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Budget time - p 3
Passport to the future
Violent protests: your views
Š Platinum Gazette
11 April 2014
‘Do not take the law into your own hands’ The cluster commander of the Police in the area, Brigadier Sylvia Ledwaba has urged communities not to take the law into their own hands, but to establish a good working relationship with the Police in combating crime in their villages. Brigadier Ledwaba visited Mokutung, adjacent to Echo Caves, during the past week to give her condolences to the Mzila family after the murder of their 17 year old daughter. She assured the community that that the case and other in Mokutung is receiving attention from an investigator from her office. Last week a house was burned down after the girl’s murder. As a result Brigadier Ledwaba’s visit, the community elected a Community Policing Forum to strenghten relastions with the Police in the area. In the photograph on the right Brigadier Ledwaba shares an umbrella with Leboeng Police Station commander, Captain Solomon Moholane. (Photographs and information: Constable Maimela Andrew Sibatana Leboeng Police Satation)
11 APRIL 2014
Wheelbarrow thief tracked down OnMonday 7 Aril 2014 Tubatse Police arrested a 33 year old man in connection with housebreaking and theft. On that day the police received a report in Ga Mashamothane that community members have arrested a suspect in connection with housebreaking and theft . The Police made follow-ups and proceeded to the said place and on their arrival , a 32-year old alleged that when she woke up in the morning of 07 Aril at about 02:00 she noticed that the house was broken into in Ga Madiseng. Items such as a cellphone, food and a wheelbarrow were missing. Later in the morning community members tracked spoor of the wheelbarrow and it led them in to a certain house in Ga Mashamothane. A man was present in the house, while the wome’s stolen property was also in the house. After she identified her property, the Police were called and other community members also managed to identify some of their goods, such as groceries in the house. On the Police’s arrival the suspect was arrested for possession of suspected stolen property and also for housebreaking and theft. The stolen items were also confiscated. The suspect is expected to appear in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s court soon.
11 APRIL 2014
Sekhukhune District budgets R1614 million for 2014 / 2015 Community members around Burgersfort flocked to Sekhukhune District Municipality’s public participation meeting at Nthame Primary School near Burgersfort on Wednesday this week. In the hot seat was the Executive Mayor of the District Municipality, Cllr Mogobo David Magabe, explaining to people what the District Municipality plans for the rest of 2014 and 2015. Of the R1614 million the municpality budgets for, about R600 million or 37 percent of the entire budget will be utilised for operating expenditure, while 63 percent or just more than R1000 million will be used for capital projects. During his pesentation of the budget Mayor Magabe outlined the powers and functions of the District Municipality, saying the district municipality is resonsible for fire fighting, local tourism, certain municipal
airodromes, municipal planning, municipal health services, municipal public transport, markets, municipal abbatoirs, regional land fill sites, water and sanitation. Challenges experienced at the moment are a bloated organisational structure, water provision: operations and maintenance and bulk supply, underspending on capital projects, low revenue generation, asset management and inacessible land for offices, inadequate projects monitoring, information communication technology and an inability to attract talent. Pockets of excellence of the municipality are administrative stability, an improved audit opinion, implementation of austerity measures, performance management system for senior managers and stable labour relations. In view of the challenges and positive points Mayor Magabe said the five key focus
areas for the new budget will be maximising own revenue funds, reducing the the budget deficit 10 percent year on year, improving planning on the municipal infrastructure programme, reducing municipal service delivery backlogs and adherence to budget principles and guidelines. Priority spending areas will be bulk purchases, especially bulk water supplies, repairs and maintenance of water infrastructure (at least 10 percent of the operating budget to be spent on this aspect) and employee costs. In total a deficit of R62,9 million is forecast for this budget in comparison to a real deficit of R69,6 million for the previous budget. Furthermore the mayor also announced proposed tariff increases for water supply for areas billed by the district municipality and the various local municipalities.
11 APRIL 2014
Passport to the future launched
Sekhukune District Executive Mayor Magabe
Project Coordinator, Mr Jimmy Mnisi
“Stop shielding behind the excuse that our youth are not employable due to a shortage of skills. We as government wish that more and more private companies can immolate this exceptional example by facilitating skills development projects for our young people” is the view that was expressed by Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Cllr Mogobo, David Magabe during the launch of the Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority’s (TCTA) Passport to the Future project that was launched at Eerstegeluk on Wednesday. The project, initiated by TCTA on behalf of the Department of Water Affairs has embarked on the project with its construction partners of the De Hoop Dam pipeline, Aurecon Ndodana joint venture and Basil Read upon realising that the youth in the areas of cannot apply for jobs as they lack the necessary skills. According to the TCTA 44,4 percent of youths in Greater Tubatse Municipality Wards 2, 27, 28, 29 and 31 are unemployed. Dr T Shale of TCTA told the audience at the
Dr T Shale (TCTA)
launch function held at the Mapodile Thusong Service Centre (where the project will be based), that although employment will not be offered by the project, empowerment to apply for employment will be the result, with skills such as computer literacy taught to beneficiaries. Mayor Magabe called for women and people with disabilities also to be included in the programme, which entails three intakes of a 100 youths each. Each group will receive skills training for a period of three months. Mayor Magabe said that the government in this area was always in favour of social compacts and partnerships between government, the community and the private business sector and that working together will ensure that nothing is impossible. The launch was also attended by traditional leadership an community members, while world renowned Sepedi jazz musician from Limpopo, Malatjie took the Mapodile community by storm during the function.
11 APRIL 2014
Baby steps to the top of the mountain On Monday this week, the General Manager of Twickenham Mine, Peter Ott hosted a stakeholder breakfast. At the event docations were handed out and relationships strengthened through an effort to communicate the mine’s intentions in the area. Printers were handed to the following secondary schools: Makuane, Moseki, Lepenye, Mpetjie, Ntwampe, Tekanang, Makgamathu and Mape. The Makgopa Traditional Authority received new chairs for the tribal offices and the MamadiTshona Football Club received new kit. The SAPS also received two printers. Peter Ott explained to the audience that the day’s donations and networking were part of the baby steps the mine is taking in conjunction with the community to grow and benefit everyone. He said: “The next 3 years will be challenging. Later when Phasha’s Kraal comes in, this mine has the potential to go up to extracting 800 000 tons of ore a month where it is currently aiming for 400 000 tons. The mine’s life span is
between 50 and 70 years, so the Twickenham dream is big”. The mine is also prioritising schools and aim to assist with skills development in the area. To accommodate the foreseen growth in infrastructure development and artisans and skills needed in the development of the mine Twickenham will be integrating with various community and business structures. Kgoshi Mashabela thanked the mine for their contributions and donations towards the community. He also encouraged the audience to work with the mine in achieving the Twickenham dream as this will result in growth and opportunity for the communities. He added that strikes and illegal protests will only make it difficult for the mine to assist the community. Both he and Peter Ott welcome a good relationship that will result in a bright future for everyone. At the function Twickenham emphasised their commitment towards the fight against poverty and improved education that will result in locals becoming employees in later life.
Kgosi Mashabela (Ga-Mashabela Village), Lebang Gaobepe (Social Plans Manager), Peter Ott (General Manager), Ilse McDonald (Superintendent Protection Services), Mmokela Mahlakwana (Matome’s caregiver, Mudubeng Village) with Mr Patrick Matome Shai who received his first wheelchair in 64 years after a lifetime of disability.
11 APRIL 2014
Why do you think people get violent Service delivery protests are nothing new in South Africa. This week President Jacob Zuma responded to questions regarding this issue in parliament. He condemned the violence that has marked many such protests and emphasised that he has in numerous occasions called for restraint. “I have also pointed out that the violent nature of community protests needed to be attended to. We need to address the citizens of this country on the culture of violence that was inherited from our apartheid past, that we have not been able to shake off until now,” he said. Zuma told parliament that service delivery to all citizens had been prioritised. To assist with the delivery, a Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Department, has been established within the Presidency. In his speech the President also encouraged municipalities to strengthen relations with other government departments so that service delivery can take priority. Government has in recent months implemented various measures to try and improve service delivery in municipalities. Zuma explained that this is “going beyond receiving reports from departments and to undertake hands-on visits to assess the delivery on our five priorities and other programmes of government”. Locally the Sekhukhune District Municipality Mayor, Cllr. Mogobo David Magabe visited infrastructure projects such as improvements of water supply in areas such as Praktiseer. During his visits challenges were identified and a new time frame set out to ensure completion and service delivery as soon as possible. Visits such as this were done all over the district where projects are currently underway. The Department of Public Services and Administration as well as the National Treasury are embarking on initiatives to close loopholes in the supply chain management, prevent officials from doing business with the state as well as erradicate corruption. Platinum Gazette this week asked readers why they think people often display violent behaviour at protests? Do they agree with President Jacob Zuma about the culture that was inherited from the apartheid era? During the course of the interviews various readers were too scared that they would be victimised should they air their opinions. One said: “No, it is just before the elections. People might come and burn down my house if I tell you what I think about this”.
Me. Jacky Boshoff sê: “Frustrasie! Dit is die rede. Mense het meer verwag van die Nuwe Suid-Afrika en is teleurgesteld. Dit het niks met apartheid te doen nie”.
Mr Thembisile Booi said: “The thing is, all politicians are liars – white or black. People are angry with political parties who don’t workshop their people to realise that there is no quick fix. It takes time to build houses, roads etc. Politicians just want to be elected for their own benefit. I am not an ANC member but they’ve done a lot so far. Some protesters are tsotsi’s and hooligans. They take advantage of a protest situation to break things down”.
Mr Gilbert Manaso said: “I think it is caused by people who were patient long enough, but it does not mean that they must destroy what we’ve already achieved. They are frustrated by the politicians that don’t tell them the truth. If government tell the people everything – their challenges, successes and failures and do so continuously, the people will understand if things take time and they won’t be so violent”.
Mr Mervyn Reddy said: “I think empty promises is the reason people get violent at protests. It is just frustration”.
Mr Legopati Makofane said: “It is because they don’t deliver that people burn and break things”.
Me. Santie Carelse sê: “Mense raak geweldadig by optogte omdat politici nie doen wat hulle belowe nie. Die opstokers by sulke geweldadige optogte maak ook staat op die ongeskoolde massas wat maklik opgesweep word en in die emosie van ‘n geleentheid ingetrek word. Dan doen sulke mense goed wat hulle normaalweg nooit sou doen nie”.
Mr Joas Mokota and Ms Susan Shabangu said: “People don’t see service delivery – presumably because of incompetence of government employees. Apartheid died 20 years ago. People just want service delivery - nothing less, nothing more. The powers that be must prioritise community needs and appoint competent people to deliver the services.
Mr Lawrence Kekana said: “Yes, it comes from there. During apartheid it was allowed and when people got violent they saw results. Now they believe that if they are violent and burn things etc. their complaints will get sorted out. People believe they’ve got government’s attention if they are violent”.
Mr Frank Majwede said: “It is the frustration causing people to do violent things during protests. Apartheid has nothing to do with it”.
11 APRIL 2014
at service delivery protests?
Mr Alfred Mdluli, Mr Lawrence Matjie, Mr Elvis Komana and Ms Surprise Mokoena said: “No, it is not like that! Even Zuma himself is corrupt. Now he says he did not ask for the work at Nkandla so he will not pay. We have to pay e-tolls and we did not ask for it, so he has to pay! People are not happy with the ruling party. That is why they break and burn things. Not even half of the promises Mandela made to the people came true 20 years later”.
Ms Sindy Mashego said: “For the past 20 years we voted and were promised water, electricity, roads and houses. Now some people are still drinking water with the animals. I don’t think people learned this violence in apartheid. It is because government don’t deliver”.
Mr Mohlatsi Mohlala said: “It happens because people don’t get free houses. There is no electricity and water. There are no roads. What Zuma says is not right. We did not inherit this violent way from apartheid. I am a born free. I was born in the New South Africa. I did not get anything from apartheid. People just want services”.
Left: Mr Tlaiso Malapane said: “People are tired of false promises. Apartheid is just an excuse. People should start delivering instead of making promises. I am also tired”.
Mr Thabo Makofane said: “Always ahead of elections people deliver solutions, but 2 years back there was nothing. People get violent at protests because they don’t get what they want. Service delivery is not good. People get violent about that, not because of anything related to apartheid”.
Mr Modiba Mojela said: “People are frustrated. Apartheid has nothing to do with violence now. Everyone knows what Zuma is doing. People just want services. 20 years is too long to wait. People will understand things take time, but then there must be no corruption and incompetence in government”.
Mnr Louis Pieterse sê: Ek dink dis ‘n manier van aandag soek. Van die mense wys op daardie manier hul frustrasies en sommige het dit dalk tog reeds in apartheid geleer en oorgehou”.
Ms Petunia Mahlo, Ms Betty Rankwe and Ms Lerato Lewele said: “People in protests were promised things and the promises were not fulfilled. So people get angry. They don’t offer the services people need and that is why there is too much crime and violence. Most people are however peaceful, but they are frustrated. No, it is not apartheid causing this, it is the current lack of services. Mandela had shown the way but the politicians don’t walk in his footsteps. The ruling party is trying to satisfy themselves, not us”.
11 APRIL 2014
Boxer and Nedbank teams up to empower the youth of 2014 The Boxer Youth Leadership Programme has developed, over12 years, to become one of the most anticipated yearly events amongst the youth of South Africa. The five day adventure packed, youth empower camp is filled with all sorts of discussions, skills development and activities. Past year attendees rave about the positive impact it has had on their lives and this is the reason the retailer has continued to nurture and invest in this initiative. “When I arrived at the Boxer Youth Leadership camp in KwaZulu-Natal in 2007, I was not sure what to expect. I was a quiet and insecure young lady who was afraid to have dreams. But by the last day of the Boxer Youth Leadership Prgramme I was a different person. I was confident and felt like I could overcome any obstacle. This initiative helped me become who I am today and has empowered me to dream big and work hard to achieve those dreams. Thank You Boxer for giving me the amazing opportunity of being part of the Boxer Youth Leadership Programme.” said Londeka Ngubane from Hammersdale, KwaZulu-Natal. This inspired young lady went on to complete her schooling career and is currently studying at the University of KwaZulu-Natal towards a Bachelor of Social Science and hopes to pursue a career in Forensic Investigation. Londeka returned to the Boxer Youth Leadership Programme this year but not as a student, she fulfilled the role of a supervisor at the camp. The young “go getter” contacted the retailer and thanked them for what they had done for her and expressed how her life
had changed for the better after attending the 2007 Boxer Youth Leadership Programme. Boxer Director, Andrew Mills, wasted no time in offering Londeka the opportunity to return to the camp to share her story with the class of 2014 to further motivate the youngsters. This one of a kind initiative also attracted South Africa’s leading financial services provider, Nedbank. Nedbank has been a sponsor of the youth development project for a few years but this year saw them partnering with Boxer to bring 43 lucky students a life changing experience. Students from across South Africa and 2 from Swaziland were chosen based on their essays to attend the programme. Over 2000 entries were received in response to the following essay question: “If I were elected South Africa’s next President what would I do for my country?” The selection process was said to be extremely difficult. The young, intelligent and self motivated 43 students arrived at the Suela Zimbili Adventure centre in Zinkwazi, Kwa-Zulu Natal as strangers. Day one saw the youngsters settling in and forming friendships. As they participated in different fun but physically demanding team building activities, they learned the importance of trusting each other and allowing others to assist them. After each day of activities students got a chance to express the thoughts and feelings about relevant current affairs topics. And a revelation that despite their
different lifestyles, cultures and languages, each of them dealt with the same types of feelings and difficulties was discovered. Strong friendships were created and the 43 young strangers soon became a close knit family. On the fourth day of the Boxer Youth Leadership Programme, the 43 lucky students were surprised by South African singer/ songwriter, Zahara. This talented entertainer graced the camp with a huge smile and beautiful inspirational message. When Zahara appeared, the learners were overcome with emotions. Tears of joy and unbelief streamed
down their cheeks as they listened to her sing. Each of them got to meet Zahara and take a photograph, some even received a huge hug from the singer. Another successful Boxer Youth Leadership Programme was experienced with the lives of 43 young people being changed for the better. Young people from the Sekhukhune area should also watch out for special opportunities such as this programme created by Boxer. Keep visiting the store and have your eyes open for information on initiatives and enter when you get the details in store at Burgersfort!
The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.
Rigger (C3) - Smelter x 1 Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels. Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will be conducting routine and planned inspections on lifting equipment, overhead cranes and hoists. Replace and maintain rope slings, chain slings, lifting tackles and ensure that they conform to the lifting standards. Plan and execute lifting of material. Investigate ways of improving equipment. Read and interpret Engineering drawings. Conduct a continuous risk assessment in a workplace. Perform any Adhoc task within his knowledge and experience given by his Supervisor. Able to perform scheduled shutdowns and breakdowns. Perform standby duties and work shifts if required. Must be able to do quality work. To Coach and Mentro learners on the job.
Nomalanga Sitole of Nedbank, Zahara and Andrew Mills, Boxer Director.
Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Rigger ropes man field. Trade Test Qualified: Rigger. Valid drivers licence and own transport. At least 5 years experience in the engineering environment as a Rigger. Supervisory experience will be an added advantage. Must be able to perform work under pressure.
Engineering Foreman (C5) - Raw Material Handling Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels. Role Responsibilities: To ensure that day to day performance is measured and reviewed and corrective actions initiated and monitored. Ensure that on going team and individual performance measurement and review take place within the section. Ensure the day to day resources is effectively and efficiently utilised. Improving the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery. Schedules the use of resources on a day to day basis. Conducting fault finding on specified equipment and executing repairs or replacements. Conducts on job coaching. Advises on equipment replacements when needed. Requirements: NQF Level 5 qualification in the Mechanical/Electrical field. Trade Test Qualified: Mechanical or Electrical. At least 5 years experience in the engineering environment as a qualified Artisan. Supervisory experience. Knowledge of Microsoft office and Quality Management Systems.
To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147 or E-mail: adverts@ platinumgazette. com Advertising deadline: Tuesdays 17:00
General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 086 269 5572. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
11 APRIL 2014
Platinum Gazette
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4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
Platinum Gazette
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old
Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405
9. Te Huur/ To Rent Two Bedroom Flat to let in Burgersfort town. Close to shops and public transport. Available 1 May 2014. No space for tenant parking - only people without vehicles will be considered. Reasonable rent. Contact: 076 666 1100
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676
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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
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STEELPOORT AKADEMIE Ons benodig baie dringend onderwysers om diens te aanvaar op 1 Mei 2014. Departementeel - Tydelik 1. Graad 4 - Afrikaans I, Engels II en Wiskunde 2. Graad 5 - Afrikaans I en Wiskunde Vereistes: SACE Registrasie Buitemuurse aktiwiteite Meld asseblief alle bevoegdhede en buite kirrikulêre bevoegdhede in CV. Navrae: Hoof, 082 808 3284 Sluitingsdatum: 12 April 2014 Faks of E-mail CV na: E-pos: Faks: 013 230 9341
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11 APRIL 2014
Op Dinsdag 8 April het die Beskermings-eenheid van Atok en die Polisie se Honde-eenheid van Polokwane by Laerskool Atokia besoek kom aflê. Adjudant Offisier Eugene Grobbelaar het baie mooi aan die leerders van die skool die doel van die verskillende tipe honde wat deur die eenheid gebruik word verduidelik. Daarna het die honde wat onderskeidelik dwelms en springstof uitwys hulle vernuftigheid gewys in ‘n demonstrasie. Mnr. John Haw van die Beskermingseenheid van Atok was ook daar en het aan die leerders gewys hoe ‘n Patrolliehond ‘n verdagte inhardloop en tot stilstand bring. Die leerders het nie net die vertoning geniet nie, maar het ook baie geleer. (Inligting & foto’s: Laerskool Atokia).
Honde-eenheid besoek Laerskool Atokia Spesiale demonstrasies maak indruk
Soccer and netball at the SABC The Modikwa Soccer and Netball teams visited the SABC inJohannesburg on 29 March. The teams took an educational tour at the studios in Auckland Park but also played some sports against the SABC sporting teams. The Modikwa soccer team won 6-0 against the SABC and in a second game against TNT
travel express the Modikwa players won 8-2. The netball team played agains the SABC team and won 17-2. Another game against Sun International was also won 16-12. The SABC sports teams will be visiting Modikwa to tour their plant and shaft during May. The tours will be annual events between the two companies. (Photographs and Information: Andy Mohloke, Modikwa Platinum Mine).
Steelies spog met nuwe klere
Tomco Engineering van Steelpoort het vir die skool se 0/11 netbal meisies hempies en balle geborg.
The Mining Warehouse vir die 0/6 rugby seuntjies klere geborg. By hulle staan Mnr. Michael Hough en Mnr. Jaques Gouws van The Mining Warehouse en asook Mnr. Conrad Beukes van die skool. (Inligting en foto’s: Steelpoort Akademie)
11 APRIL 2014
Game on for underground performers at Modikwa Best performing teams watched Kaizer Chiefs vs Sundowns Modikwa Management rewarded their underground employees by taking some of the best performing employees to a game between Sundowns and Kaizer Chiefs. The Manong and Strong Eagles crews achieved their production targets uninterrupted in 4 months consecutively. The Safety Disky production teams intervention helped both crews throuhg team building to re-group and come back from poor performance. The crews started improving last year September and continue to do so. Some of the key aspects that influenced poor performance was absenteeism and noncooperation amongst crew members. Modikwa would like to congratulate the employees for showing character, focus and discipline after attending the intervention. (Photographs and infromation: Andy Mohloke, Modikwa Platinum Mine)
Thorburn Golf Day makes a difference Thorburn Socurity Solutions presented their annual golf day at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club last weekend. 44 Players participated in the day and a team of Caddies sponsored and fully equiped by Thorburn Security Solutions also participated. The players shared in the prizes, good food, drinks, golf shirts, towels and other special goodies prepared by Throburn. Thorburn also sponsored new bibs for caddies at Tubatse Chrome Club. This is part of an initiative to make the trained caddies identifiable and more presentable at the Club.
A new addition to the Thorburn Community Golf DAy was the participation of the new Thorburn subsidiaries Thorburn Technical Solutions (North) and Thorburn Cleaning Services. They’ll soon be providing their services in the Sekhukhune area. The day’s purpose is to give back to the communities in which Thorburn operates and teams consisted of clients, local leaders, schools, community organisations and Thorburn employees. Thorburn would like to thank everyone who assisted in making the day a success.
The Caddie team and caddies with their new bibs.
Malokela Masters takes on the Tubatse Masters On Sunday 06 April 2014 Tubatse Masters visited Malokela Masters to play a friendly soccer game in Malokela village. Tubatse Masters dominated the game from the first whistle and Lucky Lubisi opened the score just a few minutes after the kickoff. Tubatse Masters put more pressure on the hosts and Lucky Lubisi netted his second
goal of the game for Tubatse Masters. A mistake by the goalkeeper of the hosts let the ball inside the back of the net after he missed a back pass from his defender to make the score line 3-0 in favour of Tubatse Masters. Later in the first half the hosts came back very strong and managed to score
Renier Vosloo (GM Thorburn Cleaning) presenting the nearest to the pin prize to Johan Lesch (right).
three goals after the defensive errors by the Tubatse Masters defenders to level the score to 3 all by half time. In the second half Tubatse Masters continued putting more pressure on the hosts by creating more scoring opportunities and Lekgotla
(Information & photographs: Dolf Scheepers, Thorburn Security Solutions).
Motswiane managed to score another two goals. Final score : Tubatse Masters 5 & Malokela Masters 3 (Information & photographs: Boitumelo Nondo Tjie)
11 APRIL 2014
It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Tubatse Masters takes on Tubatse Chrome
Modikwa represented at SAMSA golf tournament The South African Mining Sports Association(SAMSA) annually hosts different sporting events where mines throughout South Africa compete against each other. The Modikwa Golf Team consisting of Willem Montgomery, Lionel Reeder, Willem van der Merwe and Piet Muller took part in the golf tournament which was held in Virginia at the Sandriver Golf Course in the Free State. Twenty six teams took part and the team from Modikwa travelled the furthest followed by teams from Union Section and Amandelbult. This was a very well organized event hosted by Sibanye Gold’s, Beatrix Mine after the event was almost cancelled due to the industrial action in the Rustenburg
area, most of the teams from Rustenburg did not attend. Benji Monyane, Chairperson of SAMSA thanked the management team of Beatrix for organizing the event on such short notice. The competition was won by a team from Beatrix Gold Mine - this must have been the home course advantage they had! Even though the Modikwa team did not walk away with the laurels they enjoyed the day and would like to thank the Modikwa management team for the opportunity to represent the mine at the event. (Information & photograph: Willem Montgomery)
Friendly soccer game Tubatse Masters took on Tubatse Chrome in a friendly soccer game hosted at Winterveld Recreational Club on 3 April 214. The two teams played good soccer and both sides created scoring opportunities. The score board was opened by Tubatse Chrome when George Maluleka managed to score a goal. Later int he first half Lucky Lubisi scored a two goals for Tubatse Masters. The half time score stood at 2-1. In the second half Dolphin Ngele and Tomas Lubisi scored for the Masters while Tubatse Chrome added to their score with the help of Collen Nzimande. The final score was Tubatse Masters 4 and Tubatse Chrome 2. (Information and photographs: Jerial Movundlela).
The Modikwa Golf Team were Willem van der Merwe, Piet Muller, Lionel Reeder and Willem Montgomery. The team was proud to represent their mine and the area in the Free State.
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