Platinum Gazette 08 April 2016

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Local Government Elections will be held on 03 August 2016 - p2




Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes the meaning of the word ‘dire’ as : very bad : causing great fear or worry: warning of disaster : showing a very bad future. Ohrigstad Dam was this week 8.4 percent full and the animals around the dam almost permanently converge around the water still left in the reservoir. The dam’s level is a stark reminder of the current difficult times, with rising inflation, struggling farmers, steep food and fuel price hikes and political turmoil, combined with the slump in the mining industry and local job losses. This winter will be very long ...

8 April 2016

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8 APRIL 2016

Register for the coming election this weekend (9 and 10 April 2016)

The date of this year’s local government elections (3 August) has been announced by President Jacob Zuma. So now all eligible voters can go and vote for their local government representatives and the parties of their choice. Democracy. You can decide to keep things as is, or you can vote for change. Power of the people - and people are made up of individuals. The problem is, a large number of people moan and groan about local government, but they do not vote. Go and vote. Empower yourself to vote by registering to vote if you are eligible. You must register where you live and make sure your details on the voters’ roll is correct. Remember to take a valid ID and your address with when you go and register this weekend at a voting station in your area. Mr Carl Lourens of the Greater Tubatse Business Chamber says even if you voted during the last local government election, you should go and check your details. Check your details, it is important. SMS your ID number to 32810 to find out if your details are correct. Do not let the opportunity to exercise your rights pass.

Make sure: check your details!

8 APRIL 2016

Still high noon As can be seen in the photographs the traffic chaos in Burgersfort merrily goes on without limits. In the photograph (left), two traffic lanes under the pedestrian bridge are not two any more, but rather three or four. In the bottom left photograph a traffic control car warns taxis that block the lefthand lane at the Themba Filling Station Robot. They adhered to the warning just to make space for a new bunch with the traffic car not even at the next traffic light (bottom right).

New direction for Bokoni Platinum Atlatsa Resources expects to complete the operational and financial restructure of its Bokoni mine between Burgersfort and Polokwane at Atok, by the second quarter of this year. The company, which on Thursday reported a basic and diluted loss a share of C$0.30 for the year ended December 31, compared with a loss of C$0.05 in the prior year, noted that the primary objective of the restructure plan was to enable Bokoni to endure a prolonged period of depressed platinum group metals (PGM) prices by reducing the mine’s cost structure and increasing production of higher-grade ore from underground operations. To ensure the future sustainability of Bokoni Mine, the Company announced on September 16, 2015 implementation of an operational and financial restructure plan at thei Mine. The primary objective of the Restructure Plan is to enable Bokoni Mine to endure a prolonged period of depressed PGM commodity prices, by reducing its existing cost structure and increasing production volumes of higher grade ore from underground operations. In reviewing the overhead structures of the Company, Atlatsa has reduced its aggregate monthly corporate office operating costs by at least R1 million per month on a sustainable basis. The monthly management fee payable by Bokoni Mine to Atlatsa has also been reduced by 11%. Bokoni Mine had issued a Section 189 (3) notice to relevant parties pursuant to Section 189A of the South African Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No 66 of 1995). The company management announced that a retrenchment agreement was signed by all recognised labour unions on February 8, 2016. Bokoni Mine’s labour complement reduced by 8.0% from 6 101 as at December 31, 2014 to 5 613 as at December 31, 2015. The reduction is made up of a 13.4% decrease in contractors and a 4.3% decrease in own-mine employees. Mine management is currently engaged in a redeployment process post signature of the retrenchment agreement, after which, retrenchment of certain employees who cannot be redeployed could take place. The Restructure Plan targets a total labour complement of approximately 3,500 employees for Bokoni Mine. As at December 31, 2015, the Restructure Plan was underway and is anticipated to be fully completed by Q2 2016. To date, on base cost calculated from August 2015, operational costs have reduced by 15% on average per month, which was achieved by a substantial reduction in the labour force. On completion of the Restructure Plan and the current ramp-up phase, Bokoni Mine will be better positioned from both a unit cost and cash flow perspective, as it will: • • • •



operate from two shaft complexes as opposed to the current four shaft system, thereby reducing costs associated with logistics and support services; reduce its aggregate operating costs by moving from older, higher cost shaft operations to lower cost, new generation and more efficient shaft operations; access higher grade Merensky mining areas at its new generation Brakfontein shaft complex; reduce overall sustaining capital expenditure at its new generation shaft com plexes; and significantly reduce its project capital expenditure.

Trouble at Marula Platinum Mine Members of the public order policing unit have been deployed to Burgersfort after community members attacked Impala Platinum’s Marula mine on Sunday evening. Police spokesperson Conel Ronel Otto told nationsal media that the unit patrolled the area after the incident. No arrests had been made yet. Impala spokesperson Johan Theron said that one of the cables leading to a ventilation shaft had been cut during the protest and that a guard house had also been damaged. Theron said the vandalism had taken place at around midnight. He added that the mine’s operations were not affected. He said the mine had engaged with community leaders but they did not know who was responsible for the attack or what their demands were. As far as could be determined, the community protest against the mine was inter alia about employment.


8 APRIL 2016


Say no to crime

John 7:37-38 (NIV) 37 On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.�

A Sports Against Crime event took place at the Sekhukhune FET College on 27 March. Teams competed in different sports and

received prizes at a ceremony in the college hall. (Information & photographs: Const. Phokane)

Const Phokane Acting Burgersfort Cluster Social Crime Prevention coordinator, Miss South Africa Jnr Kgotlelelo Maswheu and Mr P.M Mokgetla, event sponsor during the sports against crime award giving ceremony.

Const Kholofelo Phokane Acting Burgersfort Cluster Social Crime Prevention Coordinator with LT.Col Malatjie Station Commander of Tubatse SAPS and Sgt Mosoma Sector Commander.

No respect

This truck was photographed on the R37 on Tuesday morning. It showed no respect for other motorists or the rules of the road. It ignored proper following distance and overtook on a solid line.

Two arrested in connection with rape On Sunday 3 April the Tubatse Police arrested two men aged 25 years in connection with a rape case. Their arrests came after a crime that occurred on 2 April 2016 at about 02:00. A 17-year old girl alleged that she was raped by two men in Praktiseer. She knew the men. The matter was reported at the Tubatse police station on

same day. The Police made follow-ups on the case and managed to arrest the two suspects on 3 April 2016. The two suspects appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate`s court on Monday 4 April 2016 and they were not granted a bail. Their case was postponed to 11 April 2016. (Const. Mvundlela S.J, Tubatse SAPS)



8 APRIL 2016

Your thoughts on the Constitutional Court ruling Last week President Jacob Zuma’s conduct with regards to his handling of the Public Protector’s report and recommendations dealing with his Nkandla home upgrades came under scrutiny again. Opposition parties took the matter to the Constitutional Court to clarify if the President undermined the constitution. Zuma’s oath of office as president of South Africa includes swearing to “obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution and all other Law of the Republic”. Opposition parties celebrated victory when the ruling found that Zuma did not fully act in honour of the constitution. The body of the Constitutional Court’s judgment contained the following statement: “The President thus failed to uphold, defend and respect the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. This failure is manifest from the substantial disregard for the remedial action taken against him by the Public Protector in terms of her constitutional powers.” There is however a fine line with the different sections of the Constitution’s interpretations. The presidency was quick to point this out. They issued a statement saying: “The Presidency wishes to correct media reports wrongly stating that the judgement by the Constitutional Court found that President Jacob Zuma had broken his oath of office. The Constitutional Court did not make such a declaratory order. “In fact, whereas the counsel for the EFF, the Applicant, specifically asked for the Constitutional Court to declare that the President had acted in violation of his oath of office, the Constitutional Court did not grant a declaratory order in those terms.” Instead, the Presidency said, the Constitutional Court ruled that Zuma’s failure “to comply with the remedial action taken against him, by the Public Protector in her report of 19 March 2014, is inconsistent with section 83(b) of the Constitution read with sections 181(3) and 182(1)(c) of the Constitution and is invalid”. This they said means that Zuma did not break his oath of office. On Friday evening Zuma apologized to the nation on national television. On Tuesday members of parliament from opposition parties aimed for the removal of the President through an impeachment vote. The DA brought the motion, but this failed by 243 votes to 133 in the National Assembly. For the motion to pass more than 100 ANC MPs would have had to vote with the opposition to push the vote in favour of the removal to 260. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about this whole issue.

Mr Timothy Maebela and Mr Tetelo Serage said: “Zuma must fall! He must go. For the future of our economy he should go. We lost hope because of Zuma. The ANC should have voted to replace him. We support #zuptamustfall” Mr Jan Mapote said: “Zuma had his chance. He should step down and give someone else a chance. The ANC lost a chance for improvement when they voted like they did in parliament”.

Mr Smowkey Nyembe said: “I’m not a member of any political party. Our economy is going down the drain. They promised us democratic power. Now we need economic freedom. The way things are going now we are becoming a Zimbabwe. I support #zumamustfall”. With him is his wife Thando Nyembe.

Mr Jacob Mashigo said: “The court did not rule he committed a serious offense so there is no valid reason for him to go. The ANC voted the right way in parliament. They will follow their internal process to deal with the matter further”.

What is impeachment? Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity, the outcome of which, depending on the country, may include the removal of that official from office as well as criminal or civil punishment.

Mr Andrew Komane and Ben Shaku said: “We must replace Zuma because the ANC is making our economy go down. This causes the mines to close and people lose their jobs”. Mnr. Shaku voeg by: “Die ou apartheid government was beter. Toe was daar meer werk en die kos en petrol was goedkoper. Hierdie storie wat ons nou sien is erg. Daai tyd het ons nog lekker gelewe. Hierdie lelike goed van mense wat ander mense se trokke brand en so het ons nie gesien nie. Nou soek ons ‘n government met witmense. Mense wat sal sorg dat ons beter werk kry. Dat Eskom beter sal wees. Nou kom ons in die aand by die huis en daar is nie krag nie. Ons wil back to die ou government”. Links: Mnr. Arthur Loubser sê: “Hulle maak ‘n klug van die grondwet. Enige mens kan sien hulle doen verkeerd. Almal van hulle is op die soustrein, so hulle sal hom nie uitstem nie. Die ANC gaan teen die verkiesing spyt wees hieroor. Mense se oë gaan oop”.

Right: Ms Angie Mohlabine said: “The ANC is good, but we don’t want Jacob Zuma as President. They must give us someone else. I don’t trust him as my President”.

Mr Enos Makwana said: “Zuma must step down. It is now the right time for him to step down. Nkosasana Dlamini Zuma is the candidate to replace him. The ANC should have let him go yesterday (Tuesday). It will affect the election if they don’t replace Zuma”.

8 APRIL 2016



and attempted impeachment of the President

Ms Miriam Mogakana, Ms Nkareng Mogakala and Ms Sophy Mashaba said: “Zuma must step down. He must go. Now that we all agree he did wrong, he wants to apologise! He must rather step down. It is not right what he did”. Mr Gospel Hlungwane said: “It is time for Zuma to step down. Instead of helping the suffering people of South Africa he took the money for his home. It is time for him to go. The ANC will regret this. I think all the top dogs in the ANC will do things like this. I think we must vote for change to get things better”. With him is Ms Cindy Lushaba and Destiny. Left: Mr Patson Sekgobela said: “The ANC made a big mistake. They should have removed that man a long time ago. He made a mistake and they should have removed him before the Constitutional Court ruling. This will cause them to lose a lot of votes in the election. I am a member of the ANC, but they did wrong. Look at the fiasco with the finance ministers. Investors don’t trust us. The sooner they remove him as president the better”. With him is Thulani.

Left: Mr Godfrey Nyathi said: “Zuma must leave as President. I think he should go to jail for this. He lied to our country. The friends he has protect him and that is why they voted like they did in parliament. They are also corrupt. This will be our country’s downfall. Investors flee because of him. I support #zumamustgo”.

Me. Janina Cloete sê: “Hy moet gaan. Hy is oor sy tyd. Die ANC gaan spyt wees hulle het hom as president gehou. Ons kan hom nie vertrou nie”.

Right: Mr Nash Malatji said: “The ANC should sit down and make major decisions. It was not the right thing to keep him as President. They will be sorry when the elections come. The people want someone they can trust”.

Left: Mr Nathan Modipa said: “It is time for someone else to step in. So far Zuma has brought us nothing. We’ve been promised jobs and other things, but it did not come. People are now losing their jobs at the mines. It is a huge mistake by the ANC yesterday (Tuesday). They should have let him go and voted for a new President”.

Right: Mr Jabulani Lubisi said: “The ANC is making a big mistake to protect him. Zuma must go. We like to have someone we can trust. I think the DA should take over now”.

Mr Collen Mdluli said: “The President knew very well they were using taxpayers’ money for Nkandla. He should step down. What kind of President is he? To save their image the ANC should replace him. We want a president that will rule this country properly”.

Mr Thomas Mdluli said: “He should go as president. Zuma can easily repeat what he did and think he can just apologize”. With him is Owami.

Ms Ivy Mabalane said: “He apologized so the people must give him a chance. He must not go because if he goes we will not get the SASSA child grants. He gives us the SASSA child grants. It is good he is still the President”.

Left: Mr Harry Motena said: “Zuma must step down. The ANC must give us someone else. I am an ANC supporter, but Zuma must step down. Give another person the chance to lead”.


8 APRIL 2016


Winning at Tubatse SUPERSPAR Tubatse SUPERSPAR ran a competition over the last few months and customers had the opportunity to win big. The winners were drawn during the Easter period and they are now smiling about more than good prices and value for money. Left is Mr Daniel Sarel du Toit. He won a R500 shopping voucher. Ms Fredah Lokoeng handed it to him.

Mr Kadikwana Lucas Lekgau was the lucky winner of R6000 in shopping vouchers. Ms. Fredah Lekoeng from Tubatse SUPERSPAR handed it to him.

Ms. Christa Jansen van Vuuren was the lucky winner of R2000 in shopping vouchers. Ms Pinky Makofane from Tubatse SUPERSPAR handed it to her.

Right: Mr Daniel Mosoma was one of the lucky winners who walked away with a shopping voucher from Tubatse SUPERSPAR worth R500. Ms Motheo Makua from Tubatse SUPERSPAR handed him the voucher.

Jy is genooi

8 APRIL 2016



Steelpoort leiers maak ‘n verskil met diensbaarheid Steelpoort Akademie het ‘n besige eerste kwartaal agter die rug. Hul leiers is net voor skool gesluit het deur hul leiervoogde, Juf. Colleen Language en Juf. Joanel Potgieter bederf na ‘n lang en besige eerste kwartaal. Die leiers het hierdie jaar letterlik en figuurlik splinternuwe baadjies aangetrek. Hul hoofdoel in 2016 is dienslewering aan die skool, mede leerders, personeel en aan die gemeenskap. Hulle is in ses groepe verdeel: Akademies, Sport, Kultureel, Omgewing, Sosiaal en Welwillendheid. Die eerste diens wat die leiers in 2016 gelewer het was om die ‘Mind Moves Instituut’, wat op die skool se perseel geleë is, te vernuwe. Olga Gouws is ‘n voltydse personeellid van Mind Moves, sy werk daagliks met leerders om hul lees, konsentrasie en algehele akademiese prestasies te verbeter. Die leiers het ‘n Saterdag spandeer om die baan uit te lê en om die wikkelbruggie op te rig waaroor al die leerders van die skool daagliks kan beweeg. In Februarie het hulle ‘n baie suksesvolle Valentynsdag sokkie aangebied. Hul derde takie verlede kwartaal was in

samewerking met die Kohin werkers. Leerders het een middag Mangabane Primary School gaan besoek. Hulle het ‘n Wendy huis wat by die skool gebruike word geverf en vervraai. Terselfdetyd het hulle na die leerders en leiers van die skool uitgereik en

liedjies gesing en gekuier. Die leiergroep beplan nog baie diensleweringstakies vir die tweede kwartaal. (Foto’s en inligting: Arlene Malan, Steelpoort Akademie)

1 Stop Midas Steelpoort offers more One Stop Midas Steelpoort offers more than just friendly service and value for money products. Last week Thursday they also hosted a supplier road show. Clients had the opportunity to visit stalls, speak to the different suppliers and learn more about products on the market that will suit their needs and is available from 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort. The roadshow was concluded with a function for some of the store’s regular and bigger clients. Owners,

Tallies and Leani Havenga thanked everyone - customers and suppliers - for their support. The evening provided a relaxed opportunity for everyone working in a similar industry to connect again and strengthen their relationship with 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort. Visit them and experience true customer service and quality products.


8 APRIL 2016

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Burgersfort te huur. Dadelik beskikbaar. In ‘n klein kompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Kontak Mike: 082 357 1954

TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808 3 Slaapkamer huis in Burgersfort te huur. In ‘n klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Kontak Mike: 082 357 1954 Luxurious 2 Bedroom flat to rent in security complex in Burgersfort. Contact: 082 922 3909

Platinum Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954

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* Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersfort SAPS * Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort STARTING * Winterveld Village A NEW BUSINESS? * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Enquire about Mine our first ad* Mototolo vert special * Morena’s Tavern for start-up (Steel Bridge) business* Glencore Eastern Limb Training es. If you’ve Centre started a new * Madiba’s Mini business and Market would like to Kalkfontein advertise it: * Modikwa PlatiE-mail: num Mine adverts@plat* Dilokong inumgazette. com or call Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147.

Chrome Mine (ASA Metals) * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Pret Liquor * Pret Butchery * CTM Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Laerskool Burgersfort * Supa Save * Build It Tubatse * A1 Food Store Twin City * Tiezers Meat Pantry Ohrigstad * Bronrich Slaghuis Ohrigstad * 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort * Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * Burgersfort Pharmacy *Dr Fouché’s Surgery Burgersfort * Mooifontein Kafee Burgersfort *Supa Save Burgersfort * Hawker stalls Eddie Sedibe Street Burgersfort * 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort * Calvin College Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool Steelpoort

Betrekkings/ Vacancies

Subscribe now

VACANCIES A well established company in Burgersfort is currently looking for suitable candidates to fill the following positions: STOCK RECEIVER & CONTROLLER, STOCK HANDLER Candidates applying must meet the following requirements: • Have matric and be computer literate. • Be fluent in English (read, write and speak) • Be hard working, honest and a team player willing to go the extra mile. • Experience in the retail industry will be to your advantage. • Knowledge of hardware, construction supplies and supermarket stock will count in your favour. DIESEL MECHANIC • With valid trade papers and proven experience with heavy vehicles. Submit your CV with traceable references via E-mail:

8 APRIL 2016



Veldskiet by PLM vir jagters Op 16 April 2016 bied die SA Jagters Bosbok-Tak en CVO Burgersfort Bied ‘n veldskiet geleentheid aan. Die jagseisoen is om die draai, en Jagters en skuts is hard besig om te oefen en hulself voor te berei. Jagters en skuts in die omgewing het gevra dat meer skiet-aksies geloots word, om hulle gereed te kry vir die komende jagseisoen en die wat die skietsport beoefen. Die idee agter Veldskiet is om jag omstandigehede te simuleer, sodat die jagter en skut beter voorbereid is wanneer daar gejag of geskiet word. Ook vir die wat se begroting dit nie aldag toelaat nie, om op papier te jag. Teikens van Vlakvark, Rooibok, Blouwildebees en Springbok word op verskillende afstande opgestel en skuts skiet van posisies wat onder jagomstandighede ondervind sou word. Dan word daar ook

op twee ghong bane geskiet. Die ghong is n staal sirkel met ‘n deursnee van 20cm, om die teiken area van diere voor te stel. Die Bosbok tak van die SA Jagters in samewerking met CVO Skool hou Saterdag 16 April 2016 die skietdag by PLM Boerdery Burgersfort. Die volgende tabelle gaan geskiet word: R1000 per span inskrywing – Veldskiet (5 x spanlede per span) R200 per skut. Spanne kan gesinne, juniors, mans, dames of gemeng wees. Indien daar plek oop is en spanne wat nie volledig is nie, sal individuele inskrywings aanvaar word. Boog en luggeweer is individueel. (Neem kennis dat die sertifikaat wat daar ontvang gaan word, baie sal help met lisensies vir toekomstige wapen aansoeke – bewys van skiet-aktiwiteite en skiet afstande van 55m tot 350m) Veldskiet 1 Vlakvark 45 - 100m - Staan sonder ondersteuning - 60 Sek tyd om te skiet


Rooibok 100 – 350m - Staan Skietstokke - 90 Sek tyd om te skiet 3 Springbok 100 – 350m Grasbale 90 Sek tyd om te skiet 4 Blouwildebees 100 – 350m Le 90 Sek 5 Kort ghong baan 150 – 250m (+/- 10%) Sit / boom 10min /span 6 Lang ghong baan 250 – 350m (+/- 10%) Lê 10min /span Daar sal vir 2016 begin word met net 24 spanne. Afdeling Ouderdom 1 Mans - ope 18 jaar + 2 Dames -ope 18 jaar + 3 Juniors 10 - 17 jaar maw 0/17 Persone wat in 2016 18 jaar word sal in Ope deelneem. 4 O/10 , 5- 9 jaar Persone wat in 2016 10 jaar word sal as Junior deelneem. Luggeweer / Boog R25 Boog Seniors R20 Juniors Luggeweer / Boog

R20 o/10 Luggeweer / Boog Boog – Seniors: Eerste inskrywing vir dag sal gebruik word om wenners te bepaal en die telling sal gebruik word om te sien of skuts vir skietbalkies kwalifiseer. Slegs enkele plekke beskibaar. Baie pryse, wat insluit: 1. Jagnaweek 2. Blesbok / Springbok 3. Rooibok 4. X-Stix 5. Bennox Ghonge 6. Sertifikate aan almal wat baan voltooi. Medaljes (Beste 3 spanne, beste mans, dames en junior skut) 7. Baie ander pryse Na afloop van skiet en prysuitdeling gaan daar saam gebraai word. Die wat nie wil skiet nie kan gerus kom kyk, daar sal ook jagtoerusting te koop aangebied word, en baie eet en drinkgoed! Navrae: Johan Grimbeek 082 378 0698 Skiet Koordineerder JB Willers 082 820 1748 Voorsitter FJ Joubert 082 873 9524 CVO

Reg vir rugby Die Laeveld Ratels (voorheen die Ohrigstad Rugby Klub) speel hierdie naweek hul eerste ligawedstryd vir die seisoen. (Bepalings van wedstryde hier links) Die nuwe seisoen skop af met groot verwagting na die span verlede jaar tot in die finaal gekom het. Spelers wat steeds by die Klub wil kom aansluit is welkom. Hulle oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdagaand om 18:00 by Laerskool Ohrigstad se rugbyveld. Die Laeveld Ratels nooi graag die publiek uit om hulle te kom ondersteun met hulle eerste tuiswedstryd. Hulle speel Saterdag teen Belfast. Afskop behoort teen 15:30 te wees. Kom kyk bietjie rugby en ondersteun die span.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


8 APRIL 2016 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Two top athletes Big comeback delivers four suspended from goals for Masters Comrades They will not be allowed to participate until completion of their suspensions The Comrades Marathon Association al technologies to highlight irregularities in (CMA) has announced that two Top 10 future Comrades Marathons. finishers in the 2015 Comrades Marathon The CMA has stated that other forms of Men’s Race have been suspended. cheating, including supplying false inforCMA Race Director, Rowyn mation or not running James has advised that Jothe full race distance seph Mphuthi and Sandile will in future be dealt “The CMA has statNgunuza who claimed the with in a similar ed that other forms th th 6 and 9 positions respecfashion by the KZNA of cheating, including Disciplinary Committively at last year’s Comrades Marathon have been supplying false informa- tee. Fisher said that race suspended by the national tion or not running the officials, marshals, drug testing authority, the full race distance will volunteers and nearly South African Institute for twenty thousand Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS). in future be dealt with runners will all be This is with immediate in a similar fashion by encouraged to be on effect for two years. Acthe KZNA Disciplinary the lookout to expose cordingly, they will not be Committee”. any cheats at this allowed to participate in the year’s Comrades Comrades Marathon until Marathon on Sunday, completion of their suspen29 May 2016. sions. The CMA has further advised that it, This ruling comes in the wake of a powerful together with KZNA reserve the right to warning to potential cheats recently issued request that the South African Institute for by CMA General Manager, Chris Fisher. Drug-Free Sport implements blood tests Fisher issued a cautionary notice to all as opposed to urine tests, where deemed runners, saying that the issue of alleged necessary. cheating will be vigorously addressed. The 91st Comrades Marathon will be the Provincial athletics body, KwaZulu-Natal Athletics (KZNA) has agreed to partner with 45th down-run in Comrades history, starting the CMA to put an end to the unsportsmanoutside the Pietermaritzburg City Hall at like conduct. The two organisations are 05h30 and finishing 12 hours later at the collaborating and will make use of additionSahara Kingsmead Cricket Stadium.

On Saturday 2 April 2016, the Tubatse Masters soccer team visited a local soccer team in Driekop for a friendly soccer match. In the first half the hosts dominated the ball possession and both teams failed to score. In second half the Masters came back very strong and managed to score four goals.

The hosts replied with one goal to make the final score 4-1 in favour of Tubatse Masters. (Rally Mmola, Phillip Kgapane, Mbesuma Mabaso and Sello Skosana scored for Tubatse Masters) (Information and photographs: Jerial Mvundlela)

Enter the Chrome Open The annual Chrome Open will be taking place on 30 April 2016. This challenging competition consists of 36 holes and is a medal competition. Tee-off time will be at 07:00 and the entry fee is R280.00. This includes morning tea or coffe as well as sandwiches

and lunch between the rounds. The prize giving will take place at 18:00. Players entering the competition are requested to contact Martin van Rooyen (072 564 2811) on 27 April to confirm the tee-off time. Accommodation is available at Tubatse Chrome Club - contact: 013 236 5112.

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