is a problem at the new Tubatse Crossing Mall and the municipality must help that they give us a proper loading and drop-off zone. We bring them customers! The municipality must also do something about the potholes. They are too much”.

Mr Lifi Tlaka said: “Yes, I’d love to go to the SOLMA. The state of the municipality in my eyes? I think they are trying their level best, but they are not there yet with service delivery”.

07 JUNIE 2013



of the local municipality?

Mnr. Boetie Denoroonha en mnr. Abios Mmopane sê: “Nee, ons is Saterdag op standby by die werk, so ons gaan nie die SOLMA bywoon nie. In ons oë is die stand van die munisipaliteit nie oraait nie. Dis nou drie maande wat ons nie water kry nie. Die kraan is daar maar daar is nie water nie. Ons bly in Ga-Manoke. Hulle doen niks as ons daaroor kla nie. Hulle wil seker hê ons moet reënwater opvang en gebruik. Nou reën dit nie meer nie, dalk eers Desember weer. Wat tot dan? Kan ons dan eers weer bad en klere was? Ons koop nou 210 liter water vir R30, maar dit is nie eens vir ‘n week nie want ons moet kan bad en was. Dis nie reg nie”.

Ms Queen Mabuza and Ms Mahlatsi Mashego said: “Yes, we’d like to go there on Saturday. We feel the state of the municipality is not good, but we think they are trying their best”.

Mnr. Martin Theunissen sê: “Nee, ek is Saterdag by die werk. Ek dink die stand van die munisipaliteit is regtig nie goed nie. Hulle doen ook vreemde goed. Ohrigstad se straatligte werk nou weer vir die laaste twee weke na dit ‘n jaar nie gewerk het nie, maar net die deel wat ‘n stukkie uit die dorp uit verlig. Die ligte in die dorp werk nie. Dit terwyl Eskom vra dat krag bespaar word. Dis mos ‘n mors van krag”.

Mr Hermans Moropana said: “No, I will not go to the event. They must improve the roads and water supply in the community. The municipality is not good with service delivery”.

Me. Charmaine Pieterse sê: “Nee, ons werk so ek sal nie kan gaan nie. Ek dink nie die toestand van die munisipaliteit is goed nie. Daar is byvoorbeeld strate sonder huise waar daar straatligte is wat werk, maar die strate waar daar huise is, werk die ligte nie. Terwyl almal veronderstel is om krag te spaar brand die munisipale gebou se ligte ook heel nag”.

Mr Joseph Maepa and Mr Michael Mosoma said: “Ja, we’re going to the SOLMA. The state of the municipality is good. The RDPs, water and electricity is now here. Things are getting better”.

Ms Regina Magagula and Ms Nelly Matenche said: “Unfortunately we’ll be at work on Saturday when the event is happening. The state of the municipality as we see it? There is no progress. If they can work to progress it will be better. They always say ‘united we stand, divided we fall’. We would have like to hear about the budget and what they were doing and are planning to do”.

Mnr. Bazil van Rooyen sê: “Nee, ek gaan nie die SOLMA bywoon nie. Die stand van die munisipaliteit is in my oë baie sleg. ‘n Mens gee om daaroor, maar weet nie wat jy daaraan kan doen nie”.


07 JUNE 2013


SAPD besoek Laerskool Atokia

Rugby ontwikkeling tussen Atokia en Steelpoort

Verlede week was Kinderbeskermingsweek en die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens het Laerskool Atokia besoek. Daar was interessante praatjies en ‘n hondevertoning. Tydens die vertoning is gewys hoe die honde dwelms uitsnuffel. Die kinders het pryse ontvang vir van die antwoorde wat hulle tydens die praatjies gegee het. (Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Atokia).

Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week Saterdag by Laerskool Atokia gaan rugby speel. Die wedstryd is gereël vir die ontwikkeling van beide spanne. Dit het beteken dat selfs die spelers wat nie dikwels ‘n speel beurt kry nie, voete op die veld gehad het. Die kinders het dit baie geniet en sien uit daarna om weer teen mekaar te speel. Laerskool Atokia het in die rooi en blou gespeel terwyl Steelpoort Akademie in die blou, oranje en wit gespeel het.

(Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Atokia)

Nuwe pastoorspaar

“Met groot dankbaarheid is ons beroep na Burgersfort “Volle Evangelie Kerk” Ons bedank die gemeente en van die gemeenskap wat ons reeds ontmoet het vir die wonderlike liefde en bystand waarmee ons ontvang is. Dit is vir ons ‘n groot vooreg om in diens van die kerk te staan om ook op so wyse vir almal in Burgersfort tot hulp te wees. Ons is ook reeds verwelkom in die dorp deur die leiers van ander kerke en is dit ons visie om almal hande te vat en in Burgersfort tot diens te wees vir die gemeenskap. Ons glo en vertrou dat ons nog diep spore in Burgersfort gaan trap en dat ons met graagte tot diens wil wees rakende almal se geestelike en huislike behoeftes. We thank the Burgersfort community for their friendliness and we would like to help build Burgersfort to a town with pride and faith. We are here to be of service in God for everybody regardless of their needs. Our invitation to the community of Burgersfort is to take hands and rise up to a better future for the next generation, for the future of a new Heaven and Earth”. Pastoor Jurgens & Cathlene Olivier.

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07 JUNIE 2013



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Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Magaba Garage * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs

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Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

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07 JUNE 2013


Triton presteer by Sun City Lede van die Triton Shotokan Karate Klub het op 25 Mei by Sun City aan die SuidAfrikaanse Kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Die karatekas het hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt. Tussen die Ohrigstad en Lydenburg dojo’s het 33 karatekas deelgeneem. Almal het provinsiale kleure ontvang en 20 van die 33 het nasionale kleure gekry. (Inligting & foto’s: Ryna van Dyk).

Peter Molapo talks Comrades Marathon Peter Molapo is one of the local runners who is always interesting to follow at the Comrades Marathon. This athlete has finished 8 Comrades Marathons. He has bagged 6 silver and 2 gold medals. He spoke to Platinum Gazette this week about the race on Sunday last week. “After 70km it was very painful. The weather was different from Burgersfort. It was also hot, but with a very strong wind that made conditions very difficult”. He finished the Comrades Marathon in 06:36:32. This gave him the overall position of 56 and in his age category (ages 30 - 39) he was placed as number 35. Peter works as an engineering assistant at Modikwa Platinum Mine and runs in the colours of Mr Price’s Maxed Elite Club. He says that he did not follow a special diet or had a special meal the day before the race. “We just ate as normal”. He trains 3 - 4 hour sessions and says that to truly perform at his peak he will have to increase this to 5 - 6 hour sessions at a time. “Then you

will not feel pain after 70km”. He also believes that drinking too much Coke and Powerade early in the race is bad. “Water, water, water. Not so much at the start but after 70km it is important”. He encourages young runners in the area to keep training and participate in races. “It is good to keep fit,” he explains. Peter added: “Thank you to my family and all the people supporting me”. Next year he is aiming for a top 10 position.

Rugbyspanne na Tzaneen Die plaaslike rugbyspanne van Winterveld Buffels op Steelpoort en die Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het verlede week op Polokwane gespeel. Ohrigstad het teen Pietersburg Dorp se tweede span gespeel en wen met ‘n telling van 20-17. Die Buffels het teen die Universiteit van

Limpopo gespeel en verloor 33-10. Beide spanne het baie harde wedstryde gehad. Hierdie naweek speel die twee spanne op Tzaneen teen Letaba rugbyklub. Ohrigstad skop om 15:00 af en die Buffels om 16:00. Die klubs bedank almal vir hul ondersteuning. (Inligting: Karel Beetge, Ohrigstad Rugby Klub)

Triton Championships to be in Lydenburg Triton Shotokan will be hosting a karate championship in Lydenburg on 3 August 2013. The competition will start at 09:00 and will be held at the Lydenburg City Hall. To enter into the competition contact

Agter: Sensei Ryna van Dyk, Jean Espag, Andrinette van Dyk, Francois Pretorius, AJ Vermaak, Phillip Vermaak, Juanita van Dyk, Ettienne Pretorius.

Sensei Lobke Riley on 082 800 5812 or email The closing date for entries is 29 July 2013. Late entries will be allowed, but all participants must have a receipt number in order to participate.

07 JUNIE 2013



Comrades Marathon 2013 - finish line action Local runners took on the ultimate ultra marathon on Sunday last week. The race stretches over almost 90km and is deemed one of the toughest in the world. Many runners took the opportunity to raise money for worthy causes - like the runners on the photograph to the left. They ran with a rhino mask and outfit that weighs 10kg to raise awareness for the Save the Rhino project.

Leboka Noto, an employee of Modikwa Platinum Mine ran 6:24:11. He came in at number 32. He now has 8 medals.

Justice Phokane ran the race in 9:16:52.

Herman Mogale ran 9:12:01.

Above: Adolph Boshego ran 11:35:01 and now has 4 medals. He was number 7577 at the finish. He runs for Modikwa Marathon Club.

Steven Moeng ran 8:02:04. He is from Modikwa Marathon Club.

Above: Albert Twala ran 9:54:35. He was number 2833 at the finish. He is a Modikwa Marathon Club runner and has 7 Comrades Marathon medals.

Samancor Chrome Marathon Club’s Fanie Matshipa ran 8:16:00. He came in at number 752. He now has 6 medals. Tshepo Marebane ran 11:41:35. He now has 2 Comrades medals.

Almost 20 000 runners participated in the race.

Left: Mongalo Mogoane ran 7:12:50 and now has 6 Comrades medals. He was number 107 in the age category 30-39.

Sonia Makuoa ran 8:05:05. He came in at number 636 and now has 5 Comrades Marathons behind him.

Right: Simon Maroga ran 7:57:24. He came in at number 557.


07 JUNIE 2013

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Local runners at Comrades Marathon

Latudi Makofane from Samancor Chrome Marathon Club was the best performing local athlete. He cam in at number 21 with a time of 6:14:10. He was the first athlete in the age category 20 - 29 and now has 4 Comrades Marathon medals.

Last week Sunday the ultimate long distance race, the Comrades Marathon took place from Durban to Pietermartizburg. The day’s conditions was very tough and very hot and windy weather took its toll on the athletes. The race was won by Claude Moshiywa. He became the first South African to win the so-called ‘up race’ from Durban to Pietermartizburg in 21 years. He ran the race in 5:32:08. The women’s race was won by Elena Nurgalieva. A total of 19907 runners participated in the day. They were divided into 15536 men and 4371 women. Only 8235 men finished and 1953 women were able to complete the race. Local runners also participated and Latudi Makofane from Samancor Chrome Marathon Club was on of the best performing locals. He came in at number 21. The medial teams at the Comrades Marathon treated 68% more people than the average during other races. This is partially due to the very hot weather. 833 runners were treated at the finish. 366 were attended to at the main medical tent and 427 sought mild treatment at the other facilities. The majority of patients were treated for dehydration and exhaustion. 35 People were admitted to Durban’s St. Augustine’s Hospital and 61 people were treated at Pietermaritzburg’s St. Anne’s Hospital. Four patients were admitted to the ICU. The medical provision were described as: “possibly the world’s largest temporary medical facility outside of a conflict zone”. Local athletes enjoyed the race, but complained about the difficult conditions. All the runners from the Modikwa Marathon Club who entered the race managed to cross the finishline. More photographs and information on pages 10 and 11 of this newspaper.

Elena Nurgalieva won the women’s race at the Comrades Marathon last week.

All the action from the race Platinum Gazette brings readers all the action from the Comrades Marathon. Willem Montgomery was there and all the Comrades Marathon photographs in this week’s newspapers was taken by him.

Modikwa Marathon Club runners with Leboka Noto at the start of the race.

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Runners at the start of the Comrades Marathon in Durban.

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