Platinum Gazette 13 October 2017

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The Sekhukhune District Municipality calls upon disaster victims due to recent heavy rains to report incidents to the Disaster Management Centre of Sekhukhune District Municipality. So far, 80 cases of damaged homes have been reported in both Makhuduthamaga and Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse local Municipalities after storms. The affected villages are Mmotwaneng, Wonderboom, Vlakplaas and Strykraal B. Out of the 80 damaged households, 54 households which required immediate relief have been provided with mattresses, blankets and tents for shelter. The Joint Disaster Management Team comprising of the province, the district and officials from local municipalities is working around the clock to find more people who might have been badly affected by the heavy rains. It is suspected that more people from far flung places in Sekhukhune might have been affected without reporting. Members of the community are requested to report cases of disasters to the Head of Disaster Mr Abraham Mangoato on 078 436 7665.


The Mampuru to Eerstegeluk and from Eerstegeluk to Steeelpoort road has been a bone of contention and a cause for major violence in the past. Good progress is made with the completion of the projectwith a large stretch already tarred. Meanwhile the very bad road from Eeerstegeluk to the R555 is also worked on.

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

13 October 2017

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13 OCTOBER 2017


Calvinite flies the Limpopo flag high

Calvin College is very proud to have one of the top five debaters in Limpopo Province. Reitumetse Tshepiso Masilela is one of the top five learners from Limpopo province who took part in the Department of Roads and Transport National Debate Competition held at the Orion Hotel in Rustenburg from the 2nd to the 7th of October 2017. True to the high level of communicative competency, oral ability and thorough preparedness, the Limpopo team took Position 1 after walloping

KZN, Gauteng and then The Western Cape in the finals. The school is very proud of Reitumetse. The Principal, Mrs L. Britz (right in the photograph) thanked the debate teacher Mr A. Vandwani for mentoring the learner. She also thanked the Department of Roads and Transport and the officials involved for hosting such debate competitions as they help develop learners intellectually and socially. For Reitumetse, the sky is her only limit.

Song of Solomon 2:12 King James Version (KJV) The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

Photograph - Willem Fouché sr

Another winner at Magaba Filling Station

Mr Carl Lourens of Magaba Filling Station congratulates Ms Tshepo Lekhau from Alverton, who won two solar Lanterns in the lucky draw at Magaba Filling Station, saying “Thank you for your support!”

13 OKTOBER 2017

Ohrigstad Police interact with the young ones Members of the Police in Ohrigstad comprising of communication officer Sgt Kholofelo Phokane, sector commander W/O Molatelo Phoku, CPF and YCOP members have on Monday 2017-10-09 and Tuesday 2017-10-10 conducted back to school campaigns at Laerskool Ohrigstad and Maepa Primary School respectively. Members of the Police started by visiting Laerskool Ohrigstad on Monday where Sgt Phokane addressed the learners in the school hall and on Tuesday 2017-10-10 the Police visited Maepa Primary School where Sgt Phokane, W/O Phoku and the CPF addressed the learners at the assembly together with their principal Mr. S.S Mkhabela and other educators. They inter alia said: * Learners must respect their educators and their parents. * Learners must not be afraid of the police because the police are their friends. * Bullying and Teenage pregnancy. * Abuse of alcohol and drugs. * The police emergency number 10111 was given to learners and they where warned not to abuse this number as it is a emergency number. * The police crime stop numbers as 08600 10111 was given, and * The childline number which the learners can use when they are abused is 0800 0555 55. YCOP member (Young Civilians on Patrol), Puleng Msibi also took the opportunity to welcome the learners back to school and thanked the learners and the educators for giving the police a chance to speak to them.




13 OCTOBER 2017


Using the SANDF to fight crime - your views In an extreme move, Minister Fikile Mbalula this week announced that he requested the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to help crack down on crime in areas of the Western Cape and Gauteng. In the Western Cape gang violence is prevalent while Gauteng is battling with violent crimes. In many of these areas residents are fed up with the South African Police Service’s inability to curb crime and in the Western Cape members of the Community Policing Forums (CPF) within gang ridden areas have warned that residents are turning on the SAPS. “If the army is deployed it is not going to be easy. Communities have started turning on the police. The army will only be seen as a show of force,” said Ebrahim Abrahams of the Hanover Park CPF. He added that a successful intervention would be welcome. Traditionally the mandate of the SANDF is to protect the borders of South Africa, while the SAPS is responsible for tackling crime and ensure the safety of citizens within the country. Mbalula explained his decision saying: “Stabilisation and combating of these criminal activities are within the mandate of the South African Police Service, but due to the large groupings and military training of some of the perpetrators, the SANDF is requested to assist”. Section 201 of the Constitution states that only the president, as head of the national executive, may authorize the deployment of the defence force, in cooperation with the Police Service. One previous instance of short term SANDF deployment was during Operation Fiela when a spate of xenophobic attacks took place in the country. Calling in the army to assist in fighting crime is internationally seen as unconventional. Johan Burger, an independent consultant and previously a researcher at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) this week told the media that this request from Mbalula is seen as an exception to international rule. “There is always an exception to the rule, for example, if you have a volatile situation and complete lawlessness”. Burger added that the ideal is that the deployment of the SANDF should be for short periods to help stabilize areas and not to do the work of the police. He explained that the ways in which the police and SANDF operates differ with the police being trained to use minimum force and the SANDF just the opposite. His sentiment was echoed by Gareth Newham, current head of justice and violence prevention at the ISS. According to Newham the role of the SANDF will be short term and specific. “In the weeks after the operation you may find that the crime in that particular area might decline temporarily. But certainly the military is not going to make the whole province safer or change the factors contributing the crime. It is a high-visibility operation, which disrupts criminal activity in the area, allowing the police to confiscate firearms and make arrests in dangerous areas”. Western Cape Premier, Helen Zille welcomed the announcement. The DA has been calling on national government for interventions for an extended period of time. “We have repeatedly requested President Jacob Zuma to employ the SANDF to stabilise gang hotspot areas so that the police are freed up to investigate crimes and bring gang members to justice,” she said. The controversy of this weeks announcement was underlined by the police’s plan to cut approximately 3000 SAPS jobs. According to the police’s 2017-1018 annual performance plan, due to budget issues plans are under way to reduce SAPS personnel from 194 431 in 2016/2017 to 191 431 in the 2019/2020 book year. It was not specified in which province these cuts will take place. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the announcement.

Mnr. Louis Pieterse en Me. Vallery Pieterse sê: “Dis goed dat hulle die weermag betrokke wil laat raak om misdaad te bekamp, maar ons dink hulle moet dit in al die provinsies doen en nie net die Weskaap en Gauteng nie”. By hulle is Almero en Amoré.

Mr Vincent Armoh said: “It will help in the fight against crime because the South African Police is weak. They cannot combat crime. Last week my phone, bag, wallet and laptop was stolen and they’ve not yet come to take finger prints. I’m not sure, but I think it will be good to deploy the army all over South Africa to deal with crime”.

Mr Thabo Mmutlane and Mr Decious Mahlangu said: “They must deploy the soldiers all over South Africa and not just in the Western Cape and Gauteng if they want to go that way. However we don’t think there is a real need for the army. The police is doing fine. There will be fear amongst the people if the army is around”.

Mr Isaac Phoku said: “The army will not make a difference to the crime experienced. They need to add more police officers and empower the police to do their jobs. Crime is also not only happening in the Western Cape and Gauteng. If they are deploying the SANDF it should happen countrywide. Maybe they should give the police some extra training. It is actually their responsibility to fight crime and not that of the army. The right thing is to not get the army involved in fighting crime”. Left: Ms Betty Maesela said: “I think the army will help. It is good to have them come and fight crime. It is good that the focus is on the Western Cape and Gauteng because most people die there”.

Mr Victor Malapane and Mr Paulus Lepelle said: “It won’t help bringing the SANDF in. The police should develop a better relationship with communities to get results”.

Mnr. Johann Lategan sê: “Dit is goed dat die weermag ingeroep word maar hulle moet ook in Limpopo betrokke raak. Hierdie gebrand en klippe in die paaie rondom die myne is ‘n gevaar vir almal en daar behoort ingegryp te word”. By hom is Ashley en Ellouise.

Mr Kgodiswana Rantho said: “This country needs more police officers in all provinces of South Africa, not only certain areas. If they want to bring in the SANDF to fight crime, it should be in all provinces. Crime is happening everywhere. If they can do that they can succeed in reducing crime. Ordinary civilians should also not be allowed to carry or own guns. We should be civilized and the only people who should have guns is the SANDF. They should have big guns people can see. These small firearms that people easily hide is a problem. They should also have a minimum salary for the police of R20 000 per month. Their current small salaries are an instigator for them to do crime”.

Mr Kuziva Nyamurowa and Mr Tawanda Garabwa said: “The army should only come in if there is a specific area to be cleaned. They are not trained in policing and they don’t know how to work with civilians. They might be too harsh. The minister should empower the police. The police are often victims and the system is rotten from within. The police are sometimes less protected by the law than the criminals committing the crimes. The minister should do outreach campaigns to help people value the police because without the help of the communities they will not be able to do anything against crime”.

Mr Nala Mahlakwana and Mr Andries Mnisi said: “It will help the police to reduce crime. We want them to also be deployed in Burgersfort to reduce crime here. People have a lot of problems with crime. The soldiers should assist when people are drawing money at the ATM because they get robbed of their money. The visibility of the army and police is very important. The police is trying but they should be better empowered”.

13 OKTOBER 2017


Teachers in uniform Steelpoort Academy teachers showed learners what they look like in school uniform on the last day of the third term. The learners could dress in casual clothes while the teachers were dressed in school uniform. This led to loads of fun and learners loved the sight of their teachers looking like school kids.


Bull Run pret Die Wegry tydskrif se jaarlikse ‘Bull Run’ het verlede week plaasgevind en ‘n twee spanne van die area het gaan deelneem. Die geleentheid het by Van Wyksvlei

plaasgevind. Daar neem jaarliks 150 voertuie deel en van die reëls is dat voertuie ouer as 30 jaar moet wees en dat die totale koste van die voertuig (en om hom padwaardig te kry), nie meer as R25 000 mag wees nie. Die spanne moet ook op eie stoom by die Bull Run aankom. Die een span van Burgersfort (foto links) het bestaan uit Piet Pretorius, Christiaan Joubert, Lodewyk de Jager, Nico Havenga en as ondersteuning Pieta en Lafras Joubert. Die ander span (foto links onder) het van Lydenburg gekom en hulle was Pieter Broodryk, Fritz Sonntag, Abrie Coetzee, CP Prinsloo, Ig Schutte, Piet Malan en Reon Herbst. Die Burgersfort span het ‘n Tweede Wêreldoorlog tema gehad en het selfs ‘n ‘bom’ wat vlamme blaas op die dak aangebring. Die Bull Run het bestaan uit tydren roetes op die eerste dag en dan “Pan Fun” op die tweede dag. Dit is baie dieselfde as die jaarlikse Wildevy 4x4 uitdagings, maar met heelwat meer stof en geen water nie. “Ek sal onthou hoe droog dit was, die baie stof en die eiesoortig vriendelike mense,” vertel Lodewyk de Jager. Hulle was een van die spanne wat baie ver gery het. In totaal het hulle voertuig 2850km afgelê na die Bull Run en terug. Die manne is almal opgewonde om weer te gaan deelneem. (Foto’s en inligting: Lodewyk de Jager).



13 OCTOBER 2017

Dancing in Burgies’ musical Laerskool Burgersfort held their musical during the last week of the third term. The whole school participated and

the central theme of the performance was dancing. The school thanked everyone who contributed to the success of the event.

The different grades all made their way to the stage with their own unique dance moves.

13 OKTOBER 2017



Styl en glans by HTS

Wedding bells for happy couples The end of September and the beginning of October is a happy time for many couples as they swear their ever lasting love for each other before family, friends and God. Gift Moropane tied the knot with Marcia Mailula at Ga-Mashishi on the 1 October. (Photograph left). On 30 September it was wedding bells for Pontsho SEfako Maroga who married Mashego Lekwadu. They got married at Ga-Mahlokwane - Natlela village. (They are in the photo just left).

Matriekafskeid 2017 Hoër Tegniese Skool Middelburg (HTS) het aan die einde van verlede kwartaal hulle matriekafskeid gehou. ‘n Groot groep plaaslike leerders is by HTS in die skool en hulle het behoorlik geskitter by die geleentheid. Bo is Jean Pierre Matthysen en Sulandri van der Linde. Jean Pierre is ‘n oud-leerder van Laerskool Burgersfort. Links is Chanelle Volschenk en MC van der Merwe. Chanelle is ‘n oud-leerder van Steelpoort Akademie. Beide Chanelle en Jean Pierre se ouers is steeds inwoners van die omgewing.

(Photographs and information submitted by: Mr Jenny Phala).

(Fotos en inligting: Wilna Volschenk en Mariana van Rooyen).

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sauces. Visit Esmé Framers in Steelpoort next to Wimpy or contact Esmé on 079 100 9643.

9. Te Huur/ To Rent HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom units available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000 Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours.

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13 OCTOBER 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Kom ondersteun die Ratels Rugby Klub Die Ratels Rugby Klub hou op 21 Oktober ‘n Knipmes Aand by die Plaashuis in Burgersfort. Die aand is daarop gemik om fondse vir die klub in te samel. Die volgende seisoen begin in die middel van Februarie volgende jaar en dan is daar baie kostes vir onder meer rugbytruie, toerusting en vervoer na wedstryde. Die Knipmes aand sal ‘n lekker kuier geleentheid wees waar daar ook ‘n paar bekende rugbyspelers sal saam kuier. Daar is beperkte kaartjies beskikbaar en tafels word slegs op bespreking en betaling geboek. ‘n Hall of Fame tafel waar 8 mense saam met ‘n rugby held kan kuier kos R5000. Gewone besigheidstafels kos R2500 - daar kan ook 8 mense sit. Die prys sluit in ‘n knipmes, eerste bier of koeldrank asook ‘n ete. Die funksie begin om 17:00. Daar sal ook ‘n veiling gehou word. Om jou tafel te bespreek en nie net ‘n geleentheid te hê waardeur die Ratels ondersteun word nie, maar ook ‘n lekker kuier aand saam met jou tafel wat jy deur kliënte of personeel kan vul vir lekker netwerk of spanbou. Navrae en kaartjies: Marius by 082 652 7451

Next week is the Gwarra Gwarra Golf Day The Gwarra Gwarra Golf Day will be taking place on 21 October 2017. The day’s play will be a four ball alliance, two scores, best drive. Entry fees are R300 per player and this includes green fees, Halfway House lunch and prize giving. Sponsors and wet holes R1000. The day will take place at Tubatse Golf Club and tee-off will be at 08:00 in the morning. For more information contact Rita Beukes on 082 633 1507 or e-mail:

Enter for the Chrome Masters The ultimate golf challenge at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club The Chrome Masters competition will take place on 2 - 4 November at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. It will be 9 Holes - Par 3 - “Shoot Out” - Thursday with the tournament competition days on Friday and Saturday. The format will be Individual IPS and Combined IPS. The entry fee is R800 and only players with a SAGA Handicap may enter. The “Green Jacket” and fantastic other prizes are up for grabs. Included in the entry fee is a lunch between the rounds as well as dinner on Friday and Saturday. On 2 November there will be a Players auction evening with snacks. Online entries only. Visit www. limpopogolfunion. or www. Tee-off will be at 07:00 and 12:15. The draw will take place on Monday 31 October 2017.

For enquiries contact Thinus Labuschagne on 082 674 2494 or Richard Daneel on 072 695 1317. Accommodation available at Tubatse club. Enquiries on 013 236 5112.

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