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10 May 2013
80 Hippo Rollers donated
The community of Kgautšwane (Rietfontein) near Ohrigstad was, as in years previously, again the beneficiaries of so-called hippo rollers donated by US citizens. Mr Grant Gibs, who is the founder of the Hippo Roller Foundation, visited the area recently in the company of US touring companies and tourists. The the main sponsors of the hippo rollers were the touring companies and the nifty devices were handed over to the Kgautšwane community during a ceremony that took place at Matshiresane. More than 80 of the water carriers were brought by the Americans. Mr Gibs told Platinum Gazette “Our hippo rollers can help the community fetch water quite effectively, even if it can only be a temporary solution to tapped water”. The local inhabitants showed their appreciation for the donation: “We are very happy that today we can make a big step forward to our target to have a population here that is equipped with water fetching facilities”, a community representative declared. Mr Roger Harding of US tour company, Collette Vacations, said about the entourage: “These are our agents who sell holdidays to our costumers, US tourists. So, if they can see what is happening here, they are more motivated to encourage people to put a small amount on their holiday budget aside for helping the communities.” About 80 litres of water can be transported in a hippo roller by means of pushing or pulling an easily removable metal roller handle. The container itself act as the “roller” when put on its side. It is quite robust with a tight spill free lid. A secondary use of the container when it is empty is to keep stuff such as flour and other foodstuffs dry in times when everything gets wet, such as during heavy rains. (Information and photographs: Wassily Nemitz for Platinum Gazette in Kgautšwane)
Top: Mr Grant Gibs of the Hippo Roller Foundation with Ms Clara Masinga, the Manager of the Kgautšwane Community Development Center (KCDC).
10 MAY 2013
DWARSRIVIER MINE Dwarsrivier Mine celebrates the value of water in Thaba Chweu
Water is Life - Respect it, Conserve it, Enjoy it
Thaba Chweu Municipality celebrated Water Week last week Friday. Officials and councillors from the Municipality, the Department of Water Affairs, Dwarsrivier Mine, schools from the area and other stakeholders gathered at Kwêna dam. The schools who participated in the day’s event was: Hoërskool Lydenburg, Mashishing High School, Skhila High School and Klipspruit Combined School. The programme included educational talks, an address by the Ececutive Mayor, Cllr. MB Ncangwane and other stakeholders. Cllr. Ncangwane told the audience that government strives to provide fresh, safe and clean water for everyone. He also encouraged them to look after the infrastructure being placed in communities. Mr Remember Mmbengwa, SD Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine encouraged the group to plant indigenous trees to help conserve water. He emphasised the importance of communities to Dwarsrivier Mine and that together everyone should look after the precious water resources. Mr Sello Tefu, a graduate engineer from Dwarsrivier Mine told the students attending the event how important it is to get their education. He encouraged them to Thaba Chweu Municipality Executive work hard and pick the fruits of their labour later in life. Mayor, Cllr. MB Ncangwane Mr William Matsabe guided the group on a tour of the dam. He explained how everything works and after 110 steps up the side of the dam wall, the group were treated to a breathtaking view of the dam. The function ended with a warm meal before the various school groups headed home.
Above: A tree donated by Hoërskool Lydenburg was planted before a tour of the dam, the pump room and a long walk to the top of the dam wall took place. The sluices of the dam was also opened for a second or two to let the Mozambican quota of water from the dam go through.
The Dwarsrivier Mine team with Thaba Chweu Municipality Executive Mayor, Cllr. MB Ncangwane.
Schools attending the event performed various items as part of entertainment on the programme.
Mr. Remember Mmbengwa, SD Manager at Dwarsrivier Mine.
Every child received a T-shirt, water bottle and pencil case.
This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine
10 MEI 2013
Platinum Gazette comment
Is this right? “Loose!”, came the not entirely sober cry came from the back of a bakkie next to a sports field during the past weekend. Quickly a bunch if kids, yes, small children, not even approaching their teens, jog to the sports supporter and his friend, selling him a cigarette, a loose draw. A real cigarette, not a cholcolate one. They are literally ‘small’ businessmen and women, selling all sorts of stuff, from oranges and chips to cigarettes. Some of them cannot even write properly, but know how to count - the money. Whether it is legal or right, nobody cares. The Police in the vicinity turn a blind eye. Maybe they know the circumstances. It remains tragic.
NUM Youth Forum launched The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) planned to launch its Youth Forum at the Birchwood Conference Centre in Boksburg yesterday and toady. “ The establishment of such a forum is in itself an important milestone for the union and would take forward the COSATU ‘s commitment towards the development of young workers” says Frans Baleni, the NUM General Secretary. A study conducted by the Society for the Sociology of Work (SWOP) at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) on behalf of the union showed that the majority of NUM members are young people. To be precise, 54% of NUM members are between the ages of 18 and 39 though the age limit for membership of the Forum would be at 35. The Youth Forum would be a breeding ground for future leaders of the union and would champion the rights and interest of young workers whilst helping to strengthen the union. The theme of the Forum meeting is “Youth rising in defence and advancement of NUM” with the slogan “Relax mchana, the NUM is here to stay”.
10 MAY 2013
Wedding celebrations at Swale village Oupa Monareng and Hellen Matjipa celebrated their wedding day at Maandagshoek Swale village on 4 May 2013. The wedding started at 12:00 and celebrations drew to a close at 18:00. Pastor J Serage attended the wedding. The couple thanked everyone for sharing their special day. (Information: Mr Jenny Mogolane Phala and Photographs: Mable Maisela).
Healthy smiles Barloworld Equipment brought a mobile dental unit to Lehlaba Secondary School on Wednesday this week. The unit will be at the school for 15 days and more than 300 children will be receive a dental check-up in this time. Each will also receive a toothbruch and tooth paste. This project is part of Barloworld’s social investment programme. The unit dentist, Dr Braam Bornman and dental assistant Siboniso Kubeka says that ‘to make a difference’ is driving them to provide this service.
Besige Bytjies vang vis Besige Bytjies Kleuterskool het op 27 April ‘n visvangkompetisie gehou om fondse in te samel. Die is by die Tubatse Dam gehou. Die dag was ‘n groot sukses en die skool bedank almal wat gehelp het. (Foto’s & inligting: Besige Bytjies Kleuterskool).
Dankie aan al die borge. OK Burgersfort, Pick n Pay Steelpoort, Ghani’s Fishing world in Witbank en Tubatse Chrome.
10 MEI 2013
Steelpoort Akademie, akademiese presteerders High School - Top 5 Front:1st Darren Zeeman -83% 2nd Lefihlile Kgoete - 82% 3rd Lebogang Makgolan- 81% Back: 4th Nate Phetl a - 80% 5th Kekeletso Kgwetiane -80%
Graad 6 Voor: 1ste Lourencia van Dyk, 2de Aldone Geldenhuys, 3de Maryke de Jager, Agter: 4de Yanke Engelbrecht en 5de Michelle de Jager
Bo: Laerskool Top 10 Voor: 1ste Chris-Marie Ebersohn- 97% 2de Monique Language -96% 3de Lourencia van Dyk - 95% Middel: 6de Clarissa Fourie - 93% 6de Aldone’ Geldenhuys - 93% 10de Blessed Phasha - 89% 4de Tabeel Zeeman - 94% Agter: 9de Eckhard Ebersohn - 91% 5de CJ Barnard - 93.4% 8ste Franco Oosthuizen - 92%
Grade 8 Back : 1st Lebogang Makgolane 2nd Kekeletso Kgwetiane 3rd Millenium Kgoete Front: 4th Relebogile Phasha 5th Ettolia Mabanna
Grade 9 Back: 1st Darren Zeeman 2nd Lefihlile Kgoete 3rd Nate Phetla Front: 4th Elaine Mahlobogoane 5th Trishen Ramjass
Graad 5 Agter: 1 ste Eckhard Ebersohn, 2de Blessed Phasha, 3de Henry Language Voor: 4de Ian Grobler en 5de Biancke van Pletzen
Graad 4 Voor: 1ste Clarissa Fourie, 2de Mahlogonolo Mamekhoa, 3de Yone’ Volskenk. Agter: 4de Justin v Niekerk en 5de Animie van Rooyen.
Graad 7 Voor: 1ste Chris-Marie Ebersohn, 2de Monique Language, 3de Tabeel Zeeman. Agter: 4de CJ Barnard en 5de Franco Oosthuizen.
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Op 4 Mei is die finale Mpumalanga netbalproewe op Witrivier gehou. Drie van Steelpoort Akademie se O/13 meisies het deelgeneem. Monique Language en Kgothatso Mkhabela is ingesluit in die Mpumalanga span en Katrien le Grange is gekies as skaduspeler.
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Sewe van Steelpoort se O/ 13 Rugby seuns het deelgeneem aan die semifinale rugbyproewe en ses van hulle is gekeur om deel te neem aan die finale proewe op 11 Mei. Agter: Arrie Heyl, Tumi Maroke en Christiaan Kruger. Voor: Godwin Mapalekanye, Tiaan Havenga en Andries Vorster.
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Op 1 Mei het die Steelie redenaars aan die streeksredenaars op Warmbad deelgeneem. Chris-Marie Ebersohn het deurgedring tot die semifinaal wat op 31 Mei in Polokwane plaasvind.
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10 MAY 2013
Will two thirds of the votes in the The ANC will aim to get two thirds of the votes in next year’s general election. This was the message President Jacob Zuma delivered at the launch of the Gauteng election campaign last weekend. The DA’s Helen Zille reacted saying: “That is absolutely wrong in a constitutional democracy because it gives a party the right to mess with the Constitution, and we think that is entirely unhealthy”. She added that it is good if the governing party and the opposition are roughly the same strength as it will keep the one in office on its toes to deliver as they could easily be voted out the next time. Zuma’s comments came after the DA set their target on claiming a majority vote in Gauteng next year. At the launch of the campaign Zuma called on ANC volunteers to assist them to get the majority vote they are aiming for, dismissing the DA’s ability to get votes in the province. We asked readers if they think the ANC will be governing better with a two thirds majority vote behind them and if they think it is possible for the party to achieve this majority vote next year.
Mnr. Daniël Morena sê: “Ek dink die ANC sal dit regkry om ‘n tweederdemeerderheid te kry. Dit sal maak dat hulle beter regeer want hulle moes uit hul foute leer”. Me. Michelle Britz sê: “Ek stem saam met Helen Zille dat daar nie ‘n tweederdemeerderheid vir ‘n party behoort te wees nie. Almal moet hul sê kan sê wanneer dit by iets soos die verandering van die Grondwet kom”.
Mr Bayron Ramphadi said: “Ja, the ANC will get two thirds of the votes. A lot of things happened under the ANC. A lot of things changed. They deliver good services and I think with more votes they can do even better”.
Mr Lucas Matemane said: “I don’t think the ANC will be able to govern better with a two thirds majority vote. If they get it, things will be the same because it will be the same people in charge. I think next year is the year the opposition parties will make an impact”.
Mr Victor Smart said: “No, the ANC will not do better with more votes behind them. They will lose votes this time. I hope Cope will make things allright. The ANC have too many problems and that is why they are going to lose votes”.
Mr Sipho Mahumani, Ms Rosalia Mohlala and Mr Enock Mametja said: “No, the ANC will not govern better with a two thirds majority vote. We don’t even think they can win two thirds of the votes. The ANC only makes promises. Where we live there is no water and no electricity. We think the DA will make an impact this time”.
Mr Martin Mabasa said: “I think the ANC can get two thirds of the votes next year. I don’t know if it will change anything. I think they can get the votes provided that they deliver. If they cannot, the DA might have a good chance to get more votes. Competition is good for the ANC because then they will work harder to deliver”. Left: Ms Lorraine Maimela said: “The ANC is failing us and it won’t be better with two thirds of the votes in the election. I think the party needs help. If they don’t deliver, they won’t get the votes. Service delivery is very poor in Tubatse. The opposition parties will perhaps do better”. With her is Tshiamo.
Mnr. Bennie en me. Loné Coetzee sê: “Ons stem saam met die DA. ‘n Tweederdemeerderheid maak dit moontlik om die grondwet sonder teenstand te verander. Dit kan lei tot menseregte skending. Die ANC sal nie beter kan regeer met tweederdes van die stemme nie”.
10 MEI 2013
election make the ANC better?
Mr Anton Hlatswayo said: “No, the ANC has had a lot of chances. They will not do better with more votes. Now is the chance to vote for other parties to see if they can do better with delivering services”.
Mr Richard Machipa said: “It is no longer possible for the ANC to get a two thirds majority. They will not be better. We need to boost the DA with votes as we need a strong opposition party”.
Mnr. Leon Visser sê: “Ek dink die ANC sal hulle mag misbruik indien hulle ‘n tweederdemeerderheid kry. Dan sal daar maklik oor regte gestoomroller word”.
Mr Paul Mokoena said: “A two third majority vote for the ANC must be prevented. I’ll support the DA to stop them. Two thirds of the votes will not make the government any better. They always do things they should not. They’ve already pushed for that Info Bill that will affect journalists. What will happen if they get two thirds of the vote?”
Mr Sakie Kgwedi said: “The ANC should not get a two third majority. The party Ms Ramphele is involved with can maybe do well”.
Mr Ezekiel Lesinya said: “This is not the first time the ANC is making promises to us. They deliver lip service. Most people still wait for water, electricity and roads. Sekopung village is an example of that. Also Mountain View in Praktiseer. There is no water and no electricity. I think the ANC needs a strong opposition party like the DA. Then the pressure from the opposition will make the ANC afraid and they will start delivering”.
Mr Edward Kwashirai said: “I am a foreigner, so I am not able to say much. I think that if the ANC remains the leaders things will be fine”.
Mr Themba Hlatswayo said: “I think the DA should win next year. The ANC will not do better with two thirds of the votes. They just give us promises”.
Me. Drieka Jacobs sê: “Nee, die ANC sal glad nie beter wees met ‘n tweederdemeerderheid stem nie. Die DA is reg dat ‘n tweederdemeerderheid ongesond is”. Above: Mr Duumba Mojela said: “There are still things that needs to be done, but I have faith in the ANC. They can offer a lot. Although we’ve not yet experienced democracy as we should, the ANC can push for it. The DA is just after publicity. Maybe we can question the leadership of the ANC, but not the ANC itself”.
Right: Ms Rosaling Mashoeng said: “I don’t think the ANC is going to take it next year. We are struggling while we’ve been voting ANC. Maybe the DA can now take a bigger vote and make things better”. With her is Katlego and Paballo.
10 MAY 2013
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10 MEI 2013
GTM Mayoral Cup winners determined The annual Mayoral Cup’s final for soccer and netball was played last weekend at CN Phathudi campus in Praktiseer. Other grounds used for the competition included Bogwasha and Itirele Primary School grounds. Various clusters compete against each other
in the preliminary rounds to determine who will go through to the finals. The netball final was played between the Romans from Praktiseer and Ngwaabe. The Romans won the title for 2013. The ladies soccer final was between Magapatona and Kgautswane. Magapatona won. The men’s final was
played between Magapatona and Juventus. Magapatona took the title in this category as well. The winners received trophies for their efforts.
(Photographs and information supplied by Greater Tubatse Municipality Communication Unit).
Ohrigstad Total FC at the top The Ohrigstad Total soccer team participated in a Top Four tournament at Rietfontein (Kgautswane) last weekend. The teams who participated were Marumofase FC, Manchester FC, Mapareng Young Killers FC and Ohirgstad Total FC. Ohrigstad Total FC played against Mapareng Young Killers, beating them 2-0. Marumofase FC faced Manchester and won with 7-6 with penalties. The final was between Marumofase FC and Ohrigstad Total FC. Ohrigstad Total FC won 2-1. Any team who would like to play against Ohrigstad Total FC can contact 013 238 0107 or 076 507 9727.
(Information and photographs: Titus Maebela).
Mamabolo honoured as winner The Comrades Marathon Association honoured 2012 Winner of The Ultimate Human Race, Mr Ludwick Mamabolo on Monday, 6 May 2013 at Comrades Marathon House. He retains his title afterallegations of illegal substance use was cleared from his name.
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10 MAY 2013
DWARSRIVIER MINE Dwarsrivier Marathon Club racing full steam ahead Dwarsrivier Mine launched the Dwarsrivier Marathon Club last weekend at Ngwaabe. The club consists of a group of community runners who with the right support has the potential to become runners to be reconned with. The group of runners received all the gear they may need to train and participate in marathons. This included Addidas tekkies, track suits, shorts and runners vests, caps, bags, glasses and even a stop watch. Everything also carries the Dwarsrivier Marathon team sign. The excited group gathered on the Ngwaabe side of the Steelpoort river close to the steel bridge early on Saturday morning. Motorists waved and some even shouted their support with a thumbs-up to the Dwarsrivier Mine bus containing all the gear. In celebration the runners took off for a 5km fun run towards the field where Dwarsrivier Mine was hosting the Ngwaabe Community Soccer tournament later the
day. Some started with a fast pace, while the veteran runners and women took things a little easier. At the finish Mr Remember Mmbengwa and Mr Pius Monyela from the SD Department at Dwarsrivier MIne were waiting. Mr Mmbengwa, the SD Manager, told the group that they have the potential to make it big. He added that Dwarsrivier Mine believes in their potential and cares about the community they are from. The group is training every day and sometimes even twice a day. Other runners are welcome to join them, but they will have to show they want to really participate. “We don’t want people who play around. We want serious runners,” the group said. “We would like to win medals and make Dwarsrivier Mine proud of us and in this way thank them for investing in us”. People who would like to become involved with the group are welcome to contact one of the two co-ordinators, Mr Bernard Rampedi (cell: 072 784 7719) or Mr Jabu Masha (cell: 076 148 8647).
The athletes thanked Mr Remember Mmbengwa for the support Dwarsrivier Mine is giving them.
The newly launched Dwarsrivier Marathon Club took off for a 5km fun run from Steel bridge at Ngwaabe.
Left: The group with Mr Remember Mmbengwa, SD manager at Dwarsrivier Mine and Mr Pius Monyela, SD Officer at Dwarsrivier Mine.
This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine
10 MEI 2013
Dwarsrivier Mine connects with its community through sport The first Ngwaabe Community Soccer Tournament sponsored by Dwarsrivier Mine was a huge success. Large numbers of the community came to support their teams playing in this top 8 format game. The tournament kicked-off with a game between Bahlakwana FC and Phakaseso FC. Bahlakwana won 2-0. Mafokotsane FC and High Bridge played in the second game. High Bridge won 2-1. Happy Boys played against Dwarsrivier Mine’s team. Dwarsrivier took the honours by winning 3-2. Matlema FC and Ngwaabe United played the last game on the Saturday schedule. Ngwaabe United won 1-0. The semi-finals on Sunday morning were between Dwarsrivier Mine and Bahlakwana FC. Dwarsrivier won 3-1. Ngwaabe United faced High Bridge and won 2-1. The third place was determined by a game between Ngwaabe United and Bahlakwana FC. Bahlakwana won this game.
The final was between Dwarsrivier and High Bridge. This game was a fast-paced, action packed event with a massive local audience. By half time the teams were tied with 1 goal each, but in the end it was High Bridge who took the game to the cheers of their supporters next to the field. The prizes the teams received were: R500 for the third place and bronze medals, R1000 for the second place and silver medals. The winners received R2000 cash, Nike Soccer kit, a trophy and gold medals. Greater Tubatse Municipality Councillor for Ward 28, Mr NJ Rantho praised Dwarsrivier Mine for the initiative to support sports development in the community. Mr Remember Mmbengwa, SD manager at Dwarsrivier Mine told the community that they hope to next year also include netball in the tournament. He added that Dwarsrivier cares about their community. The cheering crowd’s joy for their team’s victory and the prospect of next year’s game through Dwarsrivier’s support could be heard far away. Mr Remember Mmbengwa from Dwarsrivier Mine and Cllr. NJ Rantho handed over the prizes to the teams.
TEams were well supported.
This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine
10 MEI 2013
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Karate kampioene Die Triton Ohrigstad Karate Kampioenskappe het verlede Saterdag vir die eerste keer op Ohrigstad plaasgevind. Die kompetisie is by die Boeresaal (Potgietersaal) gehou. 51 Deelnemers van verskillende klubs in die omgewing het aan die dag deelgeneem. Die Ohrigstad Klub is verlede jaar September begin en die 12 lede wat Saterdag deelgeneem het, kan met 19 medaljes spog. Sensei Ryna van Dyk, van Ohrigstad het almal bedank wat gehelp het om die dag ‘n sukses te maak - van die deelnemers, borge, skeidsregters, ondersteuners en dié wat hard by die kos gewerk het. “’n Spesiale dankie ook aan Burgersfort Toyota vir hul borgskap en ondersteuning van die dag”. Terwyl die aksie binne gebeur het, kon toeskouers aan heerlike lekkernye smul en die nuutste Toyota voertuie beskou. Die Ohrigstad klub gaan vanaf 24-26 Mei by Sun City aan die SA Karate Kampioenskappe deelneem. Die Klub nooi nuwe lede om by hulle te kom aansluit. Hulle oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag by die Boeresaal. Vir meer inligting kan Ryna by 083 679 5506 geskakel word.
As dinge te rof geraak het, is daar met ‘n drukkie vrede gemaak na die geveg. Die deelnemers is deur baie toeskouers ondersteun.