‘The first day of schooling in Limpopo a success’ Limpopo Education says a sample of 50 Schools was visited on the first day of the school year on Wednesday to monitor and also to boost the morale of both teachers and learners. The Premier of Limpopo, Stan Mathabatha and the MEC for Education, Ishmael Kgetjepe visited Dendron High School in Capricorn. This is one of the best performing schools in the Province. Learning and teaching started on this day in all the 4060 schools. Schools received learning material towards the end of last year making all schools ready for learning and teaching from today. More than 15 000 grade 1 learners were admitted in different schools around the Province. Last year, the Province registered a total of 1 749 195 learners.
No bus, no school?
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
15 January 2016
Tel Fax
Meanwhile, while the Education Department in Limpopo is sure of it that everything went smoothly, transport arrangements for a large number of learners in a far-flung corner of Sekukhune were not in place, and by the time of going to press yesterday, still did not go to school while the Department was ‘sorting the problem out’. This group from Majaditshukudu village between Burgersfort and Ohrigstad returned home when they heard that their bus to Maepa Primary School was not on its way ...
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
15 JANUARY 2016
DWARSRIVIER MINE Construction & Donation of Burgersfort Market Stalls
AlleviaƟng unemployment by creaƟng opportuniƟes On 11 December 2015, Dwarsrivier Mine officially handed 40 market stalls they’ve constructed to the Greater Tubatse Municipality and Greater Tubatse Hawkers Associa on. Burgersfort has been in dire need of proper hawker trading facili es and the stalls donated by Dwarsrivier Mine will help alleviate the problem. The stalls were constructed next to Burgersfort Clinic in Extension 10 and their hand-over was marked by large scale celebra ons. A short formal func on took place at the Greater Tubatse Council Chambers before representa ves from the Municipality, Dwarsrivier Mine and the Hawkers Associa on visited the stalls. There a performance that included celebratory songs and dancing by local hawkers belonging to the Tubatse Hawkers Associa on kicked the programme off. Before three ribbons were cut, a prayer and excerpt from the Bible were read to ask for the Lord’s blessing on the stalls and those who will be trading in them. Ribbons were cut by Mr. Rian Burger, General Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine, Mr. Samson Maphanga the Chairman of the Tubatse Hawkers Associa on and the Ward Councillor, Mr. Ngwatle. Mr. Rian Burger said: “A mine can only employ so many people while they remain a viable opera on, but through projects like the market stalls Dwarsrivier Mine hopes to make a difference. You are business people and we hope that you
will make good use of the stalls and in turn be able to employ another person or two. In this way we are able to grow the economy and make a difference in people’s lives while erasing unemployment”. The stalls are just one of the many projects in which Mr. Remember Mmbengwa and his team are busy making a difference in local communi es. The Hawkers Associa on and Greater Tubatse Municipality praised Dwarsrivier for their commitment towards community development. They thanked them and appealed to the hawkers who will be trading from the stalls to look a er them. A er a short inspec on of the stalls a hearty meal prepared by local caterers was served. The Municipality will be alloca ng the stalls to registered hawkers on their data base.
15 JANUARIE 2016
Very difficult at Moeijelijk Mine Bauba Platinum takes drastic step
Genesis 9 :12 -13 NIV 12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Bauba Platinum has decided to put it’s chrome mine at Moeijelijk Mine between Burgersfort and Polokwane under care and maintenance because of the global fall in commodity prices and downturn in economies. After the first blast at the mine in March last year the company said: “This first blast represents a significant milestone for Bauba. said Bauba “It truly announcesthe transformation of Bauba from a pure platinum exploration company to an exploration and production company. The chrome production will further ensure that funding becomes available to support the platinum exploration program and place the company in a position to declare dividends to its shareholders.” In a Stock Exchange News Service (SENS) announcement, the company now says: “The last quarter of 2015 saw the market price of chrome-ore experience severe pressure with the price dropping from $175 to $120 per tonne. The adverse changes in the chromeore market, specifically those pertaining to price, have resulted in the Company’s chrome project becoming financially unviable at present. As a result thereof, the board of directors of Bauba has decided to cease current operations and place the Moeijelijk Mine under care-and-maintenance with effect from 11 January 2016. The Moeijelijk Mine shall remain under care-and-maintenance until chrome-ore prices recover and increase to levels sufficient to justify the continuation of mining operations again”.
15 JANUARY 2016
NUM says:
NUM ASA METALS / DILOKONG BRANCH PRESS RELEASE We are the branch leadership of the national union of mine workers organising at ASA metals Dilokong chrome mine, based at North east region. The company is situated 125 km from Polokwane and 35 km from Burgersfort. As the union we have an obligation to see to it that the company complies in terms of health and safety, labour law and that the employees who are members are not exploited. We would like to make a submission based on the allegations levelled against us by the company (ASA metals/ Dilokong chrome mine) against the national union of mine workers in their press release when they said; we quote “the company is forced into a restructuring process which will cause a significant reduction in its operation including the number of employees. This is as result of continued work stoppage as a result of community unrest, general militant union behaviour by NUM, which resulted into an unprotected strike since 29 October 2015 till to date, and numerous section 54 instructions issued by the DMR, which resulted in more than 15% production losses for 2015. The events have severely impacted the production volumes and profitability and further aggravated by the continued decline in world chrome market activity, we close quote). As the union (national union of mine workers) we would like to submit that, a year has 365 days in which 264 are counted as working days per annum. Therefore the allegations in terms of the community unrest are not legitimate based on the following reasons: The community unrest only happened once, on the 29 January 2015, so it’s our view that one day cannot cause a retrenchment contributing impact. Coming to the allegations against DMR ,as a union we believe that DMR is the custodian of compliance in terms health and safety issues and they (DMR) conduct audits on the company set standards ,then if the company fails to comply with its own set standards ,obviously the health and safety of their employees is compromised and exposed ,as a result the DMR will issue a section 54 instruction and those exposed employees happen to be our the company should refrain from blaming the government and learn blame itself for non-compliance. Furthermore, the section 54s that were issued was not even more than five, so the allegation lacks substance. The Allegations levelled against NUM a pure propaganda as are baseless and misleading based on the following reasons: Employees embarked on a sit in on Friday the 23 October 2015 and came out at 01:45 on Tuesday the 27 October 2015. Therefore as NUM we would like to place it on record that we find it difficult that the sit in contributed to production loss. The shaft’s mining production operation only runs 5 days a week ,which is from Monday to Friday ,therefore there are only 2 lost shifts ,which is Friday 23 October 2015 and Monday the 26 October 2015,so 2 days of production loss cannot bring the company down ,considering the many months of production targets achievement ,which has been confirmed several times by the same company management. So for the 2 days of production loss the company made such allegation which is a drop in the ocean, which cannot warrant a retrenchment on the basis of production loss. We strongly view that the company management failed dismally to manage the business ,particularly the CEO at his position as the senior strategic personnel he was supposed to apply strategies that will turn the operation to be profitable and increase production volumes ,but he failed ,instead he brought an old and retired pensioner by the name of Denzel Blignaut who doesn’t have a clue in terms of HR principles and that has resulted into a sour relationship between national union of mine workers and ASA metals Dilokong ,as a company. We would also like to dismiss the allegation that says we are on a strike since the 29 October 2015 till to date. That allegations lack substance, misplaced, misleading and constitute a grave contradiction from the submissions that the company has placed on record .the national union of mine workers in not on strike, the company has decided to apply an unlawful lock out by locking out all NUM members from its premises. Lastly we are dealing with those issues as a union
15 JANUARIE 2016
Winning at A1 Food Store
Tubatse SAPS traces stolen vehicle The Tubatse SAPS arrested a 20-year old man for possession of a suspected stolen vehicle on 12 January 2016. The SAPS received information about a suspected stolen vehicle at Bothashoek village. When they arrived at the village they discovered that it was a vehicle reported stolen in Burgersfort. The SAPS confiscated the vehicle and took it to the police station. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s court on 13 January 2015 and was not granted bail. He will appear in court again on 20 January 2016. (Information & photographs: Const. Mvundlela S.J Tubatse SAPS)
Former SANDF Member arrested A former SANDF member who was on the run from a case in connection with unlicensed firearms handed himself over to the Tubatse SAPS on Monday. On 11 September last year the SAPS followed a tip-off about the suspect who was seen with a SANDF uniform and firearms. The SAPS confiscated the uniform, R4 rifle, pump gun and live ammunition. The docket remained under investigation. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 13 January 2016 on charges of possession of unlicensed firearms and possession of ammunition. Bail was denied and he will appear in court again on 18 January. The suspect was also charged for business robbery. This incident occurred in February last year in Taung. Items such as cash and airtime was taken during the robbery. (Information & photographs: Const. Mvundlela S.J Tubatse SAPS)
Tubatse SAPS recovers stolen items On Tuesday 12 January 2016, the Tubatse Police arrested two men (both 22 years old) in connection with possession of suspected stolen property and a burglary case. Their arrest came after a crime that occurred in Ga Mashamothane between 18 December 2015 and 10 January 2016. The complainant allege that a house was broken into while she was away from the house and items such as her fridge, television, DVD player and kettle were stolen. The case was reported to the Tubatse police on 11 January 2016. The SAPS investigated and with the assistance of the complainant followed information about the suspects at Ga Mashamothane. They managed to arrest two suspects and recover some of the stolen items such as a television, DVD player and speakers.
Some of the items the Tubatse SAPS recovered.
The suspects appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate`s court on charges of possession of suspected stolen properties and burglary at residential premises and they were not granted bail. Their case was postponed to 20 January 2016. * On Saturday 9 January 2016, a 19-year old African male was arrested by the Tubatse Police for a rape case. On 25 December 2015 a 47-year old woman’s daughter was allegedly raped at Taung Village. The case was reported to the police on 8 January 2016 and the suspect was arrested the following day. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate`s court on 11 January 2016 and he was not granted bail. His case was postponed to 18 January 2016. (Information & photographs: Const. Mvundlela S.J Tubatse SAPS)
Mr Nicholas Nkoane was the lucky winner of a Hisense Fridge during the A1 Food Store’s December competition. He was very excited about this surprise just before Christmas. Customers had to spend R300 or more to enter the competition in which they were able to win the fridge, a tablet or cell phone. They were able to enter as many times as they like with separate till slips. Mr Elmon Masinga (left) was the lucky winner of the tablet.
Ms Paulinah Mohlala was the lucky winner of the cell phone in this competition. Look out for some more exciting competitions during 2016!
15 JANUARY 2016
Your thoughts on a three tier Schools started again this week and thousands of grade 1 pupils embarked on their 12-year formal schooling career. Statistics are however not in their favour. Current statistics show that only about 32% of those who started school on Wednesday will finish matric within 12 years. Many will drop out or not pass and take longer to complete school. To address this problem the Department of Education plans a new three-tiered school system. They hope that this will assist about 60% of pupils to obtain a technical qualification during their school years. The three streams of schooling will be academic, technical vocational and technical occupations. Learners will be guided towards a specific stream according to their strengths and weaknesses. According to Mathanzimea Mweli, director general of the department the plan is due to be implemented from 2017 and will first be a pilot project in 58 schools. He said: “As part of the technical occupational stream, we will introduce 26 subjects, which will include spray-painting, panel-beating, hairdressing, woodwork, glasswork, glazing, welding, upholstery, husbandry (farming) and many more”. He added that immigrants run many successful hair salons and that there is a need for South Africans to take their place in the market. The technical vocational stream will put the spotlight on gearing students to become artisans in certain trades such as electrical, mechanical and civil engineering. Each of these will have three core subjects. It is hoped that this plan will address the shortage of skilled artisans in the country. The national development plan aims to have 30 000 qualified artisans by 2030. The academic stream would be equivalent to the current matric programme. This programme is seen as one that creates a wider range of employment opportunities for students performing well. He lamented the decision taken in 1994 to reduce the number of technical schools and the reduction of their subjects from 16 to 4. “Many things have been tried. Some of which have taken us backwards”. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about he suggested changes.
Mnr. Rudolf Lingenfelder sê: “Dit sal beter wees as die kinders leer werk met hul eie hande. Dan staan hulle dalk ‘n kans om iets te maak uit niks. Die ander kant is ook dat praktiese rigtings leer ‘n mens ongelukkig nie altyd alles nie”.
Mr Kgaogelo Makobeng said: “It is a major opportunity that can help. They must do this. Most children are stuck on Maths but are good when it comes to using their hands. It is a great plan. We must face this life with different solutions”.
Mr Henry Tau said: “The only problem with this plan is that there is a group of people in our society that looks down of the acquisition of skills. It is thought that academic qualifications are superior. We are not all academically inclined. It is a necessary approach government wants to take to level the playing field. To diversify into hands-on skills orientated jobs will decrease frustration. We need to change our attitude and not look down on certain jobs. It could address unemployment and decrease conflict”.
Mr Westy Lekubu said: “It will address the current challenges. It is a good plan. Most students will then pass with flying colours”.
Ms Mahlogonolo Mphahlela and Ms Charlotte Muntsoane said: “When it comes to calculations, some people don’t have a clue, but they must work hard to get matric. Government should rather after matric offer free courses in things like sewing, hairdressing etc.”.
Ms Beauty Makofane said: “It will help the learners if they do this. It is a good idea. It is important that they are able to work for themselves”. With her is Rebecca.
Me. Suzette Ludick, Me. Petro Payne en Mnr. Henry Payne sê: “Dit is ‘n goeie ding. Hoeveel kinders kry nie werk nie want hulle het nie ervaring nie? Almal het nie dieselfde talente nie. Vir beter dissipline in skole behoort hulle kadette weer terug te bring in die skole. Dit kan die kinders wat ‘n loopbaan in die polisie en weermag oorweeg help. Dis ‘n goeie plan hierdie, maar hulle moet dit landswyd en ook in ons plaaslike skole doen”.
15 JANUARIE 2016
education system for SA?
Mnr. Viberd Robinson en Mnr. John Solomons sê: “Dit hang af van of jy wil werk of nie. Baie kinders wil nie gaan leer nie. Mense soek die easy way out. Ons het klaar tegniese skole en die government moet onthou ons het ook brilliant mense wat pen pushers kan word wat nodig is. Hulle moet eers die drugs en mense se huislike omstandighede uit-sort voor die skole beter sal gaan. Baie keer is swart mense ook meer gewillig as ons bruin mense om te leer. Affirmative action is ook ‘n problem. Mense sonder papiere kry werk oor hul velkleur reg is”.
Mnr. Jean O’Neill sê: “Dit kan goed wees, maar baie plekke gaan steeds ervaring soek. Baie mense kry nie werk nie al het hulle ‘n kwalifikasie want die werkgewers soek ondervinding. Veral wit mense sukkel omdat voorkeur deur regstellende aksie aan ander groepe gegee word”. Left: Mr Jonas Magarine said: “It is a good idea. It won’t reduce unemployment, but now they will be able to open their own businesses and that is better. It should be in all schools. People should also not just shout at government that they want jobs. Everyone cannot be civil servants. They must do something for themselves. This will be a better approach. Especially black people should get access to that new system”.
Mr Joël Mokwena said: “It will help. Now there are no jobs and this will help the children to get a better future. They should implement it in all schools. All children have rights”.
Mnr. André Botha sê: “Dis ‘n goeie ding om ‘n ambag of skill agter jou naam te hê. Werkskeppingsgeleenthede, meer as net om ‘n skill te bekom, behoort aandag te kry. Mense worry meer oor jobs as werk – hulle wil ‘n job hê, maar nie self werk nie. Daar is meer voordele as nadele aan hierdie plan van die regering, maar mense se werksetiek sal moet verander”.
Left: Mr Surprise Malapane said: “If we can have people with skills it will help because it will address unemployment. The problem is that government just promises these changes because it is an election year. We will have to wait and see if they really introduce this and how it will help”.
Mr Vincent Mzimba said: “It won’t reduce anything because the economy is going down the drain. All the changes Zuma did with the Finance Minister pushed the economy down the drain. Look at what our rand is now valued compared to the dollar. People cannot get employment when the economy is killing the jobs there are. Government is just saying anything now because of the election coming this year. This plan will not help”. With him is Me. Suzan Mzimba with Kgodiso and Michelle. Left: Mr Lucas Obua Mokwena said: “It is a good plan. Some children cannot read and write, but they have skills. To help them develop it is a good thing because they will be able to earn money with those skills”.
Left: Mr Aubrey Molekane said: “Right now we do have people with skills, but they don’t have certificates. Look at the many hair salons. What about these people who have existing businesses? Will they suffer because learners get the skills and certificates in school?” Mr Amos Mabuza said: “We do have many artisans who don’t have work. I don’t know how government will establish businesses that will be able to employ these young people. It is however good to equip learners with skills because it will make them marketable. People with skills are not working at the moment so I think they must first sort out the economy before flooding the market with more skilled people. The question is who will employ these people if the economy killed all the businesses?”
Ms Josephine Mashile said: “It will help the kids to have skills. It will be easier for them to find jobs. It must be implemented in all schools”.
Me. Max Sawyer sê: “Dit gaan werk. Dit gee vir hulle experience want hulle sal selfs sonder matriek by ‘n werk kan instap omdat hulle praktiese ervaring sal hê. Teorie word nie altyd in die praktyk gebruik nie”.
15 JANUARY 2016
Top achiever shows 91,56% is possible On Friday 8 January 2016 the Sekhukhune District honoured the top 2015 matric achievers in the area. The function took place at Jane Furse in the Makhudathamaga Local Municipality. The district had slightly decline in total pass rate from 63,9% to 55%. A total of 21 531 learners wrote matric in the district in 2015. Of these 11 843 passed and 9 688 failed. “We are all keen to improve education of the African child because we know that it is only education that provides tools to people to
solve our problems. This is a responsibility we must take very seriously if indeed our agenda is to leave behind a lasting legacy of change and quality education that our people can be proud of. It is in this regard that we must improve on our processes every year for us to build a strong culture of service and dedication to the people we serve,” said SDM Executive Mayor Mogobo David Magabe. . “We know that education is a fundamental human right and is a right that we must all take seriously if we are to successfully push
back the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment and ultimately provide the economic emancipation to our people. As we will be embarking on the Back-toSchool campaign we will be taking cue of the messages handed to us by Premier Chupu Mathabatha that communities must not use their genuine service delivery and other concerns to destroy and disturb education system. In heeding the Premier’s call for incident free schooling in 2016 we will meet with all community leadership structures to ensure that these incidences are avoided” Magabe added. Lentsoane Ramakgwale Mahlogonolo (18) from St Marks was the top achiever in the district. He received an average of 91,56%. His subjects were: Sepedi Home Language (86%), English First Additional Language (87%), Mathematics (100%), Life Orientation (90%), Acounting (91%), Economics (90%) and Physical Science
(99%). (Photographs and information: Sekhukhune District Municipality Communications Unit)
Lentsoane Ramakgwale Mahlogonolo with Executive Mayor Magabe and Makhudathamaga’s Mayor Cllr. Makeya Alfred Matlala.
Time for supplementary exams approaching The 2016 National Certificate Supplementary Examination is scheduled to be written from Wednesday 10 February to Thursday the 18th March 2016. Writing starts with Computer Application which will be written in the morning. Music Comprehension and Mechanical Technology will be written on the last day. Marking is expected to be done during the coming holidays. It is anticipated that learners will receive the results on the 29th April 2016. On the other hand, the Department of Education is receiving many calls from learners
who could not apply for further learning during 2015 who now are desperate to get to accepted at colleges but do not know if such institutions are authorised to offer such services. The Department urges all learners intending to apply in institutions of higher learning to start by verifying status of such institutions. To verify, prospective students may call the following numbers: Department of Education: 012 312 5193 012 312 5698 UMalusi: 012 349 1510 Toll-free: 0800 87 22 22
This photograph was taken during the festive season at one of the local filling stations. The officials were inside the shop buying food at the time. It should be noted that more than one alternative parking space was available.
Not disabled...
Pushing forward in traffic Chaos ruled again at the start of the year. Motorists use the left turn lane as an avenue from which to simply push into traffic aiming straight in Dirk Winterbach Road. Often pointsmen are on duty here, but they don’t seem to do anything about this phenomenon.
This week however officials were caught on camera doing a sterling job. They fined a driver who simply stopped in the slipway at Dirk Winterbach Street to drop off passengers. They’ve also been active at the Tubatse Crossing Mall traffic light - pulling over motorists who simply drive over the red light. Hopefully they’ll expand their reach to the rest of town where obeying rules often seem optional (See photograph left.)
15 JANUARIE 2016
Starting School For thousands of children it was back to school this week. A large group of first timers also took their first steps towards obtaining a formal education. Platinum Gazette captured some of the moments at a few of the schools.
Laerskool Ohrigstad spog met die grootste Graad 1 klas in die skool se geskiedenis van meer as 100 jaar. Ongelukkig het ‘n paar hul eerste dag misgeloop weens die busvervoer wat nie opgedaag het nie. Right: Starting Grade R at Laerskool Ohrigstad.
Regs: Kosblikke vol liefde was baie belangrik op diĂŠ eerste skooldag. Left: At Laerskool Burgersfort the English Grade R Class was ready to start the year with song and dance.
At Laerskool Burgersfort a tear of two could be seen but the new learners were mostly smiles on their first day.
New classrooms are under construction at Itirele Primary School in Praktiseer. While the children wait for the classrooms to be finished all 110 of them are being accommodated in the temporary classrooms at the school. The school had received their feeding scheme food supplies on time to make sure no child goes home hungry.
15 JANUARY 2016
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
2. Betrekking/ Vacancies Sales Rep Required For Lydenburg & Burgersfort Area • Permanent position available. • Commission based salary. • Must be fluent in Sepedi & English. • Credit management / debt collecting experience will be an advantage • CV can be submitted at our Lydenburg office – 52 Church Street or by e-mail: GMC Debt Solutions Adress: 52 Kerk Str, Lydenburg Tel: 082 924 9292
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom houses available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500.
Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 6Ft Venter Sleepwa met ekstra pak geriewe. Padwaardig en skoon R10 000.00 Agt kantige Gazebo volledig R300.00 Cooler eenheid R500.00 2 Vertrek 8 man tent R700.00 Oliebord Sweismasjien met helmet en kabels R700.00 2 Volledige Rope winches volledig @ R500 elk Alle pryse is onderhandelbaar. Kontak Pieter Greyling by 0824401904
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford
Regskennisgewings/ Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRAKTISEER HELD AT PRAKTISEER (Case No. 555/2015) In the matter between MRS NTJEDI TEBAGO MASHISHI (Execution Creditor) and SEREMI ALBERT MASHISHI (Execution Debtor) KINDLY NOTE THAT in terms of judgement granted on 2015-0908, in the Magistrate’s Court and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, a sale in execution of the undermentioned goods will be held at MAGISTRATES COURT, PRAKTISEER ON 29/01/2016 AT 10:00 AM, consisting of: GOODS 1 x 1 TOYOTA QUANTUM (WHITE) REG. NO. BWJ 129 L ESTIMATED VALUE: R80 000 To the highest bidder. DATED at BURGERSFORT on 10 December 2015. Execution Creditor’s Attorneys MADELEEN WILLERS ATTORNEYS, Industry Road, BURGERSFORT, 1150, PO Box 555, BURGERSFORT. Tel: 013 231 8497; Fax; 013 231 8479; E-mail: DOCEX 1 BURGERSFORT; Ref: MAS199/0001/NM Address of Execution Debtor: GA MASHISHI VILLAGE, DRIEKOP
Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersfort SAPS * Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine
* Mototolo * Build It Tubatse * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * A1 Food Store Twin City * Glencore Eastern Limb Train- * Tiezers Meat Pantry Ohrigstad * Bronrich Slaghuis Ohrigstad ing Centre * 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort * Madiba’s Mini Market Kalkfontein * Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Dilokong Chrome Mine (ASA Metals) *Dr Fouché’s Surgery Burgers* Twickenham Platinum Mine fort * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Mooifontein Kafee Burgersfort * Pret Liquor *Supa Save Burgersfort * Pret Butchery * Hawker stalls Eddie Sedibe Street Burgersfort * CTM Burgersfort * 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Calvin College Burgersfort * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Tingeling Kleuterskool Steel* Hendrk’s Panelbeaters poort * Department of Education Cir* Sasol Garage Steelpoort cuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Total Garage Steelpoort * Ohrigstad Handelshuis * Laerskool Burgersfort * Leboeng SAPS * Supa Save
Editorial deadline: Wednesdays at 17:00. Contact: editorial@ or 083 271 9151 or 083 543 1676 to let us know about your news and events!
Platinum Gazette
Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
15 JANUARIE 2016
First timers
Bo, links en regs: Steelpoort Akadmie se Graad R leerders het vinnig maats gemaak en teen pouse heerlik saam gespeel. Left: First steps into a big world. This photograph was taken at Calvin College on Wednesday morning as a father walked his daughter to her class to start Grade R.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beรกnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Above: Proud parents were putting on brave smiles while dropping off their children for Grade R at Calvin College.
Day one at Itirele Primary School in Praktiseer saw school supplies being sorted out and a sigh of relief that the feeding scheme supplies were delivered on time.
15 JANUARY 2016
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Platinum Gazette
Competing for the top spot An annual soccer tournament organised by Mr Mampa and his team ended on Sunday last week. Evergreen F.C. and Maruping Ditweleba played in the final. Evergreen won 2-1. The games took place near Twickenham Platinum Mine and was well supported by amongst others some older soccer enthusiasts Sox Thobejane, Nkwane Thobejane, Tata Matsemela, Koma Bauba and Solly Thobejane. They are all between the ages of 65 and 75. Prize money of up to R200 000 was at stake in this tournament. Mohlala from Ntshwaneng Tjate City Rovers was the leading goal scorer with 7 goals. Ishmael Sekiti was named the Player of the Tournament. He is from Maruping (Ditweleba). The third position was taken
by Magadimane Kings. (Information & photographs: Abram Mampa).