Platinum Gazette 13 November 2015

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Crisis Gazette Platinum

See extract below from Lepelle Northern Water news release on water provision in Burgersfort. Time to save - and pray ... See the full text on page 2. The photograph was taken on Tuesday of the Spekboom River at Fraaiuitsicht outside Burgersfort. The town gets most of its water from this river.

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

13 November 2015

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Lepelle Northern Water says:

13 NOVEMBER 2015

The severe drought having affected for the whole country spread also to Limpopo Province. Limpopo Province being a drought prone province faces challenges of drought from time, affecting water resources. In the last two years the province received below average rainfall in mostly eastern areas of the province including Mopani and Vhembe Districts. Water resources such as dams, rivers and ground water has dried up and negatively affecting several communities. Following a national media briefing by the Minister of Water and Sanitation about the country’s water situation and the statement issued by the Premier’s Office, where the province was declared a water disaster area, several areas are on the brink of collapse. Lepelle Northern Water once more reiterates on calls made by the Minister and the Premier that communities should use water sparingly. During these crisis periods, LNW makes a call that communities should do all in their powers to conserve and use water wisely. Activities using water not for essential purpose such as washing cars by hosepipes, watering garden during the day, cleaning bays and floors using water amongst others must be stopped with immediate basis. LNW is in the process of working with respective municipalities in deciding on the intervention mechanism towards minimising the drought impacts in the affected areas. Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) is currently experiencing low Spekboom river levels due to the heat wave and that resulted in the river overflow wall level dropped drastically within the Burgersfort -water scheme. This may result into some parts of the scheme experiencing low water pressure or water shortages as the raw water abstracted is dropping drastically. The current average water supplied by the scheme is 5 Ml/day which is below the average water pump of 7.5 Ml/d as per the Bulk Water Supply Agreement with Sekhukhune District Municipality. A serious challenge is that during these periods, there are great possibilities that high lying areas may not be fully serviced. By the observation the water can last to a maximum of two weeks and if we can’t have rain it will means will depend on the 3 x boreholes to supply the area.

The Spekboom River in flood on our front page in January 2012 - photograph taken at the same place as this week’s front page photograph.

Lepelle Northern Water found itself being unable to provide the agreed volume of potable water to respective municipalities due to the conditions of the various water resources. Unfortunately, the situation has turned so bad in other areas and urgent intervention mechanisms are needed towards providing residents with potable water as per respective bulk water contracts. LNW is working with affected municipalities and DWS in addressing the critical issue facing us Planned interventions mechanisms amongst others include: Drilling and equipping additional boreholes for the utilisation of ground water at affected areas Working with municipalities in providing tankers to affected communities to relief the drought impacts To seek for additional funding to implement emergency water schemes and provide package plants to purify water and distribute to affected communities Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Campaigns jointly with the Department of Water and Sanitation and affected municipalities Campaigns of rain harvest programme where communities will be encouraged to take part Search for alternative sources to provide raw water to respective water schemes since the current ones are either dry or in the fast process of drying up. All residents of Burgersfort are being advised to seriously take note of this unfortunate situation of facing challenges about the abstraction of raw water from the river. The message is that all should join hands in conserving the little available water resource to the benefit all during these trying times.

More Are Yeng Ka Moka cerƟficates handed over Modikwa Pla num Mine held the cer fica on ceremony of Zebras 2 and Achievers crews on Friday, 06 November 2015. The event was graced by the mine management team, the staff, and the family members of the crews. The crew members thanked the mine management for the Are Yeng Kamoka Team Development ini a ve because it helped them to understand the mine be er. They added that the dura on that they have spent at the Are Yeng Kamoka Growth Centre was frui ul as it will amongst other

Mr Alfred Lekgau and Mr Mthi Mtshengu Modikwa’s Business Leader.

Mr Jomo Kwadi, Human Resources Leader.

things help them to improve produc on. The produc on manager of north sha , Mr Solly Khumalo said, it is important that these crews perform to make Modikwa achieve. He added that the mine has send the crews to undergo the program to improve produc on and business understanding. In closing, the Human Resources Leader, Mr Jomo Kwadi applauded everyone who graced the event and encouraged the crews to apply the skills they have acquired.

Mr Solly Khumalo, North Sha Produc on Manager.

13 NOVEMBER 2015




Road repairs to rapidly deteriorating streets in Burgersfort are necessary and the authorities should be applauded for giving it priority. But this week residents and visitors to Oorbietjie Street in Burgersfort were prevented from accessing their properties by a contractor doing work in the street. They simply barricaded the whole street without proper traffic signage. When questioned about their conduct the workers became aggressive and tried to intimidate the newspaper’s reporter. They refused to provide names or the name of the contractor for whom they work. “My wife is sick at home. How am I going to get to her?”

was the question one of the motorists behind the newspaper’s vehicle asked. The workers simply refused to give way and threatened to damage the newspaper’s camera. They were also not trying to finish the work quickly. One of the workers was sleeping in an unmarked truck with bitumen for the repairs. Questions regarding the conduct of the contractor and where residents can expect this type of repairs next were forwarded to Greater Tubatse Municipality. By the time of going to press no response had been received.


13 NOVEMBER 2015


DWARSRIVIER MINE InvesƟng in developing infrastructure

Above: Mr Johannes Meintjies (Execu ve Eastern Opera ons – Ferrous, ARM), Mr Rian Burger (General Manager, Dwarsrivier Mine), Mr Herman Smith (Chairman: Dwarsrivier OPSCOM)

Dwarsrivier Mine celebrated the official start-up of the extension of their North Sha Decline Conveyor on 22 October 2015. Execu ves from ARM and Assore joined the Dwarsrivier Management team in celebra ng this momentous occasion, and opened the celebra ons with the ceremonious breaking of a bo le of sparkling wine against the side of the belt. North Sha is projected to produce

40 000 tons per month. Previously all chrome produced at this sha had to be transported with dump trucks over the main road for Plant processing, but the new belt extension now makes things much easier for the North Sha team, who have commi ed themselves to reaching the targets set to benefit all stakeholders involved. The extension is also crea ng a safer environment whilst empowering employees to produce more chrome.

Above from the le : Mr Rian Burger (General Manager, Dwarsrivier Mine), Mr Silas Hlapolosa, (Technical Manager, Dwarsrivier Mine), Mr Herman Smith (Chairman: Dwarsrivier OPSCOM), Ms Carina Claassen (Senior Sales Manager, Assore) Mr Johannes Meintjies (Execu ve Eastern Opera ons – Ferrous, ARM). Le : Dwarsrivier employees and Head office execu ves at the ‘start’ of the new extension belt.

Full MQA accreditaƟon

Dwarsrivier Mine Training Centre employees with the MQA accredita on cer ficate they’ve received.

The Dwarsrivier Mine Training Centre recently received full MQA Accredita on. This is a cer fica on that is issued by the Mining Qualifica ons Authority (MQA) when a mine has passed the requirements with regards to learning and training delivery methodology, assessment processes, modera on processes, registra on of assessors and internal moderators as well as training material. Dwarsrivier Mine can now proudly train and award employees with a Na onal Cer ficate in Mining Opera ons for Underground Hard Rock, and a Na onal Cer ficate in Rock Breaking Underground Hard Rock. This milestone underlines Dwarsrivier Mine’s commitment towards empowering employees and inves ng in training and development.

13 NOVEMBER 2015



Maepa Primary School recognises excellence Maepa Primary School near Ohrigstad held a prizegiving ceremony on Friday 6 November. The event was attended by parents, teachers and other stakeholders. Awards were given for progress made in the classroom, academic excellence and sporting achievements.

The best academic performers in each grade were: Happy Shayi (Grade R); Mpaleng Mogakala & Clement Mongala (Grade 1); Thandy Morupane (Grade 2); Refiloe Masuku (Grade 3); Lerato Masuku (Grade 4); Zanele Msibi (Grade 5); Provia Moraba (Grade 6) and Hluphi Ndlovu (Grade 7). With them are Mr Steven Mkhabela (Principal) and Mr Solly Kobe (Teacher).

The school recognised the sporting achievements of learners in various sporting codes. Trophies and certificates were awarded to: Eddie matsetse (Best Rugby Player), Silince Thipe (Athletics), Keletso Moropane (Athletics), Sam Masinga (Soccer), Rejuvinate Magabe (Netball) and Tukisho Mogakala (Rugby).

Hluphi Ndlovu received at rophy as the School’s Outstanding learner.



13 NOVEMBER 2015

Prestige Prysuitdeling by Steelpoort Akademie Steelpoort Akademie het op 5 November 2015 hul jaarlikse Prestige Prysuitdeling gehou. Uitblinkers op akademiese, kultuur en sportgebied is vereer. Die nuwe hoofleiers is ook voorgestel. Hulle is Hoofseun - Thinus de Jager, Hoofdogter - Dali Mabuza, Onder-hoofseun sport - JC Knoetze, Onder-hoofdogter sport - Yoné Volschenk, Onder-hoofseun akademie - AJ Africa en Onder-hoofdogter akademie - Clarissa Fourie. (Foto’s en inligting: Steelpoort Akademie).

Charnelle du Preez is die Netbalspeler van die Jaar. Mev. Colleen Language oorhandig haar trofee.

Henry Payne is die Rugbyspeler van die Jaar. Mnr. Norman Jordaan oorhandig sy trofee.

Dean van Staden is die Krieketspeler van die Jaar. Mnr. Conrad Beukes oorhandig sy trofee.

Shelby-Lee van der Sandt is as die Steelie van die Jaar aangewys. Sy is ook vereer as die skool se Veelsydigste dogter in Graad 7. Sy ontvang ook die Leonore Joubert Wisseltrofee as die beste senior leerder in kultuur. Mnr. Anton Alberts, skoolhoof van Steelpoort Akademie het van die toekennings oorhandig.

JC Knoetze is die Hokkiespeler van die Jaar. Mev. Ina Joubert oorhandig sy trofee.

DJ Knoesen is die beste akademiese presteerder in Graad 5 Afrikaans medium.

Nonthu Mhlongo was die best academic achiever in Grade 4 English Medium.

Karabo Kedimotse was the best Senior girl in Cross Country. Mr Armin Maritz handed her the trophy.

Clarissa Fourie is die beste presteerder in akademie in Graad 6 Afrikaans medium.

Anmi Esbach was die beste akademiese presteerder in Graad 3A. In Graad 3E was Fiona Zeeman die beste presteerder. Matshepo Khoza was the best academic achiever in Grade 5 English Medium.

Above: Dineo Mahlake received the prize for best achievement in Afrikaans Additional Language and as the Beste Achiever in English Home Language. She is in Grade 7. Corlie Vermeulen is die beste akademiese presteerder in Graad 4 Afrikaans Medium.

Left: Dali Mabuza was the best academic achiever in Grade 6 English medium.

Dean de Jonge ontvang die Modikwa Wisseltrofee as die Beste Senior Seun in Landloop. In die hoërskool ontvang Dineo Mabilo en Teboho die trofees as die beste senior seun en meisie in landloop. Mnr. Armin Maritz oorhandig die trofees.

13 NOVEMBER 2015



Uitblinkers word vereer

Regs: Ewan Fourie ontvang ‘n spesiale toekenning vanaf die Hoof.

Steelpoort Akademie se uitblinkers is verlede week vir hul prestasies vereer.

Thatego Monaiwa was the Best achiever in Mathematics.

YonĂŠ Volschenk is as die Mees Toegewyde Sportdogter aangewys.

Nika Janse van Rensburg het die volgende pryse as beste presteerder in Graad 7 ontvang: Beste prestasie Afrikaans Huistaal, Best Achievement English Additional Language, Beste prestasie in Tegnologie, Best Achievement in Ecnomic Management Sciences, Beste prestasie in Kuns en Kultuur, Best achievement in Life Orientation en Beste akademiese prestasie in Graad 7 Afrikaans Mediium.

Theo Werner is die mees Toegewyde Sportseun.

Thuto Sehlahle has teh highest average in academic achievement in grade 8 to 9.

Henry Language is die Beste presteerder in Sosiale Wetenskap in Graad 7.

Reatligile Kgwetiane was the Best academic achiever in Grade 8 English Medium. Ms. Riekie Strydom handed her the trophy.

Clarissa Fourie het die hoogste gemiddeld graad 4 tot graad 7.

Rosette Mohubedu was the Most versatile Sports Girl in the High School.

The best academic achievers in the High School were: Concede Maribe (74,4%), Lebogang Sekwane (77,1%), Tokolla Masha (77,2%), Reatligile Kgwetiane (78,1%) and Thuto Selahle (82,2%).

Judy Phori received a trophy for her courteous behaviour at school.

Thuto Selahle was the Best academic achiever in Grade 9 English medium. He also had the highest average in Grades 8 and 9. Right: Concede Maribe received a trophy for having the Best General Knowledge in the High School. It was handed to him by the school principal Mr Anton Alberts and Mr Pieter de Jager.

Nika Janse van Rensburg en Henry Language is die Seuns- en Meisies Dux-leerlinge in Graad 7.


13 NOVEMBER 2015


Tyd vir toekennings by Laerskool Ohrigstad Laerskool Ohrigstad het verlede week Donderdag 5 November hul prysuitdeling gehou. Tydens dié spoggeleentheid is die leerders vir hul harde werk op verskillende gebiede vereer. Die leiers vir volgende jaar is ook aangewys. Hulle is Ronel Jacobs, Kaylene Booysen, Lisha Saunders, Tanya Kruger, Theane van der Merwe, Keegan Wood en Francois Pretorius.

Lisha Saunders is as die Vriendelikste leerling aangewys terwyl Johann Bylsma die Hulpvaardigste leerling was.

Bulletjie Rugbyspelers se prestasies is raakgesien. Joshua Weber was die Beste Speler, JB Louw en Neville Mogane was die Beste 0/6 Spelers, Ruan Pieterse het die beste in 0/6 gevorder, Sizwe Mosome was 0/7 se Beste Rugbyspeler, Juanro van Wyngaard was die Beste 0/8 Rugbyspeler en Abdul Mohammed het die best in 0/8 gevorder.

Ronel Jacobs is as die skool se Veelsydigste Leerling aangewys. Regs: Duncan Crause (Beste Senior Bouler), Juandre Jacquet (Beste Senior Kolwer), Tom Saunders (Beste Vordering in Krieket). Juandre Jacquet is ook as die Speler van die Jaar aangewys en met ‘n trofee en sertifikaat beloon. Leerders met ‘n gemiddeld van 80% of meer: Nina Erasmus, Lisha Saunders, Bontle Matsaba, DeWalt le Roux, Ni-Nha Beetge en Gerrit Jacobs.

Die nuwe leiers en hul ouers op die verhoog.

Keegan Wood is die Rugby Speler van die Jaar.

JJ van Nieker het die Beste Prestasie in Sosiale Wetenskap Graad 4 -6 behaal.

Die Graad R klas is baie opgewonde om volgende jaar deel van die ‘groot’ skool te wees. Hulle het met ‘n gediggie of twee gewys hulle is nou slim genoeg om die volgende vlak aan te durf.

13 NOVEMBER 2015



Laerskool Ohrigstad prysuitdeling

Die skool se netbal presteerders was Nandi Masilela (Beste Junior), Desiree Matibidi (Beste Senior), Renolder Mnisi, Tanya Kruger en Danielle Potgieter.

Pierre Naude het die beste presteer in graad 5. Juane Langenhoven ene Dishi Moraba kry sertifikate vir netheid.

Morgan Wood is die beste presteerder in Graad 3.

Die beste vakpresteerders in Graad 7 was: Angelique Skeen (Wiskunde, EBW, Tegnologie, Engels); Jaundre Jacquet (Afrikaans, LewensoriĂŤntering, Skeppende Kuns, Sosiale Wetenskap). Andre van Aswegen het die beste presteer in Natuur Wetenskappe.

Prestasies in sport, kultuur en akademie vereer.

Nina Erasmus het die beste presteer in Graad 1. Sefastian Jansen van Vuuren het die Beste Gevorder en die volgende leearlinge Nadine Lubbe en DeWalt le Roux het die ontvang sertifikate vir netheid: Chanel Steyn, Brian Magabe, Nina beste presteer en gevorder in Graad 2. Erasmus, Lee-ann van der Walt en Isabel Saunders.

Mnr. Nico Cross het soos elke jaar groot pret op die verhoog gehad die kinders aan die skater gesit.


Platinum Gazette

13 NOVEMBER 2015

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. Two Bedroom Apartments available from R4750 to R5 000 including lights and water. Three bedrooms available from R7000 to R7500. All above available between Aloe Ridge East and West. Viewing available after hours. Please call from more information: 082 578 6113. 1 Bedroom Flat R3 500.00 2 Bedroom Flat R4 500.00 Burgersfort Contact Steve 071 886 9359

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954

Platinum Gazette

Platinum Gazette

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

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013 231 7147 Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadline is every Wednesday 17:00.

CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS FOR SALE FREE DELIVERY! Marone bricks offers great quality building block bricks for sale! We can all live in a strong home at affordable prices. Wholesale directly to the public. Cement building blocks R7.80 each. Stock bricks R1.60 each. Pavers R1.80 each. Contact: 073 022 5256

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13 NOVEMBER 2015



Examinations are not postponed Limpopo schools came unders scrutiny after reports surfaced that certain schools were unable to conduct their year-end examina-

tions as scheduled. The Department of Education this week expressed their conviction that “examinations

must be run in a credible and impeccable manner as everything else to the contrary compromises the whole process and the hard work that teachers and learners have been doing throughout the year to the cusp of sitting for examinations”. “We are happy that our grade 12 examinations which commenced on 26 October are proceeding smoothly without any crippling glitches and where there have been unforeseen hiccups; we were able to address those in time as per the nature of the challenge. The grade 12 examinations are running normal and are followed with the commencement of grade 10 and 11 examinations which are internally run and administered - meaning we draw up the time tables and set the question papers”. Rumours have however been doing the rounds that there are problems with these particular examinations. These examinations are scheduled to conclude on 30 November. “It must be understood that rescheduling of internally run examinations is not something unusual or unheard of. To that effect, we have within this perios rescheduled subjects to deal with the challenges affecting schools, to tighten our preparations and strengthen our logistical support in order to ensure the smooth running of examinations. “We must however acknowledge that there were logistical challenges here and there with

regard to internal arrangements at schools which only warranted the shifting around of subjets but, never affected the period set for examinations. The Department is now on course and have done everything to ensure a stable examination period. “We appeal to our districts to facilitate the internal grade 1 to 9 examinations so they can also run efficiently and effectively. We want to appeal to all stakeholders to continue supporting our learners throughout the examination period. Education should remain a societal matter. We cannot overemphasize the importance of parents, teachers and the community at large in the education of our future leaders”.

“It must be understood that rescheduling of internally run examinations is not something unusual or unheard of.”

22 “Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, Lord our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this”. Jeremiah 14:22 New International Version (NIV)

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


13 NOVEMBER 2015

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Platinum Gazette


Local athletes at Kaapsehoop Marathon Local marathon runners are getting into shape for next year’s Comrades Marathon. On Saturday last week various clubs’ athletes participated in the Kaapsehoop Marathon near Nelspruit. Some of the local clubs represented were Marula Marathon Club, Samancor Marathon Club and Dwarsrivier Marathon Club. A few proud Greater Tubatse Municipal runners also entered the race.

The locals kept the area’s name high and enjoyed the race through the beautiful mountains at Kaapsehoop. One of the races these athletes are now looking forward to is the Mayor’s Marathon on 5 December 2015. This is a very popular race and always draw a few big names from the runners’ community. Watch the media for more information in the coming weeks. (Information and Photograph: Tshepo Sechaba Marobane)

Three Weeks Left for 2016 Comrades Marathon Entries The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has announced that entries for the 2016 Comrades Marathon will close within three weeks or as soon as the cap of 20 000 entries has been reached. There are currently just over 5000 entries available. Next year’s field includes nearly 13500 South African athletes, about 200 Rest of Africa runners and almost 900 International entrants from more than 60 countries. CMA Race Director, Rowyn James has urged all runners who have not entered as yet to get their entry in before the entry process closes. James says, ‘There is not much time left before the three-month long entry process closes. Our Board, Staff and Race Organising Committee are all hard at work to ensure that the 2016 Comrades Marathon is a wonderful experience for our

runners.’ James adds, ‘Sunday, 29 May 2016 will be the 45th down-run in the history of the race and the 91st running of the world’s biggest and oldest ultra-marathon.’ The race alternates between an ‘up-run’ and a ‘down-run’ between the host cities of Pietermaritzburg and Durban every year. The Comrades Marathon has earned its place in the Guinness World Records, in addition to winning other significant awards. It was recently shortlisted for the 2016 Discovery Sport Industry Awards in the categories; Sport Brand of the Year and Sport Participation Event of the Year, the winners of which will be announced in February next year. Please visit to enter the 2016 Comrades Marathon, view the rising entry barometer or obtain further information.

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