PLatinum Gazette 12 October 2012

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‘Dance’ against crime - p2

© Platinum Gazette

12 October 2012

2 The crowd in the Peter Nchabaleng Sports Centre at Schoonoord (Skinot) had their own unique way to welcome the speakers who came to address them at the Sekhukhune Police’s crime awareness campaign last Wednesday. They danced, with all their heart, when a local speaker was introduced who knew the custom. The most spirited dance was to honour the Station Commander of the local Police Station, Liuetenant Colonel Phetla (photograph bottom left), who knows the custom and danced with the people. When the music stopped, he explained in his keynote address why it is important for the

12 OCTOBER 2012

NEWS Police and the community to work as one against crime, hand in glove with structures such as the Community Policing Forum and why the prevention of crime is of the utmost importance in the community. Various aspects of his speech were echoed by other speakers. Mr Themba Sibanyoni (bottom photograph, second from left) of Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine explained why crime prevention and a partnership with the relevant concerned parties (communities, the Police and government in general) is important. Taking the floor as the voice of one of the

main sponsors of the day, Mr Sibanyoni told the crowd that crimes such as the theft of materials such as copper can severely impact on the operations of a mine, also impacting on the money generated and the money that will be available for aspects such as salaries and wages, expansion and social responsibility projects in communities. Various speakers from involved organisations took the stage, giving their support to the Police, also thanking Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine for their sponsorship and explaining their respective roles in crime prevention to the community.

Outside the hall there was no crime, but no peace. Soccer teams in the area battled it out on the soccer field to the loud encouragement of their supporters who took a break from the speeches inside the hall ...

Sekhukhune Police take action

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12 OKTOBER 2012



The local road to Mangaung Echoeing the ANC Limpopo Executive Committee’s decision who to support as the party’s leader during the Mangaung Ra Ra at the end of the year, this vehicle with L registration was seen near Steelpoort this week. It seems that local ANC supporters keeps up with the national developments with a passion ...

2161 fired at Bokoni Atlatsa Resources Corporation (formerly Anooraq) confirmed this week that 2161 employees taking part in unprotected industrial action at Bokoni Platinum Mines (Bokoni) since Monday, 1 October 2012 have been dismissed, following the granting of a court interdict in favour of Bokoni. Dismissed employees have been given up until the close of business on Wednesday, 10 October 2012 to appeal their dismissal. Bokoni management said ith company continues to work with recognised employee representatives, the authorities and other stakeholders to support the restoration of law and order to the affected areas and to allow dismissed employees who wish to appeal their dismissal to return to work and do so without threat or intimidation. Last week, Anglo American Platinum dismissed 12000 striking employees at its Rustenburg mines while Gold One also on Tuesday fired 1435 employees at its Ezulwini mine.

Dilokong tailings to be toll processed Aim- and JSE-listed mine-to-metal specialist Jubilee on Tuesday said it had entered into an agreement for the toll processing of 800 000 tons of Dilokong Chrome Mine platinumbearing tailings using the concentrator at Platinum Australia’s Smokey Hills mine. Jubilee said newly formed subsidiary company Pollux Investment Holdings entered into a binding and exclusive memorandum of understanding with Platinum Australia subsidiary Phokathaba Platinum, which would see the tailings being processed at the Phokathaba concentrator. Jubilee was awarded the right to recover the platinum-group metals contained in ASA Metals Dilokong mine’s tailings in June. “This MoU enables Jubilee to accelerate bringing to production its own high-chrome platinum concentrate for minimal capital investment, allowing Jubilee to leverage off its exclusive ConRoast process. The MoU further endorses the company’s strategy to acquire in the short to near term, surface stocks of platinum-bearing waste materials,” CEO Leon Coetzer said. The company would be targeting a tailings processing rate of up to 50 000 tons per month. The MoU is subject to final due diligence by Jubilee, the approval of Platinum Australia’s senior finance provider and, to the extent necessary, regulatory approvals. The parties have agreed to a timeline of 45 days to satisfy the conditions precedent. Pollux would be renamed Jubilee Tailings Treatment Company.


12 OCTOBER 2012


Kohin Youth Coaches spread some love Reaching out to orphans and the disabled During the school holidays the Burgersfort Kohin Youth Coaches combined to spread som love in to the less privileged in the community. The theme of the outreach was Loving Life

and Giving Love. The coaches took time off to spent time at three community centres. They visited Khomanani Orphanage Centre in Tukakgomo Steelpoort and later in the week went to Dresden and Lehlaba Disabled Workshop. The Youth Coaches would like to thank Boxer Store (next to Chicken Licken) for their contribution. Through them the team managed to bring a smile to those they visited. “A very big thank you to Mr Lunga Mathebula from Boxer store�. (Information and photographs: Lifi Tlhaka)

Alverton/Kgautswane road not progressing The stretch of road between Alverton and Kgautswane that is under construction has once again come to a halt. Workers are allegedly on strike, but construction has not been progressing for a long time.When Platinum Gazette visited the site during the week children were

playing on the abandoned construction vehicles. (Propably dreaming about not being on strike one day and actually driving one of the big vehicles). Comment from the company responsible for the road construction could not be obtained before going to press.

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Growing demand and a more diverse product range necessitated the appointment of an additional alarm technician in the Steelpoort Area. The appointment of Babsy Taba as Electronic Security Technician based in Steelpoort, is in addition to the full time technician already contracted to Tubatse Chrome. The labour costs attached to guarding and vulnerable areas to be protected against for example copper cable theft, justify more cost effective electronic solutions in remote areas. A gap in the market has been identified and Thorburn Security would gladly offer this additional service to business in the Steelpoort Area.

The next week Babsy Taba will undergo intense induction with the Tubatse Technician whilst he is already booked for certain projects at a mine for the next four weeks. The Thorburn specialized Thorburn Remote Monitoring Center in Cape Town is ready and available to monitor electronic measures in their state of the art facilities, which easily link via land line, radio, digital and GSM links to Steelpoort. The dedicated local technician adds to the bouquet of services that Thorburn offers from the local Steelpoort Office ranging from crime incident Investigations, Special Operations, IDECO (finger reader) criminal checks, training and soon to introduce Crowd Facilitation Services whilst services such as company and directors verification services could also be undertaken. (Information: Dolf Scheepers). The new technician Babsy Taba (left) is welcomed by Gavin Fensham, the Thorburn Technician at Tubatse. (Photo: Thorburn Security Solutions).

12 OKTOBER 2012

Mpumalange kleure vir Landsdiens Jean-Pierre Matthysen, ‘n graad 7 leerling van Laerskool Burgersfort het tydens die Julie-vakansie die Mpumalanga streekskamp vir Landsdiens bygewoon. Die kamp het op Modimole (Nylstroom) plaasgevind. Daar het heelwat leerlinge van skole in Mpumalanga wat dieselfde liefde deel – liefde vir arbeid, Ons Skepper, die natuur en jou medemens saam gekamp. 68 leerlinge is gekies op grond van goeie gedrag en leierseienskappe om Mpumalanga te verteenwoordig op Nasionale vlak. Jean-Pierre is die eerste leerling van die skool wat Mpumalanga kleure ontvang vir Landsdiens. Hy het die afgelope vakansie die Nasionale kamp op Oudshoorn bygewoon waar hulle getoer het en opvoedkundige uitstappies meegemaak het. Hy bedank graag die volgende persone vir donasies, Johan Botha van SBT Civils, Pieter en Jeanette de Jager, Barbara Kaplan, Carl Lourens, Marius en Dalene Sadler, Amanda Lock, Marietjie van der Merwe en Regina Mamaila. (Inligting: Mariana Matthysen)

Onlangs getroud

Rudie en Rentia van Jaarsveld is onlangs by Hannah Lodge naby Ohrigstad in die huwelik bevestig. Rentia is ‘n dokter in Burgersfort. Die paartjie vestig hulle in Burgersfort. (Foto: Mara Theunissen).



On tour The High school learners of Steelpoort Academy left on a tour on 25-27 September 2012. It was 3 very busy days, that included visits to Harties Science and communications centre, Maropeng and Unitas Hospital. The learners also tested their skills with ice-skating and ten-pin bowling. The highlight of the trip was the day spent at Gold-Reef City. It was an enjoyable trip for all who attended. Thank you to the teachers that accompanied them. (Photo: Steelpoort Academy)

Onderwysers weet van (af)slaan Tydens die afgelope vakansie het ‘n paar van Steelpoort Akademie se mansonderwysers Mpumalanga by die Interprovinsiale Onderwys Golfkampioenskappe verteenwoordig. Anton Alberts, Anton Erasmus, Norman Jordaa en Conrad Beukes was op Modimole vir die toernooi. Skoolhoof, Anton Alberts het die C-afdeling van die toernooi gewen en is ook as die algehele wenner van die toernooi aangewys.

‘n Diamant vir hul toer Die o/13 netbal dogters van 2012 gaan tydens die Maart/April vakansie ‘n netbaltoernooi in Kaapstad bywoon. Die dogters is ‘n diamant van .707 karaat geskenk ter waarde van R21 000. Hulle loot dit nou uit en is besig om lootjies daarvoor te verkoop. Kaartjies kos R100 en die trekking sal in Maart 2013 plaasvind. Die skool vra dat die gemeenskap asseblief die dogters sal ondersteun met dié fondsinsamelingspoging.



12 OCTOBER 2012

Did the strike action in the various Strike action have been rippling through the South African economy for weeks. Often these strikes were accompanied by acts of violence. By the time of going to press, the biggest group of workers in the transport industry was still on strike. We asked readers how the transport strike affected them and why do they think has the illegal strikes that are happening at mines in the North-West area not happened in the Burgersfort area.

Mr Maurice Molapo said: “We don’t get deliveries on time. Now we’ve run out of stock and no one can transport stock for us. I work at Kia. Regarding the mines I think the people in Burgersfort prefer to negotiate with management before going on strike rather than those others who went on illegal strikes”. Mr Ephraim Lekhowana said: “I am from Nnyana Shakwane Transport. With the transport strike I was just scared one day. The garage struggled with diesel and I feared that I might fail to take people to the mines. We have buses with which we take people to their work at the mines. I did not sleep well because the mines are creating lots of jobs and if this strike is impacting on the mines it is not good. If you disturb the mines it is a problem.We thank God that so far we’ve always found diesel. We also ask God to help with a solution for the strike. Without trucks there is trouble as everything comes by truck. I think the mines in our area are employing local people and that is why they survive. The employees think now that if they go on strike, the mines will close and everything will be taken away. They have families to care for and their fathers have been here before, so the employees don’t want to lose it. Our mines are doing well”.

Mr Oriel Mbedzi said: “Ja, some people struggled to get to work because of the petrol shortage. The difference in the mines are that on our side there is a good relationship between the employees and employers. It is only a small group that have some concerns”.

Ms Samkelo Shabangu and Ms Grace Phule said: “With the transport strike last week we found no petrol at the one service station. But for the rest it did not affect us so much here. In Witbank we know there was no diesel. With the mines: After they’ve seen what happened to other employees in our operations - you know they’ve dismissed 12 000 people, others became nervous. They think now before they just go on strike”.

Mnr. Koos Ludeke sê: “Ons het gesukkel om petrol te kry. Waar ek werk moes hulle ook kom kunsmis aflaai het, maar die trokke kom nie uit die hawe nie. Ek dink dit is anders hier by ons by die myne want die mense is bang. Toe hulle voorheen gestaak het, het hulle alles verloor. Hulle het nie geld gekry nie so hulle kon nie hul goed betaal nie. Die bank het toe hul karre ens. kom vat. Hulle is nou bang dit gebeur weer en dan moet hulle weer van voor begin en het niks deur ‘n staking gewen nie”. By hom is Janique en Llewellynn.

Mr Doctor Masinga said: “No it did not really impact here, but there was petrol shortages and a shortage of fresh vegetables. We are having a big problem with this. Government must talk to the trade unions to settle. With the mines going on strike, I think it may still come. We are very much afraid. We must talk and negotiate”.

Mnr. Hennie Snyman sê: “Ja, dit het ons geraak. Ons kon nie aflewerings kry nie. Dulux kon nie vir ons verf stuur nie. Die verskil by die myne is dat die bestuur beter is en hulle het miskien geleer uit Marikana se foute en pas nou beter beheer toe”.

Ms Sharon Monyemoratho said: “Yes, there was no money at the Capitec bank. In our area the management of our mines are handling things better than on the NorthWest side. Here by talking we can sort things out”.

Ms Nthabiseng Sebopela said: “No, the transport strike did not have an impact on me. I think the mines in our area care more and they also understand their employees’ complaints better”.

12 OKTOBER 2012



industries influence you?

Me. Tienie Nel sê: “Ek is self ‘n verspreider en die staking in die vervoerbedryf het veroorsaak dat ons nie deadlines vir aflewerings kon haal nie en nie voorraad kan kry nie. By die myne gaan dit hier beter as in Rustenburg omdat ons kleiner is en hulle nader aan die stad waar die bose kringloop begin”. By haar is Shaznay, Linei en Leandra.

Mr Sipho Thobejane, Mr Edwin maibela and Mr Vincent Nkosi said: “It affected the shops and their deliveries. If they don’t deliver we have nothing to sell and then we don’t have jobs. On the Rustenburg side’s mines the people like money too much. Because we are a rural area people are more satisfied with their jobs than those in the city”.

Mr Philip Nthehelang said: “No, the transport strike did not impact on me. Strikes at our mines might still happen”.

Mr Sipho Aphane said: “The transport strike made a vicious impact. I went to a garage and they had no petol. Last week at one stage only one filling station in Burgersfort had petrol. If this continues it will be a disaster. The ATM also had no money. At the mines on this side employees are often new and maybe things are less expensive than at Rustenburg. Some mines are also very new here and are still projects or operations and not making profit yet and the employees understand that”. Links: Mnr. Derick Kotze sê: “Ons het gesukkel om koeldrank te kry omdat aflewerings nie gekom het met die staking nie. Die myne hier behandel hul mense beter en die mense het beter werksomstandighede, daarom gaan dit beter by ons as in die ander areas”. By hom is Erik en Schalk.

Mr Sello Dikotope said: “In terms of the transport stike - I have not had a problem. Petrol was not available and the OK and Shoprite was not getting fresh fruit and vegetables. To us it is unfair, because we have to buy fruit and vegetables that are not fresh. It is also influencing our health if we don’t get fresh food. Government must make sure that they sort out the problem of the strikes. They use our tax money in the wrong way. At the mines here the managers of the companies are trusted by the workers. That means people are happy and have trust. We will see what happens further on”.

Regs: Mnr. Johnathan Muller en Me. Lanice Muller sê: “Ons het gesukkel met petrol/diesel by die werk. Daar kon ook geen concrete aflewerings op site kom nie en geen materiaal van Johannesburg nie. Dit het ons werk by die kragstasie by Tubatse met ‘n week en ‘n half of twee weke teruggesit. Die ouens hier by die myne is honger. Hulle weet as hulle hier staak en hul werk verloor staan daar ander reg om hul plek te vat. Hier is jy ook aan die gatkant van die wêreld so dinge vat lank om hier uit te kom, maar die stakings is oppad. Gee so ‘n week of wat”. By hulle is Adellé.

Ms Tiisetso Potse said: “Yes, there was no money, petrol and places struggle with getting groceries. The mines here are doing better because I think the people are happier and they negotiate better”.

Ms Daryll Geddes said: “Ja, baie. Ons het so ‘n bietjie ge-panic laas week met die petrol maar veral besighede en die myne sukkel met die staking. Ek dink dis net genade dat hier nie so baie stakings by die myne hier is soos op ander plekke nie”.



The Campbells at Tubatse Chrome Festival The brothers Harry and Tony Campbell need no introduction in the Afrikaans music industry. The two are one of South Africa’s favourite singers and very popular at festivals country wide. They will be visiting the Tubatse Chrome Festival which will be happening on 19 and 20 October 2012. Harry and Tony have an Afrikaans mother and an English speaking father. They were always encouraged to be fully bilingual. Their father was the one who taught them to play various musical instruments. He was an inspiration to them from a young age. Harry matriculated in 1993 and went on to study Motor Mechanics and Electrician Work. Tony matriculated in 1994 and then obtained a National Diploma in Electrical Engineering. Many school bands and friendships were formed during high school, however after high school the Campbells soon realised that it would only be the two of them that would put the effort in to go all the way. During their tertiary education the Campbells decided to

start up a recording studio. At this stage Harry was a gifted guitarist and Tony played drums, keyboards and was the lead vocalist in the group. Every year the Campbells improved musically and performed more often and to bigger audiences. During 1999 the brothers met Kosie van Niekerk the owner of Select Music. Kosie asked if they would record material for his record label and the Campbells agreed. In 2000 Kosie proceeded to sign the Campbells as artists with Select Music and released their debut album “You’re My Mate” during 2001. Immediately there was talk about the new young South African cowboys. The Campbells appealed to both the English and Afrikaans markets and decided to write and produce a few Afrikaans songs. Their second album “Rooi Rok Bokkie” was in instant hit and in 2002 the Campbells became a house hold name. Many albums and DVD’s later the Campbells have established themselves as South Africa’s favourite duo and they have sold more than 700 000 CD’s and DVD’s. Songs like Bietjie Bietjie Lam, Vat My VAs, Sewe Soene, Mamma Maria and Rooi Rok Bokkie will always be remembered. The Campbells have also performed in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Australia. The Campbells won the 2010 SAMA with their album Mamma Maria for the best Sokkie Dans Album. This well deserved award cements their place within the South African music industry and is only the start of many great things that are still to come. In 2010 the Campbells released Keep It Country Volume 2 and Komaan Kom Dans. Both albums were nominated for SAMA awards. Best Country Album and Best Sokkie Dans Album respectively. Recently the Campbells celebrated their 11th year in the South African recording industry by releasing their much aniticipated greatest hits. A double CD with 40 tracks called Die Campbells - Grootste Platinum Treffers. The two have released albums every year since 2001. Twelve of these albums reached Gold status and seven also reached Platinum status. They will be performing all their fans’ favourite songs at Tubatse Chrome Festival, so be sure that you don’t miss out on what promises to be an energy packed show!

12 OCTOBER 2012

Hou 19 en 20 Oktober oop Dis Tubatse Chrome Festival tyd Die jaarlikse Tubatse Chrome Festival vind weer hierdie jaar op 19 en 20 Oktober plaas. Die fees beloof om ‘n mengelmoes van lekker vermaak, ‘n verskeidenheid stalletjies en heerlike samesyn. Daar sal weer genoeg kindervermaak wees en natuurlik heerlike kos om van te kies en keur. Daar sal reeds Vrydagaand lekker geskoffel word op die maat van verskeie kunstenaars. Van die bekendes op die fees se program is die Campells, Robbie Wessels, Alan Ladd, Stiaan, DJ Ferdie, Teelepeltjies, Zandré, Anél en Juan Boucher. Navrae: 013 236 5112/8421 of e-pos by:

Kom leeuloop saam met Robbie by Tubatse Chrome Festival Robbie Wessels het geen bekendstelling nodig nie. Hy is die man wat die woord “leeuloop” in Afrikaans tot spreektaal laat kom het. Robbie het aanvanklik bekendheid verwerf vir sy rol as Poena in ‘n Afrikaanse komedie. Tog was hy reeds as student bekend vir sy vernuf met ‘n kitaar en sy vermoë om sommer vinnig ‘n liedjie op te tower. Hoewel daar baie lawwe en lekker danstreffers op sy kerfstok is, het hy ook ‘n dieper kant wat in sommige van sy liedjies deurskemer. Robbie gaan volgende week by Tubatse Chrome Festival optree en die vertoning is beslis nie een wat sy aanhangers behoort te mis nie. Indien jy nog nie ‘n Robbie Wessels aanhanger is nie, is die fees net die plek om ‘n nader blik op dié diamant van Afrikaanse musiek se talent te kry. Moet dit nie misloop nie!

12 OKTOBER 2012



Breast Cancer: Alet’s story of survival “Live every day as if it could be your last, tomorrow will have its own things, you only have today”. This is how Alet Wolmarans approaches her life. She is a breast cancer survivor and passionate about getting people to look after

themselves and helping those going through a cancer struggle. Alet lives in Burgersfort and works in Steelpoort and before cancer came into her life what was important to her was much different from now. “I cared about nice clothes and other material things. Now I know that your health is priceless”. Three years ago Alet and her family were on holiday at the seaside. One night a mosquito bit her and as she scratched her body under her arm she suddenly felt a lump. “It was about the size of a marble and as I felt it, it moved around. It was not sore or anything. Was it not for the mosquito bite a bit further back, I might not have felt it”. The first Monday they were back home she visited a doctor who immediately did a biopsy and told her that they will have to operate. She booked into the hospital the next day and when she woke up her right breast had been removed to

get all the cancer cells out of her body. After the operation she had to get radiation therapy every day for 8 weeks and she also received chemotherapy once a month. “I was lucky that I did not lose much weight. Losing weight while fighting cancer is not good as it suppresses your immune system. What got to me was the sound of the machine during the radiation therapy. You are alone in that room. Lying there and it crackles as it burns away on your skin. The skin gets literally dark and to this day I still have places that are feeling numb”. “The biggest thing for me was to be positive. It is normal to ask why, but I believe that God knew the path I had to go and that I would also be healed”. “It does not help to become negative and go sit in a corner. Go on with your life as normal as possible. Not only did it keep my

head busy, but also helped me stay positive. Your body cannot heal while you are constantly negative”. “I believe that what brought me through it was my trust in God, God’s grace and the doctor as an instrument in God’s hands. This coupled with positivity and living a healthy lifestyle and the support of my family and friends”. It is now three years later and Alet’s cancer is in remission. She still gets tested regularly and encourages everyone to go for mammograms and Pap smears.

She is a keen supporter in aid of CANSA and has invited local people living with cancer to get in touch with her if they need someone to talk to. Alet can be reached on 072 503 1378. Monday, 15 October is National Cancer Awareness Day. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Wear a ribbon in support of patients living with these types of cancer (image below). On Friday 12 October it is National Bandana Day in aid of Leukemia patients.

Wear your bandana and show support 12 October is National Bandana Day - here is how to wear yours! Tina Botha, CEO of the Sunflower fund (see photograph top right) explains that it keeps getting harder in the current economic climate to keep the momentum in raising funds for their cause. She says: “Most of us at The Sunflower Fund have been personally affected by leukaemia in one way or another, many have lost loved ones”. Her son, Chris died of leukaemia. “That is why I am passionate about getting more donors - so that I can ensure that other parents do not go through what I went through” she explains. “If we can get more people to understand what we are doing and to help us, we can help save more lives. It’s as simple as that”. To help in this fight, buy a bandana and wear it in support of leukaemia patients on 12 October 2012. You can also call the Sunflower Fund’s toll free number on 0800 12 10 82 and find out more about becoming an actual donor. The Sunflower Fund bandanas are available at your nearest Pick n Pay and they are sold in various colours for R20 each. Below and on the left we show you some of the ways you can wear your bandana.


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Friday 12 October is National Bandana Day. On this day the Sunflower Foundation is encouraging people to buy a bandana in support of their effort to increase the number of registered bone marrow donors. This is needed to help people suffering from the cancer, leukaemia. For many their only option is a bone marrow transplant. Getting perfectly matched donors is however not an easy task. The Sunflower Fund recruit donors and raise money needed to pay for the blood tests (each test costs R2000).

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail:

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


12 OKTOBER 2012


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/ Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

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9. Te Huur/ To Let Three one bedroom bachelor flats to let in Burgersfort. In secure complex.Available 1 November 2012. Contact: 076 666 1100

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Kennisgewings/Notices NOTICE OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Application for authorization has beenPROCESS submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs, in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), as amended, and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2010 for the following project: Project Name: PROPOSED ESKOM OHRIGSTAD-LEMARA 132 kV LINE AND NEW SUBSTATION PROJECT Project Applicant: Eskom Distribution Northern Region Listed Activities for a Basic Assessment Process: GN R544 Activity 10; GN R544 Activity 11; GN R544 Activity 23; GN R546 Activity 3; GN R546 Activity 4. Project Description: The project entails the construction of the following: a new proposed 132 kV power line from the existing Ohrigstad Substation to the new Substation; a 132 kV power line from the new Substation to the existing Lemara Substation; a 22 kV dedicated line from the new Substation in the direction of the Blyderivierspoort dam. Project Locality: The project is on the farms Kleinfontein 450 KT, Longsight 307 KT (Cons to Longsight 610 KT), Jeddo 441 KT, Rietfontein 440 KT, Clermont 414 KT, Ardwick 406 KT, Klipfontein 407 KT, California 228 KT, Nooitgedacht 227 KT, Anlage 225 KT, Callais 226 KT, Dublin 218 KT, The Willows 197 KT, The Oaks 198 KT, The Elms 199 KT, Finale 200 KT, Portsmouth 273 KT (Cons to Portsmouth 286 KT) and Liverpool 202 KT in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality in the Limpopo Province. Alternative routes are considered for the lines. (Final property descriptions will be confirmed in the draft Basic Assessment Report that will be submitted to all interested parties) In order to register as an Interested and Affected Party, any queries, comments and/ or concerns should be submitted in writing together with your name, contact information and interest in the matter to the environmental consultant within 40 days from the date of this notice: Texture (Ria Pretorius); PO Box 36593, MENLOPARK, Pretoria, 0102; Tel 082 568 6344 & Fax 086 675 4026; E-mail Address:

Platinum Gazette Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00

12 OKTOBER 2012



Soccer against crime On Wednesday this week the Sekhukhune SAPS hosted a Crime Awareness campaign. As part of the day’s activities, four teams faced off on the soccer field. The friendly games took place in cloudy weather with drops falling at intervals. Read more about the campaign on page 2.

The event was well supported with some of those in attendance dancing to the rhythm of DJ’s music.

Wenakker se gholfdag ‘n groot sukses Wenakker in Lydenburg het op 29 September hul jaarlikse gholfdag gehou. Die baan was vol en die weer het ook heerlik saam gespeel. Wenakker bedank graag Sybrand De Fortier van Lydenburg Gholfklub vir sy hulp en ondersteuning om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak. Daar is ‘n goeie bedrag geld ingesamel en die fondse sal gebruik word om die finale instandhoudingswerk te doen aan die Wenakker hoofgebou in Kerkstraat. “Dit sou nie moontlik gewees het sonder die ondersteuning van al ons borge en donateur nie. Elkeen se bydrae, hoe groot of klein, word opreg waardeer. Daar is weer gesien dat ons gemeenskap se harte oop is vir die gestremdes van Lydenburg” sê Neeltjé Brits van Wenakker. Die dag se wenner was Koos Laas. (Inligting & foto’s: Neeltjé Brits). Koos Laas was die dag se wenner.

Regs: Die Samancor Eastern Chrome span.


12 OCTOBER 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Local mountain bikers took up the challenge Local mountain bike enthusiasts last weekend participated in the Mankele Challenge race. It was part of the Isuzu 3

Towers Weekend Stage Race and Challenge. This challenge stretches over three days and a ride of 50km each day. The event took place at Mankele Mountain Biking Trails near Nelspruit. The route is filled with single track paths snaking through plantation and

beautiful forest areas. During the challenge the mountain bikers climb from 900m above sea level to approximately 1500m above sea level. JB Willers (right on photograph on the left) from Burgersfort was one of the participants. He said that he and his riding partner completed all the days in a time under four hours. There were some

injuries when the terrain gets rough and the bike picks up speed, but he sees it as part of the fun. (Photographs: JB Willers)

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