Platinum Gazette 13 April 2018

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The High Court in Polokwane has sentenced eight men who were charged with cases ranging from murder, assault with intention to do grievous bodily harm (GBH), pointing of firearm, possession of unlawful firearms, unlawful possession of ammunition, malicious damage to property and public violence. These sentences follow after a taxi feud between the Ohrigstad Taxi Association and the Leolo Taxi Association during march 2017. During the feud one had been shot dead at Ohrigstad and several taxis were damaged. At the time nine men had been arrested and released on bail wile the investigation continued. The investigation team led by Warrant Officer Johannes Masuku ensured that eight of the accused were all found guilty of all charges leveled against them, while one accused was found not guilty. The eight guilty men were sentenced on Friday 2018-04-06 by acting Judge D Nair in the High Court in Polokwane as follows:

direct imprisonment without fine The above 3 sentences were ordered to run concurrently Public violence – 02 years imprisonment wholly suspended for 05 years Lucas Kgwedi (50) and Meshack Shai (45) years: Public violence – 02 years imprisonment wholly suspended for 05 years Hector Komane (34) Malicious damage to property – R10 000 fine or 03 years imprisonment (Accused opted to pay fine) Public violence – 02 years imprisonment wholly suspended for 05 years Godfrey Mphogo (47)

Stanley Ramaila (41) and Aubrey Mafane (34): Murder – 15 years direct imprisonment without fine Possession of unlawful firearm – 03 years direct imprisonment without fine Unlawful possession of ammunition – 02 years direct imprisonment without fine The above 3 sentences were ordered to run concurrently. Assault GBH – R20 000 fine or 12 months imprisonment Public violence – 02 years imprisonment wholly suspended for 05 years on condition that the accused are not convicted of public violence or any offence involving violence during the period of imprisonment. Nathaniel Matshaba (37) and Tumelo Makofane (35): Murder – 10 years direct imprisonment without fine Possession of unlawful firearm – 03 years direct imprisonment without fine Unlawful possession of ammunition – 02 years

Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

13 April 2018

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Pointing of firearm – R20 000 fine or 12 months imprisonment (Accused opted to pay fine) Public violence – 02 years imprisonment wholly suspended for 05 years All accused were declared unfit to possess firearms meaning the investigating officer is to immediately take possession of any licensed firearms that they have. Handing down this sentences in the Polokwane High Court, acting Judge Nair said this sentences should serve as a strong warning to the public in general that any person who is involved in public violence will be dealt with harshly by the law. The management of Ohrigstad SAPS welcomed these sentences and echoed the same sentiments and also thanked the hard working dedication displayed by the investigation team. (Information: Sgt Kholofelo Phokane SAPS Ohrigstad Corporate Communication)

0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031




13 APRIL 2018

Suspects of bus attack in court Four suspects appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrates Court last week Friday after the now notorious attack on a bus full of Modikwa Platinum mineworkers last week Monday near Driekop on the R37 road. Sipho Khumalo (28), Aubrey Remos Tjie (35), Thabo Mokgala (33) and Philimon Makwana (34). A fifth suspect, Kgaogelo Moime (29) appeared in Mecklenburg Magistrates Court last week Thursday. All five the suspects were due to appear in the Mecklenburg Magistrates Court, presumably for bail applications, on Thursday 12 April 2018. Until then they were remanded in custody. According to Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo, Police spokesperson, they are accused of murder, attempted murder and maliLast week the site of the attack was visited by the local and district mayors, the MEC for Safety and Security Makoma cious damage to property. Makhurupetje as well as high ranking police officers.

School Uniforms donated to learners Matshaile Secondary School in Kgautswane changed its uniforms this year. There were however some vulnerable and orphaned children left without new uniforms. Moribo Engineering and Construction came to the rescue and sponsored some uniforms for learners who perform well despite difficult family circumstances. California Mabuza and Dimpo Masuku (photo left) shows off the new school uniforms.

Cut down

Grass cutting is happening near Ohrigstad at the moment. It being a good thing to clear the road from overgrown grass, it unfortunately seems that many of the indigenous Fosteri aloes that are now in bloom are also being taken down.

Revelation 3:20 NIV Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

13 APRIL 2018



Leboeng Forum discusses local involvement in road project

The Leboeng Forum held a meeting on Wednesday to discuss their involvement in the village’s new road project. Construction of a new road has started from thge R36 to the derelict community hall in the village. According to the forum they will discuss the possible subcontracting of some work with the main contractor. Although work has started on the new road, not much were going on when the newspaper visited the site this week. A detour to travel on has already been coonstructed.

Almost ready for play It seems if developments at the Ohrigstad sports grounds is picking up lately after a long period of very slow progress at the project. The recent rains as well as regular irrigation has done the grass on the sports field a lot of good, while rugby poles were also erected.

After rains in the area, roads and streets took a beating and several potholes appeared as if overnight. Luckily the powers that be quickly did something and teams were seen in town filling holes a best as they could (top) and also creating some unintentional road rage situations (bottom) in the process.



13 APRIL 2018

Local veterinarian honoured Dr Florence Makgamatha, Veterinarian and owner of Tubatse Veterinary Consulting Room in Burgersfort was honoured with the 1st runner-up award in the 2017 Regional Business Achiever Awards - Professional Enterpreneur Category of the Limpopo Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa (BWASA). The winners of the regnional events eventually compete against their peers on national level. The regional event was held in August last year. Dr Florence Makgamatha and her animal practice were nominated into the Professional Enterpreneur Category of the Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa for their professionalism, hardworking character, friendliness and for being the first African female veterinarian to open a veterinary practice in Burgersfort. She competed against general practitioners, dentists, nurses, social workers, lawyers and other professionals in her category. There were 5 categories including Established Enterpreneur, Emerging Enterpreneur, Corpo-

rate, Professional and Social category. The Competition was tough and the finalists were not only judged by their Portfolio of community work ranging outside their normal duties but also by their private practices’ financials and by being interviewed in different rounds of the competition. Dr Florence managed to make it to top 3 finalists in her category. The awards evening was attended by high profile guests and Dr Florence’s award was handed to her by Mmabogoshi Bella Msiza who is the chairperson of the BWASA in Limpopo. Dr Malehotlo Florence Makgamatha (39), is also the Director of Matlokoma Holdings (PTY) Ltd, trading as Tubatse Veterinary Consulting Room, and is a mother of 2 boys. She loves and is compassionate to animals and have a passion for veterinary work. She is currently working for the Limpopo Department of Agriculture as a State Veterinarian during week days, She runs an after-hour Veterinary Consulting room which operates from 5 -7 pm during the week and from

8am – 3pm Saturdays and holidays. She is a highly motivated, enthusiastic, inspirational person with self-esteem and self-confidence. She was born and bred in a small village, Ga-Mankgodi in the Aganang Municipality in Limpopo. She was exposed to animals at a very tender age as her family and the villagers owned different kinds of animals. That is where she developed a love for animals. She schooled and matriculated at the age of 18 from a local government school with the dream of becoming a Veterinarian. She was admitted at Medical University of Southern Africa (MEDUNSA) in 1996, where she enrolled in Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMCh). She then completed her degree in 2003 at University of Pretoria, Onderstepoort. She is a registered member of the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) and South African Veterinary Association (SAVA). She started working at Limpopo Department of Agriculture (LRARD) as a State Veterinarian in 2003 till to date, she heads the Veterinary section in Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipalities. Seven

years down the line she realised her passion and dreams were not completely fulfilled because at the state she works mainly with livestock and pets are not catered for. She opened her Consulting room in May 2010. Veterinary services was a male dominated and white dominated career and as such she had to work hard to prove to some clients and farmers that she, as a black female can really do the job. She has seen her practice grow from just a small consulting room into a vet shop as well. Dr Florence also does motivational talks and career guidance at schools, mentoring high school pupils with career choices and tertiary students doing Veterinary Science, Animal Science and Animal Health Diplomas. She also assist with bursaries, experiential learnings and internships. She supports St Giles during their fund raising and also does charity work assisting with the SPCA cases and programs.Dr Florence Makgamatha is a Christian and believe that the Lord has plans for each of us. She is thankful for the recognition that came with this award and says she has learned that hard work really pays off and that whatever you are doing out there people are noticing and observing.

Dr Florence Makgamatha with her award at the awards function.

In memoriam ‘n Bekende oud-inwoner van Burgersfort, Kay Bakker Roets is op 9 April oorlede na ‘n stryd met kanker. Die familie nooi almal uit om haar lewe saam met hulle te kom vier by Salt & Pepper by die ou swembad in Lydenburg op Dinsdag, 17 April om 18:00. Vir meer inligting skakel Hanli by 083 231 9246.

13 APRIL 2018



How are you coping with 15% VAT? South Africa saw its first increase in VAT in 25 years at the beginning of April. VAT was increased from 14% to 15%. Then Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba in his budget speech said that it will add an estimated R22,9 thousand million to the fiscus. South Africa’s VAT is seen as still being low compared to other countries in the world. Gigaba said that the poorest of the poor will not feel it so much. According to him the current zero-rating of basic food items such as maize meal, brown bread, dried beans and rice will limit the impact on the poorest households. “In addition vulnerable households will also be compensated through an above average increase in social grants.” Fears had however been that especially the lower to middle income South Africans will feel the brunt of the increased VAT. It has now been almost two weeks after the increase and Platinum Gazette asked readers how they are coping with the increase.

Ms Sophie Mashaba and Ms Sannie Chauke said: “It is very, very difficult. We suffer. We are domestic workers. Die geld is min. Ons werk dalk 3 dae ‘n week. We suffer. We can’t buy meat anymore. We now pay more VAT so we can only buy mealie meal and sauce. Transport is now also more expensive. They did not care about us when they increased this VAT. We have to buy water and electricity. Everything is money and we don’t have it”. With Sophie is Naledi.

Ms Millicent Lebelo and Ms Charmaine Lebelo said: “We are suffering. We cannot buy everything we need anymore”.

Mr Johannes Selahle said: “Eish, it is bad, bad, bad. It kills us. I am now having to cut back on things because items are too expensive”. With him is Katliso. Ms Happiness Komane and Ms Francina Maepa said: “We are suffering. It is bad. Everything is more expensive – petrol, taxi fees, airtime – everything. It is worse than we expected. It is 1% on everything and it adds up”.

Mr Phillip Mphogo and Mr Peter Maebela said: “We saw that the price of airtime went up with this VAT as well. We are suffering with this VAT. Petrol is too expensive. Filling up a tank of petrol was R500, but yesterday it was R580! Jacob Zuma used Malusi Gigaba to get this VAT increase because he thought he’ll pay his debts with the money while he was still president. Even if we had a salary increase it would not have made a difference at all”.

Mr Noah Mohlala said: “We are not coping. It is too bad. It is killing us”.

Mr Moses Paile and Mr Lazy Letageng both commented. Lazy said: “1% is not so much for those working but for those like us who are unemployed, we suffer”. Moses said: “We as the working class did not get an increase in our salaries. They should have increased our salaries first and the VAT. This is not good”.

Mr Michael Tshehla and Mr Kabelo Thobejane said: “Most of us have not felt it yet. In the long term it will be difficult. Three to six months down people will feel the impact. Just a few basic things will make a difference. There has not been any salary increases before this either. We don’t know where to cry. Groceries cost too much. We will no longer go for quality, we will have to buy from the Somalians”.

Ms Florence Munyira said: “I’ve felt it. Salaries are the same, but everything is more expensive. The burden is heavy. We now have to cut back on luxuries. We have no choice, we have to eat”.

Mr Klippies Tladie and Mr Willy Matjie said: “It is not that bad. It is for everyone. It is not targeting just some people. Everyone pays VAT. We’ve not really felt the impact yet”. Left: Mr Petrus Kgoete said: “I’m suffering. With my salary I cannot afford everything I need. Especially the petrol is bad now. We are struggling”.

Mr Timothy Mojalefa and Mr Phillimon Bhembe said: “We feel it. That 15% is very, very high. Things are too expensive. Everything went up, but the salaries did not increase”.


13 APRIL 2018

Platinum Gazette

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9. Te Huur/ To Rent HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom house available from R4500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R5500. Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113. TO LET BURGERSFORT 2 and 3 Bedroom houses to let. Warehouses and shops to let. 300 + 400 SQ. Contact Ina: 082 888 9672 TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse

Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/ To Rent 10. Te Koop/ For sale Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei 2018. Billike huur sluit water en elektrisiteit in. Elektrisiteit ingesluit tot op ‘n standaard hoeveelheid eenhede, verdere gebruik word saam met huur ingevorder. Skadunet afdak vir voertuig. Troeteldiere welkom (voorwaardes geld). Deposito word vereis. Huis toegerus met alarmstelsel wat huurder kan laat moniteer. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette- 013 231 7147

13 APRIL 2018



Local SAPS soccer teams perform well in league The SAPS Capricorn District soccer league matches for stream A and B are still on track. The resluts for stream A’s matches played on Wednesday 11 April was a draw between SAPS ORS soccer team and SAPS Mankweng/Sebayeng. SAPS Mankweng/Sebayeng soccer team was the hosts and play happened at Lethuli just outside Seshego. Const Raleweza scored for the ORS team and Const Nchabeleng scored for the Mankweng team.

In another match played in Mogwadi, SAPS Mogwadi/Maleboho/Senwabarwana managed to 3-2 against Saps 10111. Cleaner Seroba scored all three goals for the hosts. Security officer Marema and Const Thako scored for 10111. Results for stream B: Saps Tubatse Mecklenburg Ohrigstad 1 (goal scored by: Const Makgolane) vs Saps Dennilton/Marble Hall 3 (goals scored by Const Maruma, Sergt Molapo, Const Kekana)

SAPS Burgersfort/Sekhukhune/Leboeng 6 (goals scored by Secretary Nkadimeng x2, Sergt Maredi, Const Malepe, Const Skosana, Const Lekoloane, Const Lebyane) vs SAPS

Lebowakgomo/Masemola 2 (goals socored by W/O Mphahlele, Const Mello) (Photographs and Information: Sergeant Mvundlela)

Modikwa athletes compete all over Modikwa athlese has been competing in various races over the last few weekends. Sonia Mokuoa (bottom right) ran the Irene race in Pretoria. He found the last 8km of the race very tough, but still finished in a time of 4:10. Albert Tshosago (below) participated in the Mall of the North 21km race. He finished in

Provinsiale rolbalspelers Die provinsiale rolbalspanne is onlangs aangewys. Die junior span bestaan uit lede van verskillende dorpe tussen die ouderdomme van 12 en 20 jaar oud. Hulle het in Bloemfontein aan die nasionale kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Die A span het in die A groep gewen en op die laaste kop van die kwarteind ronde teen Grens Span verloor. Die B span het in die B groep Voor van links na regs: Keaton Erasmus (Bethal), Michael Semple 5 of 6de geëindig. (Secunda), Maurize Buckingham (Lydenburg) Marli Truter (LydenFinale uitslae is dat burg), Marco Jordaan (Lydenburg). Agter: Arno Jordaan (MiddelMpumalanga Junior burg), Bertie Erasmus (spanbestuurder), Dewald Ferreira (Waterval A span 5de en die B Boven), Juan Buckingham (Lydenburg) en Simone Joubert (Lyden- span 8ste geëindig burg). (Foto en inligting: Chrismari Erasmus). het.

a time of 1:41. Leboka Noto ran the 42,2km marathon and finished in a time of 2:58:47. He was 6th in the veteran race and also finished in the top 20. (Information and photographs: Willem Montgomery).


13 APRIL 2018 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Ratels geborg met nuwe drag en toerusting Die Ratels Rugby Klub het amptelik die rugby seisoen afgeskop. Verlede jaar het die Ratels opgeskuif in die liga en uiteindelik in die vierde plek geëindig. Tydens ‘n spesiale oorhandigingsfunksie verlede Woensdag is die borge van hul klere bedank vir die bydraes. Daar is broeke,

kouse, sakke, rugbytruie en hemde uitgedeel op die funksie wat by Die Plaashuis gehou is. Die borge het elk ‘n geraamde aandenking gekry van ‘n rugbytrui met hul besighede se logo op. Die kostes verbonde aan die klere vir die rugbyspelers is baie hoog. Hulle het nie net kouse, broeke en rugbytruie nodig vir wanneer hulle speel nie, maar daar is ook spesiale oefentruie en klere wat meer formeel is vir wanneer die span ‘n funksie moet bywoon of na ‘n ander dorp reis om daar te gaan speel. Die Ratels sien uit na die komende seisoen en het reeds hul eerste wedstryd teen Baberton gespeel verlede naweek. Dit was ‘n wegwedstryd en die span het ongelukkig verloor en baie beserings opgedoen. Hierdie naweek word daar teen die Rooikatte

van Lydenburg gespeel. Rugbyspelers wat sou belangstel om steeds lid van die Klub te word is welkom. Die span oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdagaan om 18:00 by Winterveld Klub se rugbyveld. Die Klub nooi die jong manne uit om saam te kom fiks word en die sport in die area te ondersteun. Enige iemand is welkom, al het hulle nie in die onlangse verlede rugby gespeel nie. Dit gaan uiteindelik oor die span en elkeen se bereidwilligheid om hard te oefen en daar te wees wanneer dit nodig is. Die pan is egter om so gou moontlik

Don’t miss the Chrome Open this weekend This weekend, on 14 April the Chrome Golf Open 2018 will take place at Tubatse Chrome Club. Tee-off will be from 07:00 and it will be a 36 hole medal competition. The entry fee is R350 per player and players need to enter online at Included will be morning tea/coffe and sandwiches as well as lunch between the rounds. The prize giving is scheduled for 18:00. Players can contact Martin van Rooyen (072 564 2811) on 13 April to confirm their tee-off time. Accommodation will also be available at Tubatse Club for players coming from far. To book this contact Tubatse Club on 013 236 5112.

die nuwe veld op Ohrigstad vir die speel van wedstryde te kan gebruik. Na al die formaliteite en oorhandigings gedoen was is daar lekker saam gekuier en geëet.

Die Ratels Rugby Klub is baie afhanklik van borge om die kostes van hul toerusting en die nodige klere vir spelers te dek. Die borge is verlede week erkenning gegee vir hul bydraes. (Foto’s en inligting: Ratels Rugby Klub).

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