Platinum Gazette 09 October 2015

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Mapochs Mine still in a big fix Both customers of Mapochs Mine have ceased operations temporarily and as a result are not taking any further ore from the company. The business rescue practitioners say in an update report the company ceased mining and have met with employees to restructure and reduce ongoing operating costs. According to the report there are significant ore stock piles at the mine and negotiations with customers in an attempt to sell this ore are in progress. Offers to restructure and rescue Mapochs Mine had been received and these offers are under consideration and negotiations with the parties are ongoing. Creditor claims received to date amount to approximately R190 million. KPMG, as independent experts, are currently also in the process of completing their liquidation dividend calculation. In terms of Section 150 of the Act, the liquidation dividend calculation will be included in the business rescue plan where readers will be able to compare this to the proposed business rescue dividend. The plan is expected to be published by 15 October this year.

Zechariah 10:1 (NIV) Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.

Last week Friday evening’s storm over Burgersfort. Photograph by Beannla Celliers.

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

09 October 2015

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



9 OCTOBER 2015


DWARSRIVIER MINE Dwarsrivier Mine hosts SMME Workshop to empower local small businesses Dwarsrivier Mine is commi ed towards empowering Small and Medium Enterprises (SMME’s) in the communi es surrounding the mine, hence the need to host a two-day workshop this week. The workshop was held at Sekhukhune Lodge in Ngwaabe and was aimed at assis ng start-up emerging businesses to get their documenta on in order and knowing the processes when doing business with large companies. The programme included presenta ons by Dwarsrivier Mine’s Supply Chain Department, SARS, SEFA, SEDA, Ezeedex and the NYDA. The presentaons ranged from businesses’ compliance requirements with SARS to various pla orms for accessing business finance and grants. The EME (Exempted Micro Enterprises) were assisted with obtaining BBBEE cer ficates, the mine requested the SAPS to visit the venue to help with

making cer fied copies and stamping BBBEE affidavits. A photocopy facility, provided by a local entrepreneur, was also set up to ensure that the delegates were able to make copies of the relevant informa on to be cer fied. The group was assisted to register with SEDA in order to facilitate business development and arrange follow-up workshops. The a endees were able to ask ques ons on all the presenta ons and things like the tender procedure, buying procedure and invoicing requirements were high on the priority list for most a endees. The event consisted of both morning and a ernoon sessions with lunch being served over mid day. The importance of following the correct procedure and delivering a quality service or product at a compe ve price were some of the essen als workshop par cipants took with them.

9 OKTOBER 2015

10 still at large The Acting Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Limpopo, Maj General Mashilo has launched an intensive internal investigation into two incidents where 12 suspects managed to escape from the cells of two police stations over the weekend. Six suspects escaped from the Mecklenburg police station and six managed to escape from the Tubatse police cells. At both stations, the suspects escaped after they managed to saw through the mesh wires of the roof of the exercise room. The suspects were arrested and detained for crimes ranging from rape, robbery, housebreaking, theft and public violence. Genl Mashilo ordered a full and proper investigation into the two incidents and stressed that if members were found to have been either involved or not following the standard procedures that have to be followed with the detention of suspects, harsh disciplinary steps will be taken. The suspects who escaped from Mecklenburg are: Ordira Pilusa - violation of a protection order. Bernard Malapane - housebreaking. Khutso Shai - rape. Karabo Mohlala - business robbery. Thabo Mogabane Thabo Maphanga - business robbery. The escapees from Tubatse are : Ernest Magabe - indecent assault. Monti Shai - theft of motor vehicle. Edward Yokoy - public violence. Tshepo Serwale - public violence. Ishmael Masehle - theft Koketso Nkoana - malicious damage to property.



Ernest Magabe

Koketso Nkoana was re arrested on the same day of the incident (Sunday) and Monti Shai was re-arrested on Moday. Shai and Nkoana were due to appear in court on Wednesday on a charge of escaping from lawful custody. The Police ask anybody with information on the whereabouts of the suspects to contact their nearest police station.

A big problem looms in Dresden Mr Joseph Mohlala of Dresden (just oputside Burgersfort) is very upset as he is the second respondent in a matter that will serve in court early in November this year. According to Mr Mohlala he and about 45 to 50 other households in Dresden who resides on about 15 hectares of the farm Dresden 304 KT (portions 2 and 3) are faced with an eviction order after the apparent owners of the land gave notice that they will apply for an eviction order. Mr Mohlala who says he is surprised that he is listed as the second respondent and did nothing wrong, as the land was allocated by headman Mpitsane Shatlegolo Silence Kgwete (who according to the motion to the court, is the first respondent in the matter). Headman Kgwete falls under Kgoshi (chief) Tjakaneng Alfred Kgoete of Babinba-Nare Na Kgoete. The applicants in the case, Elizabeth Johanna Antoinette Joubert and Roelof Jacobus Joubert (Case Number: 59835/15) also want all infrastructure that had been established to be removed from the land by the Greater Tubatse Municipality (who is also a respondent) or that the relevant authorities buy the land from them as an alternative. Further in the matter they want that should the land not be bought from them, the relevant authorities to be compelled by the court order to effect the evictions and to take responsibility for the relocation of the evicted people.


9 OCTOBER 2015


Mr. & Miss R37 - road safety is their passion Phahlabolao Projects hosted a beauty on Saturday 03 October 2015 at Sekhukhune FET (CN Phatudi Campus). This pageant was aimed at finding individuals, especially the youth, to be spokespersons for a road safety awareness campaign. The winners were: Miss R37 - Phunzile Mkhondo, 1st Princess - Mmatshepo Ngwana, 2nd Princess - Meranda

Makola. Mr R37 - Kabelo Boleu, 1st Prince - Moses Ngele, 2nd Prince - Sabelo Mandzini. The R37 road has become notorious due to a number of accidents happening on it. Families lose their loved ones due to these accidents. Most of these accidents can be avoided if the Tubatse Community can be made aware through road safety education. We have identified that: Driving at a high speed, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while tired, and lack of visibility of pedestrians and/or live stock on our roads are the main causes of these accidents. Moving forward we will be working with the Tubatse traffic department, hosting road safety awareness events and our winners will be reaching out to the youth. Thank you to our sponsors (Pharmacy Plus, Dentist Consulting, Panarottis, the Art of African Beauty, Bloemiste, TKY Trading, Reuben Moropa X-Rays, Operation Thuba Mokhaba OTM, Mmala-Kotse Projects) and

everyone else (MC’s, Judges, contestants, photographers, Praktiseer SAPS and Tubatse traffic department officials.

ASA Metals celebrates our rainbow nation Heritage Day was celebrated in a traditional, colourful way, representing the whole spectrum of our rainbow nation. The employees dressed up in their traditional attire. The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Kleinjan du Toit spoiled his employees with a nice braai, to celebrate numerous milestones they achieved in the various departments. (Photograph & Information: Martie Kasselman, ASA Metals).

9 OKTOBER 2015



Ohrigstad Police and youth meet A home for all local SMME’s? A group of small business owners met in Burgersfort this week with the purpose of establishing an organisation with the name ‘Small Medium Micro Enterprise Organisation’. Mr Joel Magabe (bottom photograph) explained it will be a non-political and non-racial organisation that will be a vehicle for the interests of small businesses from all sectors in the area and that it will have the objective to be an instrument of negotiation with government and other agencies that can assist small business development. A lot of questions were asked at the meeting and answered by the organisers of the meeting. Anyone interested to find out more of the organisation can contact Mr Joel Magabe at 072 526 6614 or Mr Philip Kgapane at 072 858 4981.

The Police at Ohrigstad under the leadership of Const Kholofelo Phokane , Co-ordinator of social crime prevention met with the youth of Maepa and Majaditshukudu villages between Ohrigstad and Burgersfort on Tuesday. The purpose of the meeting at the tribal hall of Banareng ba Selahle at Majaditshukudu village was to kickstart the launch of the Ohrigstad Youth Desk. The youth of the two communities has elected their executive committee which will be accommodated at the Ohrigstad SAPS and one of the functions of the structure is to promote Police and community relations by addressing factors that are causing disfunction , perception and attitudes, such as corruption and poor quality of service that the Police are rendering and develop programmes or projects that are aimed at addressing the challenges that are faced by our youth and to work with all the stakeholders in the area. (Information and pictures supplied by Cst kholofelo Phokane).



9 OCTOBER 2015

A weekend Away for the Hardworking Teamleader

Modikwa PlaƟnum mine has introduced adopt a crew campaign to coach and encourage employees to be more producƟve. The Business Leader, Mr. Mthi Mtshengu’s adopted crew (Simunye OneƟme crew) from South ShaŌ has improved from 200m2 to

602m2. The crew has shown improvement month on month since it was adopted by the Business Leader. They achieved 602m2 last month, and as a token of appreciaƟon for the good work, Modikwa PlaƟnum mine gave Mr. Khululekile Nkcazelo a team leader of Simunye OneƟme crew a two days weekend away with his partner at Kruger NaƟonal Park Skukuza camp on 18 September 2015. The couple enjoyed their stay at Kruger NaƟonal Park and they were spoiled with massages and manicures amongst other things. They were also served with a classic breakfast and dinner. The campaign played a criƟcal role in helping this crew gain confidence and achieve more.

9 OKTOBER 2015



A joyful noise Kohin Youth Coaches in the area did not rest during the school holiday. This week they held an outreach at Magakanche Primary School where they taught children from the area to use rubbish to create musical instruments. They created their own rhythm with custom made instruments that ranged from bottles filled with different quantities of water, ankle bracelets with cold drink caps and drums from tins and plastic bottles. The outreach not only kept the young ones off the streets, but also gave them a safe environment to learn and have fun with the youth coaches. The idea was to open their eyes to what they already have and that having fun and being creative does not have to cost a lot of money. Kohin hope to soon take their team from Magakanche to the Samancor Eastern Chrome offices to give employees there a concert of apprecia-

Pas getroud Hennie en Madelyn Smit is op 3 Oktober 2015 by Didingwe River Lodge in die huwelik bevestig. Hulle is bekende gesigte in die dorp en die paartjie vestig hulle in Burgersfort.

(Foto & Inligting: Drieka Jacobs).

tion. Samancor ECM has been very involved with recent outreaches through sponsorships. “Without them many of these outreaches would not have had the same impact. We would like to thank them especially for their involvement in the annual march at Mangabane where the message to stop abuse of women and children is spread” said Ms. Zelda Kitching from Kohin in the area. “Samancor ECM truly cares about the communities surrounding them and one of the ways it can be seen is through their involvement with us”.


9 OCTOBER 2015

Platinum Gazette

The need to take agriculture to the people By: Makgethwa Mphogo

An African proverb says: “Knowledge is like a garden, if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.” In agricultural industry, this is where theory and practical application converge. It is crucial that research findings play a significant role in helping struggling farmers to improve their farming systems, their competence in processing raw agricultural outputs and their ability to withstand the negative impact of climate change on agriculture. By 2030, over 9 billion people worldwide will need to be fed, along with billions of animals. Unfortunately, this increased population pressure is exerted on shrinking agricultural land resources, since the available land cannot be expanded indefinitely. Given that land resources are already stretched to the limit, the anticipated negative impact of climate change suggests the need to satisfy a steadily increasing demand for staple cereals, for protein from meat and other protein-rich food sources, such as crop plants and water availability. One way to mitigate the negative impact of climate change and the decline in agricul-

tural output in marginal agro ecological zones in South Africa, including the Limpopo Province, is to promote the cultivation of resilient crops such as sorghum. Sorghum is the most ideal crop for adapting agriculture to climate change. The crop is native to Africa, and is one of the most resilient and drought tolerant cereals. Its adaptability to harsh conditions is a plus in efforts for combating climate change and ensuring food security. Food security is all about the physical and economic access to healthy and nutritious, safe, culturally appropriate food that is produced in a sound environment. It is also about farmers, producers, food processors and distributors/retailers that make food accessible to humans and animals. The involvement of farmers and researchers in the field trial will provide community members with employment and over and above, provide ordinary members of society with a unique role to play in scientific activities, shaping their own destiny and those of others as far as efforts towards adapting agriculture to climate change. Ordinary community members should make use of each and every open space in their back yard to plant a few plants of vegetables, resilient crops like sorghum and to ensure that at least 50% of the trees in our yards are edible to promote food security and sustainability. It is through these back yard gardens that foodprices could be influenced. If at least 75% of people could be able to harvest their own vegetables this would lead to a drop in malnutrition and food prices. Food security could as well rise. Our kids and grand children must be taught on how to produce food while stiII young.We must buy them toys such as tractors and other relevant farming implements in order for them to learn about

Vacancies/Betrekkings A well-established chairlift company requires the following staff: In the Burgersfort, Limpopo area. Site Manager Must have the following minimum requirements; • Matric • Hard Rock Blasting Certificate • Competent A&B • Driver’s License • Own Vehicle • 3-5 Years Site Supervisor & Underground Experience PTV- General Labourer Must have the following minimum requirements; • Grade 10 • Mining Experience • Competent B advantageous RDO Must have the following minimum requirements; • Grade 10 • Drivers licence • Rock Drill Operator Certificate • Competent B Certificate • 1-2 Years Underground Experience Applicants who meet the criteria must forward all CV’s and Certificates to or Fax: 086 296 1150

farming at an early age. South Africa is struggling to attract youth into farming despite the huge funding injected into the youth farming projects by the SA different government departments. Most of them only get to know about farming as a subject while in high schools not from family members. Hopefully, by bringing projects such as field trials of sorghum, students and farmers participating in the field trials and members of the community will learn more about their potential role in influencing agri-

cultural productivity. Tioga tioga e tioga kgale...let us start now and fight the human misery brought by hunger and unemployment. (Mphogo Is an Agricultural and Environmental Science Analyst and Administrative Officer at University of Limpopo (UL) Experimental Farm. Article first published in The Dawn Newsletter of University of Limpopo. August 2015. Mphogo hails from Driekop in the Greater Tubatse Municipality.)

Winning with Soft n’ Free and Supa Save The Soft n Free Road Show visited Supa Save last week Saturday. Customers who bought the products in store could participate in exciting competitions and even relax in the pop-up salon where styl-

ists were ready to pamper customers with the popular products. A major hit was the cubicle in which clients could climb to grab ‘flying tickets’ with various values. They could then pick products to the value of their tickets. Soft n’ Free is running a competition in which a car can be won. This vehicle was also on display and until the draw a R1000 a day can be won. There is still time to enter. So buy your product and enter. Salons who would like to get in contact with the Soft n’ Free team can contact Emmanuel Khoza on 082 901 6011.

9 OKTOBER 2015


Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031


NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Notice is hereby given in terms of Chapter 6 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations published in the Government Notice No. R.983 of 2014 in terms of Chapter 5 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) of the intention Mont Consulting Engineers to undertake an EIA (Basic Assessment process) for the construction of a Bridge at Mpuru village at farm Garatouw 282 KT in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality of the Sekhukhune District .

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project entails the : (i) Construction of a Bridge with 24 openings of 1200x1200 portal culvert for 270m long (ii) Construction of bridge approaches for 250m on both sides. (iii) Paving of bridge approaches for 250m on both sides, (iv) Precast concrete slab, construction of guardrails and gabions for scour protection.

3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

Two Bedroom Apartments available from R4750 to R5 000 including lights and water. Three bedrooms available from R7000 to R7500. All above available between Aloe Ridge East and West. Viewing available after hours. Please call from more information: 082 578 6113.

inal Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Orig-

EAP: Christina Molepo of Ponye Trading and Projects CC has been appointed as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to undertake the EIA for the proposed project. Interested and affected Parties are requested to submit their names, contact information and their specific interests to the EAP. Comments should be forwarded not later than 16 November 2015. A background information document providing further details on the project is available on request from Ponye Trading and Projects CC at below details. Ponye Trading and Projects CC 53 Landross Mare Street POLOKWANE 0699

Cell: 073 691 3924/ 084 878 4843 Fax: 086 565 6244 Email:

Public Notice MAYOR’S BURSARY SCHEME FOR THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS FOR THE 2016 ACADEMIC YEAR Greater Tubatse Municipality is offering financial assistance to needy learners and students within its vicinity, to study in a tertiary institution of their choice i.e. University or University of Technology for 2016 Academic year. Minimum requirements for the suitable candidates will be: • Copy of Grade 12 June Examination results • Copies of latest results for those in Tertiary institutions • Copy of Senior Certificate or Statement of symbols with admission to a bachelor’s degree or diploma, with at least level 5 in English and level 4 in Mathematics, level 4 Physical Science/Accountancy and Biology and two (2) other content subjects including Life Orientation. • Certified copies of salary advice of parent/s or guardian and affidavit indicating employment status of the parents/guardian • Certified copies of identity documents of both applicant and parents/guardian • Copy of University or University of Technology admission letter for 2016 Academic year (can be submitted in January once accepted in a higher learning institution)

OLIFANTS RIVER WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (ORWRDP-2) INVITATION TO BID FOR A BOREHOLE EQUIPPING OPPORTUNITY AT GA-RAGOPOLA The ORWRDP-2 hereby invites suitably qualified companies and or service providers from the Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality to submit proposals for a borehole equipping opportunity. Contact person

Tender Name

Tender Description

Closing Date and Time

Compulsory Briefing Session and Site Inspection

Contact Person details: Abigail Banda

Boreholes Equipping Project

The appointment of a service provider to equip boreholes in the ORWRDP-2 Project area

6th November 2015

Briefing Session: 22nd October 2015 (10H00) Venue: Marlotti Lodge (Lapa)

Tel: (013) 230 4102



R555 Marlotti Lodge Site Inspection 22nd October 2015 (12H00)

To enable Tenderers to become acquainted with information pertinent to this tender and the site prior to tendering, arrangements have been made for a compulsory briefing session and site inspection on Thursday 22nd October 2015. Please note that information and tender documents pertinent to this tender will only be made available to service providers that will attend the briefing session. A proportion of the procurement on the Project has been set aside for preferential procurement to black enterprises (including Women owned, Youth and People with Disabilities), Black Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE’s) and Black Emerging Micro Enterprises (EME’s).

Preferred field of studies are: • Civil Engineering • Health sciences • Finance • Information Technology • Public Administration Applications forms are obtainable from the Greater Tubatse Municipal Offices and or Ward Councilor and should be addressed to: The Municipal Manager Greater Tubatse Municipality Box 206 BURGERSFORT 1150 Or can be hand delivered to Greater Tubatse Municipality, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor, 1 Kastania Street, and Burgersfort. Enquiries: 013 231 1000/1158/1149 Contact Madihlaba Babsy and Rabada Charity CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 30th October 2015

Mohlala JNT Municipal Manager

Correspondence will be made with successful applicants only

ORWRDP-2 will place emphasis on technical capacity, preference requirements and BEE status.The following categories of suppliers will be evaluated: • Category A: Black Owned • Category B: Black Woman Owned • Category C: Local Black Owned • Category D: Local Black Woman Owned Procurement decisions will be based on the optimisation of the universally accepted project management parameters of cost, time, quality and risk. The following mandatory documents must be affixed to your proposal: 1. Original and Valid Tax Clearance Certificate Issued by SARS 2. Letter of Good Standing from the Compensation Commissioner 3. Certified Copy of CIPC (previously known as CIPRO) registration certificate 4. Company Profile 5. Original certified copies of shareholders / directors / owners / members identity documents 6. Cancelled cheque / confirmation letter from the bank 7. BBBEE certificate 8. Detailed references of previous completed projects 9. Proof of residence (Municipal bill/ letter or /stamped Traditional Authority letter) Documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “ Boreholes Equipping Opportunity/ Bid” and deposited in the registration box provided at the ORWRDP-2 offices situated at Marlotti Lodge along the R555, before 12H00 noon on the 6th November 2015. For further enquiries please call Abigail Banda at 013 230 4102



9 OCTOBER 2015

DWARSRIVIER MINE Champ of Champs decided Dwarsrivier Mine was one of the main sponsors at the Champ of Champs tournament that concluded last weekend. It was decided between 32 teams playing out for the number 1 spot. The mine believes that inves ng in sports in the community will not only help keep the youth away from criminal ac vi es, but also assist in keeping them healthy and fit. It has become tradi on for Dwarsrivier Mine to annually sponsor the soccer tournament in the Ngwaabe area. This year the stakes were high as the winners walked away with loads of prizes. The top four each received an extended kit consis ng of 17 jerseys. Ten soccer balls, a floa ng trophy and cash cheques of up to R20 000 were handed over. The cash prizes were sponsored by Mr. Maurice Maabana and Mr. Romeo Masha. The second, third and fourth teams also cashed in and received kit as prizes. The final was between Val FC and Moruleng FC. This ended in a draw and the game was decided on penal es. Val FC came out victorious. The third place was played for between Phakaseso FC and Sechabeng FC. The game ended 2-3 in favour of Phakaseso FC. The leading goal scorer in the tournament was Thabo Makola. He was also named the Player of the

Tournament. The team that took the price for Best Behaved Team was Jik Masters. The winning netball team was the Eagles. The Best Behaved Netball team was Shining Stars. The Netball Player of the Tournament was Mannie Sekeley. Ms. Tsakani Mkhabela from Dwarsrivier Mine handed over the prizes and told the excited players and community that the mine believes in making a dierence through the investment in sport. That is why they are not only involved with the soccer and netball, but also through other spor ng codes such as the Dwarsrivier Marathon Club. Teams were very proud of their new kit and took a victory dance through the streets with it.

9 OKTOBER 2015



AMMSA Eastern District Golf Day at Dullstroom On September 23rd, Northam Platinum Booysendal Mine & Mototolo Mine hosted the Annual Association of Mine Managers South Africa (AMMSA) Eastern District Charity Golf Day at the Highland Gate Golf Estate in Dullstroom. With the sponsorships of numerous Eastern district mines and small businesses & contractors, a reasonable amount was raised and will be contributed to various organisations determined by the AMMSA members.

At 09:30, 100 golfers took to the tees. Amongst them were well-known rugby players Jannie de Beer, Ray Mordt, Wikus van Heerden, Deon van Rensburg, Doppies le Grange, Cobus Grobbelaar & Blue Bulls Team Manager, Wynie Strydom. Refreshments and tasty snacks were served on most of the tees. At 18h00 all the players were back at the clubhouse for the prize giving and wonderful curry dinner served by Highland Gate. Wynie Strydom

was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and made sure that the Springboks/Japan game was discussed in detail with a lot of insight from the other guest players. Booysendal Mine & Mototolo Mine would like to thank all the organisers, generous sponsors, players, Highland Gate & the guest players who made this event such a tremendous success and look forward to 2016’s victory. (Photographs & Information: Amelia van der Merwe, Northam Platinum Booysendal Mine).

Willie Theron (General Manager Booysendal) & Johan van Tonder (General Manager Mototolo)

AMMSA Eastern District Golf Day Winners The day’s winners were: 1st 2nd 3rd

Ray Mordt (Former Springbok rugby player), Willie Theron (General Manager Booysendal), Nico Steenekamp and Tinus Fourie.

- R Conrad & D Le Grange - D Betton & T van Niekerk - S Smith & L van der Merwe

Most accurate drive: Thinus Labuschagne

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit.

Guest Rugby Players - Cobus Grobbelaar (Lions), Doppies le Grange (Lions), Wikus van Heerden (Lions), Jannie de Beer (Springboks), Deon van Rensburg (Lions) and at the back: Wynie Strydom (Blue Bulls Team Manager).

Jannie de Beer (Former Springbok rugby player) , JJ Joubert, Morne van Esch and Frik Vermaak.

Save the date Much will be happening at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club in the near future. Golfers should remember about the following dates and book their places as soon as possible. On 17 October the Club will be hosting a “Pairs Golf Day”. This will be teams consisting of i.e. a father and son, mother and daughter, husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend etc. Tee off will be at 08H00 and the competition fee is R150 per player. On 31 October the Roossenekal Tourist Association Golf Day will take place.

Tee-off is at 08H00 with registration from 07H00. It will be an IPS format game and green fees are R250 per player and includes halfway. A wildebeest and kudu can be won amongst other great prizes. On 6 November Night Golf will be taking place. This is always loads of fun and only 36 spots are available. Entry fees are R200 per person and bookings and fees must done and paid before 25 October 2015. To book your space at all or any of these days, contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


9 OCTOBER 2015

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Platinum Gazette


Modikwa’s soccer team raises the bar Modikwa’s soccer team participated in a wellness day at DeBeers’ Vanecia Mine which was held at Alldays soccer field on Saturday the 3rd October 2015. The day included a top 4 soccer tournament where two Vanecia Mine soccer teams were supposed to lock horns against Mototolo and Modikwa soccer teams. Unfortunately the Mototolo soccer team dropped out at the eleventh hour and Modikwa had to face both Vanecia Mine teams. The first semi-final was played by Vanecia Mine’s second team against Modikwa Mine’s second team, this game was very tense in the first few minutes for Modikwa as they were still trying to get used to the field which was very slippery for them. Vanecia Mine took advantage of the situation and looked like the better team. But they failed to beat Modikwa’s goal keeper. Modikwa eventually found their feet about 25 minutes into the first half when they took the lead through Hendrick Phokane’s left footed shot that caught the keeper by surprise. Half time score was 1-0 to Modikwa. In the second

half Modikwa became stronger and eventually proved to be too strong for Vanecia when they netted 3 more goals through Lucky Lubisi and George who scored a brace to leave the final score at 4-0 to Modikwa’s second team. The second semi-final was between Vanecia Mine first team and Modikwa first team, this game was very interesting as these teams had a goal-less draw history when they met at Modikwa’s Montrose soccer field in August 2015. They were only equal for the first 19 minutes of the first half as Modikwa managed to beat the strong defence of Vanecia by Shima’s through a pass that was played by Ally into the box and Metro Mabuza looped it into the back of the net leaving the keeper with no chance of making a save. Vanecia’s Defence couldn’t deal well with the clever through passes of Modikwa and this resulted in a foul inside the box against Sydney of Modikwa. The referee did not hesitate and pointed straight into the penalty spot. Metro Mabuza easily converted the penalty to complete his first half brace. Vanecia tried

to push more players forward in search for a comeback but could not break the strong defence of Modikwa. Instead they got exposed even more to the clever passes of Modikwa and that resulted in another quality pass that Sydney squashed into the net to make the half time score 3-0 to Modikwa. In the second half, Vanecia Mine came back very strong and controlled the game very well. They got their defence well organised to deal with Modikwa tactics, this paid off when they pulled one goal back after a silly mistake by Modikwa defence which exposed the keeper to a very powerful shot by Gento of Vanecia Mine that left the keeper with no chance. In the last 10 minutes of the game, Metro Mabuza showed an individual brilliance when he dribbled past all Vanecia defenders to score his third goal of the game that left the final score at 4-1 to Modikwa. The final was then supposed to be played by both Modikwa teams against each other but it was then decided that Both companies will combine their teams to make a squad that will play against each other. Vanecia Mine Squad (Vanecia first and second team)

then played the last game against Modikwa Mine Squad (Modikwa first and second team). This plan again did not help Vanecia as it was the Modikwa squad who broke the deadlock in the first half and left the half time score at 1-0 to Modikwa. In the second half, Modikwa was just a house on fire and created a number of open scoring opportunities. Vanecia Mine was left powerless to make any comeback into the game. Modikwa managed to score two more goals to make the final score 3-0 to Modikwa. All the performance and results proved to be the fruits of the hard work that this team is putting in at the training. After the soccer games, the Modikwa Soccer team was then taken to the swimming pools to cool themselves down from the very hot day while DeBeers chefs were preparing food in the form of a braai. The team then refreshed and was thanked by Vanecia Mine organisers for their good sportsmanship displayed on the day. The team also thanked Vanecia mine for the a nice day they spent with them. (Photographs and information: Protus Sikhakhane (Modikwa Soccer Coach))

Tubatse Masters still strong competition On Tuesday 6 October 2015, Tubatse Masters FC visited Green FC for a friendly soccer match. The young boys from Ga-Madiseng were on good form and won the game 2-1. On Wednesday 7 October 2015, the team visited Dark City Movers FC in Praktiseer for a friendly game. This time around the Masters were too strong for the Dark City boys and manage to win 5-0. Three goals were scored by Jimmy Maganyane, and goal each by Dolphin Ngele and Titus Mashaba.

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