Merafe’s Lion roars Merafe Resources this week said that it planned to return cash to shareholders as no major expansion projects were on the cards for the next two years. “From 2018 onwards, no major expansionary projects are planned and as a result, free cash flow will be applied to returning cash to shareholders,” the company said as it released financial results for the year to December. Merafe, which mostly generated cash from the Glencore-Merafe chrome venture, posted improved earnings and revenue for the year to December. Despite the improvement, the Merafe share price declined by 2.38 percent to trade at 82 cents a share, a reflection of the negative outlook for mining. The mining index falling 5.3 percent. Merafe declared a final dividend of R30 million, compared with R20m in 2014. It paid shareholders an interim dividend of R25m in August, down from R27.9m in 2014. In terms of its financial performance, Merafe reported a 23 percent increase in revenue to R4.4 billion from R3.6bn in 2014, and a 65 percent increase in headline earnings a share to 13.9c for the reporting period from 8.4c a share previously. It expects the short-term future to be challenging with weaker commodity prices and concerns about Chinese economic growth levels. But the company said despite these global challenges, the joint venture with Glencore was well positioned to withstand current and even lower prices. “The venture’s position as the lowest cost ferrochrome producer in South Africa and one of the lowest cost producers in the world enables it to navigate the headwinds at a time when other global ferrochrome producers have been forced to cut production or close down,” the company said. Merafe’s attributable ferrochrome production from the venture in the period under review was 13 percent higher than the previous year, mainly due to the additional production from the Lion II smelter near Steelpoort which ramped up to full production in the middle of last year. Merafe shares in 20.5% of the chrome venture’s earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation . After a decade of ongoing investment in a suite of projects, Merafe is in harvest mode within the Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture, which owns and operates several chromite mines and 22 ferrochrome furnaces. In addition to the large low-energy Lion smelter complex, projects have included the Bokamoso and Tswelopele pelletising and sintering plants, upper group two plants and the Wonderkop acquisition.
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
11 March 2016
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
11 MARCH 2016
Have you registered? Over three million South Africans visited their local voting stations over the past weekend, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Glen Mashinini, said on Tuesday (08 March 2016). The voting registration stations were opened on 5 and 6 March for voters to register for the first time, re-register and update their registration details. Addressing the media on the outcome of the first voter registration weekend, Mashinini said the number of voters who visited voting stations was more than double the number recorded during the first registration weekend of the 2011 Municipal Elections. This was also a 23% increase of registration activity compared with the first registration weekend for the 2014 National and Provincial Elections. Of the 3 097 194 voters who visited voting stations, 692 730 were new registrations, while 1 086 958 were re-registrations in different voting districts and 1 317 506 visited to confirm and update their registration details in the same voting district. The weekend also saw a huge response from young people, where 544 552 new registrations were from voters under 30 years old.
Murder and rape at Leboeng Two men 26 and 30 -years –old, from Leboeng Rutseng Village were arrested on Sunday 06 March on a charge of murder, house robbery and rape of an 80-year- old woman. This was after the police received information about the murder. According to the information the deceased was staying alone at Leboeng Rutseng Village. The deceased was found by her niece who went to the deceased’s place in the morning on Sunday in order to take the old lady to the voting registration station. Upon arrival she was surprised to find the old dead on the floor and it was seems that there was a fight inside the room. She then called the police,. Officers tracked a shoe print that was found on the scene until it led them to the suspects’ house. The police managed to find the stolen items at the suspects’ house. Initial investigations revealed that the deceased was also raped. The two suspects were arrested and appeared before Leboeng Periodical court on Tuesday this week. Their case was remanded to 15 March 2016 for further investigations. No bail was granted. In another case a 30-year-old man from Phiring Malaeneng appeared before the magistrate court today Tuesday at Leboeng periodical court on a charge of rape of a 9-year-old minor. The accused was arrested last week on Monday after the mother of the child opened a case docket at Leboeng police station. She said she noticed signs of sexual abuse and asked the child and she explained what happened. The case was remanded to 15 March 2016 for bail application.
11 MAART 2016
‘This road is a mess’ Platinum Gazette travelled various village this week, and experienced the bad roads first hand. Twenty minutes. This is the time it took for the newspaper’s large 4x4 to drive from the R555 turn-off to Eerstegeluk till the vehicle reached Longtill. Along the way the small vehicles on the road laboured through the dongas. En route community members were trying to fill the potholes with a mixture of sand and cement. “We are tired of this road” they said. “It is almost totally undriveable, and nobody hears our pleas. This is our own time and money we spend. It does not help much. Maybe if it is in the newspaper somebody will give attention. This road was not meant for heavy traffic, they must rebuild it stronger and then maintain
Good - Mampuru road construction
it”. Unfortunately, this is not the only road that looks like this, and a large number of roads in many villages are in thesame deplorable condition. In Mabocha the newspaper’s vehicle had to drive next to a tarred road so full of potholes you could almost not count them. And then there is the road from Steelpoort to Lydenburg, and ... Meanwhile the work on the road between Longtill and G-Mampurru is progressing well, although no work was done in the rain when the newspaper visited the area. “my only conerns is that we are going to have this beautiful road between Longtill and Ga-Mampuru, but we will not be able to get to it, as the road from Longtill to the R555 is falling apart” one resident told the newspaper.
11 MARCH 2016
Rivers swell Much needed rain saw local rivers swell to their banks. This photograph was taken on Wednesday at Ga-Mampuru.
Go slow when travelling here... Going slow is sometimes the only option on deteriorating roads. In Riba Cross residents created their own speed humps to ensure motorists will keep it slow. This home-made sign even has a reflector to be visible at night.
Psalm 91: 9 - 12 9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
Have your say on combating racism Comment on the draft NAP Cabinet has called on South Africans to make constructive inputs to the draft National Action Plan (NAP) to combat racism, discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. The public can submit their comments before the 30 June 2016 deadline for the final document that will be submitted to Cabinet for approval. Comments and inputs can be submitted via email to “The plan provides the basis for a public policy against racial discrimination that will assist in giving effect to our international human rights obligations,” Cabinet said in a statement this week. It is also envisaged that the NAP will provide for specific outcomes and a technical guiding framework for government’s policies, programmes and strategies to combat racial discrimination, and is a step towards complying with the obligation to give effect to the constitutional value of equality and non-discrimination. Government has dedicated the month of March to Human Rights Month. This month will be celebrated under the theme: “South Africa united against racism” and will reinforce government’s commitment to the Bill of Rights as enshrined in the Constitution.
11 MAART 2016
Education Indaba at Makgamathu An Education Indaba took place at Makgamathu High School last week Saturday. The day’s purpose was to focus on education and education related issues. It was also a day when those with tertiary qualifications took out their academic robes to showcase their achievements.
Kgoshi Mashishi also attended the day and encouraged learners to study. The programme included talks on Education: An essential survival tool; Career Guidance subject choices; The Roka Mashishi Community Trust and Bursary Scheme, Presentations by the LRC President, former learners,
Learners provided the day’s entertainment items.
current learners in grade 12 and the circuit manager. The programme was varied with entertainment items by the school choir, gumboot dancers and drum majorettes. Drama by grade 11 learners, dancers and hip hop performances concluded the event before everyone enjoyed a hearty meal.
11 MARCH 2016
Your views about the South Africans are preparing to start paying a ‘sugar tax’ from next year. With diabetes as the second leading cause of death for South Africans aged between 15 and 49 in 2011 and one in four South Africans being obese, health workers are welcoming the looming tax. Would this tax really make a difference to the consumption of sugary products? According to Professor Harry Dugmore from the Rhodes University’s Centre for Health Journalism it could. “A tax around the 20% margin would have real effect on the diabetes epidemic in South Africa – there’s no doubt” he told the media. Fizzy drinks are some of the products that are the worst culprits when it comes to sugar content. A single fizzy drink contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar. According to the World Health Organisation the recommended adult intake of sugar should be no more than six teaspoons per day. If the tax is set at 20%, this could relate to an additional R7 thousand million income for government. Some critics predict that the tax could result in job losses if the demand for sugar declines. Examples such as Brazil is however being held as to how related demands can still sustain the industry. There they’ve expanded their energy solutions to include production of ethanol from sugarcane to produce energy. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the proposed tax and the effect it may have.
Mr Sizo Obonye said: “People will still buy it because when you like something you’ll sacrifice for it. Everything is expensive these days” Mr Lucky Riba said: “If they introduce a sugar tax I’ll minimize buying sugar products. We’ll live healthy. I’ll make more careful choices when buying. This is a good thing”.
Mr Innocent Mawine said: “I don’t think it will work because if you are addicted to something you’ll do anything to get it. Look at alcohol, people will buy it even if it is expensive”.
Mr Abram Moshwana said: “People won’t stop buying sugary products if it is taxed. They will keep on buying. On alcohol and cigarettes they have warnings about the impact on your health and it is taxed, but they keep on buying it. There will not be an improvement in public health due to the sugar tax”. Mr Margate Madire said: “People will just pay more because most people like sugar. Look at things like alcohol and cigarettes. They tax it but people still buy it”.
Me. Drieka Jacobs sê: “Mense word met soet tande gebore. Ek sal maar betaal. Dis stupid om so ‘n belasting in te bring. Dit sal beslis kos duurder maak. Ek voel as hulle dit om gesondheidsredes doen behoort hulle ook dinge soos drank en sigarette te verban of sit nog ‘n ekstra tax op drank en sigarette”.
Mr Rodney Madire and Mr Kabelo Mokgotho said: “Some will stop buying sugary products, but there are those who are addicted and they will buy it even if it is expensive. The tax will not improve public health. You must also remember that sugar is needed for energy”.
Mr Adam Seedat and Mr Mohammed Danish said: “We hope it will work. It will help those with big stomachs and diabetes. It is also bad because we are already paying a lot of tax. Business is not good in South Africa any more so we don’t have money. They actually need to lower tax to help us”.
Me. Mariana Matthysen sê: “Dit gaan geen invloed hê om gesondheid te verbeter nie. Dit gaan maar net beteken dat jy sal moet uithaal en betaal. Dit beteken ook dat ‘n mens minder goed soos sweeties sal koop – wat met vandag se pryse in elk geval min gebeur”. By haar is Marli.
11 MAART 2016
proposed sugar tax
Mr Bongisipho Mthembu said: “I think we should protest about this. People will buy it anyway. If you like chocolates you will still buy it. It will be the same as with cigarettes and alcohol. People will continue the habit. It will only benefit government to have the additional tax income. Zuma will be able to build another Nkandla”.
Mnr. Rudy Vorster sê: “Ons sal maar die belasting betaal. Ek ken mense wat gesê het hulle sal ophou rook as ‘n pakkie sigarette R10 kos. Dit kos nou al tussen R30 en R40 en hulle rook steeds. ‘n Mens moet ook onthou dat die regering nie dieet koeldranke wat met produkte soos stevia versoet word sal kan belas nie. Stevia is nie suiker nie. Die wat dit kan bekostig sal steeds koop. Dit was ‘n goeie idee om hierdie aankondiging te maak, veral omdat die rand nou in die moeilikheid is. Die wat kritiek lewer dat werke dalk verlore sal gaan weet nie waarvan hulle praat nie. Indien daar ‘n surplus van iets is word dit eenvoudig uitgevoer en dan kry die produsente meer geld daarvoor. Werksverliese as gevolg hiervan sal nie gebeur nie. In praktyk beteken dit dat ‘n bottel Coke waarskynlik 40c of so meer gaan kos. Dis soos petrol. Almal sal maar betaal en aangaan”.
Mnr. Bobby Crouse en Me. Monica Olivier sê: “Dis dinge wat jy nodig het waarop die belasting gaan wees, so ‘n mens sal maar betaal. As jy wil luxuries drink en eet moet jy maar betaal. Alles gaan nou op. Die belasting sal nie regtig ‘n impak om die algemene gesondheid van Suid-Afrikaners hê nie”.
Mr Isaac Phoku said: “This is just a futile exercise. Our government should be educating people. They should teach them to make informed choices on diets and healthy lifestyle. Our government is failing when it comes to the tax system. This is just another way of robbing people. It will not improve people’s health. Our government is failing to provide people with proper food. We are all from different backgrounds and some can just not afford to buy healthy products such as olive oil in the shops”. Mr Piet Mahlangu said: “The good thing is that people will not buy it because it will be too expensive. Then their health will improve”.
Ms Sabina Mpinga said: “It is a good thing. A lot of us drink too much Coke and it is not good for our health. Look at us, we are still young, but we have these big bodies. It is not good. If they increase the price due to the tax people will not be able to afford it and it will be good”.
Mr MS Mohlala said: “If it will improve public health it is good to implement the sugar tax. It will be better if people drink less sugary drinks”.
Mr Abram Phaku said: “People will just keep on buying sugary products. Government should rather give people education about health and food choices. They should do this for free. It won’t work to improve health if you tax sugar”.
Mr Edson Nozozo said: “It will help people because if the price of the products goes up, people will buy less sugar. It is good. Tax is already up so we are used to paying. People affected by diabetes will be helped through this”.
Mr Ismail Arbee and Ms Zianub Arbee said: “We love our Coke. We don’t think it will work. It will just make life more difficult as groceries are already so expensive. When will they bring out a tax on air? They are taxing us to death”.
Regs: Me. Delma Ludick sê: “As jy ‘n sugarholic is sal jy ‘n plan beraam om dit te kan koop. Dis ‘n goeie idee van die regering. Dit sal dalk die kinders leer hoe om reg te eet”.
11 MARCH 2016
Calvin College opens new classrooms Calvin College in Burgersfort officially
opened a new classroom block on Saturday last week. The opening was marked with much celebration and a formal programme. Greater Tu-
batse Mayor, Cllr. Ralepane Mamekoa and Ms Lorraine Brits, the school principal, cut a ribbon to make everything official. This was followed by an inspection of the new block. The programme contained various entertainment items, speeches by dignitaries and handover of certificates and motivational tokens for achievements in the 2015 matric examinations.
The school worked hard to ensure that everything goes perfect on the big day. Items by the drum majorettes, choir, cultural groups and individual learners kept everyone entertained. Some of the special guests were circuit manager, Mr Lingwati and the school’s founders Mr. & Mrs. Roetz. Mayor Mamekoa officially opened the classrooms.
11 MAART 2016
Cool donation for Sehlaku A goodwill gesture by Burgersfort Old Mutual Group Scheme has changed Sehlaku Technical High School’s working environment. The Group manager Mr J. H. Molobela, working closely with his financial advisor, Ms Matilu Tebogo Matsane at identified Sehlaku Techinical High School and donated R20
000.00 to ploughing back to the community. This is enough evidence that there is a warm relationship between Old Mutual and Sehlaku Technical High School. The school has used the donation to purchase three powerful air-conditioners, which have brought a cooling and refreshing atmosphere to the top three administrators.
Get your cats and dogs vaccinated for free Rabies vaccinations in Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad & Praktiseer The department of agriculture is underway with hosting a Rabies campaign in various Tubatse communities. The team will be vaccinating dogs and cats for free against Rabies disease at the following places: 14th March 2016 - Motaganeng residence 15th - 17th March 2016 - Aloe Spar (Old OK minimarket) for all the nearest suburbs 18th March 2016 - Burgersfort Ext 4 behind Burgersfort clinic and residential area behind old Shoprite and Supa Quick. Vaccinations will be done door to door. 29th March 2016 - Winterveld and TCN residences. Door to door vaccinations 30th March 2016 - Steelpoort Exten-
sion before Samancor mine and residential areas behind Pick n Pay supermarket. Door to door vaccinations. For more information for Burgersfort and Steelpoort contact Dr Florence Makgamatha at 072 553 7043 and Mr Phahla at 083 384 1123, for Tubatse Residence contact Mr Maibelo at 082 954 5456. Department of Agriculture Tel no. 013 216 1093. All Vaccinations start at 09h00 to 16h00. Farmers and farm residents can notify the team where they are as they don’t know all farms. Ohrigstad vaccinations are coming soon and as Praktiseer residents are welcome to bring their dogs and cats to the Agriculture offices every day from 07h30 to 16h30.
According to Mr M.J. Moshwana, the school’s principal the donation has assisted him to ‘soldier on through his forever packed work schedule’. The units were professionally installed on 24 February 2016. “We hope as our relationship grows from strength to strength more and more air conditioners will also come our way” Moshwana added. The handing over ceremony was on the 3 March 2016. “Special thanks goes to Old Mutual- especially Tebogo, who is currently servicing the school personell on the Old Mutual Group Scheme project. (Information & photographs: Moshwana M.J.)
11 MARCH 2016
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom houses available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Burgersfort te huur. Dadelik beskikbaar. Naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Kontak Mike: 082 357 1954 TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954
Platinum Gazette
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STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? Enquire about our first advert special for startup businesses. If you’ve started a new business and would like to advertise it: E-mail: adverts@platinumgazette. com or call Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147.
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford Editorial deadline: Wednesdays at 17:00. Contact: editorial@ or 083 271 9151 or 083 543 1676 to let us know about your news and events!
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Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
Kennisgewings/ Notices ELECTORAL COMMISSION NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF A PARTY IN TERMS OF SECTION 16(1)(a) OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION ACT, 1996 (ACT No. 51 OF 1996) 1. Notice is hereby given that the SOCIALIST AGENDA OF DISPOSSESSED AFRICANS (SADA) is applying for registration in terms of the Electoral Commission Act, 1996 (Act No. 51 of 1996). 2. Date on which the application will be submitted to the Chief Electoral Officer: 06 April 2016 3. The abbreviation of the name of the party is: SADA. 4. The distinguishing mark or symbol of the party is printed underneath.
5. Anyone wishing to raise an objection against the intended registration must do so by written notice in which are set out the grounds for the objections and which must be delivered at the offices of the Chief Electoral Officer within fourteen days after the publication of this notice.
NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BURGERSFORT HELD AT TUBATSE (Case No. 512/2014) In the matter between 3Q CONCRETE HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (Execution Creditor) and MAVENTI CONSTRUCTION (1st Execution Debtor); MADALA NTAMBANE (2nd Execution Debtor); VELAPHI NTAMBANE (3rd Execution Debtor) KINDLY TAKE NOTE THAT in terms of judgement granted on 6 February 2015, in the Magistrate’s Court and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, a sale in execution of the undermentioned goods will be held on 31 MARCH 2016 AT 11:00 AM, AT MAGISTRATE’S COURT PRAKTISEER consisting of: GOODS 1 x WHITE TATA BUS WITH REGISTRATION NO CYN 722 L to the highest bidder. DATED at BURGERSFORT on 3 March 2016. Execution Creditor’s Attorneys MADELEEN WILLERS ATTORNEYS, Industry Road, BURGERSFORT, 1150, PO Box 555, BURGERSFORT. Tel: 013 231 8497; Fax; 013 231 8479; E-mail: DOCEX 1 BURGERSFORT Ref: JON11/0002NM Address of Execution Debtor: MAVENTI CONSTRUCTION & TRANSPORT CCRegistration number 2003/075042/23 of 181 STASIE SECTION, GA MOTODI VILLAGE, BURGERSFORT, MADALA NTAMBANE - Identity Number 661024 5470 083 of 181 STASIE SECTION, GA MOTODI VILLAGE BURGERSFORT and VELAPHI NTAMBANE Identity Number 911024 0687 085 of 181 STASIE SECTION, GA MOTODI VILLAGE, BURGERSFORT.
11 MAART 2016
Ina walks away with R5000 from Spar Aloe Since the official opening of Spar Aloe in Burgersfort customers enjoyed friendly service, great opening specials and many have walked away as winners. Customers could enter the store’s opening special competition and Spar shopping vouchers worth R35 000 were given away in lucky draws. The big prize of R5 000 was won by Ina Roberts, a regular shopper at the store. Clients can visit Spar Aloe for more friendly service and great Spar prices.
There were winners and more winners, more than can be published. The big winner was however Ina Roberts (left). She was all smiles with her voucher.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147
Chantél is tough as nails where it counts Chantél Roetz from La Bella Vita Beauty Salon in Burgersfort is one of the top nail and beauty professionals in South Africa. She recently received various awards at a national LCN function. Chantél uses LCN products that is part of a premiere, luxury European hand, nail and foot care line. Her salon is regularly visited by the product distributors to ensure that the high standard she set is maintained and even improved. La Bella Vita is also often used for open days to showcase the range and versatility of the LCN products. Training is also done on a regular base to ensure professional service every time. Chantél is very modest and not one to
boast, but the awards she walked away with is worth boasting about. She swept the floor with other competitors when she received an accolade as the best LCN outlet in Limpopo, an excellence award for the province and the award everyone wants - Excellence Award South Africa. Residents in the Burgersfort and Steelpoort area can visit Chantél at La Bella Vita in Burgersfort. She will not only ensure the perfect manicure is done, but all your product needs are taken care of. At the salon customers can also get Nimue facials, Kalahari facials, waxes, massages and pedicures. The book an appointment contact Chantél on 082 300 4526.
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
11 MARCH 2016
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SPORT Kom oefen saam
Softball Nationals in Polokwane Softball enthusiasts are in for a treat at it is Limpopo’s turn to host the National Softball event. The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture supports the Limpopo Softball Association in hosting the Softball National Provincial Championships 2016 in Polokwane. The championship will bring all nine provincial South African Softball Teams under one umbrella. The teams that will be participating will include both male and females. Limpopo Province will also get the opportunity to witness the grading of Umpires and scorers by the International Softball Federation (ISF). The tournament is aimed at showcasing South African talent in softball and assessing the level of development in Softball in the country. The championship is arranged to take place as follows: Date : 17-20 March 2016 Time : 08:00 Venue : Polokwane Cricket Club, Polokwane Municipality, Capricorn District.
Road race cancelled Limpopo Athletics (LIMA) has issued an advisory to Clubs that one of the races on the racing calendar had been cancelled. Due to problems with securing sponsorships for the race after their main spon-
sor withdrew, the Soutpansberg Athletics Club had to cancel their annual Land of Legends Marathon. The marathon was due to take place on 26 April 2016.
Die Ohrigstad Rugby Klub is hard aan die oefen vir die nuwe seisoen. Spelers wat steeds by die Klub wil aansluit is welkom om saam te kom oefen. Daar word elke Dinsdag en Donderdag by Laerskool Ohrigstad se rugbyveld geoefen. Almal is welkom, kom word saam fiks en geniet die sport. Vir enige navrae kontak: Johan Gouws by 084 868 3705 of Dick Viljoen by 082 936 1167 of Karel Beetge by 072 511 0932.
Chrome Club Champion to be determined The Chrome Club Championships will be taking place this weekend at Tubatse Chrome Golf Course. There will be play on Saturday and Sunday. Tee off time is 07:00 and there will be A, B and C divisions as well as a ladies game. This is a medal competition and the entry fee is R250 per player. Book your spot with Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811. (Note that only C division players will be allowed to use carts). Tee off on Sunday will be according to ranking. Betting is also taking place on the players. All bets should be paid before the competition. Also arrange with Martin when betting on a winner. Last year the winning bet took R7500 home. The second R4000 and the third R1500.