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© Platinum Gazette
13 January 2012
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Back by next week ... These youngsters in their school uniforms seemed very happy when they waved at the photographer from the roundel of a playpump in Kutullo village towards the end of last year. Next week they will be back tho further their education together with thousands of other learners in Limpopo. And thousands of little ones will go to school for the first time. The government has warned that all children of school going age must go to school. If your children are not in school by next week when the school year starts, you will be committing a crime ...
899 Bostik Glue Stick Value Pack 25g + 8g
2 Promotion: Until 15 January 2012.
Croxley Exercise Book A4 72 Pages Assorted Each
Bic Cristal Colour Ball Point Pens 5’s + 3 Free
Scripto Styli Pens Assorted 5’s
649 Sasko Premium Sliced Brown Bread 700g
Scripto Twist Crayons 10’s
Nestlé Kit Kat 45g, Bar-One 55g, Tex 40g or Kit Kat Chunky 45g
Morone Centre, Burgersfort Tel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491 OK Minimark TTel: el: (013) 231 7227
Liqui-Fruit Assorted 6 x 250ml
13 JANUARY 2012
What did you drink this Christmas? The Tubatse Police is requesting the help of the public to trace the culprits who established an illegal liquor manufacturing plant in Ptraktiseer just before Christmas last year. According to the Police they Police closed down a place that deals in manufacturing a concoction, locally known as ‘Spion’ on 23 December. The Police received a tip-off about a certain place inside the bushes at Shushumela, Praktiseer, where there are people busy manufacturing ‘Spion’. Follow ups were done but unfortunately nobody was found at the place. All the requipment and illegal liquor were then destroyed by the Police. The Police warned again that it is an offence to manufacture or distribute liquor without licence or to manufacture or supply any impotable substance or add an impotable substance to liquor. In the pictures with the ‘Spion’ are Capt Ntoampe and Capt Ramolotja.
Calvin College matric learners excel Deadlines Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00. Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Four learners from Calvin College in Burgersfort achieved four distinctions each for the 2011 Matric Examinations. They are (top left) Magabane Evidence with distinctions in Afrikaans First Additional language, Life Orientation, Life Science and Physical Science; (bottom left) Mokwena Tebogo Rosah with distinctions in Mathematics, Life Orientation, Life Science and Physical Science; (top right) Noor Mahomed Safia with distinctions in Afrikaans First Additional Language, Mathematics, Computer Application Technology and Life Science; (bottom right) Rampedi Tshidi Letty with distinctions in Life Orientation, Accounting, Business Studies and Economy.
13 JANUARIE 2012
Nine A’s for Duan! Modikwa started safe Not so long ago, in 2006 to be exact, 13year old Duan Craffert switched from the headstream education system when his parents enrolled him at Joshua Generation, a local Christian school in Burgersfort and Steelpoort offering the American-based ACE system of education to learners. During his entire school career at Joshua Generation, Duan thoroughly made use of the excellent opportunities offered by that school, in addition to the school’s Christian character and the spiritual aspect of education at the institution.
Being quite bright in the game of chess, Duan won the National Championship and was therefore invited to represent South Africa in the 2007 International Championship which was held in Greece. Every year, the teenagers of the ACE schools in Africa are invited to attend the All Africa Student Convention which therefore assembles about 2,000 students. Here, learners can participate in their field of expertise- whether it be in sport, music, art, or platform events. Duan immediately fell in love with the platform- preaching and recitations to be more exact. Due to his insatiable love for the podium, Duan excelled and received either first or second prize in the years 2007 to 2010, every year. He was therefore nominated to preach and recite expositions in the Unites States. He attended the International Student Convention, which was held at the University of Central Missouri, USA which proved to be a life-changing experience. Duan matriculated in 2011 with honours. He achieved seven distinctions in his major subjects and an additional two in his electives adding up to 9 A’s. He has been accepted to study law at the University of North-West in Potchefstroom. Today, Duan looks back at Joshua Generation in consideration and is reminded of how he has grown physically, emotionally, intellectually, and, above all, spiritually!
Obesity, a health problem
Defining overweight People often think that being overweight is an appearance issue, but it is truly a medical problem as it can seriously affect someone’s health. Being overweight or obese can affect from your hear to your joints, breathing, mood, sleep and energy levels. In essence people become overweight when they eat more calories than they burn off. The additional calories is stored as fat that builds up in the body. Who becomes overweight? Today more people than ever before are overweight. It can affect young and old. One third of children between 2 and 19 is overweight. Why does obesity happens? It tends to run in families. Some families may have a larger tendency to gain weight. Your genes however is not the only influence in weight issues. Unhealthy food choices, high calorie snacks and foods with a lower nutritional value, bigger portions of food as well as the lack of a healthy exercise routine all contribute towards obesity. Obesity occurs when people eat more than they need. Measuring overweight Doctors measure a person’s body mass index (BMI). If you measure above 95% of what is considered to be a healthy weight for your length and age, you are classified as obese. If you measure above 85%, you will be classified as overweight. Health problems due to overweight Blount disease - excess weight in teenagers and children can lead to a bone deformity in the lower legs. Arthritis - due to the excess weight your joints have to carry. Asthma - obesity can make it difficult for children to play sports and keep up with their friends. Sleep apnea - this condition affects your sleeping pattern and can cause people to feel tired and can affect their ability to concentrate. It can also lead to heart problems. High blood pressure. Hight cholesterol that can increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Gallstones. Type 2 Diabetes. Depression. After the festive season where over indulgence was common, it may be good to start the year with a healthy eating and exercise plan. As your pharmacist or doctor about specific products if you would like to use supplements to strengthen your weight-loss effort this year.
ModikwaPlatinum Mine Heads Of Departments / Management welcomed employees and contractors with a safety campaign held on Tuesday 10 January 2012. This campaign showed that Modikwa’s commitment towards safety has just taken another step forward and strives towards nine million fatality free shifts. The mine comes a long way in safety and has been seen as a trend setter within the platinum industry and the African continent as a whole. The Mine’s Zero harm, No repeats and Simple Standards principle has paved a way to the reduction of Lost Time Injury frequencies and has improved safety standards. During this campaign HOD’s encouraged Mine employees and contractors to join hands in mining safely and ensuring that their workplaces are safe. HOD’s further conducted K53 tests on all vehicles that were entering Modikwa’s main gate to ensure personal safety. Road fitness and Mine Permit Stickers were among the items checked on the vehicles.
The message is clear ‘Start safe to end safe’ To advertise in Platinum Gazette call Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676.
Call 083 271 9151 with all your news and events.
Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) is spending R45 million to construct the bridge which will link Penge to Mankele village. After many years without access to basic services such as school, clinics and shopping, Mankele residents will soon be having access to these services. The first tar is already on the road that wil link Mankele to Penge and workers has already started with work at the bridge itself after the Festive Season. For years residents ere dependend on several Sewayawaya (make-shift cable cars) to cross the river in order to access services when the Olifants was in flood (photograph left pictures a sewayawaya with a new bridge pillar in the baeckground). At the moment the river is still low enough for ordinary bakkies to cross (bottom). The construction of the bridge comes after the Premier of Limpopo, Cassel Mathale made a commitment a few months ago that the bridge and a proper road will be constructed as a matter of urgency.
Bridge for Mankele
13 JANUARY 2012
They did not rest From 16 December 2012 to 02 January 2012 Tubatse Police arrested the total number for 114 people during Festive Season operations. The Police managed to arrest 70 people on Police initiated cases such as drunken driving, illegal gambling (playing of dice), contravention of the Liquor Act, Contravention of the Road Traffic Act, possession of dagga and possession of suspected stolen property. The Police were also joined by the Traffic Police during roadblocks whereby the Traffic Officers assisted them with arrests for drunken driving cases. The Police also managed to arrest 44 people on cases such as assault, armed robbery, stock theft, rape, violation of protection orders, malicious damage to property, attempted murder, general theft and theft out of motor vehicles.
Suspect dies in shooting A suspect in a robbery case, Peter Setetenene Malatjie (25) of Ga-Sekororo, was shot and killed in a shooting incident after he allegedly wounded a Policeman, Constable Boshego of Burgersfort, in the leg. The shooting took place on 1 January this year. Constable Boshego was busy invetigating a robbery case when he was shot in his left leg. According to an eye witnesses he returned fire and the suspect was killed. A case of murder is investigated.
13 JANUARIE 2012
Liewe Kersvader... OK Grocer in Burgersfort het gedurende Desember ‘n posbus vir Kersvader gehad. Kleingoed kon hul briewe daar pos. Die drie briewe op hierdie bladsy was die mooiste briefies met die meeste moeite wat gedoen is. Dié kleingoed het elk ‘n R100 geskenkbewys van OK Grocer ontvang. Die wenners was: CJ de Lange (6 jaar) - briefie links. Sarel Botha (8 jaar) - briefie regs en Ina Botha (7 jaar) - briefie hier onder. Dié posbus vir Kersvader sal elke jaar by OK Grocer wees en kleingoed kan solank aan hierdie jaar se briewe begin werk!
Tubatse Mall progressing well The Tubatse Mall situated within the Spekboom Estate is progressing well. The photographs left and below were taken in middle December when the contractors were on leave. Construction will continue this month. The trees on the left were saved and are already in place to grace circles in the parking area of the Mall. The Mall will host a variety of shops including a Pick n Pay, Edgars and Checkers. The mall will be L-shaped and have loads of parking for shoppers’ convenience.
Wildevy Manne sluit af en kies nuwe bestuur Tydens die Wildevy Manne se jaarafsluiting verlede jaar is daar ook ‘n nuwe bestuur verkies. Willem Montgomery wat voorheen as Voorsitter diens gedoen het sal vir die jaar wat kom ‘n ere-voorsitterskap hê terwyl hy die nuwe bestuur wat uit Jean le Roux (voorsitter), Piet Pretorius (ondervoorsitter), Embrich Cilliers (tesourier) en Hannes Venter (sekretaris) (sien foto links bo) bestaan, sal bystaan.
Links: Willem Montgomery, Jean le Roux en Piet Pretorius. Jean neem by Willem oor as die voorsitter van die Wildevy Manne.
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13 JANUARY 2012
2012: How do you feel 2012 Kicked-off at full speed and soon the festive feeling will be forgotton. Schools will re-open in Limpopo next week and most holiday makers are back at work. For many this may be a year they look forward to and for others it may be seem like a difficult path ahead. We asked readers if they are positive or negative about the year ahead. We also asked about their personal goals for 2012.
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” - Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Me. Charmaine Pieterse sê: “Die jaar gaan natuurlik goed wees. Ek hoop vir goeie gesondheid, werk, ‘n dak oor my kop en my man en vier kinders (Hilda, Erika, Flippie en Carika) by my. Mag ek ook die Lotto wen”.
Mr Aubrey Madejaja said: “2012 must be a good year. I’m still a student and this year I want to pass grade 10. Last year I failed. Now I want to work hard”.
Mr Doctor Masinga said: “It’s going to be a good year. I want to try everything. People must plough to harvest. I will try get through with what God gives me”.
Mr Bernard Ndlovu and Ms Precious Malepe said: “We dream big this year. We want to achieve many things. We want to get married - that will be a priority for this year. We feel good about 2012. Aim high to get where you want to be”.
Me. Cindy Topham sê: “Dit gaan ‘n goeie jaar wees. Ek sal graag wil sien dat almal meer respek vir mekaar kry”. By haar is Storm.
Mr Daniël Madejaja said: “I am positive 2012 will be a good year. This year I want to get work at a mine”.
Mr Patson Sigida and Mr Katishi Magabe said: “It’s going to be a tough year. We started it a bit rough. 2011 was good. Most people are now bankrupt and when the middle of the year comes all the money that was spend must be paid back. It will be tough”. Sigida said: “I want another job this year. Something permanent and solid. At the moment I am working at a project, the Medupi Power Station and that can end at any time. I want something permanent so that I know my family will be taken care of”. Magabe said: “I would like to buy a nice car this year. A Toyota Fortuner - that is my dream car. It is a family car”.
Mr Moosa Ndlovu and Mr Tumelo Mashile said: “It will be a good year. It will bring some changes”. Mr Ndlovu said: “I am expecting nothing specific, I will take it as it comes”. Mr Mashile said: “I want to buy a car and get married this year”.
13 JANUARIE 2012
about the year ahead?
Ms Eunice Nchabeleng said: “2012 is going to be the best year. It is a leap year and I think odd numbers will have good luck this year. We must praise God and pray this year. I want to upgrade my studies during 2012”.
Mnr. Ferdi van Vuuren sê: “2012 gaan ‘n groot sukses wees. Ek wil hierdie jaar qualify as ‘n boilermaker. Nog so 8 maande, dan is ek klaar”.
Me. Mandie van Eden en me. Maryna Roodt sê: “Ons hoop die jaar word beter as wat dit begin het. Die jaar het afgeskop met ‘n inbraak. Ons wil graag verder studeer in Accounting en Somatologie”.
Ms Margaret Hlongwana and Ms Jennifer Ogwu said: “It’s will be a good year this year. We wish for good health and we want to lose weight”. Ms Hlongwana said: “I want to buy a car, a Focus Sport”. Ms Ogwu said: “I want to grow my business”.
Mr Caplet Rikhotso said: “I am positive. It will be a good year. I think there will be more investors coming to our area which will bring more development. I want to have a luxury house and a luxury car this year. I also want to help others achieve their goals”.
Mr Thabo Mongadi said: “It will be a good year. I want to get work at a mine as a dump truck driver. I don’t have a license to drive one at the moment, but that is not a problem. I’ve once helped a guy fix one of those trucks and he will teach me”.
Mr Sipho Mokwoena, Mr Jacob Monaso and Mr Thabo Mafolo said: “It is going to be a good year. We’ll be having fun in Burgersfort. We would like to travel this year. Maybe to Cape Town and Durban. We just want to see the ocean”. Left: Mr Happy Ndlozi said: “It wil be a very good year. It will be a good financial year. Especially regarding development in Burgersfort and job creation in the area. I am positive about 2012. This year I want to get married. This year that is my goal”. With him is Mr Bennett Nkadimeng.
Regs: Me. Charmaine Maree sê: “Dit gaan ‘n goeie jaar wees. Ek sal graag nog meer geluk in die lewe wil hê en dalk ook nuwe uitdagings”.
Mnr Fanie Matshipa sê: “Dit gaan ‘n goeie jaar wees. Ek wil dié jaar die Comrades wen. Ek wil die Longtom Marathon ook wen en aan die Two Oceans Marathon deelneem om te oefen”.
13 JANUARY 2012
Supply Chain Management Unit
Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 54(2) (c) (i) of Government Notice R. 543 of 2010 promulgated in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998) as amended. The proposed development entails the construction of an access bridge at Mokobola village within the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Greater Sekhukhune District. The proposed activity will take place over seasonal River on the Farm Frankfort 260KT.
The project triggers Listed Activities No. 11 (iii) provided for in Government Notice R.544 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998). An application for environmental authorization has been lodged on the 29th November 2011 with the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) – Reference No. 12/1/9/1 – GS37.
Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are invited to present written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 40 days (i.e. on or before the 24th February 2012) of the publishing of this notice.
1. Electrification
Mr. L Motsene
of Moraba village 2. Electrification of Motshana village
Tel: 015 291 0908 Mr. L Motsene Tel: 015 291 0908
3. Electrification of Mokgotho village
Mr. T Chauke Tel: 0861 543 9252
4. Electrification of Maretlwaneng village
Mr. W Chipeta Tel: 011 391 5938
5. Electrification of Mankele village
Mr. W Chipeta Tel: 011 391 5938
6. Electrification of Mamogolo village 7. Electrification
Mr. W Chipeta Tel: 011 391 5938 Mr. T Chauke
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PRACTITIONERS Vhu Hone Hawe Trading Enterprise cc Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Mr. Lucas Moifo PO. Box 2414 Tel: 015 298 9066 POLOKWANE Fax: 086 604 0476 0700 E-mail:
NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 54(2) (c) (i) of Government Notice R. 543 of 2010 promulgated in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998) as amended. The proposed development entails the construction of an access bridge at Marapong village within the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Greater Sekhukhune District. The proposed activity will take place over seasonal River on the Farm Hackney 116KT. The project triggers Listed Activities No. 11 (iii) provided for in Government Notice R.544 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998). An application for environmental authorization has been lodged on the 29th November 2011 with the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) – Reference No. 12/1/9/1 –GS38. Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are invited to present written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 40 days (i.e. on or before the 24th February 2012) of the publishing of this notice.
of Lefahla village
Tel: 0861 543 9252
· Compulsory Briefing Session: Greater Tubatse Old Municipal Council Chamber, Burgersfort on the 20 January 2012, Monday, at 09H00 · Each Tender Document is sold at R500.00 non-refundale EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000, responsiveness to the bid document(s), and on a 90/10 points system, of which the 90 points will be for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEE Certificate. CLOSING DATE AND OTHER CONDITIONS FOR THE BID
1. This bid is restricted to contractors registered with Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500.00 from Friday the 20 January 2012 at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania street, Burgersfort, from 08H30 to 15H00 during week-days.
Vhu Hone Hawe Trading Enterprise cc Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Mr. Lucas Moifo PO. Box 2414 Tel: 015 298 9066 POLOKWANE Fax: 086 604 0476 0700 E-mail:
2. Bids will be closed and opened in public on the 02 February 2012 at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelop, appropriately marked the name of the bid tendering-for and deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is available 24/7 days a week at the reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality as detailed on 1 above. No faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or late bids will be accepted. 3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and/or collectively to execute the above contracts, and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder.
Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop
4. In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document will be submitting non-responsive bids. 90 working days after the bid closing date is our validity period.
(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041
Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic Water & Sanitation Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) Electricity (Eskom)
(013) 2147265 (013) 615 0204 (013) 2317843 082 900 4449 0800 330 022 0860 037 566
5. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the scope of work to a locally-SMME-based service provider registered on the municipal database, only where applicable. 6. All bidding enquiries should be directed, during working hours from 07H30 to 16H00, to O N MOSOMA at 013 231 1000 / 1231 or Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:
H.L Phala Municipal Manager
STEP Starting a business or BY is one of want to grow STEP Advertising the steps to success! your existing To find out more about advertising in business? Platinum Gazette call 083 543 1676.
13 JANUARIE 2012
Betrekkings/Vacancies To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, e-mail or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.
Forecourt Attendant needed - Burgersfort Requirements: Matric; Bilingual in Afrikaans and English Fax or e-mail CV to: or fax: 086 710 2748. Closing date: 31 January 2012
Platinum Gazette Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151 or 013 231 7147.
SHEQ ADMIN CLERK Role Purpose: To perform administrative functions of the SHEQ section at the Mine within the frame work of the company Management System and legal Requirements. Responsibilities: The incumbent will be preparing documentation according to the company system format from raw drafts. Will include revisions requests into documents. Maintain system documentation integrity according to the ISO document control system. Conduct hard Copy Filing and E-Filing. Maintaining of Administrative records. Update SHEQ Database. Follow up on outstanding Incident/Assessments/Appointment. Arranging functions, accommodation etc.
Kantoordame in Burgersfort gesoek: Vereistes: * Pastel ondervinding +/- 3 jaar * Exel en Word geletterd * Moet met kliënte kan werk * Rekonsiliasies * Tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels Ander: * Werksdae: Maandae - Vrydae * Salaris onderhandelbaar Faks of e-pos CV na: of faks: 086 710 2748. Sluitingsdatum: 31 Januarie 2012
Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Burgersfort Toyota * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters * Mecklenburg SAPS * Tubatse Village * Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court * Penge * Factory Shop * Dwarsrivier Mine
SAFETY OFFICER - UNDERGROUND Role Purpose: Execution of the Safety Function for the Underground activities to ensure the provision and maintenance of an environment that is safe and without risk to health and safety of employees. Key Performance areas: The incumbent will assist with the development of safety initiatives for underground activities. Risk Assessments, Aspects & Impacts Assessment. Root cause Analysis, Incident Investigation & Reporting. Conduct inspections and Audits. Record and register findings. Assist with the drafting of standards and work instructions. Adhere to the Clauses and Regulations of the Mines Health and Safety Act. Improving the level of SHE Training in the company. Ensuring effective Emergency Response component for the facility, with due consideration of the level of risk involved. Participate in the Company’s Health, Safety and Environmental Management program. Conduct meetings. Requirements: In order to apply the incumbent must have a grade 12 Certificate. Blasting certificate or MQA Level 3 qualification in “Rcok Breaking Operations” (At least 5 years underground mining experience). Safety Officer’s certificate 1 & 2. Samtrac or equivalent (SHEQMAN). Hazard Identification and report writing. Safety Management certificate. Competent “A” & “B” certificates. Computer literate in Word, Excel and Power Point. Knowledge of the applicable Mines Health and Safety Acts and regulations for mining operations. At least 5 years experience as an underground mine Safety Officer. Ideal: Recognised Fire Prevention Course. Experience in U/G chrome or platinum mines. National Diploma in Safety Management with 5 years appropriate U/G experience. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application (stating which position you are applying for) to the HR Office, at fax: 013-230 7793 for attention Ntoshang Hammar Tshego or e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
Requirements: In order to apply, you will need Grade 12 or an equivalent Certificate. Office administration at NQF Level 4. At least 3 years MS Office experience. Knowledge of the Mines Health and Safety Act. To be able to work with people from diverse backgrounds. Must be fluent in English and posses good communication skills. Must be able to work under high pressure circumstances.
INTERNAL AUDITOR Role Purpose: To perform assurance and consulting assignments in a dynamic, mining and manufacturing environment. Maintenance and continuous improvement of quality assurance. Diligent execution of duties in accordance with the IIA standards, in house methodology and other requirements. Key Performance areas: The incumbent will have knowledge of risk assessment systems. The ability to execute an audit assignment from start to finish with minimal supervision in line with applicable methodology; both individually and in a team environment. Prepare reports and facilitate discussions with relevant individuals. Have the ability to create and maintain effective working relations with the client. Strong interpersonal, communication and coordination skills. Time management, multitasking and the ability to work under pressure. Requirements: In order to apply, you will need BCom Accounting/ Auditing (Internal auditing as a measure or equivalent). Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)/parts thereof. Post graduate degree (honours) advantageous). Knowledge of the IIA standards, internal audit methodologies and King III Code of Corporate Governance. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application (stating which position you are applying for) to the HR Office, at fax: 013-230 7793 for attention Ntoshang Hammar Tshego or e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
10 10
24JOctober ANUARIE 2008 2012 13
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale
2. Betrekking/ Vacancy
10. Te Koop/ For Sale
HVAC & R Technicians Required To Work In And Around Burgersfort. Requirements NQF Level 1 or Equivalent. Fax CV to 086 750 2657
Beds from R1000, Bedroom Suites from R1000, Home Theatre Speakers (small) from R150, 54cm TV from R450, Filing cupboard from R600, Office Chairs from R300. Much more in store! New and secondhand furniture. Visit Furniture Traders Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
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Wetlike kennisgewings/ Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publication hereof. Estate No: 7991/2011 Master’s Office: POLOKWANE Surname: Moime First names: Leporo Frans Date of birth: 1948-11-26 Identity No: 4811265326088 Last address: Kgautswane Village, Praktiseer District, Limpopo Province Date of death: 19 August 2011 The deceased was married in community
of property/subject to the accrual system. First names and surname of surviving spouse: Kgapele Merriam Moime. Date of birth: 1947-08-17. Identity No: 4708170434082 Address of Executor or authorised agent: JEFF MATHABATHA INC ATTORNEYS NOTARIES AND CONVEYANCERS. Advertiser and address: JEFF MATHABATHA INC. P.O. BOX 2199, OFFICE NO 5, MEDINA CENTRE, BURGERSFORT, 1150. FAX: 086 719 3091. EMAIL: CELL: 082 457 3505 REF NO: K.N.S.B.1812 Date: 13 January 2012. Tel: 013 231 7933
Vacancy: Mining Security Officers Grade D Security Officers Grade D required for the Steelpoort, Driekop and Mototolo Areas. Wage paid Area 3 plus R175-00 performance and attendance bonus plus additional company benefits such as R200 000 mining security death cover over and above Provident Fund coverage. Please provide CV’s to the Thorburn Steelpoort office in Rodium Street or email to or fax to 086 756 1245
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Betrekkings/ Vacancies
SAFETY OFFICER Role Purpose: Control and management of Safety Function in assisting and managing contractors in a Mine/Smelter environment. Assist with the development of the safety program in the areas of responsibility. Responsible for the implementation and maintenance of a safety management program according to the company system. Facilitate the emergency response programs, risk management programs and incident/accident investigation programs. Responsibilities: The incumbent will be drafting or assist with drafting of safety plans for small or medium enterprises. Verify compliance to programs and company processes and procedures. Facilitate Risk Assessments and Aspects & Impacts Assessent. Facilitate Root cause analysis, Incident investigation and reporting. Conduct inspections and audits. Record and register findings. Adhere to the Clauses and Regulations of the Mines Health and Safety Act. Improving the level of SHE Training at the company. Ensuring an effective Emergency Response component for the facility, with due consideration of the level of risk involved. Participate in the Company’s Health, Safety and Environmental Management Program. Conduct meetings. Requirements: In order to apply, a Grade 12/Matric certificate is required. Formal Safety Qualification such as SAMTRAC with 5 years experience in assisting and managing contractors in a construction and fabricating environment. Computer literate (MS Word and MS Excel). Medical Certificate of Fitness and a valid Code EB (08) driver’s license are essential requirements. Proven knowledge and experience in Health and Safety Risks in a Mining environment. Proven knowledge of the MHSA and or OHS Act. Ideal: Recognised trade test certificate (mechanical or electrical). Recognised Fire Prevention Course. OSHAS 18000 experience. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application (stating which position you are applying for) to the HR Office, at fax: 013-230 7793 for attention Ntoshang Hammar Tshego or e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
13 JANUARIE 2012
Top teams determined
The Smokey Hills Platinum Mine Top 16 Soccer Tournament ended on 18 December 2011. The finals were full of excitement as the champions took to the
Local residents, players, other teams, various stakeholders and management of Smokey Hills Platinum Mine attended the final of the Top 16 Soccer Tournament.
Maatlopo United FC ready for 2012! Maatlopo United will play their first away game for the year on 14 January 2012. They will face Makgalanoto Young Chiefs at Ga-Phasha Selatole. The game will start at 15:00. “We want to start where we left off last year after finishing on a high note by beating Sekhukhune Arsenal 3-1,” said Mr Jimmy Makola, the Maatlopo United FC spokesman. The team is currently number 3 on the log of the SAFA SAB Regional league. Tubatse United FC is still number one on the log. “Our dream of playing in the Vodacom league is still alive, both on and off the field,” Makola said. He urged all sports loving people to support them during their effort in 2012. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226 or Sydney Mokoka, 072 869 4418. (Compiled and submitted by: J. Makola).
Het jy vir Scampy gesien? Scampy, ‘n Yorkshire Terriër het verlore geraak oor die Kerstyd vanaf sy huis in Buffelstraat, Elephantshill, Burgersfort. Sy eienaars se harte is stukkend en mis hom baie omdat hy soos ‘n kind in hul huis was. Daar is ‘n beloning vir die persoon wat kan help om hom op te spoor, of vir inligting wat kan help om hom op te spoor.Kontakbesonderhede: Belinda: 082 782 0867 of Leon: 082 773 9597.
field. Get all the results and more photographs on page 12 of this week’s newspaper. (Photographs supplied by Smokey Hills Platinum Mine).
13 JANUARY 2012
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Sehlaku All Four One the winners They beat Mamphahlane - Nigeria 4-0 to become the champions “The Smokey Hills Platinum Mine Top 16 Soccer Tournament (Phokathaba Platinum (Pty) Ltd ) was excellent with all the games finishing without any conflicts or disagreements which made us proud especially in a community perceived to have negative attitude towards mines” said Mr Joseph Mohlala, the Smokey Hills Platinum Mine HR Manager. The prizes were handed out on 18 December 2011 at 18:30 during a short ceremony at Digabane Soccer field. The final scores were: Sehlaku All Four One were the champions and walked away with R4000, the Phokathaba Floating Trophy, a set of soccer kit for the players and 15 gold medals for the players as well as a football. Mamphahlane - Nigeria was second. They received R2000 prize money, a set of soccer kit, 15 silver medals and a football. Sehlaku Black Stars beating Sehlaku Naughty Boys 5-4 for a third place. They won R1 500, a set of soccer kit for the players. 15 Bronze medals and a football. Sehlaku Naughty Boys received R500 prize money for their fourth place. The top goal scorer and the top player of the tournament was Lourence Kgwedi. He received R500 for each of the achievements. The mine also distributed Christmas gifts, sweets to children under the age of 10 years and younger on the last day of the tournament on Sunday 18 December 2012. (Photographs and information: Joseph Mohlala, Smokey Hills Platinum Mine).
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Final: Sehlaku All Four One: 4 Mamphahlane - Nigeria: 0 Losers final: Sehlaku Black Stars: 5 Sehlaku Naughty Boys: 4