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© Platinum Gazette
11 January 2013
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6 for Kids Trevor rock up for Grade R Yes, R stands for ready, although judged by some of the uncertainty and apprehension witnessed at the schools Platinum Gazette visited yesterday, some of the little ones were more ready than others. Schools and education dominated headlines this week and schools in our distribution area were also a beehive of activity at the start of the new academic year. See page 4 for more first timers’ photographs.
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Trevor Matibidi A host of distinctions was the order of the day for Calvin College learners in Burgersfort when the 2012 matric results were announced early this year. Trevor Matibidi excelled with six distinctions and an average of 88 percent in the exam. For Accounting he received 100%, Mathematics 90%, Physical Science 89%, Life Orientation 89%, Life Science 85% and English (First Additional Language) 82%. More Calvin results on page 3.
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Promotion ends 15 January 2013.
11 JANUARY 2013
Joy for Maepa Primary The photographs speak for themselves, Maepa Primary School next to the R555 between Burgersfort and Ohrigstad had to make do with a tin shack for a Grade R classroom and a stone building adjacent to the other classrooms was unusable for education purposes. On Wedenesday this week it was down with the tin shack and in the place of the stone building was a brand new block of classrooms that was erected through sponsors and donors who saw the plight of the school. The main sponsor for the project was Hannah Game Lodge, and with the help of other sponsors, notable also sponsors as far as Canada, the new building was funded and erected by Y2K Construction. The building comprises a new Grade R classrooom, a library, office for the pricipal, Art classroom, a Grade 7 classroom and a computer class that is already equipped with modern computers. At the offcial opening on Wednesday, Mr Wayne Dorman of Hannah Game Lodge told guests at the school that it was not only a
social responsibility project of Hannah, but also the first step in starting to develop a new generation in the area with quality education to their disposal. Mr MJ Makofane, the Governance Officer of the Drakensberg Circuit of the Department of Education said partnerships are important as government alone cannot supply in all the needs of all the communities. He welcomed the fact that sponsors came forward with all his heart and said that the next step was for the community of Maepa to secure land for the possible future establishment of a secondary school for the area. The principal of the School, Mr Steven Mkhabela in thanking the sponsors also had a very important message for learners in that they should be thankful for the opportunity they are getting and he encouraged them to work hard to make a success of their future. The official plague was unveiled by Mrs Hannetjie Kinnear, a representative of the Kinnear family of Hannah Game Lodge. After the formalities all the children and guests were treated to a hearty meal and snacks.
Mr Steven Mkhabela, principal of Maepa Primary School just before Mrs Hannetjie Kinnear (bottom) unveiled the plaque.
Mr Wayne Dorman of Hannah Game Lodge addresses learners, parents, educators, the school governing body and guests during the opening ceremony of the new academic block.
Right: The new library. Learners take a tour of their new facilities.
“This is the beginning of a new generation� Hannah Game Lodge
11 JANUARIE 2013
Calvinites make their school proud Six learners finished their Grade 12 examination with distinction Calvin College in Burgersfort received their 2012 matric results with mixed feelings. The school had the most top performers in a long time and were very glad to have six learners who passed with distinction. They were 2012 head boy Trevor Matibidi, Refilwe Maphanga, Maseru Mokgobi, Tshepo Mphogo, Lesedi Ngoato and
Refilwe Maphanga - 77%; 4 Distinctions Life Orientation - 87%; Accounting - 86%, Life Science 83%; Physical Science - 82%.
Lucas Mahole. The school had a 91% pass rate which is down on last year, but with top achievers improved much on previous years. More than 75% of learners who wrote matric at Calvin College will be able to apply for tertiary education. 52% will be able to apply for university
Maseru Mokgobi - 81%; 4 Distinctions English First Additional Language - 83%; Life Orientation - 85%; Accouting - 88%; Physical Science - 83%.
Tshepo Mphogo - 83%; 5 Distinctions Mathematics - 84%; Life Orientation - 89%; Accounting 98%; Life Science - 88%; Physical Science - 89%.
in Mathematical Literacy, 100% in Life Orientation, 82% in Physical Science, 100% in Life Science, 87% in Computer Applications, 94% in Business Studies, 100% in Accounting and 97% in Economics. The school congratulated all the achievers and urged all the 2013 matrics to start working for passing and distinctions now.
Lesedi Ngoato, 84%; 5 Distinctions Afrikaans First Additional Language - 82%; Mathematics 88%; Life Orientation - 88%; Life Science - 93%; Physical Science 95%.
Lucas Mahole - 78%; 4 Distinctions Mathematical Literacy - 83%; Life Orientation - 85%; Accountiing 87%; Economics - 83%
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studies while 25% qualify to study for a diploma. 13% of students received a normal matric certificate. A 100% pass rate was achieved in Sepedi, 97% in English Home Language, 100% in English First Additional Language, 94% in Afrikaans First Additional Language, 83% in Mathematics, 100%
Cover Plastic 8m
Gift Wrap
Going to Grade R
11 JANUARY 2013
Grade R learners this week went to school for the first time. Platinum Gazette visited some schools in the area to witness their first day. Calvin College is full to capacity, prompting the necessity of the above notice.
Above: At Calvin Prep School some learners were lucky enough to have an older brother or sister to help them find their way.
Bo: Soms maak ‘n maat die eerste skooldag makliker.
Links en bo: By Laerskool Burgersfort het daar ook ‘n paar trane gevloei toe die Mammas en Pappas moes loop. Vir baie ander was die groot dag iets waarna hulle al lank uitsien en was hulle reg om te begin leer.
Above: Although most children went to Grade R very excited, some were more willing to go than others. This little one was photographed at Calvin Prep School.
Left: Some of the new learners enjoyed the playground at Calvin Prep School very much and were all smiles on their first day.
Bo: Sommige het ‘n bietjie troos saamgedra vir die eerste dag by die skool.
Left and above: At Steelpoort Academy parents made sure that their children settled in. For some it was an emotional day to see their babies going to school.
Bo: By Laerskool Burgersfort het die kleingoed sommer vinnig stilgesit en vir hul juffrou geluister.
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Above: At Bogwasha Primary School in Praktiseer the Grade R class was ready to start learning. With them are their teacher Mrs. Mogofe and Principal, Mr Daniël Moshoana.
11 JANUARIE 2013
Dagga found at Phiring Leboeng Police arrested four men on Monday 8 January after a special operation to address the root causes of crime. A total of 110 dagga plants were confiscated from the men at Phiring Village. The men aged between 33 and 41 years appeared in the Leboeng Magistrate’s Court on the same day. Koos
Vekana, Ponokga Johannes Mashilu, Lucas Raganya and Andrew Mokoena were released after they each paid a R800 fine. The SAPS warned other people in the area to refrain from drugs and dealing in drugs as they will have to face the law. (Photograph and article: Const. Maimela Andrew Sibatana).
New at Burgersfort SAPS Const. Mpho Moloisi is one of the new faces at Burgersfort SAPS in 2013. He is the new Station Communicator and invites the public to contact him with any problems or suggestions. He can be reached on 078 464 5494 or 013 231 0200. Constable Moloisi gave the following statistics regarding the Burgersfort SAPS successes for December: They made 56 arrests for drinking in public, 139 arrests related to Road Traffic Offences, 3 arrests
of people driving under the influence of alcohol, 15 arrests of people operating liquor outlets without a licence and 13 for people operating Spaza shops without a licence, 3 arrests for possession of dangerous weapons, 16 illegal gambling arrests, and 3 arrests for possession of suspected stolen property. “Congratulations to all the members on these successes”.
A 110 dagga plants were confiscated at Phiring Village.
Tavern closed Rape and sexual offenses a big after death On 1 January a 25-year old man was killed at a local tavern in Praktiseer. A fight broke out and a group of people allegedly assuaulted the man with crates and beer bottles. He died on the scene. Two suspects, aged 17 and 18 years old were arrested and they appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court. The were remanded in custody . They were due to appear in court yesterday again. The 17-year old was taken to a place of safety in Polokwane as he is still underaged. The SAPS are continuing their investigations. The incident occurred between 04:00 and 05:00 in the morning and the liquor outlet was supposed to be closed by 02:00. The owner was also given a fine for non-compliance to the Liquor Act after he did not close at the prescribed time. The community requested the closure of the business and the SAPS closed it temporarily while they await feedback from the Liquor Board. A complaint was made with the Provincial Liquor Board as the owner of the outlet have received several fines in the past for non-compliance with the Liquor Act. (Article: Const. Jerial Movundlela, Tubatse SAPS).
used & new m otor spares
Both the SAPS in Burgersfort and Tubatse received complaint of rape and other sexual offenses. Cases were registered in various areas and mostly happened between 22:00 and 03:00 when women were going home from taverns in their neighbourhood. The SAPS would like to warn especially women to not walk alone, late at night. Keep your drinks away from strangers and do not leave a social event with someone you just met. In Burgersfort people were robbed while they were busy with intimate acts in the bushes. They were left with no money or clothes. The SAPS warns people not to engage in improper acts in public. Should you be found in the bushes while engaged in an intimate act, you will be charged with public indecency. Rapes and robberies also occur when people just park their cars in the bushes. The SAPS asked people to rather park in areas that are not secluded.
Maepa Primary School’s new prefects Maepa Primary School announced their prefects for 2013 on Wednesday when the school opened for the year. They are Emmanuel Magoro (head boy), Sophie Malepe (head girl), Emmanuel Mokone, Thato Makhudu, Themba Monareng, Salphina Mnisi, Kagiso Malepe and Danny Maunye.
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11 JANUARY 2013
Have you been caught for a More than 1300 people died on South Africa’s roads during the festive season. The figures released by the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) will however only be finalised by March when deaths that occured later, but due to an accident during the festive period have been added. According the RTMC the problem on the roads lies with the behaviour of drivers and not with the enforcement of the law. Mr Howard Dembovsky from the Justice Project South Africa says that not enough is being done to enforce the law. He was quoted as saying: “Traffic officers either sit in the bushes and take photographs or they put up road blocks. No attempt is being made to curb aggressive driver behaviour”. He explained that this include a lack of law enforcement for moving offences such as passing on a barrier line or dangerous area, motorists who change lanes without using their indicator lights and who are not stopping at stop signs. Mr Ashref Ismail, spokesman for the RTMC did not agree. He said: “We are doing our best, but drivers are not doing their part. We cannot protect people against themselves”. We asked readers when was the last time they’ve been stopped for a moving offence such as mentioned above.
Mnr Frans Mpho Mokgotho sê: “Nee, hulle het my nog nie gevang vir iets nie. Ek ken ook nie iemand wat al gevang is nie”. Mnr. Mokgotho is ‘n taxi bestuurder.
Mr Justice Mahasha said: “No, I was not caught recently. A long time ago I was caught for speed. I am more careful now”.
Mr Ronald Dibakwane said: “They once last year said that I did not stop at the stop street and they also once asked why I made a Uturn where I am not supposed to”. Mr Dibakwane is a taxi driver.
Mr Thembisile Booi said: “Over the Christmas season I was in Johannesburg and there they checked from tyres, licences, licence disks to alcohol in your blood. I was once fined for not stopping at the Autozone stop street in Burgersfort. I have a big concern about all the animals on the road. The municipality must make a plan. Even if you drive into a cow at 60km/h you can be killed and then the owners of the animal is nowhere to be found”.
Mr Harry Serite said: “They have stopped me and I had a disagreement with the lady. She said my things expired instead of saying that my licence disk has expired. They must also stop bribery. The traffic officials should also stop hiding in the bushes when they do road law enforcement”. Mr Serite is a taxi driver.
Mr Jerry Maphanga said: “They recently only stopped me to check my licence. Once last year they caught me in a speed trap. Now, if I see them I slow down. I cannot complain about them. Hulle doen hulle werk allright”. Mr Maphanga is a taxi driver.
Mr Hendrik Ledwaba said: “Yes, I was caught on Sunday this week. They claimed that I did not stop at the red robot. They said it was red, but it was yellow when I went over and it was still kosher to cross. It was at the crossing at Spar and the Ohrigstad road”. With him is Ms Patricia Ramaro.
Below: Mr Ledimo Moretsele and Ms Tshidi Thobejane said: “No, we’ve never been caught for a moving offence. They have however stopped us and checked our licences, the car’s licence disk and the tyres”.
Mr Prince Makhanya said: “No, I’ve not been caught in Burgersfort. I am from Johannesburg and I’m not used to how they drive here. I’ve been caught speeding in the past”.
11 JANUARIE 2013
‘moving’ traffic offence?
Mr Space Sepatake said: “In this area, no. I’ve not been caught recently. I once got a ticket last year when I was rushing towards a meeting in Praktiseer. I was caught driving over the speed limit”.
Mnr. Comfort Green sê: “Nee, nog nie. Hulle het my al gestop en dan soek hulle bribes. Hulle soek dan fout met alles tot by die driehoek by die spaarwiel. Ek is al gevang omdat ek sonder ‘n safety belt gery het”.
Mnr. Andries van den Berg sê: “Hulle vra hier net jou lisensie en kyk dalk na die kar se lisensie. Ek weet nie van iemand hier wat al vir ‘n ander tipe oortreding gevang is nie”. By hom is René.
Me. Sanet Botha sê: “Ek het nog nie ‘n boete gekry nie. Ek weet van mense wat al gevang is vir spoedoortredings”.
Mr Vincent Motau, a taxi driver said: “For moving offences? If they are travelling in a different direction than the offender it is not easy for them to turn around and pull you off. I know someone they’ve caught. When it is busy we taxis sometimes make a U-turn there at Boxer and they stood under the Maroela tree and caught some drivers.
This group of drivers at the taxi rank were afraid to give their names, saying they don’t want to be victimised by traffic officials. Their experiences included from being stopped and their vehicles scanned for faults, licence checking to being asked for bribes. One said: “If they catch you, they ask for Coca-Cola and let you go”. Another said that he was stopped on Wednesday and everything on his vehicle was checked. “I was eventually fined for one little thing that was not right”. He did not want to say what the one little thing was. In general the group gathered at the taxi rank behind Tubatse SUPERSPAR said that the traffic officials are doing their job, but that a few individuals ruin their reputation”.
Ms Lebogang Mathabatha said: “At Tubatse they have no mercy! I have two speeding tickets and I still owe them, but I will pay them in February. The traffic officials here are really doing their job”.
Mr Tshepo Mamogale and Mr Julius Mamogale said: “We’ve never been stopped. We respect the road signs and never drive recklessly. The traffic officials must catch and book the drunkards driving from the beer halls. They must be taken off the road”.
Mnr. Theunis Muller sê: “In vier jaar het hulle my nog nie een keer afgetrek op die pad tussen Burgersfort en Twickenham nie. Ek weet ook van niemand wat al vir ‘n bewegingsoortreding op daardie pad gevang is nie”. By hom is Lientjie Muller met Eduan en Kathleen.
11 JANUARY 2013
Final Tubatse SUPERSPAR winners The last winners in the Tubatse SUPERSPAR birthday celebration draws received their prizes during December. The winners were: Mpho Manyaka from Lephepane (Prize: LG Home theatre system), Suzan Malepe from Mashamothane (Prize: Logik pedestal fan), Meshack Mphogo from Makgemeng (Prize: Salton combo pack), Koketso Morena from Praktiseer (Prize: R1000 Spar voucher), Dingaan Malepe from Praktiseer (Prize: Sunbeam professional Range),
Lindy Mabila from Manoke (Prize: R1000 Spar Voucher), Tebogo Maroga from Ga Maroga (Prize: Hi Sense Fridge), Promise Mathebula from Kgautswane (Prize: Defy Electric stove), Kgomotso Makuto from Praktiseer (Prize: 3 Plate stove), Mosa Ratseke from Alverton (Prize: R1000 Spar Voucher), Vincent Mayile from Riba Cross
(Prize: AEG Fan), Jan Malapane from Ga Mampuru (Prize: Hi Sense fridge), Phineous Maphanga from Riba Cross (Prize: R1000 Spar voucher), Sophy Ngwato from Riba Cross (Prize: Defy Gas Stove), Aaron Machubeng from Mashamothane (Prize: Sunbeam Frying Pan), Eliah Maimela from Madiseng (Prize: Samsung Fridge) and Khutso Mnisi from Alverton (Prize: LG LCD TV). Tubatse SUPERSPAR thanked all their clients for their support and wished them well for 2013.
11 JANUARIE 2013
Chev Trailblazer, we drive it An invite from Westvaal Mashishing’s Steelpoort branch to take a Chev Trailblazer 2.8 LTZ 4x2 for a spin on the day after the newspaper opened, was welcomed, as the reporter was running around and he was hot, very hot. The vehicle is imposing. It is a large SUV and has no problems in imparting a formidable presence to the prospective driver and on the road. Designed in Brazil and built in Thailand, the reporter was eager to discover if it was so taai as it looked. Open the doors and lo and behold, light, very light leather (almost the colour of milky bar) greeted the eye, with a welcome dark upper for the facia. Inside the vehicle has lots of space, anyone will be able to fit his or her body easily behind the steering wheel or any other of the seven seats with comfort (OK, maybe not so comfortable if you are exceptionally well developed, in the back row of seats, but you will fit). His or hers used intentionally, because the slighter built and smaller women will also be able to adjust the electric seats quickly for a proper driving position. O yes, the creature comforts include illuminated mirrors inside both the sunvisors, so no need to dig for one in your handbag. So your lipstck or snor has been repaired and straightened. Onto the road. The diesel engine starts easily and the air conditioning (which also have ducts to the rear seats) hums into operation. Dailing in the temperature is easy by a rotary knob just above the automatic transmission gear shift. The aircon drown the light clatter of the diesel and moving the gear selector from park to drive automatically locks the doors. Release the handbrake and off you go. The vehicle not only looks big, it is big, but there is no problem in seeing what is happening around as all round visibility is good and the mirrors well placed and easily adjustable. The power steering is well weighted and the vehicle moves easily into the traffic. Moving from Steelpoort onto the Lydenburg road, the SUV feels secure on tarmac and the auto transmission shifts effortlessly up and down. If used to tow or in difficult circumstances the gears can also be changed manually. The reporter tried it and it worked well, not better or worse than other auto boxes he is familiar with. The vehicle not only moves switfly, but also brake very efficiently from high speed as all electronic gizmos it is equipped with spring into action. So it goes well on tar and do not skrik a reasonable pothole. It will live well in Sandton (you get potholes there too), Burgersfort and environs and any other place you want it to. The aircon is very effective and cools the big vehicle down very quickly. All the seats in the back can be folded down to create a huge loadbay for whatever you want to load, even a few bales of hay. Turning onto the Rietfontein road towards Rooi Ivoor it was soon evident that the Trailblazer will not only be wonderful with the kids, but also the caravan, trailer, jetski, (and mother-in-law), but also on the farm. The 4x2 we tested is not a rough 4x4 overlander, but will handle almost any dirt (bad dirt) with aplomb and with all types of electronic control, is a very versatile vehicle for anyone not planning to do the Mongol Rally on a regular basis.
It will also take to village life like a duck to water and will transport its driver and occupants with utmost safety, also thanks to the myriad airbags fitted. The reporter returned the vehicle with a pleasent feeling. He had his water bottle in one of the 11 cupholders for 7 seats (?, maybe for the very thirsty) he was relaxed, and cool and very much disappointed. He could not afford one at this stage ... The pices for the range are: Chev Trailblazer 2.5 LT 4x2 M/T - R364 000, Chev Trailblazer 2.8 LTZ 4x2 A/T - R423 500, Chev Trailblazer 2.8 LTZ 4x4 M/T - R454 500, Chev Trailblazer 2.8 LTZ 4x4 A/T - R469 900, Chev Trailblazer 3.6 LTZ 4x4 A/T - R479 500. (Almost forgot: wrappers for the milky bar are available)
“The 4x2 we tested is not a rough 4x4 overlander, but will handle almost any dirt (bad dirt) with aplomb...�
Simple comforts that are missed when not added to a vehicle includes vanity mirrors and a specially designed case for sun- or driving glasses. Both easily fold away into the roof of the vehicle.
You will have this in front of you when climing into the driving seat of the Trailblazer. The backlights makes it easy to see all the necessary details for safe driving.
Persistance paid off
Ms Joyce Qwabe was the lucky winner of a pfridge/freezer at OK Grocer during December. She entered the competition daily and her persistance paid off. She works as a cleaner at the public ablution facilities next to the bus rank above Marone Centre. With her is her grandchild, Chris Phasha (2). Her prize was handed to her by Ms Gwen Groenewald from OK Grocer.
11 JANUARY 2013
Steelpoort Akademie se Top 10 reik uit Steelpoort Akademie se Top 10 akademiese presteerders het in December gewys hulle nie net slimkoppe nie, maar ook harde werkers. Hulle het uitgereik na ‘n kleuterskool in Ga-Phasha waar 50 kindertjies in een vertrek versorg word. Die gebou was gehawend en die leerlinge het nadat die gate toegepleister is, swartborde aan die binnekant opgesit en die mure aan die buitekant versier. Die kreatiewe sessie is afgesluit met die uitdeel van pakkies lekkergoed/ Die skool en leerlinge bedank Tubatse Chrome en in die besonder mnr. Andries Nieuwoudt wat kom saam werk het. Dankie ook aan Prominent Paint wat die verf Kreatiewe verfwerk het die gebou gou opgehelder. (Foto’s en inligting: Me. Cornelia Ebersöhn, Steelpoort Akademie).
Betrekkings/Vacancies Vacancy: Bookkeeper You will be based at our Naranja Packhouse situated between Burgersfort and Lydenburg. Reporting to the Financial Manager the successful candidate will have a minimum of a grade-12 school qualification, and a suitable tertiary qualification will be an advantage backed by a minimum of 3 years experience in all aspects of a payroll system, controlling the general ledger, controlling all financial input documentation, stock reconciliations, assisting with compilation of annual budgets and general office administration. The right candidate must be computer literate in Excel, MS Word, Outlook and doing electronic banking. We offer a highly competitive remuneration package with excellent career development opportunities for the hard working and committed person. Please forward your abbreviated (not more than 3 pages) CV by fax or e-mail to: Neil van Rooyen. Fax No: 086 235 8498 E-mail: If the company does not contact you before or on 19 February 2013 you must accept that your application was not successful. Closing date: 25 January 2013
Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676
Platinum Gazette Read Platinum Gazette online at www. platinumgazette. com or subscribe to receive the e-mailed newspaper free of charge every week. Simply forward your subscription request to adverts@platinum
‘n Gevestigde besigheid in Burgersfort het ‘n vakante betrekking vir ‘n:
ONTVANGSDAME Vereistes: * Moet goed tweetalig wees in Engels en Afrikaans. * Goeie telefoon- en ontvangsetiket. * Moet onder druk kan werk en steeds vriendelik en korrek kan werk. Goeie menseverhoudinge is ‘n moet. * Ervaring van algemene kantoorwerk en ontvangs sal tot die kandidaat se voordeel wees. * Moet bereid wees om te leer en op ander areas van die besigheid te help soos nodig. * Rekenaargeletterdheid is noodsaaklik. Om aansoek te doen stuur ‘n volledige CV met verwysings na: of handig dit in by Hendriks Panelbeaters voor of op 18 Januarie 2013.
11 JANUARIE 2013
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/ Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Te Huur/ To Let Nuwe tweeslaapkamer woonstelle te huur in Burgersfort. Skakel 083 244 6005
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 Bread: 076 772 7607 Gloria: 082 614 3619
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We repair: Microwave ovens, Electronics, fridges and freezers, lounge suites, bedroom suites, chairs, dining room tables, sewing machines and much more. Gas and compressors for fridge repairs available. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, e-mail or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:
Platinum Gazette
Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.
Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright
Betrekkings/Vacancies LA Crushers (Pty) Ltd invites applications for the position of ADT DRIVER (BELL 40 / 50) Key Performance Areas: Pre-operational check on vehicles. Log all fuel & diesel usage as well as defects found on vehicle. Transportation of material to designated area. Adherence to all procedures, policies & Spotter signals. Safety participation & inspections before start of shift. Keep vehicle & cab clean at all times. Qualifications: Grade 10 or equivalent. Minimum of 3 years experience (continuous)Valid C1 Driver’s license Accredited Certificate would be an advantage. Salary: To be determined within the company’s approved salary structures. CV’S, including Drivers License & applicable certificates and references should be emailed to or faxed to 086 587 4656 for the attention of Nancy Ratopola. Applications should reach us by no later than 18 January 2013. LA Crushers is an Equal Opportunity Employer and reserves the right not to make an appointment. If you have not been contacted within two weeks of the applications closing date, please assume that your application was unsuccessful.
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Got some news? Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00
11 JANUARY 2013
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Maatlopo kicks off 2013 Maatlopo United Football Club from Moroke will kick off their 2013 play with a game on Saturday 12 January 2013. Maatlopo United FC will host a team from Alverton, Morethetho FC at 15:30. The team is ready to take on the challenge and show what they are made of during 2013.
Golf dates to remember The following dates are important to remember for golfers playing at the Tubatse Chrome Golf Club.
Saturday, 12 January 2013 IPS Tee off time: 08:00 Entry: R100 Everyone is welcome to come and play.
Friday, 8 February 2013 Night Golf Tee off time: 18:00 Entry: R250 Only 36 spots are available. Bookings will be made for the first 36 players who book and pay their entry fee. All entry fees must be paid by 26 January 2013. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 072 564 2811
All sports loving people are invited to come and support the two teams as they try to improve their spot on the log. They are playing in the SAFA SAB Regional League. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6225. (Information: Jimmy Makola, Maatlopo United PRO).
Get ready for the next action cricket season The seasonal action cricket that is being played at Tubatse Chrome Club is due to start in February again. Teams are invited to enter as soon as possible. Businesses are also invited to sponsor teams. This is a very good way for employees to not only keep fit, but also have loads of fun while they get to know each other better. People who are interested in entering a team can contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811. Sports teams are welcome to forward their results, fixtures and photographs, if they are available, to the newspaper. All sports news must reach the newspaper by a Wednesday afternoon. E-mail it to: or fax it to 013 231 7147.
On tour through the province For many tourists game viewing was the sport of the festive season. . Most of the people who visited the Province were either VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) or for Leisure. The CEO of Limpopo Tourism Agency, Mr. Nocks Seabi said: “We are very elated with the continued signs of tourism growth in the province as our numbers show that in December 2012, 56 141 people went through Limpopo Wildlife Resorts gates compared to 53 710 in the same period in 2011 accounting for 23.1% increase”. The Kruger National Park still proves to be the preferred and prime destination for tourists in the Province as high a volume of tourists was recorded this festive season. Reports received from other tourism stakeholders in the province also indicate high occupancy rate during this period. The Chairperson of the Board Mr. Mashilo Matsetela, LTA CEO Mr. Nocks Seabi and his Executive Management team took time out to
visit various resorts and other key destinations in the province to observe and monitor tourist influx while interacting with tourists. “I must indicate that most of the tourists interviewed expressed satisfaction with the level of service received at most of the tourism facilities in the province and we are also content with the situation”, emphasized Seabi. “Our growth can be attributed to our Tourism Strategy and our three year Domestic Umbrella Marketing Campaign we launched in July 2012. We are pleased by the fact that it is largely the people of Limpopo who tour our province and visit our facilities. He thanked the Service Sector for serving the industry with distinction and with a smile. “The level of service rendered to the tourists will definitely ensure repeated visits to the province in general and facilities in particular thereby contributing to economic growth of the province”, concluded Seabi.
Battle Malaria being won Over the past three months, malaria has shown a sharp decrease in Limpopo compared to previous years, over the same period. Since 1 October 2012, 253 malaria cases were notified in Limpopo. This is down from the 504 cases reported in 2011 and 1,744 cases reported over the same period in 2010. Limpopo is epidemic prone to malaria and seasonal increases in malaria do occur. North eastern parts of Vhembe and eastern part of Mopani are specifically prone to malaria. Malaria is a seasonal disease, with most cases reported during the summer rainy season. More cases are also reported during December months, due to the movement of people between malaria areas outside the province and areas under control within the province. Due to the fact that Limpopo is a known malaria prone province, the provincial
Department of Health is fully prepared to deal with all malaria cases. All Primary Health Care clinics are fully equipped to deal with malaria patients at community level, with hospitals prepared to deal with more severe malaria cases. The Department’s malaria spray teams are also actively busy conducting spraying in all the affected areas, with more than 300,000 houses sprayed over the past three months. Teams are also busy visiting the affected communities to raise the levels of awareness to malaria in these communities. It should be noted that malaria is a disease that can be treated and cured if diagnosed and treated in time and the department is committed to fighting Malaria. Should you travel to visit friends or family or participate in sport taking place in severly affected places, remember to tell your doctor or nurse at a clinic should you experience flu-like symptoms within two weeks after your visit.