Platinum Gazette 10 June 2016

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Eastplats says its board is under attack



Against crime - p 3

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

10 June 2016

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147

JSE and Canadian listed Eastern Platinum Ltd (Eastplats) is calling on their shareholders to try and prevent a board takeover at their upcoming annual general meeting. The meeting is scheduled for 5 July 2016 and Eastplats has taken note of intentions by recently incorporated Hong Kong-based company Ka An Development to nominate six new board members. Ka An entered the Eastplats stall after entering into an agreement with Invesco Canada to buy shares that represent 13,79% of Eastplats. The company had also received notice from Toronto-based hedge fund K2 Principal Fund that they reserve the right to nominate six new directors to replace the current incumbents. Following this Eastplats had issued their shareholders with information as to why it is suspected that these dissident shareholders would not be taking the company’s best interest at heart. One of the major concerns is that none of the dissident shareholders’ nominations has experience directly relevant to platinum mining in South Africa. Eastplats chairperson, president and CEO David Cohen has called on stakeholders to take into account that the incumbent board has managed to “preserve the company’s assets and balance sheet in an extremely challenging market, avoiding dilution and delivering one of the best share price performances in the sector”. Some of Eastplats South African assets are situated locally near Steelpoort at Moreesburg and Kennedy’s Vale. An attempt to sell these assets to a Chinese mining concern, did not come to fruition because of resistance from a major shareholder of the Chinese company.




Stolen pumps recovered Three men arrested Three men, aged 23, 32 and 41-years old from Leboeng Ga Moraba and Ga Nkoana appeared before the Magistrate’s Court at Leboeng on a charge of house breaking and theft after two water pump machines had been stolen at Leboeng Makopung village. The three appeared for bail applications whereby one was granted R1000 bail and two were remanded in custody until next week Tuesday for formal bail applications. After intensive investigations by Leboeng detectives they managed to recover the two stolen machines at Lydenburg. The Leboeng Police thank the community for supporting the Police during the investigation. (Information and photographs: Sergeant Sibatana Maimela Andrew)

Matthew 9:13 NIV “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

10 JUNE 2016

Multiple accidents on ‘killer’ road On Saturday 04 June 2016 at about 17:40, Tubatse Police attended an accident that occurred on the R37 road at Riba Cross. As far as could be determined a white Toyota Quantum knocked down 32- year-old man and the victim was confirmed dead by EMS members that attended the scene. The victim was identified by a relative. The Police opened a case of culpable homicide for further investigations. On Saturday 04 June 2016 at about 12:00, Tubatse Police received a report that a motor vehicle knocked over a pedestrian along the R37 road, also at Riba Cross. They rushed to the scene and found a driver of a charcoal bakkie who said he knocked down a pedestrian. The pedestrian was already transported to the local hospital. The Police proceeded to the hospital and found 10 year old boy with injuries to the leg, arm and on the head. A case of reckless or negligent driving was opened for further investigation. The Police appeal to drivers to drive more carefully, especially on the R37 road. The road is very busy and there are many pedestrians. Pedestrians are also urged to be more carefull at all times and they must check for vehicles before crossing the road. (Information: Const. J.S. Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)

10 JUNIE 2016

Break the silence on child abuse The Burgersfort SAPS celebrated Child Protection week at Marakabele Primary School last week Thursday. The theme of the day was “Break the silence on child abuse”. Four schools, Mafemane Primary School, Rob Ophelia Primary School, Tubatse Primary School and Marakabele Primary school also competed in atletics against crime. The winning learners received medals and the overal winner, Ma-



femane Primary School received a trophy. The day was also filled with a show by the SAPS dog unit and speeches from various dignitaries. (Information & photographs: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS)

Child protection a priority for Leboeng SAPS On Monday 30 May the Leboeng SAPS in partnership with their CPF and Youth CPF visited Lesedi Labohle creche at Mapareng village. Sergeant Sibatana addressed the learners about childrens’ rights. He told them to report any form of abuse to the police. On Wednesday 1 June, three creches (Phakgaphakga, Thekgano and Regodile Pelaneng creche) from the Leboeng area visited Leboeng SAPS to celebrate child protection week with the police. Local social worker Miss Mphaphuli addresed the learners and the parents. She emphasised that children’s rights must be protected at all times. The station commander, Captain Moholane had a chance to talk with the young ones. He told them that as Leboeng SAPS they are ready to protect the rights of children.

He added that Leboeng’s child protection is everybody’s responsibility and although Child Protection Week is only 7 days, the SAPS takes child protection serious 365 days a year. (Information & photographs: Sergeant M.A. Sibatana)


10 JUNE 2016


DWARSRIVIER MINE Helping talented athletes compete at Comrades Ultra-Marathon 2016

Athletes bring back medals Dwarsrivier Mine has established its commitment towards sports development in the area when they created the Dwarsrivier Mine Athle cs Club a few years ago. Through this ini a ve the Mine not only invested in the talent of the area, but also assisted in keeping young talent off the streets and away from crime through sport. Their support and commitment did not stop there and with Comrades Ultra-Marathon on 29 May 2016, they were once again there for the athletes. This year they sponsored their long distance runners who par cipated in the Comrades Ultra-Marathon from start to finish. The runners received support in the form of payment of their registra on fees, sponsoring of their qualifying races, transport as well as accommoda on and meals. Jack Thokoane (70) was the eldest This year Dwarsrivier Mine went above athlete benefi ng from the Dwars- and beyond with stretching their resourcrivier Sponsorship. He ran 11:06. es to also assist an athle cs team from Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality with transport to Comrades and back. The runners did well and on Friday last week visited Dwarsrivier Mine to show their medals to the mine management. Mr Rian Burger, General Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine congratulated the ath-

letes on their performance at the race. He also encouraged them to keep up the good work and be beacons of hope in their communi es. He told them to keep their determina on shown in running and apply it to all areas of their lives. He encouraged them not to give up, even though some of them are not employed and struggling in their day to day lives. The athletes also thanked Dwarsrivier for their support and pledged their commitment to giving their best. One of the runners, Thapelo Maphori received one of a few Interflora trophies handed to runners towards the end of the race. He symbolically handed it to Mr Remember Mmbengwa and Mr Rian Burger from Dwarsrivier Mine to show the athletes’ commitment towards giving only their best and one day perhaps bring back a gold medal as well. The best performing athlete in the group was Frans Thabana Phehli who received a silver medal a er comple ng the race in 07:14:22. The eldest runner in the group, Jack Thokoane is 70 years old and finished in 11:06. The group also brought home a variety of medals according to their finishing me ranging from Bill Rowan medals, bronze medals and Vic Clapham medals.

Dwarsrivier is proud to have a silver medal amongst the medals brought back from Comrades Marathon 2016.

Thapelo Maphori who ran a me of 09:50:53 was handed an Interflora Comrades trophy as he finished. This runner with his special ou it symbolically handed the trophy to Dwarsrivier management to show the athletes’ commitment to bring back gold one day. Frans Thabana Phehli was Dwarsrivier Mine Athle cs Club’s best performing athlete bringing back a silver medal.

10 JUNIE 2016



Joshua Generation supports Tekkie Tax Day

Blast from the past

Joshua Generation’s learners supported Tekkie Tax Day at the end of May. This day raises funds for charity. (Photographs: Joshua Generation)

Steelpoort Academy had a blast from the past when their teachers not only supported Tekkie Tax Day at the end of May, but also had some fun by getting back into school uniforms. The learners enjoyed the switched roles with them being able to wear tekkies while the teachers are in uniform. A variety of school’s uniforms could be seen on the day and even the teachers’ hair were neatly tied according to school rules. Tekkie Tax Day raises funds through selling stickers and colourful tekkie shoe laces to assist a variety of charitable organisations in sectors looking after people with disabilities, animals, education and brings hope to people. (Photographs & information: Arlene Malan, Steelpoort Academy).


10 JUNE 2016


Laerskool Ohrigstad se rugby bulletjiespanne sê dankie Laerskool Ohrigstad se Bulletjie rugby het hierdie jaar ‘n goeie seisoen gehad. Die spannetjies wat uit graad R, 1 en 2 leerders bestaan, was onder afrigting van twee mamma’s.

Yolanda Blignaut en Maritsa Gouws het ingespring en gehelp toe die nood groot was. Hulle wil graag die borge vir die jaar bedank. Dankie aan: Laeveld Agrochem, Stompie Grobler en Gys Heln. Eben Kopper van Lunaka in Ohrigstad

en Dr Charlene Klopper van Thaba Phala in Burgersfort. (Inligting en foto’s: Maritsa Gouws)

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services

9. Te Huur/ For Rent

PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossiing Mall in Burgersfort. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION Two bedrooms with water/prepaid Aloe West R4000.

2 x Bedroom with water/lights/security. Aloe West. R5 000. Three bedroom available from R6000 with water/lights/ security. Viewing available after hours. Please call or what’s app 082 578 6113. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort

op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808

Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at or fax: 013 231 7147.

NOTICE OF WATER USE LICENCE APPLICATION PROCESS FOR NARANJA PACKERS ON THE REMAINDERS OF PORTIONS 6 AND 7 OF THE FARM WILDEBEESTHOEK 389-KT NEAR BURGERSFORT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Polygon Environmental Planning CC has been appointed by Naranja Packers to conduct a Water Use Licence Application (WULA) for the following existing infrastructure near Burgersfort, Limpopo Province: - Biological wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on the Remainder of Portion 6 of the farm Wildebeesthoek 389-KT. The WWTP treats sewerage and grey water from Naranja Packers’ citruspackhouse, and has the capacity to treat 30m3 per day. The treated effluent is proposed to be used for irrigation of Naranja’s citrus orchards. - Small offstream irrigation dam on the Remainder of Portion 7 of Wildebeesthoek 389-KT. The dam has the capacity to store approximately 6 500m3 of water from the irrigation canal (part of the Watervals River Irrigation Scheme) for irrigation of citrus orchards. The dam, WWTP and the irrigation with treated effluent constitute water uses in terms of Sections 21(b), 21(e) and 21(g) of the National Water Act (NWA, Act No. 36 of 1998) and are required to be registered with the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in terms of the General Authorisation (GA 2004, as amended and extended), as published in terms of the NWA. An application will be submitted to DWS. Should you have any comments, queries or concerns in terms of the WULA or the project, if you would like additional information, or if you wish to register as an Interested and/or Affected Party (I&AP), please contact us at the details below before or on 11 July 2016.

TSEBIšO YA MOKGWA WA KGOPELO YA TUMELELO YA šOMIšO YA MEETSE GO NARANJA PACKERS GO MAšALEDI A DIKAROLO 6 LE 7 POLASENG YA WILDEBEESTHOEK 389-KT, KGAUSWI LE BURGERSFORT, POROFENSENG YA LIMPOPO Polygon Environmental Planning CC e kgethilwe ke Naranja Packers go laola Kgopelo ya Tumelelo ya šomišo ya Meetse (WULA) go tše latelago tša motheo wo o lego gona kgauswi le Burgersfort, Limpopo Province: - Mothopo wa tlhwekišo ya meetse a ditšhila wa biolotšhikale (WWTP) go mašaledi a Karolo 6 Polaseng ya Wildebeesthoek 389-KT. Tshepetšo ya go alafa moela wa ditšhila le meetse a masetla go tšwa citrus packhouse ya Naranja Packers, gape e na le se kgoba go swara 30m3 ka letšatši. Go dirwa ga tlhwekišo go šišitšwe go šomišwa go ka nošetša ga citrus orchards ya Naranja. - Moela wo sa šomego wa letamo la go nošetša go mašaledi a Karolo 7 Polaseng ya Wildebeesthoek 389-KT. Letamo le na le bokagare bja go tswara meetse a o a ka lekanago 6 500m3 go tšwa go kanale ya go nošetša (seripa sa Morero wa go Nošetša wa Noka ya Watervals) go nošetša ga citrus orchards. Letamo, WWTP le go nošetša ka go dirwa ga tlhwekišo ya šomišo ya meetse ka baka la Dikarolo tša 21(b), 21(e) le 21(g) tša Molawana wa Meetse wa Bosetšhaba (NWA, Molawana wa 36 wa 1998) gape a nyakilwe goba a ngwadišitše le Kgoro ya Meetse le Hlwekišo (DWS) ka baka la General Authorisation (GA 2004, bjalo ka ge o fetošišwe gape o okeditšwe), ka ge e phatlaladitšwe ka baka la NWA. Kgopelo e tla išwa go DWS. A o na le ditlaleletšo, dipotšišo goba dipelaelo ka ga WULA goba projeke, goba ge o ka rata tshedimošo ye ngwe gape, goba go ke ngwadiša bjalo ka mokgatlo wo o dumago goba o a megago (I&AP), o kgopelwa o e kopanye le rena ditlheng tša ka fase pele goba ka 11 Julae 2016. Contact / Motsereganyi: Mrs Louise Agenbag Telephone / Nomoro ya mogala: 015 307 3606 Fax / Nomoro ya faks: 015 307 3080 / 086 527 0012 E-mail / Aterese ya e-mail: Post / Aterese ya poso: PO Box 1935, Tzaneen, 0850

10 JUNIE 2016



Massive win for Tubatse Masters On Sunday 5 June, Tubatse Masters (in yellow) hosted Burgersfort SBV soccer team (in blue) for a friendly match at Leolo Secondary School sports ground in Praktiseer. Tubatse Masters dominated ball possession in the first half and managed to score three goals by Mbesuma Mabaso (two goals) and Thapelo Maredi. The visitors had only a few opportunities but failed to convert any of them. At half time Tubatse Masters were leading 3-0. In the opening minutes of the second half the visitors managed to score one goal to make the score 3-1. But Tubatse Masters

continued dominating the match and scored another three goals by Jerial Mvundlela,

Skryf nou in vir die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag Plekke raak min vir deelnemers om in te skryf vir hierdie jaar se Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag. Slegs 100 voertuie word op die baan toegelaat en daar is tans nog net 30 plekke beskikbaar vir inskrywings. Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag vind hierdie jaar op 30 Julie plaas en is weer by PLM Boerdery op die pad tussen Lydenburg en Burgersfort. Dié dag word gekenmerk deur baie pret en plesier, nie net vir deelnemers nie, maar ook die toeskouers. Daar is sommer baie te doen met uitstallers, kindervermaak, helikopter ‘flips’ en ‘n verskeidenheid kunstenaars wat optree. Uitstallers wat nog belangstel om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek kan dit ook nog doen. Elke jaar is daar ‘n verskeidenheid van stalletjies wat enige iets van kos, vlooimark items tot 4x4 toebehore uitstal en bemark. Hierdie is die ideale geleentheid om jou besigheid aan duisende besoekers bekend te stel of om fondse in te samel deur iets te verkoop. Vir almal wat nie na die dag se kuier die pad huis toe wil aandurf nie is daar ook kampplek met ablusie geriewe beskikbaar. Die pret van die dag is nie net tot vierwiel

voertuie beperk nie want die jaarlikse bergfiets wedren is aan die groei. Fietsryers kan reeds daarvoor ook inskryf en deelneem aan ‘n roete wat deur die natuur kronkel en pas by jou fiksheidsgraad. Persone en besighede wat betrokke wil raak met die borg van punte op die 4x4 baan is ook welkom om die organiseerders te kontak. Die publiek moet solank regmaak om daardie dag niks van die aksie te mis nie. Elke jaar is daar tussen 7 000 en 10 000 besoekers wat die geleentheid bywoon. Ingang sal R30 per voertuig en R10 per persoon wees. Die fondse wat deur die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag ingesamel word, word jaarliks aan verskillende welsyns inisiatiewe versprei. Die Wildevy Manne help graag waar die groter skemas wat welsynsorganisasies help nie kan bykom nie. Hulle is nou betrokke by Rusoord Ouetehuis op Lydenburg en help met verskillende Burgersfort en Steelpoort sake waar daar behoefte is. Navrae en inskrywings of besprekings: 013 231 7498/9; e-pos: or besoek

Pitso Sehlabela and Oscar Nkuna and won the match by 6-1.

(Photosgraphs: Chris Klaaste; Information: Jerial Mvundlela)


10 JUNE 2016

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Ratels reken af met Barberton Die Laeveld Ratels het verlede naweek op Ohrigstad teen Barberton in ‘n ligawedstryd gespeel. Dit was die tweede keer hierdie seisoen dat die Ratels teen Barberton te staan gekom het. Die Ratels het van die eerste minuut af hard gespeel en sommer vinnig begin punte aanteken. Hoewel ‘n paar van die drieë wat gedruk is nie verdoel is nie, het die telling teen halftyd reeds op 36-0 in die guns van die Ratels gestaan. In die tweede helfte het die manne éers vlam gevat en die eindtelling was 97-0 in die guns van die Ratels. Die Punte is aangeteken deur: WK De Jongh (1 drie), Juan van Zyl (3 drieë), Frans Breytenbach (2 drieë), Martin Van Den Berg (1 drie), Panda Richards (3 drieë), Edward Latsky (1 drie), Willem Le Grange (2 drieë),

Koos Van Der Wal (1 drie), Stefan Voster (1 drie). Martin Van Den Berg het 10 verdoel en Brandon Parr-Bayley het een verdoel. Die Ratels het nog twee wedstryde oor voor die semi-finale. Hierdie naweek wat kom speel die Ratels teen die Nelspruit Kudoes op Nelspruit en dan teen Hoedspruit Pumbas op Ohrigstad op 18 Junie. “Ons voel ons spelers is reg om die liga deur te trek en ons kan n groot sukses maak van die jaar. Solank ons as ‘n span bly speel en vertrou op mekaar, is daar min wat ons kan keer” sê Quartus du Toit van die Ratels. Verlede jaar het die Ratels tot in die finale van die liga gevorder. Die Agterspeler van die wedstryd was Panda Richards en Voorspeler van die wedstryd was Willem Le Grange. (Inligting: Quartus du Toit)

Bo: Panda Richards het 3 drieë gedruk en was die Agterspeler van die wedstryd.

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