Platinum Gazette 10 August 2012

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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Burgersfort, Morone Centre

Š Platinum Gazette

10 August 2012

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No snow, but cold!

Binne / Inside: Restless in Segorong

Traffic woes

Although Greater Tubatse Municipality residents did not experience the extreme snowy weather as in other parts of the country, the cold of the past week was quite a shock to people who are used to milder temperatures in winter. This woman and kids in Ngwaabe (near the steel bridge on the road to Jane Furse) braced the cold at a wellness campaign held on Wednesday.




10 AUGUST 2012

A concerted approach Caring took on a whole new meaning on Wednesday when the Ngwaabe community received food and health advice through an outreach programme. A health awareness day provided the community with the following services: HIV testing and counselling, Body Mass Index measuring, blood glucose testing, blood pressure testing, vision screening, Pap smear, cervical cancer awareness, teenage pregnancy awareness, prostate cancer awareness and much more. The outreach was the result of a partnership between various role players, including Xstrata Eastern Mines, Dwarsrivier Mine, Two Rivers Platinum Mine, Xstrata Lion Ferrochrome, Tubatse Chrome, Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines, Zakheni, Aurum, Right to Care, Life Occupational Health, OMEC, Lifeline, Department of Health and four home based care sections. Xstrata Eastern Mines distributed warm soup and bread while the locals waited patiently in line for a turn at the various services. Free food supplement packets and beanies were also handed out. Through the vision screening tests some residents are now receiving glasses while others were referred for further eye care. A focus for Women’s Month took on form at the Ngwanangwato High School next to the Ngwaabe Clinic where the teenagers in grade 11 and 12 received a special women’s presentation that included awareness on various cancers and pregnancy. The MEC for Health and Social and the local Mayor, Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake was also due to visit the area during the outreach, but during Platinum Gazette’s visit had not arrived yet. Mr Sedikanelo Senoge, chairman for the partnership that organised the outreach said: “This is a pilot project and we are looking to do the same thing in other areas as well.” Proud of what has been achieved through the day, Mr Senoge thanked everyone who contributed.

Aimed at everybody young and old

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette Deadlines: Editorial: Wednesdays at 17:00 Advertisements: Tuesdays at 17:00

Daniel Makua (also well known in the area as Marathon) says he is concerned about his neighbour, Mrs Selina Lebjana who lives in this house at Ga-Mampuru. Mrs Lebjana’s husband passed away and she has eight children to look after on her own. Mrs Lebjana was ill at the time the photograph was taken so Mr Makua (left) posed with some of the children and an uncle of the family who alo lives nearby. Mr Makua says anyone who can help can call him at 0834993158. He said the woman applied three times for an RDP house, but nothing happened up to this date.

10 AUGUSTUS 2012

Six arrested at Segorong



Arrests at Operation Basadi-sadi

On Tuesday this week Tubatse Police arrested six women aged between 24 and 34 years and one man aged 37 in connection with public violence. Their arrests follow after an incident at Segorong village just outside Penge between 6 and 7 August. The residents of Segorong were protesting that the local mine must employ them. On Monday the residents started their protest by stopping trucks from the mine and forced drivers to offload their loads in the middle of the road and as a result the road was closed. Those residents were also putting stones in the road. On Tuesday the residents started their protest and blocked the roads again and also went to the mine where they forced entry into the mine premises. Those arrested are expected to appear in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court soon.

A traffic officer checking on the system whether the driver has previous unpaid fines and whether there are outstanding warrants of arrest.

Photograph and info: Constable Jerial Movundlela, Tubatse SAPS

The wind that brought the cold this week, proved to be too strong for some of the roofs at the hawkers’ stalls at the new temporary taxi rank in Burgersfort.

On Friday 03 July 2012 SAPS women from Tubatse, Burgersfort and Mecklenburg teamed up with traffic officers of the Greater Tubatse Municipality and conducted a roadblock at the T-junction to Bothashoek along the R37-road to Polokwane. At the roadblock 17 people were arrested for contravening the Road Traffic Act and they were issued with fines. Three people were also arrested on warrants of arrest for failing to pay their previous traffic fines.



10 AUGUST 2012

Big day at Twickenham The Community Engagement Department at the Twickenham Platinum Mine Department last week Friday briefed the commuity through traditional leaders and other roleplayers about progress with projects during a function at Hackney Shaft. During the function, which was also attended by the local municipal councillors form Greater Tubatse and Fetakgomo Local Municipalities and other roleplayers, community engagement functionaries were also introduced and their scope of work explained. After a hearty meal, roleplayers went to the Community Engagement Centre where furniture and stationary were handed over to the traditional offices and courts of four communities within the min’e area of responsibility.

Modikwa teams excel 1034 DAYS WITHOUT AN INJURY! Modikwa Platinum Mine’s South No1 Shaft Electrical engineering department under the leadership of the Electrical Foreman Jannie Oosthuizen worked an amazing 1034 days without a single injury. This team is responsible for the maintenance of the underground and surface operations at the shaft. Jannie says it is very important that everybody do planned task observations and risk assessments, they need to look

after their own safety, that of their fellow workers and to adhere to standards and procedures. Business Area Leader Sipho Zwane also thanked the engineering team and said they he is very proud of the achievement and requested them to keep up the good work and continue working safely and to standard. In the mean time North Shaft Electrical Section recently achieved 4 years accident free (bottom photograph).

Fltr back: Peter Molapo, Velly Nonyane, Ashley Oberem, Kobus Pienaar, Christo Myburg. front: Stanley Teffo, Stanley Komane, Brown Lategeng, Abel Komane, Office Mazimba, Silence Moraba, Electrical Foreman – Jannie Oosthuizen. Absent when photograph was taken: Engineer – Lionel Black, Patrick Masitha, John Machumela, Eric Matemane, Abel Mbuyane, Alpheus Maimela, Robert Sekgobela.

10 AUGUSTUS 2012

Samancor ECM treating women ECM treated all their permanently employed women to a special Women’s Day lunch on Wednesday. Everyone received a gift and had a great time singing and socialising together at Winterveld Club.



Tubatse SUPERSPAR focusing on women

Celebrating Women’s Month is something special at Tubatse SUPERSPAR. They are selling buttons reminding women how special they are for R1 each. The proceeds of this will go towards abused women and children. They are also running a competition specially for women. Enter your till slip and win a washing machine!

Supporting Reach for a Dream with their slippers on

The Reach for a Dream Foundation created a fundraising event in KZN called “Reach for your Slippers” in 2011. This was such a huge success that they went national with their campaign. In support of Reach for a Dream, Dwarsrivier Mine employees came to work with their slippers on the 3rd August to help fulfil the dreams of children of all income groups and of any race, colour or creed between the ages of 3 and 18 years who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness by a doctor. Whatever the dream, it’s often enough to give a child the will to carry on the fight. (Photographs and information: Ria Meyer, Dwarsrivier Mine).


10 AUGUST 2012


Talking traffic: terrible or Traffic in Burgersfort has always been a sore point. The sudden increase in development saw traffic numbers increase while the planning and construction of roads where not done in time. For many drivers it is a nightmare to drive through mid-town, especially during peak times. Not only vehicles are problems, but pedestrians simply walking over the road in places where they are not supposed to cross is also a safety hazard. A pedestrian bridge was constructed at a cost of more than R10 million, but it is barely used. An attitude of general lawlessness often reigns in central town. While the local traffic cops seem to be working, it is not helping to alleviate the problem. We asked readers what they think about the traffic law enforcement in Burgersfort.

Mr Sixolile Mnqonywa said: “Is there any traffic law enforcement? I have not been stopped by a traffic cop yet. The R555 is packed with traffic cops while they should be in the city hub. People are not obeying the rules and it is frustrating and dangerous”. With him is Uya. Left: Mr Africa Selemane said: “The problem is they are taking too much jojo (bribes). Many of the inter city taxis don’t have licences and they don’t obey the traffic laws. The cars are also not roadworthy. They must bring new traffic cops from another municipality to replace the ones we have”.

Ms Tafadzwa Manozho said: “The traffic cops are trying their best. The chaos is in central town. They should move away from the residential areas and focus on the business area. They should also take care of the taxi guys not obeying the law”.

Mr Kevin Mokhawane said: “Honestly, the traffic cops are not doing their job. The traffic here is way too much. I’ve never been stopped by a traffic cop and this is the first place I’ve lived where it has happened. The traffic cops must be more visible all over town. There is not a day in Burgersfort that I have not seen an accident”.

Mr Mabaso said: “The traffic cops are mostly corrupt. They wish to take something to their pockets and by doing so, they are endangering the lives of others by allowing unroadworthy vehicles to drive in town. The municipality is also to be blamed for their poor planning of the road infrastructure. I suggest we have an incoming and outgoing road with four lanes each. They must also not allow these taxis to stop anywhere they want they get away with murder! They should be fined and the number of taxis in town must be limited”. With him is Mohle.

Mnr Johnny Maloulie en me. Shakey Maloulie sê: “Meeste van die verkeersbeamptes doen nie hulle werk nie. Hulle sit in hulle geparkeerde voertuie en hulle eet. Hulle doen niks om die chaos te beheer nie. Vandag het dit gebeur dat ‘n taxi sonder ligte en sonder indicators net voor my indruk terwyl ek (Shakey) in die ry by die robot was. En die pedestrians! Hulle breek die reëls voor die traffics, maar niks gebeur nie. Hoekom is daardie brug by die taxi rank gebou?”

Mnr Jakobus Loots en me. Bernice Wheeler sê: “Die spietkops dra nie safety belts nie en het my (Jakobus) al daaroor beboet dat ek nie een gedra het nie. Ek het ook al in een van die spietkopvoertuie vasgery. Hulle het beweer ek het te vinnig gery, maar hulle kon dit nie bewys toe ek daarvoor vra nie. Ons is toe almal polisie toe en het sake gemaak, maar ek het toe nooit weer van hulle gehoor nie. Die probleem is dat die spietkops meestal buite op die kante van die dorp staan en nie weet wat in die dorp gebeur nie”.

Me. Cindy Kruger sê: “Die verkeer daar voor Cashbuild is erg. Baie keer stop die taxis net waar hulle wil en hulle ry dikwels oor die stopstrate sonder om te stop”.

Mr Travis van der Berg said: “Where there is a problem in town or where they skip the stop streets or robots, the traffic cops are never around”.

10 AUGUSTUS 2012




Problems spotted The parking of vehicles anywhere in town is a major problem. Sometimes they stop to pick up passengers without pulling into a parking spot or designated area, other times (photo top left) cars are left abandoned in the middle of the road. No triangles or red indicators are used to show that it broke down. Trucks also move into areas not designed for them. Forcing their way through traffic. With no respect for other road users some will just drive and force oncoming traffic to make way for them. (See photograph left). All these problems were photographed in the last week in one area of town - the tip of the proverbial ice berg. Since the temporary taxi rank was errected the traffic in the Eland street/ Morone Street area has increased significantly. So has the traffic offences. Taxis such as the one here on the left is just parked right in front of the stop street (the driver deep in conversation with some friends behind it - photo bottom left). Other road users are forced to drive around it and often in these situations small traffic jams form as the traffic cannot properly turn from the stop street. Loads of parking space is available at the rank, but the road is the preffered parking spot. - No traffic cops near to attend to this problem.

Mr Brian Tauzeni and Mr Hansen Mushore said: “A lot of accidents happen almost every day. They must make the two lane road at least three lanes because town is too small for the amount of cars driving here. The traffic cops must be more strict with careless drivers. Sometimes the traffic cops are just taking money from people, not doing anything about the offences”.

Mr Ben Moshwane said: “I see the traffic cops are there because they are on duty, but they are not doing anything. The traffic cops are just standing there and not controlling anything. The taxis are also a problem. To solve the problem with the traffic cops they must get new ones from another town because ours are just sitting doing nothing. They must work, not sit while we bump each other in town. The taxis are a problem as they know the traffic cops are there but they are just like a picture - not really there. Our town has also been planned very bad. If they solve the traffic problem it will be much better”.

Mr Ishmael Maphanga said: “In the first place the traffic cops are corrupt. They are taking bribes and not looking after the people. They must take these guys to other towns and bring us new traffic cops. Burgersfort was not planned to be a town. It was just a few shops, but because of the minerals there are now lots of people. People just buy cars when they get a good job and they don’t know how to drive and drive while they have no experience”.

Ms Gretta Mashabela, Mr Frank Malepe and Mr Shadrack Mampuru said: “They are not doing their job properly. Some are working, but some are just collecting money from people and don’t do what they are supposed to. We as the public must report traffic cops taking bribes”.

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Mr Stanford Nyausaru said: “The traffic cops are always on the outskirts of town and not in town. You can see them parking their cars outside town. Especially at month-end there are lots of accidents. The roads are too congested that is the problem”.

Mr Cays Kgwedi said: “The problem lies with the municipality. Poor planning from their side. This place has no roads. They build malls without giving us roads. The traffic cops are doing their job. They are just disadvantaged by the congested roads”.

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10 AUGUST 2012

Bok by CVO Bok van Blerk het verlede week Saterdag by Waterval CVO opgetree. Hy het ‘n groot gehoor getrek wat lekker onder die sterre rondom vure gekuier het. ‘n Kragonderbreking vanaf die dorp tot in die plaasarea het egter die laaste paar minute van sy vertoning kortgeknip. Die CVO skool bedank graag die volgende mense: “Al die personeel en ouers, FJ Joubert, Santa Kruger van Itaba Falls, Louis en Jackie Boshoff, Carien Oosthuizen, Jaco Lombard, Tallisman en Pierre Joubert van Sebenza Scaffholding asook al die ander wat gehelp het - daar is te veel om op te noem”.

Donate now for Christmas

The Christian Social Council (CSC) in Lydenburg is currently collecting donations towards their Christmas party that will take place on 23 November. They are planning the party for 100 needy children and any contributions such as sweets or chips, toys, cold drinks or financial contributions are welcomed. The CSC render a comprehensive social service in all communities in the area. The protection of children against neglect and abute is one of the most important priorities to CSC. To get in contact with CSC phone (013) 235 2407/2137

10 AUGUSTUS 2012



Family Day at Calvin College Calvin College held their annual Family Day on Saturday last week. This day is meant to not only showcase what the learners have done so far, but also to strenghten the relationship between the school and the families who have children in the school. On the programme was various items including singing, drum majorettes and a message about essential family values. After the official programme, pap and gravy as well as wors and sosaties were available. Parents could also look at the exhibitions of the work from the various grades. A matric farewell dress exhibition was on show in one of the classrooms.

Field trip to Polokwane Laerners from Joshua Generation went on a field trip to Polokwane last week. They visited a mall, watched a movie and enjoyed a meal in a popular restaurant. They thanked everyone who made this possible. (Photographs: Joshua Generation).

Winners in Joshua Generation’s competition An impala could be won

Debt putting stress on your relationship? Visit a REGISTERED Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to be debt free. Don’t wait ‘till it’s too late!

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Joshua Generation held a lucky draw competition in which someone could win an impala. Mduduzi Gumbo from St Thomas College and Kokutula Cumbo won the Impala sponsored by Graham Hunting Safari’s.(Photo above). There were also various winners of R50 gift vouchers in the draw (Photo right). (Photographs: Joshua Generation).

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:

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10 AUGUSTUS 2012

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation

2. Betrekking/ Vacancy

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

Boilermaker Boilermaker needed with the following experience. Workshop (Development) Chuites, Square to round, tanks and cones. Structural installation. Contact Hours: Monday - Friday 07:00am - 16:00pm To apply contact: 076 852 7320

Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

9. Te Huur/ To Rent One Bedroom Flat (Bachelor flat) to let in Burgersfort. In secure complex. Available immediately. Contact: 076 666 1100

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

TE KOOP 1994 Mercedes 200E te koop – goed opgepas, 3 nuwe bande. Prys R40 000 Kontak: 084 661 6598

“Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he can't”. - Morris Hite

What’s happening?

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151

Laerskool Ohrigstad Beheerliggaam Onderwyspos 2012 Vereistes: • SARO/SACE Registrasie • Reqv 13 (minimum) • Volledige CV met gewaarmerkte sertifikate • Onderrigtaal: Afrikaans Grondslagfase Sluiting van aansoeke: • 7 September 2012 om 12:00

Onderhoude 11/12 September 2012

Aanvangsdatum van pos: 8 Oktober 2012


Aansoeke kan ingehandig word by skoolkantoor of E-pos na Aanvaar u aansoek as onsuksesvol as die skool u nie kontak nie.

REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company MINE MANAGER Mooihoek Reporting to: General Manager Minimum qualifications and skills: BSc. Mining Engineering or equivalent, Mine Manager’s Certificate Metalliferous mines, Knowledge of budgeting & costing, Computer literate, Excellent communication and managerial skills, Medically fit . Experience: 10 years underground production experience, 2 years experience in a senior management position within a contract mining environment, A proven track record in meeting project deadlines and adhering to financial management targets. Responsibilities: Accountability for the management of all business aspects of project/ site, Maintaining and improving client relationships, Building a strong motivated management team, Achieve, and where possible, exceed safety, production and financial targets. CLOSING DATE: Monday, 13 August 2012 Interested applicants must forward a 2-3 page resume to: The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 Redpath Mining is an equal opportunities employer. Please refer to the reference number when applying for the position. REF NO: MM/02/08/MH If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.

MAPOCHS MINE PROPRIETARY LIMITED PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF MINING ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN AT AREA 7 SITUATED ON PORTIONS 5,6 AND THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 4 OF THE FARM DE HOOP 886KS BY MAPOCHS MINE PROPRIETARY LIMITED Notice of Public Participation Process (PPP), as part of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) compilation process in terms of sections 22(4)(b) and 27(5)(b) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002), and in accordance with the standard directive for the compilation thereof as published by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), that Mapochs Mine (Proprietary) Limited (Mapochs Mine) intends to execute a listed activity as per Government Gazette dated 18 June 2010, No R 544 in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) as an activity requiring a mining permit in terms of section 27 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002) at area 7 situated on portions 5,6 and remainder of portion 4 of the farm De Hoop 886KS relating to the mining of magnetite and vanadium bearing iron ore. The primary aim of the PPP is to provide you with an opportunity to raise relevant issues, comments and suggestions regarding the De Hoop mining activities. We kindly invite you to participate in this process, as only through your meaningful input, will it be possible to formulate sustainable mitigation measures for potential environmental and social impacts. You are invited to attend a Public Meeting on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 from 12:00 – 14:00 at the Mapochs Recreational Club. The meeting will provide you with a formal opportunity to gather background information on the project and ways to participate in the process. If you wish to become involved in the project as an interested and affected party and receive more detailed information, please register with Umsizi and confirm your attendance for the public meeting. Please direct any issues, comments, queries, registrations and confirmations to Lerato Molefe at Umsizi (contact details given below). If you know of any other organisations/people that may have an interest in the PPP, or that you think should also be invited to the meeting, kindly contact us and we will invite them to participate. Umsizi Sustainable Social Solutions (Proprietary) Limited (Umsizi) Consultant: Umsizi Contact Person: Mr. Lerato Molefe Telephone: 011 791 2157 Email: Fax: 011 791 5526

10 AUGUSTUS 2012



Tubatse Masters FC vs Zebediela Masters FC On Saturday 4 July the Tubatse Masters Football Club visited the Zebediela Masters Football Club to play a friendly soccer game. The game took place at Mathibela Village just outside Zebediela. The results were as follow: First game: Tubatse 2-2 Zebediela Second game: Tubatse 6-3 Zebediela Everyone enjoyed the friendly competition and look forward to playing each other again. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela)

Charity golf day for wheels


On 18 August a charity golf day will be hosted at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. The day is held in aid of Allen Goslett. Entry fee for the day will be R250 per player and include the halfway house and braai the evening. Nonplayers can purchase braai packs. There will also be a dance the evening with Doane from Pretoria perfoming. The tee-off time will be 09:00 and it will be in shotgun style. The format for the day is 2 Ball Better Ball Best Drive. To find out more, book your space, offer a donation for the day or other enquiries contact Martin van Rooyen or Liza Cruse on 013 236 5112/082 816 4833(Martin)/076 587 1086(Liza). To sponsor a hole will cost R1500 but any donations are welcome.

More about Allen Gosslett Allen was 18 years old when he had a motorcycle accident. He sustained severe spinal injuries which left him paralyzed. He underwent surgery and was in ICU before being transferred to the Muelmed Rehabilitation Centre in Pretoria. He worked very hard and made excellent progress. After two months he was ready to go home, even earlier than expected. Allan is doing very well, accepting his condition. He is emotionally strong and positive. HIs

daily exercise and diet are the most important aspects to him. He is using leg splints daily to help him stand and to keep him fit and healthy. He recently obtained a certificate in bookkeeping and is planning to do more studies. He keeps himself busy by expanding his knowledge of computers. He has a large circle of local friends and enjoys socialising with them. He also like to play X-Box games. His plans for the future? He wishes for a standing wheelchair tht will help him to be more independent, and to be able to work someday.



10 AUGUST 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Micaela hou kersvas teen Springbokruiters Micaela van der Merwe (14) het verlede naweek aan ‘n FEI 120km uithourit by Elandskloof buite Dullstroom deelgeneem. Sy het haar junior afdeling gewen. Haar tyd van 6:54:29 op Dream is ‘n nasionaal erkende tyd. Dié tyd was ook net 5 sekondes stadiger as die senior Springbokruiter, Annerie le Roux se tyd. Dream, deur Alta Kriegler van Kitima Arabierstoet buite Burgersfort geteel. Micaela is ook gekies om met haar perde Superstar en Princ of Arcole vir die Mpumalanga A-springspan in September te gaan deelneem aan die SA Nasionale Skole kampioenskappe. Dit vind by Kyalami plaas. Micaela van der Merwe in aksie op haar perd Dream (links) en tydens die prysuideling (regs) saam met Mnr. van Dyn Doyer van arkab Arabierstoet. (Foto’s en inligting: Mari van der Merwe).

Rugby op Ohrigstad Daar word hierdie naweek weer lekker rugby gespeel op Ohrigstad. Spanne van die Noordelikes in Polokwane sal teen spanne van die Buffels, Loskop en Ohrigstad speel. Die aksie vind by Laerskool Ohrigstad se veld plaas.

Die publiek word uitgenooi om die middag saam te kom geniet en die plaaslike spelers te ondersteun. Die eerste wedstryd is geskeduleer om teen 12:30 af te skop. Navrae: 084 589 0344.

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