Gazette Typhoid fever strikes in Sekhukhune Communities of Stykraal, Tswaing, Mooiplaas, Vlakplaas and surrounding are warned of the outbreak of typhoid disease in the area. Typhoid has been tested positive in the water that flows in a canal that runs parallel the affected villages. Earlier during the month, more that 60 children from the nearby schools where hospitalized after consuming water from the canal. Confirmed reports are that 2 learners have since passed away after drinking this contaminated water. “First of all condolences to the bereaved families and we wish speedy recovery to all those who are badly affected by the contaminated water. We can confirm that following tests that where conducted at the CSIR from water samples taken during the time of the incident from the canal, typhoid disease was detected in the water. We request our people to refrain from consuming that water. We have placed measures in place to start distributing clean and potable water to the affected areas. The water department was also instructed to henceforth repair all breakdowns in the affected areas so that people can be supplied with potable water” said the Executive Mayor, Cllr Keamotseng Stanley Ramaila . The District Municipality said in a statement that the municipality will continue having engagements with the affected communities regarding healthy ways to consume water. “Through our Institutional Social Development department and environmental health inspectors, the district will continue engaging with to resolve all water related challenges. “Part of finding everlasting solution to this national problem, is the historic establishment of the District Water and Sanitation Forum, which took place on the 30th November 2017 in Ga Nkoana village. This forum seeks to achieve direct and speedy communications between members of the community and government. We anticipate that through this historic forum which is the first since the establishment of this municipality in the year 2000, we will be able to curb service delivery protest since there will be direct communications between communities, officials of government and political leadership” said Cllr Ramaila.
Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
8 December 2017
noun - a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law
The photograph at the top was taken at the traffic lights at the Calvin Street / Dirk Winterbach intersection in Burgersfort last week Thursday during peak traffic hour. It proves that drivers in Burgersfort feel nothing for road rules and courtesy, but only think about themselves. It is also a glaring testimony of the so-called ‘efficiency’ of the administrators of the law. In the mean time Police spin doctors try their best to try and convince the public that the Police are doing good and we in the media receive a regular dose of the do-good stuff on a weekly basis. Meanwhile all sorts of bad things are happening, but that is almost never communicated. The bad stuff happens, as the followng extracts from social media proves, and it also proves that the spin-doctoring is not working: Capitec om ongeveer 01:45 Geblaas. Groot groep swaar gewapende rowers steeds besig. SAP en Sekuriteit kan nie in Steelpoort inkom nie. Voertuie van rowers beweeg rond en skiet op enige persoon of voertuig wat probeer inkom. Rowers steeds besig en in beheer. Vermt Steelpoort sentrale sake gebied. Uitkyk! Bakkie (onbekend) met Capitec ATM agter op R555 Steelpoort rigting Jane First. Just after 02h00 this morning they blocked off Steelpoort roads and shoot every thing that comes near. We need SPECIAL FORCES in this area Misdaad Burgersfort 3-4/12/2017. (1).Om 21:35 op 03/12/2017 inbraak by PEP Platinum Place. Shopfront ruit gebreek vir toegang. (2).Om 01:23 op 04/12/2017 gewapende roof Temba vulstasie. Groot groep met vermoedelik twee LAV’s ( een enkel kajuit en een D/Kajuit) en gewapen met AK47’s blaas kluis met springstof terwyl werkers en omstanders aangehou was. Rowers vlug op R37 rigting Polokwane.Geen beserings.(3). PPS vulstasie Burgersfort. Om ongeveer 01:23 op 04/12/2017 terwyl gewapende roof by Temba in aanvang was skiet persone met AK47 op n klient se voertuig voor kafee van PPS terwyl hy ingery kom. Hy draai om en jaag weg. Voertuig twee keer raakgeskiet. Ons was vanoggend 6:30 so beroof Ons kon nie ry was a taxi voor ons en hul het deur oop geruk my skouer seer gekry maar is weg met al ons goedjies Ons het polisie stasie toe gekom en daar het ons gesit tot voor agt voor hul ons wou of kon help So daar gaan all ons kersplane Asb waarsku dat ander weet dankie.
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031
Ohrigstad SAPS takes 16 Days of Activism for no Violence to community The police in Ohrigstad partnered with the Department of Social Development, CPF, Home Based Care and Pastors and on 5 December conducted a campaign of 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children. It took place at Ngwanatsela Créche at Maepa village. Pamphlets with safety tips for a safer festive season were also distributed. Sgt Kholofelo Phokane from the Ohrigstad SAPS said this year’s campaign will be held under the theme: “count me in - together moving a non-violent South Africa forward”. The objectives of the 16 days campaign are amongst others: To attract all South Africans to be active partic-
Above: Social worker Mr Rabi Sekhauli, principal of Ngwanatsela créche Miss Christina Mabelane and Sgt Kholofelo Phokane. Left: Graduates at Ngwanatsela créche and their principal Miss Christina Mabelane.
ipants in the fight to eradicate violence against women and children, hence the theme: count me in. To ensure mass mobilization of all communities to promote collective responsibility in the fight to eradicate violence against women and children. To encourage society to acknowledge that violence against women and children is not a government or criminal justice system problem, but a societal problem, and that failure to view it as such results in all efforts failing to eradicate this scourge in our communities. And also to emphasize the fact that the solution to this problem lies with all of us. Sgt Phokane urged everyone to be vigilant and responsible during the festive season - especially the women of stockvel groups. He advised them to refrain from withdrawing money in bulk from the banks, and to rather opt for an electronic transfer of the money to the banks of the stockvel members. (Information & photographs: Sgt Phokake, Ohrigstad SAPS)
FGTM commemorates World Aids Day The Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality joined hands with communities and a variety of stakeholders to commemorate World Aids Day on 1 December 2017. The event aimed to raise awareness for the prevention and treatment of HIV. This year’s World AIDS Day theme, “Let Our Actions Count: It Is My Right to Know My Status, Prevention is My Responsibility” encourages people to make their actions count and take personal and collective responsibility to prevent new HIV infections. People who had died due to HIV were remembered by the Mayor of Fetakgomo
Greater Tubatse Municipality Cllr Johannes Maudu Phokane, by lighting a red candle. A moment of silence was also observed. A large crowd gathered at the Mashamothane Tswelopele sports ground and they were encouraged to get tested for HIV and stay on antiretrovirals (ARVs) if tested positive. Testing was done in tents at the event for people to know their status. “Knowledge
of one’s status will assist in using ARV’s and help fight the stigma” was the messsage from the Local Aids Council, Tubatse FM board, Department of Health and NGO’s. The event assisted in having a large number of people tested for HIV. “Let our actions count. We can prevent HIV and TB. The earlier the better,” said Mayor of Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality,
Johannes Maudu Phokane. He also called for the distribution of condoms to be supplemented with sexual health education and awareness. “There is also a need for more campaigns on HIV prevention that will target the youth, creating interest and awareness that will make them aware of the danger of HIV/AIDS. We are commemorating this day by encouraging citizens to know their status in an effort to stop the spread of the disease and encourage all South Africans to heed the call of knowing their status, be responsible and prevent the spread of the disease,” said Phokane.
(Information & photographs: Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality Communications Unit).
Dwarsrivier brings fesƟve chear to liƩle hearts Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) spent two days spreading the fes ve cheer when they distributed gi s and grocery parcels to 12 different créches in the Ngwaabe area. DCM and Assore’s Boleng Trust delivered more
Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine touched more than the hearts of the young ones. The teachers at the different créches were also remembered. They each received a grocery parcel to enjoy over the fes ve season.
than 1000 gi s on 30 November and 1 December 2017. The delivery of the gi s was a big surprise and the impact of this unexpected act was enhanced by the presence of Father Christmas. He accompanied the team and made sure that every child received his or her present. The teachers at the different créches also received a special grocery pack to enjoy over the Christmas period. All the benefi ng créches are beneficiaries of Early Childhood Development Training sponsored by DCM. This programme is a con nua on on the commitment from DCM to invest in educa on in the area. Créches and schools in the area had different needs, but DCM has proven to assist when possible. Amongst others the mine has assisted with infrastructure such as ablu on facili es, classrooms, furniture and mobile libraries. The delivery of gi s ensured that both the youngsters at the créches and their teachers close the year off on a high note. It also emphasised the commitment from DCM to reach out to commun es and work with them to create a be er tomorrow for everyone.
Unieke Winterbach geskiedenis herstel Die familienaam Winterbach is alom bekend in die area met een van Burgersfort se hoofstrate vernoem na Dirk Winterbach. Die Winterbach familie wat tussen Burgersfort en Lydenburg boer het onlangs ‘n stukkie geskiedenis afgestof en herstel. Dirk Winterbach Snr. vertel graag hoe sy pa Frans, se belangstelling in vlieg gelei het tot ‘n poging om self ‘n Giro Copter te bou. Frans het planne van Amerika bestel en met groot sorg die projek begin. “Hy het streng volgens die planne gebou,” vertel Dirk. Dit is egter ‘n warm Julie middag in 1960 wat in die Winterbach kinders se geheues sal bly. “Dit was ‘n warm sonskyn en windstil dag. Ons vier kinders - Magriet, ek, Antjie en Frans het onder die ou boerboonboom ge-
speel,” vertel Dirk. Die Copter se raamwerk, wiele, agterste vlerke en groot propeller was klaar gebou. “Toe die groot oomblik aanbreek om die propeller op die raamwerk te toets, het Pa die Copter aan ‘n doringboompie voor die huis vasgemaak en gewag vir die wind om die prop te draai. Giro Copters se groot propeller het met die wind gedraai”. Agter die sitplek sou ‘n tweesilinder Puch enjin gemonteer word wat die Giro vorentoe sou dryf. “Pa het op die stoep gesit en wag vir die wind, maar geen wind het gewaai nie. Later kom daar ‘n briesie en die prop begin stadig draai. Na ure se gewag kom daar skielik ‘n sterk wind op en die prop draai so vinnig dat dit begin fluit. Die Copter styg effens op en Pa sit ‘n klip op die sitplek,” onthou Dirk. “Naderhand is die klip te lig en die Copter styg al verder op. Dit was steeds aan die doringboompie vasgemaak. Pa gooi toe die klip af en klim self met sy kaal voete op die Copter. Ma het ons kinders geroep om te kom kyk. Ons het om die Copter gestaan en skree van opgewondenheid. Die prop wat sewe meter in deursnee was, het sommer gekrul soos hy draai en daar styg die Copter in die lug op met pa en al!” Dirk onthou hoe het sy pa geskree dat hulle moet padgee onder die Copter. “Op daardie oomlik breek die draad wat aan die boompie vasgemaak was en daar trek Pa! Die prop slaan teen die grond vas en jy sien net een groot stof wolk en stukke van die prop wat rakelings by ons koppe verbytrek”.
Dirk onthou nog hoe vol dorings sy pa se voete was soos hy die vliegtuig probeer rem het. Hulle het stukke van die Copter tot 100m van die ongeluk af opgetel. “Helaas het Ma gesê dat Pa nie die Copter moet herstel nie omdat hy homself sal verongeluk. Onderaan die bou instruksies het gestaan: “Don’t fly higher than you dare to fall!” Dirk het nou die Copter en sy stukke afgestof, herstel (hoewel dit nie weer sal vlieg nie), geverf en by ‘n ingangshek na die plaas opgesit. By die Copter wat nou as blywende herinnering aan sy pa dien, is daar ook ‘n plaat aangebring met inligting oor die herkoms van dié unieke stukkie familiegeskiedenis.
Psalm 27:1 (1983) 1 Van Dawid. Die Here is my lig en my redder, vir wie sou ek bang wees? Die Here is my toevlug, vir wie sou ek vrees?
Photograph: Stanley Hayes.
Psalm 27:1 (NIV) Of David. 1 The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?
Platinum Gazette
PLEASE NOTE: Platinum Gazette will close on 15 December 2017 for the Christmas season. The office will open again on 8 January 2018. The first newspaper for 2018 will be on 12 January 2018.
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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
World Aids Day commemorated 1
December was World Aids Day and Modikwa Pla num Mine took last week to raise awareness and give employees the opportunity to get to know their HIV status. The campaign started on 29 November at different business units on the mine and hundreds of employees made use of the opportunity to do voluntary HIV tes ng. Every employee who was tested received a specially branded T-shirt. On Friday, December 1 the commemora on came to conclusion with a fun run/walk from South Sha 1 and a cycling challenge from south 2 sha . This ended at the HRD lapa where employees gathered for a candle ligh ng ceremony and speech from Health and Safety Leader, Amukelani Modau who encouraged everybody to get tested
and know their status. HIV ambassadors spoke to the employees and with the different Heads of Departments (HOD’s) and representa ves lighted candles, from which employees in turn lighted theirs. A moment of prayer was also observed during the ceremony. The theme of the week’s ac vi es encouraged employees to do the “high five”. This encourages the following: Prevent HIV. Prevent TB. Get tested and treat HIV & TB. No violence. Be a leader in doing this. Employees were not only encouraged to know their status, but also prac ce a safe lifestyle when they are away from the mine. The week’s events were coordinated with the help of the Department of Health, Aurum Ins tute, Zakheni, Pla num Health and Life Line.
Modikwa employees last week par cipated in ge ng to know their HIV status, a fun run/walk, a cycling challenge and a commemora ve candle ligh ng ceremony.
8 DECEMBER 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Ratels Rugby Klub sluit 2017 af Die Ratels Rugby Klub het 2017 afgesluit met ‘n funksie by Die Plaashuis in Burgersfort verlede Vrydagaand. Tydens die funksie is verskeie pryse uitgedeel en die spelers, hul vrouens en meisies asook die borge bedank vir die jaar se ondersteuning en toewyding. Dié jaar se groot tekennings het aan die volgende spelers gegaan: Marko Maré Meeste Punte; Henry Venter - Bump van die Jaar; Marko Maré - Meeste Drieë; Siyabulela Mbangi - Tackle van die Jaar; Panda Richards - Speler van die Jaar; Martin van den Berg - Mees Lojale Speler; Henry Venter - Klubman van die Jaar. Volgende jaar mik die manne om weer groot rugby in die liga te speel en daar word beplan om vroeg reeds te begin oefen. Almal is welkom om te kom deel word van hierdie klub en rugby in die area tot hoër hoogtes te dryf.