Platinum Gazette 14 February 2014

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Water update - p 3

Photograph: Sekhukhune District Municipality Communications Unit

Š Platinum Gazette

14 February 2014


14 FEBRUARY 2014


No bail for assault accused

Glencore donates to Bosfontein Primary School Glencore this week donated 330 school bags to learners at Bosfontein Primary School near the mine. The donations were distibuted by Mr Doug Sammons (Mine Manger Magareng Mine), Ms Mariett Dorey (Magareng Mine Secretary), Ms Sinkie Makofane (Safety officer - Magareng Mine, Mr Phillip Simelane (Full time safety representative Magareng Mine) and Ms. Nevia Buthelezi (Community Development Officer: Eastern Chrome Mines). (Information and photographs: Ms Nevia Buthelezi)

A 27-year old man appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on Monday this week on a charge of assault with the purpose to inflict grievous bodily harm. He allegedly assaulted a 23-year old woman with a bottle after they had an argument on Saturday evening. According to the police report the man wanted to have intercourse with the woman. She did not want to have a sexual relations with the man and he allegedly stabbed her with a bottle. The police arrested him the next day.

Two sentenced for house breaking

The incident allegedly happened at the Sekhukhune FET College’s CN Phatudi Campus. A large contingent students waited outside the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on Monday in an action to oppose bail for the suspect. “We feel for our sister,” they told the newspaper outside the court. (See photograph above). The man remains in custody until 17 February when he will appear in court again. (Information: Const. J. Mvundlela).

Bring toolmaking back to South Africa The Toolmaking Association of South Africa is on a mission to make the production of tools in South Africa a viable option. The Chairman of the Toolmaking Association of South Africa (TASA) Gauteng, Vusi Mkhize (photograph) says the revitalisation of the training capability for toolmakers must be the biggest single success story in South Africa’s

Thokozani Sam Ngele (30) and Emmanuel Sello Shongwe (20) received a one year prison sentence on Monday this week. The two were found guilte on charges of housebreaking and theft that happened at Bothashoek village on 29 and 39 November 2013. Items such as a television screen and duvet were stolen. The two received their sentence in the Praktiseer District Court and did not get an option for a fine. The case was investigated by the Tubatse SAPS and the stolen items were recovered. (Information: Const. J. Mvundlela).

training history over the past d e c a d e . Addressing the A n n u a l G e n e r a l Meeting of TASA Gauteng in Midrand, Mkhize said more than R200 million have been s p e n t nationally on a scientifically

developed and managed seven year artisan training programme for the tooling industry. The TDM Powered training programme is based on international standards set by the National Institute for Metalworking Standards (NIMS) in Washington DC. Mkhize said 109 toolmaker artisans will graduate in April in Gauteng, while another 48 will qualify as machinists. Eighty Foundation Level and 290 Level 1 students will start their training in the province this year, while a 100 qualified artisans are expected to enrol for the newly launched Master Toolmaker Programme. TASA is the custodian of the technical content of the TDM Powered Programme and plays a pivotal role in its success. The programme forms part of TASA and the Gauteng Tooling Initiative’s (GTI) pioneering and prototyping methodologies to revitalise manufacturing in Gauteng. “Our strategy is to bring jobs back from the East and other parts of the world where tooling, that can be produced in South Africa, is currently being imported from,” says Mkhize. He emphasized that in terms of the new paradigm for the revitalisation of the tooling industry, South Africa will have to focus strongly on inward investment to establish a

premium tooling sector as well as clustering in the medium technology toolmaking sector to alleviate the pressure from Asian and East European tools. He pointed out that the new toolmaking rules aimed at making South Africa globally competitive will require a revolution in productivity, production depth or specialisation and performance depth. The latter implies a broad-based capacity to enable the industry to design, produce and support tools throughout their life cycle. The turn-around will require significant investments in production facilities, technology, recapitalisation of local tooling entities and co-operation and clustering infrastructure. Mkhize says enterprise development will be a key building block in the revitalisation of the local tooling industry. To this end TASA Gauteng has already developed and rolled out a pilot project aimed at developing a methodology to run a tool shop as a tool factory. A tool shop management programme based on Lean Production and Visual Management has also been developed and documented. In addition value chain specialisation and specialised clustering are also promoted by TASA.

Helping Hand Food Bank gets a much needed donation New motorspares - wide range Trading Hours: 07:00 - 18:00 Weekdays 07:30 - 17:00 Saturday & Sunday

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The Helping Hand Food Bank (HHFB) based at the Mapodile Thusong Service Centre is touching lives. The group consisting of five young local people liaise with big retail stores who assist them with the distibution of donated food parcels to needy people in their area. The HHFB was assisted by government to receive exposure on Thobela FM and this resulted in the donation of a computer for the project. The NGO has been operating since 2013 and also distribute donated clothes, blankets and toys to needy people. The HHFB manager and founder, Ms Maria Nkosi said: “The computer will enable us to store clients’ data and to do research on community development projects”. They thanked Thobela FM, GCIS and Vision 2015 for the donation of the computer. (Information and Photograph: HHFB)

Helping Hand Food Bank is on a mission to make people’s lives better. They have just been donated a brand new computer. From left to right: Steve Mopana, David Ngobeni, Ouma Nkosi and Rebone Choma.



Waiting for the President Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe and an entourage of Traditional Leaders under the Chairperson of the Local House of Traditional Leaders Kgosi Boleu Rammupudu 11 this week visited a number of water and sanitation projects in the district municipality. This visit included the nearly completed De Hoop Dam. Also in attendance at this visit were consulting engineers for the dam construction and those responsible for the construction of the 40 kilometer bulk pipeline that stretches from De Hoop Dam to the Steelpoort Waste Water Treatment Plant. During the visit it emerged that: That the construction of the De Hoop Dam is completed at 99 %; That De Hoop Dam is currently at 46 % full with raw water; That the mechanical works around De Hoop Dam will be completed in August 2014; That the bulk pipe line aimed at circulating water from De Hoop Dam to the Steelbridge Waste Water Treatment plant has been completed and it is only awaiting commissioning; and That the 40 kilometre bulk pipe line from Steelbridge Waste Water Trearment plant to the Steelpoort Waste Water Treatment plant is currently 17 kilometres complete and it is expected to be completed in December 2014. “This in simple terms means that we are ready to provide water from De Hoop Dam to the people of Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality once the President of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma officially hands over this dam to us as

the Sekhukhune District Municipality. We are awaiting for a date in anticipation and following my interaction with the Minister of Water Affairs, I am hopeful that this will be done as a matter of urgency” said Cllr Magabe. Magabe further said “we take this opportunity and call upon our people in particular those residing in the Greater Tubatse Municipality to exercise restraint. We say so because so far, we have completed our bulk pipe line that connects our main reservoir at Ga-Maroga Cross and the reservoir itself has been completed and it is evident when one travels across the R37 road. For them we are looking at the completion of construction of this 40 kilometre bulk pipe line which is currently at 17 kilometres from Ga-Malekana towards Steelpoort WWTP. We are confident that it will be done by the end of 2014”. During the trip the three houses of the families who were relocated from the dam basin where also visited and Mayor Magabe promised that he will communicate with the Department of Water Affairs to have defects fixed. The visit was concluded with an inspection of the alternative road that the people of Buffelskloof will have to use following the envisaged closure of the old R555 road which is deemed highly risky due to the fact that the water from the Dam has already started to engulf the road. The mayor and his entourage also stopped at the Ga-Malekana Waste Water Treatment Plant and the bulk pipe line under construction along the R555 road to Steelpoort. “I am extremely happy with the progress made thus far and I hope that come the Presidential visit to officially launch the dam, we will get all the people of Sekhukhune District Municipality to the Dam so that they witness what is happening and how they will benefit thereafter” said Magabe.

....slow go Praktiseer The Executive Mayor visited Praktiseer on Monday to understand the progress being made with a project which was started in 2010 but could not yield results until today because of many factors including shoddy workmanship and natural conditions. What emerged in Praktiseer was the following: There are four water projects planned for Praktiseer and the first three will run concurrently; Phase one, is the construction of an additional reservoir behind Dark City and the construction of a new water pump station in the Tubatse River; Phase two is laying of bulk pipe lines stretching across all the sections of Praktiseer; Phase three is internal street connections and reticulation and Phase four is about dismantling all the old asbestos pipe lines in the towns and replacing them with a new pipe system that is compatible with current standards; “I am not happy with progress that is being made here in Praktiseer and I requested both the consulting engineers and the project manager to take strong action against slow pace of work here. We have committed to our people in 2010 that we will deliver clean running water to them but we are still getting reports not water delivery. This is absolutely not good at all. I understand that part of the delay was because we terminated the contract of the initial contractor due to a mutual agreement but that does not mean that the new contractors should work as if it is usual business. The people of Praktiseer want water and they can’t wait any longer” said Executive Mayor Magabe. The Praktiseer water project is expected to be completed by the end of 2014.




Golf Day proceeds benefit schools The Samancor ECM annual Golf Day raise funds for community projects. The 2013 day’s funds was used to distribute “Back to Schoo” gifts amongst grade 7 children at Mangabane Primary, Boerboomkraal Primary, Dithamaga Primary and Steelpoort Academy. ECM would like to thank everyone who made this project possible.

14 FEBRUARY 2014

Puma paw prints The Mpumalanga provincial rugby team, the Pumas visited Laerskool Ohrigstad last week Friday. They signed promotional and other items for their young fans before posing for a group photograph.

(All photographs and information supplied by Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines).

Erkenning vir haar bydrae tot die onderwys Mev. Ronnie Ferreira, skoolhoof van Laerskool Ohrigstad is onlangs vereer vir haar lewenslange bydrae tot die onderwys in die provinsie. Sy het die Sekhukhune distrik in die “Lifetime achievement awards” by die provinsiale toekennings verteenwoordig. Daar het sy ‘n tweede plek behaal. Die skool se beheerliggaam, onderwysers en kinders is baie trots op mev. Ferreira. Hulle het haar ook bedank vir haar harde werk en lojale ondersteuning deur die jare.

Waterval CVO atlete presteer

Leerlinge van Waterval CVO skool naby Burgersfort het verlede naweek aan atletiek op Groblersdal gaan deelneem. Die groep het goed presteer en met ‘n reuse oes medaljes teruggekeer.


Pick a legal initiation school The Limpopo initiation schools are scheduled to commence on the 20th June and end on the 18th July 2014. The closing date for submission of applications to conduct initiation schools for the year 2014 is 28 February 2014. The House of Traditional leaders will conduct a workshop for all Senior Traditional Leaders who qualify for initiation schools permits. The purpose of the workshop is to brief and prepare the initiation school stakeholders on precautionary measures to be followed in order to have a smooth process during the initiation period. The workshop is scheduled for 18th March 2014. The provincial government also calls upon parents to verify the legitimacy of initiation schools they intend to send their children with their respective Traditional Authorities. There will be zero tolerance to people who want to take chances by running initiation schools without permits. The required documents which must accompany all applications are as follows: 1.A letter from the Traditional Council of the area at which the initiation schools will take place, supporting the application; 2. A certificate of fitness of the traditional surgeon issued by a medical doctor. 3. An environmental report compiled by Environmental Practitioner for the area at which the Initiation School will take place; and 4. A copy of proclamation and/or title deed confirming authority and/or jurisdiction over the area at which the Initiation School is to be conducted; 5. An undertaking signed by senior traditional leader regarding acceptance of accountability for the initiation school. · No person shall hold an initiation school without a valid permit issued to him/her in terms of Section 2 (1) of the Northern Province Circumcision Schools Act No. 6 of 1996. · No traditional surgeon or any other person is allowed to perform rituals in an initiation school without a certificate of fitness issued for that purpose by a registered medical practitioner authorized by the Premier or authorized officer to do so in terms of Section 3 (1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. · No traditional nurse or any other person is allowed to look after initiates in an initiation school without a certificate of attendance of training referred to in regulation 5, provided that the prohibition shall become effective on the day immediately after the conclusion of the training concerned in terms on Section 4(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. · No person below the age of twelve can be admitted to an initiation school in terms of Section 7(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. · No initiate shall be admitted to an initiation school more than five days after the commencement of the school in terms of


Residents from Elephants Hill and Aloe Ridge this week complained about a lack of refuse removal in their areas. This however served up a feast to the cats and dogs in the area.



Section 7(3) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. · No person is allowed to abduct another for the purpose of taking the abducted person to an initiation school in terms of Section 9(1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003. In an effort to prevent the unnecessary loss of lives, the Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs request parents to send their children to the initiation schools that will be approved after 28 February 2014.

Let’s do some trading The formal business sector in Burgersfort and surroundings has been complaining about the slow start to the year. Local informal traders made use of the opportunities created by a soccer tournament over the past three weeks. This lady was photographed at Mangabane.



14 FEBRUARY 2014

What do you think is the Yesterday was the annual State of the Nation address where President Jacob Zuma reflected on what was achieved during the past year and indicated what may be lying ahead in 2014. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think the state of the nation is and whether they feel that Zuma will agree with their point of view. Many of those approached was not aware that the State of the Nation address would be taking place and most did not plan to view it. Locally the State of the Province address will be taking place next week. Residents of the area are welcome to visit the public screening of the event. Get all the details in the advertisement on page 7.

Mr Calvin Selepe said: “At the State of the Nation address they are just promising but nothing happens. I don’t think we are doing ok. Money is allocated to the departments but they don’t use it for service delivery. I’ve been staying at Manoke Village. It is an old village, but there is no service delivery at all. Zuma should agree with me. They might try on a national level but locally they do nothing”.

Ms Sophie Maepa and Mr Godfrey Bondai said: “Where we are stying there is no electricity, no water and nothing is happening. We are not in a good state. If Zuma visits us he will agree with what we say”.

Me. Bianca Wirths sê: “Die toestand van ons nasie...chaos! Zuma sal saamstem, hy floreer op chaos”.

Ms Annietjie Mathebula said: “Things are falling apart. I don’t see service delivery or development. Zuma will not agree with me, but if you look at our situation now, things are messed up”.

Mr. Willie Janse van Rensburg said: “The state of our nation is the same as the state of our roads. In the old days we used to drive on the left side of the road and now we drive on what is left of the road. No, Zuma will not agree because he uses airplanes”.

Mr Cain Makofane said: “I see lots of development but people don’t see things the same way. In Burgersfort they’ve given us Malls and they are working hard on sanitation and water projects. We are now looking forward to getting electricity. I hope Zuma will agree with me”.

Mr Papi Makgate said: “Government is failing us. It is time to change. Especially service delivery is failing. Under the Zuma government we are going nowhere. If Zuma does not step down, the ANC will lose the election this year. They are making empty promises. No, Zuma will not agree with me, but the fact is that everyone is crying for water and electricity and they are always saying they are planning for another year”.

Right: Mr TM Mthenjane said: “The last year the services were better. People are struggling with houses due to rainfall. In 2014 things can be exciting - hopefully all villages can have enough houses and running water. Government must improve the service delivery. I think Zuma may think services were delivered while they were actually not”.

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Mr Jack Nombewu (left) said: “I know so many things are being promised. But especially black people are not getting services. The government is corrupt. I struggle although I have a job. 20 years of ANC government but I have not benefitted anything. It is the same as the National Party. No, Zuma will not agree, but if he looks at me, he will have to see that my vote did not help me. I have now decided not to vote this year”. Mnr Daniël Khotle (regs) sê: “Die mense sal nooit tevrede wees nie. Mense wil almal dieselfde wees en hê. Ons kan darem nou al ‘n verskil sien van 1994 af. Ons gaan vorentoe ja. Zuma sal met my saamstem”.

Mnr Petrus Mokwena sê: “Daar is te min werk in die land. Zuma moet sorg vir meer werk. Mense kry matriek maar hulle kry nie werk nie. Dit gaan sleg met die land want die mense wil werk maar daar is nie werk nie. Mense like van werk. Mense by die mines verkoop werk, maar wat as jy nie geld het nie?”




state of our nation?

Mr Phillemon Nkwane said: “At the moment the state of the nation is not well. People are suffering. They share water with animals. Many have no electricity. People suffer. Zuma will say things to make himself look good. Government leaders don’t say negative things to the nation, so he will not agree with me”.

Mr Judge Mahlake said: “They are not delivering. The nation is not in a good state. Mr Jacob Zuma is not looking after the nation. He is only looking after his wives. He is at Nkandla and spend money there and not on the people. Helen Zille’s Western Cape is doing better than the rest of the nation. He will not agree with me, but this is how I feel. I wish they can rule like Nelson Mandela, but in 200 years there will not be someone like him”. Links: Me. Louise Grimmick sê: “ Ek dink dit gaan sleg met ons land. Ons moet nou saamstaan en nie alles laat gaan oor Mandela dood is nie. Zuma moet maar net met my saamstem”. By haar is Me. Len Grimmick.

Mr Lovemore Hatlane said: “The government is very good. The problem is we lack unity and that causes a delay in development. Government is not a problem, the working together is a problem. This building a nation is not working. There are too many conflicts of interest. It takes away jobs. Zuma will agree. He understands me”.

Me. Marlene van der Merwe sê: “Ek dink nie dit gaan goed nie. Daar is al soveel gesê hulle werk aan die paaie, mense sukkel met water ens. maar ‘n mens kan nie sien dit gaan beter nie. Ek twyfel of Zuma met my sou saamstem”. By haar is Jacques en Andrew.

STATE OF THE PROVINCE ADDRESS The Premier of Limpopo, Honourable Chupu Stanley Mathabatha will deliver his State of the Province Address during the opening of the Legislature as follows: DATE: 20 FEBRUARY 2014 VENUE:




All guests are kindly requested to be seated at 09:30. The Legislature shall broadcast the proceedings live on Channel 408 (DSTV), SABC and Community Radio Stations in the Province. VENUES FOR BIG SCREENS Mr Kgosintle Majatsie said: “Much is improving although people are still unhappy about service delivery. The youth have a high rate of unemployment - that is a concern. Will Zuma agree with me? It is facts I’m mentioning so he’ll agree”. With him is Ms Annah Rantho.




















Ms Dorah Meyer said: “The state of our nation? I don’t see any change. There is a bit of a delay in service delivery for RDP houses etc. A lot of people are still crying and struggling without jobs. Whether Zuma agrees with me or not, this is something he cannot deny”. With her is Mr Thapelo Mthethwa.









For more information on Big Screens kindly contact: Mr Lufuno Mudzanani at 015 633 8076/082 331 8027 or Ms Maphishane Ntsoane at 082 418 6282.

8 The South African English word bakkie nine times out of ten conjures up the image of a Toyota Hilux in one’s mind, which is to say that you can use a Hilux for everything you will normally need a bakkie for, like working, towing, leisure, roughing it, commuting, etc. The Hilux 3.0D-4D double cab (4x2) we got from Burgersfort Toyota to test drive, proved to be no exception. It is a large vehicle, with a large sturdy load bay at the back and a very roomy cabin, front and rear, with all the creature comforts you could wish for. The vehicle, from its underpinnings to the steering wheel, is sturdy and simple, and at the same time sophisticated, making it a versatile option in a very busy market segment. When scrutinising the finer detail of the vehicle, from the hardwearing interior plastics, to the simple operation of control, further down to the architecture of the drive train through the 4 speed auto gearbox version we drove, it was clear that Hiluxes are still designed to be as hard as nails and to last forever in very hostile environments. The 3 litre four cylinder turbo diesel with intercooler had no problem in delivering the goods and open road cruising was comfortable with noise, harshness and vibration levels well under control (acceptable for a bakkie that is) and a trip will even be more comfortable with some weight loaded onto the back. Maximum power is rated at 120kW at 3400rpm, while peak torque of 343Nm is delivered between 1400rpm and 3200rpm. Needless to say, it pulls from low down, as one would expect, and making for effortless cruising on any surface. So, we liked it and since the Hilux enjoys the lion’s share of the light commercial market, it’s fair to label it South Africa’s “king” bakkie. But, there are also a few niggles. The bakkies are tough, but sometimes the drivers are vain, or just want the check their lipstick or tie. What exactly will it cost to fit a vanity mirror on the driver’s side of a vehicle already costing R418 000 (and no, it is not an option). The shiny silver of the centre parts of the dash in the Hilux can be irritating on the eyes, depending on the position of the sun. It also makes reading details on the unshaded screen of the infotainment system difficult. That is it, tough safe, reliable, economical, in short, a winning recipe. You can have a closer look at Burgersfort Toyota.


14 FEBRUARY 2014

Tough, durable and unbreakable



Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405

9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. VIP Rentals Two and Three Bedroom Units available Please phone: 074 354 1274

OFFICES TO LET: Burgersfort Extension 5, 166 Marone Street at Dr Phetla’s surgery adjacent to Supa Quick. Monthly rental of R5000, payable before occupancy. Contact 079 498 1932 / 082 857 8226 3 bedroom house in a security village available to rent in March 2014, R10 000 pm. Please contact owner at 076 834 3457 Twee Slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby die Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954

One and Two Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort. Safe and secure. Please contact 076 666 1100

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Platinum Gazette

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


VACANCY STYLEFURN A national Company is welcoming employment applications for staff memebers for their exciting expansion programme in

Burgersfort Positions available: Sales Consultants Applicants of all ages are welcome. Previous sales experience is an advantage. Closing date: 22/02/2014.

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers:

Please forward CV to:

Do you have some news? Contact Platinum Gazette on E-mail:, Fax: 013 231 7147 or Tel: 013 231 7147/ 083 271 9151 with your news and events.

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Burgersfort SAPS (013) 231 7231 Ohrigstad SAPS (013) 238 0128 Roossenekal SAPS (013) 273 0075 Mecklenburg SAPS (015) 615 0204 Eerstegeluk SAPS (013) 237 0011 Tubatse SAPS (013) 216 8500 Sekhukhune SAPS (013) 260 1007 Leboeng SAPS (013) 769 9099 Maartinshoop SAPS (013) 235 4041 In case of a power failure in Burgersfort the SAPS Switchboard will not be working. Call: 082 462 2920 or 082 449 0273

Ander nood/Other emergencies:

Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676

Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool

Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village

* Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern

* Morena’s Tavern * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor

Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt Solutions Burgersfort * Burgersfort Toyota * Sediman Tuckshop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It

Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2

Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566 Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis

* Platinum Petroleum * Wimpy



14 FEBRUARY 2014

Bosbok Tak hou skietdag vir jagters op Lydenburg Die Bosbok Tak van die SA Jagtersvereniging bedien die Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad en Lydenburg area.

Hulle hou hierdie Saterdag, 15 Februarie hul volgende skietdag en lede sowel as belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te

Foto en Inligting: Johan Grimbeek.

woon. Dit sal ‘n sosiale skietdag wees en vind by die Egbert Hiembstra skietbaan buite Lydenburg plaas. Dit sal die tweede sosiale skietdag van die jaar wees. Die eerste het reeds op 25 Januarie plaasgevind en bywoning was buitengewoon hoog. Ongeveer 70 skuts het aan dié dag deelgeneem. Die wenners van die dag se onderskeie afdelings was soos volg: Blouwildebees (Bosveld tabel): Mans Ope: 1. Johan Grimbeek 94%, 2. Timo Briedenhann 78%, 3. Kassie Kasselman 78%. Dames Ope: 1. Lizl Grimbeek 48%, J van der Merwe 24%, 3. Chantall Kilian 11%. Juniors: 1. Wikus Viljoen 78%, 2. Ian Grobler 37%, Ulrich Stickling 33%. Boogskiet Rooibok: Algeheel: 1. Johan Grimbeek 96%, JB Willers 90% en Loffie van Emmenis 86%. Vlakwark Mans Ope: 1. Johan Grimbeek 98%, 2. Timo Briedenhann 87%, Kassie Kasselman 80%. Dames Ope: Lizl Grimbeek 47%, J van der Merwe 30%, 3. Chantall Kilian 29%. Juniors: 1. Ulrich Stickling

62%, 2. Wikus Viljoen 60%, 3. Ian Grobler 40%. Die algehele wenners was mans ope: Johan Grimbeek, vroue ope: Lizl Grimbeek, Juniors: Wikus Viljoen, boogskiet: Johan Grimbeek. Die Springbok en Jakkals tabelle sal hierdie naweek geskiet word. Dit behels 5 skote op Jakkals op 300m. Springbok kry 3 skote op 300m en 6 skote op 200m. Daar sal vergunning gebied word om gewere in te skiet tussen 07:00 en 07:30, 11:00 tot 11:30 en 14:00 tot 14:30. Die Rooibok tabel gaan geskiet word met die boog asook vlakvark en haas replikas. Boog belangstelling groei baie en die “buds” het swaar deurgeloop. Enige boogjagter of skuts is welkom om te kom saam skiet. Lede sal R50 betaal en nie-lede R75 per inskrywing vir die geweer afdeling en R50 per lid en R75 vir nie-lede per inskrywing vir boogskiet. Die eerste inskrywing vir die dag sal gebruik word om die wenners te bepaal en die telling sal gebruik word om te sien of skuts vir skietbalkies kwalifiseer. Inskrywingsgelde sluit ook ‘n lootjie in, waarby die wenner ‘n rooibokram by Khumula Lodge kan gaan skiet. Navrae: Johan Grimbeek, 082 378 0698 (skiet koördineerder), JB Willers, 082 820 1748 (voorsitter) en Loffie van Emmenis, 082 853 7414 Iskiet sake).

Tubatse Masters face off against Tukakgomo Masters On Sunday last week the Tubatse Masters visited the Tukakgomo Masters to play friendly soccer games. The first game Tubatse Masters walked away as the winners with a score of 2-0. Doctor Klaaste scored in the first half and in the second half Aubrey Malindisa scored a second goal. In the second game the Tubatse Masters continued to dominate. Tomas Lubisi scored a hatrick in the first half to make the half time score 3-0. In the second half Aubrey Malindisa scored his second goal of the day. The hosts also managed to score a goal in the second half, but the game ended 41 in favour of Tubatse Masters. (Information and photographs: Jerial Mvundlela)

Behind them all the way Daniël Makua, a local marathon runner known for his colourful attire during races is also one of Kaizer Chiefs’ biggest supporters. He this week contacted the newspaper to say: “They will go all the way!” Like the Chiefs’ coach, Stuart Baxter he does not believe that the 2-2 draw against Maritzburg United who was 14th on the log is something to worry about. “The will this year become the Caf Champions!” he added.

Plaaslike motorsport blitse presteer Plaaslike motorsport entoesiaste het goed gevaar op die eerste byeenkoms van die jaar. Dit het op 7 February by die Amsterdam “raceway” plaasgevind. Aveen Harigen van Lydenburg het ‘n eerste plek met sy BMW in die 6 silinder turbo klas behaal. Sy tyd was 11.9 sekondes teen ‘n spoed van 192km/h oor 400m. Nico Venter van Lydenburg het ‘n tweede plek in dieselfde klas behaal. Sy spoed was 13.24 sekondes teen ‘n spoed van 178km/h oor 400m.

Corrie Strydom van Steelpoort het ‘n eerste plek met sy Datsun GX in die Rotary N/A klas behaal. Hy het ‘n tyd van 14.53 sekondes teen ‘n spoed van 156.6km/h oor 400m gery. Die manne is nog opsoek na borge en hoop om die area se naam hoog te hou in die wêreld van motorsport. Belangstellendes can Corrie Strydom by 083 938 0523/24 of 082 881 5642/43 kontak. (Inligting en foto’s: Corrie Strydom)




Netball and soccer extravaganza The Eastern Limb Mines Soccer and Netball tournament ended last weekend. Get the full results on page 12.

Modikwa’s netball and soccer teams with their trophies. They were the winners of the Eastern Limb Mines tournament that ended last weekend.

Spectators used every bit of shade to get relief from the heat - even underneath the water tanks.

Teams from near and far came to play their sporting codes at Mangabane Sports Ground.

Professional referees made sure games were played according to the rules.


14 FEBRUARY 2014

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Modikwa is tops

Netball, soccer and a friendly volleyball game was played.

The finals of the Eastern Limb Mines Soccer and Netball Tournament took place last weekend at Mangabane Sports ground. Other active teams from the area were also invited to attend the event. The tournament results were: Netball: Modikwa 17 vs. Dwarsrivier 4; Mogalakwena 18 vs. Marula Mine 7. Finals: Modikwa 15 vs. Mogalakwena 13. Soccer semi-finals: Modikwa 4 vs. Tubatse Chrome 1; Twickenham 2 vs. Bokoni 1. The finals between Twickenham and Modikwa were won on penalties. The score was Modikwa 5 and Twickenham 4. The soccer player of the tournament was Velly from the Modikwa team. The netball player of the tournament was Bongani, from Modikwa and the best shooter in the finals was Brenda Matshaba from Modikwa. She scored 15 goals. The Modikwa captain Cedrick scored the best goal of the soccer tournament. The organisers thanked everyone who contributed to the success of the event. (Information: Andy Mohloke)

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