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Š Platinum Gazette
13 July 2012
13 JULY 2012
D737 R555 Steelpoort/Lydenburg roadworks back on track The D737 road connecting the R555 road from Steelpoort with the R37 to Lydenburg was one of the major headaches for motorists in the area. Complaints about damage to tyres and vehicles were common. There were also major complaints about the regulating of traffic through the 6.6km roadworks. According to Mr Melt Neetling from Global Roads they’ve had various problems why the road has not been finished earlier. Global Roads is the contractor responsible for the physical work on the road. “We had serious
problems with bitumen (tar),” he told the newspaper yesterday. He added: “We’ve started working again this week and the first stabilisation of the road should start next week”. He asked motorists to adhere to the 40km/h speedlimit. Much of the damage to vehicles were caused by impatient drivers not adhering to the required speedlimit. They envisage that the road will be completed within a month to a month and a half.
Alverton road still under construction
The Alverton road’s construction came to a standstill last year and the largest part of 2012. The contractors are however back on site and work is continueing on this approximate 10km stretch of road towards Rietfontein, Kgautswane..
Tring, was a sound we had not heard in months. Yes, our office telephone was ringing. After we reported the line on 26 March 2012 we had intermittent communication with Telkom. They told us they would not repair the line. We reported on it in the newspaper and even had responses from the public in similar situations. Then in May we received a sms saying that a techician is attending to the problem and that it had been fixed. Alas, the line remained as dead as a duck. In the mean time we were fighting about paying our monthly bill while we had no use of the line, also this communication was full of hiccups. Platinum Gazette is however thankful to Telkom that the line had finally been repaired and restored this week.
Platinum Gazette contact details:
Road hogs blocking traffic
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Platinum Gazette Deadlines: Editorial: Wednesdays at 17:00 Advertisements: Tuesdays at 17:00
This motorist was photographed on last Saturday afternoon having a long conversation with someone in the middle of the road. They blocked traffic at the Morone/Eland street crossing causing a standstill. This is not the first time that problems at this fourway occurred. With the increased traffic at the new temporary taxi rank traffic rules are more often disobeyed than not - while the traffic officers who regularly stood near the crossing in the past has not been seen there since the rank’s erection.
13 JULIE 2012
Initiation in Limpopo going well On 15 June the season for the 2012 initiation schools officially started. Initiates started to enrol in 312 schools that were approved by the Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs in Limpopo. Although 314 permits were issued, two were later withdrawn due to the passing on of key individuals who were to conduct the two schools under the Mavambe Traditional Council. 23 applications were turned down because they did not meet certain requirements, as an example, applicants applying to conduct initiation schools in areas that did not belong to them and those who applied but are not recognized as Senior Traditional Leaders. The department says all the schools have been complying to the letter with all the standards set to ensure that initiates are well looked after and enjoy their stay until they return to their respective homes. The intake of initiates in Limpopo are 15 926. As per district the numbers are as follows: Capricorn has enrolled 2 683 initiates; Mopani has 1 106 initiates; Sekhukhune has registered the highest number of initiates at 6 841 from its 96 initiation schools; and Vhembe has registered 3 114 with Waterberg registering 2 182 initiates. In 2011 there were 11 307 initiates with two death cases. Also in 2011, two illegal schools were closed down. This year the department has solicited the Police to make sure initiation schools keep to the law. Right at the beginning of the season, a case of an illegal initiation school was reported at Modjadji in the Mopani District. The school was immediately closed down and arrangements were promptly made with the Senior Traditional Leader of the area to have initiates relocated to one of his nearest schools. Another similar incident happened in Sekhukhune District at an area called Madihlaba and initiates were taken to the nearest legal school. By late last week other reports of six illegal initiation schools were received from Sekhukhune District at the Ndebele Traditional Council. The department says the fact that these schools are called illegal means the law has been broken and no effort will be spared in ensuring that such people incur the wrath of the law. The department called on parents to verify from their respective Senior Traditional Leaders about the legality or illegality of a particular school before the enrol their children. According to the department false reports of abductions linked to initiation schools, one in Mopani District, was received. The Police investigated and found the report to be baseless. In Capricorn, two cases of abduction were reported. The first case involved a 16-yearold boy, who it was determined, went to the school on his own will and he was not abducted. Hhe was not yet admitted and was then returned to his parents. The second case is being investigated and parents were advised to report the case to the Police. Sekhukhune registered two cases of abduction. One involved a taxi driver who was allegedly taken by his colleagues and this is in the hands of the Police. The case of Thulani Magoro of Elandskraal village was also reported and a departmental team was dispatched to the area to establish the truth of the report. Investigations revealed that the boy went to the school with his cousin and the father has since agreed to let his son complete the initiation. It was reported that the boy is 17 years old but after speaking to his parents that he is in fact 19 years old. The department did not receive any reports of deaths so far. However, some ritual complications cases were reported wherein eight initiates were hospitalised. Two have been discharged with the rest reported to be in stable condition.
Building of more than 200 houses and other amenities in Praktiseer near the Ga-Matodi cross, is progressing fast. Villagers of Segorong , next to the Annesley andalusite mine (right) are relocated to these houses.
Full steam ahead for Segorong relocation The relocation of the Segorong community by Rhino Minerals to make way for mining operations is in full swing Rhino Minerals, a subsidiary of French company, Imerys SA, earlier this year said the ncompany would ensure the process happened “painlessly” and as soon as possible. “We understand and are fully aware of the impatience of the Segorong community who have been waiting for years for this relocation to take place” the company said at that time. Rhino Minerals wants to extend its mining operations for andalusite at the Annesley Mine between Burgersfort and Penge. Since the extension of the mining operations would affect Segorong residents, the company had held extensive consultations with affected parties before work atrted at the site in Praktiseer where houses are now built. The consultations included the tribal authority, the Segorong community, the neccessary government departments, the premier’s office in Limpopo and the local municipality. The company had set aside more than R80 million to be used to build houses, compensation for grazing and livestock and a cash settlement allowance for the relocated households. The package would also provide residents with improved schools, churches and businesses in an area with a gravel road, electricity, accessible water and a drainage system. The company would also pay annual rental fees and a once-off compensation for grazing. The company was also formalising two community trusts, one for the broader community and the other specifically for the Segorong. “These trusts will be used by the communities as vehicles for community benefits, including acquisition of mining shares in the mining company” the company said.
AMCU calls for Everest to be reopened The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) has called on Aquarius Platinum to reopen its Everest mine, which it placed on care and maintenance last month. AMCU president Joseph Mathunjwa said on Monday that Aquarius should treat the Mpumalanga mine the same as its Kroondal operation, where it took over as owner operator from contractor Murray & Roberts Cementation. “We invite Aquarius Platinum to urgently meet with all the stakeholders in order to come up with a strategy to save the mine,” Mathunjwa said at a media briefing in Johannesburg. Mathunjwa said that AMCU met with Aquarius management in June, where it proposed that the company should form a task team to deal with the challenges at the operation. “If the company had realised six months ago that it was facing difficulty, it could have established a future forum in terms of Section 52 of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act wherein all stakeholders could participate in [the search for] consensus,” Mathunjwa said. AMCU claimed to represent about 1 100 of Everest’s 1 600-strong workforce.
13 JULY 2012
Afrikaanse kunstenaars gaan groot by Wildevy 4x4 hierdie jaar Dewald Steyn (regs) kom uit ‘n musikale familie. Sy ma, Tersia en haar tweelingsuster Myra het as “Die Singende Tweeling” langspeel treffers saam met Sonja Heroldt en Lieb Bester opgeneem. Dewald se loopbaan het afgeskop in 2008 to hy Vonk Platemaatskappy genader het met ‘n ‘demo’ opname. Blou Bul ondersteuners sal Dewald ook herken as die kunstenaar wat “Blou Bloed in My Lyf” sing. Die enkelsnit album “Blou Bloed” is met behulpf van Gerhard Steyn se orkes en Dale Schnettler van Prime Circle opgeneem en uitgegee. Die album het groot blootstelling ontvang. Dewald het al die verhoog met van die land se voorste kunstenaars gedeel onder meer Snotkop, Juanita du Plessis, Gerhard Steyn, Nicholis Louw, DJ Ossewa, Kurt Darren, Day Dylan, Eden en vele meer. Kom luister na Dewald Steyn by die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag op 28 Julie 2012. Henri Alant (foto regs onder) is ‘n Pretorianer wat homself as ‘n regte boer beskryf. Hy sing reeds van kleintyd af - al was dit aanvanklik met ‘n hareborsel voor die spieël op die maat van Roxette. Henri is die oudste van vier kinders en sê dat wanneer jy hard werk om sukses te behaal jy dit meer waardeer. Daar om is hy dankbaar vir die pad wat sy loopbaan gevolg het. Sy eerste album Cupid doen baie goed, Aanpasbaarheid is een van die kenmerke van Henri se optredes. Hy kry dit reg om iets vir almal te sing - van lekker dansmusiek tot ballades. Hy sing van sy eie musiek sowel as ander kunstenaar se liedjies. Henri sal ook by die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag optree.
To advertise your products, service, business or property for sale, contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676. She will assist you with the placement of your advertisement. Advertising deadline: Tuesdays at 17:00.
Contact Platinum Gazette on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Or e-mail us at editorial@ platinum Fax: 086 554 9031 Editorial deadline: 17:00 on a Wednesday.
13 JULIE 2012
NetNA4 op die verhoog vir vermaak Afrikaanse kunstenaars gaan die botoon speel by die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag op 28 Julie 2012. NetNA4 is een van die groepe wat by die dag sal optree. Hulle bestaan uit twee lede: Almur Marais (lead vocals & kitaar) en Jaco Bouwer (back-up vocals en lead kitaar). Hulle sing bekende treffers soos Groen Trui, Muskus,
Johnny, sober, Hotel California, House of the Rising Sun, Bad moon rising en vele meer. Een van hulle eie liedjies wat Jaco geskryf het is tans gratis beskikbaar op Reverbnation. Die liedjie se naam is Hartbloei. Gaan na NetNa4 se Facebook bladsy en volg die skakel wat daar beskikbaar is.
Moet dit nie misloop nie! Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag vind op 28 Julie by PLM Boerdery plaas. Dit is ongeveer 10km buite Burgersfort op die Lydenburg pad. Dié dag is daarop gemik om fondse vir liefdadigheid in te samel en is reeds jare ‘n hoogtepunt op die sosiale kalender van die omgewing. Die inskrywings vir die 4x4 roete vir 120 voertuie is reeds vol, maar daar is nog plek in die moeilike roete waarvoor voertuie beslis ‘n laertrek ratfunksie en ewenaarslot moet hê. Daar sal ‘n biertuin, vermaak, stalletjies en hope kindervermaak
wees. Toeskouers sal tussen die verskillende punte van die 4x4 roete met ‘n wa en trekker vervoer word. Dit sal weereens ‘n gratis diens wees. Toegang vir die dag is R10 per persoon. Persone wat nog ‘n stalletjie wil hê sal moet wikkel want die tyd en plek raak min. Mnr. & Mej. Laeveld sal nie meer plaasvind nie, maar Opkomende Afrikaanse Kunstenaars sal vir meer as genoeg vermaak sorg. Vir meer inligting oor die dag besoek of kontak Chantelle Goodman by 013 231 7499.
Om in die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag se Biertuin te kuier of tussen die stalletjies deur te snuffel sal net nie dieselfde wees as daar nie musiek in die ore is nie. ‘n Verskeidenheid kunstenaars sal op 28 Julie optree. NetNA4 is een van hulle. Besoekers kan hulle solank regmaak vir ‘n heerlike musikale ervaring wat by die dag se pret en plesier sal inpas.
PUBLIC NOTICE Donate 67 minutes of your time for community work on the 18th July 2012 in honour of Nelson Mandela during Mandela day. Greater Tubatse Municipality invites the community to participate in the following activities scheduled as follows; Date
18 July 2012 18 July 2012 18 July 2012
Cleaning of Burgersfort Town Building of a house and distribution of food parcels Opening of a house and distribution of sanitary towels Distribution of food parcels
Burgersfort Ward 1 Phiring village Ward 23 Mafarafara village Ward 09 and 14 Ga-Phala Aged centre Dilokong and Mecklenburg Hospitals
09h00 09h00 11h00
18 July 2012 18 July 2012 Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:
Visit of Dilokong and Mecklenburg hospitals and cutting of cakes with patients
11h00 14h00
For more information contact the Communication Unit of Greater Tubatse Municipality on 013-231 1000. HL Phala Municipal Manager
13 JULIE 2012
Will you give 67 muinutes of your On Wednesday 18 July, former president Nelson Mandela will turn 94. His birthday has become known as International Mandela Day and is celebrated all over the world. There is also a call on everyone in the world to donate 67 minutes of their time to do good in their communities or for their fellow humans. According to the UN, the 67 minutes is representative of the years Nelson Mandela spend in public service. Locally many of the mines and large businesses are planning to reach out on Wednesday. The Greater Tubatse Municipality has many activities planned and they are inviting the public to join them as they spread the goodness. Get more information on page 5. We asked readers if they will be giving 67 minutes and what they plan on doing during that time. Mr Daniel Phala said: “I’m going to do fundraising for charity in my community”.
Me. Vallery van der Merwe en mnr. Louis Pieterse sê: “Ons sou graag aan die dag se 67 minute aktiwiteite wou deelneem, maar ons werk laat dit nie toe nie”.
Mr Nicholas Thobejane said: “After I knock off on Friday I will be helping the unemployed people of my village to plant some vegetables. I will also celebrate old President Nelson Mandela - he is a legend. This 67 minutes is for all people”.
Ms Mandy Marule said: “Yes, I will do something. I will be cleaning my church so that everyone will come to a clean place”.
Ms Grace Rikhotso and Mr Caplet Rikhotso said: “Yes, it is a good thing. It must be explained to those who do not understand what the 67 minutes of goodwill is about. We will be going to hospital to check on the patients there”.
Mnr. Henry Dames sê hy gaan nie iets spesifiek doen nie: “Ek werk in elk geval vir die gemeenskap.”
Mr Phineas Malatji said: “Yes, I will do something, but I will still plan what to do”.
Mr Thabo Mokwena and Mr Naomie Mohubedu said: “We are working, but maybe we will join the campaign the municipality is organising”. Links: Me. Marlene Prinsloo en mnr. Jhonny Prinsloo sê: “Ons sou graag iets wou doen, maar ongelukkig moet ons werk. As dit ‘n vakansiedag was, by all means”.
13 JULIE 2012
time to do good for others?
Mnr Richard Hendriks sê: “Dis goed. Om goed te doen vir iemand anders is altyd goed. As daar Woensdag iets op my pad kom sal ek dit doen”. Ms Koketso Mashaba said: “Yes, I will be at my niece’s creché in Seshego taking care of them”. Mr Mpho Malekane said: “I will do something, but I am still planning what it will be”.
Mr Collen Mojela said: “I’m going to a group of 10 elderly people in Kgautswane. I will give them blankets and flasks. We will also take 10 orphans from there and bring them here to Spar”.
Me. Maraycke Benade sê: “As ek nie gewerk het nie sou ek aan die inisiatief deelgeneem het. Ek dink dis ‘n goeie ding”.
Mr Thabo Mdluli, Mr Thulani Magagula and Mr Dube Zacharia said: “We will be helping old people in our community. We will visit them and clean for them”.
Mr Phillemon Tjatji said: “I would have liked to participate in the 67 minutes, but unfortunately I will be at work”.
Mr Samuel Mohlatlole said: “Yes, I will do something for 67 minutes. I will go to the school and help clean the school yard”. Mnr Pieter du Plessis sê: “Ek dink ons kan almal iets vir iemand anders doen. Ons kan bv. altyd luister en gee as jy iets kan gee”. Ms Keitumetse Moleleki, Ms Errica Moholola and Ms Sharon Nkosi said: “We wil do something for 67 minutes. We will be visiting Dilokong Hospital to cheer up the patients”. Left: Mr Ronald Mapote said: “There are many things I will be doing, like participating in the municipality’s campaign. The last thing I will do is street education - I’ll try and educate the youth not to insult the current President of the country”. Ms Unice Maphanga said: “Unfortunately I will be at work from 6 to 6. But I will celebrate with my family”.
Right: Ms Nhlanhla Maponya said: “I’m going to visit the hospital to make the sick people feel better”.
13 JULY 2012
Letters / Briewe Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue.
One of the smaller retail developments in Greater Tubatse Municipality...
Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.
Dagboek / Diary To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail) This is a free service.
Action Cricket Die nuwe Action Cricket Seisoen by Tubatse Chrome Klub begin in Augustus. Spanne is welkom in te skryf. Navrae en besprekings: Martin van Rooyen - 082 816 4833. Maroelaboom Maroelaboom tree op 13 Julie by Tubatse Chroom Klub op. Toegang is gratis. Die optrede is van 17:00 tot laat. Moet dit nie misloop nie. Navrae: 013 236 5112. Wildevy 4x4 Dag Op 28 Julie is dit weer die jaarlikse Wildevy 4x4 Dag. Almal is welkom om die dag te kom bywoon. Dit vind weer by PLM Boerdery, sowat 10km buite Burgersfort op die Lydenburg pad plaas. Die toegang is R10 per persoon en daar is hope pret en plesier vir almal in die omgewing. Daarsal ‘n verskeidenheid stalletjies en optredes gedurende die dag wees. Vir meer inligting gaan na Winterveld Festival The annual Wiinterveld Festival will be taking place from 24 - 25 August this year. The festival once again promises to have something for everyone. There will be the annual soapbox derby, stalls, a strong man competition, the Miss Wiinterveld Competition, entertainment and a potjiekos competition. To book a stall contact Mariska on 082 875 7117 or Daleen on 013 230 7079. To enter a potjiekos team contact Chris van Wyk on 079 856 9036 or 013 230 7060. To enter a soapbox team contact Mariska on 082 875 7117. Some of the entertainment at the festival will include performances by Snotkop, Pieter Smit and Havana Gas. Entry on 24 August will be R20 per person and on 25 August it will be R25 per person. Camping facilities are available. Pro 20 Krieket Daar is elke Donderdagaand ‘n Pro 20 Krieketwedstryd by Laerskool Burgersfort. Navrae: 083 600 6110. Mandela Day On 18 July Nelson Mandela will turn 94 years old. To celebrate the life and works of this old President of South Africa the world will celebrate Mandela Day. The public is encouraged to donate67 minutes of their time for charity on this day. To see what the Greater Tubatse Municipality is organising please turn to page 5.
Something to think about “There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” - Nelson Mandela
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.
“Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he can't”. - Morris Hite
Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop
(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041
Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital
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(013) 2317843 082 900 4449
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0800 330 022
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0860 037 566
13 JULIE 2012
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Betrekkings/Vacancies * Betrekkings/Vacancies VACANCY - MINING RELATED
An international mining company has a vacancy for a Remuneration and Benefits Manager
An international mining company has a vacancy for a Master Schedule Specialist Business Improvement
PURPOSE OF THE ROLE: To design and implement a group-wide benefits Strategy in accordance with the overall Total Reward strategy and business strategic objectives. To manage the Benefits and Shares team by ensuring optimal utilization, output focus and effective benefit management. QUALIFICATIONS: · Relevant business degree, with a related and relevant post-graduate qualification in Finance or similar. · Pension Fund qualification at NQF level 3 EXPERIENCE: · 8-10 years in group-wide/global remuneration and benefits environments · 1-2 years experience in an expatriate environment · 1-2 years experience in various international tax and benefits regimes · 5 years experience as Principal Officer · Exposure and access to both local and international best practices, as well as global networks of beneficial relationships within the Remuneration and Benefits field · Track record of effective interaction with EXCO’s and Senior Managers · 3 -5 years management experience in a leadership role · 2-3 year’s experience with Share Schemes · Advanced excel skills and a good working knowledge of Word and PowerPoint · SAP will be an advantage ACCOUNTABILITIES: · Design and Implement the Group Benefits plans in accordance with the overall strategy framework, future needs and opportunities. This includes managing and implementing relevant policies, processes and systems, and key milestones to ensure the achievement of objectives. · Define and manages all benefit processes (general, executive and expatriate benefits). The key accountability is to ensure cost-effective, viable and sustainable benefits that will support attraction and retention of staff. · Provides advisory and specialist support and training on all benefits matters as and when required, including risks forecasting, benefit opportunities and Innovations. · Manages annual shares and benefit reviews. The role holder is accountable for the identification of benchmarking, trends analysis and reporting. · Develops Communication plan around benefits and manages member and employee communication and escalated query processes. · REMCO and Annual Benefits Reporting: The accountability is to provide input on all relevant, required benefits data for the Annual Report, REMCO and the AGM. · Executive Contract Control: The role holder is accountable to give input and guidance regarding benefits of all Executive employment contracts. · Management of the company’s share administration to ensure compliance, optimal ROI and to optimize the Company’s Employee Value Proposition. · Integration: The role holder is accountable to ensure all Benefit processes, systems and policies are fully integrated with other Remuneration and HR and Business processes and systems. · Lead the Benefit and Share team in line with System for People.
PURPOSE OF THE ROLE: A vacancy exists within the Business Improvement Department at Corporate Office for an Operating Master Schedule Specialist. The incumbent will be based at the Corporate Office in Johannesburg and will be accountable to ensure the implementation of the BPF Master Scheduling process at all business units. QUALIFICATIONS: · Degree or equivalent qualification in mining engineering · Additional postgraduate qualifications in a relevant degree would be an advantage EXPERIENCE: · At least 5 years in a mining environment · Experience in a project management environment is an added advantage · Exposure to BPF Work Management and Integrated Planning would be advantageous · Exposure and understanding of the budget principles would be advantageous · Understanding of long term mining plans and strategy COMPETENCIES: · High-level analytical and problem solving skills · High-level verbal and written communication skills · Highly computer literate · Ability to engage with critical internal and external stakeholders JOB OBJECTIVES: · Compile a schedule for company wide implementation of the Operating Master Schedule (OMS) component of the BPF · Liase with regional and business unit management to allocate regional and business unit resources to OMS implementation at business unit level · Train regional and business unit resources in OMS concepts and principles · Liaise with regional and business unit management to drive OMS implementation at business unit level · Ensure compliance to the underlying BPF design principles in the implementation and ongoing application of the OMS · Integrate the OMS process with existing Business Planning processes and cycles · Support business units to identify and close data and software gaps prior to OMS implementation. · Support business units to identify appropriate scheduling software for OMS implementation · Support business units with site configuration prior to OMS implementation · Provide ongoing post implementation training, coaching and support OTHER: · Valid passport · The incumbent will be required to travel nationally and internationally regularly · Valid driver licence required · Own transport required
REPORTING TO: VP: Remuneration and Benefits
REPORTING TO: Integrated Planning Manager – Business Improvement department
RENUMERATION: R600k - R1 million (total Cost to Company) , dependent on experience.
RENUMERATION: R600k - R1 million (total Cost to Company), dependent on experience.
BASED: The candidate will be based in Johannesburg.
BASED: The candidate will be based in Johannesburg.
Forward a complete CV to
Forward a complete CV to
13 JULIE 2012
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation
9. Te Huur/ To Rent Two bedroom flat available at end of July 2012. Two people only! Water and lights included. Price: R4900 per month. In central town Morone Street next to Builders Market and Nalito’s Restaurant. Phone Lionel: 013 231 7470 or 082 923 4744.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Established Gym for sale. Burgersfort. Contact: 073 779 2797
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Regskennisgewings/ Legal Notices BOEDELKENNISGEWING (30 DAE) In die boedel van wyle Frank Wayne van Minnen, Identiteitsnommer 620623 5013 080, gebore 23/06/1962, oorlede 06/12/2011 van 1575 Leopardstraat Leopards Bush Burgersfort, boedelnommer 3931/2012. Krediteure en debiteure in bogenoemde boedel word versoek om hulle vorderinge in te lewer en hulle skuld te betaal by die kantoor van ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van dertig (30) dae. Naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde: Anton Kruger Prokureurs Unionstraat 1, Virginia 9430. Tel 057 2125259 Datum 13 Julie 2012.
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
VAKANTE POS Kosteberamer (‘Estimator’)
‘n Goeie loopbaangeleentheid wag vir ‘n jong man wat hardwerkend, betroubaar is en graag ‘n langtermyn toekoms in Burgersfort wil bou. Werkgewersverwagtinge: Die persoon sal onder meer by ‘n besige paneelklopbesigheid met kwotasies en assesserings help. Ander take soos benodig mag ook na die persoon gedelegeer word. Vereistes: ‘n Geldige bestuurderslisensie; eie vervoer en verblyf; goed tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels; goeie kommunikasievaardighede; moet betroubaar wees en selfstandig, maar ook as deel van ‘n span kan werk. Vorige ervaring sal in die kandidaat se guns tel. Moet rekenaargeletterd wees. Moet noukeurig werk en oplet na ‘detail’. Moet soms onder druk kan werk. Faks of e-pos ‘n CV na: 086 686 1777 of Sluitingsdatum: 27 Julie 2012
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Engineering Foreman Beneficiation Plant (C5)
Engineering Foreman Pelletising Plant (C5)
Role Purpose: To contribute toward business success by ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels.
Role Purpose: To contribute toward business success by ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels.
Key Performance areas: The incumbent will ensure that the day to day performance is measured and reviewed and corrective actions initiated and monitored. Ensures that ongoing team and individual performance measurement and review take place within the section. Ensure the day to day resouces is effectively and efficiently utilised. Improving the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery and advises on equipment. Schedules the use of resources on a day to day basis. Conducting fault finding on specified equipment and executing repairs or replacements and cunducts on job coaching.
Key Performance areas: The incumbent will ensure that the day to day performance is measured and reviewed and corrective actions initiated and monitored. Ensures that ongoing team and individual performance measurement and review take place within the section. Ensure the day to day resouces is effectively and efficiently utilised. Improving the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery. Schedules the use of resources on a day to day basis. Conducting fault finding on specified equipment and executing repairs or replacements. Conducts on job coaching. Advises on equipment replacements.
Requirements: The candidate must have a grade 12 certificate with Maths and Science. NQF Level 5 qualification in the mechanical/Electrical field or a qualified Millwright. Trade Test. Supervisory qualification required. At least 3 years experience in the engineering (Plant) environment. Microsoft Office and Quality Management Systems. Adhere to Mine Health and Safety Act (Regulations). Ability to perform inspections to comply with legal requirements. The ability to apply safe standards when work is conducted on medium voltage switchgear. The ability to facilitate effective and action orientated performance review activities involving all required stakeholders. Experience on Beneficiation plant equipment will also be required.
Requirements: The candidate must have a grade 12 certificate with Maths and Science. NQF Level 5 qualification in the mechanical/Electrical field (National Diploma). Trade Test. Supervisory qualification required. At least 3 years experience in the engineering (Plant) environment. Microsoft Office and Quality Management Systems. Adhere to Mine Health and Safety Act (Regulations). Ability to perform inspections to comply with legal requirements. The ability to apply safe standards when work is conducted on medium voltage switchgear. The ability to facilitate effective and action orientated performance review activities involving all required stakeholders. Experience on pelletising plant equipment will also be required.
General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.
General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.
Please forward your application to the HR Offices on or Fax: 013 230 7793
Please forward your application to the HR Offices on or Fax: 013 230 7793
Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
13 JULIE 2012
Face-off in Praktiseer OK Grocer vs Hannah Game Lodge village two weeks ago. The game started a little late, but this did not deter either of the teams from playing their hearts out. Both teams also drew small crowds of supporters who shouted their encouragement and advice from the side. Read more about the game on page 12.
Next game: OK Grocer’s team will face a team from Pick n Pay Steelpoort on Saturday 14 July 2012. The game will take place at the grounds of Steelpoort Academy and will start at 16:00.
The OK Grocer team played in the black and white striped jerseys and the Hannah Game Lodge team in the blue and yellow. OK Grocer’s team this week also received new jerseys and will face Pick n Pay’s team in them this coming weekend.
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Teams from OK Grocer in Burgersfort and Hannah Game Lodge near Ohrigstad met in Praktiseer last weekend. Hannah Game Lodge came to the game ready to avenge themselves after they were beaten during a previous encounter at Maepa
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:
(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg
13 JULY 2012
Platinum Gazette
SPORT OK Grocer’s team still on top OK Grocer’s soccer team played a friendly game against Hannah Game Lodge on Saturday last week. The game was played at the grounds of Bogwasha Primary School in Praktiseer. Both teams showed that they are strong contenders and should not be taken lightly. By half time the score was 2 goals for OK Grocer and 1 for Hannah Game Lodge. After their last game against Hannah Game Lodge the OK Grocer team worked on their middle field and this time had no problems there. Both teams made the best in the gaps in their opponents’ defence lines and both were able to score during the second half. The final score was 3-2 in favour of OK Grocer. The OK Grocer goals were scored by Willy Ngwana, Phuti Mohlala and Lennox Ngwatle. The Man of the Match was Kabelo Rasta. The team this week also received new jerseys and will in future be playing in the OK Grocer
sponsored gear. “Thank you very much to OK Grocer for sponsoring this,” said Given Moteni on behalf of the team.
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