Platinum Gazette 08 June 2012

Page 1

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Š Platinum Gazette

8 June 2012

Report from the Finish Line - p12, 11 As with years past, Platinum Gazette has ensured that readers get their Comrades Ultra Marathon as complete as anyone wants it to be. This year we again solicited the friendly assistance of Willem Montgomery of Modikwa Platinum Mine and accredited him as our official correspondent at the Comrades with finish line access. He supplied us with literally tons of pictures of the event with the help of Francois du Plessis. We also want to extend our gratitude for the assistance with pictures and news to the Samancor Chrome team and Reginald Kgoedi of Modikwa Platinum Mine.

2 in Top 10 The 2012 Comrades Ultra Marathon proved the be a real challenge and a huge success for athletes from within the boundaries of the Greater Tubatse Municipality. Leboka Noto (a Lesotho national) of Modikwa Platinum Mine, running in the Nedbank colours, followed up on his excellent performance this season (including his win in the Longtom Marathon) and finished third, while Gift Kelehe of Samancor Chrome crossed the finish line in eighth position. In the photograph (left) Noto is seen to approach the finish line, while in the bottom photograph he shares the podium with Miss South Africa, Melinda Bam, Bongmusa Mtembu (2nd) and winner, Ludwick Mamobolo (also form Limpopo). Fanie Matshipa, one of the strongest contenders from the area, did not finish due to injury.


8 JUNE 2012


Eastplats (temporarily) stops projects

Top: Eastern Platinum’s Kennedy’s Vale platinum concentrator plant under constroction near Steelpoort. The project has now been halted toghether with the Mareesburg openpit mine. The Canadian company’s share price plunged 18% immediately after the announcement after it said it had stopped work on the project, citing a difficult operating environment in SA as well as a depressed market for the metal and low prices.

Stressed about debt?

Eastern Platinum Limited (Eastplats) has announced that due to the continuing negative changes in the global economic environment and the operating environment in South Africa, it has decided to suspend funding for the ongoing development of the Mareesburg open pit mine (situated between roughly between Lydenburg and Roossenekal) and construction of the Kennedy’s Vale Concentrator Plant (across the R555 from Xstrata / Merafe’s Lion Ferrochrome smelter near Steelpoort). The company says it will reassess the project economics as and when a sustained recovery in the global economic environment and metals prices takes place. The mining company says the project was progressing according to the planned schedule and budget with initial commissioning planned for the first quarter of 2013. Civil works are largely complete and concrete work is well advanced. Almost all the necessary process equipment has been procured and received. Engineering is over 90% complete with construction about 20% complete. The overall project is 30% complete and a rapid restart of project construction could take place when conditions warrant. The company says pricing of Platinum Group Metals (PGM) has declined significantly since the decision was made to develop the project nine months ago, with little or no fundamental demand recovery or supply reduction forecast in the near to medium term. With the ongoing weakness and volatility in the global financial markets (particularly in Europe which consumes approximately 50% of South Africa’s platinum production), the company is of the view that a near term recovery in PGM prices to sustainably appropriate levels is unlikely. In addition, the South African PGM industry is dealing with a number of other predominating economic factors,

including unrelenting operating cost inflation, adverse currency exchange rates, weak chrome prices, heightened concerns with respect to reliable power delivery and unplanned and unlawful labour actions. The company says in the current operating environment, the financial risk of continued project development is not merited and Eastplats has taken the decision to suspend the project funding so as to maintain the value in the resources planned to be mined. The project will be monitored subject to a sustainable strengthening of metal prices and improvement in operating conditions in South Africa. “These factors, and particularly the continued cost pressures that we are experiencing in South Africa, make the platinum sector an extremely difficult space in which to operate. We do not envisage any significant large scale production cuts from the larger producers and consequently expect that the industry will have to contend with much lower metal prices than previously projected in the medium term. As the open pit operation at Mareesburg was previously projected to provide a significant contribution to revenue in the near term, we see no merit in depleting the deposit and the financial resources of the Company until such time as economic and operating conditions markedly improve. After a considerable amount of review and evaluation Eastplats has been proactive in taking this action in the interests of maximizing the value of the PGM resources in the Company”, stated Ian Rozier, the company’s president and CEO. The company says it continues to review its overall mining operations at CRM in order to mitigate the impact of depressed prices and to safeguard its business and cash resources.

Visit a REGISTERED Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to eventually be debt free. © Platinum Gazette

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 (RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) E-mail: (Reg

Nuwe herder verwelkom

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Ds André van Rooyen en sy vrou Rone is onlangs as nuwe herderspaar by die Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente, Burgersfort, verwelkom. Ds Van Rooyen was voorheen aan ‘n gemeente op Delmas verbonde.

8 JUNIE 2012



New production record set at Modikwa North Shaft Once again Modikwa Platinum Mine, North Shaft, Section 4 sets new record! May was a very successful production month for the team, 12 crews blasted 8397 m², 2397 m² above their call. This totals to an average of 700 m² per crew with sweepings up to standard for the month. This was achieved by working safely, doing good planning and co-ordination with the Acting Production Manager Mr. Nigel Reeder and Mine Overseer Mr. Dirk Fouché and his dedicated team that work with him.

Greater Tubatse Local Council considered the municipal budget last week Friday.. Residents will be informed about the budget during the State of the Municipality Address on Saturday (see notice on page 5).

Diesel thieves apprehended On 04 June 2012 Tubatse Police arrested two males aged 18 and 23 years in connection with theft of diesel. Their arrest follows after and incident between 03 and 04 June 2012. A 55 year old man alleged that on 03 June 2012 he left his place of business in good order and he was surprised the following morning when he noticed that diesel was stolen from his truck. He then followed the footprints that led to a certain house. He encountered a man who told him that he stole the diesel with his friend. The two suspects showed the complainant where they put the diesel and it was found inside two 25 litre containers. Thereafter the complainant reported the matter to the police and the suspects were arrested. The two are expected to appear in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s Court soon.

Shift Bosses of Section 4 from left to right: Fred Doubell, Jakkals Botha, Hennie Lombaard, Simon Moimane, JJ Smit, Solly Mda, Mr. Dirk Fouche (Mine Overseer ) , James Peter , Sam Dlamini, Bheki Langazane and Leon Bona.

Fltr: Const Seabela Letsoalo, Const Mogau Morethe, Const Mokgaetsi Sema, Const Masefako Serage and Const Mokgadi Ramogale.

UTASA says:






Unfortunately there is no truth in it that all recovery services are approved by all the various insurance companies. Many have their own ‘call centres’ through which they assist their clients in case of an accident or mechanical breakdown. When you are involved in an accident, stay as calm as possible. The Nasional Road Traffic Act states under Article 61(2) that only the owner of a vehicle or any person with the rightful ownership of the vehicle may give persmission for the towing of a vehicle in case of an accident. Unfortunatly there have been cases where officials have been involved with making

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deals with towing agencies. If you are unable to give permission due to an injury, the SAPS must take the responsibility. However, no law enforcement official may enter into a contract on behalf of a vehicle owner. - Advice from Ettienne Pel, National Chairman UTASA 24 Hour towing ser vices services Towing with a pick-up or Look for these logos to identify registered either a 4 ton rollback or 9 operators. ton rollback. Approved by all major insurance companies.

Protea T owing Ser vices Towing Services



8 JUNE 2012

Twickenham and Phafane set an example Senior personnel from Anglo American Platinum’s Twickenham Project near Moroke visited Phafane Secondary School on Tuesday. The purpose of the visit was inter alia to raise environmental awareness and to assist this top performing school with their environmental projects. The event was also attended by personnel from Anglo American Platinum’s corporate offices in Johannesburg, local councillors, as well as politicians from other municipalities. Everyone, including councillors and learners, donned bright green gloves to clean up the school yard. Others took care of the donated plants. Holes were dug and into the ground they went. Twickenham personnel instructed learners how to care for the trees and plants, warning them “we do not want to see this trees and plants die, you must care for them”. Twickenham also donated three laptop computers, one to the school and two to the two top learners in grades 11 and 12. The top five learners in the all the grades received an electronic educational game. “This school had a 100 % pass rate in 2011. We want to support it and encourage learners to work hard” the visitors from Anglo American Platinum explained.

Contact Platinum Gazette on 083 271 9151 with your news and events.

8 JUNIE 2012



Steelpoort Akademie presteer

Iemas het goedhartig rekenaars aan die rekenaarklas geskenk sodat elke leerder nou by sy eie stasie en rekenaar kan werk. Rita Swanepoel en Mandla Gwambe oorhandig die rekenaars aan Mnr Anton Alberts die hoof. Baie dankie Iemas ons is innig dankbaar! Foto’s & Inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn.

Mev Lindie Cronje (O/15) en Mev Thea Alberts (O/13) is gekies as Mpumalangaafrigters.

Monique Language het deelgeneem aan die ATKV redenaars en deurgedring na die kwarteindrondte. Hierdie meisies is gekies vir die onderskeie Mpumalanga netbalspanne. Voor: Chris-Marie Ebersohn (skaduspeler O/12), Annastacia Ikaneng (O/13), Monique Lang-uage (O/12) en Sonay Labuschagne (O/13). Agter: Faith Mkhabela (O/15) en Tshepi Mabilo (O/15).

Hande en harte oop vir kleuterskool

Godwin Mapalakane en Andries Vorster is gekies vir die O/12 Mpumalanga rugbyspan.

Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines invest in schools Mogolo secondary School is situated at Riba Cross Village and Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) took the initiatives to

get involved. The school was in dire need for Assembly Shelter due to the weather conditions. The community are also using the facility when they have meetings or functions. The Principal M r N g a b u l e Zondi expressed his gratitude to Samancor (ECM). At Magakantshe Primary School in Makgemeng Village ECM constructed an administration block and also provided the furniture for it. The principal Mr Sekgobela expressed his thanks to Samancor ECM. (Photo and information: Mariska Stickling, ECM).

Pinkenolsie Kleuterskool in Steelpoort het verlede week Saterdag ‘n geldelike donasie asook ‘n klompie plastiek motorfietsies ontvang. Die skenking is deur Bikers that Care, ToyRun, Dreasm Chasers, Big Boy Schooters and Mamakhaya (Expendibles) gemaak. Die skool het almal vir hul bydraes bedank.

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail to adverts@ platinum Remember bookings close on a Tuesday at 17:00.

The Mayor of Greater Tubatse Municipality Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake invites Magoshi, Business sector, Ward Committees, churches and all members of the community to attend the 2012/ 13 State of the Local Municipality Address scheduled as follows: Date : 09 June 2012 Time : 10h00 Venue : Ngwaabe Comprehensive School (Ga-Masha village) Transport will be provided and for more information please contact Ward Councillors and CDW‘s Entertainment will be provided by the local and National artists For more information please contact Communication Unit at 013 231 1000



8 JUNE 2012

Do you care about the money? The District Municipality had the State of the District Address last week. A budget of R1200 million was approved for the 2012/2013 financial year. This week on 9 June the local Greater Tubatse Municipality will host the State of the Municipality Address. The public is invited to this event that will not only see them getting insight into the adopted budget for the coming financial year, but also be entertained with artists. (See the public notice on page 5 of this week’s newspaper for more information). We asked readers if they care about the budgets and whether the municipalities keep to it. We also asked if they participate in the whole process to set it up.

Mr Victor Mohlala said: “They are just saying something about a budget, but nothing is happening. They want to buy our hearts with functions, but nothing happens. Yes, I’ve participated in the public participation process, but is does not help”.

Me. Sonja Manzi sê: “Ek dink hulle probeer by die budgets wat hulle opstel hou. Hulle moet dit net van die begin af reg toewys. Hulle moet daaraan werk om vir die mense water te gee. Soms is daar nie eens in Burgersfort water nie. My man was by die vergaderings vir die publiek”. By haar is Ethlynn - “Ek dink hy gaan eendag die munisipale bestuurder van Burgersfort wees!,” sê Sonja.

Ms Charlotte Khoza said: “The budgets they work for me. Otherwise they’ll just waste. It is better to have a proper budget and keep to it. They need to upgrade the roads and the whole town”.

Mr Piet Mahlangu said: “I think the municipalities try to keep to their budgets. No, we have been busy so I’ve not participated in the public participation prosess”.

Mr Simon Kgoete said: “No, I did not participate in the process. They keep the budget for themselves. They eat up the money and don’t do anything on the budget. There are lots of pending projects like the road to Alverton that is now standing still”.

Mnr. Darius Joubert en mnr. Andries Joubert sê: “As ons sien hoe die paaie lyk dan lyk dit nie of daar by begrotings gehou word nie. Die traffic congestion raak ook net meer en niemand doen iets nie”.

Mr Sam Modiba said: “They do keep to their budgets as we see improvements through the Municipal Infrastructure Budget. We wish they’ll put more funds into water projects and sanitation, although we understand that it is the duty of the district municipality. I’ve not previously participated in the budget process”. With him are Kganya and Thato.

Me. Bianca Jordaan sê: “Nie by een van die dorpe hou hulle by hulle begrotings nie en niks word gedoen nie. Nee, ek neem nie deel aan die hele proses nie. Wat help dit jy gaan sit daar vir ure en luister en neem deel, maar jy gaan nie resultate kry nie?” By haar is Chereze Jordaan, Zuanté Wortley en Burnice Jordaan.

Mnr. Shaun Morrick sê: “Hulle moet net by die begroting hou, anders help dit nie’.

Me. Esmé Randall sê: “Nee, hulle oorskry alle limiete. So waar kom die begroting in? Ek glo glad nie meer hul begrotings nie. It’s all a set-up”.

Ms Phomelelo Monashane said: “Ja, I participate. I think they keep to the budget because they make improvements but there is still no water and roads. They don’t spend all the money on the things they are supposed to”.

Mr LC Matlala said: “Ja, it is very important to participate. Unfortunately the municipality don’t use the money according to the budget”.

8 JUNIE 2012


Besige Bytjies se ‘Projek Trots’ Tubatse Chroom het onlangs ‘n nuwe projek geloots naamlik “Projek Trots”. Die doel van hierdie projek is om die omgewing waarin ons werk op te knap en die voorkoms te verbeter. Besige Bytjies het ook aan hierdie projek deelgeneem. Fondse is ingesamel, borge is gekry en ouers is genader om met die projek te help. Op Saterdag 26 Mei, het onderwysers, ouers en kinders saam ingespring om die apparaat op die speelgrond te verf. Ou buitebande is geplant, klein herstelwerkies is aan apparaat gedoen en nuwe skadunet is gespan. Besige Bytjies Kleuterskool bedank graag die volgende besighede: Shave Specialist Paint Centre in Burgersfort; Supa Quick in Steelpoort; PnP in Steelpoort; Plus 3 Konstruksie. Dankie ook die Besige Bytjie ouers vir hulle finansiële bydraes en ‘n spesiale dankie aan Anri Kleynhans, wat die projek gelei het, en elke ouer wat gehelp het om die speelgrond so mooi te maak. (Foto’s & Inligting: Besige Bytjies).


Samancor Chrome Eco Races gets Comrades exposure The Samancor Chrome Eco Races to be hosted on Saturday, 30 June in Steelpoort gained momentum at the Comrades Exhibition this year. “The exhibition stand attracted a lot of attention from athletes wanting to run away the Comrades blues. The 21km and 10km routes both pose excellent opportunities to get back into training and running after Comrades. “ said Loma van der Walt, race organiser. The 30th of June 2012 promises to be a day to be remembered in Steelpoort as a day of fun for the entire family. The Samancor Chrome Eco Races comprising of a 21.1km half marathon, 10km race and 5km family fun run is hosted by the Samancor Chrome Marathon Club and proudly sponsored by Samancor Tubatse Chrome and Eastern Chrome Mines. Interest and excitement is already mounting for the event as secondary sponsors Thorburn Security Solutions has announced sponsorship of the event security and Talisman Hire will be sponsoring the Start of the Half Marathon and portable toilets along the route. “It is exciting to experience how the people in “the Valley” are drawn together and committed to making a huge success of this event” said Desmond McManus, GM of Thubatse Chrome. “We have always believed that together we can make things happen in the communities in which Samancor Chrome operates”. The route for the 21km race starts in Eerstegeluk at the Maelebe Primary School with the first 5kms showcasing local village life, then crossing over the R555 into the grounds of Samancor Lannex Mine, through the Tubatse Golf Club nature reserve area and ending at the golf course grounds. The 10km route and 5km Family Fun Run routes start and finish at the Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. These races promise to follow a very scenic route.

Monies raised from entry fees will be channeled to specific projects for the needy in the local communities. The Samancor Chrome Eco Races will partner with Friend in Need in this regard. A large part of the event has been planned to offer local families the opportunity to spend a day filled with fun and festivities in what promises to be the largest community event of its kind in the Greater Tubatse area. A carnival atmosphere awaits participants and visitors at the finish venue at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club with food stalls, kids’ activities and live entertainment offered as part of the family fun day. Entry forms can be obtained from the following outlets in Steelpoort: The Tubatse Chrome Fitness Centre - Kenneth Moepeng 013 230 8421, Tubatse Chrome SHEQ Department - Tumelo Maebela 013 230 8391; Maelebe Primary School - Felicia Maloma 072 615 0199 / 082 201 1043 or email : Interested parties wishing to get involved in the Samancor Chrome Eco Road Races by means of co-sponsorship or waterpoints may contact the race organisers, Ants Events at 071 605 1507/6 or 082 557 9604 or email:

Westvaal convenience now in Steelpoort The Westvaal Group recently spread their wings to also include Steelpoort. They have a show area with a variety of secondhand vehicles. “The idea was to bring everything closer to our clients. We also have extended working hours to accommodate those people working shifts

The Westvaal Steelpoort team are Mr Timothy Chowles, Mr Albert Mohlala and Mr Eugene Müller.

and who are unable to travel to Lydenburg to visit our dealership there,” explained Mr Timothy Chowles, Sales Manager. People who are interested in buying a new vehicle can also visit them in Steelpoort. The new vehicle will be brought from Westvaal Mashishing to Westvaal Steelpoort to make things easier. In the Westvaal group’s stable of new vehicles the following brands can be found: Isuzu, Chev and Opel. The public is invited to come and view the vehicles available. Westvaal Steelpoort works with Iemas as well as all the major banks to arrange vehicle finance. Clients must also remember that in some cases you will be able to buy a vehicle without a deposit. Secondhand vehicles go through a 101 point check and an optional 2 year extended warranty is available for less than R5000. Hours: Mondays - Fridays from 07:30 - 18:00. Saturdays from 08:00 - 12:00. Speak to one of the sales executives or visit them on the corner of Rodium Road and the R555 in Steelpoort. Contact them on: (013) 230 9519 or Timothy Chowles (Sales Manager - 076 114 2266), Eugene Müller (082 564 1101) or Albert Mohlala (079 554 5793).

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8 JUNE 2012

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation

5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

9. Te Huur/ To Rent

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

One Bedroom Flat to let in Burgersfort. In secure complex. Contact: 076 666 1100

BIG, BIG, SALE! This should not be missed! Come get your bargains galore! New and secondhand furniture available. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Two Bedroom Flat to let in Burgersfort. In secure complex. Contact: 076 666 1100

Regskennisgewings/ Legal Notices NOTICE OF DECEASED ESTATE Estate of the late MMASELEPE LETTIE LETHAMANGA, died on 12 September 2010, Identity Number 490414 0609 081, of STAND 46 NGWANAMATLANG, JANE FURSE, married in community of property to KGOBALANE JERRY. Estate No. 1655/2011 The First Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, POLOKWANE and the Magistrate SEKHUKHUNELAND for 21 days from 8 JUNE 2012. FNB TRUST SERVICES PO BOX 27511 GREENACRES 6057

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS

(013) 231 7231

Ohrigstad SAPS

(013) 238 0128

Roossenekal SAPS

(013) 273 0075

Mecklenburg SAPS

(015) 615 0204

Eerstegeluk SAPS

(013) 237 0011

Tubatse SAPS

(013) 216 8524

Sekhukhune SAPS

(013) 260 1007

Leboeng SAPS

(013) 769 9099

Maartinshoop SAPS

(013) 235 4041

Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital

(013) 2147265

Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ HospitaL (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic

(013) 2317843

Water & Sanitation

082 900 4449

Disaster Management - (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom)

0860 037 566

“Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he can't”. - Morris Hite

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson


Mine Overseer

Vacancies Mining/Artisans:     

Stopers/Developers Shiftbosses Rock Drill Operators (Urgently) Timberman Electricians

    

Boilermakers Welders Fitters Diesel Mechanics Rigger/Rigger Ropesman

Requirements: Valid Trade Papers. Record of Service. Medical Certificate and all relevant certificates. Please forward CV to: E-mail: or Fax: 086 544 6840

Quote Ref : 0036/1300/230412

Senior Intrumentation Technician (C5)

Role Purpose: To contribute towards business success by ensuring the overal optimum safe operation of the mine and production of the required FeCr.

Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels.

Key Performance areas: Minerals Act Regulation 2.14.1 Appointee. Ensure that the workplace is healthy and safe and that work activities are in compliance with all standards, procedures, legislation, MHSA and regulations. Ensure the safe and efficient removal of broken rock from the workplaces. Ensure optimum team effectiveness through motivation, coaching and mentoring and using rational thinking processes to resolve daily workplace problems. Maintain Safety management Systems & Standards. Develop and maintain Credible and Sustainable production plans and budgets. Safe and efficient execution of Stoping, Development and Logistics operations. Managing a Production Area of the mine safety. Effective allocation, utilisation and optimisation of Resource. Effective cost control of mining operations. Ensure continuous improvements in service delivery within the department.

Key Performance areas: The incumbent will read and interpret electrical engineering drawings. Ensure that day to day performance is measured and reviewed and corrective actions initiated and monitored. He or she will ensures than ongoing team and individual performance measurement and review takes place within the section. Ensure the day to day resources is effectively and efficiently utilised. Improving the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery. Conducting faultfinding on specified equipment and executing repairs or replacements. Advises on equipment replacements when needed.

Requirements: The candidate must have N3 or Grade 12 certificate or equivalent qualification. Must be in possession of a Mine Overseer’s Certificate of competency or MQA level 3 Rock Breaking Certificate for Scheduled Mines. 2 Years experience as a Mine Overseer in Underground metalliferous mining.

Requirements: The candidate must have a Grade 12 certificate. NQF level 5 qualification in the Instrumentation Field (National Diploma). Trade Test: Qualified Instrumentation Technician. Supervisory Qualification. At least 3 years experience in the engineering environment as an Instrumentation Technician. Knowledge of Siemans PCS-7 systems including: WinCC Scada, Remote I/O (ET Stations), and Profibus Networks. Must have sound knowledge of close submerge arc furnaces, open furnaces and Pelletising plants. Knowledge of Mine Health and Safety Act.

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to make an appointment.

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

Please forward your application to the HR Officer - Mine Operations ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd by Fax to: 086 663 0935

Please forward your application to the HR Office, Fax: 013 230 7793 or e-mail:

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

8 JUNIE 2012



Join the Round Table for golf

Winterveld Ringbal Klub presteer Winterveld Ringbal Klub het gedurende Mei groot sukses by die Limpopo proewe behaal. Die volgende spelers is gekies op vanaf 8 - 14 Julie

aan die Nasionale Ringbal Toernooi in Nelspruit te gaan deelneem: Zuanté Wortley (o/13 A-dogters), Zandria Wheeler - kaptein (o/15 A-dogters - afwesig op foto), Chane Cronje (o/15 A-dogters - afwesig op foto), Celente Cronje (o/17 A-dogters); Bianca Jordaan, Annelise Smit en Natasha Oosthuizen (almal Snr. Dames); Zelna Wheeler (Meesters Dames; Werner Keulder (Meesters Mans - afwesig op foto); RSA Skeidsregter Bennie Wheeler (afwesig). Daar is twee mense gekies om as RSA Keurders tydens die Nelspruit toernooi op te tree. Zelna Wheeler is een van die persone en sal tydens die toernooi haar Springbok Klere ontvang. Die Klub bedank graag almal wat hul worsbroodjie verkope by OK Minimark ondersteun het, Christo Augustyn en sy personeel asook elke ander persoon wat bydraes gelewer het.

Samancor ECM supporting Hoërskool Lydenburg Soccer Team Samancor ECM sponsored Hoërskool Lydenburg’s 1st Soccer team with a new Soccer kit. The first soccer team’s manager, Mr LJ Makokga expressed his gratitude, and stated that the boys feel honoured by Samancor’s support, and they are

The Round Table will be hosting a fun filled day of golf on 23 June 2012. The event will be taking place at the Tubatse Chrome Club and will aim to raise money that will go towards local charities. The first tee-off will be at 08:00. A four ball entry will cost R1000 and will include a light lunch. The Round Table is a non-political, non-denominational association of young men between the ages of 18 and 40. Members are from nearly every profession and occuption and their objectives encompass the encouragement of high ethical standards, the promotion of social intercourse and fellowship among young professional men. The Extension Committee of the

Tubatse SAPS vs CN Phatudi Lecturers

looking forward to compete against the best with pride. Samancor ECM would like to wish this team well, and we are hoping to see some Bafana-Bafana players emerging from this team.

Photo & article: Mariska Stickling

Security Companies compete in soccer Phoenix Flying Squad’s soccer team took on a team from Thorburn Security las week. The Phoenix Security team won 40. They also recently played a game against Thokogomo SC. This ended in a draw. (Photographs and information: Phoenix Flying Squad)

Mpumalanga Area for Lydenburg is planning thegolf day in aid of the Lydenburg, Steelpoort and Burgersfort communities. They are currently looking for people and businesses to get involved in one of the following ways: Through sponsorship of a green at the cost of R1500. To sponsor a Tee at R1500. By entering a four ball for the golf day at R1000 per four ball. Through a cash donation or the sponsorship of prizes for the golf players. To get more information, to book a four ball or become involved in any other way contact Quintin Krog on 076 607 2675 or e-mail: You can also do bookings directly at the Tubatse Chrome Club.

The Tubatse SAPS played a friendly soccer game against the lecturers of the CN Phatudi Campus of the Sekhukhune College on Tuesday this week. The game started in the last light of day and ended with the SAPS and lecturers each scoring 3 goals. The SAPS played in yellow jerseys.


8 JUNE 2012


All the Comrades Marathon action in pictures

Gift Kelehe in action.

Willem Montgomery in his Platinum Gazette gear with Mandla Nxumalo.

Russian, Elena Nurgalieva won the women’s race.

Ludwick Mamabolo from Limpopo was the winner in the men’s race. In this photo he just crossed the finish line and is embraced by team member from Mr Price Sport.

Greater Tubatse athletes thumbs up at the finish line.

Well known veteran runners Bruce Fordyce and Zola Budd ran the race together.

Peter Molapo came in at number 38.

The Modikwa Mine team before they left for the race.

Thousands of people at the finish at Sahara Stadium in Kingsmead in Durban.

8 JUNIE 2012

One-on-one with Leboka Why he wanted a carrot at the halfway mark and more... Leboka Noto has always loved running and when he joined Modikwa Mine in 2006 there was no question as to whether he will continue or not. Leboka spoke to Platinum Gazette on Wednesday about his run to third place this year. “I planned my race this year,” he says. “ I wanted to be half way at about 2:44 - 45 and I was there at 2:45. I told myself that my pace must be to climb slower and on the flats regain my speed to fly down the hills”. At about 16km before the finish Leboka was still in position 14. “I heard that I am number 14 and thought I will use my height and my strength and I will push to get past all the other guys. I ran very well”. In the last few minutes of the race Leboka went from position 8 to number 4 and then pushed hard to become the third runner at the finish. Leboka was probably the only runner chewing on a carrot after the



halfway mark. “Yes, I usually train with fruits. I take an apple or orange and a carrot. After two and a half hours of running I usually eat the carrot with a little bit of water. So this year I thought I must stick to what I know and what works. Food is very important for your body”. The Modikwa Team and Samancor Chrome Marathon Club joined forces to provide Leboka with his usual snack. “They gave me two carrots when I was half way. Thank you to everyone who helped with this,” Leboka says. Leboka’s training consists of a half an hour or an hour of running every morning before he goes to work in the underground stopes of Modikwa Platinum Mine. “I wake up at 03:30 and then I go running. When I come back I wash, dress and get on the bus to work. I don’t train in the afternoons again. It is very hard work down in the stopes and my body becomes really tired. This year I took my annual leave a month before the Comrades and I started to just train. I did not go to my

home in Lesotho, my wife and children came here while I trained”. Leboka has three children. “I want to tell the people of Tubatse and everywhere in South Africa that you are free, you can do this for your country. Look at Mamabolo who is also here from Limpopo and look at Fanie Matshipa who last year came second. You must work hard and then you must work even harder than you’ve worked before. Don’t do drugs and remember there is a time for everything in this world”. “I have a dream of winning the Comrades Marathon. I will push to do it. If I for some reason cannot do it, I will push for everyone else with that dream to work hard and do it”. “Thank you to everyone who supported me and have helped to make my achievements possible. Congratulations to all the other runners who did well and to those who finished”.

Right: Mandla Nxumalo lifts his arms in joy after finishing the Comrades Marathon 45 minutes faster than last year.

Modikwa Marathon Club & Employees Position 3 38 335 521 671 1326 2127 2408 2671 2755 3454 3573 4027 7697

Name Leboka Noto Peter Molapo Surprice Makofane Ernest Mokoo Sonia Makoua Albert Twala Cedrick Mboyane Victor Maroge Jeffrey Nkuna Adolph Boshego Solomon Masedi Aron Maroga Mandla Nxumalo Lawrence Raphiri

Time 5:33:31 6:04:24 7:13:01 7:25:01 7:34:36 8:21:55 8:52:20 8:58:00 9:12:41 9:17:48 9:43:52 9:47:38 9:58:08 11:30:06

Samancor Chrome Marathon Club Position 8 292 335 336 424 634 751 1315 3429 3982 5706 6465 7069 11125

Name Gift Kelehe Lazarus Mogoane Mogoane Mongalo Seun Maphakge Jeffrey Mbuyane Simon Maroga Ponesho Shai Hendrick Magale Tshepo Marobane Tshakmuma Maesela Sethibe Mohubedu Johannes Pretorius Jan Maphake Victor Raliphada

Time 5:38:39 7:08:10 7:11:57 7:11:59 7:18:37 7:29:06 7:39:52 8:19:03 9:32:16 9:47:39 10:26:43 10:40:37 10:48:09 11:49:14

Local runners say thank you Almost 20 000 runners participated in this year’s Comrades Ultra Marathon. The Samancor Chrome Marathon Club returned home with one gold and six silver medals - no easy feat. The Samancor Chrome Marathon Club thanked Tubatse Chrome for the financial sponsorships as well as the logistical support of the athletes. In the Modikwa camp the athletes also performed well. The Modikwa Platinum Mine Business Leader

Lazarus Mogoane came in at number 292. Here he is at the finish.

Photographs: Willem Montgomery and Francois du Plessis

Mandla Nxumalo bettered his time from last year with 45 minutes! The Modikwa Marathon Club would like to thank Modikwa Platinum Mine, Zizwe General Trade, Cheetah Technologies, Pick n Pay Steelpoort, Nando’s Burgersfort, OK Grocer and OK Minimark Burgersfort for their sponsorships that made the team’s participation possible. All the athletes are keen to next year tackle the up-run from Durban to Pietermaritzburg.


8 JUNIE 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Locals are ‘flying’ in the Comrades Marathon (Photograph: Willem Montgomery)

Last week Sunday, the Comrades Marathon took place between Pietermartizburg and Durban. This grueling 89km race is seen as one of the ultimate races in the world and many world renowned athletes join amateur runners in the challenge. This year Greater Tubatse was again in represented in the group that headed for the finish line first. Leboka Noto(photographs top right and top left), an employee from Modikwa

Leboka Noto and Gift Kelehe during the Comrades Marathon. (Photograph: Reginald Kgoedi).

Platinum Mine took the third position. Moving up from number 14 in the last few kilometres. His time was 05:33:31. Last year Leboka came in at number 9. Leboka is originally from Lesotho, but have been working for Modikwa Platinum Mine since 2006 and currently lives in the Steelpoort area where he has become a wellknown face. Gift Kelehe (photograph bottom right) was the first local representing South Africa over the finish line. Gift is running for the Samancor Chrome Marathon Club in Steelpoort and finished in position 8 with a time of 05:38:39. It was his 6th Comrades medal and he managed to better his time from last year with which he took fifth place. Peter Molapo (photo below), another Modikwa Platinum Mine employee was number 38 at the finish. Peter is a well-known face at the Comrades Marathon and have previously finished at number 8. His time this year was 06:04:24. Get more Comrades photographs and news inside.

(Photographs: Willem Montgomery and Francois du Plessis)

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