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10 June 2011
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10 JUNE 2011
The first meeting of the new Greater Tubatse Muncipal Council too place on Thursday last week. Initially the proceedings was chaired by the acting municipal manager, Mr Lemon Phala, who introduced a Commisioner of Oaths, Mr Mqiba, a Burgersfort attorney to the house to conduct the swearing in of councillors. After all the councillors was duly sworn in, nominations for a speaker was submitted and Cllr Queen Malekgale Moeng was sworn in after no other nominations was received. Tjhe new Speaker duly received a cloak of office before taking the chair to conduct the rest of the day’s business. Next on the agenda was the elction of the Executive Committee, whereafter the new Mayor was elected unanimously from the new ranks of the new Executive Committee. The rest of the proceedings centred around the composition of other committees of the council, renumeration of office bearers, the appointment of full time councillors and the election of councillors to represent Greater Tubatse Municipality on the Sekhukhune District Council (this election was coducted by the IEC). The new council also had to take not of previous decisions of the old council that still need to be effected, while administrative issues such as the declaration of interests also received attention.
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Mahlake the new Mayor Voting for and Executive Committee (top).
New Speaker picks up an early fight The new Speaker of the Greater Tubatse Muncipal Council, Cllr Queen Malekgale Moeng, walked into in early scrap with opposition parties when the Council proceeded to elect an Executive Committee. According to the opposition parties in the council, the procedure as prescribed in the Municpal Structures Act (see seperate box) for the composition of an executive committee was not followed and the noted their opposition against the decision to proceed with the composition of the committee, which in the end comprises of nine members of the ruling party and only one opposition member. According to DA member, Cllr Roelof Lourens, the fact that the principle of proportional representation was ignored, opens the way for legal action to rectify the situation.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147
Councillors storm the newly elected Speaker (top) while the public gallery went wild when Cllr Mahlake got elected.
Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake, in the previous dispensation ward councillor for Ward 1 and now and ANC PR representative on the municipal council, has been elected Mayor. In the photograph the chain of office is hung upon his shoulder by the Commissioner of Oaths, Mr Mqiba, an attorney from Burgersfort, who conducted the swearing in ceremonies during the council meeting. Cllr Mahlake’s predecessor, Cllr Ralepane Mamekoa (left) is looking on before congratulating Cllr Mahlake with his election. Cllr Mamekoa has been elected as one of Greater Tubatse Municipality’s representatives in the Sekhukhune District Council. The new Mayor hails from the Leboeng area north of Ohrigstad near Strydom Tunnel.
Excerpt from the Municipal Structures Act “43. (1) If the council of a municipality establishes an executive committee, it must 10 elect a number of councillors necessary for effective and efficient government. provided that no more than 20 per cent of the councillors or 10 councillors. whichever is the least, are elected. An executive committee may not have less than three members. (2) An executive committee must be composed in such a way that parties and interests represented in the municipal council are represented in the executive committee in 15 substantially the same proportion they are represented in the council. (3) A municipal council may determine any alternative mechanism for the election of an executive committee, provided it complies with section 160(8) of the Constitution.”
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
The new Speaker, Cllr Queen Malekgale Moeng.
Section 160 (8) in the Constitutio reads: “Members of a Municipal Council are entitled to participate in its proceedings and those of its committees in a manner that (a) allows parties and interests reflected within the Council to be fairly represented; (b) is consistent with democracy; and (c) may be regulated by national legislation.”
10 JUNIE 2011
Children have rights On 1 June 2011 Motodi VEP (Victim Empowerment Program) together with the Tubatse SAPS, Tubatse VEP, Lehlaba VEP and the Home Based care members conducted a child protection awareness campaign in Ga Motodi village at the Tribal offices. On the day the learners, parents and teachers were addressed about children’s rights, drugs and alcohol abuse. Parents were also sensitized not to send their children to the shops during the night and they were also made aware not to send their children to buy liquor. Some of the learners from local schools received golf shirts with their school’s emblems on it. Mrs. Betty Sepadi (Project manager of Motodi VEP) said through the assistance of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) they managed to buy 90 golf shirts and donated it to some of the learners from local schools. Motodi VEP identified orphans from the local schools and donated some became
beneficiaries. Schools who benefited include: Dikotope Secondary School, Moukangoe Secondary School, Tswetlane Primary School, Marota Primary School. (Information and photographs: Const. J. Movundlela).
Magabe re-elected Executive Mayor The Sekhukhune District Municipality’s council has yesterday (07th June 2011) successfully concluded its business of sworning in of its seventy two councilors. The council meeting was held at the Moses Mabotho Civic Hall in Fetakgomo Municipality, Apel. Cllr Mogobo David Magabe was unanimously elected the Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality. Cllr Caroline Mathebe was elected the Speaker of the District Municipality. Out of the 72, 19 where directly elected, 48 were forwarded jointly by the five local municipalities and five are traditional leaders (chiefs). In his acceptance speech Cllr Magabe told the crowd of five hundred people who packed the hall that “I feel much honoured and humbled for having been elected the second Executive Mayor of the Third Council of Sekhukhune District Municipality, to lead and serve our people. As I accept this mammoth task of spear-heading the National Democratic Revolution in our district, I do so fully aware of the challenges before us and am humbled by the confidence you have shown in my abilities to lead”. The Mayor further thanked to electorate for having flocked to the polls during the 18 May Local Government elections. “Today marks the culmination of what will go down as the most exciting, intense, competitive, aggressive and yet smooth and short political history of our democracy. For this we will forever remain grateful to our people who have demonstrated their deeper sense of the democratic values enshrined in our constitution by voting in large numbers during the elections” Cllr Magabe further announced the appointments of the Members of the Mayoral Committee.
They are: Cllr Seshego Mahlo – Infrastructure and Water Services Dept; Cllr Lionel Seloane – Budget and Treasury Dept; Cllr Moleke Mokganyetsi – Corporate Services Dept; Cllr Martha Matlala – Planning and Economic Development Dept; Cllr Daisy Mokoka – Community Services Dept; Cllr Mohlabane Kgoloko – Executive Mayor’s Office (Traditional Affairs); Cllr Mike Mamahlako – Executive Mayor’s Office (youth, women and people with disabilities) and Cllr Pinkie Nchabeleng – Deputy MMC for Infrastructure and Water Services.
The Executive Mayor had this to say to all politicians: “Now that the election time is over, it is time for all of us to deliver on the electoral mandate, time for campaigning and lobbying for positions has come and gone, we have councillors who are democratically elected, we have administration appointed on the basis of skills, and all of us have to make contributions in changing the lives of our people. Time to blame is over”. The administrative staff of the Sekhukhune District Municipality did not escape the wrath of the Mayor as he said, “We are committed to fight any manifestations of maladministration of tenders in the municipality by both politicians and administration. We are committed to fight crime, fraud and corruption of society through anti-fraud and corruption strategies approved by council. We will work together with the Municipal Public Accounts Committee to improve accountability. We will not tolerate laziness, where it takes more than three months to fix a borehole, more than three months to pay Eskom bills, whilst officials are sitting in airconditioned offices while our people are suffering”.
Morone Centre, Burgersfort
Tel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491 OK Minimark TTel: el: (013) 231 7227
10 JUNE 2011
Twickenham reaches out Twickenham Platinum Mine reached out to community members through donations last week Thursday. The Sekiti family had their home destroyed when a boulder came down the mountain and ran right through their kitchen. The mine donated a steel and a wooden hut to the family and also supplied them with blankets, cooking utensils and cutlery. The Banarang Ba Ga Kgwete Soccer team also received a full new kit to help them continue their good work through sport development in the community. Twickenham general manager, Masala Mutangwa presented the gifts at the official ceremony. He added that the community is important to the mine and that although the beneficiaries may need much more, he hopes these items could make a difference.
10 JUNIE 2011
Ready to fight fires The Tubatse ERT is made up of volunteers from different departments within the plant. These dedicated team members are responsible to address all fire and rescue emergencies within the plant and surrounding areas. The team entered the annual South African national fire fighting competition at the Fire Protection Association College in Boksburg. The competition was held on the 25th of May 2011. Teams from all over the country enter the competition to test their skills against each other and the clock. This is the second year the team has entered the competition.The competition is broken up into different disciplines such as hose drills, Devils Cross fire fighting and 3D fire fighting. This year the team also entered one member for the Fire Marshall competition for the first time. Overall Results: Team competitions 7th; Fire Marshall competition 1st. The team members are: G Bullock, T Forrester’ K Joubert’ C Volschenk’ E Cilliers, J Scheepers and Fire Marshall - H Greyling (photo just left).
Netbal-uitblinkers vir Steelpoort Akademie Juffrou Yolandie Coetzee (foto onder) is as Provinsiale afrigter vir Mpumalanga Netbal O/14 span gekies.
Samancor Eastern Chrome donates blood On the 31st of May 2011 Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines participated in a campaign to donate blood at the Winterveld offices. The motto is ‘Safe blood saves lives’. Daily, thousands of people die due to lack of blood being available when required in emergency situations. The opposite is also true, many are saved from death because of blood being available. Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines is proud to be involved in such an initiative that can save lives! (Photo Ndamulelo Mufamadi who works at the ECM Lab was and story: Davida van der very happy to donate blood. Walt)
Sonay Labuschagne en Monique Language het die Mpumalanga O/13B span gehaal. Die dogters sal nou op provinsiale vlak gaan meeding.
Eerste boeke-aand vir Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort het verlede week Donderdagaand hul eerste boeke-aand gehou. ‘n Boekuistalling kon besigtig word en verskillende leerlinge het ‘n kort vertelling oor ‘n boek wat hulle onlangs gelees het en wat dit vir hulle beteken het,
gegee. Die mikpunt is om almal aan die lees te kry. Daar sal elke kwartaal so ‘n boeke-aand gehou word. Na die tyd is daar sop en broodjies verkoop.
Steel shipping containers for sale - 6m and 12m. For immediate space we have 6m flatpack offices. We also supply open top containers, reefers (refrigerated containers), tanktainers (for the storage of chemicals) and container conversions e.g. site offices.
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ECM supports World Environment Day 5 June was World Environment Day. One of the values of Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) is Zero Harm to the environment. To show their support, ECM participated in an awareness campaign at the Dithamaga School. Charles Mathoma from ECM made a
presentation on general environmental management and conservation, looking at (1) Prevention of Water pollution; (2) Prevention of Air pollution by veld fire and (3) Sustainable use of land. He emphasized that each person has a responsibility. Together Steelpoort residents can
make a huge difference if every person will not litter, do not waste water and helps prevent veld fires. It is all about being part of the solution and not part of the problem. ECM donated four wheelie bins to the school, to help them in their effort to keep the environment clean. (Information: Davida van der Walt)
ECM racing in Middelburg
On Saturday 4 June Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines participated in a Box Cart Race that was held at Middelburg Ferrochrome. ECM showed up with loads of spirit! With the very first race, ECM took the lead. The team went crazy! And then
it happened, around the last bend, the back wheels were damaged. The pit crew quickly jumped in and replaced the wheels. By now the team had a back log to catch up. The guys really went all out! They pushed that little car as
if it was the last thing they were doing. In the end, the team achieved 2nd place in both the Box Cart Race as well as the Drag Car Race. To no surprise, the team won the 1st prize for spirit! (Photo: Davida van der Walt)
10 JUNE 2011
ECM showing that they care On 31 May 2011, Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) visited Itereleng Home Based Care in Makgemeng. An employee from Eastern Chrome Mines, Neri Roux, has a baby of thirteen months old. She decided to donate her baby carry cots, bath and baby clothes to Itereleng Home Based Care for distribution in the community. Neri was delighted to see that the donations went to people who really needed it. In addition ECM also donated 56 food hampers to the community. Itereleng Home Based care plays such an important role to ensure that donation to the communities reaches the right people. If anyone wishes to make donations to Itereleng Home Based care, the can be contacted on 076 688 2870. ECM did not stop there. They also donated 18 food hampers to the Eerste Geluk Orphanage and 20 Food Hampers to Bogwasha Protective Workshop for the Mentally and Physically Disabled. The Eerste Geluk Orphanage feeds orphaned children on a daily basis. Bogwasha is a day care centre for the disabled. Eastern Chrome Mines is proud to be associated with support to local communities.
Bogwasha (back): Johan Mafogo (caretaker), Piet Komane, Ramoadi France, Chauke Mphomelelo, Andries Mokoena, Chego Mogobosheng, Ndlovu Boni, Diana Sekhukhune (Caretaker), Maggy Malepe, Melinda Mabelane, Erster Ndlovu, Malilo Nthabiseng, Morena Thusile (caretaker) and Phoka Mmulaeng. In front: Caretaker Mmaphoke Nkhemoje and Patrick Sihlangu from Eastern Chrome Mines. (Photo and story: Davida van der Walt)
Wenakker sê dankie PUBLIC HEARINGS ON BASIC EDUCATION LAWS AMENDMENT BILL The Portfolio Committee on Education will be conducting public hearings on Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill. Theses hearings will be conducted as follows: DATE 13 June 2011
DISTRICT Capricorn
13 June 2011
13 June 2011
13 June 2011
13 June 2011
VENUE Polokwane, Oasis Lodge Fetakgomo, Civic Centre Tzaneen, Nkowankowa Community Hall Thulamela, Thohoyandou Indoor Sports Centre Modimolle, Jusuf Dadoo Community Hall (Indian Location)
TIME 09h00 09h00 09h00
The following stakeholders are invited to attend: Unions, Circuit Manager, FET’s, Campus Managers and CEO’s, SGB’s, Principal Associations, Curriculum Advisors, Deputy Managers Governance and all relevant stakeholders. For more information please contact Mr Lufuno Mudzanani at (015) 633 8076 or 082 331 8027 OR Ms Maphishane Ntsoane at 015 633 8108 or 082 418 6282.
10 JUNIE 2011
Picking the fruits of practice
Photograph: Cronje Rademan
Photograph: Santie Carelse
Cronje Rademan and Santie Carelse walked away with joint first place in last month’s photography club theme challenge. The club met for their monthly meeting on Monday this week. The Burgersfort Photography Club takes photographs according to a different theme every month. The theme for last month was fruit. Many high quality entries were received, resulting in shared first, second and third places. The winning photograph of each month receives a R250 OK Grocer voucher. Santie Carelse was also the winner of the Platinum Gazette challenge for an appliance marketing photograph. The theme for the coming month is street photography. Any photography enthusiasts are welcome to join the Club. Get all the information and contact numbers from the diary on page 8 of this week’s newspaper.
Stop, stop, dis die basaar-spietkop! is vriendelik gestop en gevra of hulle nie pannekoek of sosaties wou koop nie. Meer as 900 pannekoeke is op die dag gebak. Die kerk bedank almal wat gehelp, geskenk en ondersteun het.
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Die NG Kerk op Ohrigstad het verlede week Saterdag hul jaarlikse basaar gehou. Dit was soos gewoonlik ‘n feestelike geleentheid met hope eetgoed wat te koop aangebied is. Motoriste wat deur die dorp op die R36 gery het,
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:
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10 JUNE 2011
Letters / Briewe
Showing some teeth!
Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue. Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.
Dagboek / Diary To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail) This is a free service.
Dale Hayes - Super Sport Golf Day This event will take place Tubatse Chrome Golf Club and it will be televised shortly after the day on Super Golf. Only 64 places are available, so join us and book your space now. When: 22 June 2011. Format: Better Ball Stable Fort. Shotgun start at 10:45. After play: Dale Hayes Trick Shot Clinic. Formalities includes dinner which will take place at 18:00. Entry fee: R200. Your booking will only be confirmed once your R200 has been paid. Contact: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833. Chrome Golf Club Wednesday Competitions Time: 15:00. Nine holes. Entry fee R60. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833. Chrome Golf Club Friday Sundowner Competitions (twice a month) Time: 13:00. Nine holes. Entry fee R60. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833. Burgersfort United Soccer Burgersfort United Football Club plays soccer every Wednesday and Friday evening. They invite all social players of all ages to come and join them at the Laerskool Burgersfort sportsgrounds. Enquiries: Faizal, 082 922 3909 or Riaz, 072 471 7545. Golfdae om te onthou 11 Junie 2011 - Sanlam Kanker Golfdag. 16 Junie 2011 - Pro 20 Golfdag. 8 Julie 2011 - Nag golf. Navrae en besprekings: Martin van Rooyen - 082 816 4833. Vlooimark Op 25 Junie vier die OK Minimark hul verjaarsdag met ‘n reuse vlooimark. Kom deel in die feestelikheid. Bespreek nou jou stalletjie en kom verkoop jou produkte of bemark jou besigheid. Daar is reeds stalletjies vir kos, speelgoed, vars gebakte produkte, leefstyl en handwerk items en vele meer. Daar sal hope pret, musiek en goeie gees wees! Die kleinspan kan vir Buddy kom ontmoet en aan verskillende kompetisies deelneem. Navrae by die OK Minimark, Andries Human. Fotografie Klub Die Burgersfort Fotografie Klub se volgende vergadering vind Maandag, 4 Julie plaas. Alle lede sowel as belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te woon. Die maand se foto tema is Street Photography. Vir meer navrae kontak Ruan Kleynhans by 083 276 1643; Daryll Geddes by 083 612 2021; Braam Matthysen by 083 324 1214; Jaco Smith by 079 697 7356 of Mark Geddes by 083 601 6158. Op-en-Wakker Groep vir bejaardes Op Ohrigstad verkoop die Op-en-Wakker Groep vir bejaardes hou elke laaste Vrydag van die maand pannekoek- en vetkoekverkope by die Pure Plaas stalletjie. Al die geld wat hulle in die eerste deel van die jaar ingesamel het, het gegaan vir liefdadigheid. Nou werk die bejaardes om geld in te samel vir hul toer na die Kaap. Zak van Niekerk by Laerskool Burgersfort Zak van Niekerk is op 6 Augustus by Laerskool Burgersfort. Die hekke maak 15:00 oop en die konsert begin om 19:00. Daar sal ‘n biertent, stalletjie en baie meer wees. Daar is nog staanplekke vir stalletjies. Navrae: 013 231 7609 Trompoppie Feesdag Die Trompoppies samel geld in vir hulle deelname aan die nasionale kampioenskappe. Hulle sal by Winterveld ‘n feesdag gedurende Junie hou (teen druktyd was die datum nog nie met die koerant bevestig nie). Daar sal verskillende aktiwiteite, musiek, rugby, motorfietse, kompetisies, stalletjies en nog baie meer wees. Vir navrae en besprekings van stalletjies kontak Belinda Veldsman by 076 554 8357.
w w w
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Photographer: Alan Peers
Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop
(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041
Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic Water & Sanitation Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) Electricity (Eskom)
(013) 2147265 (013) 615 0204 (013) 2317843 082 900 4449 0800 330 022 0860 037 566
Thought for the week “The fellow that can only see a week ahead is always the popular fellow, for he is looking with the crowd. But the one that can see years ahead, he has a telescope but he can’t make anybody believe that he has it.” - Will Rogers
Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.
10 JUNIE 2011
Specialist training for taxi drivers A taxi academy where taxi drivers will undergo compulsory specialist training will be up and running by the end of the year. This was announced by Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele this week. The academy will be funded by both the state and the taxi industry. The training will be compulsory and according to Ndebele, the taxi industry is now becoming more and more involved in government plans to improve public transport. The taxi industry accounts for 60% of South Africa’s public transport. “The academy will be looking mainly at driver safety, customer care and those kinds of issues. It is aimed at improving the skills of taxi drivers and assisting them with how they deal with their customers” Mr Logan Maistry, spokesman of the Department of Roads and Transport said. The academy will offer industry specific training and will also include advanced driver training and lessons in how to run a small business. The initial site identified for the academy is in Welkom, but plans for satellite training centres across the country are underway. “We are focussed on getting the taxi industry and the small bus company operators to become part of the tranformation of the public transport sector. We are persuing the objective that a portion of all current public transport contracts will be allocated to these two public transport service providers,” Ndebele said. Good news for Limpopo is that R934 million will be spent on upgrading roads in the current financial year. This is the fourth largest provincial allocation. According to Ndebele 75% of the country’s tarred roads are 20 years and older while they only have a surface life span of 20 years. Nationally R75 thousand million rand is needed over the next five years to stop further deterioration. In the Burgersfort area more than 800 taxis are operating daily. They carry thousands of passengers from villages around the area to towns and mines surrounding Burgersfort. We asked readers how they felt about the compulsory specialist training that is being planned for taxi drivers?
Ms Rachel Mashaba and Ms Elsie Mkhawane said: “It is a good plan. Often the taxi drivers are rude and call us names. They must treat us like real customers because we are real customers. They must also be trained to budget so that they’ll have something when they one day retire. Oh, and their drivers licences must be real, proper drivers licences”.
Mr Solly Nkoma said: “It is a good plan, it will reduce accidents”.
Me. Ina Burger sê: “Dit is ‘n fantastiese plan, solank dit net realiseer en hier by ons het ons dit baie nodig”.
Mr AJ Homem De Gouvia said: “It’s a good plan but has to be monitored”.
Mr Mark Geddes said: “It is positive, but can you change bad habits? Give the project the benefit of the doubt”.
Me. Melany Clark sê: “Dis ‘n goeie plan. Dit sal great wees as hier net ‘n bietjie meer kontrole is en net nie soveel chaos nie. Ek weet nie hoe haalbaar dit vir die rural areas is nie”.
Right: Mr Gaonyatse Moroke said: “I think if this plan was started earlier it would have been better. It is good for the future, especially for those starting out as taxi drivers. The manners of the operators must be better and they must be more co-operative”. With him are Oarabile and Tumi Moroke.
Mnr. Garethy Cookham en Mnr. Evan Visagie sê: “Dis ‘n goeie plan. Die bestuurslisensies moet wettig wees. Veral hier in Burgersfort ry baie taxi bestuurders sonder lisensies. My kar is al 4 keer van agter gestamp. Probeer jy complain oor hoe hulle ry, gebeur niks. Ons mense vertrou die taxi drivers met ons lewens en dan ry hulle roekeloos”.
10 JUNIE 2011
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. Email: • Fax: 086 554 9031 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale
1. Sport Klubs/ Sport Clubs GSKA Karate Maandae & Woensdae van 17h30 – 19h00 by Calvin College. Almal welkom van 6 jaar en ouer. Op Dinsdae word daar nou ook selfverdedigingsklasse aangebied. Dit is ook by Calvin College tussen 17:30 en 19:00 Skakel Jolanda Hietbrink by 082 859 9681.
3. Dienste/ Services ALL & ALL SERVICES We do it all: Installations & repairs. Aircons, stoves, fridges, washing machines, freezers, geysers. For a free quotation call: 079 492 5780.
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous KENNISGEWING TEN OPSIGTE VAN VERKOOP VAN VOERTUIG. Hiermee gee ek Mnr. JJ Brown h/a Magnum Services kennis dat die volgende voertuig, ‘n Mercedes Benz 1413 met registrasie nommer HDY 568 NW verkoop sal word om kostes vir herstelwerk en berging te dek indien die wettige eienaars nie binne 30 dae van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing die volle uitstaande rekening vereffen en die voertuig kom haal nie. Navrae: 082 927 3517 NOTICE OF SALE OF VEHICLE. Herewith I, Mr JJ Brown, t/a Magnum Services give notice that the following vehicle, a Mercedes Benz 1413 with registration number HDY 568 NW will be sold to cover costs incurred for repairs and storage should the lawful owners not come and settle the full outstanding account and collect the vehicle within 30
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PUBLIC NO TICE NOTICE Supplementar y Valua tion R oll Supplementary aluation Roll open ffor or inspection Notice is hereby given in terms of section 49 of the new Property Rates Act no 6 of 2004, that the supplementary valuation roll for the period 1 May 2010 to 30 April 2011 will be open for inspection at the Civic Centre in Burgersfort as well as the Satellite Offices in Ga-Mapodile, Praktiseer and Ohrigstad from Monday 10 June 2011 to 22 July 2011 Any owner of rateable property or other person who so desires to lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter recorded in the supplementary roll, shall do so within the said period of 30 days The form prescribed for the lodging of any objection is obtainable at the Civic Centre in Burgersfort . Attention is specifically directed to the fact that no person is entitled to urge any objection before the valuation board, unless he has timely lodged an objection on the prescribed form. Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:
H.L Phala Acting Municipal Manager
10 JUNIE 2011
Rugby, netbal, hokkie en tennis op Lydenburg gespeel Hoërskool Lydenburg het verlede naweek teen Penryn College rugby, netbal, hokkie en tennis gespeel. Die spanne het almal ‘n goeie poging gelewer en in baie gevalle as die oorwinnaars weggestap. Kry die volledige uitslae en nog foto’s op bladsy 12. Penryn het in blou en rooi gespeel terwyl Hoërskool Lydenburg se kleure groen en geel is.
Riders to be reckoned with Monique Papenfus (photograph below left) recently competed in Badplaas on her horse Minty. They did exceptionally well and brought home 5 rosettes.
Monique was trained by June Lark of Letabo Perr and now trains in Whiteriver where she goes to school. She is a truly talented young rider with a big future. Another young star is Micaela van der Merwe (photograph bottom right)who was chosen to represent Mpumalanga at the SA Pony Riders Championships in July. Michaela was chosen over the weekend and will ride at the Championships at Kyalami from 1 to 9 July this year. (Photographs: Koos Papenfus).
10 JUNIE 2011
• MBBCh (WITS) • DOMH (UP) • DMH (CMSA) • Practice No: 0247308
We offer: Book now for circumcisions. We offer a holistic approach to 1. General Medical your medical condition with the Consultations following services: Dietician; 2. Red tickets 3. Road Accident Fund Psychologist; Physiotherapist; Occupational Therapist & Examinations Speech and Hearing Therapist 4. HIV Management (at Dr. Mattellaer’s surgery) Limosa Limosa, Shop 9 • Tel: 013 231 7307/8 E-mail:
Platinum Gazette
LHS vs Penryn College Hoërskool Lydenburg het verlede naweek wintersport teen Penryn College van Nelspruit gehad. Daar is tennis, netbal, hokkie en rugby gespeel. Die uitslae was soos volg: Die rugby o/14 seuns verloor 22-15, die o/15 span verloor 20-8, die o/16 span wen 34 - 0. Die tweedespan het nie gespeel nie en die eerstespan verloor 43-36 na ‘n taai wedstryd waarin die spanne mekaar afgewissel het om voor te loop op die punteleer.Die hokkie dogters o/14 verloor 1-0, die o/14 seuns wen 3-0, die o/15 dogters verloor 3-0, die o/16 dogters wen 2-0, die o/16 seuns wen 2-1. Die tweedespan dogters verloor 2-0, die
eerstespan dogters verloor 3-2 en die eerstespan seuns verloor 1-0. Die netbal o/ 14A span wen 19-2, o/14B wen 10-1, o/15A wen 20-6, o/15B wen 24-5, o/16A wen 14-1, die tweedespan - MUSSA: Eerstespan wen 31-12. MUSSA: o/16B eindig tweede in die poel en die tweedespan eindig derde in die poel. Tennis: Hoërskool Lydenburg seuns 3 verloor 20-35 teen Penryn College. Heunis Marais wen sy enkels 7-2. Heunis en Mohammed verloor hulle dubbels 4-5. Die dogters verloor 10-45 teen Hoërskool Nelspruit en Shandre Swanepoel verloor haar enkelspel net-net 4-5.