Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
8 May 2015
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ANC win, but ...
This jolly ANC group was photographed as the sun was setting at the voting station in Ga-Manoke on Wednesday.
The ANC’s (African National Congress) candidate in Ward 18, Themba Jackson Ngwatla, where a By-Election was held on Wednesday, managed to retain the ward for his party by winning 636 votes or 42.43 percent. An independent candidate, Piet Thembisile Mashele, managed to unite 458 votes on himself, while the DA’s (Democratic Alliance) Lokie Bacokile Maboyi drew 405 votes, which means that ANC has lost support in the ward (2011 results - Annah Mnisi, 47.43 percent) and is in effect only in control of the ward because of the winner-takes-all principle. During Wednesday’s voting, only 38.98 percent of registered voters voted (2011 - 46.05 percent). Voting took place at five voting stations with the DA showing clear dominance at only one voting station, the independent candidate at one and the ANC at two of the other voting stations, giving a clear indication that nobody should be overly relaxed in this ward in the future.
8 MAY 2015
DWARSRIVIER MINE Career expo brings opportuniƟes to local matrics Dwarsrivier Mine and Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Polokwane Campus hosted a career expo for grade 12 learners. Thirteen schools came together at Ngwaabe for the event close to Gobetse Senior Secondary School on 29 April 2015. Exhibitors at the event included TUT’s Faculty of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Management Sciences, Faculty of Humani es, Faculty of Informa on Computer Technology (ICT) and their Department of Financial Aid. Dwarsrivier Mine had a stall explaining all the different op ons when considering a career in mineral processing. The Department of Educa on, Sekhukhune FET College, Eskom, Na onal Youth Development Agency (NYDA) and Sekhukhune FM were also present.
During the morning learners could approach the stalls set up and speak to student representa ves from TUT. Teachers from the schools received pamphlets containing career informa on, subject choices and grades needed for applica on as well as bursary and financial aid informa on. Mr. Bu Mnyangeni gave a mo va onal talk about not giving up on your dreams. He encouraged the learners to work hard and believe in themselves while always making use of opportuni es that come to them. Dr. Walter Tshamano, TUT Polokwane Campus Director encouraged the learners to be pro-ac ve and apply as soon as possible for the field they would like to study in. He also explained that online applica ons make the process very easy. Mr. Remember Mmbengwa from Dwarsrivier Mine told the learners that they are very important for the future of the area and South Africa. He and a presenta on by his team also explained the opportuni es available within the mining industry. Their focus fell on mineral processing and what a student aiming to become a Plant Manager should study and the steps he or she will follow in their career path. A er the presenta ons learners approached the team to ask more ques ons. Speakers represen ng other stakeholders and exhibitors also had an opportunity to engage with the learners. The day drew to an end with not only knowledge being dished out, but also a delicious meal for everyone in a endance.
8 MAY 2015
Freedom Day 2015 The Office of the Premier in collaboration with the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, Sekhukhune District Municipality and Greater Tubatse Municipality had successfully held Freedom Day Celebration 2015 under the theme: “Celebrating the Third Decade of our Freedom through Accelerating Radical Economic Transformation”. Ntweampe Sports Ground at Moroke, about 50 km from Burgersfort towards Polokwane was packed to capacity on 27 April. The day commemorates the day in 1994 when the first democratic elections was held. The purpose of the this celebration at Moroke was for the Limpopo government to highlight the path travelled since the dawn of the democratic dispensation twenty one years ago. The celebration further encouragde unity, social cohesion and promoted cultural diversity.
Waterfall near Ohrigstad
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
8 MAY 2015
NEWS R555 near Steel Bridge Monday. Gutted by a mob. Photographs from Facebook. Something is seriously wrong.
Sekhukhune District Municipality revealed it’s plans with regard to the Integrated Development Plan for 2015 / 2016 through public consultative meetings throughout the district municipality during the past few weeks. In the photograph one of the meetings is in progress in the Municipal Chambers in Burgersfort. Projects, tariff increases for water and sanitation etc. were under discussion. You can still comment if you do not agree or want to add something to the draft. Contact the district Municipality (see advertisement elsewhere on page).
8 MAY 2015
Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine Hands-Over Tribal Hall at Leolo Village On 29 April 2015, Modikwa Pla num Mine team led by the Business Leader, Mr. Mthi Mtshengu, joined by African Rainbow Minerals delega on led by Mr. Benny Boshielo, ascended to Leolo Village on top of Leolo Mountain. Some members of the team, especially the Business Leader were astonished to see the beau ful landscape on top of the Leolo Mountains which are bordered by Drakensburg Mountain range on the east.
plaque was unveiled and ribbon cut. On top of this beau ful summit plateau of the Leolo (ArƟcle by: Phineas Makuwa; Community Development and TransforMountains in Sekhukhune District Municipality, lies a small and quiet community that has been there for years; maƟon Leader; Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine) the people here are predominantly Swazi Speaking. As part of its social responsibility, Modikwa Pla num Mine constructed a Tribal Hall a er the community requested this from the mine. Mr. Mthi Mtshengu, on behalf of Modikwa JV Partners officially handed over the Tribal Hall to Inkosi Joseph M. Nkosi and the people of Leolo Village. He emphasised that: “a working rela onship and coopera on between Modikwa Pla num Mine and the communi es is of paramount importance in developing our communies”. Mr. Benny Boshielo indicated: “that Modikwa JV Partners are serious about improving the lives of our communi es, and shall partner with government in achieving Socio-Economic Development in Sekhukhune District Municipality and beyond”. The building is earmarked for community mee ngs, serves as an office for the Tribal Council and also envisaged to accommodate various government departments to render their services to the community. Inkosi Joseph M. Nkosi, on behalf of the community thanked the mine for pu ng the infrastructure at his village and wished Modikwa to do well in developing other communi es. Leolo Villagers filled in the newly-built hall to witness the hand-over ceremony, and some ululated as the
8 MAY 2015
CelebraƟons at General Manager’s Day
A short formal programme with various speakers was followed by the handover of dona ons by the Mine.
Twickenham Pla num Mine’s General Manager’s Day on Wednesday 6 May 2015 was a fes ve affair. The Mine handed over dona ons worth millions to community organisa ons and local government. Shared Value was the central theme of the day. The Mine, tradi onal- , business- and government leaders encouraged a rela onship of added value where everyone works together to benefit not only the mine, but also help prosper the communi es surrounding it and the businesses within it. Twickenham Mine General Manager, Mr. Peter O told the group that things are star ng to happen at the mine and that crea ng a sound founda on for the future is essen al. The mine could have a life me of up to 70 years. Greater Tubatse Municipality Local Mayor Cllr. Simon Mamekoa echoed the sen ments of those placing emphasis on inves ng in development and crea ng opportuni es for local entrepreneurs. He thanked Twickenham Pla num Mine for their commitment towards crea ng a sustainable future for local communi es. Dona ons varied from soccer balls and kit that will be forming part of the Mine’s soccer tournament that will start very soon, to four trucks being delivered to local start-up business ventures at the Mine. The role of AngloAmerican’s Zimele was also explained and entrepreneurs invited to make contact with this unique corporate arm that can
provide financial assistance of up to R2 million. “To create sustainable employment for communi es surrounding Twickenham Mine, two local SMMEs will be awarded contracts to the value of R5 million each. Twickenham Mine, through the leveraging of Supply Chain, is aligning opportuni es with local enterprises. As the entrepreneurs are in the early stages and therefore not bankable - and cannot get finance from reputable finance houses - Anglo Zimele has stepped up to support them” the Mine explained. The Community Engagement Forum and the Business Forum also expressed their apprecia on for the effort Twickenham Pla num Mine is pu ng into development and crea on of opportuni es. They praised the current state of their rela onship and encouraged both the Mine and other stakeholders to work hard at maintaining a state that will work to the benefit of everyone. Kghosi Mashabela thanked everyone for the day’s effort and encouraged communi es to not disrupt opera ons at the Mine in order to ensure con nued growth and assistance stemming from Twickenham’s involvement in the area. “AngloAmerican Pla num is happy to partner with its stakeholders and assist in any way it can,” said Mr. Lebang Gaobepe, Social and Labour Plans Manager. He also explained their support for the taxi industry as one of the most used modes of transport. Twickenham’s help is ongoing and smaller dona ons such as household necessi es and a borehole were also made this quarter. The day received extensive media coverage on both radio and other media, emphasising the importance of this type of engagement with local communi es.
8 MAY 2015
Safety on the Roads is important to Twickenham Mine. They’ve donated a Prolazer Speed Measuring Device to the Greater Tubatse Traffic Department. This dona on is worth R250 000. Maintaining a good relaonship with the local taxi industry is important to the Mine. They’ve donated office furniture worth R115 000 to the DRUTA Taxi Associa on. Their office and boardroom is now furnished in a convenient and professional way. The local Mashabela Tribal Authority received a borehole to assist with the supply of water.
Dona ons that make a difference
The youth is important to the Mine. The benefits of sport - not only for health, but also providing an ac vity that keep the youngsters away from crime makes it an ideal cause to support. Local teams will soon par cipate in a sponsored tournament.
Trucks were handed over to local SMME start-up businesses as part of the event. This will make it easier for locals who will be providing services to the Mine to deliver quality work. AngloAmerican’s Zimela assisted with this delivery. Machidi Male ka company Dimo a Phogole and Motubatse F Mashabela of Mashabela Traiding Enterprise received the keys.
During the dona on hand-over soccer balls and kit were delivered.
8 MAY 2015
Opening in style Capello Burgersfort celebrated their Grand Opening with a non-stop party that not only spoke of style and sophistication, but also of a place where things are happening. The event on 30 April was marked by many high profile visitors, including Sekhukhune District Mayor, Cllr. David Magabe, Mr. Bruce Kgapane and Mr. Murudi Phetla. The owners of Capello Burgersfort were also on hand to ensure that everything flowed smoothly. Mr. Loyiso Tyria and Mr. Raff Marule who are some of the partners in the business welcomed the guests on behalf of the owners. Music set the tone for a long weekend of non-stop party-
Guests enjoyed the large variety of drinks and the delicious food at the opening. Cocktails are now easy to order - just visit Capello at Tubatse Crossing Mall.
ing. Live entertainment included Vetkuk vs Mahoota as the main attraction. Bongi from Idols performed at the after party on Friday. Capello provides a place where guests can choose to either sit down at a table, relax in a lounge or get cosy at the bar. Their menu offers a wide variety of quality dishes and their friendly staff is always at your service. They are conveniently located in Tubatse Crossing Mall, up the stairs from ABSA bank. Clients can safely park near entrance 3. This weekend they’ll honour Diva’s in pace with Mother’s Day.
8 MEI 2015
Career guidance event at Kgahlanong High School Choosing a career that suits you is a big challenge. This has moved Kgahlanong High School to organise acareer guidance exhibition event which targeted grade 9 and 10 learners. The learners interacted with professionals
from various institutions and they had a lot of fun while on the other hand learning about different occupations. Attending the event were Sekhukhune FET College, local mines and various government departments. “We had a chance to interact with experts from various academic fields and have learned a lot. Mining courses offered by Sekhukhune FET College was an eye opener to most of us who did not know that they existed. We wholeheartedly enjoyed the sessions with Tubatse Chrome, Glencore, Mapodile Library and Mapodile Thusong Service Centre and medical practitioners. We encourage other schools to have learning sessions such as this for the benefit of their learners”, said Malebo Mokobane one of the grade 10 learners. (Article: Malebo Mokobane; Photographs: Doc Marebane).
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 0723377332 Business premises to let. Morone Street 45, Burgersfort. Ideal for small office - used to house a computer school. Enquiries: 082 923 4744.
More than just a newspaper Yes, these matrics at the Dwarsrivier Mine career expo used a copy of Platinum Gazette as fashionable head gear, but did you know that it is more than just a printed version? You can get an exact copy on your e-mail in pdf-format. Simply e-mail your subscription request to adverts@
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100
Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005 Bachelor flat to let in Burgersfort Contact: 072 471 7545 3 Slaapkamer huis te huur in Ohrigstad, 2 badkamers, oopplan kombuis, lapa en garage kan 3 voertuie akkomodeer. Onmiddelik beskikbaar vir R8000p/m en R4000 dep, sonder krag en water. Kontak Marina sel: 084 513 0951. 3 Slaapkamerwooneenheid met volbadkamer en aparte toilet te huur, net buite Steelpoort. Ingeboude kaste en toesluitmotorhuis. Huur: R8200-00 per maand. Beskikbaar 15 Mei. Sleuteldeposito R8500-00. 0828515825 of 0725746219
One and two bedroom flats available. Morone Street 45, Burgersfort. Only 1 person for the 1 bedroom and no more than 2 people in the 2 bedroom flat please. No pets. Contact Lionel: 082 923 4744. Contact Platinum Gazette to advertise your business or product (013) 231 7147 or 083 543 1676
8 MAY 2015
Steelies toer na Mariepskop
Calvin Prep School did not have an official athletics event this year, but the learners did not miss out on fun. Their teachers organised a fun filled day where they participated in teams against each other in activities such as hoola hoop, spoon and egg race and collecting water with a cup full of holes. The learners enjoyed the day very much and appreciated the cold drink and lunch they’ve received from the sponsors of the day.
Steelpoort Akademie se o/11 seuns (die skool se tweede span) het ‘n rugbytoer na Mariepskop onderneem. Die kinders het dit baie geniet en sommer lekker geoefen en tegnieke geleer. Hulle bedank almal wat die ervaring vir hulle moontlik gemaak het. (Inligting en foto’s: Arlene Malan, Steelpoort Akademie).
The school would like to thank all the sponsors of the day for their contribution to making it a success.
Kansa ondersteuningsgroep vergader Almal welkom - 12 Mei 2015 Die Kansa ondersteuningsgroep vergader weer op 12 Mei 2015 by Diggers in Winterveld (Bottom Village). Die adres is Harmonieweg 19. Die vergadering begin om 09:00. Alle belangstellendes is welkom om die vergadering te kom bywoon. Hoe meer mense betrokke raak, hoe beter sal die dienste in die omgewing kan wees. Die groep is nie net vir Steelpoort nie. Hulle bedien die hele area en mense van Burgersfort en omgewing is ook welkom om betrokke te raak en die vergadering by te woon. Navrae: Michelle, 082 837 1039.
Red my lips Joshua Generation’s staff showed their support for women who have suffered physical or emotional abuse by wearing red lipstick for the month of April. This was called the Red my Lips campaign.
(Photograph & Information: Joshua Generation).
8 MEI 2015
Athletes at Sudwala Screaming Monster Legogote Race
SAPS teams face-off On Wednesday 6 May the Tubatse Cluster of the SAPS hosted a soccer match for a team from Lebowakgomo SAPS. The visitors dominated the first half of the game and managed to score two goals. In the second half they continued their winning streak by adding two more goals. Tubatse did not give up and improved their performance. They took better ball possession but failed to convert their chances into goals. The final score was 4-0 in favour of Lebowakgomo SAPS.
Modikwa Marathon Club athletes participated in the Sudwala Screaming Monster Legogote Race last weekend. “It is nice race, but with many uphills,” they said. Their results were: Sonia Makuoa 1:36 (position 12); Justice Phokane 1:39 (position 19); Herman Mohale 1:44 (position 27) and Pretty Muhlari 3:27. They celebrated their good results with braai after the race. (Information & Photographs: Willem Montgomery, Modikwa Marathon Club)
(Information and photographs: Const. Jerial Mvundlela)
Tubatse Masters tops at Mapodile On Saturday 2 May 2015 Tubatse Masters visited Tukakgomo Village to play a soccer match against the Mapodile Thusong Centre soccer team. The games were hosted to raise awareness on aƩacks on foreign naƟonals. It was organised by the Mapodile Thusong Service Centre and sponsored by Pick n Pay. The first game was Tubatse Masters against Mapodile Thusong Centre soccer team. The Tubatse Masters dominated the first half of the game and managed to score four goals. The goal scorers were Rally Mmola, Jimmy Maganyane (2) and Tomas Lubisi. The half Ɵme score was 4-0 in favour of Tubatse Masters. In the second half the Mapodile team dominated the ball possession,
but failed to penetrate the Masters’ defence. Later in the match they managed to score a consolaƟon goal by Job Maphanga. The final score was 4-1 in favour of the Masters. In the second game the Mapodile Thusong women soccer team played against the Kutullo Seven Stars women’s team. The Mapodile women lost 7-0. The organisers and players thanked Pick n Pay Steelpoort for sponsoring the event.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
(InformaƟon and photographs: Doc Marebane)
Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Mashifane Park, R37 Road Burgersfort/Polokwane * Cell: 076 848 3936 * Tel: 013 007 0836 * Burgersfort
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8 MAY 2015
Platinum Gazette
SPORT League teams face tough competition Tubatse Chrome Club’s league teams faced tough competition on Saturday 2 May 2015. They played at home and the results were: Chrome A - 0-9 against Barberton. Chrome B - 6-2 against White River and Chrome C 4-4 against Barberton. This weekend the Chrome Open will take place. This is a monster competition consisting of 36 holes being played in one day. So far quite a few local players will be competing as well as players from Polokwane, Sabie, Pilgrims Rest and Lydenburg. The winner of the day will be crowned the Chrome Open Champion. The Club wishes everyone the best of luck for this competition. (Information: Willem Montgomery)