Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
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0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031/013-231 7147
Shop where South Africa shops!
Burgersfort, Morone Centre Tel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491
Staalbrug scene of attempted heist No money taken Left: Commercial explosives were used in the robbery attempt
Chicka Chicken 2 Piece, Pap & Gravy
R99-99 Beef Fillet per kg
On Monday the new filling station at the T junction of the R555 between Steelpoort and Roossenekal where the steel bridge goes over the river to Jane Furse, was the scene of much violence when a cash in transit heist was attempted. After servicing clients in the Jane Furse area, a G4S armoured cash transporter arrived at the filling station at about 17: 15 to do a pick up. According to the company, the driver parked the vehicle near the door of the cash office and a crew member exited the back of the vehicle to do the pickup at the garage. A number of people were standing around at the filling station. Before the crew member could get the money from the garage, three vehicles, an BMW, Mercedes-Benz (both with sunroofs) and an Audi approached the money truck with speed. As far as could be determined the sunroofs of the two equipped with it, were open, with armed men standing in the cars and shooting at the cash vehicle with R5 rifles. The Audi was also occupied with armed men. In all, according to the company, there were approximately 15-20 heavily armed suspects, some wearing balaclavas. The driver pressed the button for the back door in order for the crew member (without any money collected) to enter the vehicle. Before he entered the vehicle, he was fatally wounded in the shooting. The suspects took his fire arm, while the driver of the G4S truck drove away from the scene on the R555 towards Steelpoort. The suspects in their cars kept shooting and followed the vehicle. The BMW passed the cash truck, making a u turn in front of it, still shooting while the other two vehicles were ramming the truck. The vehicle lost power and the right front wheel was shot out. It came to a standstill. The suspects were still shooting and also fired shots at other motorists. The driver was ordered out of the vehicles and instructed by the suspects to open the vault and safes. He told them that it can only be done with a computer. They then severely assaulted him. Some of the suspects got in the crew compartment and placed explosives at the locks of the two drop safe drawers. The explosives detonated and only damaged the locks of the drawers. They could not succeed to open the vault door in order to get access to the safes. No money was taken from the vehicle. The driver had his company fire arm with him but because he was over powered he could not defend the robbery. The suspects did not notice that he was armed. The suspects fled the scene in their vehicles in the direction of Roossenekal, firing shots in the air. One of the motorists that were shot at is a qualified paramedic and he assisted the driver. The suspect’s vehicles were recovered abandoned on the Roossenekal road about 10 km from the scene. As far as could be determined, only the Mercedes-Benz was a stolen car. The Police is still investigating. The identity of the 39 year old G4S employee who died was still not made public by the time of going to press as all his next of kin still had to be notified.
Doom Mosquito Coils 125g
Refreshhh 2 Litres
Š Platinum Gazette
11 November 2011
TNA CONNECTIONS CC For the supply, maintenance and installation of all your satellite connections Call: Arnold/Tobie van Taak Tel: 076 411 1247 E-mail:
Best quality, best prices!
Y’ello! MTN Cellphone users in the Burgersfort area are positively fed-up with MTN’s service in the area. For more than a month now, MTN’s signal just disappears, and this month (November) the problem occurred on 2, 4 and 7 November. Then some of the banks do not work, a large number of pin pads for card payments in shops do not work and the Post Office has a problem. Phoning MTN on a landline does not help as they just tell you that they are working on the problem, while the local service provider can also not assist you, they do not have a landline ... Part of the correspondence by email between a reader and MTN tells the whole story (bottom). Well the newspaper did get hold of someone, a certain Mr Van Reenen, at MTN’s network coverage section, who actually phoned back after the newspaper’s query. He said MTN is making use of third party facilities that are not reliable any more and will install it’s own equipment in due time. “Prioritise Burgerfsfort for early in 2012”, he said and promised to follow up with an email to the newspaper. The promised email did not arive. Subject: Re: Network Coverage Query [#available] Y’ello! Mr … Technicians has been sent out to investigate the problem, we awaiting feedback of resolution We do appologize for any inconvenience cause in this time. Kind regards, Ramano Heubner National Quality and Coverage Help Desk Date: 11/3/2011 10:16:19 AM To: Subject: Re: Network Coverage Query [#available] Either you phone me and explain the problem or we will go to the news papers!!!!!!! From: Coverage Inbox Date: 11/3/2011 9:51:19 AM To: Subject: Re: Network Coverage Query [# available) Y’ello! Correspondence has been sent to technical support to investigate the down time on the tower and implement a solution. Kind regards, Emanuel Reddy National Quality and Coverage Help Desk Date: 11/3/2011 9:12:48 AM To: Subject: Re: Network Coverage Query #available Can you phone me 073……….. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device From: Coverage Inbox <> Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 06:55:00 +0000 To: Y’ello! T1648 Burgersfort down our engineers are working on it we apologize for any inconvenience caused Kind regards, Reuben Mashele National Quality and Coverage Help Desk Date: 2011/11/02 9:24:47 PM To: Subject: Re: Network Coverage Query [#available] HI THERE CAN You see why I laid this complaint because we have no coverage for a whole day .I do business with this no and the constant coverage problem cost me to loose customers!!!! From: Coverage Inbox Date: 11/2/2011 5:22:01 PM To: Subject: Re: Network Coverage Query [#available] Y’ello! I have tried calling, the ussd states that the number is not available. Please contact the helpdesk on 083 900 1212 and lay a complaint so that it can be investigated.
Platinum Gazette contact details:
11 NOVEMBER 2011
Anglo American Platinum announces community development transaction -Twickenham also to benefitAnglo American Platinum (Amplats) on Monday announced the implementation of a R3.5 thousand million mine host community development transaction. The company would issue 6.3 million new Amplats shares, representing an ownership of 2.33% of the platinum giant, to development trusts to raise money for communities near its mines and where its workers reside. Amplats said that the transaction would result in it reaching “beyond compliance” in its black economic-empowerment obligations. Under current legislation, mining companies need to be at least 26% black owned by 2014. The beneficiaries would accrue benefits to be used to establish and maintain sustainable community development projects, while access to dividends and other cash-flow incentives would be available from the outset. Based on the share price performance of Amplats, the funding mechanism provides the potential for early settlement of all, or a part of, the notional vendor finance mechanism (NVF), which would be used to issue the shares. The transaction is designed to provide integrated benefits in the form of cash flow benefits from the outset, and potential equity ownership in Amplats at the end of the ten-year NVF period. “The need for ongoing community development and sustainable economic transformation is recognised as a commercial and social imperative,” the company said in a statement . Amplats said it has been exploring ways of enhancing and optimising the benefits that accrue to mine host communities at the Mogalakwena, Dishaba/ Tumela (formerly Amandelbult), Twickenham and the Rustenburg mines and extending such benefits to include key labour-sending areas to the mines. The transaction aims at improving Amplats’ relationship with the mine host communities, building on existing platforms and the significant positive strides Amplats has achieved to date, while developing self-sustaining mine host communities that are not solely dependent on the mines. The initiative would also design a sustainable structure that furthers Amplats’ objectives of empowering mine host communities affected by its mining operations, ensure transparency through meaningful engagement and governance structures and give embodiment to Amplats and Anglo American principles of community engagement and empowerment, the miner said. The Lefa La Rona Trust has been established for the purpose of subscribing for, and holding the subscription shares, while the mine host communities and labour sending areas would participate in the transaction through separate development trusts that would be established for each mine, and a non-profit company that would be established for the labour-sending areas. The Lefa La Rona Trust will be the link between Amplats and the beneficiaries in order to vote the Amplats shares and distribute cash flows received to the development trusts and non-profit company. The Lefa La Rona Trust would subscribe for the subscription shares at their par value. The number of subscription shares is calculated with reference to the 30-day volume-weighted average price of an Amplats ordinary share as at November 3, being R556.41 per share. Further, the transaction provides for a guaranteed amount to fund development projects of up to R20 million a year. Further, the beneficiaries would have the ability, through the Lefa La Rona Trust, to receive other cash flow benefits, such as yearly social investment incentives of up to R30 million over and above the guaranteed amount for social development projects put forward by the development trusts and approved by Amplats, for the duration of the NVF period. Further cash incentives would be payable to the beneficiaries (excluding the labour sending non-profit company) subject to the development trusts achieving predetermined yearly health and safety targets.
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.
11 NOVEMBER 2011
Modikwa South Shaft reaches milestone Modikwa Platinum Mine’s South Shaft electrical stope servicemen has worked 527 days without any injuries (left).
William Morena receives his safety award watch from Andre Lubbe (right). Motorists in the Burgersfort area suffer damage to their vehicles on a daily basis. In this case wet cement that was flung from a mixer truck. The driver initially refused to stop, but the other road users managed eventually to pull him over. Gravel transporting vehicles also are not covered and small sharp pieces get flung onto windscreens and onto the road surface from where it is again flung onto vehicles by other vehicles. “Why dont they just cover it?” is the question asked by some motorists.
What is ADHD?
What is ADHD? ADHD is a condition of the brain that makes it difficult for children to control their behavior. It is one of the most common chronic conditions of childhood. It affects 4% to 12% of school-aged children. About 3 times more boys than girls are diagnosed with ADHD. The condition affects behavior in specific ways. Symptoms of ADHD ADHD includes 3 groups of behavior symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The table below explains these symptoms. (Symptom - How a child with this symptom may behave.)
Get the details in store!
Inattention: Often has a hard time paying attention, daydreams. Often does not seem to listen. Easily distracted from work or play. Often does not seem to care about details, makes careless mistakes. Frequently does not follow through on instructions or finish tasks. Disorganized. Frequently loses a lot of important things. Often forgets things. Frequently avoids doing things that require ongoing mental effort. Hyperactivity: Is in constant motion, as if “driven by a motor”. Cannot stay seated. Frequently squirms and fidgets. Talks too much. Often runs, jumps, and climbs when this is not permitted. Cannot play quietly. Impulsivity: Frequently acts and speaks without thinking. May run into the street without looking for traffic first. Frequently has trouble taking turns. Cannot wait for things. Often calls out answers before the question is complete. Frequently interrupts others.
Types of ADHD Not all children with ADHD have all the symptoms. They may have one or more of the symptom groups listed above. The symptoms usually are classified as the following types of ADHD: Inattentive only (formerly known as attention-deficit disorder [ADD])—Children with this form of ADHD are not overly active. Because they do not disrupt the classroom or other activities, their symptoms may not be noticed. Among girls with ADHD, this form is more common. Hyperactive/Impulsive - Children with this type of ADHD show both hyperactive and impulsive behavior, but can pay attention. They are the least common group and are frequently younger. Combined Inattentive/Hyperactive/Impulsive—Children with this type of ADHD show a number of symptoms in all 3 dimensions. It is the type that most people think of when they think of ADHD. How You Can Tell if Your Child Has ADHD Remember, it is normal for all children to show some of these symptoms from time to time. Your child may be reacting to stress at school or home. She may be bored or going through a difficult stage of life. It does not mean she has ADHD. Sometimes a teacher is the first to notice inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity and bring these symptoms to the parents’ attention. Perhaps questions from your pediatrician raised the issue. At routine visits, pediatricians often ask questions such as: · How is your child doing in school? · Are there any problems with learning that you or your child’s teachers have seen?Is your child happy in school? · Is your child having problems completing class work or homework? · Are you concerned with any behavior problems in school, at home, or when your child is playing with friends? Your answers to these questions may lead to further evaluation for ADHD. If your child has shown symptoms of ADHD on a regular basis for more than 6 months, discuss this with your pediatrician.
Country Fair frozen Chicken Braai Cuts 2kg
1399 Select Rice 2kg
All Gold Tomato & Onion Mix 410g
Sunlight Laundry Soap Assorted 400g - 500g
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Promotion: Until 13 November 2011.
Morone Centre, Burgersfort Tel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491 OK Minimark TTel: el: (013) 231 7227
Everfresh Long Life Milk Assorted 6 x 1 Litre
11 NOVEMBER 2011
One of the volunteers, Julia Haussmann dancing to the African melody during a matric farewell party at Maokeng High School near Kgautswane Village (left). and Bernhard Kuehn and Magdalena Wojick from German Red Cross Volunta with the volunteers who are assisting at Kgautswane Thusong Service Centre and local schools having supper at the centre (bottom). Article and photographs: Doc Marebane
More assistance in the pipeline for the Kgautswane Thusong Service Centre Two leaders from the German Red Cross Volunta programme recently visited Kgautswane Thusong Service Centre to check of progress made by their seven volunteers. The seven youths from Germany have been assigned to the centre on a one year programme and amongst other responsibilities; they assist at local schools, crèches and at the centre. Bernhard Kuehn and Magdalena Wojick were impressed with work done by the volunteers for the community of Kgautswane. According to Clara Masinga who is the Centre Manager and founder of the centre, the volunteers receive lessons in Sepedi and Afrikaans at the centre as an exchange programme and are learning these African languages very fast. “I’m impressed with
their work and attitude towards other people’s cultures and I’m looking forward to mutual benefit.” According Kuehn, this is the second intake of volunteers to be send to the centre from their programme called Volunta and he said he is looking forward to a good relationship with the Kgautswane Thusong Service Centre Management. The first group consisted of two young graduates who stayed for six months. “We intend sending another 12 volunteers after this group finishes their programme in August 2012. The aim is to empower these German youths to face the harsh realities of life and prepare them to enter into academic life and also to share experiences with South African villagers. I see a lot of difference from when they first came here and now and I’m very
grateful to see how the community are accepting and treating them like their own children. This invaluable contribution is much appreciated not only here, but back home as well. Masinga would like to encourage members of the community of Kgautswane and surrounding villages to come to the centre and learn computer skills offered from Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 15:30 and also to share knowledge with the Germans. “We also urge the youth youth of Kgautswane to come and do voluntary work at Kgautswane Thusong Service Centre”. Masinga can be contacted at 082 533 7718.
News from Joshua Generation The following students played their ALMSA music exams and did extremely well. Nika Janse van Rensburg Pre Grade 1 Piano received Honor Roll, Karl Buitendag Initial Piano received Honor Roll. Liebhe Janse van Rensburg Initial Piano received Golden Honor Roll and Initial Recorder received Honor Roll, Thinus de Jager Initial Recorder received Honor Roll, Maryke de Jager Initial Piano received Honor Roll, Karla de Jager Initial Piano received Honor Roll, Jana Koen Grade 1 Piano with distinction and Daleen Koen Grade 4 with merit.
Charlie Brown did exceptionally well at this years National Table Tennis. He received 1st place Boys under 15.
Joshua Generation Choir Camp Joshua Generation’s choir had an exciting time this weekend at Fraaiuitzicht Farm. They took some time to practice and build team spirit.
This group of Praktiseer residents were gathered next to they road near the Ga-Matodi / Penge junction on Wednesday. They say they were not consulted about the relocation housing project of villagers from Segorong near Penge to Praktiseer. The villagers are to be relocated because mining activity will take place on their land where their village are now and it is unsafe to move them to Penge because of the prsumed asbestos danger. Platinum Gazette managed to speak to the development facilitator and some of the disgruntled, but they are still talking to each other. More than 200 houses will be built on this piece of land.
11 NOVEMBER 2011
World Water Monitoring Day in Sekhukhune Sebope Primary School is located approximately 36 km from Burgersfort near Dilokong smelter. Water is a scarce commodity in this area and with populations growing and mining expanding it is essential that quality is maintained and that the youth take the lead in monitoring. Six learners from Sebope Primary participated in the annual World Water Monitoring Day on 19 October 2011 by testing the pH, dissolved oxygen and turbidity levels of a well near their school. This is part of the schools environmental actions for the WESSA/WWF Eco-Schools programme which is co-ordinated at the schools by Mr T.J. Magatsela. This is the third year that the well water has been tested by the school. The well is an oasis for biodiversity as it is situated in dry thornveld and is at least 2 metres deep. The mouth of the well has a diameter of 2 metres and is protected by a knee high stone wall. A cattle trough has been erected near by and the cows wait patiently for someone to collect water in a bucket to quench their thirst. Although eutrophication was evident with the sides of the well having a proliferation of algae, total dissolved oxygen was high and pH was only slightly on the alkaline side. Excess nutrients could be entering the groundwater as the area lacks proper sanitation facilities. The best indicator for good quality was natures own as tadpoles were swimming in the water. A clean up was held around the well as all sorts of non biodegradables had been left in the bush around the well and some had even blown into the water source. For more information on Eco-Schools please go to or Limpopo Eco-School on Facebook. (Information and photographs: Cathy Dzeferos).
Magaba will be back soon
A sneek peek of the new inside. Magaba Filling Station’s upgrade is progressing fast. The new facilities are due to be opening in middle December. This will include an upgrade shop (Bonjour), Steers and petrol service area. (Foto: Alida Lourens)
Onthou die Geelvarkoorfees Dit is al byna weer tyd vir die jaarlikse Roossenekal Geelvarkoorfees op 25 & 26 November. Ons soek skoonhede om in te skryf vir die Mej Aronskelk kompetisie wat op Saterdag 26 November gaan plaasvind. Daar is drie kategoriee waarvoor ingeskryf kan word: Mej Kleuter Aronskelk (2 – 5 jaar)
Mej Junior Aronskelk (10 – 16 jaar) Mej Aronskelk (17 en ouer) Die inskrywingsfooi vir al die kategoriee beloop R10.00. Vir navrae of om in te skryf, kontak Shirley de Bruyn by 0761196021. Vir meer inligting oor die fees self en verblyf in die omgewing, kontak Christien Ackermann by 0825506896.
11 NOVEMBER 2011
Prysuitdeling op Ohrigstad
In Graad 5 het Ansie Bylsma die beste gedoen. Jean-Mari Brand is vir haar vordering beloon en Duncan Kläckers het ‘n sertifikaat ontvang. Neo Ndlobu het die beste in graad 4 gedoen en Nthabeleng Marobane is vir die beste vordering vereer.
Gerrit Jacobs en Pierrie Naude was die beste presteerders in graad 1.
Laerskool Ohrigstad het verlede week hulle prysuitdeling gehou. Leerlinge met ‘n gemiddeld van 70% of meer wat vereer is: Jean-Mari Brand (76%), Elisma Riekert (79%), Lindiwe Mnisi (75%), Roelof Oelofse (75%) en Nariske Scholtz (73%). Simé Jacquet het ‘n trofee en sertifikate ontvang vir haar prestasies in Afrikaans, Engels, Ekonomiese en Bedryfswetenskap, Wiskunde en Sosiale Wetenskap. Gerard Naude kry ‘n trofee en sertifikaat vir sy prestasie in Natuurwetenskappe. Melissa Coetzee ontvang trofees en sertifikate vir haar prestasie in Kuns en Kultuur asook Tegnologie. Boekpryse vir konstante getroue werk deur die jaar is toegeken aan Bontle Matsaba (junior) en Amanda Mkhonto (senior). Pabalelo Mashego ontvang die boekprys vir die leerling wat nie Afrikaans as huistaal het nie, maar goed presteer. Op sportgebied is verskeie trofees en sertifikate toegeken. Elisma Riekert was die beste dogters atleet en Ruan van Rooyen die beste seuns atleet. Bontle Matsaba, Lindiwe Mnisi, Pabalelo Mashego en Leone Potgieter is vir netbal vereer. Ruan van Rooyen, Gerrit Jacobs, Tshepiso Mkhabela, Likhona Valtyn en Thato Mokwena, Cornu Cross, CJ Beetge, Austin Klåckers, Roelof Oelofse en Rafael Mkhonto is vir hul rugby vereer. Die volgende leerlinge is vir hul prestasies in Mini Krieket vereer: Tristan Weber, Francois Pretorius en Marco Erasmus. Lindiwe Mnisi en Cornu Cross het erkenning ontvang as die beste seun en dogter in die 2011 revue. Leerlinge wat aan die Conquesta deelgeneem het, het sertifikate ontvang: Gerrit Jacobs, Pierre
Naude, Ruben Erasmus, Antjie Erasmus, Ronel Jacobs, Francois Pretorius, Kaylene Booysen, Johan Bylsma, Ansie Bylsma, Jean-Mari Brand, Elisma Riekert, Lily-Marie Naude, Nariske Scholtz, Cornu Cross, Gerrit Naude, Simé Jacquet en Austin Klåckers. Die vasbyt trofee is aan Derek Reiners toegeken. Leerlinge wat vir 2012 balkies ontvang het: Ansie Bylsma, Jean-Marie Brand, Duncan Klåckers, Derek Reiners en Ruan Muller. Die 2012 leiers is Lily-Marie Naude, Patricia Bylsma, Nariske Scholtz, Elisma Riekert, Lindiwe Mnisi, Sonto Mabuza, Rhandzu Ndlovu, Roelof Oelofse, Edward Skeen en Pieter van Rooyen.
Derek Reiners het die Vasbyt Trofee ontvang.
Ronel Jacobs en Fracois Pretorius was die beste presteerders in graad 2.
Graad 0 gradeplegtigheid: Larochelle Erichsen, Yoné Beetge, Daniëlle Potgieter, Omphile Mnisi, Tshepang Mnisi, Renolder Kgoete, Thembelihle Mamba, Ruan Joubert en Ettienne Pretorius.
used & new m otor spares
Lily-Mari Naude en Rhandzu Ndlovu het in graad 6 pryse ontvang. Bo: Simé Jacquet het die beste presteer in graad 7.
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In graad 3 het Juandre Jacquet en Phillip Vermaak die beste gedoen. Johan Bylsma het ‘n boekprys vir die beste vordering in Engels gekry. Angelique Skeen het ook ‘n boekprys vir vordering ontvang.
11 NOVEMBER 2011
Celebrating 100 years of politics The ANC will celebrate their centenary from 6 8 January 2011. The celebrations are said to cost more than R100 million. The party will take place in Mangaung near Bloemfontein. The festivities will include golf days, an interfaith vigil night, building a kraal and slaughtering cattle at the original meeting place where the party was formed as well as cultural activities. A special ANC musical spectacular will also be brought on stage to help celebrate a 100 years of existence. The president of the ANC will hold a gala dinner and on 8 January deliver his NEC statement. The party expects 120 000 - 150 000 people to attend the event and they will include members of the ANC, African leaders and leaders from various anti-apartheid movements from all over the world. A previous ANC and South African president, Nelson Mandela is also expected to attend the festivities. According to ANC spokesman Mr Jackson Mthembu, the money for the celebrations will come from friendly donations. We asked readers how they feel about the planned festivities and its estimated cost. We also wanted to know if they will attend the event.
Mnr Simon Mokoena sê: “Daai koste is te veel. Hulle moet daai geld vat en vir die mense huise en werk gee. Nee, ek gaan nie Bloemfontein toe gaan nie”.
Mr Jackson Masilane and Mr Paul Mnisi said: “As long as the money comes from donors and not from the taxpayers it is okay. If it comes from government it is not right. We enjoy our freedom because of the ANC. We work in the mines so it will depend on that if we will go and attend the event. If we’ve got time we can go there, but working underground you are always tired”.
Mnr Charl Heyneke sê: “Nee, dit is pateties. Ek dink hulle gaan wel tax-geld gebruik. Nee, ek gaan glad nie probeer om dit by te woon nie”. Mr Elton Lekhowane said: “Yes, they must spend lots of money to make a party for the ANC. I am here right now because of them. I’m going to go and celebrate in Bloemfontein”.
Mr David Moroka and Mr Sonnyboy Leshaba said: “It is good for the party, but the money they will spend is too much. We are looking for development. They must rather concentrate on creating jobs and building houses. The ANC should celebrate but the amount they will spend is huge - even if it comes from donors. They should check the amount they will spend. People are suffering. Unless they arrange transport for us, we won’t go. It is only for the big bosses”.
Me. Denise Mutrie sê: “Dis belaglik! Hulle kan eerder die toilets wat hulle oopgebou het toe maak en beter watersisteme oral insit. Hulle moet die geld gebruik om hulle mense te empower. Ek gaan beslis nie gaan nie”.
Mnr Herman Deyzel sê: “Ek dink hulle gaan op die einde van die dag die belastingbetaler se geld gebruik. Hulle het nie geld om die paaie en hospitale op te gradeer nie, maar hulle het geld vir ‘n partytjie. Nee, ek gaan verkieslik nie gaan nie”.
Mr Barnard Masha and Ms Ntsoaki Masha said: “The celebration will be good because it is a motivation for the people to go and get the planning for the future of the ANC. We are looking forward to attend it”. Left: Mr Sibonelo Nhlangulela said: “The ANC tend to make a big case about everything. It is a 100 years. It is fine with me that big money is being spend, but we are all ANC members and never get invites to the events. They want us to chase after them. There are so many ANC members. Who will attend the celebrations? I would like to go, but feel cut off as there is no updates. They ask for your e-mail and contacts but they don’t use it to update us or let us know about meetings”.
Me. Chantal van der Merwe sê: “Dit is belaglik! Daai geld kan baie beter aangewend word. Ek gaan vir seker nie daarheen nie”.
11 NOVEMBER 2011
Steelpoort Akademie Monique Language (foto links) is gekies vir die Mpumalanga 0/12 hokkiespan.
Op Dinsdag 8 November het Len Ashton, ‘n balanseerkunstenaar die skool besoek. Hy het die leerlinge van Steelpoort Akademie asook dié van Joshua Generation met sy verskillende balanseertegnieke vermaak. (Foto’s en inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn, Steelpoort Akademie).
Thorburn Security Solutions rewards long service In recognition of long service are staff with five year’s service rewarded with Thorburn sponsored medical aid. In Thorburn Security Solutions (Northern Region) which was established in October 2005, 7% of staff served five years and longer in the company. In the Steelpoort area of the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex in Mpumalanga Province, 19 security officers recently qualified for their long service medical aid membership. The medical aid is contracted to OSCA Care Group (see Despite for this medical aid for five year’s serving members are all (irrespective of length of service) Thorburn security officers and managers operating in mining environments (mines, plants and smelters) covered with R200 000 for death on duty which is sponsored by Thorburn Security Solutions. This policy has been in place since October 2005. Thorburn also contributes 7,5% to the Private Security Services Provident Fund and have recently included certain administrative categories to the fund. The private security industry is renowned for a high staff turnover which causes discomfort to clients and operations, imbalance in service delivery and huge expenses for private security services providers. Shift work, remuneration levels, image of the industry and stress are amongst others factors
influencing staff turnover. In Thorburn we endeavor to minimize the influences on staff turnover and encourage long service through our various staff benefits, remuneration systems and reward structures. We encourage a concept of the “Thorburn family” thereby reducing staff turnover to far below industry figures. Our 7% five years and longer service achievement is indicative of this achievement. Below is Operations Manager Ellence Monyela (Center) with Admin Assistant Charlotte Teffo (left) and Supervisor Golden Malapane (right at Modikwa Platinum Mine with their newly acquired medical aid cards from OSCA Care
Photography Club October winners The Burgersfort Photography Club meeting for November took place on Monday this week. The winning photograph of flowers for October was Ruan Kleynhans. The Platinum Gazette challenge to get that catchlight in the eyes was taken by Santie Carelse (both the photographs with people on them). Other excellent photographs were also taken by the Boysen familie (flowers below). The November theme for photographs is ‘Night photography without painting with light”. The last meeting of the year will take place on 5 December 2011. For more information about the club contact Daryll Geddes on 083 612 2021.
Photo: Ruan Kleynhans
Photo: Santie Carelse
10 NOVEMBER 2011 11
24 October 2008 9
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale
2. Betrekking/ Vacancy Company situated in Burgersfort is currently seeking HVAC Technicians. Requirements: NQF Level 1 or equivalent. Fax CV to 086 750 2657. Company situated in Burgersfort is currently seeking an Admin lady. Requirements: Pastel Acc., Microsoft Office, Stock Take, General Admin, Good communication skills. Fax CV to 086 750 2657.
9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale 1/3 Compressor R695 each, 1/4 Compressor - R645 each, 1/5 Compressor, R595 each, 1/6 Compressor R450 each. Pensil
Drier - R20, Silver Solder R50, Copper Rods - R10 each, Valves R15 each. All new stock! Visit Furniture Traders Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
Betrekkings/ Vacancies “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
VAKATURE RADIOGRAFIS (Aanloklike werksure) Vereistes: Kode 10 Bestuurslisensie Geregistreer by HPCSA Faks of email CV Kontak: Marlene Faks: 013 235 1459 Email: docfive@ Sluitingsdatum: 30 Nov. 2011
Platinum Gazette
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INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE ANDCOMMENT ON DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL SCOPING REPORT Notice is given that Nkwe Platinum Limited (Nkwe) proposes to develop a new platinum mine (Garatau Platinum Mine) on the Farm De Kom 252 KT, the Remainder of the Farm Garatouw 282 KT, Portion 1 of the Farm Garatouw 282 KT, the Farm Maandagshoek 254 KT and the Farm Hoepakrantz 291 KT. The proposed site is located approximately 25km north of Steelpoort. In terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) (Act No. 28 of 2002), the proposed platinum mining activity may only commence once Nkwe receives authorisation from the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). Nkwe has submitted a Mining Right Application for the above-mentioned farms to the DMR (Ref No.: LP 30/5/1/1/2/203 MR). Nkwe has also applied for integrated environmental authorisation in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998, as amended) (NEMA) and the National Environmental Management: Waste Act (Act No. 59 of 2008) (NEMWA) (Ref No. 12/12/20/2379) (NEAS Ref: DEA/EIA/0000435/2011) and a Water Use Licence as per Section 21 of the National Water Act (Act No. 36 of 1998). In terms of the requirements of the above mentioned application for integrated environmental authorisation, the draft Environmental Scoping Report for the proposed project has been compiled and is available for viewing, from 9 November 2011, as follows:VENUE Steelpoort Akademie
ADDRESS Farm Gold Mine Polokwane Road Steelpoort
CONTACT Christelle van der Merwe (013) 230 9341
Burgersfort Local Library
1 Kort/Eddie Sedibe Street, Burgersfort
(013) 231 7815
Le tsebišwa gore Nkwe Platinum Limited (Nkwe) e šišinya go hloma moepo wo moswa wa pholathinamo (Moepo wa Pholathinamo wa Garatau) ka Polaseng ya De Kom 252 KT, e lego Mašaledi a Polasa ya Garatouw 282 KT, Karolo ya 1 ya Polasa ya Garatouw 282 KT, Polasa ya Maandagshoek 254 KT le Polasa ya Hoepakrantz 291 KT. Lefelo le le šišintšwego le dikhilometara tše di ka bago tše 25km ka leboa la Steelpoort. Go ya ka Molao wa Tlhabollo ya Methopo ya Diminerale le Phethroliamo (MPRDA) (Molao wa Nomoro ya 28 wa 2002), mošomo wa moepo wa pholathinamo wo o šišintšwego o ka thomišwa ge fela Nkwe e hwetša tumelelo go tšwa go Kgoro ya Methopo ya Diminerale (DMR). Nkwe e rometše Kgopelo ya Tokelo ya Moepo wo o tlago dirwa dipolaseng tše go boletšwego ka tšona ka mo godimo go Kgoro ya Methopo ya Diminerale (DMR) (Nomoro ya Tšhupetšo.: LP 30/5/1/1/2/203 MR). Nkwe e dirile kgopelo ya tumelelo ya tikologo ye e kopantšwego go latela Molao wa Bosetšhaba wa Taolo ya Tikologo (Molao wa Nomoro ya 107 wa 1998, ka ge o fetošitšwe) (NEMA) le Molao wa Bosetšhaba wa Taolo ya Tikologo: wa Ditlakala (Molao wa Nomoro ya 59 wa 2008) (NEMWA) (Nomoro ya Thupetšo 12/12/20/2379) (Tšhupetšo ya NEAS: DEA/EIA/ 0000435/2011) le Laesentshe ya Tšhomišo ya Meetse go ya ka Karolo ya 21 ya Molao wa Meetse wa Bosetšhaba (Nomoro ya Molao wa 36 wa 1998). Go ya ka dinyakwa tša kgopelo ye go boletšwego ka yona ka mo godimo ya tumelelo ya tikologo ye e kopantšwego, sethalwa sa Pego ya Tekolo ya Tikologo sa protšeke ye e šišintšwego se ngwadilwe ebile se a hwetšagala gore se lekolwe, go tloga ka la 9 Nofemere 2011, ka mo go latelago:LEFELO LEFELO
Steelpoort Akademie
Farm Gold Mine Polokwane Road Steelpoort
Christelle van der Merwe (013) 230 9341
08H00 - 13H00 (Matšatši a Beke)
Bokgobapuku bja Tikologo bja Burgersfort
1 Kort/Eddie Sedibe Street, Burgersfort
(013) 231 7815
08H00 - 16H00 (Matšatši a Beke)
VIEWING TIMES 08H00 - 13H00 (Weekdays) 08H00 - 16H00 (Weekdays)
The draft Environmental Scoping Report can also be accessed on MSA’s website Please note that all comments pertaining to the draft Scoping Report should be submitted to MSA at the contact details below, on or before 28 January 2012.
Sethalwa sa Pego ya Tekolo ya Tikologo se ka fihlelelwa gape wepsaeteng ya MSA Le kgopelwa go lemoga gore ditshwaotshwao ka moka tša mabapi le sethalwa sa Pego ya Tekolo di swanetše go romelwa go MSA go dintlha tša kgokagano tše di lego ka mo fase, ka la goba pele ga la 28 Janeware 2012.
Should you wish to become involved in the project, please register as an Interested and/or Affected Party (I&AP) as soon as possible and forward any comments you may have to:
Ge o ka nyaka go kgatha tema ka protšekeng, o kgopelwa go ingwadiša bjalo ka Motho yo a nago le Kgahlego le/goba yo a Amegago (I&AP) ka pela ka fao go kgonagalago gomme o romele ditshwaotshwao dife goba dife tše o ka swanelago ke go di romela go:
THE MSA GROUP: Robert Kruger Post: PO Box 81356, Parkhurst, Johannesburg, 2120 Tel: (011) 880 4209 Fax: (011) 880 2184 E-mail: and/or
THE MSA GROUP: Robert Kruger Poso: PO Box 81356, Parkhurst, Johannesburg, 2120 Mogala: (011) 880 4209 Fekese: (011) 880 2184 Emeile: le/goba
11 NOVEMBER 2011
Familiedag by Tubatse Chroom Gholfklub Verlede week Saterdag het pare van veral pa en seun die gholfbaan by Tubatse gevul. Die gesinne het groot pret gehad. Die uitslae van die dag was ongelukkig teen druktyd nog nie beskikbaar nie.
Kennisgewings/Notices Notice of Environmental Impact Assessment Process Asphalt Premix Plant Fraaiuitzicht 302-KT PTN Notice is given in terms of the Air Quality Act 39 of 2004, The National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008 and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2010, made under Section 24(2) and 26(D) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998), published in GN no. R 544 that applications for Air Pollution Licence, Waste Management Licence and Environmental Authorisation are lodged with the Dept. of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism.
Activity: Proposed construction and operation of an Asphalt Premix Plant on Portion 9 Fraaiuitzicht 302KT, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Limpopo Province Location: Between the R555 and the Steelpoort River between Burgersfort and Steelpoort GPS: 24o40’22.64"S 30o16’20.97"E Applicant: Polokwane Surfacing (Pty) Ltd.
To ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party, please submit your name, contact information and interest to the environmental consultant: Cathy Dzerefos at Tel/Fax: (015) 276-5003 Cel: 083-746-2239 Email: Closing date for submissions: 1 December 2011
Enter the Hope in Heels Walk On 7 December the Hope in Heels Walk will take place in Tubatse Village. This event is aimed at raising funds and awareness to help prevent abuse of women and children. This is the second year running that the event will take place and it is loads of fun. Participants can wear flat shoes and men are also encouraged to participate. The Walk will be from the Dutch Reformed Church to the Tubatse Chrome Club. The entry fee is R10 per person. The first 500 entrants will receive a special Hope in Heels umbrella and coolerbag and a medal will also be given to all those “who’ve earned their blisters’. The day will be full of fun and individuals and business are encouraged to enter for a good cause. Businesses can also sponsor water points along the way. Refreshments will be served at the Chrome Club afterwards. For more information contact Arenda Ms Arenda Olivier and Mr Sydwell Maloma with some of the goodies the participants Olivier or Hannelie Venter on 013-230 will receive. 8408/8330.
11 NOVEMBER 2011
North Shaft Champions
Maatlopo United going to the play-offs Maatlopo United FC will represent the Sekhukhune region in the Nedbank Cup SAFA SAB provincial play-offs. In the first semi-final game last weekend Maatlopo walked over Leboa Brothers with a score of 9-3. The second game was between Moutse United and Leolo FC. The score was 4-2. In the final Billy Mpaketsane of Maatlopo scored twice to help ensure Maatlopo can hold the trophy and proceed to the next round. The final score was 2-0. This week Maatlopo will play against Kingborn at Gaphaahla and on Sunday against Giant Killers at Jane Furse. All the games will start at 15:00. Supporters must arrange their transport early to avoid disappointment. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226 or Sydney Mokoka, 072 869 4418.
Eugene Mouton - Bowling man of the match with Whity Ludick.
North Shaft (orange) and Central (green) after the final game of the Modikwa Interdepartmental cricket tournament. Read more on page 12. (Photo: Modikwa Platinum Mine).
Hennie Lombard - Batting man of the match with Whity Ludick.
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Winning captain - Hennie Lombard receiving the trophy from Gustaf Ellis Business Area Leader North shaft, with them Whitey Ludick event organiser
Wenakker sê dankie na gholfdag Die Wenakker Gholfdag wat op 29 Oktober gehou is, was ‘n reuse sukses. Wat eers gelyk het na ‘n vaal, nat dag, het in ‘n sonnige en genotvolle dag verander. Me. Neeltjé Brits, Bemarker by Wenakker en organiseerder
van die gholfdag, sê dat hulle dit graag ‘n jaarlikse instelling wil maak. Baie geluk aan Xander de Wet wat ‘n “hole in one” geslaan het. Die wenner van die dag was Pieter Brits. Die baan was heeltemal uitgeboek en oud en jonk het opgedaag om te speel. Maar natuurlik sou die dag nie moontlik gewees het, sonder die wonderlike ondersteuning van al die borge nie, en Wenakker wil hulle graag bedank vir hulle vrygewige bydraes. Hulle is: Precrete; Nomcebo Printers; Beauty Box Salon; Beauty from Home; Creative Nails; Mike’s Kitchen; Xstrata; Sarah & Charles van Wyk; Samancor ECM; Mauchsberg; Legends; Kruger Slaghuis; Pick ‘n Pay; National Auto Glass; Tubatse Ferrochrome; SEW Eurodrive; Kenchington’s; Fraser Alexander; Hi-Q; Lybasol; The Head’s Service Repair Centre; Engel & Völkers; Mega Paint; OSC; Amani Boutique Hotel; Pam Golding; Silver Oaks Recruitment; Sylvania; Toyota; Yillies Een van die spanne wat deelgeneem het was van Samancor (Inligting: Wenakker) Eastern Chrome.
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator © Platinum Gazette
North Shaft showed they can play cricket.
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:
(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg
11 NOVEMBER 2011
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Platinum Gazette
Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936
SPORT Nail biting final to Pro 20 Cricket Last week Saturday saw the playing of the final match in the interdepartmental Pro 20 cricket competition for Modikwa Platinum Mine. This competition took place over a few weeks and ended with a nail biting final on the field at Laerskool Burgersfort. A large number of spectators attended this game. With the smell of hamburgers and Wors rolls being cooked, the game began. North shaft elected to bat first. After a sluggish start they opened up and ended with 187 runs on the board for the team of south to chase. The bowlers of North put the pressure on from the word go and central team to 117 runs, winning the competition in style. “To all the teams from South, Central, North and Plant we would like thank all players and teams that took part, this was very entertaining and supplied a lot of great
entertaining to all,” the organisers said. Next year the games will be expaned to include other mines. They already have 12 teams in the competition for 2012. (Information: Modikwa Platinum Mine).
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