Platinum Gazette 10 April 2015

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

10 April 2015

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147

25°19” S 29°59” E



The Great Highland bagpipe (Scottish Gaelic: a’ phìob mhòr) is a type of bagpipe native to Scotland. Widely famous for its role in military and civilian pipe bands, the Great Highland bagpipe is also one of the main attractions at GPS coordinates 25° 19” S 29° 59” E (now you know where Tonteldoos is) between Dullstroom, Stofberg and Roossenekal once a year during the Highlands Festival during Easter. The Transvaal Jocks and African Skye Pipe Bands’ distinctive sounds (and the beer, and the food and other stalls and activities) lured more than 5000 (when last counted) visitors to Tonteldoos last Saturday, making it a huge succes despite cold, overcast and rainy weather conditions (near riots at the pannekoek). Turn to pages 8 and 9 for more photographs.


10 APRIL 2015


Arrive Alive - safety first on R37

For the second year running, Anglo American Pla num’s Twickenham Mine honoured its commitment to encouraging safety on the road over Easter to help reduce accident rates, which are especially high on the R37 in the Greater Tubatse Municipal Area. On 2 April, teams from Twickenham Mine’s Safety and Protec on Services units joined external stakeholders at a road block set up by the Greater Tubatse Municipality Traffic Department on the R37 to hand out leaflets, water bo les and licence holders, and encourage greater cau on in drivers. The road safety campaign was jointly hosted by the Greater Tubatse Municipality and Twickenham Mine. As part of the campaign, Twickenham Mine has also donated a Prolazer speed measuring device valued at R250, 000 to the Tubatse Traffic Department. “Anglo American Pla num’s commitment is in line with its opera onal Zero Harm in Acon safety objec ve and the provincial government’s Arrive Alive campaign,” says Peter O , General Manager of Twickenham Mine. “This is the third road safety campaign that the mine has hosted since pledging its commitment last year.” The campaigns aim to raise awareness of key risks and aspects of road safety, such as:

Teamwork for safety on the R37 before Easter 2015.

Speeding; Reckless and negligent driving; Cell phone use while driving; Alcohol abuse; Overloading of vehicle; Driver fa gue; Vehicle roadworthiness; Enforcement of seat belt use; Use of public transport; and Pedestrian safety. “By par cipa ng in these campaigns, Anglo American Pla num aims to change driver and pedestrian behaviour while crea ng alert and informed road users who take responsibility for their safety,” says O . “The teams support the law enforcement efforts of the Arrive Alive programme.”

Handing over a laser speed measuring device to GTM. This dona on is worth R250 000.

10 APRIL 2015



Slowly but surely ...

A coat of paint for the palisade fencing around the new hawkers’ stalls in Burgersfort. The project had not been completed in time for last year’s Festive Season shopping, but is still progressing, which is positive. The pace of construction is admittedly not very fast, which is negative ... (sigh).

Nyathi’s remains return home As part of implementing the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Michael Masutha was scheduled to officially hand over the exhumed remains of Meshack Komsasa Nyathi to his family yesterday (just as Platinum Gazette was going to press) at Penge near Burgersfort. A memorial service was to be held at Leagathoko School and the reburial will be held on Saturday. Nyathi went into exile during the times of the apartheid regime and underwent military training as an Umkhonto We Sizwe cadre.He is one of Five Umkhonto We Sizwe members who were killed in an ambush by members of the security forces near Alldays in Limpopo on 03 August 1988. He was shot dead

along with Messrs Sechaba, Lawrence Lesimola, Sizakele Buzo (MK Perez Nomvelo), Fuzile Patrick Zigoxo (MK Marvin Kgasupane) and Thamsanqa Poto (MK Paul Ndzingwe). The five deceased were all buried as unidentified paupers at Tshikota Cemetery in Louis Trichard/ Makhado. The remains of all five MK members of the 03 August 1988 shooting were recovered by the Missing Persons Task Team (MPTT) and were identified through their DNA. The remains of Lesimola, Buzo and Zigoxo have already been handed over by the Department to their families for reburial in 2014. The remains of the fifth MK member of this group (Poto) will be handed over to his family soon in Eastern Cape Province.


10 APRIL 2015


Samancor ECM Long Service Awards On Wednesday last week Samancor ECM hosted their annual Long Service Awards. At the function employees with service of 20 year, 25 years, 30 years and 35 years were recognised for their contribution to the company. Mr. Emile Britz, General Manager of Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines thanked the employees for their hard work and loyalty. Each employee received tokens of appreciation, including an embroidered blazer and a certificate. Employees with 35 years were enthusiastically cheered on and given a standing ovation for their achievement. Those with 25 years service are: WM Makofane, MI Mlatji, SM Malepe, SPM Maroga, LP Mathebula, P Macia,

SK Setswalo, JMM Maroga, ST Mashilo, BM Nkosi, ME Mnisi, HL Molapo, SM Monyela, CG Smit, JN Lukhele, FN Maile, RLM Makwana, JTP Phohu, SM Serage, TM Ngwato, AHM Maeyane, EM Tau and DP Mbuyane. Those with 30 years service are: S Lerutla, AMM Makofane, MM Modipi, MM Mmadi, JM Manzini and GC Wolhuter. Those with 35 years service are: J Mabaso, AL Swafo, FJ Mokwena, FA Tie, L Mshwana, JM Rachidi, FL Thobejane, SM Komana, TJ Mabelane, TJ Rachoshi, PN Nkuni, MJ Rahlamo, F Malibe, LA Chitja, W Mamogale, KR Makofane, L Moima, EM Lekweng, DL Serage, E Mahlako and MS Maimela. The function ended with a delicious dinner.

Above: Employees with 30 years service. Left: Employees with 35 years service.

The function took place at Winterveld Recreation Club and the hall was decorated in the ECM colours.

Mr. Emile Britz, General Manager of Samancor ECM thanked the employees for their hard work. He also ensured them that the Company has everything in place to hopefully one day also see many young employees where they are now with many years of service.

10 APRIL 2015


Ohrigstad SAPS active over Easter The Ohrigstad SAPS and Provincial Traffic officers together with the Community Police Forum (CPF) worked hard over the Easter weekend. They participated in Operation Paseka, a provincial initiative to combat crime and reduce unlawful activity on the province’s roads. Vehicles were searched at road blocks and accidents attended to. According to Social Crime Prevention Coordinator, Const. Kholofelo Phokane, two accidents were attended to on the R36 between Ohrigstad and Lydenburg. The Limpopo SAPS arrested a total of 963 suspects for various crimes last weekend. In a number of the arrests made, liquor played a role. “It is clear that community leaders will have to become more involved in educating their communities as well as working with the SAPS to prevent these crimes from happening,” said Provincial Commissioner Lt Gen Fannie Masemola. He also thanked the SAPS and other structures for their involvement and hard work. A total of 549 fines were issued to people who contravened the Liquor Act. 13 People were arrested for murder, 20 for rape, 21 for armed robbery, 47 for shoplifting, 26 for theft and 21 for housebreaking. 101 people were arrested for drinking in public. Operation Paseka will continue all over the province for the rest of the month.

(Photographs & information: Const. Kholofelo Phokane. Additional information: Colonel Ronel Otto, Polokwane).

Come join the Farmers’ Day The Limpopo Department of Agriculture in Greater Tubatse will be hosting a Farmer’s Day on 18 May 2015. The event will take place at the Maroga Community Hall. T he Department is calling on all farmers of

livestock in the municipality to join them on the day. Animal health care medicine, applicators and feed will be sold on site on the day. Enquiries: Maphadime Phaahla on 083 384 1123.



10 APRIL 2015


Your opinion about the removal of The past few weeks were marked by heated debates and in many cases, damage to statues deemed to resemble colonialism and apartheid. One of the first statues to be targeted was the statue of Cecil John Rhodes at the University of Cape Town. Students had been protesting over it and even went as far as throwing human waste at it. These protests sparked defacement of other colonial-era monuments such as the one of King George VI at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the statue of Paul Kruger in Pretoria. The EFF admitted that they were responsible for painting the statue of Paul Kruger green. The EFF has been accused of using this as a way to seek attention with the local elections drawing nearer. The FF Plus has since laid charges against the EFF for the defacing of the statue. The ANC has responded to the debate by saying that they support the removal of the statues, but that it required proper public engagement. “We are saying the statues must be removed, but we must also discuss where we take them so that they continue to be a reflection of our history. We are saying that if you take a statue to a museum, there must be a narrative that accompanies the statue. We support the removal of the pre-democracy statues, but it must be done properly,” Keith Khoza, head of communications told the media this week. He added that street names have been changed in a way that did not polarize or disregard minorities in South Africa. On Wednesday a large group of protesters aiming to protect and preserve the pre-democracy statues and monuments gathered at the Paul Kruger statue in Church Square, Pretoria. Controversial Afrikaans singer Sunette Bridges said that the defacement of the statues is part of “an unyielding attack on Afrikaner heritage and the minority group”. Bridges was joined by popular Afrikaans singer, Steve Hofmeyr. Hofmeyr blamed illiteracy for the defacement of statues. He said: “We have no consensual South African history. It does not exist. But if you think you can remedy that by deflowering the heritage of others, you have some more thinking to do”. He added that this is not the time for retaliation from minority ranks, but rather encouraged participation in finding a solution. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the issue.

Mr. Silence Matsepane said: “No don’t damage the statues. It is our history. The new generation don’t know our history. It is important to keep it. I totally disagree with those defacing it. We should add more statues like the Mandela one. Even someone like De Klerk should have one. He played an important role in our history. We need to get statues for people like OR Tambo, Peter Mokaba and Robert Sobukwe”.

Me. Stella van Niekerk en Mnr. Charles Rall sê: “Ons moet die standbeelde bewaar. Mense moet respek vir mekaar se standbeelde en monumente hê. Wat sal gebeur as iemand Mandela en die ANC se beelde plunder sodra daar iemand anders aan bewind kom?”

Ms. Khomotso Mokwoena said: “There is space for everyone’s heritage. People should not damage the existing statues and monuments”.

Mr. Themba Magale said: “We have to protect all statues. We must take photographs of our children with it so that they will know that this too was part of our history, even if it was painful. Political parties should not encourage the defacement of statues”.

Mr. Doctor Masinga and Mr. Richard Morena said: “They must just remove it after agreeing where they will take it. Perhaps they can take it to someone’s farm or place it in the house of someone who wants it”.

Mr. Klaas Maroga said: “We must stay with government on this. Go with what government decides. Government must also listen to the people and some consultation about this”.

Mr. Klaas Pitso said: “They should not remove the statues. Our people must know when people talk about it, it is part of apartheid and you cannot remove it from our history. People should direct their focus to establish new monuments and statues in honour of the heroes who fought against apartheid. Everyone must have respect”.

Mnr. Frans Malesa sê: “Hulle moenie dit afbreek nie! Never! Hulle moet eerder die geld wat vir die afbreek of verskuiwing gebruik sal word vat en vir die mense skole en paaie bou”.

Ms. Kate Bjang said: “They must not remove the statues and monuments. Our children must know about these people. You cannot remove our heritage. They are not removing the roads and schools established in the apartheid era, why remove the statues? It is part of us and we should leave it alone. People should talk about this and find a way to live with it. Don’t stereotype people because of a statue. Mandela did not have an issue with the statues, why now suddenly call for it to be removed? If the ANC should be voted out, will all their statues be removed? Don’t be silly”.

10 APRIL 2015



pre-democracy statues in SA

Mr. Bonny Taje, Mr. David Maile and Mr. Edward Moloto said: “What the EFF is doing now is very good. Whatever reminds us of where we come from and of apartheid should be removed and put in a dustbin of shame”.

Mr. Joseph Moshego, Mr. Martin Phakwago and Mr. Lazarus Mohlala said: “We must focus on the future and forget about the past. If we stick to the past we will not be able to forgive each other. We don’t agree with damaging the statues. Rather install our own people’s statues and forget about the others”.

Mr. Andrew Morwashehla, Mr. Simon Malatji and Mr. Solomon Mohlala said: “They must sit down and talk, not just remove or damage the statues and monuments. Rather add more statues of our heroes who fought against apartheid”.

Ms. Judy Moloto, Mr. Potego Moeng and Ms Happiness Molokomme said: “It’s not even an issue. There is nothing wrong with the statues where they are. We all have our own statues. Here in our area we have the one of our hero in Sekhukhune. People should be tolerant”.

Ms. Millicent Komane said: “It is not good to damage the statues and monuments. Allow the people who want it to move it somewhere, where it won’t bother the majority. Those are all old statues. The important ones to keep is the ones like the big Mandela statue they’ve recently put up”.

Left: Ms. Mercia Mamadise said: “They don’t have to damage the statues, Everyone who want a monument or statue of someone should apply to government and they can give it to them. Don’t break the existing monuments and statues”.

Mr. Raymond Mohlahlo and Ms. Setsana Mohlahlo said: “They’ve been here so long. The government should focus on more important things. The statues don’t bother us at all”.

Links: Me. Madelein Riekert sê: “Ek dink elkeen het die reg op sy eie erfenis. Ander kulture kan ook monumente en standbeelde hê. Ons sal dit beslis nie afbreek of beskadig nie. Hoekom as hulle ‘n probleem met ons erfenis het, gee hulle nie net vir ons ‘n plek dan kan ons die standbeelde daarheen skuif nie?”

Mr. Aubrey Mahlaela said: “It is not good to break it down. If they damage the statues people feel hurt. There is space for everyone’s monuments in South Africa”.

Mr. Surprise Malapane said: “I think it is good to remove them. It should be done immediately. They cause pain and we remember how the colonialists treated us. They stole our land. We want our land back”.



10 APRIL 2015

Tonteldoos transformed

A visitor to Tonteldoos over the weekend would be forgiven for thinking they’ve stepped into a place somewhere in the Scottish Highlands. The Tonteldoos Highlands Festival is becoming more and more popular with every passing year and this year was no different. A variety of Scottish bands such as the African Skye Pipe-band as the Transvaal Jocks were included in the day’s programme. Another major attraction on the day was performances by the South African Medieval Armed Combat Society. Pipe-bands and bands such as Haggis and Bong performed well into the night. A large number of stalls and a beer tent serving beer such as Guinness and Kilkenny ensured that visitors had enough to experience at the festival. (Tonteldoos is situated on a dirt road between Dullstroom and Roossenekal).

The South African Medieval Armed Combat Society teaches Historical European Martial Arts. This includes learning to handle and fight with a longsword, dagger, rapier and the sword and buckler. The Society is very popular as team building instructors and also assist with film productions with a historical theme.

10 APRIL 2015



Medieval fun at festival Music, dance and sword-fighting Sword yielding men (and women), people dressed in traditional Scottish clothes and bagpipes sounding from afar. It was all part of the Highlands Festival that took place last weekend at Tonteldoos. Thousands of visitors flocked to the area to enjoy the festivities. The weather played along to create a typical Scottish Highlands atmosphere. Performances by the various pipebands as well as the South African Medieval Armed Combat Society kept everyone entertained. (Yes, a few pumpkins were beheaded in the process). Visitors are already looking forward to next year’s event. If you’ve missed it this time, make sure you get there next year.

Local donkey carts also proved to be tourist attractions.


10 APRIL 2015

Platinum Gazette

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9. Te Huur/ For Rent A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats flat to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100

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Tubatse Crossing Is looking for staff to fill the following position:

Assistant Manager A minimum of Grade 12 is required. Previous experience in a Wimpy or the fast food industry will be an advantage. Send your CV to Closing date: 17 April 2015. Wimpy Tubatse Crossing reserves the right not to make an appointment.

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10 APRIL 2015



Ohrigstad Rugby Klub reg vir Belfast

Dates to remember at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club

Ohrigstad Rugby Klub maak reg om op 18 April teen Belfast Rugby Klub op Belfast te speel. Dit sal die volgende ligawedstryd vir die span wees wat tot dusver uitstekend vaar hierdie seisoen. Daarna sal die span ‘n tuiswedstryd teen die Impalas van Komatipoort speel op 9 Mei 2015. Op 16 Mei speel Ohrigstad teen Hazyview en op 23 Mei teen die Nelspruit Kudus. Op 30 Mei kom hulle weer teen die Bosvelders te staan. Op 6 Junie sal hulle weer ‘n wedstryd teen Nelspruit se Riverside-span speel. Ohrigstad sal eers weer op 20 Junie 2015 teen Belfast te staan kom. Dan sal dit ‘n tuiswedstryd wees. Rugby ondersteuners is welkom om die spanne by al hul wedstryde te kom ondersteun. Persone wat graag by die klub betrokke wil raak kan vir Johan Gouws kontak by 084 868 3705, of Karel Beetge by 072 511 0934.

Loads of activity is planned for the course at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. The league teams will be participating at various venues against teams from other towns. The calendar for events currently looks as follow: 11 April 2015 - Hervormde Kerk Golf Day 18 April 2015 - League golf at home 24 April 2015 - Casino Golf Day 25 April 2015 - Social Golf Day

02 May 2015 - League golf at home (all teams) 09 May 2015 - Chrome Open 2015 16 May 2015 - Electro Diesel Golf Day 23 May 2015 - A closed course for a special Tubatse event 30 May 2015 - OAK Golf Day Die foto’s is geneem tydens die wedstryd op Ohrigstad tussen Ohrigstad Rugby Klub en Riverside van Nelspruit. Nelspruit het in pers gespeel en Ohrigstad in groen en oranje.

12 June 2015 - Thorburn Golf Day 27 June 2015 - Sanlam Cansa Golf Day Members and non-members are invited to come and enjoy a round or two on the course as well as support the various activities planned at the Club. Any enquiries or bookings for play can be directed to Martin van Rooyen at 072 564 2811.

Locals at Longtom Marathon The Longtom Marathon took place two weeks ago in Sabie. Local marathon clubs and indivual runners participated in the event. Yvonne Makuwa, Mmina Chulu, Reuben Moropa, Pretty Muhlarhi and Keketso Moahloli were some of the enthusiasts who took up the challenge. They will next be heading to the Loskop Trail race on 28 April 2015.

“Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else”. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 (New International Version)

(Information & Photograph: Yvonne Makuwa)

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


10 APRIL 2015

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Modikwa shines at Two Oceans Marathon Modikwa Marathon Club had five athletes participating in the Two Oceans Ultra Marathon in Cape Town last weekend. These athletes competed in the 56km race which is one of the most beautiful in South Africa. It is also a challenging race. It usually follows a route over Chapman’s peak, but this year the route was changed after devastating veld fires a few weeks ago. Race day brought four seasons in one day to Cape Town. The morning started off cool but then the wind started blowing and the runners even encountered rain before the sun came out again. Jeffrey Nkuna was Modikwa’s first athlete home. He took 392nd place which is remarkable taking into account that 11 000 runners participated in the event. His time was 04:26 hours. The other athletes in the team were Sonia Makuoa (04:57), Justice Phokane (05:05), Herman Mogale (05:30) and Lawrence Raphiri (06:33). They were all very happy to have completed the race and would like to thank Modikwa Mine and Khulong Mining Supplies for the support to attend this great race. (Photograph & information: Willem Montgomery, Modikwa Platinum Mine)

Jeffrey Nkuna, Herman Mogale, Justice Phokane, Lawrence Raphiri and Sonia Makuoa ran for Modikwa Marathon Club (photo above) and were proud to eventually show off their 56km T-shirts and medals (photo right).

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