Ke rata Tubatse Page 2
Gazette Against the drought Farmers, organisations and companies take hands Agri SA and the Watervalsrivier Vallei Boere Vereniging started a drought relief project to assist 100 upcoming farmers in five districts with feed for cattle. The farmers had already been identified and some feed were donated to some of them this week. The farmers were identiefied in the driest parts of the district or where grazing has burned down. A total of 20 tons (500 bags) of feed have been collected to distribute. Driehoek Voere has donated ten tons of feed and Obaro contributed two tons. Only farmers that had already been identified will benefit from the scheme. Regional leaders in the farming community are fltr Napa L M, Frans Winterbach, Kgwete S M, Montjane M A and Angie Van Niekerk.
Farmers Morel Mohlala and Ronnie Kgwedi with Faan Hanekom of Obaro.
Greater Tubatse/Fetakgomo Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
11 November 2016
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
11 NOVEMBER 2016
‘Ke rata Tubatse’ a huge success On Friday 4 November the Tubatse Crossing Shopping Centre and the Siyakha Learning Lab hosted a “Ke rata Tubatse” event with community leaders in the Greater Tubatse area where the community efforts from the past, present and on-going were shared. The morning was not a marketing exercise or a bragbox, but rather a medium of engagement to open channels of communication between the community, the Tubatse Crossing Shopping Centre and Siyakha Learning Lab. The idea is to create an environment through which all stakeholders can work together for their mutual benefit. The event was called, “Ke rata Tubatse” – which means “I love Tubatse”. The word “I” instead of “we” was used in the sentence, as it takes an individual to make up a community. If everyone stand together, we can help to make the Greater Tubatse District a great force. The various community projects and educational initiatives from Siyakha Learning Lab were explained. Locally since the opening of the Siyakha Learning Lab, more than 14 000 people have registered to make use of the facility. The courses such as Welcome to English, the Leadership Academy and Welcome to Computers are very popular and three students who are called “The Siyakha Champions” gave their testimonials to the audience. Their talk was to express how the Siyakha Learning Labs have contributed to their personal growth and business success. As one said: “Siyakha Learning Lab will always be part of my business. I sat here at their computers drawing up my business plan”. Another encouraged people to realise that the Siyakha Learning Lab is for everyone. He is a farmer and regularly makes use of the facility to e-mail the clients he supply with pork to get their orders or get invoices to them. The last Siyakha Champion for the day testified how the Siyakha Learning Lab assisted her with the studies which she recently completed. All of these Champions attended various training courses at the Siyakha Learning Lab. An exciting development to which the
Community members had the opportunity to ask questions, discuss their challenges and engage with Siyakha Learning Lab and Tubatse Crossing Mall representatives.
community can look forward is to attend courses that will be SETA accredited and will count for your NQF-level education. This should kick-off in the near future. About 40 local people representing the: local school principals, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Life Line, ABSA and the Youth Business Council, local press, local Economic Development Council and a representative of the local department of education attended the morning. Guests were treated to snacks on arrival, a presentation, a tour of the learning lab and a gift on their departure.
The management of both Tubatse Crossing Shopping Centre and Siyakha Learning Lab were available to listen, explain and answer questions where needed.
Three “Siyakha Champions” gave testimony of their experience at Siyakha Learning Lab.
The presentation was given in the Think Tank at Siyakha Learning Lab.
Deuteronomy 32:10-11 (NIV) 10
In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, 11 like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft.
(Photograph taken on 5 November 2016 in the Burgersfort area)
11 NOVEMBER 2016
Promotions for Burgersfort Cluster More than 20 Police constables from Police Stations in the Burgersfort Cluster of Police Stations were promoted to sergeants recently. The former constables formally received their new rank insignia at Burgersfort Police Station last week Thursday at a ceremony officiated by the Cluster Commander, Major General Masipha Joseph Maepa. The general was not dressed in uniform and handed over proceedings to other senior officers after his initial address. “Someone should receive his new rank from somebody dressed in a uniform� he said, but urged the new sergeants to always conduct themselves worthy of the role they play in the community, no matter how they are dressed. After the proceedings, there was no play as the now higher ranking Police members dispersed the carry on with their duties.
Can you assist the Police?
Tubatse Police are requesting the community to assist them with the identification of a +- 25 year female who was found shot and killed in Riba Cross village just outside Burgersfort on 24 October 2016 . On the said date Tubatse Police received information that there is a dead person at the cemetery in Riba Cross and on their arrival a woman was found lying on the ground with a gun wound. A case of murder was opened for further investigations. No arrest has been made and the victim is not yet identified. Anyone with information related to this case must contact the Police on 013 216 8500 or the investigating officer Warrant Officer Rhangani on 072 582 2112/083 605 4884. (Info: Sergeant Mvundlela S J : Communication Officer: Tubatse SAPS)
11 NOVEMBER 2016
1 Stop Midas Steelpoort the place to visit 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort hosted a Supplier day on Friday last week. Customers had the opportunity to walk through exhibitions and could win in a lucky draw. Loads of give aways were also done. 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort thank all their loyal customers and suppliers and invite the public to visit them and experience friendly service, quality products and great prices.
Wedding celebrations for local couple
Calvin College’s JC4CC donates groceries Calvin College’s JC4CC donated groceries valued at R2000,00 on the 2 November 2016 to the Civil Society Development Initiative South Africa. The centre is located in Riba Cross. This year alone, JC4CC donated old and new clothes as well as groceries valued at R5000,00. The initiative by Calvin College started five years ago under the guardianship of Mrs. Vavariro Ngundu, an educator at the school. The
JC4CC sources donations in cash and kind from educators and learners. The target beneficiaries are people from disadvantaged groups in the community. As a Christian school, Calvin College has the social responsible to identify and fill up any gap in society in an endeavour to eradicate poverty in support of the principle of benevolence. (Information and photograph: Partson Ngwarai)
Julius Molefe Mashilo tied the knot with Caroline Tshepo Mpanyane on 5 November 2016 at Phokwane Mogudi Section. Celebrations continued until 6 November 2016 at Maandagshoek Sekiti Section. The spiritual parts of the wedding was taken care of by MM Tladi (Apostolic church) and Prophet Vusi Tladi. (Information & photograph: Jenny Mogolane Phala)
Bohwa Bja Rena promises numerous benefits for host communities
Building mutual value through mining beyond mining.
ommunities surrounding Twickenham Mine will soon benefit from the registration of the Bohwa Bja Rena Development Trust operating within the Alchemy initiative. Registered in December 2015 – the trust will drive development projects according to needs identified by the community and ensure that they participate in the share ownership scheme. Governance of the trust is mandated to a board of trustees comprising of five members, two founder members and 3 independent trustees who will serve a two year term from date of registration. The Trustees will carry out functions such as performance reports, financial management, annual general meetings and risk management. “Alchemy seeks to ensure that development initiatives are established ‘for the people, by the people, through the people’,” says Werner Grundling Programme Manager for Alchemy. “Empowered communities will take ownership of development planning and resources which will unlock sustainable futures for them. The purpose is to ensure a sustainable and empowered structure delivering real benefits to communities, not individuals, through transparent stakeholder engagement.” The establishment of the development trust was realised through the efforts of a working group comprising of community representatives nominated by their respective tribal and local authorities. The mandate of the working group was to: • Facilitate the signing of the working group
terms of reference; • Advise on the engagement process to be followed with the communities • Amend the draft trust deed; • Ensure the election of trustees; and • Make recommendations regarding matters such as benefit areas, qualifications of trustees, naming and the logo of the trust prior to registration. “Anglo American Platinum prioritises meaningful engagement with all stakeholders, such as local government, municipalities, traditional authorities and community forums, as well as all social segments of local communities, including women and the youth, who are often marginalised, to determine needs and identify potential projects The trust will fund development projects that will focus on infrastructure, skills development and other initiatives that address unemployment and poverty. An important goal is to ensure that, the communities will be self-sufficient beyond life of mine. Anglo American Platinum therefore aims to empower communities to respond to challenges such as education and unemployment. In this, the development trust will work closely with development partners, to ensure the optimal use of development resources” says Jeff Ngobeni, Senior Social Performance Manager. For more information on the Bohwa Bja Rena Development Trust contact the Social Performance department on 0132319270 or community.
11 NOVEMBER 2016
Laerskool Ohrigstad hou prysuitdeling Laerskool Ohrigstad het verlede week Donderdag hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. Leerders is vir uitmuntende prestasies in akademie, sport en kultuur beloon. Die nuwe leiers is ook tydens die geleentheid aangekondig en daar is afskeid van die Graad 7 klas geneem.
Ronel Jacobs (heel regs) ontvang die trofee as die skool se veelsydigste leerling. Ronel is ook die beste presteerder in Graad 7 in die vak Ekonomiese en Bestuurs Wetenskappe. Christoffel Esterhuizen en Lisha Saunders deel ‘n trofee as die vriendelikste leerders in die skool. Mnr. Nico Cross oorhandig die trofees.
Lisha Saunders is die skool se Dux-leerling met ‘n gemiddeld van 84,3%. Sy is ook die beste presteerder in die volgende vakke in Graad 7: Tegnologie, Afrikaans, Engels, Skeppende Kuns, Lewensoriëntering, Sosiale Wetenskap en Natuur Wetenskap. Lisha is die beste presteerder in Graad 7.
Brandon Hoffan is die Senior Rugbyspeler wat die beste gevorder het deur die jaar. Dishi Moraba is die Rugbyspeler van die Jaar.
Die leiers vir 2017 is Gerrit Jacobs, Ruben Erasmus, Juan-Pierre Graves, Juane Langenhoven, Pierre Naudé, Martin van Zyl, Tefo Kgoedi en Brandon Hoffman.
Marie Janse van Rensburg was die Beste Junior Hokkiespeelster, Ronel Jacobs en Lisha Saunders deel die toekenning vir Beste Senior Hokkie Speelster, Latella du Toit en Annaretha Bylsma het die beste in hokkie in die junior groep gevorder en Jocelyne Glen en Farah Mehtar het die beste in die senior groep gevorder.
Vir prestasies in atletiek is die volgende toekennings gemaak: Ayanda Mamba is die Beste Junior Dogter in Atletiek; Megan Garcia is die Beste Senior Dogter in Atletiek. Sefastian Janse van Vuuren is die Beste Junior Seun in Atletiek en Thapelo Morowane is die Beste Senior Seun in Atletiek. Behalwe vir die formele sport wat deur die skool aangebied word is daar ook toekennings gedoen vir ander buitemuurse aktiwiteite soos ballet, karate, Conquesta en Challenga deelname.
Leerders met ‘n gemiddeld van 80% of meer het sertifikate ontvang: Graad 2 - Reuben Blignaut en Nina Erasmus, Graad 3 - Ni-Nha Beetge en DeWalt le Roux, Graad 5 - Yoné Beetge, Graad 6 - Gerrit Jacobs en Ruben Erasmus, Graad 7 - Ronel Jacobs.
Vir mini-krieket: Heinrich Blignaut (Beste bouler, kolwer en speler 0/6)Hugo Klopper (Beste bouler en speler 0/7), PH Prinsloo (Beste kolwer 0/7), Luan van Wyngaard (Beste bouler 0/8), Reuben Blignaut (Beste kolwer en speler 0/8), Teejay van der Walt (Beste bouler en kolwer 0/9), Juanro van Wyngaard (Bester speler 0/9)
11 NOVEMBER 2016
Platinum Gazette
Long service rewarded Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines honour employees for loyalty On Tuesday this week Samancor Eastern Chrome Mine honoured employees for 20 years, 25 years, 30 years, 35 years, 40 years and more service with the company. Those receiving recognition had attained this term of service by 2014. ECM management attended the event and thanked, but also emphasised the importance of every employee serving the company with loyalty and dedication. The employees were told that their expertise is needed to help create a strong company through which the young employees will benefit from the knowledge gained through so many years of service. The men and women were rewarded with special gifts and certificates before dinner was served at Winterveld Recreational Club.
Laerskool Ohrigstad ADVERTENSIE VIR ‘N BEHEERLIGGAAM POS/ ADVERTISEMENT OF SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY POST Aansoeke word ingewag vir ‘n geskikte kandidaat om onderrig te gee in die grondslagfase / Applicants are hereby invited from suitable qualified teachers to offer or facilitate in the foundation phase.
Taal van onderrig/Language of instruction: Afrikaans Vereistes/ Requirements: SACE Registrasie, REQV 13 (Minimum), Volledige CV me gewaarmerkte sertifikate./ SACE Registration, REQV 13 (Minimun), Complete CV with endorsed certificates Buitemuuse aktiwiteite is ‘n vereiste vir die pos: Rugby, Krieket, Netbal, Hokkie, Atletiek Extramural activities is a requirement for this position: Rugby, Cricket, Netball, Hockey, Athletics Sluitingsdatum/Closing date for submission of application: 9 Desember/December 2016 Aansoeke moet ingehandig word by die skoolhoof voor of op sluitingsdatum./ Applications should be submitted to the principal’s office on or before the closing date. Tel: 079 1050 192 Aanvangs datum/Assumption of duty: Januarie 2017 Tel: 013 238 0020 Aanvaar u aansoek as onsuksesvol as die skool u nie kontak nie/Please accept your application as unsuccessful if the school does not contact you.
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale 11. Birthdays/Verjaarsdae
3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and
wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.
TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808
Dr RK Muzei Healer and Herbalist. For different types of problems. Contact: 072 320 3085. Marone Street, Opposite Mamule Chidi Attorney’s in Number 5, Burgersfort.
TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossiing Mall in Burgersfort. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954.
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
TO LET Accommodation in Mashifane Park - 3 Bedroom, two bathroom house to let. Double Garage. Water included, with prepaid electricity meter. R5500-00 per month. Available immediately. Contact: 082 461 1381 or 073 115 1405.
Place your birthday wishes and birth announcements for family and friends in the classifieds! Contact Beánnla Celliers to find out how. Tel: 0835431676 Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at editorial@platinum or fax: 013 231 7147.
Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Shoprite Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar
* Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersfort SAPS * Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
11 NOVEMBER 2016
Khosi and Buc fans battle it out On Sunday 6 November, Tubatse/Burgersfort Kaizer Chiefs supporters visited Jane Furse Orlando Pirates supporters for a friendly match. The match was played at the Jane Furse artificial pitch. On the day the Amakhosi managed to win the match by 4-3. Goals for the Amkhosi team were scored by Pitso Sehlabela (two), Seun Maroga and Tomas Lubisi. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela; Photographs: Kholofelo Phokane)
Modikwa a sensation in Secunda On Saturday, 5 November 2016, the Modikwa soccer team visited SASOL Secunda Twistdraai Mine and SASOL Secunda Brandspruit Mine to attend their social games that were played at the Sasol Club Soccer Stadium eMbalenhle in Secunda. This invitation was a result of a friendly and entertaining environment that the Modikwa Platinum Mine Soccer team created and displayed when they were visited by Sasol Twistdraai Mine in last year July. The two teams managed to build a very strong friendship through sport and that was evident during the greeting and welcoming when the Modikwa team arrived at the venue. Singing and dancing by the Modikwa team left the other teams and fans mesmerized to a point
where some fans ran after the Modikwa bus exiting the stadium trying to hold on to the moment. The final results of the soccer matches played were as follows: 12h00 Sasol Twistdraai Mine Masters 0 – 3 Modikwa Platinum Mine Masters; 13h30 Sasol Brandspruit Mine Open team 0 – 3 Modikwa Platinum Mine Open team; 15h30 Sasol Twistdraai Mine Open team 1 – 1 Modikwa Platinum Mine Open team. The Modikwa Soccer Team would like to thank the Modikwa Management for the support they received and also to the supporters who were calling them game after game to hear how were are doing. “We really appreciate it”. (Information & photographs: Protus Sikhakhane, Modikwa Mine Soccer Coach)
Tubatse Masters flattens Polokwane Masters On Saturday 05 November, the Tubatse Masters soccer team visited Polokwane Masters for a friendly soccer match. On the day two matches were were played in Seshego. In the first match Tubatse Masters managed to win 3-1 with goals by Rally Mmola, Norman Jannetjies and Phillip Kgapane. In the second match, the men from Tubatse won the match by 3-1 for the second time. Points were collected through Koena Letsoalo with two goals and Louis Matuludi who scored for Tubatse Masters.
(Information & Photographs: Jerial Mvundlela)
11 NOVEMBER 2016
It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Local athletes at Soweto Marathon Local athletes participated in the Old Mutual Soweto Marathon last week Sunday. The race started and finished at the FNB stadium in Johannesburg and ran through many of the historical places of the city. This race is a qualifier for next year’s Comrades Marathon and the athletes did well. The Modikwa Marathon Club athletes participating were: Leboko Noto (02:47:50 42km); James Mohlala (03:30:20 - 42km); Justice Phokane (03:40:05 - 42km); Capri Maluleke (03:47:11 - 42km); Justice Mautlane (04:38:20 - 42km); Sonia Makoua (04:53:16 - 42km); Adolph Boshego (04:54:30 - 42km); Violet Mabitla (05:39:36 - 42km); Mminah Chulu (05:55:10 - 42km); Mokaila Tjia (02:24:51 - 21km); Portia Mabena (02:37:51 - 21km); Victoria Thotse (02:39:05- 21km); Marumo
Moloto (02:50:36 - 21km). The team thanked everyone who made it possible for them to participate in the race. Samancor Marathon Club runners also attended the event. They were Tshepo Marobane, Costy Mothoko, Jeffrey Mbuyane, Fanie Matshipa, Frans Maesela and Abednico. They noted that the race was much better organised than previously and they enjoyed the run. The runners also thanked Samancor for the support and are now looking forward to the Executive Mayor’s Road Race in Praktiseer on 3 December 2016. (Information & photographs: Willem Montgomery & Tshepo Marobane)
Enter the night golf challenge Golf players are reminded to enter the Tubatse Chrome Night Golf event taking place on 2 December. Only 36 spaces are available and entry is R150 per person. Tee-off will be at 18:00. To book your space contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811.
Modikwa cyclists Tour de Farm
The Modikwa Cycle Club participated in the annual Alzu Tour de Farm Cycle race held on Saturday last week. The event takes place at the Alzu Petroport near Middelburg. More than 1300 cyclists participated in the event. Due to work commitments some members of the Modikwa Cycle Club could not attend the race. A small group of the Modikwa riders attended as many had to work on Saturday. Derek Rieck, Juanita Prins, Helgaard Prins and Ilse McDonald took on the challenge. Although they were initially nervous about the long distances to be completed, the club members were well motivated and in good spirits before the race. The route was fairly flat and fast and was very well marked. The route consisted mainly of wide dirt roads with a short section of single track. It was not a very technical route and there were plenty of water points along the route. Derek, Helgaard and Ilse managed to complete the 80 km route, while Juanita completed the 55 km race. The Club thanked everyone who supported them and hope to next year participate in greater numbers. (Information: Modikwa Platinum Mine, Willem Montgomery; Photographs: Bev Rieck).