Page 4 - 5 Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality together with Marumo Green Projects held a cleaning and collecting the recyclable waste at Burgersfort Aloe Ridge East and West recently. The Chairperson of the Community Services Portfolio, Cllr Ntobi Molapo and her committee were amongst the people who made the cleaning campaigns successful. The main aim of the campaigns were to promote recycling within the municipality. The purpose was to eradicate illegal dumps and to promote recycling. FLTM councillors, officials, CWP and EPWP condemned the littering of waste all over the place because it is affecting the municipal budget every year. (Photographs and information: Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality Communication Section).
Filth fighters!
Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
9 Maart 2018
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9 MARCH 2018
Take responsibility “Take responsibility” was one of the key messages during this week’s ceremony where local SAPS members received higher ranks. The members were encouraged to take responsibility to root out corruption and improve the SAPS and themselves by Brigadier Malahlela and Colonel Rasebeka. These men and women are stationed throughout the area at Tubatse, Burgersfort, Leboeng, Mecklenburg and Sekhukhune police stations. The ceremony was held to imprint on them the new responsibilities that comes with moving up in the ranks of the organisation. They were also encouraged to further their studies.
The officers who received new ranks are: Sgt. Mnisi, Sgt. Mokoena, Sgt. Mathidimosa with Colonel Rasebeka. Also Sgt. Lekgogola, Sgt. Motsoadi, Sgt. Ramara, Sgt. Mashaba with Brigadier Malahlela, followed by Sgt. Sekgobela, Sgt. Mogashoa, Sgt. Mashegoana, Sgt. Kgatle, Sgt. Motlatla and Sgt. Senong. Each member was congratulated by Colonel Rasebeka and Brigadier Malahlela.
Romans 13:1-2 NIV Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
8 MAART 2018
Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality recognises excellence
Top: Mr SS Lingwati (second from left) receives the the trophy for best circuit from the Mayor, Cllr Johannes Maudu Phokane. Bottom: all the winners with the mayor. (Information and photographs: Communication section of Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality)
Registered for 2019? The Electoral Commission says it’s ‘all systems go’ for over 22 000 voting stations throughout South Africa’s to open their doors at 8am on Saturday 10 March and Sunday 11 March 2018. This is expected to make it easy and convenient for eligible voters who either wish to check and confirm their addresses on the voters’ roll, or to register as voters. This general registration weekend goes to the heart of the preparations for the 2019 national and provincial elections. All 22 609 voting stations around the country will open between 8am and 5pm over the weekend to: • Allow registered voters whose address details are not on the voters’ roll to pro vide this information; • Assist new voters to register; and • Allow already registered voters who have moved since they registered to re-regi ster in their correct voting district. Voting stations will be staffed by over 73 000 election officials, 42% of who are young people (under 35), 64% of who are unemployed, and 73% of who are women Voters must visit the voting station in their voting district. It is important to visit the correct voting station. To find your correct voting station, please call the Electoral Commission’s contact centre on 0800 11 8000, or visit and locate your correct voting station using the Electoral Commission’s Voting Station Finder App. Registered voters can also SMS their ID number to 32810 to receive an SMS containing the address of their current voting station (charged at R1). Voters are reminded to take their green barcoded identification (ID) book, or smart ID card or valid temporary ID certificate.
Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality held the 2017 Matric awards ceremony at Sehlaku Technical School hall near Burgersfort last week Friday. The Municipality together with the Department of Education in Sekhukhune district and Absa Bank made the ceremony a success by giving learners, teachers, schools and circuits different awards like trophies, laptops, printers and certificates for their good performance in the 2017 matric results. All the circuits in the Municipality took part in the awards ceremony; Mohlaletsi, Seotlong, Lepelle, Mashung, Drakensburg, Tubatse, Bogwasha, Mabulane, Moroke, Leolo, Malokela, Driekop, Ngwabe and Dilokong. Tubatse Circuit under the leadership of Mr SS Lingwati scooped the award of being the best performing circuit with a 60.2% pass rate and also being the circuit with most bachelor passes. Maokeng, Mathafeng, Ngwabe Comprehensive and St Thomas schools got top honours of achieving 100% pass rate in their matric results. Julia Prudance Dibakwane from Phafane High School in Sefara village was honoured for being the best performing learner who achieved a 91.5% pass rate and in her absentia the award was handed over to the school principal. In his keynote address the Mayor of Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality Mayor, Cllr Johannes Maudu Phokane, congratulated all the matriculants. “We welcome the fact that the pass rate has consistently improved in 2017 compare to other previous years and as the Municipality we take education very serious and are all times supporting our schools. In the Municipality we are having a programme where every Councillor is encouraged to adopt a school in order to assist and give support to improve the overall results. Working together with our schools we can improve our education and we don’t want to put the blame on our teachers and parents whenever things go wrong but want to be part of the solution as a caring government” he said.
9 MARCH 2018
How much did the recall on Enterprise On Sunday the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, announced that the recent outbreak of Listeriosis in South Africa was traced back to an Enterprise factory in Polokwane. Manufacturing was stopped at this factory and the Enterprise factory in Germiston. Enterprise also complied to the Department of Health’s order to recall all the affected products immediately. Lawrence MacDougall, chief executive officer at Tiger Brands indicated that the company is also conducting their own testing at the various facilities. It is said that the Listeriosis outbreak caused as many as 180 deaths over the last few months and more than 900 people had been formally diagnosed and treated for the disease. MacDougall denied that the company can be held responsible for the deaths attributed to the disease. Some of the affected products include brands such as Bokkie, Renown, Lifestyle, Mieliekip. Selected chicken polony and cold meat products from Rainbow had also been recalled. Investigations are continuing and some links have also been made to imported ‘white slime’ (mechanically deboned meat) containing the Listeriosis strain of bacteria. RCL Foods said it suspended all production of its polony brand at the Wolwehoek processing plant following the announcement by Motsoaledi. The company said the Wolwehoek polony products have been recalled as a precautionary measure. Pick n Pay, Boxer, Spar and Shoprite withdrew Enterprise and Rainbow food products following the announcement on listeriosis by the government. Pick n Pay and Shoprite also withdrew all ready-to-eat products, such as polony and russian sausages manufactured at the Rainbow facility in Sasolburg. Woolworths said it was, as a precautionary measure, recalling a limited number of viennas and cold meats. Many retailers continue to stock alternative, unaffected brands and house brands not manufactured by Enterprise and other affected facilities. Minister Motsoaledi urged the public to seek medical attention should they not feel well as the disease is treatable. Symptoms include mild flu-like symptoms with a stiff neck, headache and nausea. Neighbouring countries halted all imports of cold meat products from South Africa following the announcement on Sunday. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they thought about the recall of products and how they were affected.
Mr Justice Mokgotho said: “I heard about this issue on TV. I don’t know of people who had their products, I did not have any. I can’t trust them again – no matter what”. Mr Phillemon Mokgethoa said: “I have some of those affected products at home. Some polony and viennas. I’ll try to bring them back to the store”.
Mr. Anthony Smith and Mr Michael Nyaka said: “We heard about the withdrawal of the products from shops through the manager at the store where we work. We don’t know anyone who is affected or had to bring things back. We will never again trust any Enterprise products that was affected”.
Ms Irene Manganye and Mr Remind Manganye said: “We heard about the problems with Enterprise from the TV, radio and social media. Some of our family had of those products. He had to throw it away because the slip was lost and the store refused to take it without a slip. We will in future rather buy Eskort products”.
Mr David Malepe said: “I don’t know anybody who is affected by this issue or had to come and exchange products. I heard about this on TV and radio. It is good that people can return the products to the shops. I’ll be afraid to buy the affected products again in future. No more cold meats for me, I’ll go for veggies. We’ll put peanut butter on the bread instead of polony”.
Mr Kgaogelo Mahlakwane and Ms Lerato Mosoma said: “We heard about it on social media”. Kgaogelo continues: “It is costing us a lot. In my shop, Mahlakwane Tuck Shop I had polony, viennas – well, all of those products and I had to throw them away. My customers are afraid now and I will not trust Enterprise again either”.
Mr Lazarus Molapo said: “I will buy Enterprise products in future when they are good again. I did not have any affected products, but some of my colleagues did. I will for now just make sure I buy the right brands that are not affected. It is nice to put polony on the child’s sandwiches or even on my own bread when I go to work”.
Mr Joseph Masete said: “I heard about this on TV. My family had a different brand of polony, but we threw it out as a precaution. It will take time for the people to trust Enterprise again. They need to build a new image”.
Left: Mr Abram Disco Makua said: “I learned about the recall of the products on TV and radio. I have some of it and will still try to bring it back. I tried to bring it back to Pick n Pay, but they said that I must have a till slip. If not, I must bring my Smart Shopper card so that they can check if I bought it from them. I did not have the card with me so I took the meat back home. I will try to come again with my Smart Shopper. I will not easily trust Enterprise products again, but if the Minister of Health says that they are fine, I will trust him. We trust our Minister”.
9 MAART 2018
and other products impact on you?
Mrs. T.P. Mabelane said: “I heard about the problem on TV and when I listened to what Motsoaledi said. I brought back russians, bacon and viennas to Spar. Spar is abiding by the law by taking it back. I will buy it again in future if they approve the products to be healthy”. With her is Mr Ngobeni Rossouw. They were at Tubatse SUPERSPAR to return some Enterprise products and was happy with the assistance they received from the store.
Mr Enos Selaele said: “I just heard about it now. I don’t know anyone who is affected. I am a vegetarian so I am not affected, but I feel the pain for the people who are. It is also going to be killing businesses and people may lose their jobs because of this”.
Mr Wayne Mbhalati said: “I heard about this scare from social media. We don’t use Enterprise products. The Eskort ones are nice. So we are not affected. Some people will trust them again in future, but you even now have some people who do not believe in this to start with”.
Mnr. Malan Meijer en Mnr. Shaun Breytenbach sê: “Vir ons as besigheid hier by A1 Foods is dit sleg. Ons verkoop nie hulle produkte nie, maar mense probeer van die produkte na ons terug bring. Ons sales op polony is ook baie af. Daai maatskappy vat ‘n groot knock. Hulle sal maar weer moet naam bou”.
Mr Brian Thebe said: “I heard about this on social media. I had some of those affected products. I had to throw them away as a precaution. For now I am going to stop buying products from Enterprise and Rainbow because even if it comes back you’ll never know. Even my kids don’t want anything to do with cold meats now – even if it is a different brand. They now rather ask for peanut butter or something else”.
Ms Matshidiso Maneke said: “I heard about it on social media. We did not have any of those products at home. It will take time for people to trust those products again”.
Left: Mr Clifford Phasha said: “I heard about it on TV. We had a polony we had to throw away. Now we no longer trust them. We’ll go for different brands now”. Right: Mr Prince Mndawe and Mr Happy Chiloane said: “The message came through social media, radio and television. We had some polony, viennas and russians. We had to throw, no, we just moered it away. It is costing us. Food is a very sensitive issue. We doubt if we will ever again trust that company”. Happy adds: “I’ve had some of the Snax polony on Monday and ever since I’ve not been feeling well”.
Mr John Maphanga and Ms Pheladi Mongadi said: “We have not heard about it before. We are afraid now that we hear about it. We are now going back to eating spinach”.
9 MARCH 2018
Platinum Gazette
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9 MAART 2018
Christen Gemeente Leeuvallei hou saam ‘n Pret Dag Die Christen Gemeente Leeuvallei het verlede week Saterdag ‘n heerlike Pret Dag gehou. Die kinders het hul gate uit geniet op die springkasteel en die seuns het met mekaar meegeding op Play Station speletjies. Die gemeente bedank graag vir Norman Janetjies wat die wors vir die worsbroodjies gebraai het. Dit het soos soetkoek verkoop. Dankie aan die organiseerders: Pastoor Bennet Williams, Klaas Louw, Ricardo Phillander en Norman Janetjies. Dankie ook vir elkeen wat die dag bygewoon het en gehelp het om daarvan ‘n sukses te maak. Dankie ook vir die huur van die springkasteel. (Foto’s en inligting: Rosa Williams)
SAPS teams clash The SAPS Capricorn district soccer league match results for 7 March were as follow: SAPS 10111- 3 (goals: CCO Shogole x 3) vs SAPS PSS 5 (goals: Const Chosh x2, Intern Molotov x2, Const Sebake); SAPS Senwabarwana/Mogwadi/Maleboho 1 (goals: W/O Rapanyane) vs SAPS ORS 2 (goals: Const Mohaleamalla, Const Matabane). SAPS Sekgosese/Botlokwa/Morebeng 2 (goals: Admin clerk Baloyi, Const Mposhomali) vs SAPS Seshego 3 (goals: Const Ramoroka, Const Makunyane, Sgt Senyatsi) Stream B: SAPS Motetema/Groblersdal/Rakgoadi 4 (goals: Cst Mogashoa x2, Const Ramushu, Const Maphupha) vs SAPS Lebowakgomo/ Masemola 2 (goals: Const Mello, Const Mabudusha); SAPS Dennilton/Marble Hall 2 (goals: Const Kekana, Const Nhlahleng) vs SAPS Burgersfort/Sekhukhune/Leboeng 1 (goals: Secretary Nkadimeng); SAPS Jane Jurse/ Nebo/Hlogotlou 1 (goals: Const Kotelo) vs SAPS Tubatse/ Mecklenburg/Ohrigstad 1 (goals: Const
Come support Miss Riba Cross
The public is invited to the crowning of the new Miss Riba Cross on 31 March 2018. The event will take place at Maphutha Ditshaba Ga Ronny, Ga Makofane next to Ga listo N1. The evening will kick off at 19:00 until late. Youth from the area who are talented in poetry, rap, dance and other artists and clothing designers are invited to join the fun of the evening and showcase themselves. For more information call or whatsapp 065 226 5531.
Letsoalo). (Information and photographs: Sgt Mvundlela SJ)
9 MARCH 2018 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Local hunters practice clay pigeon shooting Members of the local Bosbok branch of the Hunters Association of South Africa held a clay pigeon shooting day on Saturday last week. The event was held at the Spekboom Driving Range at Fraaiuitzicht and was well supported. Participants had different challenges to deal with during the course of the day. Some clays were flung at a low angle to replicate rabbit movements and others high up in the air to simulate pigeons flying. Some bow hunters also made use of the bow shooting range at the facility.
Participants enjoyed the day.
Flippie Nortjé of the Spekboom Driving Range and Bow Shooting Range also manufactures arrows for the bow hunters.
Get ready for the Mpumalanga 400 The Mpumalanga 400 will kick off in Dullstroom next week. This is the opening round of the South African Cross Country Series (SACCS) and will run from 16 to 17 March. The event is due to be officially opened by the Emakhazeni Local Municipality Executive Mayor, Councillor TD Ngwenya on Friday. After the opening a 45km qualifying race will determine grid positions. The race on 17 March will start at 08:30 and will run over a 170 km loop that will be repeated twice. There will be a compulsory 20 minute service break and regroup after the first loop. Competitors will then complete loop two which will start at 12:00. Race headquarters will be at the Old Transvaal Inn in Dullstroom. If you cannot make it there, follow the race via the RallySafe app. The app is free for iOS and Android devices.