Platinum Gazette 15 July 2016

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Mandela Day - election tool or not? Your views on pages 6 and 7 A burnt truck (one of several) gets lifted from the tarred road after it was torched in a local village last week. The fact that nowadays little if any publicity is given to protests, of which this event formed part, does not mean it doesn’t happen. The reasons are not always clear, but the destruction should be viewed as regrettable. Not nice.

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

15 July 2016

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



15 JULY 2016


Dams remain at critical levels With winter in full force after an exceptional dry summer, dam levels across the country remain critical. The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) says according to the latest 4th of July dam level assessment; there was a decrease of 0.2% to 53% as opposed to the 74.6% level during the same time last year. However, it is encouraging to note that the South African Weather Service (SAWS) seasonal outlook forecasts indicate an increased likelihood of a weak to moderate La Niña for the 2016/17 summer. The SAWS forecast predicts the likelihood of a later than normal onset of summer rains with a series of frontal systems expected to continue over the South and Western Cape in the next couple of weeks. There has been a decline in average dam levels in all provinces with the exception of the North West with a slight increase of 0.4% and the Western Cape whose levels increased by 4.2% as a result of the most recent frontal systems. The Western Cape levels have increased by 12.4% over the past three weeks and are now at 42.7% compared with 48.7% at the same time last year.

Of the 211 dams being monitored on a weekly basis 14 dams are below 10%, 64 dams are below 40% of capacity while 16 of the dams are at 100%. As a result there is a need to continue to intensify enforcement of restrictions during winter to prevent a spike in usage during early spring and also in anticipation of the predicted later onset of the summer rains. The DWS continues to monitor dam levels and wishes to reassure all water users that it is working closely with provinces, municipalities and other specialists to ensure sustainable water security across the country. Meanwhile the Office of the Executive Mayor of Sekhukune Distrit issued the following statement about the local situation:

Flag Boshielo critical Bottom: De Hoop Dam, near Steelpoort. The photograph was taken earlier this year.

“RE: EMINENT SHORTAGE OF WATER SUPPLY DUE TO DROUGHT AFFECTING FLAG BOSHIELO DAM AND OLIPHANTSPOORT SCHEME” This communique serves to alert communities, businesses and stakeholders about implementation and enforcement of water restrictions within the areas of Ephriam Mogale Local Municipality ( Flag Boshielo Dam) and Fetakgomo Local Municipality ( Oliphantspoort Scheme) due to drought that has severely affected the dam levels of the affected areas. Department of Water and Sanitation has sent a warning to the Municipality as well as our water provider, Lepelle Northern Water about reduction of raw water to both Flag Boshielo and Oliphantspoort schemes resulting in reduction of supply of potable water to the two affected areas of Ephraim Mogale and Fetakgomo municipalities Currently the situation is such that the dam levels at Flag Boshielo has dropped tremendously below 27% and continue to drop at faster rate. There is a huge possibility of the dam becoming dry if rain is not received by August 2016. The situation of Flag Boshielo Dam has a direct negative bearing on areas supplied by Oliphantspoort scheme. To this effect the municipality working together with Lepelle Northern Water and Department of Water and Sanitation will roll out a drought awareness campaign to inform the communities about the situation and its implications. We appeal to our communities, businesses and other users to sparingly use the available water and also ensure that water loss is eliminated. Activities which consume lots of clean water such as gardening, car washes, should be minimised. Households are also encouraged to practice prudent usage of water such as taking shorter showers, closing taps after use etc. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this and further call on your full cooperation and support.

PUBLIC NOTICE The Mayor of Greater Tubatse Municipality Cllr Ralepane Mamekoa invites members of the community, business, youth formations, civil society and all interested parties to be part of the following activities to honour Nelson Mandela Month: DATE




14 July

Handing over of Praktiseer Hawkers Stalls



15 July

Handing over of Burgersfort Stalls



15 July

Pass out parade of Traffic Wardens

Tswelopele Sports Ground


16 July

Handing over of Ohrigstad Sports Complex



18 July

Cleaning Campaign

Steelpoort, Dresden, Riba Cross


19 July

Handing over of Moeng Community Hall



21 July

Graduation Ceremony of YES Learnership

Batubatse Primary School


26 July

Handing over of Maphopha Access Bridge


11H00 Mohla JNT Mohlala Municipal Manager Munic

Psalm 34 (NIV) 7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. 8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. 9 Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. 10 The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

15 JULIE 2016


New councillors for GTM The Greater Tubatse Municipal Council held a special council meeting on Monday 11 July 2016 at Thaba Moshate. The agenda contained a few items and one of these were the welcoming of three new councillors. Local attorney, Mr Kenny Mgiba handled the taking of the oath of office for the three. They are Shema Thabo Marobane (PAC), Edwin Eddie Maila (ANC) and Ntombi Zodwa Eunica Makhubedu (UDM). The three signed the oath and were welcomed with loud applause. During a section on the agenda for congratulations, special mention was made of the Mampuru Youth who did not participate in illegal protest action last week. They were thanked for their co-operation in refraining from disruptive behaviour regarding community grievances. The municipality was also congratulated for being chosen by SABC’s Morning Live for a live broadcast. This covered Greater Tubatse and took place on Tuesday.

Roadhog on the go People die in accidents on the R555 and R37 every week. Sadly this fact do not prevent other drivers from behaving like roadhogs. This driver

first pushed other vehicles from the road before overtaking some more vehicles on a barrier line. These photographs were taken last week Friday around noon.



15 JULY 2016


DWARSRIVIER MINE SMME Incubation Certification Ceremony

SMME incubates graduate On Thursday, 7 July 2016 a large group of SMME incubates graduated during a ceremony at Jorge Resort near Steelpoort. In a con nued effort from Dwarsrivier Mine to empower communi es and create opportuni es, they’ve partnered with LEDA and Tsebo Business Solu ons to create tailor-made courses through which SMMEs can learn how to do business with large companies such as mines. The idea for the incuba on was born a er Dwarsrivier Mine found that many local entrepreneurs have the skills needed to produce products or services the mine can use, but they

don’t know how to put together a business plan, do invoicing, tender, create a company profile or have the legally required cer fica on that will allow them to do business. Co-opera ves and other small businesses were given the chance to receive training through LEDA and Tsebo Business Intelligence Services. This stretched over a year and now these incubates have a cer ficate to show their competency. These skills will not only allow them to do work with Dwarsrivier Mine, but also tender at other mines and companies. They will now also have the ability to plan and in turn create jobs in an area where unemployment is very prevalent. Mr Remember Mmbengwa from Dwarsrivier Mine told the incubates that the Mine is very proud of how far they’ve come and that they should set out to grow their businesses to not only do business at Dwarsrivier but at other companies as well. A group of the SMMEs also received computers sponosored by Dwarsrivier Mine to assist them with ge ng their business off the ground. The programme will now con nue with a new batch on incubates.

There were LEDA and Tsebo Incubates. A variety of speakers filled the programme before the formal handing over of cer ficates and the computers. The event ended with a warm lunch being served while the incubates used the opportunity to network.

Dwarsrivier Mine sponsored computers that will assist some of the SMMEs to get their business running smoothly.

15 JULIE 2015



DWARSRIVIER MINE SMME Incubation delivers

Seƫng the tone for other SMMEs

While there are many SMMEs out there struggling and many sƟll finding their feet, a few good news stories are also out there. Some of the companies on this page is ready to serve Sekhukhune like never before.

Bokone Bowa Co-OperaƟve

Bokone Bowa Co-Opera ve was founded in January 2009 and is based in Ga-Masha, Ngwaabe. It is an emerging black-owned company and strives to maintain a reputa on for quality, integrity and employee sa sfac on.

Mapadima Tyre Repair Centre The Mapadima Tyre Repair Centre started operating from under a tree 15 years ago. Piet Tshehla from the Ngwaabe community, is the owner of the business, but his son Julius is managing it for him. They used to operate from a sad-looking trailer on which they had a compressor and a few essen al items to assist motorists experiencing trouble with their wheels. With the help of Dwarsrivier Mine they are now ready to assist in almost any situa on. The business is now boas ng professional equipment safely housed inside a building purpose build for the company.

This company provides a variety of services that include Plant Hire (Self Propelled Vibra ng Rollers, Bull Dozers, Crawled and Wheeled Excavators, Tractor-Loader-Backhoe (TLB), Transport: lowbeds, flatbeds and ppers, Water tankers and Dump trucks. Their construc on services include: road works, paving, building construc on, office par ons, engineering and general construc on. They are also suppliers of mining, hard ware, electrical, office sta onery, consumables and chemical products. They also offer transport and courier services. Do general cable installa on, maintenance of plumbing, plant maintenance and road maintenance. Domes c and industrial cleaning services is also part of their por olio. Bokone Bowa Co-Opera ve’s clients include mines, smelters, shopping centers and malls, government departments and ins tu ons as well as private sector industries. Bokone Bowa Co-Opera ve strive to source and provide for every service or product their clients may require. Contact them: Mr MP Thobejane (Assistant Manager), 071 204 1027 or

Baleseng MulƟpurpose Primary Co-OperaƟve (Ltd) Baleseng Mul purpose Primary Co-Opera ve (Ltd) was formed by a group of athletes in the Sekhukhune District in 2014. It is 100% black owned with two women forming part of the business. They aim to develop and create job opportuni es for black people. This team do a variety of cleaning jobs which include domes c, industrial and specialized cleaning. Contact them: Mr Bernard Rampedi, 076 741 1314/060 901 3400 or

Malebaneng Trading and Projects CC PhuƟ Tsoga Civil ConstrucƟon Co-OperaƟve Limited Phu Tsoga Civil Construc on Co-Opera ve Limited was founded in 2014 and is based in Ngwaabe in the Greater Tubatse Municipality. It is a 100% black-owned company specializing in buildings, cas ng concrete slabs underground and on surface, carpe ng, roofing, pain ng, fencing, cleaning belt spillage underground and on surface. The company aims to create job opportuni es for marginalized South Africans and contribute towards the growth and development of South Africa. Their mission is to provide professional and quality services and training while bringing their clients affordable, quality services. Contact them: 079 082 3962.

Malebaneng Trading and Projects CC’s opera onal ac vi es and core business include: Building & Construc on, Drilling & Blas ng (underground and surface), roadways and walkways construc on underground, underneath belt cleaning, air condi oning and refrigera on, transport and logis cs, catering and decora ons, electrical components and services, garden maintenance, industrial cleaning, protec ve clothing supply, ven la on control and mining supplies. Malebanang Trading and Projects CC was established in January 2008. The company’s goal was to create job opportuni es for the members. The company is owned by three previously disadvantaged individuals - Glory Maimela, Jacob Maimela and Johanna Maimela, and they are involved in both the management and day to day func ons of the business. They are a level 3 BEE contribu ng company. The company’s mission when it comes to their clients: “to offer quality, innova ve products, unsurpassed service and value for money”. Contact them on: 072 251 7503/072 352 7335.

Group of 17 Group of 17 provides cleaning services and is based in Ga-Malekane. They are a fully black owned, managed and empowered company registered with the Registrar of Companies. The company was founded by a group of young people from Greater Tubatse. They are proud to be young, dynamic and built on a solid founda on of management professionals. They strive to provide reliable and professional services. “Our highly trained and networking associates allow for maximum performance on execu ve clientele tasks”. Their rates are very compe ve and they invite clients to put them to the test. Contact them: Thembi Molobela, 072 534 9258/071 356 2326 or



15 JULIE 2016

Is Mandela Day still relevant and what On 18 July 2016 it will be Mandela Day and the public is encouraged to give 67 minutes of their time to make a difference in their communities. This is an initiative by the Mandela Foundation and aims to keep the spirit of Nelson Mandela alive through encouraging people to work together for the greater good of the people as a whole. According to “Nelson Mandela International Day was launched in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July, 2009 via unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly. It was inspired by a call Nelson Mandela made a year earlier, for the next generation to take on the burden of leadership in addressing the world’s social injustices when he said that “it is in your hands now”. It is more than a celebration of Madiba’s life and legacy. It is a global movement to honour his life’s work and act to change the world for the better”. The focus falls on four different areas in which a difference can be made: Education and Literacy, Food Security, Shelter and Infrastructure as well as the Envrionment. Businesses are encouraged to get involved in one of these areas. Giving can be in many forms. Donations, but also time. By participating in events that are organized by institutions such as the local municipality, you can also give you bit to make a difference. On 18 July Greater Tubatse Municipality will have campaigns in Steelpoort, Riba Cross and Dresden. (See their Mandela Month event schedule on page 2 of this newspaper). If you know of somebody who is making a difference in the community every day you can nominate them as a Madiba changemaker. Share their story on social media via #Time2Serve. Platinum Gazette asked readers if they think that Mandela Day is still relevant and if they will be participating in any events on the day.

Mnr. Terrence Roberts sê: “Suid-Afrika is in sy dinges in so 67 minute op 18 Julie gaan nie help nie. Elke dag behoort almal te probeer om ‘n verskil te maak”.

Mnr Doctor Machipa sê: “Ons moet dit celebrate. Ek sal sien waar ek kan volunteer. Mandela het Suid-Afrika verander en op Mandela Dag moet dié wat korrup is onthou wat hy gedoen het en die korrupsie los”.

Mr Nicholas Mabunela said: “It is still relevant and very important. Mandela fought for us and we must remember that he sat a long time in jail because he wanted a democratic life for everyone. But, you must see how the different political parties will now hijack Mandela Day for themselves. The people must remember to focus on the real things that are important on Mandela Day – making a difference for the better. I’ll be joining the municipality’s campaign”.

Mr Stephen Sihlangu and Mr Aron Mphogo said: “Mandela Day is still important because he brought democracy to South Africa and we should remember that. We will form part of a cleaning campaign for 67 minutes”. Ms Tryphina Lekwadu said: “We should celebrate Mandela Day, it is still relevant. I’ll clean in our municipality, but people should do nice things every day. It is important”.

Mr Daniel Sekano said: “Mandela Day is good and relevant. We do it for the legend and to help other people. Our government however is failing us. Now they use Mandela Day to hide things. They are like crocodiles who are smiling but just waiting to eat you. They should not wait for Mandela Month to hand over projects that should have been completed long ago. Now it is also just before the elections so they do this to make themselves look good while they are an embarrassment for taking so long to deliver on these things. We need change. We should do good things every day. I try to help the orphans at the Riba Cross Civil Society. There is no better South Africa without kids”.

Ms Elizabeth Thobejane and Ms Maggy Komane said: “It is important that we remember Nelson Mandela. We’ll try and have a small cake to celebrate, but otherwise we will just be here at our stall selling fruit”.

Mr Ronnie Nkambule said: “I think Mandela Day should be a continuous thing because there is a need for something to be done every day in our community”.

15 JULIE 2016



will you be doing for 67 minutes?

Mnr. Tersius Cronjé sê: “Ek steur my nie regtig aan Mandela Dag nie. Jy moet elke dag ‘n verskil maak. Dis soos Moedersdag. Ek sê altyd vir my kinders dat jy elke dag vir jou ma moet sê jy is lief vir haar en haar moet waardeer”.

Mr Abram Mphogo said: “On the 18th the day has been set aside for painting one of the crèches around here as part of the Burgersfort Crime Prevention Forum’s (CPF) effort. I am the chairperson of the forum. It is very important that we do this. We should honour Mandela for the good work he did. We must show people we care”.

Mr Mankgwanyane Mpuru said: “It is necessary to have Mandela Day. He has been the hero and mentor for so many years. The ones doing corruption and other bad things do not imitate Mandela. They are cruel. In my area where I am part of the community leadership (Maandagshoek – Mpuru Village) we will gather to celebrate and do something together”. With him is Ms Ivy Mpuru

Mr Sammy Masite, Ms Kate Mohubedu, Mr Noah Mohlala and Mr Thabiso Kgolane said: “It is important. It is for everyone to celebrate Mandela Day. It is about giving to those who don’t have. It can be anything. What is important is to remember that someone did something for the whole South Africa without thinking about himself. Everyone should do something to make South Africa a better place and care for other people. It encourages us to not only think of ourselves. We are still planning what we will do, but we will definitely do something”. Mr Masite added: “I’ll be giving away a bursary to someone”. Mnr. Willem Montgomery sê: “Om ‘n verskil te maak behoort nie net een keer ‘n jaar se ding te wees nie. Dit moet ‘n lewenswyse wees”. Mr Rackson Chiloane said: “We should use this day to address problems like corruption. We call for the youth to stop doing drugs etc. We should focus on schools and use 67 minutes to address problems like crime, burning of roads and damaging property. I am an educator, so I’ll be busy doing this at school”.

Ms Sabina Mpinga said: “It is still relevant to have Mandela Day because we need to remember Mandela and care for our country and people. I’ll go to my nearest school and clean for 67 minutes. I’ll also donate some food to someone in need”. With her is Ms Hunadi Makwana.

Mr Thabo Mohlala said: “Yes, it is relevant. We should remember what Mandela did for charity and the freedom of our country and freedom of speech. I’ll assist with painting a school at Riba Cross”.

Mr Morudi Mashabela said: “I’ll celebrate Mandela Day because Mandela brought democracy to our country. I’ll volunteer to paint a school on Mandela Day. Everyone should work for the country and the people. There should be no corruption. Politicians and public officials should know they do not work for themselves. They should work for the people. They should not fill their pockets. Everyone has the responsibility to make a difference. Politicians - we elect you, so you work for us and not yourself. We must also work together to make South Africa better”.

Ms Sophy Mphethi and Ms Keletso Mphethi said: “Yes, it is still important to celebrate Mandela Day because he fought for us. It is good to remember what he stood for while there is so much corruption going on. We’ll be doing cleaning on Mandela Day”.

15 JULIE 2016



Double achievement for Millicent

Pizza busted

Mr Corrie Smith and his team were Pizza Busted by the Panarotti’s Burgersfort team. Mr Smith was nominated for his community work. He replaces rubbers at the end of walking aids and kierries of the elderly and

disabled at his own cost. He works at Cheap Cheap #2 and has replaced more than 300 rubbers since Mandela Day last year. The team received two large pizzas and a Panarotti’s voucher each. You can nominate someone for the next Pizza Buster. E-mail your nomination with a reason why the person or business should be rewarded to burgersfort@ or adverts@ Please mention any dietary requirements your nomination may have and the total number of people working at the business. Please include your name and telephone number in the nomination e-mail.

On Saturday 9 July 2016 it was beauty competition time at Phalaborwa. Millicent Mahsele (19) from the Kgautswane area was the 1st princess in the Miss Face of Phalaborwa competition. She was also crowned the public’s choice at the competition. (Information & photographs: Willy Matjie)


15 JULY 2016

Platinum Gazette

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)

Kennisgewings/Notices Burgersfort NOTICE FOR THE ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE RELATING TO AN UNDERTAKER’S BUSINESS IN TERMS OF THE HEALTH ACT (ACT 63 OF 1977) 1. I Maatjè Venter, ID 660706227085 from Wisani Burial Society situated at 84 Agatha Street, Tzaneen, 0850 being the Lease of Erf 3, Farm Leeuvalley, Burgersfort Apply for the issue of competence Certificate regarding and undertaker Business, mortuary and related uses in Terms of the Health Act (Act 63 of 1977) at the abovementioned

property. 2. This application and notice comply with the regulations as laid down and submitted. 3. Any objections to this application must be lodged in writing within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of this application to: THE CHIEF HEALTH SERVICES PO Box 206 Burgersfort 1150 KENNISGEWING OM UITREIKING VAN N GESKIKTHEIDSERTIFIKAAT TEN OPSIGTE VAN ‘N BEGRAFNISONDERNEMING INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP GESONDHEID (WET 63 VAN 1977) 1. Hiermee gee ek Maatjè Venter, ID

660706227085 Van Wisani burial Society, geleë 84 Agatha straat, Tzaneen, 0850, die Huurder van Erf 3, Plaas Leeuvallei, Burgersfort kennis om aansoek te doen om ‘n Geskiktheidsertifikaat betreffende ‘n Begrafnisonderneming, lykshuis en aanverwante gebruike ingevolge die Wet op Gesondheid (Wet 63 van 1977) op bogenoemde eiendom. 2. Hiermee aansoek en kennisgewing voldoen aan die bepalings soos neergelê en ingedien is. 3.Enige beswaremet betrekking tot die aansoek moet skriftelik ingdien word binne 21 (een en twintig) dae vanaf die datum

van hierdie publikasie en moet gerig word aan: DIE HOOF GESONDHEIDSDIENSTE Posbus 206 Burgersfort 1150 Mathabatha NOTICE FOR THE ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE RELATING TO AN UNDERTAKER’S BUSINESS IN TERMS OF THE HEALTH ACT (ACT 63 OF 1977) 1. I Maatjè Venter, ID 660706227085 from Wisani Burial Society situated at 84 Agatha Street, Tzaneen, 0850 being the Lease of Portion of Mathabatha Traditional Council R37 road

Betrekkings/Vacancies LEBALELO WATER USER ASSOCIATION Established in terms of Section 92(1) of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No 36 of 1998) Government Gazette No. 89/23053

VACANT POSITION: ELECTRICIAN The Associations’ main operational and administrative offices are situated at their Havercroft / Olifants River bulk water supply utility, approximately 120 km southeast of Polokwane and 80 km northwest of Burgersfort in the rural village of Modubeng. The Association currently have a vacancy for a suitably qualified and experienced electrician. Principle accountabilities will include: • Planned maintenance & fault finding on all electrical installations (High & Low tension)(High tension switchgear (11-5.25kVA) • Planned maintenance on all electronic equipment • Plan and implement maintenance schedules • Solve complex technical/electronic problems • Ensure continuous availability of equipment and plant • Set standard work methods & procedures • Identify training requirements • Assist in the practical training of apprentices & operators • Promote safety in workplace • Assist in budget control Requirements of Position: • Qualified Electrician (Olifantsfontein); • Wireman’s Licence • Competence to perform Simmer code Fault finding: Siemens S7 systems • Experience on Telemetry & Field Instrumentation: PLC & Scada • Preference: Win CC programming & communication systems Competencies/skills required: • Computer literate • Sound knowledge of effective planned maintenance • Logical reasoning & numerical fluency • Distinct ability to adapt to remote living conditions. Please indicate experience in CV In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date, your application shall be deemed unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful candidates shall not be returned unless requested. Interested candidates are invited to forward a detailed CV to: The HR. Manager, PO Box 2075 POLOKWANE 0700 or facsimile on (013) 216 8003 Tel.: (013) 216 8000 or mail to: Closing date for applications: Friday, 29 July 2016

Apply for the issue of competence Certificate regarding and undertaker Business, mortuary and related uses in Terms of the Health Act (Act 63 of 1977) at the abovementioned property. 2. This application and notice comply with the regulations as laid down and submitted. 3. Any objections to this application must be lodged in writing within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of this application to: THE CHIEF HEALTH SERVICES PO Box 206 Burgersfort 1150 KENNISGEWING OM UITREIKING VAN N GESKIKTHEIDSERTIFIKAAT TEN OPSIGTE VAN ‘N BEGRAFNISONDERNEMING INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP GESONDHEID (WET 63 VAN 1977) 1.Hiermee gee ek Maatjè Venter, ID 660706227085 Van Wisani burial Society, geleë 84 Agatha straat, Tzaneen, 0850, die Huurder van Gedeelte van Mathabatha Tradisionele Raad, Mathabatha kennis om aansoek te Doen om ‘n Geskiktheidsertifikaat betreffende ‘n Begrafnisonderneming, lykshuis en aanverwante gebruike ingevolge die Wet op Gesondheid (Wet 63 van 1977) op bogenoemde eiendom. 2. Hiermee aansoek en kennisgewing voldoen aan die bepalings soos neergelê en ingedien is. 3. Enige beswaremet betrekking tot die aansoek moet skriftelik ingdien word binne 21 (een en twintig) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie publikasie en moet gerig word aan: DIE HOOF GESONDHEIDSDIENSTE Posbus 206 Burgersfort 1150

15 JULIE 2016



Masters Attend your local playing Childhood Cancer hard Workshop

In the last week Tubatse Masters played various matches in which their skills were put to the test. They were determined from the start of each match to be the best team. Read more about their matches on page 12.

Rural ExploXion and the Childhood natively contact Pabalelo Mabilo for clarity. Cancer Foundation South Africa (CHOC) are hosting a Childhood Can(Information & photographs: Rural ExploXion) cer Workshop in the Tubatse region from the 25-28 July 2016. Rural ExploXion was established on the 15 December 2012, and have so far impacted hundreds of young people lives in a positive way. It is a local Non Profit Organisation (NPO), under the leadership of Pabalelo Mabilo, a motivational speaker and lawyer, Rural ExploXion uses educational initiatives, health and life skills initiatives to make an impact. The organisation is legally registered with the Department of Social Development as an NPO. CHOC was formed in 2011 and have so far trained over 13000 people around South Africa about Childhood Cancer, their headquarters are in Johannesburg. The workshop will be conducted by Mrs Silvia Craucamp, a nurse by profession for many years and is trained Silvia Craucamp from CHOC. specifically as a childhood cancer practitioner. A similar workshop between Rural ExploXion and CHOC took place in 2015 at Praktiseer and Riba Cross. The workshop is now scheduled as follows: Driekop 25 July 2016, Mooihoek 26 July 2016, Maandagshoek 27 July 2016 and Kgautswane 28 July 2016. The following categories are invited to attend: Nurses, Home Based Care Workers, Doctors, Traditional Healers, Pre-School Teachers, Sunday School Teachers, Churches and the Community at large. Companies which are doing business around Tubatse area can contact Pabalelo Mabilo (Cell: O76 862 7154) if they wish to exercise their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by partnering with Rural ExploXion and therefore contribute substantially for the success of the workshop, People must be on the lookout for notices of venues if they are in one of the villages mentioned above or alter- Pabalelo Mabilo from Rural ExploXion.

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services

9. Te Huur/ For Rent

PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808 TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossi-

ing Mall in Burgersfort. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954. Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at or fax: 013 231 7147.

STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? Enquire about our first advert special for start-up businesses. If you’ve started a new business and would like to advertise it: E-mail: adverts@platinum or call Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147.

Platinum Gazette Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


15 JULY 2016

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Tubatse Masters keeping their domination Tubatse Masters visited Mashamothane Masters for a friendly soccer match in Ga Mashamothane village on Saturday 9 July 2016. Tubatse Masters dominated the ball possession in the first half and kept Mashamothane Masters’ defence very busy. Pitso Sehlabela scored the first goal of the match and put Tubatse Masters in the lead by 1-0. Tubatse Masters continued putting pressure on Mashamothane’s defence and managed to score their second goal by Mbesuma Mabaso to make it 2-0. In the second half Tubatse Masters continued dominating the match and managed to score their third goal by Doctor Klaaste. Late in the match the hosts created a few scoring opportunities but failed to convert. The final score was 3-0 in favour of Tubatse Masters. Tubatse Masters played their second match of the day against Frazer Alexander soccer team at the same venue. From the first whistle Tubatse Masters was the better team and kept Frazer’s defence very busy. Their dominance paid off when Lekgotla Motswiane scored the first goal of the match to make the score 1-0. Tubatse Masters managed to score their second goal of the match by Phillip Kgapane and this made the half time score 2-0. A few minutes from the restart in the second half Mbesuma Mabaso also put his name on the score sheet when he scored from a penalty spot and increased Tubatse Masters’ lead to 3-0. Late in the

second half Frazer started to dominate ball possession but failed to penetrate the solid Masters’ defence. In the dying minutes of the match Frazer managed to score their only goal to make the final score 3-1 in favour of Tubatse Masters. On Sunday 10 July, Tubatse Masters visited Mareseleng Village to play a friendly soccer match against Dr Rakgotsoka Academy. The young boys from Mareseleng gave Tubatse Masters’ defence a tough time in the opening minutes of the match. Tubatse Masters faught back and managed to score their first goal of the match by Tomas Lubisi. Just few minutes later, the hosts levelled the score to one all by Sipho Sitayitayi. In second half both teams continued creating scoring opportunities but failed to convert. Phillip Kgapane scored a second goal for Tubatse Masters and put them in the lead again. The hosts tried very hard searching for the equaliser but failed to convert. The final score was Tubatse Masters 2 - Dr Rakgotsoka Academy 1. On Tuesday 12 July, Tubatse Masters hosted a local team from Praktiseer Show United F.C at Leolo Secondary School sports ground in Praktiseer. Tubatse Masters managed to win the match by 3-2. Andrew Skosana, Pitso Sehlabela and Tomas Lubisi scored for Tubatse Masters. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela; Photographs: Lazzy Malepe & Jerial Mvundlela)

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