Platinum Gazette 10 October 2014

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© Platinum Gazette

10 October 2014

Binne / Inside:

Big change happening The face of Burgersfort is changing fast, with the new hawkers plaza now at the foundation phase. Workers on the terrain told the newspaper “we do important work. This new stalls must be able to withstand wind, weather and lots of hard trading. The steel makes it strong”. A barber, who now renders his services on the sidewalk, commented that “we are happy, work is progressing. We just hope that we will be able to move in before peak time at the end of November and December. Then there is the question of the coming rains. Ons goedjies kan dalk nat word, you know!”


10 OCTOBER 2014


Graphic from the business presentation available on the company’s website

Anglo American Platinum outlines the way forward

Anglo American Platinum (Amplats) is targeting cost reductions and productivity improvements of R3.8-billion by 2016 as it transitions to a lower cost, higher quality portfolio. Amplats told mining analysts who visited the company’s Polokwane smelter on Friday that the company would be growing its openpit operations and leveraging its mechanised mines, as well as implementing short-, medium- and long-term marketing strategies to boost the sales of platinum-group metals (PGMs) across a wide spectrum. Participation in the recycling business, where the 2013 return on capital employed was 43%, was under investigation, the company disclosed. Programmes to drive demand included improving the rate of fuel cell adoption, stimulating rhodium demand for autocatalysts and expanding the gifting of platinum jewellery to both the bride and the groom in India. Mines earmarked for growth were the Mogalakwena, Unki, Twickenham, Tumela, Dishaba and Der Brochen operations together with the Bafokeng Rasimone, Mototolo, Modikwa and Kroondal joint ventures (JVs). Mines that would be exited were the Union and Rustenburg underground operations as well as the Bokoni and Pandora JVs. Discussion was under way to extend the mechanised Mototolo JV into Der Brochen and to boost the pool-and-share arrangement at the mechanised Kroondal platinum mine through the contribution of farms. Amplats CEO Chris Griffith told analysts that the current focus was to create a more profitable, sustainable and socially acceptable company. The north and south divisions of the Union mine had already been consolidated into one operation, the north declines closed and a cash positive mine with a 25-year potential created, using existing infrastructure. The Merensky concentrator has been placed on care and maintenance and the Rustenburg mine prepared to operate on a standalone basis. Interest in buying both Union and Rustenburg would be evaluated this month in tandem with the possible demerging of the mines into a separately listed entity. The company said that structural changes of falling demand, rising supply and increasing costs were impacting the business.

Tragedy Tragedy struch this week Monday at Bokoni Platinum mine when a member of the community of Ga-Selepe, Mr Bernard Maropane, lost his life in a blasting incident at the company’s Klipfontein opencast operation. According to reports the situation in nand around Atok remained tense and the Police in Limpopo increased their presence after the house of a chief was torched. Damage of several thousand rand was allegedly caused to the double story residence. The company issued a statement through its website and later in the week to local media saying: “Atlatsa Resources Corporation (“Atlatsa”) has suspended operations at its Klipfontein opencast mine at Bokoni Platinum Mine (“Bokoni”) pending the outcome of an urgent and full investigation into the fatal injury of a Mosotsi community member, Mr Bernard Moropane. Atlatsa’s CEO, Harold Motaung, the board and management of Atlatsa and Bokoni extend their sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mr Moropane. Safety of our employees and community members remains of paramount importance to our operations and mine management is working closely with the South African Police Services (“SAPS”), the Department of Mineral Resources and other authorities involved in the investigation of the fatality. The Company notes with regret that after the fatal injury, members of the local community set fire to community and contractor mining property and equipment, causing significant damage. This too is being investigated by the SAPS, and community engagement to resolve any issues arising from this event is ongoing. The Klipfontein opencast mine comprises approximately 20% of Bokoni’s total production and the mine has adequate stockpile for processing whilst the opencast operation remains suspended.” Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources on Wednesday said in a statement that it “noted with concern” the blast incident, adding that it was also concerned about the violent protests by community members that followed. “The committee is not in a position to say whether operations at the mine should shut down and can only express a view after receiving findings of the investigation by health and safety inspectors from the DMR,” it said. Committee chairperson Sahlulele Luzipo added that the committee would also investigate how a consultation process was conducted before permission was granted to carry out the blast operation at the mine.

John 15:16 (NIV) ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last - and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.’

10 OKTOBER 2014

More woes for Nkwe Platinum Australia Stock Exchange listed Nkwe Platinum has lost its 64 percent indirect interest in the two farms forming the Tubatse platinum project near Burgersfort after the Supreme Court of Appeal set aside an earlier judgment that awarded the prospecting rights for these farms to Nkwe’s black economic-empowerment partner, Genorah Resources, in partnership with local communities. This loss of interest is the direct result of two cases previously heard in the North Gauteng High Court. The Supreme Court of Appeal heard the cases in August and the appeals were upheld during judgment on 26 September. The prospecting rights to the farms, Eerstegeluk 327KT and Nooitverwacht 324KT, had, over “a long period of time”, been subject to numerous applications to both administrative and legal bodies in South Africa. In 2011, the Constitutional Court had set aside the prospecting rights to these farms that had previously been held by Genorah, in partnership with the local communities. Following an application and subsequent review of this application, the Department of Mineral Resources re-issued the prospecting rights to both farms to Genorah and the local communities. This award, however, became subject to legal challenge and Supreme Court of Appeal had now set aside the award, resulting in Nkwe Platinum losing its indirect interest in the farms. Genorah and its local community partners had advised Nkwe Platinum that it intended to appeal this decision. According to reports the Company said that while the Tubatse project is of value to the company, these two farms are not part of the company’s flagship Garatau, De Kom and Hoepakranz projects, wherein it holds a valid mining right and has completed a substantial bankable feasibility study.



The slowest car in town

Drop-top Lamborghini Gallardos are not very common in Burgersfort. In fact, this light blue example was spotted at Tubatse Crossing Mall on Tuesday and caused quite a stir, not only bacause of the thing’s sheer beauty, but also because it took quite a (slow) effort to traverse the speed humps at the shopping centre. But don’t be caught on the open road with this one, 300km/h plus is too ‘easy’...



10 OCTOBER 2014

Awards ceremony for Samancor Marathon Club runners On Friday evening, 3 October 2014, the Samancor Marathon Club held their awards ceremony at Tubatse Chrome Club. Runners were honoured for their achievements in amongst others, the Comrades Marathon. The evening brought together the cream of local runners and the club’s trainer, John Hamlet. Hamlet also received a special award. Special certificates were handed to the top 10 runners in the club. Mr Archie Palane, Samancor’s Head of Corporate Affairs and Transformation handed them out. The honour to handover the top two certificates went to Greater Tubatse Municipal Mayor, Cllr. Ralepane Samuel Mamekoa (photographs below and left). Mamekoa was himself an employee of Samancor for many years before venturing into politics. With two runners in the top 10 at the Comrades Marathon, the Club is riding high. They are set to not only retain the top positions next year, but try and improve on the standard they’ve set.

The top performing runners at the Club was honoured at the function last week Friday.

10 OKTOBER 2014


Ntabane High School adopts a cop Ntabane High School adopted Detective Warrant Officer Hans Mnisi as their official “Cop”. The “adoption” took place on 2 October at

the school. The Leboeng station commander, Capt. Solomon Moholane delivered the officer to the school as part of the station’s “Safer School Project”. Through this project the schools are directly linked to the station. The officer “adopted” by the school will regularly visit the school to help ensure that the school is free from criminal activities. At the event Const. Maimela Sibatana (left) encouraged the learners to become involved in the activities organised by Youth Against Crime. He outline the achievements this group as had since it was established at the station. Ntabane High School’s principal, Mr Mphogo thanked the SAPS for providing this valuable link to the station. He also conveyed appreciation for the work the Leboeng SAPS is doing at the school through modelling, ballroom dancing and other cultural activities. He handed them a certificate for outstanding performance. He also handed out certificates to learners who has excelled at the school’s traditional dance club, in the various beauty pageants in the areas and for outstanding performances at the Leboeng SAPS social games competitions. (Information: Const. A.M. Sibatana)



10 OCTOBER 2014


Boere speel ‘n barshou Lede van Ohrigstad Boerevereniging, gaste en borge het verlede week Donderdag by Pelgrimsrus Buiteklub saamgetrek en behoorlik tussen die putjies vir die organisasie se jaarlikse gholfdag geboer. Hoewel daar ernstig gholf gespeel is, is die bal-slanery afgewissel met allerhande kwajongstreke deur van die lede. Na bewering was ‘n lewendige slang ook op ‘n stadium betrokke. Na die ‘formele gholf’ het almal wat daar was (selfs die wat nog nooit aan ‘n stok geraak het nie) aan ‘n put-put kompetise deelgeneem en oom Constand Viljoen het soos wat dit beskryf is, ‘n general shot geslaan. Teen daardie tyd was ’n tjips-bakkery op groot skaal aan die gang in afwagting van vleis wat later op ‘n gasplaat gaar sou kom. Voor enige pryse uitgedeel is, het oom Jan Ferreira die boere daarop attent gemaak dat die projek om die ou Voortrekker Begraafplaas mooi te maak en te bewaar, stadig vorder. Heelwat geldjies is beloof om met die projek te help en oom Jan het elke belofte sogrvuldig neergepen sodat die manne nie kan wegraak nie. Jan Jacobs, wat die aankondigings gedoen en die musiek gespeel het, het ook sy slag as afslaer tydens die veiling gewys en die aktiwiteit is ook na afloop daarvan as hoogs suksesvol beskryf. O ja, die gholf is deur Cobus Beetge se 4-bal gewen, Robert Cross se 4-bal was tweede en Wimpie Briel se 4-bal was derde. Die 4-bal wat laaste gekom het, het elk ‘n pak “1 ply-no nametoiletpapier” gekry.

Public Notice 2015/16 IDP/BUDGET PROCESS PLAN Greater Tubatse Municipality has in its Ordinary Council meeting held on the 23rd September 2014 adopted the 2015/16 IDP/BUDGET Process Plan in terms of Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000. Section 28(3) of the act stipulates that a municipality must give notice to the local community of particulars of processes it intends to follow in drafting IDP and Budget. It is in line with the above mentioned section that Interested and affected parties are hereby invited to view the 2015/16 IDP/BUDGET Process Plan at IDP Unit for their information at, second Floor Burgersfort Civic Centre. For more information please contact Mashigo MM @013 231 1188 or Sebaka ML @ 013 231 1185 Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:


Wees deel en staan saam Die hoofbestuurder van Afgri Limpopo (foto, regs) het ook die dag saam met die manne geniet, en sonder om formeel te raak, lekker gesels en aan die einde van die dag ‘n paar gedagtes met boere gewissel. Mnr Van Jaarsveld het boere aangemoedig om deel van georganiseerde landbou in Suid-Afrika te bly en indien hulle nie lid is nie, deel te word en saam te staan teen uitdagings in die bedryf. Hy het daarop gewys dat die speelveld en die rol van individue in landbou organisasies verander het. “Dit gaan nie meer oor wat die formele strukture vir boere kan doen nie, maar elke boer moet hom of haarself afvra watter bydrae hy of sy kan lewer om van georganiseerde landbou ‘n sukses te maak.”

10 OCTOBER 2014


Calvinites shine at matric farewell Matric learners from Calvin College hardly recognised their school hall as they arrived on the red carpet for their matric farewell last week Friday. The group was in for a glamour filled evening full of style. The red, black and white theme set the tone for the young adults’ first steps into the world outside school. They were treated to home cooked food and a special dessert table.

Mrs. Lorraine Britz, Calvin College principal wished the matrics well for their examinations and theroad ahead as adults.

The alternative casually formal look for men was a hit on the red carpet. The evening’s best dressed male award went to Amos Mkhabela, the best dressed female ws Husna Gani and the couple that looked the best was Leshabo Makola and Nkosinati Mabawa. Various styles were popular with both long and short dresses making their mark.




Walking the red carpet...

Calvin College matrics and their partners enjoyed their farewell last week Friday.

Rooiwarm matriekafskeid op Middelburg Liza Hartzer van Steelpoort is ‘n leerling van Hoër Tegniese Skool Middelburg (HTS). Hulle het verlede week Vrydagaand hul matriekafskeid by die skool gehou. Liza se metgesel vir die aand was Christiaan Killian. Liza het treffend gelyk in haar Spaans geïnspireerde rok in een van die seisoen se warmse kleure. (Foto & inligting: Theresa Hartzer).

Public Notice 2012/13 OVERSIGHT REPORT AND 2014/15 SDBIP DOCUMENT Greater Tubatse Municipality has adopted and approved the 2012/13 Oversight report and the 2014/15 SDBIP document in terms of Section 129 and Section 53 of the Municipal Finance Management Act. Those who are interested in the afore mentioned documents are urged to visit the PMS Unit, second floor Civic Centre for viewing or obtaining the copies. For more information please contact Tshilwane MJ @013 231 1186 or Kgoete MP @013 231 1324. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:


10 OCTOBER 2014

10 OKTOBER 2014


Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. I Bedroom Flat in Burgersfort available at end October 2014. Contact: 076 666 1100

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson


Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)

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Platinum Gazette contact details:

Platinum Gazette

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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Platinum Gazette

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Advertising deadline: Tuesdays at 17:00 Editorial deadline: Wednesdays at 17:00

Betrekkings/Vacancies Golden Dividend240 (Pty) Ltd PO Box 169 Burgersfort 1150

Reg no. 05/034292/02 Farm Mooihoek Driekop

INTERNAL / EXTERNAL BURSARIES FOR 2015 (MRP) THE COMPANY Golden Dividend 240 (Pty) Ltd, a joint venture between the Ga-Maroga Community and ASA Metals, was formed in 2007 in the Limpopo province. The main purpose of this joint venture was to recover FeCr from ASA Metals historic slag stockpiles as well as the current arising. ROLE PURPOSE As part of its corporate social responsibility, the company wishes to offer bursaries in aid of developing and building capacity within the youth of the community of Ga-Maroga. The company is awarding bursaries to candidates intending to study at recognised Higher Education Universities of Technology in South Africa. Successful candidates will be granted bursaries and enter into a contract agreement with Golden Dividend to afford them the opportunity to complete their degree/diploma. Two (2) opportunities exist in the Metallurgical and Mechanical Engineering field. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS · Must be a South African Citizen · Must have completed grade 12 with Maths and Physical Science or about to complete grade 12 this year · Must be interested in a career in the Mining Industry · Certified copy of ID document and stamp from Maroga Labour Centre · Results of grade 12 for 2nd and 3rd quarter CLOSING DATE: 24 October 2014 HOW TO APPLY: Please forward your applications with a covering letter to the HR Office. Applicants who are from Maroga community must submit their CV’s to Maroga Labour Centre. GENERAL: · Golden Dividend 240 (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer · Assessments may be one of the methods utilized to determine the successful candidates. · The company reserves the right not to make an appointment. · This being a Maroga Community Project, preference will be given to applicants from the Maroga Coimmunity. · Applicants who have not heard from the company within 30 days of sending a CV could accept that their application were not successful.


10 OCTOBER 2014

Platinum Gazette

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INVITATION TO TENDER Phokathaba Platinum (Pty) Ltd wishes to invite suitable experienced Transport Supply contractors to tender for the Transportation of Smokey Hills Employees from various surrounding locations to the mine and back. The mine works on a 3 shift cycles and 11 day fortnight. Tender documents may be collected from Mr OS Moagi at Phokathaba’s Smokey Hills Mine during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 13 October 2014. Contact person for queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Obed Moagi. Tel : 013 230 7400 e-mail : A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at Smokey Hills Platinum Mine on 15 October 2014. The closing time for receipt of tender is 12h00 on 20 October 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “CONTRACT NO: PHO-003/ TRANSPORTATION OF SMOKEY HILLS EMPLOYEES FROM VARIOUS SURROUNDING LOCATIONS TO THE MINE AND BACK and deposited in the box located at the Smokey Hills Mine Main Security Gate. Phokathaba reserves the right not to award this tender to either the highest ranked or highest scoring tender or lowest priced tender.

Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines is part of a progressive, innovative company that strive for Zero Harm to their people and the environment. The company is committed to improving the quality of life of people and communities in and around their operations.

SAFA SAB league games continue unchanged (for now) Widespread discord and divisions within the teams forming part of the Sekhukhune region’s SAFA SAB league is still hovering, but currently games continue in the established format. This resolution was taken in August at a meeting attended by the REC, LFA and team representatives. Alleged complaints and reasons for dividing the league is the distance teams travel to attend games. The possible division of the league also led to fears that the status of the teams will fall in value. Fears of inconsistency and the possibility of strong teams taking advantage of the weaker ones are rife. The lack of development programmes for referees, coaches, administration and officials in the region is also a concern. A major concern is the perceived lack of commitment from several local football associations in the area. The possible division of the league into three streams has been discussed as well as the appointment of a task team to look into the viability of such divisions. The league will continue with 16 teams for the 2014/2015 season. The REC will be consulting widely with

regards to the new proposed streams within Sekhukhune. This should include all stakeholders and must include a meeting with the SAB teams to specifically address the matter. Matters raised as concerns for participating league teams include money collection that is done irregularly by some officials. Teams are asking for a compensation fee should the league be devided. It is recommened that the region’s finances be presented annually and be open for inspection. Administration in terms of documentation collected on behalf of the region should be stored and maintained by the administrator and not the president of the region’s league. This should according to calls also apply to assests such as vehicles. Due to the wide breach of trust, teams are calling for the withdrawal of the current leadership of the current structure. They are also calling on SAFA to ensure that proper training is done to assist the newly elected leadership be competent to perform their duties thoroughly. After the consultation the matter should be tabled at the Competitions Committee before it will be implemented - possibly in the next season although it could take up to 5 years.

PUBLIC NOTICE OF A COMMUNITY RESOLUTION MEETING Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines has been granted a Mining Right for the Lwala project to operate on the farms Forest Hill 117 KT and Clapham 118 KT. The process seeks to finalise a long term (30 years with a potential to extend) lease of approximately 720 hectares on Forest Hill and Clapham farms. PURPOSE To formulate a community resolution in terms of the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act of 1998 (Act31 of 1998) and related regulations that requires the consent of the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform as the nominal owner of the above-mentioned properties. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The following interested and affected parties are invited to attend: (i) Residents or community members within Nareng-Thokwana Tribal Jurisdictions (ii) Members of Nareng-Thokwana Tribal Councils (iii) Community Based Organizations (iv) Youth Structures (v) Business people (vi) NGO’s operating in the afore-mentioned villages (vii) Social Welfare Organizations (viii) Ward Committee members N.B The Community Resolution process will be facilitated by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. Enquiries: Office Number: Cell Number:

M.T Thobejane 013 230 7000 073 692 3965

MEETING SCHEDULE Community Venue Ga-Kgoete Nareng-Thokwana Tribal Office

INVITATION TO TENDER Phokathaba Platinum (Pty) Ltd wishes to invite suitable experienced PPE Supply contractors to tender for the PPE Service for Employees at Smokey Hills Mine. Tender documents may be collected from Mr OS Moagi at Phokathaba’s Smokey Hills Mine during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 13 October 2014. Contact person for queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Obed Moagi. Tel : 013 230 7400 e-mail : A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at Smokey Hills Platinum Mine on 15 October 2014. The closing time for receipt of tender is 12h00 on 20 October 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “CONTRACT NO: PHO-002/ PPE SERVICE FOR SMOKEY HILLS EMPLOYEES and deposited in the box located at the Smokey Hills Mine Main Security Gate.

Date 26 October 2014

Time 10H00

Phokathaba reserves the right not to award this tender to either the highest ranked or highest scoring tender or lowest priced tender.

10 OKTOBER 2014


Local anglers at annual Loskop Carp Bonanza Anglers from the Chrome Angling Club participated in the annual Loskop Carp Bonanza that took place on 4 October 2014. The big prize everyone were fishing for was the 5 metre Naverone boat with a 85Pk Yamaha motor. To win this anglers had to catch two carp with a combined weight of 9.5kg or more. To win a Mahindra Scorpio 4x2 M/Hawk bakkie, anglers had to catch a 5.5kg carp or heavier. Both these prizes were sponsored by Willie Pieters from Vanstar Auto Lydenburg. The Friday was practice day for the competition and a few small carp were caught. On Saturday morning the sky was overcast and the boat and shore anglers set out to try and catch the big one that will bring in the grand prize. Later in the day the skies cleared and anglers enjoyed a sunny day. On Sunday the prize giving took place. Unfortunately both the big prizes were not won as the winning carp only weighed in at 4.6kg. The winner still walked away with a cash prize of R40 000. The top 30 carp all

received prizes that varied from a Crackle back boat with a 15pk Titan motor, a HOnda scooter, a trailer and cash prizes. Lucky draw prizes were also up for grabs. These ranged from holidays in Mozambique, St. Lucia, Arabie dam and Veygeboom dam. The Chrome Angling Club would like to congratulate Dennis Cruse Junior who was the only one from the Tubatse Chrome Angling Club team who did not go home empty handed. Dennis caught the third biggest carp for the juniors which landed him a gold medal and a fishign rod and reel. Dennis also won a lucky draw prize at Forever Resorts Loskop dam. The club would like to thank the Stywelyne Skippers Academy who arrange the Bonanza, all the sponsors of the event, Tubatse Chrome for the sponsorship of the T-shirts and everyone who participated in the event. Everyone is looking forward to next year’s competition. (Information and photograph: Theo Visagie, Chrome Angling Club)

Tubatse Masters take on ASA Metals’ soccer team Tubatse Masters FC hosted the soccer team from Dilokong ASA Metals at Praktiseer on 4 October 2014. The game was played at the Sekhukhune FET College in Praktiseer. The Masters dominated the game in the first half and managed to score two goals. Motale Mkhondo opened the scoreboard from a pass he received from Andrew Skhosana. The visiting team also received opportunities, but failed to convert them. The Masters’ second goal was scored by Jerial Movundlela from a free kick. This made the half time score 2-0. In the second half, Tubatse Masters continued putting pressure on the Dilokong team’s defence. This paid off and they scored three more goals. A goal by PapanaMkhondo and a brace by Andrew Skhosana ensured that the team won the game 5-0. (Information: Jerial Movundlela; Photographs: Thato Maredi).



10 OCTOBER 2014

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Platinum Gazette

SPORT Greenkeeper gets his revenge The Tubatse Chrome Club golf course opened after being closed in September to the Greenkeeper’s Revenge on last week Saturday. The course was played the wrong way around and ensured that holes which are usually easy to play became very difficult. The day’s winner was Bianca Wirths, second was Werner van Vreden and third Lucas Zwane. In the coming weeks the following activities will be taking place at the Club: 10 October 2014 social golf. Open for all players. 18 October 2014 League games start. Tubatse Chrome

Below: Sometimes the backward course brought players to their knees wishing a ball would go just a short distance further.

Tubatse Towing

• Fenders • Bonnets • Grills • Bumpers • Head & Tail Lights • CV Joints • Brake Pads • Aircon fans • Radiator fans • Condensers • Carburettors • 24 Hour Towing Services, including insurance registered vehicles







Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936 Re-build engines for sale

Club will have three teams. On this date Chrome A will play at home and the other two teams will play away. On 25 October 2014 the Ohrigstad Rugby Klub Golf day will take place. Golf enthusiasts are encouraged to enter for this competition and share in the day’s fun for a good cause. Anyone who would like to enter can contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811.

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