Platinum Dilokong
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
8 January 2016
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8 JANUARY 2016
DWARSRIVIER MINE HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign in Ngwaabe area
Take care of your health - know your status the local communi es in the area with a On 15 December 2015 Dwarsivier Mine in variety of projects including new buildings conjunc on with the Department of Health for the Ngwaabe Home-based Care, ablu on and SKfm hosted a HIV/Aids Awareness Campaign that included a soccer and netball facili es at local schools and facili es for a tournament. local creché. They are also con nuously trying to The event took place at the sports create opportuni es to train and empower ground close to Steelbridge and was well supported by the surrounding communi es. local entrepreneurs to grow the development Teams played knock-out games in soccer and of the area to benefit everyone. They care about the health of residents netball. The winners walked away with newly in the area and with this HIV Awareness branded soccer and netball kit and soccer event community members joined hands and netball balls. They also received a cash prize and trophies. Team Madibele faced with the Mine to create awareness about HIV and Aids, but also encourage par cipa on in Highbridge in the netball final. The soccer sport, keeping away from crime and working teams in the final were Phakaseso FC and together towards a bright future. In the spirit Moruleng FC. During the course of the day while the of crea ng a healthy environment teams spor ng ac vi es were underway, residents also cleaned the grounds during the event to make sure that li er is collected and the queued pa ently to have themselves tested community le with a clean sports ground to know their HIV status. Those who were tested received a branded T-shirt and key a erwards. “I enjoyed this day very much. It was ring. Various local caterers made sure that no- fun - we watched sport and got to know our body went hungry with boerewors rolls and HIV status. It was nice not to have speech juice being served to community members a er speech, but rather something making a suppor ng the event. true difference,” one resident told PlaƟnum GazeƩe on the sidelines of the event. Dwarsrivier Mine is ac vely suppor ng Below: Community members paƟently queued to have themselves tested for HIV/Aids.
Platinum Gazette Editorial comment The first major casualty? The crisis regarding the activities of mining houses in the Burgersfort and Steelpoort claimed the first casualty with ASA Metals’ announcement this week. Chrome and platinum prices have fallen and the production challenge caused by violence is putting an extra strain on the producers of the minerals. Mining-related businesses in the area employ an estimated 25 000 people and any suspension or closure of mines and smelters will have crippling consequences. Unemployment in south-eastern Limpopo soared from 41% to 56% as the population has grown to 580 000 people. One mining executive quoted in the national media said in early December last year about the violence that “We could either take the pain of shutting down for three to six months, while this gets resolved and have a sustainable operating environment for years ahead, or we could carry on like we are now, with mines and smelters shut down every time there’s violence or a protest — and it’s happening more regularly now — and eventually lose the support of our shareholders to continue operations here.” Ironically ASA Metals was until now a sparkling example of a bilateral venture between South Africa and China, with state corporations of both countries the major shareholders – not strictly nationalised by law, but in fact. The current situation also serves as an example that even state run ventures are subject to market conditions. The open question now is whether the remaining ventures in the area can be saved given that market prices remain low and communities remain volatile because of the greed and political interests of individuals?
Three pedestrians the tragic victims of road accidents On 2016-01-01 at about 04:40 Tubatse police received a call about an accident that occurred along the Bothashoek road. The Police proceeded to the scene and on their arrival they found that a man (a teenager of 16) was knocked down by a motor vehicle. Members of EMS confirmed that he was dead. A case of culpable homicide was opened for further investigations. On Sunday 2016-01-03 at 05:30 Tubatse Police received a report that there was an accident that occurred at Ga Motodi cross in Praktiseer with serious injuries. They rushed to the scene and on their arrival they found one motor vehicle (a blue Renault Clio) that had overturned and a man (25) was lying on the ground next to the vehicle. EMS members confirmed the man’s death. A case of culpable homicide was opened for further investigation. On Sunday 2016-01-03 at about 20:00 Tubatse Police attended an accident which occurred at Riba Cross along the R37 road. On their arrival they found a metallic brown Opel Corsa facing the Burgersfort direction. The car was damaged in front and there was a man lying on the ground. It was alleged that the victim (29) was knocked down by the vehicle. EMS members confirmed he was dead. A case of culpable homicide was opened for further investigation.
Micah 7:19 (NIV) 19 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
8 JANUARY 2016
Christmas treat from Tubatse Superspar A 100 vulnerable children from various care centres around Burgersfort were treated again this past Christmas by Tubatse Superspar. Just like previous years the kids received a hearty Christmas meal, with cake for pudding and to see them on their way, there was a gift for everyone. Tubatse Superspar Manager, Phindiwe Mnisi, told Platinum Gazette that the traditional treat in the week before Christmas is part of the store’s commitment to give back to the community in which it operates.
COMBO 12990 200g Ribs, 4 Buffalo Wings & 200g Pork Chop. Customer Care: 0860007787 VAT incl. Per person. Eat-in only. Terms and Conditions apply. The visuals are for descriptive purposes and meals served could vary.
Tubatse Crossing, Burgersfort. 013 231 7631
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Served with Spur-style crispy onion rings and chips or a baked potato or Spur-style rice.
8 JANUARY 2016
How do you feel about racism As 2016 was rang in with widespread celebrations in South Africa, a sour note remained as the focus fell on racist social media posts. Posts from at least three people are under investigation from various authorities at the moment. One is from Real Estate agent Penny Sparrow who wrote on Facebook about people littering the beaches on New Years eve and New Year’s Day. “From now I shall address the blacks of South Africa as monkeys as I see the cute little wild monkeys do the same, pick and drop litter.” The second was from Velaphi Khumalo. He said the following on his Facebook: “I want to cleans this country of all white people. we must act as Hitler did to the Jews. I don’t believe any more that the is a large number of not so racist whit people . I’m starting to be sceptical even of those within our Movement the ANC . I will from today unfriend all white people I have as friends from today u must be put under the same blanket as any other racist white because secretly u all are a bunch of racist *?!# heads. as we have already seen [sic]”. , On Facebook he lists the Gauteng Arts and Culture Department as his employer. The third controversial social media post came from Chris Hart, an economist at Standard Bank. He tweeted: “More than 25 years after Apartheid ended, the victims are increasing along with a sense of entitlement and hatred towards minorities….” He has since been suspended by the bank. The ANC is now looking at ways to criminalize racism and any act that glorifies apartheid. “Current legislative provisions are not sufficient to punish and dissuade racists,” the party said in a statement. The South African Human Rights Commission called on people to not try and fight racism with racism. Their head of advocacy and communication, Dieketseng Diale said they would investigate all complaints lodged, as they were accountable to the country. “It is very crucial for us to investigate these allegations and complaints. And we will keep doing so until we see South Africa as the country it should be. A united country where people respected one another. We will continue to advocate for the people of South Africa, regardless of race… It starts with an individual like Penny Sparrow or Nelson Mandela to break or build a society.” She called on people to rather lodge complaints with them than airing it on social media. “Instead of going to social media to complain, they must be part of the process. Let’s not fuel the whole thing, but do it the right way. It is our responsibility to investigate, and theirs to bring these issues to us.” Political parties were quick to react to the row. Apart from the ANC’s calls for prosecution, the DA has launched its own investigation into Sparrow’s conduct, who according to media reports has been a member of the party. The EFF has described these comments as the result of the ruling party’s failure to implement structural reforms in post apartheid South Africa. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the whole racism row. They commented on whether they are experiencing racism in their lives and if they think a peaceful rainbow nation where everyone is respected is still possible? Right: Mr Ben Moshwane said: “In Burgersfort we are civilized. I’ve never had someone making racist remarks towards me or around me. Black to white or white to black. I work at the mine and in the past there was racism – they called us Boys. Now there is nothing. Nobody is racist to me or around me. We are now in a democratic country where we respect each other. I don’t know where the people who are making racist remarks on social media are living, but it cannot be in South Africa”.
Mr Amos Shingelengele Zitha said: “We should respect each other. I’ve not experienced racism towards me. I also treat everyone the same”.
Mr Frank Mangwale, Tshepang Mokwena, Terry Mohlala and Bushy Khumalo said: “We don’t experience any racism where we work on in our personal lives. The majority of people moved on from apartheid, but a few individuals are still holding back. We should focus on moving forward and not on these things on social media”.
Mr Jeffrey Mkhabela said: “In Burgersfort we like each other. Now we are living as equals and we don’t really have racism here. We are an example to the world”.
Ms Mmabatho Riba said: “Just a few people are still racist. The majority respect each other. I find it is mostly white people being racist towards black people”. Mr Simson Maile said: “In Burgersfort you will sometimes find that when we are standing in a queue in a shop and there is a white person in the queue, the black people will make rude remarks about them in our language. That is not right. We need to be one nation”. Mr Lutendo Mudau said: “One rotten potato can spoil the skillet. It is not all white or all black people who are racist. Some people will change, others not. People must also remember that changing racism is a time dependent thing. Social media has now exposed a white woman as a racist and now some people generalize, but not all white people are like that. I know white people who are so “black” and black people who are so “white” it is not even funny”.
Ms Mamsy Tjie said: “There is a lot of racism, but not so much in Burgersfort. We must accept each other as the image of God and then respect each other. We can achieve a society where there is no racism. Start at home, school and church and it will end”.
Me. Leandri Farrel sê: “Rassisme is nog baie groot. Ek dink die probleem lê in die parlement. Dis die plek waar daar oor sulke goed ‘n voorbeeld gestel moet word, maar hulle doen nie”. By haar is Me. Marica Geldenhuys.
on social media and real life?
Mr Success Hluyako and Ms Thabiso Makhubedu said: “It is jealousy that makes people act racist. There is racism from both black and white people, but it is a minority”.
Ms Mbali Sobopha said: “Racism does happen a lot and it is still here in Burgersfort. People are just ignorant to the issue. There is still a lot to be done to overcome it. It goes both ways - black to white and white to black. You usually only hear it from your own race perspective”. Mr Tebalelo Nhleko added: “Some people choose to react offended and be sensitive to what someone say. They then just label that person a racist, even if it was not meant to be a racist remark”.
Mr Vincent Tshabalala and Mr Timothy Maebela said: “A few individuals are not civilized and do not accept people of other cultures and languages. There is a big problem between black people. Sometimes people are racist between people who are Pedi and others who are for example Shangaan. They treat you like you are not a South African. I’ve not experienced it from white people (Mr Tshabalala), but I have from black people. We are all human and God created us all. We should respect each other. We can still get the rainbow nation we dreamed of, but we must accept each other as fellow South Africans”.
Mnr. Chris en Me. Martha van Staden sê: “Ons was oppad na ‘n reënboognasie, maar die onlangse verwikkelinge rondom Zuma het ons weer van mekaar verwyder. Nou is mense weer makliker rassisties en dit word gedryf deur frustrasie met dinge in die land wat nie reg loop nie. Ons sal van voor moet begin om op te bou”.
Left: Mr Thabo Riba said: “Some black people in our area are racist. They are more racist than the white people. I don’t think it will ever go away. Luckily I’ve not experienced any racism towards me”.
Mr Aron Msimango said: “For me racism is not good. In the area where I live, we believe we are all human and equal – there is no racism”.
Mnr. Robbie Christian sê: “Rassisme sal dalk maar altyd daar wees. Die gap word nie kleiner nie. Dit gaan maar oor mense se houding. Rassisme kom maar van beide swart na wit en wit na swart”.
Mr Lucas Obua Mokwena said: “I think some people respect each other and some are racist. Some black people still have the mindset that white people should be beaten. But some don’t have that. There is unfortunately still more racism than we want – although I think more blacks are racist than white people. If everyone is willing to respect each other we can get rid of racism”.
Mr Shadreck Mashinge said: “There is still racism in terms of doing things together. You will find at work during lunch white people will sit together and black people will sit together. Perhaps language is one of the problems. People don’t understand each other and that separate them”.
Links: Me. Pamela Fabi sê: “Dit is net party mense wat rassisties is, maar ek dink nie dit sal verander nie. Die meerderheid mense respekteer mekaar. Ek ervaar nie eintlik rasisme in my lewe nie”.
Mr Patrick Mokoena said: “There are a few racist individuals. In the working environment people cannot be racist and in general we are working towards being a rainbow nation that respects each other”. With him are: Tumelo, Thabiso and Thebogo.
8 JANUARY 2016
Dwarsrivier Mine spreads joy just before Christmas
‘Our discoveries left us unsettled’ On 21 December 2015 Dwarsrivier Mine visited 25 households to hand over much needed food parcels just before Christmas. The parcels included a variety of grocery and basic toiletry items. The families who benefitted from the donation were identified with the help of the community’s Ngwaabe Home Based Care. Mr Remember Mmbengwa, the mine’s Business Sustainable Development Manager said: “Our responsibility as a Mine is to offering a helping hand where needed in all local communities. We identified the families by visiting
and spending time with them, which helped us get a true reflection of their situation and their needs. Our discoveries left us unsettled and we had to act fast as a company to at least make this Christmas extra special for our beneficiaries. As we will be having good meals with our families we would like them to have the same”.
(Photographs and information: Dwarsrivier Mine)
Wedding celebrations during the festive season A few couples made their union official with a wedding.
Velly Ramoshidi Ramogayana tied the knot with Pertunia Ntlovhu on 20 December 2015 at Ga-Maila. (Photograph and Information: Jenny Phala).
Mr Norman Komana married his sweetheart, Mogawa’s daughter on 26 December 2015. The celebration took place at Manganeng. (Photograph and Information: Jenny Phala)
Calvinites making Burgersfort proud with matric results
Derrick Mohlala achieved 6 distinctions.
Calvin Collge in Burgersfort this year achieved a 98,43% pass rate with only one learner failing to pass. Within the group of matrics there are 51 learners who qualify for further studies towards a Bachelors degree, 12 qualify for diploma studies. The school is also very proud of the many distinctions their learners achieved. In Limpopo 102 633 full-time learners wrote matric final examinations last year and 16 104 part-time candidates wrote the examination. On the other side of the mountain at HoÍrskool Lydenburg at total of 176 grade 12 learners wrote matric last year. The school achieved 192 distinctions, 269 B symbols were achieved. 129 learners pass with exemption for further studies towards a Bacherlors degree, 46 will be able to study towards a diplom and 1 achieved a senior certificate. The school boasts a 100% pass rate for the second consecutive year. One of the school’s learners, Mignon Black
is amongst the top 10 achievers in Mpumalanga. She is the best student in Physical Sciences in the province and receives a full bursary, a cash prize and other prizes for her achievement.
Four learners, Mignon Black, Vasti Engelbrecht, Anneke Nieuwoudtand Jana Swanepoel achieves 7 distinctions each. The school was named the third best academic school in Mpumalanga.
Success Mokgetloane achieved 5 distinctions.
Desiree Nkwana achieved 5 distinctions.
Big prizes won at Tubatse Superspar Conny Riba achieved 6 distinctions.
Customers at Tubatse SUPERSPAR not only had a festive season with prices and friendly cheer to match, they could also enter an exciting competition that saw 4 lucky winners walk away with R1000 worth of grocery
vouchers per month for the whole year. Yes, R12 000 worth of groceries per winner! The lucky customers were all smiles when they were handed their prizes that will make sure that 2016 is going to be a good year.
Bongy Sekgobela (Tubatse FM) and Phindiwe Mnisi with Donald Malepe who was one of the winners.
Bongy Sekgobela (Tubatse FM) and Phindiwe Mnisi with Mojalefa Mnisi who was one of the winners.
Elias Mabilo received his prize from Phidiwe Mnisi, store manager.
Machuene Napo with her prize.
Happiness Selota achieved 4 distinctions.
New TV for Tubatse FM Tubatse SUPERSPAR donated at big screen television set to Tubatse FM radio station. Tubatse SUPERSPAR cares about the community and recognises the role the radio station is playing in the community. The idea is to ensure that the journalists
and presenters working there will be able to keep abreast of national news through following coverage on the TV. The station manager, Ms. Bongi Sekgobela thanked Tubatse SUPERSPAR for the donation amids great excitement in the studio.
Irene Magabe, Dorothy Motloutsi, Lutjana Mankwane, Phindiwe Mnisi (Tubatse SUPERSPAR), Bongy Sekgobela and Ndlaleni Nkosi with the new TV at the Tubatse FM studio in Bothashoek.
Platinum Gazette
8 JANUARY 2016
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500.
Notice is hereby issued in terms of regulation 10(2) of the NEMA Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation, 2010 of the granting of Environmental Authorisation by the Department of Environmental Affairs on the 4th of December 2015 of Nkwe Platinum Limited (Nkwe) Garatau Platinum Mine. Nkwe propose to construct and operate an underground platinum mine and associated infrastructure located on the farms De Kom 252KT, RE of Garatouw 282, Portion 1 of Garatouw 282KT, Hoepakrantz 291KT and Maandagshoek 254KT in the Limpopo Province. A copy of the Environmental Authorisation can be obtained on request from MSA. Should any stakeholder wish to appeal the decision, a notice of intention to appeal must be lodged directly with Minister of Environmental Affairs before the 12th of January 2016 followed up by details of the appeal. For more information and details of the appeal process, visit www.msagroupservices. com/mailers/EANotificationLetter.pdf. or contact THE MSA GROUP: Robin Bolton or Stephan Herb Tel: (011) 880 4209 Fax: (011) 880 2184 E-mail: or
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954
Platinum Gazette
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Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station
* Burgersfort SAPS * Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine * Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre * Madiba’s Mini Market -
Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Dilokong Chrome Mine (ASA Metals) * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Pret Liquor * Pret Butchery * CTM Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Laerskool Burgersfort * Supa Save * Build It Tubatse * A1 Food Store Twin City * Tiezers Meat Pantry Ohrigstad * Bronrich Slaghuis Ohrigstad * 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort * Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * Burgersfort Pharmacy *Dr Fouché’s Surgery Burgersfort * Mooifontein Kafee Burgersfort *Supa Save Burgersfort * Hawker stalls Eddie Sedibe Street Burgersfort * 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort * Calvin College Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool Steelpoort * Sasol Garage Steelpoort
Eerste Bass Bandits De Hoop Classic Die kompitisie was gereel deur Bass Bandits SA. Andre van Staden het die groep gestig vir vissermanne in die Phalaborwa omgewing waar ouens hulle stories kan deel, raad vra of hulle visvang goed verkoop. Daar is besluit om die Bass Bandits nasionaal te maak en dit te bemark as Bass Bandits SA. Die kompetisie sou aanvanklik net vir ‘n paar ou skoolvriende gewees het wat elkeen n paar rand in ‘n pot sit en “winner takes all”. Dinge het vinnig momentum gekry toe daaroor gesels is op die groep en meer en meer mense wou deel wees. Daar is toe uiteindelik die besluit geneem om dit oop te maak en groot te gaan. Verskeie borge was genader en meeste van hulle was bly om te help en die groep bedank hulle vir hul bydraes. Eerste 5 plekke : 5. You go Boy met 7.90kg sak; 4. R&T Factor met 8.07kg sak; 3. Waterworld Evinrude met n 8.73kg sak; 2. Bassin Buddies met n 8.75kg sak 1. Go Fish met n 8.99kg sak. Groot vis was deur n dame gewen, Tania Goldstone van team R&T Factor met n 2.48kg vis. Groot vis vir Juniors was deur Jasyon Turpin gewen met n vis van 1.82kg Die Bass Bandits beplan om die kompitisie elke jaar te hou vroeg in Desember by De Hoop Dam. Dit sal bekend staan as die “Bass Bandits De Hoop Classic”.
Hulle beoog om nuwe en amateur hengelaars asook families betrokke te kry soveel moontlik sodat almal die dag kan geniet en leer by mekaar. Dit is nie net vir “professionele hengelaars” nie. Solank jy ‘n boot het met n livewell, en by die reëls hou is almal welkom. Dit is idiaal vir iemand wat graag wil begin kompitisie vang en dis ‘n lekker belewenis. (Inligting en foto’s: Andre van Staden - Bass Bandits SA; Willem Montgomery)
Busy season for Tubatse Masters Tubatse Masters Soccer team kept themselves busy during the festive season with two soccer tournaments. On the weekend of 12 and 13 December 2015, Modikwa Mine arranged a friendly top 8 soccer tournament and it was played at Montrose sports grounds. On Saturday 12 December 2015 Tubatse Masters played against Glencore mines’ soccer team in the first game of the tournament and won the match by 2-0 to book a place in the semi-finals. Lekgotla Motswiane and Dolphin Ngele scored for Tubatse Masters. On Sunday 13 December 2015 Tubatse Masters faced the hosts Modikwa Mine in the semi-finals. Tubatse Masters managed to win by 4-3 and go to the finals. Dolphin Ngele with 2 goals, Collen and Tebogo Tshwane scored for Tubatse Masters. On
Ohrigstad Rugby Club starting to practice The Ohrigstad Rugby Klub is starting to practice for the new rugby season. All rugby players and enthusiasts are welcome to join them. They are at the sports grounds of Laerskool Ohrigstad every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 18:00. They are inviting everyone to join them in becoming fit and creating another team to be reckoned with this year.
FC Kodi White Doves on a winning streak FC Kodi White Doves ended 2015 with joy after going through a lot of problems within football circles. These costed the club up to R81 360.00 in legal fees. “It was a tough year for us but, we managed to pull through with the help of Almighty God,” said club director Mr Senyane Kodi. Currently the Club holds both PSL second and third tier status. They have not given up on their dream of being part of the PSL by 2018. “God rewarded us with tripple awards in winning two festive season tournaments and
promoting young Collins Fabregas Makgaka (19) to NFD Club Baroka FC. “It is the start of good things at this young club resulting from hard work and a proper development plan in support of the Players Exposure Programme started in October 2013. “The club will start its participation this August 2016/17 in the ABC Motsepe Leaque and we are looking for young quality players who will compete for the championship and win promotion to National First Division (NFD). (Information & photographs: Kodi Senyane).
the same day in the finals, Tubatse Masters played against Dilokong mine’s soccer team and lost the match 4-2 in the penalties. The final score after 90 minutes was 3-3. Dolphin Ngele with 2 goals and Tomas Lubisi scored for Tubatse Masters. On 25 December 2015 Tubatse Masters took part in a local tournament at Mareseleng village just next to Ga Mashamothane. In their first match on the 25th the Masters played against Eleven Experience and managed to win 2-0. Dolphin Ngele scored two goals for Tubatse Masters. In their second game of the tournament, Masters played against Bad Bucks F.C on 27 December 2015. After the final whistle, the match ended with a 1-1 draw. Lekgotla Motswiane scored for Tubatse Masters. Tubatse Masters won the match on penalties to book a place in the semi-finals. The semi-finals were played on 01 January 2016 and Masters played against London F.C and lost the match by 3-0.On 2 January 2016 it was the final day of the tournament. Tubatse Masters was supposed play against Bothashoek United for determination of position 3. Unfortunately the opponents did not pitch at the ground and as a result it was a walk over for Masters who got position 3. (Photographs and information: Jerial Mvundlela)
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
8 JANUARY 2016
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Platinum Gazette
High stakes soccer at Maandagshoek The Maandagshoek Annual Soccer Tournament hosted its 3rd tournament between Christmas and 2 January. It once again took place at Maandagshoek. This is a non-profit event covering all tribal authorities, is sponsored by local entrepreneurs, Dr Benny Choeu (founder), Madira Sebopela and Lepudi. This year the tournament has introduced four additional sponsors from around Tubatse: Phokathaba Platinum Mine, Thaba Moshate Casino, Senatla Funerals Group and Peloa Print, with a total value of R77 000. This annual soccer tournament is held in conjunction and within the auspices of the current and running Local Soccer Association i.e. Maandagshoek Football Association (MAFA) which is affiliated to the regional South African Soccer Association (SAFA) structure. Amongst the guests invited were SA under 23 National
squad Assistant coach Thabo Senong, Thaba Moshate Casino General Manager Cliff Ngakane, Senatla Funeral Ground Founder Simon Mampoke, and Ward 12 counsillor, Tete Magane. The tournament was won by Balotsaneng Royal Pirates. They walked away with prizes with a total value of R13 000. Second place winner was Huduba All 4 One. They received prizes with the total value of R11 000. The third place winner was Sehlaku Young Stars with the total prize value of R10 000. The complementary fourth prize winner was Maandagshoek United Brothers with prizes valued at R9000. All prizes were coupled with 20 medals per team and 1 trophy. Other categories with prizes, were Man of the Match, Best player of the Tournament, Leading Goal Scorer of the Tournament and Best Referee of the Tournament. Dr Benny Choeu founder and Tumie Maduana Event coordinator of MAST acknowledged all the contributions from the sponsors who participated in this 3rd annual tournament and promised to invite other soccer icons from national level to participate in talent searching in our rural environment. The aim has been to improve and encourage local talented soccer players so that it is possible for them to be identified and end up playing at PSL level. (Information & photographs: Tumie Maduana).