Platinum Gazette 12 January 2018

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Gazette SANCO to the rescue on 01 January 2018 So, what happens here? Well-known chairman of the South African Civic Organisation (SANCO) in Burgersfort, Mr Jackson Tjatji and his helpers have decided that potholes and long grass at the long distance taxi rank in Burgersfort need fixing and tidying-up on 1 January. So they did just that!, says Mr Tjatji “we do it ourselves otherwise you will have to wait years for the municipality”.

The Director of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Foreign Affair sand International Cooperation, Abdulrahman Ghanem Al Mutaiwee, Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation at MoFAIC’s Dubai Office, has received the credentials of Mogobo David Magabe, the new Consul-General of South Africa in Dubai. Al Mutaiwee welcomed the new diplomat on 12 December 2017 and wished him success in his new assignment, hailing the political, economic, trade, and investment ties between the UAE and South Africa. His excellency Magabe, who hails from Sekhukhune and is also the former executive mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality, told Platinum Gazette from his new office in Dubai this week that “I want our communities to take note of developments around me. As one of the diplomats of the Republic of South Africa in over 128 missions abroad, my responsiblity is to manage our mission activities in Dubai in such a manner that it will promote and strengthen South Africa ‘s Foreign policy, trade, investment, export, import and tourism promotion including consular objectives i.e. immigration and civic civic services. I am the Ambassador of the Republic of south Africa in Dubai , United Arab Emirates nominated by His Excellency The President of the Republic of South Africa for a period of four years ending in November 2021 in accordance with international practice and traditional diplomacy. South African Foreign policy finds its expression from the National Development plan and is based on our shared values of UBuntu as well as our national interests. I extend an vitation to all who deal with exporting of products, that is agricultural fruits, vegetables, meat, arts and cultural products and hospitality business to grab the opportunity of the moment and keep in touch with our Embassy in Abu-Dhabi and Consulate-General in Dubai for more specifics on their trade, export, import and investment opportunities”. (Top photograph and information: UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Bottom photograph and information: HE David Magabe).

New role for His Excellency, Mogobo David Magabe

Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

12 January 2018

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031



12 JANUARY 2018


Twickenham Mine made road safety awareness a priority for the festive season T wickenham Mine hosted their annual Festive Season Arrive Alive Road Safety Campaign in conjunction with the Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipal (FTM) Traffic Department on 15 December 2017. The campaign saw traffic on the R37 directed by the traffic officers go through spot checks for outstanding fines, valid vehicle licenses and the roadworthiness of vehicles. The traffic officers came prepared with a computer system on which drivers’ ID numbers were checked for any outstanding fines and warrants of arrests. Anyone caught with outstanding fines or warrants of arrest against their names had the opportunity to pay either

spot fines or were taken to the Mecklenburg police station where they were held in custody until the fines were paid in full. A zero tolerance approach was taken to ensure maximum road safety on the R37 during the festive season. Various fines were issued and a handful of drivers were detained for outstanding fines and warrants of arrest. Employees of Twickenham Mine, including various different Heads of Departments (HOD’s) participated in the campaign. Hundreds of vehicle license disks and bottles of water were handed out to motorists during the course of the morning. The license disks, branded with Twickenham Mine’s details also contained emergency road traffic information that motorists should always have near them. Members of Community

Emergency Preparedness Response Plan joined the employees to assist in distributing the license disks and bottles of water. Motorists enjoyed receiving something special just before Christmas and most were very cooperative with the traffic officers conducting the official part of the campaign. Twickenham Mine has always taken a key interest in the safety of everyone on the R37. Their commitment over the years has not been limited to the annual Christmas and Easter Arrive Alive Campaigns, but also in sponsoring other road safety campaigns and even donating a special lazer speed measuring device to the FTM traffic department to assist with implementing speed control measures. Mr Theo van Niekerk from Twickenham Mine thanked traffic chief, Victor Lekwadu for their assistance. Both the Mine and the traffic department underlined the importance of working together to ensure road safety within communities. Lekwadu’s team kicked off a full day of roadblocks and road law enforcement with the Twickenham campaign.

Traffic officers, Twickenham Mine employees and members of the Community Emergency Preparedness Response Plan worked together to create road safety awareness before the festive season kicked off on 15 December 2017.

12 JANUARIE 2018

Matric results Matric learners from 2017 waited anxiously for their results as they were released on 5 January 2018. Some high schools in Burgersfort fell back from previous years. Calvin College received a 96,1% pass rate compared to last year’s 100%. There were however more matriculants who sat down for the examination this year. St. Thomas Combined School received a 96,7% pass rate compared to the previous year’s 100%. They also had almost 40 more learners writing the examination this year. Mamogale Wa Bagale received 55.1% pass rate. This was however an improvement on 2016’s 39,1% pass rate. In many schools the perceived performance improved miraculously compared to the previous year, but looking at the number of learners actually recorded for writing the examination a large disappearance of matriculants appear to have occurred. Ngwaabe Comprehensive Secondary School achieved a 100% pass rate compared to last year’s 27%. However only 13 matriculants seem to have written the examination compared to the previous year’s 100 matriculants. This is not the only school featuring such statistics in the Department of Education’s “2017 National Senior Certificate Schools Performance Report”. Some of the other schools in Sekhukhune’s performance are:

Ester Maleka Comprehensive High School with 92,3% pass rate compared to a 100% the previous year. Fetakgomo Senior Secondary School achieved a 92,4% pass rate compared to 41% the previous year. Dinakanyane Secondary received a 90,5% pass rate compared to 72,7% the previous year. Lehlaba Secondary School achieved a 67,2% pass rate compared to 66,7% the previous year. Batau Secondary School received a 66,7% pass rate compared to 75% the previous year. Ntwampe Technical High School improved to 54,5% from 42,9% the previous year. In both years 77 candidates wrote the examination. WEM Combined School only received a 24,6% pass rate compared to the 2016 result of 53,5%. Hoërskool Lydenburg received a 99,4% pass rate. They had 176 candidates and remain one of the top 10 academic schools in Mpumanlanga. Tacita Black was also announced as the best English First Additional Language learner in the province. Three of their learners received six distinctions. They are Zahra Essack, Sabeeha Cassim and Leighton Phaswane. Leandri Kelly and Hein van Zyl both received five distinctions.

Suspects arrested for ATM robbery Just before Christmas on 23 December the Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Unit members arrested an ATM custodian. The arrested came in connection with the robbery of over R400 000 from an ATM at a Total filling station in Burgersfort. The Hawks Spokesperson, Capt Matimba Maluleke said the incident happened on 16 December 2017 at around 03:00, when two men stormed the room which houses the ATM cubical door. “The men started a fire in the petrol at-

tendants room before they fled the scene, however when the fire was extinguished, it was discovered that money was stolen from the ATM although it was not tampered with”. The Hawks made the arrest after thorough investingations since the incident. The suspect had R100 000 cash in his possession when he was arrested. The suspects appeared before the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court and the Hawks will continue their investigation into the matter.

Home destroyed in fire On 20 December 2017 a home in Aloe Ridge West in Burgersfort burnt down. The family lost almost everything in the incident. The fire is believed to have started at an electrical switchboard.



Although nothing can replace sentimental items lost during the fire, the community and local businesses came forward to give support and donations during the season marked by giving, peace and love.

Fresh road signs - now just obey them Burgersfort started receiving a fresh coat of paint on road markings from the middle of December. The unexpected roadworks caused some inconvenience during this busy period in town, but most people took it in their stride. The marking process is still continueing towards residential areas.



12 JANUARY 2018

Your views on the annoucement of On 16 December 2017 President Jacob Zuma announced free tertiary education for poor students. The announcement came as a surprise and threw Treasury a curve ball to find the funds for this. Students coming from households earning a combined income of R350 000 or less will benefit from the free education announcement. As registration at universities and other tertiary institutions kicked-off this week there was still no clear indication as to where the money to fund this would be coming from. It is expected that this will be addressed in the annual Budget Speech of the Minister of Finance in February. Previously the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) was only available to students coming from households with a combined income of less that R120 000 per year. It was also a loan scheme that meant student had to pay back the money once they started working. NSFAS has waged a struggle over the years to recover money owed to them by students although recent figures show that they’ve managed to increase the repayment rate to 75%. The implications of the announcement stretched further than just free education. Tertiary education facilities experience a massive shortfall in infrastructure to accommodate all students who may qualify for the free education. When making the announcement, Zuma said that priority will be given to expand facilities of higher education institutions, especially previously disadvantaged institutions. The announcement of free tertiary education was met with different reactions. This week the EFF said that they will lead mass walk-in registration at institutions and on Wednesday, Higher Education and Training Deputy Minister Buti Manamela warned that people should be responsible with their communication around the announcement. “It’s important that we do not distort the announcement made by the president‚” he said. “We have to be responsible with our communication on this message. People have been saying everyone can go to universities‚ to TVET colleges and demand education”‚ but prospective students still have to “meet that particular criteria”. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the whole issue of free tertiary education.

Mnr Abram Mokwena sê: “Dis ‘n goeie ding. Ek sal nie omgee om meer belasting te betaal nie. Al kos brood meer solank daai geld na die kinders gaan. Dit moet georganiseerd wees dat almal deur die regte kanale aansoek doen en nie net instap en demand nie. Elkeen gaan die beste kry as hy die proses volg”. Right: Mr Joas Mokota said: “It is a good thing provided that the country is ready for it. As long as government can afford it, it is fine. Students must realize not everyone will be automatically accommodated. You need to apply and meet the requirements for each course otherwise it will contribute to a high drop-out rate which is costly. Students must realize that rules are there to be followed and they cannot break down the gates to get acceptance”.

Mr Pako Benard said: “This announcement is not good. There are too many people in South Africa. Our president made a big mistake. There is no budget for free education. I don’t want to pay more tax or VAT. My problem is with the budget and not with the space at universities. We have enough space, they should allow walk-ins, but in the end this is our president’s problem”. Ms Elina Mosoma said: “It is good because many people don’t have money to let their children study. I don’t want to pay more for anything to fund this. They must find the money somewhere else. The students must also follow the processes and there should be no violence at the universities”.

Me. Nurse Komane sê: “Dit is nie goed nie. Daar is nie genoeg geld nie en hulle sal nie nou vir almal kan plek gee nie. Hulle moes eers die geld en plek uitsorteer het voor die Free Education aangekondig is”.

Mr Excellent Mohlala said: “I think walk-ins will be ok, but our government must use tax to build more classes to accommodate more students. I am willing to pay more VAT as long as the money goes to education. I will pay 1% or 2% more. The only way to improve our country is to improve education. We need to help. They need to make sure that students meet the standards for each career and not drop the standard for everything. Students must also give from their side”. Ms Sello Mmopane and Mr Volcano Mmopane said: “ They are finally fulfilling a promise made before democracy arrived. We however don’t think our country is ready to provide free education. We need to first get investors back and create jobs. The question is where are they going to get the money to fund this? We are not prepared to pay more VAT. Our president is now leaving Cyril Ramaphosa with a hot potato. It is one of his dirty tricks. He knew his exwife was not going to make it at the election conference”.

Ms Irene Mabelane said: “It is a good idea to give free education. They must however not lower the standards to accommodate everyone. I am prepared to pay 1% or 2% more VAT to fund this”.

Pastors Isaac Malusi Ntshinga and Themba Africa Ndlovu said: “It is bad that President Jacob Zuma announced it. We think he did it just because he wanted people to vote for his ex-wife and now he has also made it difficult for Cyril Ramphosa. It would have been good if Cyril and his top 6 could have announced free higher education. If they are going to fund it through heavier tax then we want to know that it is going directly to free education. If it is going towards personal gain we are not prepared to pay more. The problem is that if you increase the tax, you are essentially saying to the people that they are paying for the ‘free’ education. Then it is not free. Things are very expensive. Prices were better during the white rule and the rule of presidents Mandela and Mbeki. Life was easier. Standards must remain at our universities. We don’t want people to break down universities. They must follow procedures to be accepted”.

12 JANUARIE 2018



free tertiary education for the poor

Ms Refilwe Makwalane, Mr Thabo Selahle, Mr Thabang Makhubedu, Mr Mola Ketlele and Mr Sello Phaswane said: “It is good, but they must not put up tax to pay for it. Everyone should get free education and not just certain income brackets because we are all paying tax according to our income. Not only poor students should benefit, all the youth should benefit. The standards must be kept and procedures followed. Students must be disciplined”. Mr. Thulani Mzimela said: “Free Education is a good thing. Only poor students who are academic achievers should benefit. They must make another plan to fund this and not put up our VAT or income tax. Students must follow application processes and they should not be like cows that just want to force their way into the gates. It should also be give and take. Students should give back through community service”.

Ms Moshopyadi Pitjadi, Mr Peniel Marule and Ms Senzile Mashaba said: “It is good as long as there is no extra tax to be paid. Entrance to higher education institutions should be difficult. Order must remain. There should be no walk-in registrations. Requirements for university should be more difficult than before. Why should you get free education if you don’t want to work? It must be difficult in the way it has been difficult to obtain a bursary – you should work really, really hard to get it. We feel that if they don’t perform they should lose the free education opportunity”.

Mr Jomo Mabelane said: “It is good, the poor families will now be able to have their children attend university. Free education should however not mean automatic acceptance. Standards of education should remain. They should also fund this from somewhere within government and not from increasing our tax and VAT”.

Mnr. Willem Montogomery sê: “Nee, ek dink nie opleiding moet heeltemal verniet wees nie. Ek voel studente moet steeds aan die minimum vereistes vir elke kursus voldoen. Ek is nie bereid om meer belasting te betaal om die kostes te dek nie. Die regering sal maar ‘n plan moet maak om dit uit ander koffers te kry”. Mr Marvin Shai and Mr Lucious Tau said: “It is good, government must make a plan to fund this because we don’t want to pay more tax or pay for it through VAT. We want a high standard of education so they must not allow people who are not meeting the requirements”.

Mr Shane Makofane said: “It’s a good thing because South African workers pay too much tax and they can fund it from there. They should not put up tax to try and get the money for this. They should also keep the standards and not just accept everyone. We should keep the level of education high”. With him are Keabetso and Kamogelo.

Ms Julia Motseo said: “Free education is good. In our country there is no money. The students must work hard to do well enough to meet the required standards for each course they want to study. Government must find the money from what we are already paying”. Right: Ms Gloria Ngwatle said: “It is good. Many people struggle to give their children an education. I don’t want to pay more tax. I feel government must make a plan to fund this. Students will still have to properly apply and meet the requirements for each career. If you don’t meet that, you need to choose a different career”.

Mr Rackson Chiloane said: “President Jacob Zuma should have waited with this announcement. They should have planned to crate additional classrooms and appoint more educators etc. Now nobody is prepared. Free does not mean guaranteed entry. It means hard work. I think they will have to increase the required levels for acceptance to a university because there is no space. President Jacob Zuma gave the new ANC leadership a problem”.


12 JANUARY 2018

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Kennisgewing ten opsigte van die beheer van petroleum produkte soos vereis in die Petroleum Produkte Wet, 1977 (Wet No 120 van 1977)

Platinum Gazette

Hierdie kennisgewing stel enige belanghebbendes and persone wat geraak mag word in kennis dat BA TAU INVESTMENTS CC, hierna verwys as “die aansoeker’ ‘n aansoek ingedien het vir ‘n PERSEEL LISENSIE, aansoeknommer F/2017/12/13/0002. DIE PLAAS FRANKFORT 260KT D4140 EN D2537 PAAIE BURGERSFORT BURGERSFORT Die doel van die aansoek is vir die aansoeker om ‘n lisensie te bekom vir die doel om handel te dryf met petroleum produkte soos aangedui in die aansoek. Reëlings om die aansoek dokumentasie te sien kan gemaak word deur die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte te kontak by: - Telefoon: (015) 230 3600; of - Faks: of - E-pos: Enige besware teen die uitreik van ‘n lisensie soos aangedui in die aansoek, moet duidelik aandui wat is die aansoeknommer soos hier bo verstrek. Dit moet ook by die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte ingedien word binne ‘n tydperk van twintig (20) werksdae vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing. Enige sulke besware kan ingedien word by die volgende fisiese of posadresse: Fisiese Adres: Die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte Departement van Energie Landros Maree Straat 18A Polokwane

Pos Adres: Die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte Departement van Energie Privaatsak X9712 Polokwane 0700

Kennisgewing ten opsigte van die beheer van petroleum produkte soos vereis in die Petroleum Produkte Wet, 1977 (Wet No 120 van 1977) Hierdie kennisgewing stel enige belanghebbendes and persone wat geraak mag word in kennis dat BA TAU INVESTMENTS CC, hierna verwys as “die aansoeker’ ‘n aansoek ingedien het vir ‘n HANDELSLISENSIE, aansoeknommer F/2017/12/13/0003. DIE PLAAS FRANKFORT 260KT D4140 EN D2537 PAAIE BURGERSFORT BURGERSFORT Die doel van die aansoek is vir die aansoeker om ‘n lisensie te bekom vir die doel om handel te dryf met petroleum produkte soos aangedui in die aansoek. Reëlings om die aansoek dokumentasie te sien kan gemaak word deur die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte te kontak by: - Telefoon: (015) 230 3600; of - Faks: of - E-pos: Enige besware teen die uitreik van ‘n lisensie soos aangedui in die aansoek, moet duidelik aandui wat is die aansoeknommer soos hier bo verstrek. Dit moet ook by die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte ingedien word binne ‘n tydperk van twintig (20) werksdae vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing. Enige sulke besware kan ingedien word by die volgende fisiese of posadresse: Fisiese Adres: Die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte Departement van Energie Landros Maree Straat 18A Polokwane

Pos Adres: Die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte Departement van Energie Privaatsak X9712 Polokwane 0700

12 JANUARIE 2018


Ledwaba/Makotse Masters playing friendly soccer games

John 8:12 New International Version “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

New leadership for Tearing Lions FC

On Wednesday 27 December 2017 Ledwaba/Makotse Masters visited Sepanapudi Masters for a friendly soccer match in Sepanapudi village just outside Lebowakgomo. Ledwaba-Makotse managed to win the match 4-1. On Sunday 31 Ledwaba-Makotse Masters hosted Bergenek Masters for another friendly soccer match in Makotse village just outside Lebowakgomo. Ledwaba-Makotse managed to win the match 1-0. In the second match of the day Ledwaba-Makotse Masters played against Mathibela FC and Ledwaba-Makotse managed to win 2-0. The third match of the day Bergenek Masters won 3-1 against Mathibela FC. On Wednesday 3 January 2018 Ledwaba-Makotse Masters visited Hwelereng Masters for a friendly soccer match. The match was played at United sports grounds in Hwelereng village outside Lebowakgomo. On the day both teams managed to score two goals to make the final score 2-2. The match was decided on penalties and Ledwaba-Makotse Masters won 4-2. On Sunday 7 January 2018 a friendly top 4 was played in Hwelereng village. The four teams that took part on the day were Hwelereng Masters, Ledwaba-Makotse Masters, Seleteng Masters and Lebowakgomo Masters. Results for the day : 1st match: Ledwaba-Makotse 2 vs Hwelereng 0. 2nd Match: Lebowakgomo 1 vs Seleteng 3. 3rd Match: Lebowakgomo 3 vs Hwelereng 3. 4th Match: Ledwaba-Makotse 2 vs Seleteng 2. (Information and photos : Jerial Mvundlela)

Maroga Tearing Lions held their annual general meeting on 7 January 2018. There new leadership for the team was elected. The new leaders are: Kgodiswana Rantho - Chairperson. Ruru Chego - Deputy chairperson. Raiti Tsie - Secretary. Lager Tsie - Deputy secretary. Patrick Tsie - Treasurer. Matwale Chego - Spokesperson. They also took a photograph with a donor who donated soccer balls to the team. (Information and photograph: Maroga Tearing Lions)



12 JANUARY 2018 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Tubatse Chrome ligaspan speel in finaal Masters scoring over the festive season Tubatse Masters was busy during the Christmas season. On Thursday 21 December 2017 Tubatse Masters visited Mareseleng FC for a friendly soccer match in Mareseleng village just outside Burgersfort. Tubatse Masters won the match 3-1. Seun Maroga, Pitso Sehlabela and Phillip Kgapane were on the score sheet for Tubatse Masters. On Sunday 24 December, Tubatse Masters visited Mareseng village agains to play a top

Tubatse Chrome Golf Klub se ligaspan het verlede naweek in die liga finaal gespeel. Hulle het teen Kameeldoring Golf Klub op Polokwane gespeel. Ongelukkig het die manne 6 1/2 en 3 1/2 verloor. Die Klub beplan baie spesiale dae hierdie jaar. Op 27 Januarie is dit reeds die golfdag ten bate van Steelpoort Akademie. Spelers word uitgenooi om in te skryf en te kom deelneem aan die dae. Nuwe spelers word ook aangemoedig om by die klub aan te sluit en deel te word van die golf-familie. (Foto en inligting: Willem Montgomery).

16 tournament. On the day Tubatse Masters played against Mashifane Park Masters and lost the match 4-3. All three goals for Tubatse Masters were scored by Lekgotla Motswiane. On Saturday 6 January 2018 Tubatse Masters visited Segorong FC in Praktiseer to play a friendly soccer match. The young boys of Segorong managed to win the match 3-2. The two goals for Tubatse masters were scored George Maluleke. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela; Photographs: Judas Motswiane)

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