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Bauba to mine chrome
Farewell forever?
Kgothatso Mkhabela, one of Steelpoort Academy’s learners, gave this dramatic rendition of a poem at the school’s annual prestige prize-giving ceremony last week Thursday. The crux of the poem was that to take your leave of a place and people does not mean that you say goodbye forever. Farewell does not necessarily mean gone and forgotten, giving food for thought to everyone who attend a farewell function during this time of the year.
© Platinum Gazette
14 November 2014
Bauba Platinum has announced that the company planned to start mining chrome ore near Burgersfort by January next year. In a SENS Announcement the company says the DMR has issued Bauba’s major subsidiary, Bauba A Hlabirwa, with a mining permit. The mining permit allows for approximately 240 000 metric tonnes of run of mine chrome ore to be mined ata planned 20 000 metric tonnes per month at full production. Furthermore, the receipt of the mining permit affords Bauba A Hlabirwa the opportunity to apply for a mining license, which application will be submitted to the DMR by no later than the first week of December 2014. The DMR has indicated that the mining license will be issued before the completion of the current mining schedule, which will enable Bauba A Hlabirwa to continue producing chrome ore for sales purposes. This ought to ensure continued open-cast mining operations and commensurate positive cash flows for both Bauba A Hlabirwa and the company over the next five years. The company says the area where mining is envisaged indicates a total ore body of the chrome resource amounts to 9.3 million metric tonnes, of which approximately 1.3 million metric tonnes have been identified as suitable for open-cast mining operations up to a high wall of 50 metres. Bauba A Hlabirwa also entered into a chrome ore supply agreement with ASA Metals and a lease and option agreement with Jibeng Investment Proprietary Limited, the landowners of the farm Moeijelik 412 KS, on which the chrome deposit occurs. This agreement also provides an option to acquire the portion of the farm on which the mining operations will be established. The agreement with ASA has, for the time being, been capped by Bauba A Hlabirwa at a run of mine offtake total of 480 000 metric tonnes. However, ASA has expressed an interest to materially increase the aforesaid quantity at some future date, should Bauba A Hlabirwa be agreeable thereto. Following the receipt of the mining permit, Zizwe Opencast Mining Proprietary Limited (“Zizwe”) will be commissioned to commence site establishment and the extraction of the chrome ore. The first run of mine chrome ore is expected to be collected by ASA towards the third week of January 2015. The company earlier said it expects the proceeds from the chrome ore mining to contribute to the funding of its platinum exploration endaevours in the Eastern Limb.
Water is life... 13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.� John 4:13-14 New International Version (NIV)
This photograph was taken at Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve near Tzaneen earlier this year.
14 NOVEMBER 2014
Winning with GMC GMC Debt Solutions in Burgersfort is currently running a weekly competition in which customers can win a R250 shopping voucher. People can enter the competition at any of the two CheapCheap butcheries in Burgersfort or OK Minimark. Every week one winner is drawn at each shop and out of the three an ultimate winner will get the voucher. On the top photograph is Corrie Smith (Cheap Cheap #2), Gladys Malumane and Frik Visagie (GMC). Gladys won on the first draw of the competition. The second winner was Olivia Ngele (photo left). With her are Chris Viljoen (Cheap Cheap #1) and Frik Visagie of GMC. Enter now and stand a chance to win!
14 NOVEMBER 2014
Jubilee’s smelter ready for tailings Jubilee Platinum’s Middelburg operation has continued its upward production trajectory, delivering 950 t of metal in October, exceeding September’s 840 t record by 13 percent. The company said in a trading update last week that Middelburg’s operational performance provided the group the opportunity to focus on the recovery of platinum-group metals (PGMs) from the Dilokong Chromite Mine (DCM) and platinum tailings project, at ASA Metals near Burgersfort. The project provided access to platinum-containing surface material estimated to exceed 950 000 t. Jubilee would now increase its beneficial interest in the project by increasing its interest in subsidiary Pollux Investment Holdings, which held the rights to the DCM platinum recovery project. This would be done through a sale-of-shares agreement, payable in three tranches to replicate the targeted timelines for the execution of the PGM processing plant and expected value-accretion to Jubilee, as well as reduce the upfront issuance of Jubilee shares. The company had made the same offer to the holder of the remaining 7.5 percent interest in Pollux, which, if accepted, would give Jubilee 100 percent ownership of Pollux and proportionate increased interest in the DCM project. Commenting on the announcement, Jubilee CEO Leon Coetzer said “The project, which focuses on the recovery of PGMs from surface material to produce platinum-containing concentrates, is the next step in Jubilee’s business model targeting continued growth in earnings on the back of the successful Middelburg smelter operations,” noting that Jubilee would now look to bring the DCM project to production within the near term. The group had concluded conceptual layout and three-dimensional design plans for the processing plant for the DCM platinum recovery project and was now considering projectfunding options to fund the construction and commissioning of the processing plant.ASA Metals, the owners of the DCM operation, had, meanwhile, given its full support to the DCM platinum recovery project and had confirmed the site on its property for the construction of the PGM processing plant. Jubilee had, furthermore, entered into advanced discussions with ASA for the further expansion of the proposed new plant to target the processing of third-party chrome and platinum-containing ore in the region.
The Limpopo Department of Transport says Limpopo recorded 17 deaths from different accidents from 3 to 9 November 2014. Three of them are pedestrians, ten passengers and four drivers. Causes of some accidents are due to driver fatigue, speeding, drunken driving, unsafe overtaking (causing heads on collisions), and pedestrian jaywalking. The department is also concerned about the increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities. The department says there will be zero tolerance of any traffic violations on the province’s roads as we are about to enter into a festive season. To curtail road deaths this festive season, the department under the leadership of MEC Mapula MokabaPhukwana will implement a focused and intensified campaign. The campaign will be centered on an intensive law enforcement plan that will mobilise over 1000 traffic officers and road safety officials. MEC Mokaba-Phukwana sent messages of condolences to those who lost their loved ones, and wished speed recovery to those in hospitals. Good brakes were needed on the R555 between Steelpoort and Burgersfort to let this taxi in when it simply disregarded the line, the incline and oncoming traffic last week. Photograph by a colleague in the editor’s vehicle who played with her iPhone while she had no signal. Number plate blotted out by Platinum Gazette.
14 NOVEMBER 2014
Saying thank you to volunteers
Above: Const. Victoria Maluleka spoke about the purpose of the event. (All photographs and information: Burgersfort SAPS)
On 31 October 2014 the Burgersfort SAPS held a thanksgiving ceremony. The event took place at Papa V Lodge and a large number of people attended. At the event certificates of appreciation and in some cases even trophies were handed to volunteers serving on the various forums assisting the SAPS in doing their work. Some of the forums represented included the Community Policing Forum (CPF), Women against Crime, Pastors against crime, Youth against crime and the Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP). Const. Victoria Maluleka told the guests that the SAPS management see the hard work that the volunteers are putting in and would like to thank them for their efforts in helping to fight crime. She encouraged them not to lose hope or feel like their efforts are getting lost in the crowd - they should know that they are appreciated. She also thanked all the sponsors who made the function possible. One of the evening’s highlights was the delicious cake in honour of the volunteers assisting the SAPS in Burgersfort.
Different certificates and trophies were given in appreciation of the work that is being done by the volunteers serving on the the forums.
14 NOVEMBER 2014
Steelpoort Akademie beloon hul presteerders Op 6 November het Steelpoort Akademie hul jaarlikse prestige prysuitdeling gehou. Die skool se toppresteerders is hier vereer. Die skool se koor is vereer vir hul uitnemende prestasie by die Suid-Afrikaanse Eisteddfod Kampioenskappe in Durban vanjaar. Hulle het ‘n vierde plek ingepalm en as die Limpopo kampioene deelgeneem. Die dubbel kwartet is ook vir hul prestasies in Durban vereer. Verskeie ander akademiese en sport toekennings is ook gemaak. Leerders was sport pryse ontvang het is: Gregory Nthutang, Yoné Volschenk, José Kleynhans, Pieter Barkhuizen, Charnelle du Preez, Kgothatso Mkhabela, Ryno le Grange, Maryke de Jager, Teboho Thaesa, Tiaan Joubert, Vuyo Qiki, Naledi Shae, Thinus de Jager, Melvin Sekgobela and Felix Hlomela. Die nuwe hoofleiers is ook amptelik voorgestel. Hulle is Henry Language (hoofseun), Shelby-Lee van der Sandt (hoofdogter), Ian Grobler (onder-hoofseun Sport), Chanelle du Preez (onder-hoofdogter sport), Sage Montague (onder-hoofseun akademie) en Kaylene Baxter (onderhoofdogter akademie).
Die top tien akademiese presteerders in die laerskool is: Clarissa Fourie (96,33%), Animie van Rooyen (95,72%), Dali Mabuza (91,4%), Aldoné Geldenhuys (90,88%), Roddy Alberts (90,57%), DJ Knoesen (90%), Maryke de Jager (89,44%), Twané Malan (89%), Solly Malepe (86,88%) en JC Knoetze (86,88%).
Relebogile Phasha had the best academic performance in Grade 9 English Medium in the high school.
Aldoné Geldenhuys en Solly Malepe was die twee Duxleerlinge in die laerskool.
Maryke de Jager was een van die aand se groot pryswenners. Sy het onder meer die volgende toekennings ontvang: Dogter Atleet van die Jaar, Hokkiespeelster van die Jaar, Beste Senior Dogter Landloop atleet, sy was ook hoofdogter van 2014, sy is die Sport Dogter van die Jaar en ook die Mees Toegewyde Sportdogter. Vir akademie ontvang sy pryse vir die beste prestasie in sosiale wetenskap. Sy is deel van die skool se top 10 presteerders. Sy is die Veelsydigste Dogter in Graad 7 en word ook aangewys as die Steelie van die Jaar.
Solly Malepe, 2014 se hoofseun het ook ‘n hele klomp pryse ontvang. Hy het ook die Beste prestasie in Afrikaans Addisionele taal, beste prestasie Engels moedertaal, Beste prestasie in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe. Beste prestasie in Lewensoriëntering, Beste akademiese prestasie in Graad 7 Engels medium. Solly is een van die Dux-leerlinge.
Regs: Tiaan de Jager was die skool se Veelsydigste Sportseun vir 2014. Mnr. Anton Alberts en Mnr. Josef Malan oorhandig sy trofee aan hom.
Below: Bison Falls Spur in Burgersfort sponsored the trophies for the learners who were part of the choir that were crowned Limpopo champions and participated in the national competition.
Die top vyf akademiese presteerders in die hoërskool was: Kganya Maapea (90,66%), Tseamo Moropa (80,66%), Avlyn Naicker (79,88%), Relebogile Phasha (77,66%) en Zandile Lingwati (75,66%).
Nicole Language ontvang die trofee vir die Hulpvaardigste leerder in die laerskool.
14 NOVEMBER 2014
R50 000 vir Rusoord Ouetehuis Elizma Theron het verlede week Vrydagaand op Steelpoort opgetree. Dié optrede is in samewerking met die Wildevy Manne gereël en is by Steelpoort Akademie gehou. Die geld wat met die aand ingesamel is, word
aan die Rusoord Ouetehuis geskenk. Die ouetehuis in Lydenburg vier hierdie jaar hul vyftigste bestaansjaar en kom reeds ‘n lang pad saam met die Wildevy Manne. Hulle is elke jaar een van die begunstigdes van die fondse wat die manne insamel. Tydens Vrydag se optrede is daar ook ‘n tjek van R24 000 aan Me. Jeanette Kruger van Rusoord oorhandig. Dit is ‘n skenking uit die fondse wat tydens die Wildevy 4x4 dag ingesamel is. Dié geld saam met geld wat tydens ‘n veiling en deur die aand ingesamel is, maak die bedrag wat Rusoord hierdie jaar ontvang R50 000. Die manne het Elizma bedank vir haar hulp en dat sy hulle deelgemaak het van haar Charity Month optredes. Elizma het almal bedank vir hul ondersteuning. “Ek het ‘n sagte plekkie vir oumense en ek dink die Wildevy Manne doen wonderlike werk hier. Weet dat julle elkeen vanaand ‘n verskil gemaak het” het sy gesê.
Wildevy Manne, Hannes Venter en Willem Montgomery oorhandig saam met Elizma ‘n tjek aan Me. Jeanette Kruger van Rusoord Ouetehuis.
(Foto bo: Wildevy Manne)
Wildevy Manne en Elizma Theron span saam
Celebrating seven years The Phelo Hair Salon celebrated their 7th anniversary on Saturday last week. The Salon is currently at Twin City Burgersfort. They thank all their clients for their support. From left are Samu Mkhabela, Mpho Mkwena, Linda Selowa, Nhlanhla Mdluli, Maryline Selepe and Adizatu Adiahama.
14 NOVEMBER 2014
Prysuitdeling by Laerskool Ohrigstad Op 5 November het Laerskool Ohrigstad hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. Die beste presteerders in akademie, kultuur, sport en buitemuurse aktiwiteit is vir hul harde werk beloon.
Nthabeleng Marobane was die vriendelikste leerder in die skool.
Ni-Nha Beetge en DeWalt le Roux was die beste presteerders in Graad 1.
Neo Ndlovu was die beste akademiese presteerder in Graad 7. Sy het ook 7 ander pryse ontvang vir haar prestasies in spesifieke vakke. Dorey Burger was die beste presteerder in Graad2.
Ronel Jacobs is die beste presteerder in akademie in Graad 5.
Pierre Naudé was die beste presteerder in Graad4.
JJ. van Niekerk is die beste akademiese presteerder in Graad 3.
André van Aswegen is die beste akademiese presteerder in Graad 6.
Die Graad 0 leerlinge het “Graad” gekry om te kan “Groot Skool” toe gaan in 2015.
Bo: Kemone Naicker was die skool se hulpvaardigste leerling vir 2014.
Links: Bulletjie Rugby Toekennings: Christoffel Esterhuizen was die beste speler. Sizwe Mosome was die beste o/6 speler, Luan van Wyngaard het die beste vordering o/6 gemaak, Flippie Janse van Rensburg was o/6 die beste speler en Juanro van Wyngaard het in die o/7 span die beste vordering gemaak. Mnr. Jaco Weber het hul sertifikate aan hulle oorhandig.
Die senior rugbyspelers het die volgende pryse ontvang. Beste voorspeler - Jaundre Jacquet, Beste agterspeler - Keegan Wood en Rugbyspeler van die Jaar - Rodney Palmer.
14 NOVEMBER 2014
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
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Enkelwoonstel beskikbaar buite Burgersfort. Huur: R3000 per maand. Kontak: 083 348 7932
5. Troeteldiere/ Pets Standaard Franse Poodles (lang bene) te koop. R3000 elk. 1 - wit teef. 2 - swart reuns. Foto’s is beskikbaar. Kontak Karien: 079 661 6536
1 & 2 Bedroom Flats for rent in Burgersfort 45 Marone Street next to Nalito’s Restaurant. Available immediately. Contact: 082 923 4744.
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
Secure flats to let One and two bedroom flats in Burgersfort. Available 1 December 2014. Contact: 076 666 1100
Platinum Gazette
Notice Platinum Gazette will have it’s last edition for 2014 on 12 December 2014. The office will close for the Christmas season and will open again on 5 January 2015. The first publication for 2015 will be on 9 January 2015.
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or Tubatse Towing
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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
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Let us know about your news and events on or fax to 086 554 9031 or 013 231 7147. Call: 083 271 9151 / 083 543 1676
14 NOVEMBER 2014
First Westvaal golf day a success On Saturday 8 November the first Westvaal Golf Day was hosted at Tubatse Chrome Golf course. The day went well with league players alos entering. The day’s winners were Adriaan from the Skukuza league team was first with 40 points. Werner van Vreden was second with 39. Flippie Nortje came third with 35 and Baard Language fourth with 35. The longest drive was taken by Jean Rossouw. He also took Nearest to the Pin 2 - 8/17. The other nearest to the pin was taken by Dion du Plessis (4/13) and Thomas Mangane (9/18). The players could also have a look at some of the vehicles Westvaal Steelpoort had on display during the day. Especially the new Isuzu KB Midnite edition was an attention grabber. (Information: Tubatse Chrome Golf Club).
14 NOVEMBER 2014
Taking on Mototolo’s soccer team On Saturday 8 November the Tubatse Masters and Mototolo Mine teams faced off at Mangabane sports grounds. The Mototolo soccer team dominated the ball possession in the first half and managed to score one goal. Late in the first half the Tubatse Masters equalised to make the half time score 1-1. In the second half the Mototolo team continued to dominate game. They scored two more goals. The Tubatse Masters felt the pressure and also scored two more goals. The goals for the Masters was scored by Pitso Sehlabela, Church Moraba and Dolphin Ngele. The Mototolo goals were scored by Andrew Lekone, Papi Dlamini and Kaka Kgapane (own goal). (Information: Jerial Movundlela; Photographs: Mpho Mokgohloa.
Tubatse Chrome on a roll On Wednesday 5 November Tubatse Chrome’s soccer team hosted the Tubatse Cluster SAPS team for a friendly soccer match at Winterveld Sports ground. In the first half both teams created scoring opportunities, but the Tubatse Chrome team was just stronger and dominated ball possession. They scored one goal by
Mahlatse Mashegoana. In the second half the SAPS team came back very strong but failed to convert their chances. The game ended with a score line of 1-0 in favour of Tubatse Chrome. (Information: Jerial Movundlela; Photographs: Pitso Sehlabela & Mpho Makabate)
Tubatse Masters vs Malokela Masters On Saturday 8 November the Tubatse Masters also hosted Malokela Masters at Mangabane sports grounds. The Tubatse Masters dominated the ball possession and created many scoring opportunities. Sello Skhosana opened the score for the Masters and Jimmy Maganyane scored their second goal in the first half. The visitors also created some chances and managed to score one goal by Ikaneng Kgopane. The half time score was 2-1 in favour of the Tubatse Masters. In the second half both teams played well and continued to create scoring opportunities. Tubatse Masters’ Lucky Lubisi scored the team’s third goal while Maropeng Malatji managed to score the second goal for Malokela Masters. The final score was 3-2 in favour of Tubatse Masters.
(Photographs and information: Jerial Movundlela).
Modikwa Central takes the win On Thursday 6 November Modikwa Centra soccer team hosted the Tubatse Masters at the Montrose soccer ground for a friendly soccer match. Velaphi Malaka and Gabriel Tebele scored two goals for Modikwa while Mashudu Ntshilidzi and Lucky Lubisi scored for the Tubatse Masters team. The final score was 3-2 in favour of the the Modikwa Central team. (Information & photographs: Jerial Movundlela).
14 NOVEMBER 2014
It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum
Platinum Gazette
Liga in volle swang Tubatse Chrome Golf Klub se spelers het die afgelope naweek weer liga wedstryde gespeel. Chrome A het teen Skukuza by Tubatse Chroom Klub gespeel. Hulle het gelyk gespeel met 4 elk. Chrome B speel teen Kruger Park Lodge in Hazyview. Die hitte het die manne gevang en net die span bestaande uit Johan Smit en Tinus Labuschagne kon ‘n wen inpalm. Chrome B verloor dus 6-2. Hierdie naweek word daar weer gespeel. Nelspruit sal ‘n besoek aan die Tubatse Chroom Klub bring. Die span is bekend as ‘n moeilike opponent en die Chroom manne maak reg om alles uit te haal.
Jane Furse City Lions FC the champions Eight u/15 soccer teams from all Local Football Associations participated in a tournament organised by Mr Kaka Chidi and Vembie Mohlala on 8 November. The tournament was in aid of Love Life in Jane Furse and was played on the artificial soccer pitch. Play took place under the watchful eye of Mamelodi Sundowns provincial development coach, Mr Ike Pula. Other development coaches joined Pula and some administrative staff at the tournament. Nine players were selected for further assessment in
Chloorkop during the December holidays. Sibusiso Vhembe was the Player of the Tournament (Tubatse Gunners FC), Lefa Kgagara was the Golden Boot winner with 5 goals (Jane Furse City Lions FC), Lehlogonolo Radingwa was the Goalkeeper of the Tournament (Masokolara FC). Jane Furse City Lions FC was the champions with Masha Golden Arrows as the runners-up. Tubatse Gunners came third and Masokolara fourth. (Information: Kodi Senyane)