Platinum gazette 15 december 2017

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New name unveiled

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22 King James Version)

Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

15 Desember 2017

The erstwhile Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, with two municipal logos has been renamed to Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality with a unified logo. Unveiling the new name of the Municipality at the Atok Thusong Service Centre last Saturday, Mayor Johannes Maudu Phokane said the new name and logo complete the almagamation of the old Fetakgomo Local Municipality and Greater Tubatse Municipality that had been almalgamated just before the last Local Government Elections in 2016. He told guests that the local council had to provisionally use the name Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality as the identity of the institution. A Local Geographic Name Change Committee with a sole mandate of driving a process to solicit a new name for the Municipality began its activities in May 2017 and a programme of public participation was embarked upon to engage all stakeholders on the naming of the Municipality. The mayor thanked King Thulare Victor Thulare III and Kgoshikgolo KK Sekhukhune and their Councils for embracing the idea and gave the council their respective blessings to consult with the communities. The Municipality was divided into clusters where all Executive Committee members, the Speaker and Chief whip took the lead when communities were consulted. The process was robust and emotional as communities raised issues around the amalgamation of the two Municipalities. During the public participation stages more than 40 names were suggested according to the mayor. No objections were received on the name that was eventually recommended by the municipal Council. A Provincial Gazette has been published authorising the Municipality to use the new name as gazetted. In the last Council meeting held on the 29th November 2017 a new logo was approved and the new name and logo will be used with immediate effect. The slogan “Setshabe Se Tla Buna” , rougly translated meaning “The Community will Benefit” appears on the new logo.

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Mayor Johannes Maudu Phokane’s Christmas Message Christmas is time for love, caring, sharing and showing compassion for everybody. Many of us have been away from our homes for long periods and we are longing to spend quality time with our loved ones. This is the period which is characterised by the spirit of giving and we should extend our hands and open our hearts by taking care of those who are less privileged. It is also time to reflect on the journey travelled for the past 12 months and to plan for the year ahead. This year was filled with many exciting moments and as government we have moved many steps to deliver basic services to our communities. We shall continue to do so in the next year to realise the objectives of the National Development Plan which are to eradicate poverty, creation of equal society and to fight unemployment. This can only be achieved by working together with our social partners and the community. On behalf of Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality I would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. We are confident that despite challenges we faced in our schools, our matriculants will make us proud when the results are announced. We urge people to respect life and property of fellow citizens. Let us watch over our neighbourhood and report any suspicious activities to the Police. The golden rule is “DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE, ARRIVE ALIVE” and that should be the motto of every road user. Lets us all reduce the fatalities and make our roads safer by changing our attitudes towards fellow motorists and pedestrians. It is our business to do and it is possible. We would like to see everybody safe when we enter 2018, renewed with energy and ready to work. To the youth we appeal to you to stop indulging in unsafe sex and consuming intoxicants. Play safe and take care of yourself. Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018. I thank you

15 DECEMBER 2017

15 DESEMBER 2017

Major successes for Tubatse SAPS On Friday 8 December the Tubatse SAPS arrested 9 suspects for different offences during a festive season clean-up campaign. The campaign was led by Major General Maepa. The suspects are between 23 and 30 years old and some were sought for armed robbery. Arrests were also made for illegal possession of firearms. During the arrests the following were recovered: two 9mm pistols, a Norinco pistol, a Ford Bantam that was stolen from Vosman and a VW Polo, 2 sachets of dagga and 4 sachets of nyaope. “We urge the community to remain vigilant during this festive time and to report any suspicious activity to the SAPS” said Constable Ngwana of the Tubatse SAPS. (Information and photographs: Constable Ngwana, Tubatse SAPS)



Vehicles to fight crime The Cluster Commander of Burgersfort Major General Masipa Joseph Maepa handed over vehicles to the Leboeng SAPS. A special handover ceremony was

held and attended by community stakeholders, including Chief Kgoete of Kgautswana and Chief Dinkwenyane of Leboeng. The cluster commander General Maepa gave a speech before handing over the vehicles. He told the community that these vehicles are to strengthen high police visibility in the community of Leboeng and Kgautswana during the festive season. He also warned the community to refrain from burning or damaging government property, especially vehicles. He advised them to work hand in hand with the police in the fight against crime. “The additional resources I am handing over today is added on the available resources at the station to ensure a safe and secure environment for the community of Leboeng and Kgautswana, especially during these festive holidays” said General Maepa. “This additional and existing vehicles are to service the community, not for personal use” he added. He emphasised that the door of the station commander and his own office doors are always open for anyone who is not satisfied with the service of the police or to report any misuse of state vehicles. The station management thanked the cluster Commander for the additional resources. They also confirmed that they are ready to eradicate anything that may threaten the safety and security of the community of Leboeng. Chief Dinkwenyane thanked the Cluster Commander for the additional resources. She also said that as the community they are ready to work with the police in the fight against crime. (Information and photographs: Sergeant Sibatana Maimela Andrew).


15 DECEMBER 2017


Potatoes everywhere On Monday morning traffic was a hot potato for a short while as emergency services cleared the road at the Tubatse Crossing Mall and Calvin Street crossing. An accident involving a vehicle loaded with bags full of potatoes saw the vegetables being strewn accross the tarmac. The accident drewa large amount of specators and backed up the traffic quite a bit.

Emergency services did however manage to clear the road. This crossing is notorius for accidents as drivers do not obey the rules of the road and in frustration over heavy traffic, at especially month-end, often block the crossing while waiting for traffic to move forward. (Photographs: Facebook)

Festive season and New Year message from Limpopo Premier, Mr Chupu Mathabatha The joyous festive season is upon us, we can already feel the love, joy and warmth that come with the season. We are also drawing a curtain on what has been eventful year, 2017. Traditionally, the festive season is a special period of family reunions and spiritual rejuvenation for majority of the people of our Province and beyond. On behalf of the Provincial Government, we wish all the residents of our beautiful province a merry Christmas and a truly prosperous New Year. We call on the residents of Limpopo to use this festive season to recommit themselves to the principles of family, friendship, love and peace. We are also confident that we will use this period to open our hearts wide with generosity so as to never forget that we are each other’s keeper. We can each make

this, a truly special season to everyone by sharing the little that we have with the less privileged. Sadly, it is during this merry season that as a Province we lose so many lives on our roads. We call on all road users to be vigilant and patient on the road so that we may all arrive alive. Our law enforcement agencies and personnel have been instructed to show no mercy to any person disrespecting our traffic laws, including those who will be caught driving under the influence of alcohol, over speeding or over loading their vehicles. We believe and hope that 2018 is going to be better that this year. Let’s come back refuelled to do even better. Don’t drink and drive, buckle up and arrive alive! Kgotsong! God Bless.

15 DESEMBER 2017



Christmas cheer at Kiwi Primary School Just before the schools closed for the December holidays, learners at Kiwi Primary School received a surprise. The Shoebox Company visited the ECD and primary school sections and brought them each a specially packed gift. “This brought motivation to our children and we also wish to extent our appreciation to the employees and management of the Shoebox Company. We hope to see you again in the coming years,� said representatives for the Protea Frams Community Committee. (Photographs and information: Protea Farms Community Committee)

Be safe

The police in Ohrigstad, led by the social crime prevention coordinator, Sgt Kholofelo Phokane and the Young Civilians On Patrol (YCOP) conducted a festive season crime awareness campaign around Ohrigstad CBD. This happened on Monday. The members visited community members at the ABSA ATM at Ohrigstad shopping complex. There they distributed ATM safety tips pamphlets and also pasted an ATM safety tips poster to the ATM. They then visited PEP store where they interacted with customers and staff while distributing more pamphlets before proceeding to the Post Office. There they also interacted with clients and staff and pasted a crime awareness poster to the wall. This is part of the effort of the police and their partners to ensure that community members around Ohrigstad area feels and are safe this festive season. (Information and photographs: Sgt Kholofelo Phokane, SAPS Ohrigstad)


15 DECEMBER 2017


Wishing employees and communities a Merry Christmas

Fighting malaria

We are nearing the end of 2017. A year in which Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines saw growth, changes and achievements we can be proud of. Samancor has been part of the area for many decades and together with our communities we’ve negotiated tough economic times but also hope for the future. What stood out this year was the commitment towards not only delivering on our SLP projects with communities, but also engaging in difficult, but much needed conversations going into the future. ECM is proud of the safety achievements we were able to celebrate this year - 3 Million Fatality Free Shifts. The Mine

This year ECM embarked on a Malaria Wellness campaign at all their different operations. A sudden raise in reported malaria cases from May this year prompted a pro-active response. Employees received an information pamphlet on preventing Malaria as well as mosquito repellent sticks. Prevention is better than cure. They are encouraged to be vigilant in prevention as summer is traditionally a time of increased risk for malaria.

ECM values the health of their employees Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines hosted a flu vaccination campaign during the winter. A seasonal flu shot is the single best way to protect against the flu. The campaign was managed by the Avoir group who. A total of 721 employees participated.

would like to see every employee go home safely and come back again to an environment where there is zero harm. We would like to wish all our employees, contractors and communities a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2018. May we take hands in the New Year and work together towards a better future. Remember that this season is in essence about the birth of Jesus Christ. May you experience the peace, love and joy of this season in abundance. Be safe and come back refreshed to take on 2018 with even more energy and commitment. ECM General Manager Emile Britz

Income generating project handed over Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) officially handed over the Phabema Guesthouse to the community on Thursday 17 August 2017. The guesthouse is the second income generating initiative handed to the community. In 2014 the Phabema Cement Plant was handed over and despite challenges, the plant is still going strong. Creating the multi-million rand guesthouse was the next goal for ECM. The official handover was attended by various stakeholders, including government officials, Samancor Chrome employees and top management, surrounding communities, traditional leaders and politicians. A plaque was unveiled at the Guesthouse by Samancor CEO, Mr JĂźrgen Schalamon and MEC Charles Sekoati. Ms Ndando Dlamini from the DMR acknowledged the handover and successful completion of the SLP project on behalf of the department. She encouraged the community to take care of the project and use it in a way that it will benefit their children in the future. The Guesthouse consists of 16 rooms that are comfortably furnished and includes a braai area, swimming pool, lapa and serving hall for breakfast and other meals. The rooms are semi-detached and private with safe parking. The facility is situated on the Eerstegeluk road towards Winterveld. Both company and private bookings for accommodation are welcome. There are plans for future expansion and additional amenities as the project takes flight and start to generate an income.

15 DESEMBER 2017



Safety a priority 3 Million FFS Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines celebrated 3 Million Fatality Free Shifts in November. Employees from Tweefontein Mine, Lannex Mine and Droornbosch as well as the Shared Services Departments gathered for a celebration and re-commitment towards working towards Zero Harm. It took ECM more than three years to reach the 3 Million Fatality Free Shifts mark. Celebrations included fun with drums, a braai and special gifts and prizes. ECM management congratulated employees and encouraged them to work together towards reaching the four million milestone.

Employees with long service honoured Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines rewarded employees for their loyal service to the company at a special Long Service Awards ceremony at Winterveld Recreational Club on 4 May 2017. Employees with 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service were honoured. ECM General Manager, Mr Emile Britz thanked the employees for the investment they’ve made in the company. Mr Pieter Brits, HR Manager at ECM encouraged them to keep on mentoring the younger employees and using their combined years of service of more than 2000 years to make a difference. The employees received gifts and certificates of appreciation. Left: Mr H. Lingwati, Mr F.M. Maesela, Mr W.M. Maile and Mr N.W. Mashaba was recognised for 40 years service with Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines.

Proud students at AET graduaƟon On 11 May 2017 a group of almost 60 students

received certificates for different levels of Adult Education & Traning (AET) at Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines. The students were proud to finally receive their certificates and were encouraged by messages from ECM HR Manager, Pieter Brits and fellow students who are at the ages of 55 and 59 still working towards their dreams.

Fun for a good cause Samancor ECM supported the Wildevy 4x4 Family Day at the end of July this year. The team hosted a point where participants’ 4x4 skills were challenged. The funds raised with this annual 4x4 fun day goes towards charitable projects in different sections of the community.



15 DECEMBER 2017

Giving guidance for young minds Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines participated in the annual Eastern Limb Mines’ HRD Forum Career Expo. More than five thousand grade 9 learners visited the event that was hosted at Winterveld Recreational Club in August this year. Learners from schools in the area came to visit the exhibitions and learn more about career opportunities in the industry. The event was officially opened by the MEC for Education in Limpopo, Mr Ishmael Kgetjepe. The different participating mines and related industries assisted the learners with information about the different careers and the subjects needed for studies towards those careers. They also received information on bursaries and apprenticeships. Each learner received a snack pack upon arrival.

Golf day benefits children Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) cares for the community. The annual Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines charity golf day was held in October 2016. The main aim of this is to raise funds for small community projects. One of the projects that ECM does every year, is to hand out back to school packs for the grade one children of four different schools in the area. The amount of children that benefitted this year was 300 children, which are from Makgakantshe, Mangabane, Laerskool Steelpoort, and Boerboomkraal. “We would like to thank all the people who made this possible,� said ECM management.

Site Indaba brings valuable engagement Samancor ECM hosted their annual site Indaba at the end of July. This event serves as a platform for the company and employees to engage about the state of the company, achievements, challenges and concerns. The central message of the Indaba was that in order for the company to grow and provide job security to its employees, it is essential to do proper planning and to act according to the plan to yield eventual growth. Apart from management delivering various messages, employees had the opportunity to ask questions and get clarity on any questions they might have.

15 DESEMBER 2017


‘Little Angels’ receive much needed help The Little Angels of Planet Earth was established in December 2013 after realising the need to help children who are mentally and physically challenged. The founder filled a necessary gap by providing a shelter for these children which has become a permanent home for some. The centre house children from many villages around the Sekhukhune District Municipality. With this responsibility comes a lot of expenses and often the need arise to replace some crucial items. Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines responded to the request from the shelter and swiftly attended by providing some of the basic stuff that will improve the quality of life of many of the children. Mattresses and blankets were recently delivered to the institution and ECM is proud of the support they could provide.

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk Women working at Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) came together in October for a walk through Mangabane village to create awareness for breast cancer. The walk was organised by members of NUM who also had their internal and regional leadership represented at the event. Although the theme was aimed at breast cancer awareness, the women also received information on other forms of cancer that affects women. Careways presented a fun and informative talk about risks for different types of cancer and the ways (e.g. mamograms and pap smears) in which the women can get to know their status and treatment as soon as possible. The women agreed to make this event an annual gathering.

Fun at Winterveld Festival Winterveld Festival 2017 heated up the usual August cold. The event was filled with fun for the whole family. Teams participated in a variety of competitions including boeresport, potjiekos and soapbox racing. Live entertainment throughout the day kept the programme to a lively beat and a variety of stalls, a beer garden and kids entertainment kept everyone busy.



15 DECEMBER 2017


Christmas message from Makua Marathon Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150

Makua Marathon (Daniêl Makua) is a well-known former marathon runner dedicated to trying to improve the lives of young people and the poor in Tubatse. He does this through motivational appearances, donation collection for those in need and by being a goodwill ambassador when it comes to road safety. This year Makua Marathon would like to wish all the residents of the area a safe and peaceful Christmas. “Do not drink and drive, do not talk on your cellphone while driving and do not SMS while driving. Pedestrians should also be careful when walking next to the road and crossing roads. Let us support Arrive Alive 24 hours a day! A merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone. Thank you for your support”.

Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit.

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3. Dienste/ Services Visit your local professional art and décor framer in Steelpoort. 23 Years experience in framing. Get the option that fits your taste and budget! Small gifts and crafts available in store. Printing, photocopies and much more. Stockists of EPA! Chilli and other sauces. Visit Esmé Framers in Steelpoort next to Wimpy or contact Esmé on 079 100 9643.

9. Te Huur/ To Rent TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Elektriese heining en alarm klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Elektriese heining en alarm sisteem wat huurder kan laat moniteer. Afdak vir voertuig. Water en elektrisiteit is ingesluit by huur tot op ‘n vasgestelde hoeveelheid eenhede. Verdere verbruik word saam met huur ingevorder. Billike huur. Huis dadelik beskikbaar. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954

HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom house available from R4500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R5500. Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113.

10. Te Koop/ For Sale PRET LIQUOR SPORTS BAR AND BOTTLE STORE FOR SALE. Contact owners on: 074 565 6231 or 071 410 1664.

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in the Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or adverts@ (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)

15 DESEMBER 2017



Steelpoort Academy high school achievers rewarded Steelpoort Academy had their Prestige Prize giving ceremony during November. At this event the primary and the high school learners were rewarded for their outstanding academic, sport, cultural and other achievements. Lebogang Manana was the top achiever in the high school with an average of 84,70%. Anelle Mabelane was the most helpful learner in the high school and Paul Mojalefa the learner with the best achievement in mathematics and natural sciences.

Lebogang Manana had the highest average in the high school. Her trophy was handed to her by Mr. Anton Alberts, Mr. Pieter de Jager and Mr. Seloane from the Department of Education. Malcolm Mahlake received a trophy for Courtesy in the High School.

The top five academic achievers in the high school were Tebogo Makgate 79,78%, Emma Tshatsho 79%, Magadi Chiloane 82,63%, Blessed Phasha 82,67% and Lebogang Manana 84,70%.

Tshepang Letageng was the Most versatile sports girl in the high school for the year 2017.

Gift Masha was the Most versatile sport boy in the high school for 2017.

Paul Mojalefa had the best General Knowledge during 2017.

Blessed Phasha was the best academic achiever in grade 9, English medium. Mrs. Riekie Strydom handed her the trophy.


15 DECEMBER 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Pulana Maroga soccer league weekend results Pulana Maroga Soccer League is still playing every weekend. The results from 9 December were: Morethe ground: Tshakanya Mighty Rovers: 1 vs Tearing Lions: 2. Real Madrid: 2 vs Bull Bull: 2. Morethe Young Dribblers: 1 vs Mathipa Happy Fighters: 1. Mighty Bucks ground: Real Touch: 1 vs Arandis Jnr: 0. Happy Stars: 1 vs Mighty Blues: 2. Mighty Bucks: 5 vs Kampeng United: 0. Mathipa ground: Stone Breakers: 0 vs Mangabane: 0. Golden Spears: 0 vs Maruleng: 0. Barcelona: 0 vs Driekop FC: 1. Batau ground: Mohlophi Fast 11 Jnr: 2 vs Bafaladi: 4. Batau: 2 vs All Stars: 0. Moisele: 6 vs Lenareng: 2. Results for 10 December: Driekop ground: Mighty Bucks: 4 vs Happy Stars: 1. Bull Bull:1 vs All Stars: 0. Driekop FC: 4 vs Mighty Blues: 3. Tearing ground: Real Touch: 3 vs Stone Breakers: 1. Golden Spears: 4 vs Happy fighters: 5. Tearing Lions: 2 vs Barcelona: 4. Madrid ground: Bafaladi: 1 vs Mighty Rovers: 2. Arandis Jnr: 0 vs Young Dribblers: 4.Real Madrid: 0 vs Moisele: 0. Mohlophi ground: Kampeng United: 0 vs Batau: 7. Mangabane: 2 vs Lenareng: 4. Mohlophi Fast 11 Jnr:0 vs Maruleng: 2. (Information and photographs: Pulana Maroga Soccer League)

Young Dribblers and Happy Fighters. They played to a draw.

Tubatse Masters visits Silver Flash and Ubuntu FC On Saturday 9 December, Tubatse Masters visited Silver Flash FC in Ga Mashamothane for a friendly soccer match. Both teams managed to score one goal to make the final score 1-1. Norman Jannetjies scored for Tubatse Masters. On Tuesday 12 December, Tubatse Masters visited Ubuntu FC in Praktiseer for another friendly soccer match. The young boys from Praktiseer won the match 2-0. (Photographs: Judas Motswiane and Surprise Godi; Information: Jerial Mvundlela)

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