Platinum Gazette 09 November 2012

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Bethlehem was one of the key words at Laerskool Burgersfort’s annual Christmas service last week Thursday. Bethlehem was the place more than 2000 years ago where the history of the world changed forever. The birth of the Christ as believed by christians still reverberates around the world today and was aptly portrayed by the children under the guidance of their teachers - see page 2.

© Platinum Gazette

9 November 2012

2013 school books ready Just before going to press yesterday (Thursday) the news broke that textbooks for schools in Limpopo are ready for distribution. Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, visited the warehouse of the Department of Education in Polokwane to inspect what was going on with the textbooks for next year. The minister was accompanied by the MEC for Education in the province, Dickson Masemola. MEC Masemola informed the minister about the steps taken to prevent a repeat of the 2012 textbook distribution fiasco in the province. The warehouse the minister inspected was a beehive of activity according to reports in the national news and some of the books was in the process of leaving the warehouse on loaded trucks en route to schools in the province. In the Burgersfort, Steelpoort and Ohrigstad areas the fiasco with textbooks cut deeply with one school openly declaring this week that they still have not received the 2012 books and had to make a plan for 2013 by maybe “buy the books ourselves, otherwise the children will suffer”. Hopefully some of the trucks wil head here ...

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Pawiljoen gepak vir Kersdiens by Laerskool Burgersfort

Matthew 26 :64 (NKJV): Jesus said to him, “It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.”





The thieves amongst us A number of attendees at Thorburn Security’s fraud seminar, which was held yesterday at the Tubatse Chrome Club, realised they were possibly going about their business with eyes wide shut as white collar thieves can milk them dry if they do not know what to look for. This information was given by an advocate, white collar crime prosecutor and forensic specialist, Mr Steven Powell (photograph, top). Mr Powell kept his audience spellbound with his information about real white collar criminals, what to look for when you do not even suspect someone is ripping you off and how to catch them. The extent of white collar crime as related by the speaker certainly opened a few eyes, as well as the way they are always caught and the prison terms they serve, even if they manage to give back what they had stolen. The Thorburn seminar was specifically tailored for the mining industry and also included topics such as scams, tenderpreneurs, bribery, nepotism and corruption.




SPAR winners overjoyed Tubatse SUPERSPAR is currently celebrating their birthday. This joyous occasion is also a time for customers to walk away with wonderful prizes. The first batch of winners were drawn on Saturday last week. They were: Aubrey Monyepao from Maepa (win KIC Refrigerator); Lebogang Phoku from Ga Phasha (win LG Home Theatre system); Maria Mthomo from Makopung (win Russel hobbs set); Atalia Makola (win R1000 shopping voucher) and Fulufhelo Ramulongo (win R1000 shopping voucher). Enter the competition by putting your till slip worth more than R200 in the entry box. The next batch of winners will be drawn on Saturday 10 November 2012. Make sure you are in the store on Saturday as there will be various lucky till point draws in which customers will also be able to win. The competition continues until 24 November 2012.

Public Notice MAYOR’S BURSARY SCHEME FOR THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS FOR THE 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR The Greater Tubatse Municipality is offering financial assistance to needy learners and students within its vicinity, to study in a tertiary institution of their choice i.e. University or University of Technology for 2013 academic year. Minimum requirements for the suitable candidates will be: • Copy of Grade 12 Statement of symbols or June Examination results • Copy of certificate or Statement of symbols or June 2012 Examination results with admission to a bachelor’s degree or diploma, with at least level 5 in English and level 5 in two (2) other content subjects including Life Orientation. • Certified copies of salary advice of parent/s or guardian and affidavit indicating employment status of the parents/guardian • Certified copies of identity documents of both applicant and parents/guardian • Copy of University or University of Technology admission letter for 2012 academic

Chris-Marie Ebersohn van Steelpoort Akademie (links bo) het haar Graad 1 ALMSA klavier eksamen gespeel en het met lof geslaag, terwyl twee kranige hokkiespelers van die skool deelgeneem het aan die Mpumalanga hokkieproewe. Monique Language (links op foto regs) is ingesluit in die Mpumalanga O/13 A meisiespan en Tiaan Havenga is ingesluit in die Mpumalanga O/13 B seunsspan.

First prize Joshua Generation’s holiday competition

Preferred field of studies are: • Civil Engineering • Finance • Information Technology Applications forms are obtainable from the Greater Tubatse Municipal offices and or Ward Councilor as from the 12 November 2012. It will be responsibility of the learner to return the application forms to Office of Director Corporate Services, 2nd Floor, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Civic Centre,1 Kastania Street ,Burgersfort.

CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 07 DECEMBER 2012 Correspondence will be made with successful applicants only Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Municipal Manager

Joshua Generation would like to congratulate Mr and Mrs Lerotholi who won first prize with the school’s “Win a holiday Competition”.




For the love of the little children and SA’s future Learners aged between 6 and 17 years from the neighbouring schools became the latest beneficiaries from the Two Rivers Platinum’s Social Labour Plan funding commitments. At the recent hand-over ceremony facilitated by Uzenzele Wena Home-based Care Centre based in Mashishing, Lydenburg and Thaba Chweu Municipality, 200 identified orphans and vulnerable children received pairs of school shoes from the representatives of the Mine as part of its Each One Adopt One initiative and as their gift to the upcoming Nelson Mandela’s birthday. The historic event took place at Marambane Primary school was attended by learners from Marambane, Lesodi and Mashishing as well as politicians and officials from the local department of education and health and social development services. “ The selflessness and the unconditional love for children as well as the passionate presentation made to us by both, Cllr Mashigo from Thaba Chweu Municipality and Mrs Madonsela from Uzenzele Wena Home-based Care Centre, inspired us

to remember Madiba’a love for children and his hope for the country’s future, hence our donation for school shoes to these most deserving beneficiaries, especially in this cold winter period”, said Bethrum Dzonzi, the Public and Corporate Affairs Manager at Two Rivers Platinum Mine. Uzenzele Wena , which depends on donations and support from individuals and private organizations works very closely with schools, churches and the local government to identify poor families, child-headed families, vulnerable children and women and cater for their basic needs. They provide meals for deserving learners twice a day and over weekends. The level of poverty and high HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in our communities has become our biggest challenge and thanks to business partners such as Two Rivers Platinum Mine who always respond positively whenever approached for assistance. This challenge will be overcome. We challenge the other Mines in our area to also open their hearts and hands. Today’s contribution from Two Rivers Platinum is just the tip of the ice-berg, “ said Cllr Mashigo of Thaba Chweu Municipality.

TRP and bikers bring hope to Wenakker Residents of Wenakker, a home for 250 men and women with special needs, situated north of Lydenburg, were recently greeted by a convoy of bikers carrying special gifts worth over thousands of rand for them. As the bikes roared into the facility the place sprang to life. The residents woke up to roaring sounds of the Harley Davidson bikes. With government support for such facilities dwindling year-on-year due to the increasing demands for basic societal needs, Two Rivers Platinum Mine’s intervention was more than welcomed. Residents at the facility require 24 hour care. Although they receive grants from the government the cost of running such facilities as well as their individual needs makes it difficult for the institution to provide certain basic needs. Two Rivers Platinum and after receiving a written request for donation of toiletries for the institution from some of its employees, have decided to organize a tour of the facilities and to deliver some of the parcels to the residents directly. They were recently joined by 87 bikers from around Lydenburg on this charity drive. This was aimed at raising additional funds for the facility as well as spending quality time with the residents. The initiative is part of Two River’s social responsibility programme and it is driven by its employees. This will now become an annual event and it is hoped that through this initiative the facility will become part of the broader society as the residents get to meet and socialize with the community. The place have become the only home to most of the residents and since they came to the facility, the have never seen their families again.

Health awareness outreach at Kalkfontein

TRP regards safety seriously. It is also passionate about the wellbeing of its human capital. It is one of the critical pillars behind its success. They have dedicated wellness programmes coordinated by a passionate team of professionals. This programme permeates through all its stakeholder groupings. In addition to its employee (internal programme) they also conduct monthly outreach

programmes focussing on its core communities in partnership with various stakeholders. During its recent outreach programme in Kalkfontein, TRP was able to reach over 320 people and conducted over 200 VCT tests as well as other diagnostics through its health partners, Platinum Heath and Discovery.” Kgoshi Lengwai Masha of Kalkfontein also supported the initiative.

As we approach the Festive Season and the end of the year we also ought to look back and take stock. At TRP we certainly had moments of sadness, but also moments of pride which gives us hope for the future. We sadly lost one of our employees at the beginning of the year through accidents. We regret this and our sincere condolences to his family. However, we showed a year on year improvement regarding injuries on the mine. This is what we would like to take with into 2013. On the bright side we achieved 600 000 fatality free shifts and we would like to encourage all employees to keep up their safety vigilance. Safety is for everyone and going home safely at the end of the day should always be the aim. In another big event of the year, we took over GLTA very successfully through a Section 197 (LRA). Through this, we were able to save hundreds of jobs occupied by people from the communities around the operation and thereby ensuring a happier Christmas time for most of the households. To our matric learners who are about to sit for their final examinations in the various centres, TRP staff and management would like to wish you the best of luck. We know you will make your parents proud.

With the Festive Season fast approaching, we also remember what this time of the year is really about, the celebration of the birth of our Lord Saviour, Jesus Christ. May you all experience His Love and have a SAFE and special time with your families and loved ones. All the best for 2013.




Are you just complaining or One of the things people in general are very good at is complaining. We tend to see things in our communities that are not right and we complain (although not always somewhere where the complaint will be attended to). Residents from the Greater Tubatse Municipal area are no different. We complain about the lack of service delivery, the condition of the roads, the lack of town planning and general lawlessness (of which many are guilty themselves). We asked readers if they are involved in their communities to help make a difference and change things for the better. With the festive season approaching everyone wants businesses to give to good causes, but are we as individuals also prepared to give? How will we give? There are many ways to make a difference - with money, time, skills or by being creative. Many of the more affluent people in our area declined to comment while one Zimbabwean man spoke to Platinum Gazette on condition of anonimity. He said: “They will kill me if I give my name and show my face, but here people just want things. They demand to have things, but they are not prepared to give, work or put in effort. Look at that dustbin there. People throw the papers all around it. They won’t put it in the dustbin. That is the way they do it here.”

Mr Strike Maroga said: “I will try to organise a football tournament over December. It will keep people in my community busy and keep them away from drugs and alcohol. I’m from the Driekop area”.

Mr Eric Ndukula said: “I’m not involved somewhere, but when the opportunity comes I am willing to assist. At the moment the only thing I do is to give advice when someone needs it or if they ask”.

Mr Sipho Aphane said: “If I can get involved I will. Many negative things in our area are related to the municipality. We need to get involved to get the municipality to fix things the potholes, the eating saloons and the hawkers everywhere. It is unhygienic with the hair blowing from the hawkers cutting hair into the eating saloons just there on the street”.

Mr Aubrey Molatudi said: “I have a vegetable garden at Ntabane Secondary School in Rietfontein. I usually give the less privilaged at Ohrigstad some cabbages and spinach. There are four women from the community helping in the garden. This is how we make a difference”. He is from Rietfontein.

Mr Khoza Magile and Mr Joshua Mokgothu are from Penge. They said: “We want to help our community over the December holidays by collecting the children and taking them to the community hall. There we will play games with them. We want to keep them busy, safe and off the streets”.

Mr Surpirse Malepane said: “I am trying to organise a soccer tournament over the festive season so that people can enjoy their time. There is a lot of talent in Dresden where I am from and I want to develop and expose it”.

Links: Mnr. Kobus du Plooy en me. Elmarey Koekemoer sê: “Ons ondersteun graag goed soos die Wildevy Gesinsdag waar daar vir ‘n goeie doel geld ingesamel word, maar is nie op ‘n permanente basis by iets betrokke nie. Ons stem dat ‘n mens moet betrokke raak in jou gemeenskap en daar is deesdae ‘n groot tekort aan betrokkenheid”.

Mnr. Hugo de Beer sê: “Nee, ek is nie op die oomblik regtig iewers betrokke om ‘n verskil te maak nie. Ek sal betrokke raak as daar ‘n geleentheid verbykom”.

Places to get involved Cancer is something that affects many people. If you would like to get involved in helping cancer patients or provide support for their families you can contact the CANSA call centre on 0800 22 66 22. They will direct you to your nearest CANSA branch where your time, skills or money will really be appreciated. You can also e-mail:

Mr Naphtalie Hlahla said: “No, I’m not involved somewhere to help make my community better. I also don’t plan to get involved”.




are you making a difference?

Mr Solly Skosana and Ms Theresa Skosana said: “Through the church we help provide for those who cannot take care of themselves. We work together so that everyone can enjoy Christmas. You reap what you sow”.

Ms Thandi Komane and Ms Meisie Moraba said: “We are from Bothashoek and there are too many orphans in our village. We plan to give some of the orphans presents over the Christmas time”.

Mr Bongani Masilela said: “Christmas time is when people are drinking. I’ve helped someone in the past. I’ve given someone who needed it some of my old shoes”.

Mr Patrick Maphori said: “I’m from Ga-Motodi and there are a lot of problems in my community. I try to help by getting people together to talk about how to fix things”.

Ms Winnie Maroga and Mr Joyous Steven Mbugua said: “We are trying to motivate the youth in Burgersfort to never give up in life. We also teach them about greening the environment, to collect garbage, plant trees and vegetables. They should make use of small portions of land to grow vegetables and sell it. They should also train and not just sit around, Keep fit”. Right: Mr Elmon Maeyane said: “I’m working at Tubatse FM and I gather people and have jazz sessions. You know, many young people think jazz is just for old people. No that is wrong, it is for everyone. Sometimes local musicians also play. I hope our sessions entertain the people and keep them off the street and away from crime”. Links: Mnr Pieter Viljoen sê: “Ons moet mekaar help. As daar iemand is wat jy sien swaarkry steek ‘n mens mos maar ‘n hand uit en help, As jy byvoorbeeld in ‘n ry in die winkel staan en iemand het nie genoeg geld om vir iets te betaal nie. Wat is jou natuurlike reaksie? Jy help as jy kan. ‘n Mens help nie net oor Kerstyd nie. Ek help veral waar ek weet kinders kry swaar. Dit is maar my soft spot”. By hom is Jay-Deene.

Mnr. Billy Bronkhorst sê: “Niee, ek is nie op die oomblik iewers betrokke nie. As die geleentheid kom sal ek van my tyd gee om Burgersfort te help. Dis waar ek grootgeword het en soos dit nou is raak dit ‘n plek waar jy nie jou kinders eendag wil grootmaak nie. Die meeste mense is nie bereid om saam te staan nie”.

Places to get involved: Vriend in Nood/Friend in Need Dié organisasie reik uit na behoeftiges in die Burgersfort en Steelpoort area. Dis organisation reaches out to the less privilaged in the Burgersfort and Steelpoort area. Contact/Kontak: Elana Pieterse

Lehlaba Disabled Workshop They care for and help train disabled people in the Riba Cross area. The project is more than 10 years old, but there are always a need for help and financial assistance. Contact them on: 073 250 7630 or 082 363 94 89. E-mail:




Prysuitdeling op Ohrigstad Links: Graad 1: Yoné Beetge en JJ van Niekerk deel die prys vir die beste akademiese prestasie. Charity Mabuza kry die prys vir beste vordering en Renolder Kgoete vir algemene netheid.

Laerskool Ohrigstad het op 6 November hul prysuitdeling gehou. Die leerlinge is vir hul harde werk op akademiese, sport en kultuur vereer. Die skool het ook die MasterChef deelnemer van Sabie, Mnr. Sarel Loots as gasspreker genooi. Die ou leiers is gegroet en die nuwe leiers is ook aangekondig. Ansie Bylsma is die nuwe hoofleier. Op hierdie bladsy en bladsy 9 word van die pryswenners se prestasies en foto’s geplaas.

Onder: Graad 7: Elisma Riekert en Lindiwe Mnisi het albei ‘n gemiddeld van bo 70%. Elisma het 78% en Lindiwe 74%.

Graad 2: Gerrit Jacobs en Pierre Naudé deel die prys vir die beste akademiese prestasie. Hailey Naicker kry ‘n prys vir beste vordering.

Graad 4: Jaundré Jacquet kry die prys vir die beste akademiese prestasie. Safira Mogane vir die beste vordering en Phillip Vermaak vir algemene netheid.

Graad 3: Ronél Jacobs, Likhona Valtyn en Bontle Matsaba het onderskeidelik pryse gekry vir die beste akademiese prestasie, die beste vordering en vir algemene netheid.

Lily-Marié Naudé is as die DUX leerling aangewys en het ook goue sertifikate vir die beste prestasie in Natuurwetenskappe, Afrikaans, Engels, EBW, wiskunde, Sosiale Wetenskappe en Tegnologie ontvang. Lily-Marié Naudé en Nariske Scholtz het pryse gekry vir hul buite kurrikulêre aktiwiteite.

Graad 6: Ansie Bylsma en Keona Naicker het onderskeidelik pryse vir die beste akademiese prestasie en die beste vordering in hul graad.

Graad 5: Neo Ndlovu en Nthabeleng Marobane kry onderskeidelik pryse vir die beste akademiese prestasie en die beste vordering in hul graad.

Sarel Loots was die gasspreker en het die kinders vertel dat hulle met geloof, hul talente en selfvertroue almal iets kan regkry wat hulle nooit gedink het moontlik is nie soos hy met die salm wat hy op MasterChef SA gaargemaak het.

Gerrit Jacobs het ‘n goue sertifikaat gekry vir die Beste boulwerk in krieket.

Die graad 0-leerlinge vang graad. Nou is dit grootskool toe!




Hard geleer en gespeel Laerskool Ohrigstad prysuitdeling

Steelies vereer Steelpoort Akademie het op 6 November hulle Prestige Prysuitdeling gehou. By hierdie prysuitdeling word al die leerlinge wat uitsonderlik presteer het met trofees

Bo: Me. Elsie Riekert oorhandig pryse aan Amo Ndlovu en Lindiwe Mnisi vir hul kultuurprestasies. Amo het 3 A++ in die junior afdeling gekry en Lindiwe 2 A++ in die senior afdeling. Baie sporttoekennings is gemaak. Behalwe vir dié op hierdie bladsy is daar ook vir hokkie pryse gegee. Ronél Jacobs is die beste junior speler en Elizabeth Masuku en Chanté du Toit het die beste vordering gemaak. Rhandzu Ndlovu was die beste senior speelster en TJ Mkhonto en Arnold Ndlovu die beste senior spelers.

vereer. Die nuwe hoofleiers word dan ook amptelik voorgestel. Die skool het almal wat die aand moontlik gemaak het bedank. Die leerlinge is op verskeie gebiede vereer. Die nuwe hoofleiers by Steelpoort Akademie is: Andries Vorster (hoofseun), Monique Language (hoofdogter), Tiaan Havenga (onderhoofseun sport), Tabeel Zeeman (onderhoofdogter sport), Christiaan Kruger (onderhoofseun akademies), ChrisMarie Ebersôhn (onderhoofdogter akademies).

Graad 7: Lily-Marié Naudé is vir die beste akademiese prestasie vereer en Ansunet Viljoen vir die beste vordering en algemene netheid.

Regs: Netbal: Ansie Bylsma is as die beste senior netbalspeler aangewys. Keona Naicker is die meisie met die beste vordering in netbal. Ronél Jacobs is die beste junior netbalspeler.

Monique Language is as die Steelie van die Jaar aangewys. Sy het ook die volgende toekennings ontvang: Sportdogter van die Jaar; Mees toegewyde sportdogter; ‘n goue sertifikaat vir die beste akademiese prestasie in graad 6A2; Hokkie speelster van die Jaar; ‘n trofee vir haar verowering van provinsiale kleure in hokkie en netbal; die senior kultuur trofee. Sy is ook as volgende jaar se hoofdogter aangewys.

Right: Bridget Motau received a trophy as the learner with the highest average between grades 8 and 9. She also received prizes for: the best achievement in English home language in the high school; beste prestasie in Afrikaans addisionele taal in die hoërskool; best academic achievement in grade 9 (English medium);

Rugby: Edward Skeen is as die beste senior voorspeler vereer. Dwayne Grobler as die beste senior agterspeler. Likhona Valtyn is as die rugbyspeler van die jaar aangewys. Bradley Garcia is vir sy vordering in rugby vereer. MC van der Merwe is as die veelsydigste seun in graad 7 aangewys. Hy kry ook ‘n trofee vir: hoofseun 2012. Sonay Labuschagne is as die Veelsydigste dogter van die jaar (graad 7). Sy kry ook pryse vir die volgende: hoofdogter 2012; beste prestasie in sosiale wetenskap; netbalspeler van die jaar; deel van netbalspan wat tot by provinsiale proewe vorder. Links: Chris-Marie Ebersöhn ontvang die trofee vir die hoogste gemiddeld van graad 4 tot 7. Sy kry ook pryse vir: beste akademiese prestasie in graad 6A1; as deel van 0/12 netspalspan wat as Mpumalanga wenners aangewys is.

Die graad 7 leerlinge groet.

Trofees is deur verskillende onderwysers en die beheerliggaam aan die leerlinge oorhandig.




Pryse en trofees vir Steelpoort Akademie leerders Links: Andries Vorster was die veelsydigste sportseun. Hy kry ook pryse vir: Sportseun van die jaar.

Christiaan Kruger is die mees toegewyde sportseun in die laerskoool. Trishen Ramjass had the best academic achievement in grade 8 English medium and also the best achievement in mathematics.

Beste prestasie in grade R, 1, 2 en 3: Dali Mabuza, Clarissa Fourie; Michelle Mabuza, Megan McManus; Linel Bellew, Lindsay McManus en Kamogelo Phetla.

Arrie Heyl het ‘n spesiale toekenning vanaf die hoof ontvang. Dit word gedoen aan ‘n persoon wat nie-teenstaande persoonlike terugslae opgestaan het en weer presteer het.

Chanelle Volschenk is die Dux leerling van die skool. Sy kry ook pryse vir: beste akademiese prestasie graad 7 Afrikaans medium; beste prestasie in ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskap; beste prestasie in natuur wetenskap; best achievement in English additional language; beste prestasie in Afrikaans huistaal.

Bottlestore for sale Pret Liquor Burgersfort for sale. Serious buyers visit me at Pret Liquor Store next to CTM, Burgersfort.

Die beste akademiese presteerders in die laerskool. Chris-Marie Ebersöhn, Monique Language, Lourencia van Dyk, CJ Barnard, Tabeel Zeeman, Bianca Coetzee, Franco Oosthuizen, Yanke Engelbrecht, Maryke de Jager en Chanelle Volschenk.

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Top 5 academic achievers in the high school. Nate Phetla, Trishen Ramjass, Nthabiseng Makola, Lungelo Hlomuka and Bridgette Motau.

Mandla Maseko is the most versatile sport boy in the high school. Faith Makabela was the most versatile sport girl in the high school and Sibusiso Mapalakanye the boy with the most dedication in sport in the high school.




Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/ Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

For the start-up business Are you opening your own business? Inquire about our special first time advertising rate for startup businesses. Get your business in the public eye. Advertise it! Call: 083 543 1676 for more information.

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” Stuart Henderson To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, e-mail or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.

Basil Read invites Sub Contractors, Suppliers and Service Providers from the Elias Motsoaledi and Greater Tubatse Local Municipalities to register on the project Supplier and Sub Contractor database. A proportion of the procurement on the Project has been set aside for preferential procurement to black enterprises (including Women owned), Black Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE’s) and Black Emerging Micro Enterprises (EME’s). Basil Read will place emphasis on technical capacity, preference requirements and BEE status.( The following categories of suppliers will be evaluated: · Category A: Black Owned · Category B: Black Woman Owned ( · Category C: Local Black Owned · Category D: Local Black Woman Owned Procurement decisions will be based on the optimisation of the universally accepted project management parameters of cost, time, quality and risk. One Sub Contractor, Supplier or Service provider can apply for a maximum of two (2) categories.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Fully completed and initialed registration form Original and Valid Tax Clearance Certificate Issued by SARS Letter of Good Standing from the Compensation Commissioner Certified Copy of CIPC (previously known as CIPRO) registration certificate Company Profile Original certified copies of shareholders / directors / owners / members identity documents 7. Cancelled cheque / confirmation letter from the bank 8. BBBEE certificate 9. Detailed references of previous completed projects

Umvagati Private Admin Services Trading in Limpopo Area ( Situated in Phalaborwa ) For your general admin work ( filing ) Registrations of VAT/ PAYE/Labour/ Workman Compensation Monthly Payroll services to SARS Monthly book services such as processing bank statements and petty cash. For quotation and price list, e-mail to or contact at 072 694 0635

Supplier / Sub Contractor Database Registration Forms can be collected from: Basil Read Project Recruitment Centre at Gathlane Road 180 Steelpoort EXT 3. Completed registration packs must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Supplier / Sub Contractor Database Registration” and placed in the registration box provided at the Basil Read Project Recruitment Centre, before 12 noon on the 23rd November 2012. CATEGORIES · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

10. Te Koop/ For Sale 1,7ha in middedorp van Burgersfort Met 4 slaapkamer huis, werkskamer, 2 badkamers, kombuis met spens, swembad, 2 meenthuise, buitegeboue, braaiarea. Uitstekende eiendom vir verdere ontwikkeling. Skakel die kerkkantoor vir verdere navrae: 013 231 7627

Platinum Gazette


The following mandatory documents shall be affixed to a fully completed Supplier / Sub Contractor registration form:

3. Te Huur/ To Let

Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Olifants River Water Resources Development Project (ORWRDP-2)

Building Sub Contractors registered with CIDB (All disciplines of House Construction) Civil Engineering Sub Contractors registered with CIDB, specifically for small concrete works, scaffolding, steelfixing, formwork, earthworks, landscaping and grassing. Employee Transportation Safety Equipment and cosumables (Incl. PPE) Signage Lubricants and Fuel Suppliers Site Security Services Site Establishment Equipment and Facilities Stationery Supplies Waste Removal (Sewer, Hazardus Chemicals and General Waste) Hardware Suppliers Engineering Shops(in line with Pipeline Construction) Gas Suppliers Pavement Repairs (Road Maintenance) Road Marking Plant Hire ( including small plant and equipment) Transport of Steelpipes – maximum size 19m long x 1,8m diameter Formwork and Scaffolding hire

For further enquiries please call Lerato at 0873518284

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).



Platinum Gazette

SPORT Swing for Charity On 24 November the Executive Mayor’s Legendary Golf Day will take place at Tubatse Chrome Club. This year the day will be in honour of John Kgoana Nkadimeng. Businesses and individuals can enter the competition through sponsorship packages. A fourball will be R5000, an individual player can enter at R1000 per player. Tables at the gala dinner go for R20 000 per ten sitter table. If you would like to become involved or sponsor a team or table you are welcome to contact Watson Seswai, the event coordinator on 072 453 1390 or e-mail him at: Enter or sponsor before 20 November 2012.

Local athletes take on the Soweto Marathon Last weekend local athletes took on the Soweto Marathon. This race is known for the route through Diepkloof, passing Orlando West and through Vilikazi Street where Hector Pieterson was shot during the 1976 uprising. Herman Mogale from Modikwa Marathon Club ran his first 42km race and completed it in 04:41:00. This novice to the team has the backing of seasoned runners such as Leboka Noto and Peter Molapo (both gold medalists) to assist with his training. The club welcomed him warmly and hopes he will go from strength to strength. Another novice runner Recognition ran her very first 10km race. She was smiling from ear to ear after she received her medal. Leboka Noto was the first of the Club’s runners to clock in. He came in at position 85. “We wish all the athletes well with their training. All the big races for the year are now over, so keep focused and keep yourself in good shape!” said team manager, Willem Montgomery. (Information: Willem Montgomery).

Early exit for Maatlopo United FC The SAFA SAB Sekhukhune Region started this week with the Nedbank Cup playoffs. Maatlopo United were fairly beaten by Mooihoek 11 Experience. The teams faced-off at Mooihoek on 4 November. The score was 4-1. This week the same teams will meet again. They will play on Sunday at Mooihoek for a league fixture. On Saturday Maatlopo United will host Ngwaabe City Motors at Moroke Stadium. All sports loving people are invited to attend and give the teams some moral support. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226.

used & new m otor spares

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Rebuilds on sale

BMW, Corolla, Tazz, Citi Golf, Polo Classic, Opel Astra, Sentra, Opel Corsa, Hyundai and much more

Tyres for sale

Leboka Noto with Modikwa Marathon Club team manager, Willem Montgomery.

Modikwa Marathon Club - Results Soweto Marathon 04 November 2012 Name Leboko

Surname Noto

Time 02:44:48

Position 85

Distance 42km

Stephen Peter

Moeng Molapo

03:14:23 03:15:55

466 496

42km 42km

Cedrick Solomon

Mboyane Masedi

03:26:04 03:26:29

672 686

42km 42km

Sonia Herman

Makoua Mogale

03:31:05 04:41:00

800 2825

42km 42km

Stephen Johannes

Mabilo Matsie

00:40:23 00:45:23

172 300

10km 10km

Portia Recognition

Mabena Maphanga

00:58:47 01:20:03

889 2636

10km 10km

Another tournament for Sox On 4 November another tournament was hosted in honour of Sox Mantaboge Thobejane. The event took place at Mampa Sports ground. The first rounds were already played on 27 and 28 October. The last teams standing on 4 November was Selatole Cosmos and Makgoaraneng Aces after 3-3 of 90 minutes. They did not go for penalties as is was very late already. Sox, the beneficiary of the tournament is one of the fighters for education in the area. He was born physically disabled, but did not let it get him down. During the 1970s he played a large role in ensuring that children who had to travel far received an education when they were prevented from going to school. This tournament was the second of its kind in honour of Sox. The organisers said: “We thank all the people who came in large numbers for the support of this community builder - Sox Mantaboge Thobejane”. (Article and photograph: Jimmy Makola).

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