Platinum Budget time The Sekhukhune District Municipality is currently in a process of public engagement with regards to their budgets and annual reports. This week a meeting at Jorge Resort saw them consult with businesses in the district with regards to the draft annual report for 2014/2015. Meetings will continue during the rest of the month to ensure everyone has an opportunity to provide input. The report covers the various municipal functions
such as fire fighting, local tourism, municipal airports (except Ephraim Mogale and Elias Motsoaledi), municipal planning and municipal public transport, markets, municipal health services, municipal abattoirs, regional land fill sites, water and sanitation. All important things if you live in this area. That is why the municipality encourages everyone to keep an eye out for dates of further upcoming consultation meetings - your input counts!
RAL decisive against corruption The Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL) has reaffirmed its zero tolerance stance against any customs of corruption, maladministration and tender irregularities, as explicitly demonstrated through its dismissal and suspension of several senior officials at the Agency this week. The Agncy says various charges relating to illicit conduct involving over R40-million have been pressed against these officials. The charges include flouting of supply chain management policies, collusion, sharing of sensitive tender information with potential bidders, fraud and impersonating the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a financially and legally binding letter. Preliminary investigations conducted by the Agency point to an external syndicate believed to be bankrolling some of the staff members to extort tender information out of RAL. At this stage, the three officials implicated are: Mr Kgotlo Rabothata (Former Chief Financial Officer): He was recently dismissed and has embarked on a CCMA process. He was dismissed for dishonesty and gross negligence as his conduct exposed the Agency to potential litigation. He was also considered to have acted beyond the scope of his authority. Mr Sam Lekganyane (Supply Chain Manager): He has been placed on suspension – with a date of the disciplinary hearing soon to be determined. Mr. Mathews Mflatela (Senior Manager: Legal Services): He has also been placed on suspension and his internal disciplinary hearing is nearing conclusion. According to the RAL CEO, Mr. Maselaganye Matji, the recent dismissal and suspensions are an illustration of the zero tolerance stance towards breaching of policies and procedures as well as any generally corrupt practices at the Agency. “RAL is determined to root out corruption perpetrated by a syndicate driven by both internal staff members in collaboration with external service providers. We will neither rest nor spare effort until we have rooted out those involved in these corrupt and malevolent activities. RAL is on a business unusual mode and it will not allow intensified delivery of services to our people to be undermined by few rotten apples,� stressed Mr Matji.
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
12 February 2016
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12 FEBRUARY 2016
DWARSRIVIER MINE Supporting Youth Against Crime in Ngwaabe area
Serious about a crime free future
Dwarsrivier Mine is serious about contribuƟng towards a future where communiƟes are safe and happy. This is why they’ve become involved with Youth Against Crime. This specific group operates in the Ngwaabe area and works with the South Africa Police Service (SAPS) to create awareness about crime and the negaƟve impact it can have on lives. The group currently consists of 14 members and Dwarsrivier Mine sponsored T-shirts, jackets, caps and a camera for them. They visit schools where they educate learners about staying away from drugs, alcohol, crime and the negaƟve impact that a criminal record can have on a young person’s future. They encourage students to focus on their educaƟon, respect their parents and teachers and to not become involved with criminal acƟviƟes, but to rather report crime to the SAPS to help eradicate it from communiƟes. They will be using the camera to
document their visits to the schools and the events at which they parƟcipate. Dwarsrivier Mine is involved with annual Crime Awareness Campaigns in both Greater Tubatse and Thaba Chweu and the support given to this group just emphasises their commitment towards this. “We always encourage learners to focus on their educaƟon and stay away from crime. The youth is the future of this country and groups such as Youth Against Crime plays an important role in communiƟes. They are role models and show children who oŌen live without hope that there are more opƟons in life than becoming a criminal. They also help address social issues such as teenage pregnancy and domesƟc violence. SomeƟmes it is easier for a teenager to talk to another young person about these problems than to an adult and this is part of why we are supporƟng them in their endeavours,” said Mr Remember Mmbengwa, SD Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine.
Keep to 60 This first piece of road of the R555 route to Steelpoort from Burgersfort used to have a 60 km per hour speed limit. Since more than a week ago the indication of this limit is gone, as is any other limit till you almost reach Steelpoort. Fact is, Limpopo Traffic officials still lie in waiting for you just after the Thaba Moshate entrance and they will fine you and they will tell you that they have supernatural eyesight and that there is a 60 km per hour signpost. We used a camera with several million pixels resolution, photographed the stretch of road and studied it at length. No 60 km per hour sign. So, maybe you should just supernaturally feel or know not to drive faster than 60 km per hour. Easy.
Romans 13:1-2 NIV Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
12 FEBRUARY 2016
Dagga crop at Leboeng very ‘drought resistant’ Leboeng SAPS held an operation Ntsha Lebake at Leboeng Banareng village. The aim of the operation is to drugs such as dagga as it is prevalent in this area especially during this time of the year. Three women were arrested and charged with possession of a dagga plant. The police found a large number of dagga plants at the home of the suspects. They were all released after they paid admission of guilt fines of R200 each. The operation continues and the Police warn those who engage in this criminal activity that they will face the law.
Leboeng burglar go to prison Two men Petrus Moraba (29) and Elija Moraba(27) appeared before the Magistrate at Leboeng Periodical court on Tuesday 9 February 2016 on a charge of burglary at a business. The two were arrested last year on 1 November at about 01:00 at one of the shops around Leboeng. The arrest was after the police who were on operation got information that the suspects are busy braking into the shop. The quick reaction by the police found one suspect inside the shop and the other one on top of the roof with a bag full of groceries. Both suspects were found guilty, Petrus Moraba was sentenced to three years imprisonment without the option of a fine and Elija Moraba sentenced to two years imprisonment wholly suspended for five years. (Information and photograph: Sergeant Maimela Andrew Sibatana)
Get your kilt ready for 26 March
The Tonteldoos Highlands Festival takes place on 26 March 2016 during Easter Weekend, in the Mpumalanga Province in the small little hamlet of Tonteldoos just 20km from Dullstroom. Over the years the event captured the attention of locals and travellers alike since its establishment. Families can participate in the festivities of the annual Tonteldoos Highlands during family easter holiday in Mpumalanga. Escape the hustle and bustle of the city life to experience something unique at this Scottish Festival as you witness traditional kilted dancers, various artists and live entertainment. Guests of the Tonteldoos Highlands Festival can participate in traditional Scottish games and a program packed with intertainment. For more info visit: cid:73404171 3@28012008-05C5
Brush! Joshua Generation students learnt the correct technique on brushing their teeth this week. They had lots of fun as can be clearly seeen in the photograpgh!
MM reacts to Mooifontein controversy
A new park development in Mooifontein, Burgersfort ,had residents up in arms this week as they had more questions than anwers. They were unsure of the exact nature of the development, were concerned with the flooding problem in the area and said they were mot consulted before the project was started. After attending a residents’ meeting at the site on Tuesday, the newspaper enquired from the Greater Tubatse Municipality what exactly is happening at the development site and what is done to address the concerns of residents. Municipal Manager, Mr JNT Mohlala said in writing that the area is developed as a recreational park. It is an IDP project and will be completed by December this year at a cost of R10 million. Notices for IDP coonsultation meetings were issued through Ward Councillors and radio adverts. Tender processes were handled by the National Department of Environmental Affairs as the funding entity. According to Mr Mohlala sufficient parking space has been provided for events to be held at the park, and that the contractor, Maisaya Trading, is aware of possible flooding proplems in the area and is responsible to devise a plan to channel floodwater into the town’s stormwater drainage system. Mr Mohlala said no Environmental Impact Assessment was neccessary as the land was previously used as a park. He said Mooifontein forms part of Ward 18 and meetings are convened on a montly basis by the Ward Councillor to inform the community about all the developments in the Ward as part of the consultative process. Residents also attended IDP meetings when the project was announced. With regard to safety concerns at the site, he stated that the contractor is in process of aquiring safety notices and warnings for the site . He said residents should direct complaints about the issue to him and announced that the Municipality is meeting the concerned group’s representative on Tuesday 16 February to discuss their concerns. Asked why employees on the site are wearing Expanded Public Works overalls, he answered that all contractual employees doing work for any sphere of government can be registered on the EPWP programme.
12 FEBRUARY 2016
Is Valentine’s Day important to you On 14 February the world will celebrate Valentine’s Day. This is not an official holiday and there are a few legends surrounding the origins of this celebration of love. The day is also known as Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine in other parts of the world. The day began as a liturgical celebration of one of the early Saints named Valentinus. There are several martyrdom stories surrounding the day. One popular story has it that Saint Valentine of Rome was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering the gospel under the Roman Empire. Before he was executed he allegedly wrote a letter to the daughter of his jailer, Asterius which he signed as “Your Valentine”. In 18th century England courtly love evolved to lovers presenting flowers, offering each other confectionery and sending “Valentine” greeting cards. Since then the commercialization of Valentine’s Day spread all over the world. Platinum Gazette asked readers if they will be celebrating the day of love or do they feel that it is just a commercial money-spinner.
Ms Nomfundo Nkosi said: “I do celebrate Valentine’s Day because it is important to show your loved ones you care. I’m going to take my man out to a nice romantic restaurant”. Ms Thabita Sedibe said: “I don’t plan to celebrate it because I don’t have a partner. I would have celebrated it if I had someone in my life”.
Mr Moss Manyaka said: “I’ve got mixed feelings about it. It is promoting love which is a good thing, but it is too commercialized. Some people may be manipulated through the marketing around the day. Yes, I’ll be doing something for my loved one. Quality time is just as important as buying things. People have a lot of stress and they don’t spend quality time together and this is an opportunity to do that. Valentine’s is good, but at what cost?”
Mr Fortunate Selahle said: “It must be Valentine’s Day every day to build relationships. I will still make a big thing of the 14th of February as well”. Ms Lizzy Mamphoke and Mr David Mamphoke said: “Valentine’s Day is very important. It is important to be together and commit yourself to each other again. It is more important to spend time with someone than buying expensive things”. Mr Lazarus Magabane said: “Yes, I celebrate Valentine’s Day. I’ll take my wife out for dinner”.
Me. Katryn de Jonge sê: “Ek is self nie baie romanties nie. As ‘n man iets vir my koop het hy iets verkeerd gedoen. Vir my is Valentynsdag net ‘n geldmaak foefie”. By haar is Cobus. Me. Elmarie Snyders sê: “Valentynsdag is oor hoe jy oor iemand voel. Jy kan jou man of vrou dan goed bederf”.
Did you know?
Mr SJ Mphahlele said: “Valentine’s Day should be celebrated daily as a gesture to say thank you to both parties in a relationship. Love should be celebrated”.
In 2015 Americans spend approximately $18.9 thousand million on Valentine’s Day. The top items on which they splashed were: Flowers, Jewelry, Apparel, Special Gifts, Movies, Restaurants and lastly Salons and Spa treatments.
Mnr. Johan du Preez sê: “Elke person se hart begeer om op Valentynsdag daai ietsie te kry en hê. Ek sal ook iets spesiaals doen”. By hom is Lachey Howard.
and how will you celebrate it? Left: Mr DC Makomane said: “I do celebrate Valentine’s Day. I’m planning to spend quality time with my wife. Valentine’s is important, especially for couples. Every man should buy something for his wife”.
Ms Jolina Phokane said: “Valentine’s is all right. I’ll celebrate it this weekend. I’ll buy a present for my husband and it is nice to also receive something”. With her is Bokang.
Mr Wellbeloved Kgasago said: “Yes, Valentine’s Day is a special day to show your love and appreciation for the one you love. I’ll take my girl out, go to the Mall, buy something for Valentine’s, share the day and just have fun”.
Ms Ouma Shingange said: “Valentine’s Day should be every day, but is good to make the 14th of February special. Love is for every day”. With her is Khensani Langa.
Mr Leshiba Mabilu and Mr John Thobejane said: “It must be celebrated in all manners. There must however be limitations on spending. Just a token of appreciation is enough”.
Mr Albert Mokate said: “It is not just a marketing ploy. I’ll celebrate Valentine’s Day. It is very important that my loved one must know that I still love her”.
Mr Papi Makgate said: “I’m going to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It is a special day for the ones I love. I have to celebrate and enjoy it with them. I’ll be buying big presents on the day”.
Mr Patrick Leshaba said: “It is just a money-making process. People should rather spend money on things like education. We should love each other every day so lets dedicate the 14th of February to doing something special at a crèche or some other place. There is so much to do. People must be careful to spend money they don’t have.” Mr Prof Matsifiša said: “I celebrate Valentine’s. I would one day want to take my wife to Venice on Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s is good”. Regs: Me. Leanne Left: Mr Mpho Kgotle Payne sê: “Ek en said: “I’m going to be my geliefde hou with my loved ones nogal van Vaon Valentine’s Day. lentynsdag, maar We’ll have some gee steeds elke quality time with dag vir mekaar om. music, a braai and Hy koop steeds so on. It is a special kos en help met day”. die huistake”. Ms Sthembiso Shabangu said: “I’ll celebrate Valentine’s Day. I plan to go to church and after that take my husband out somewhere”.
Did you know?
Tradition have it that in a leap year like 2016 women may take the lead and ask the man they love out or even for his hand in marraige.
Mr Lazarus Maphanga said: “It is a special thing to celebrate Valentine’s Day to remind ourselves as lovers where we came from. I’ll buy a small present for my loved one”.
12 FEBRUARY 2016
Caring for children in Kgautwane, Leboeng and Kgotlopong Villages The Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa - Ohrigstad Congregation handed over duvets and school bags to 160 children in Kgautswane village. It will also be distributed to children in Leboeng and Kgotlopong Villages.
Nuwe Juffrou op Ohrigstad
Juffrou Alletti Jacobs Schwab is die nuwe Natuurwetenskappe Onderwyseres by Laerskool Ohrigstad. Sy sal klasgee vir Graad 4 tot 7.
The Church runs a Day Care centre in Kgautswane, Leboeng and Kgotlopong and this project caters for all the children of the surrounding villages, irrespective of their church affiliation. This has been running for 9 years and funds to run the progamme are coming from different institutions, although no consistent
funding is coming in. At the centres the children are taught about God, receive help with their school homework and social challenges are addressed. Anyone who would like to become in-
volved can contact Rev. SS Mokoena on 072 103 3640. (Information & photographs: SS Mokoena and Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa - Ohrigstad Congregation).
Adding Hope
Photographs & Information: Phillimon Rantho.
Burgersfort and Steelpoort KFC employees delivered hope to the Mahubahube Project and Home Based Care with an R85 000 donation. The “Add Hope Campaign” is where customers at KFC can give a R2 or more donation which is given back to communities to help feed underprivileged children. Mahubahube Project Manager Martha thanked KFC and everyone who made the donation possible. Mr Phillimon Rantho, area manager for KFC urged customers to continue supporting the campaign. “That R2 or more means a lot to someone out there. In the Bible from the book Deuteronomy 15:9-11 it states: 9”Beware that there is no base thought in your heart, saying, ‘The seventh year, the year of remission, is near,’ and your eye is hostile toward your poor brother, and you give him nothing; then he may cry to the LORD against you, and it will be a sin in you. 10”You shall generously give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings.11”For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land. And Jesus ones said “blessed is the hand that give than the hand that receive” So Let’s Add Hope!”
Calvin’s Lions take on the Tigers Calvin Prep School held their inter-house athletics on Friday last week. The young athletes are divided into two teams - the Tigers and the Lions. They compete
The school thanked all the day’s sponsors without which it would not have been possible.
What is happening? The following events are planned at the Golf Club: 13 February 2016 - Talisman Cup 20 February 2016 - Social and league golf 27 February 2016 - Tubatse Procurement Golf (by invitation) 5 March 2016 - Social golf 12 - 13 March 2016 - Club Championships For more information of golf days or to book your event at the Golf Club contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811. Laerskool Burgersfort is hosting a friendly athletics meeting on Saturday 13 February 2016. The public is welcome to come and support the athletes at the school’s sportsgrounds.
The Bosveld Rugby Club from Hoedspruit will be hosting a golf day on 13 February 2016 to help raise funds for the Club. The format of the day’s play will be 4 Ball American Scramble. Entry fees are R350 per player or R1500 per 4 ball team. Registration will take place at 07:30 and tee-off will be at 08:00. For more information contact Romeo Jones (083 439 2466 or 015 799 2980) or Wouter Vos (083 259 0054 or e-mail or Naas du Plessis (083 450 8336).
is varioius track and field items while the teachers take the opportunity to also give them a little bit of coaching before heading off to compete against other schools in friendly competitions. Those who did not participate cheered the athletes on.
12 FEBRUARY 2016
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom houses available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Burgersfort te huur vanaf 1 Februarie 2016. Naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Kontak Mike: 082 357 1954 TO LET One and two bedroom flats to let in Burgersfort. Safe complex environment, close to town. Reasonable rent that includes water and electricity. Contact: 082 922 3909
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10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 6Ft Venter Sleepwa met ekstra pak geriewe. Padwaardig en skoon R10 000.00 Agt kantige Gazebo volledig R300.00 Cooler eenheid R500.00 2 Vertrek 8 man tent R700.00 Oliebord Sweismasjien met helmet en kabels R700.00 2 Volledige Rope winches volledig @ R500 elk Alle pryse is onderhandelbaar. Kontak Pieter Greyling by 0824401904 Shop for sale in Burgersfort CBD. Fully furnished with shelving, walk in safes & state of the art security systems. Contact 072 471 7545 / 072 684 6438.
“Stopping advertising to save money is likestopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford Editorial deadline: Wednesdays at 17:00. Contact: editorial@ or 083 271 9151 or 083 543 1676 to let us know about your news and events!
BETREKKING/VACANCY: Admin Lady - Requirements: • Matric • Previous admin and office work experience will be an advantage • Computer literate • Experience and knowledge of Pastel will be an added advantage • Be bilingual in English and Afrikaans • Good communication skills and be a team player but also have the ability to work on own initiative • Be willing to go the extra mile. A complete CV with traceable references can be handed in at Burgersfort Supa Quick or faxed to: 086 597 9792 or e-mail to Closing date: 26 February 2016 If you have not heard from the company within 21 days from the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
REGSKENNISGEWINGS / LEGAL NOTICES Fax; 013 231 8479; NOTICE OF SALE IN Ref: M WILLERS/ EXECUTION JON11/0002 IN THE MAGISAddress of Execution TRATE’S COURT Debtor: MAVENTI FOR THE DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION OF SEKHUKHUNE & TRANSPORT HELD AT SERegistration number KHUKHUNE (Case 2003/075042/23 of No. 512/14) 181 STASIE SECIn the matter between TION, GA MOTODI 3Q CONCRETE VILLAGE, BURGHOLDINGS (PTY) ERSFORT, MADALA LTD (Execution CredNTAMBANE - Identity itor) and MAVENTI CONSTRUCTION (1st Number 661024 5470 083 of 181 STAExecution Debtor); SIE SECTION, GA MADALA NTAMMOTODI VILLAGE BANE Identity NumBURGERSFORT and ber: 661024 5470 VELAPHI NTAMBANE 083 (2nd Execution Identity Number Debtor); VELAPHI 911024 0687 085 of NTAMBANE Identity 181 STASIE SECNumber: 911024 TION, GA MOTODI 0687 085 (3rd ExecuVILLAGE, BURGERStion Debtor) FORT. KINDLY NOTE THAT in terms of judgement granted on the 6th day NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION of February 2015, in IN THE MAGISthe SEKHUKHUNE TRATE’S COURT Magistrate’s Court and FOR THE DISTRICT a Warrant of ExecuOF LYDENBURG tion issued thereafter, HELD AT LYDENa sale in execution of BURG (Case No. the undermentioned CO1471/2015) goods will be held at PRAKTISEER MAG- In the matter between KINGFISHER CRESISTRATES COURT, CENT HOME OWNPOLICE STATION ERS ASSOCIATION STREET, PRAKTISE(Execution Creditor) ER ON 26th FEBRUand THABANG PIARY AT 12:00 AM, LANE Identity Numconsisting of: ber: 800107 5366 088 GOODS (Execution Debtor) 1 x WHITE TATA BUS KINDLY NOTE THAT WITH REGISTRATION NO CYN 722 L in terms of judgement granted on the 2nd to the highest bidder. day of September DATED at RUSTEN2015, in the LYDENBURG on 17 DecemBURG Magistrate’s ber 2015. Court and a Warrant Execution Creditor’s of Execution issued Attorneys thereafter, a sale JONKER VORSTER in execution of the INC C/O MADELEEN undermentioned WILLERS ATTORgoods will be held at NEYS, Industry Road, PRAKTISEER MAGBURGERSFORT, ISTRATES COURT, 1150, PO Box 555, PRAKTISEER ON 26 BURGERSFORT. February 2016 AT Tel: 013 231 8497;
12:00 AM, consisting of: GOODS 1 x 1 GREY NP 200 REG: FCY 841 MP ESTIMATED VALUE: ± R60 000.00 To the highest bidder. DATED at BURGERSFORT on 7 January 2016. Execution Creditor’s Attorneys MADELEEN WILLERS ATTORNEYS, Industry Road, BURGERSFORT, 1150, PO Box 555, BURGERSFORT. Tel: 013 231 8497; Fax; 013 231 8479; E-mail: DOCEX 1 BURGERSFORT; Service Address: HERHOLDT PROKUREURS 77 LANGESTRAAT LYDENBURG 1120 Ref: KIN8/0019/MW Address of Execution Debtor: MR THABANG PILANE Identity Number 800107 5366 088 of g341 MASHIFANE PARK, BURGERSFORT.
* Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Do you have some news? Let us know about it on 083 271 9151 or 083 543 1676 or e-mail: editorial@ platinumgazette. com Office number: 013 231 7147 Lets get the news out there!
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or adverts@platinumgazette. com (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
Station * Burgersfort SAPS * Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine * Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre * Madiba’s Mini Market Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Dilokong Chrome Mine (ASA Metals) * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Pret Liquor * Pret Butchery * CTM Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Laerskool Burgersfort * Supa Save * Build It Tubatse * A1 Food Store Twin City * Tiezers Meat Pantry Ohrigstad * Bronrich Slaghuis Ohrigstad * 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort * Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * Burgersfort Pharmacy *Dr Fouché’s Surgery Burgersfort * Mooifontein Kafee Burgersfort *Supa Save Burgersfort * Hawker stalls Eddie Sedibe Street Burgersfort * 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort * Calvin College Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool Steelpoort * Sasol Garage Steelpoort * Total Garage Steelpoort * Ohrigstad Handelshuis * Leboeng SAPS
Athletics at Ohrigstad
On 10 February a friendly athletics meeting took place at Ohrigstad. Athletes participated in track and field items and made their respective schools very proud. See more photographs on page 12.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beรกnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
12 FEBRUARY 2016
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Platinum Gazette
Vriendskaplike atletiek op Ohrigstad Laerskool Ohrigstad het hierdie week Woensdag ‘n vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms op Ohrigstad aangebied. Laerskool Burgersfort, Laerskool Lydenburg, Laerskoop Mariepskop, Laerskool Atokia en Steelpoort Akademie het aan die byeenkoms kom deelneem. Die skool bedank elkeen wat die dag help moontlik maak het.