Platinum Gazette 15 March 2013

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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Those responsible for road maintenance in Burgersfort should be commended for the decision to fix the potholes in Burgersfort. The only problem seems to be that the contractor only hired a cutting machine for a day, so the whole town’s roads are full of sharp edged squares in the road with sharp (too deep for low profile tires) edges. Go slow. What is not so positive is that the residents of Eerstegeluk is struggling with potholes on their main access road and on the R555, as well as a terrible sewerage leak at Longtill. There is also the same sewerage leak problem at Elephants Hill in Burgersfort. See page 2.

Š Platinum Gazette

15 March 2013



Batubatse Hawkers march

15 MARCH 2013

Help! It stinks

The Batubatse Hawkers Organisation (not to be confused with the Greater Tubatse Hawkers Association) under the leadership of Mr Jackson Tjatjie (with pointing finger in photograph bottom left) staged a march at the Burgersfort Civic Centre last week Thursday. A memorandum was handed over to municipal officials and the group demanded a response to it within 14 days. In the memorandum the group demand the resignation of the Mayor, Municipal Manager, the Chief Whip and Councillor for Ward 18 because all the money allocated to the municiaplity for building of roads and electricity were not spent. In the memorandum they also demand an investigation into stall permit fees that was paid through a rival organisation and that pots, mealie meal and fruit that were allegedly damaged by a developer at the old taxi rank at the Ga Khadima centre on 11 June last year, be refunded. They also demand that the old tax rank at this centre, adajacent to Burgersfort Mall, be repaired as they have no shelter any more from where to do business. Furthermore the group also demand protection from outsiders and clean water and toilet facilities where they operate. Lastly they do not want to pay any fees for permits “because there are lots of stories about them”.

Platinum Gazette was contacted this week by two residents from Burgersfort and Eerstegeluk. Although living worlds apart in the same municipality and district municipality, they complained about the same thing. For them there was no question about the state of the district and state of the municipality. The place stinks. A letter from Eerstegeluk complained about the potholes from the R555 to Eerstegeluk. When the newspaper travelled on this road, the potholes were not much worse than a few months ago, which means nothing was done to fix it, or it was done badly. Sure enough the reporter encountered an entrepreneur, using orange cool drink crates as cones and a little spade, “repairing” the worst potholes with ordinary mud. What the reporter also saw was a work team repairing water reticulation pipes next to the road, which was positive as the letter also complained of a water shortage. Travelling further on this road, the reporter soon came to Longtill and lo and behold, a terrible stench wafted through the vehicle’s open windows just where you enter Longtill before you reach the school. The road is also wet. The stench diminished and disappeared and other parts of the town are not affected. Driving back to the entrance of the town the source of the stench was soon evident. It seems if a broken sewerage line next to the road is spilling sewerage onto the sidewalk and into the road, some of the sewerage disappearing into the storm water drainage (leading to the river? Cholera? Nobody knows). Yes this was the source of the reader’s complaint about sewerage. From there the reporter travelled to Elephants Hill Burgersfort, prompted by two emails from a reader who cannot take the

stench any more. Struggling a bit to find the house, the reporter stopped to enquire the route from Mr Henk Smith, who was busy in his garden. He explained the reporter’s bewilderment by saying that although about ten houses have the same number, they have an additional alphabetical indicator. His house was number F and the reporter was looking for number L. Inquiring about the reporter’s mission, Mr Smith invited him inside the stand, as he had the same problem as the reader who sent the email. Workmen were busy at that moment to try and fix a sewerage problem in Mr Smith’s rented property. Raw sewerage was bubbling from the ground, with the accompanying not-so-subtle smell. The workmen explained that the problem was not at Mr Smith’s side of the fence, but a blockage in the municipal line outside the property, forcing the sewerage to leak into Mr Smith’s stand. Finding number L was a cinch after that, just a few houses up the street. The reader was not home, but his wife showed the reporter around. No leaking sewerage on the property, but the same stench. She showed the newspaper where the sewerage was leaking from a manhole on the other side of the fence on public land. According to the emails of her husband numerous requests to come and fix the problem to various government institutions did not elicit any response, apart from a TLB that made a way for the sewerage to flow in another direction ... So, the newspaper contacted the Greater Tubatse Municipality who promptly replied. They were not responsible, the Sekhukhune District Municipality was responsible to sort out the problem. The newspaper duly requested their comment, and admit it was just before deadline. As soon as a response is received, it will be published. Top to bottom: the Longtill problem.

Huizemark Burgersfort Now Open! Become a proud owner of a brand new house in an eco-estate. 100% Finance available We are looking for properties to sell. List your property with us today and we will sell it!

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Top: the leaking manhole, and bottom, Mr Smith’s problem.

15 MAART 2013


This year is bagged

Xstrata Eastern Chrome Mines (Thorncliffe, Helena, and Magareng Mines) assist Shaga and Bosfontein Primary Schools every year with educational support for their learners. Last year bags and colouring pencils with pencil cases were donated. This year learners received shool mbags again, as well as environmentally friendly pens and pencills, as well as a pencil sharpener. Representatives of Xstrata Alloys explained that the school bags were fitted with reflective panels to contribute to the learner’s safety, as a alrge number of them walk too school. In winter for many of them it is still dark when they start their journey to school along the main road and the bags will help to ensurre visibility, apart from keeping books safe.

On Tuesday the hand-over took place at Bosfontein Primary school where the principal, Ms Christa MĂźller, thanked the mines for their continued support. 303 learners from this school received their bags from the Xstrata Alloys team consisting of Vulela Makuni - Mine Manager Thorncliffe Mine, Yolanda Combrink- Mine secretary Thorncliffe Mine, Nevia Phasha Community Development Officer Xstrata Eastern Chrome Mines, Mkwana WellingtonFulltime Health and Safety Representative Thorncliffe Mine, Jomo Moloto - Fulltime Health and Safety Representative Helena Mine, Phillip Simelane - Fulltime Health and Safety Representative Magareng Mine, Wilson Tonga- Union Representative and Jacob Makofane- Driver.



15 MARCH 2013


Pinkenolsies visit Burgersfort Animal Farm

Reaching out

Photographs & information: Philip Smit.

Jesus Factor Youth (JFY) was invited to join Christian Youth & Beyond (CYB) & Kohin Lydenburg for an outreach in Ohrigstad on the 23 February 2013 at the Eco Caves. Jesus Factor Youth is a Christian youth group situated in Burgersfort at the Dutch Reformed Church that get together every Friday evening from 17:30 at the church. They were invited by CYB & Kohin to go and give their representation of “The Modern day Good Samaritan”. Thank you to 2YK Construction for making their bus available to teenagers. “All honour and praise to our Father and Son, Jesus Christ that make all things possible!” said Mr Philip Smit, the Jesus Factor Youth co-ordinator. Any teenagers who would like to join the group on a Friday is welcome to attend.

The four and five year olds from Pinkenolsie Kleuterskool visited Burgersfort Animal Farm on Wednesday this week. The children enjoyed the day very much. (Photographs: Cheron Harmse, Pinkenolsie Kleuterskool).

Have you seen this man? Knowledge Moeti Mdluli (36) from Riba Cross (Matjianeng) was reported missing to the Tubatse SAPs on 27 February 2013. He allegedly took a taxi to Burgersfort. Later in the day his friends also travelled to Burgersfort but they could not find him. His family is worried about him as he suffers from diabetes. His blood sugar was very low on the day he left for town. Anyone with information about his whereabouts can contact the Tubatse SAPS on 013 216 8500.

Get yourself some wheels

Peugeot and Citroën Polokwane last week exhibited some of the vehicles in their range at the Morone Centre. Contact them on 015 287 9660.

15 MAART 2013



Almost 10 000 learners reached Sekhukhune District Career Expo 2013 Last week the third Sekhukhune District career expo took place. The expo was hosted in partnership with Ema Le Rona Projects, Department of Education and CEIA (Careers Exhibition & Information Association). Support for the event was also received from Modikwa Platinum Mine and the office of the Sekhukhune Districts Executive Mayor. Tubatse FM and SK-FM also assisted with awareness for the expo. This was a travelers expo, meaning the expo moved from one are to another throughout the district. It stopped over at Nthame Primary School, Fetakgomo High School, Moreku High School and CS Barlow. Through this expo it is aimed to expose learners to different career

study fields and entry levels of careers, provide awareness of available career funding mechanisms and also to prepare learners to apply in time for studies at tertiary institutions. The expo reached 9418 learners in five days. The expo targeted grade 12 pupils. When the expo started three years ago they reached only 3246 learners. Institutions who attended and supported the expo this year included the University of Johannesburg, University of Pretoria, University of Venda, Tshwane University of Technology, NYDA, Eduloan, Capricorn FET, Vhembe FET, Sekhukhune FET, HTC College, Waterberg FET, Brooklyn Campus College, Department of Education, Department of Health and Social Development

and the Department of Agriculture. “This was a very successful expo and we are happy with the turn out of the event. The aim is to assist as many learners as possible within the district We are committed in constantly improving on the quality of this annual event. We are getting at a point where schools are becoming more familiar to the expo and its objectives (this will eventually assist in bridging the gap because then they’ll come to the expo’s prepared). We are looking forward to 2014 expo and we believe that it will be bigger and better” said Ms Tebogo Molapo form Ema Le Rona Projects who manages the event. (Photographs & Information: Ema Le Rona Projects).

Redenaars by Laerskool Bft Op 11 Maart het Laerskool Burgersfort hul Redenaarsaand gehou. Die leerders het hul harte uitgepraat en dit baie geniet. Die skool wens al die wenners wat deurgedring het na die volgende redenaarsaand later in die jaar geluk. (Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Burgersfort)

Graad 1-3 wenners: (1ste) Elzari van Niekerk, (2de) Ruben van Staden en (3de) Adriaan.

New leaders at Joshua

Gekies vir provinsiale atletiekspan

Graad 6-7 wenners: (1ste) Bianca Burger, (2de) Zuantè Wortley en (3de) Muzaffar Abdullah.

Graad 4-5 wenners: (1ste) Mrinal Cherian, (2de) Willem Fouchè and Salmitah Mohlala (3de) Lefentse Selala.

These are the newly appointed leaders from Joshua Generation, Burgersfort campus. They are: Phathu Mudau, Thlogi Manne, Charlene van Heerden and Khulile Mncina. (Photograph & Information: Joshua Generation)

Coelette Erasmust van Laerskool Burgersfort het met ‘n poging van 9.23m vir haarself ‘n plek in die provinsiale gewigstootspan losgeslaan. (Foto: Laerskool Burgersfort)

Monique Language van Steelpoort Akademie het met ‘n afstand van 10.94m in die dogters 0/13 groep vir die SA Kampioenskappe gekwalifiseer. Sy neem vanaf 14 16 Maart op Sasolburg deel. (Foto: Steelpoort Akademie).


15 MARCH 2013


How are you coping with On 6 March 2013 the petrol price rose with 81c/l. This means that in Gauteng the price broke the R13 barrier.This is the highest level ever in South Africa. The increase was due to the rise in the international oil price and the weaker Rand. Various levies also increased and will continue to impact the price in April. We asked drivers how they are coping after this latest increase.

Tips for fuel saving • • • • • • •

Service your vehicle regularly to ensure best fuel economy. Correctly maintained cars can operate more efficiently and help reduce CO2 emissions. Check your tyre pressure monthly. Underinflated tyres can increase fuel consumption by up to 40%. Ensure that there are no holes in the vehicle's exhaust. Remove unnecessary weight from your vehicle. The heavier the car, the more fuel it consumes. Close your windows at higher speeds and remove empty roof racks. This will reduce wind resistance and can lower your fuel consumption by up to 10%. Use air conditioning sparingly. Unnecessary use increases fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 5%. Reduce idling. If you are going to stop for more than 60 seconds, turn off your vehicle’s engine.

Me Joey Howard en Mnr. Hennie (Hoener) Howard sê: “Dis ‘n groot probleem dié hoë petrolprys. Veral as jy jou eie besigheid het en jy het nie ‘n keuse as om te moet ry nie. Wat doen mense wat nie eintlik ‘n inkomste het nie? Jy kan dit nie net rek en rek nie”.

Mr MM Tlakeli said: “It is too difficult right now. I’m not travelling as much as before. That is the biggest change I’ve made to cope with the high petrol price”. With him is Mrs Pretty Mahlakoane. Left: Mr John Botlhole said: “If is difficult. I try to travel less, but you still need a car and still need to travel. It is not always safe to travel with a taxi”.

Above: Mr Thami Mthobisa said: “The petrol hikes are killing us. You have to compromise. I used to buy clothes more often. Now you just have to save longer before buying anything”.

Mnr. Henk Dreyer sê: “Koop goedkoper karre en gebruik ryklubs. Ons is deel van ‘n ryklub. Jy moet net. Ons het ook klaar die groot kar verkoop. Jy kan nie baklei nie, jy moet maar ingooi al is die petrolprys hoog. Elektriese karre is die oplossing”.

Regs: Mnr. Renier van der Westhuizen sê: “Die prys is hoog maar ek kan nie minder ry nie. Ek werk vir myself en as daar ‘n job is moet ek gaan. Ek doen allerhande repairs, refrigeration ens. so ek gaan tot waar die werk is wat ek moet doen. Ek spaar ook nie meer of probeer op ‘n manier opmaak vir dit wat ek meer aan petrol spandeer nie. Ek is so ‘n persoon dat as ek iets wil hê ek dit koop en as ek dit nie dadelik kan koop nie, sal ek spaar tot ek dit gekoop het”.

Ms Leticia Sanderson said: “We spend less on clothing, food and utilities so that we can travel”.

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Ms Minnie Pholwane said: “It is killing us. We are now just giving out money. This economy is killing us - everything is expensive. We thought the petrol price would be one of the things Jacob Zuma’s speech and budget for the year would bring relief on, but now it is just killing us”.

Mr Lucas Mafologela said: “It’s terrible. I’m travelling from Moroke to Burgersfort every day. I just have to pay it. There is nothing I can do”.

15 MAART 2013



the high petrol price?

Mnr. Corné van Zyl en Mnr. Graham French sê: “Dis nou maar vasbyt. Jy knyp maar waar jy kan. Ons kan nie regtig die belt nog stywer maak nie want ons eet nie meer nie. Mense op ‘n budget is beslis nie gelukkig met die petrolprys nie”.

Me. Marie Kriel sê: “Dis maar ‘n noodsaaklikheid om petrol in te gooi. Ons probeer minder uitgee en begroot. Dis maar moeilik om minder uit te gee, veral met kinders in die huis”. By haar is Marissa.

Left: Mr Makgopa Dunga said: “It makes a big difference the high petrol price. We don’t have money. It is very difficult for us as drivers. We have cut costs to buy petrol. When it comes to taxi’s they put up their prices, but they never come down if the petrol price is reduced with a few cents”.

Mr Donald Swartland said: “Sacrifice is how we cope. Instead of putting 5 litres of petrol in the car we now put in 4 litres. If it is a downhill we put the car in neutral and we don’t speed”. Behind him is Mr Abraham Mkhabela. They drive a taxi.

Mr Brilliant Malepe, a taxi driver, said: “We are experiencing problems. Work is slow. Petrol is expensive. It is not right. Petrol now takes the whole food budget”.

Mr Terence Tilburn said: “What can you do? You’ve got to pay it. Ek gaan nou ‘n klein karretjie koop. Wat wel ‘n probleem is, is hoe die drankpryse nou opgegaan het”. By hom is Mnr Wessel Ferreira.

Mr Eddy Phasha said: “It is very difficult. I’m trying to drive less and not to speed. I also try to reduce my fuel consumption with how I drive. This means sometimes being late!”.

Mr Bruce Mashaba said: “It is now almost R13 a litre of petrol! It is plenty of money. I’m taking my kids to school every day and my wife has to go to work. It touches me because the budget at home did not increase with the petrol price”. With him are Shadi, Bruna and Lebogang.



15 MARCH 2013

Caring beauties work together Two local beauties are finalists in the Miss SA Junior competition. Mmaphefo Maruma (in black and blue on photograph top left) and Kgomotso Tladi (in white) will be strutting their stuff on the catwalk for the final event.

The final of the competition will be taking place on 28 April in Pretoria. The finalist in the competition are required to do charitable work in their communities. Both approached Tubatse SUPERSPAR for assistance. The two did not let healthy rivalry for a beauty title get in the way of their charitable work. Together with Tubatse SUPERSPAR and representatives from the Greater Tubatse Municipality (GTM) they visited Lehlaba Disabled Centre (Mmaphefo’s choice for charity work) and Manoke Home Based Care (Kgomotso’s choice for charity work). They delivered food parcels to the organisations and spend time with the children and those being taken care of at the two venues. Both Tubatse SUPERSPAR and GTM wished the young ladies the best for the upcoming competition. “They are both beautiful, caring people and we are sure they will stand out in a crowd. They will make us

proud”. (Photographs and information: Tubatse SUPERSPAR & GTM).

15 MAART 2013



Dolfyne laat Haaie borrels hap Gerrie Otto, Charlie Steenkamp, Anrich Kruger, Coellette Erasmus, Renè van den Berg, Zelda Ludick, Zuantè Wortley, Ryder Smit , Josè Kleynhans, Heaven Venter, Nathan Venter, Jaco Burger, Arend Moll, Mikayla Coetzee en Cherese van Aswegen. Arend Moll was die senior victor ludorum, Coelette Erasmus was die senior victrix ludorum, Adolf Weber was die junior victor ludorum en Dané van der Merwe die junior victrix ludorum. (Inligting: Anja van der Westhuizen, Laerskool Burgersfort).

Ouers en leerlinge wat nie aan die swemgala deelgeneem het nie, het die spanne flink ondersteun. Vir elke item is daar medaljes aan die eerste drie plekke toegeken. Elke ouderdomsgroep het hul beurt in die kalklig gekry wanneer hulle uitgeroep is om die medaljes vir die verskillende items te ontvang.

Break free from your debt!

Visit a REGISTERED Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to be debt free. Don’t wait ‘till it’s too late! Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator © Platinum Gazette

Laerskool Burgersfort het op 7 Maart hul jaarlikse Interhuis swemgala aangebied. Die skool se twee spanne - die Haaie en die Dolfyne - het in verskillende swemstyle teen mekaar kompeteer. Die Dolfyne het uiteindelik met een punt gesorg dat hulle die Haaie as verloorders laat wegswem. Die volgende leerders het medaljes op die geleentheid losgeswem: Elzari van Niekerk, Adolf Weber, Ruben Brits, George Fouchè, Ruben van Staden, Lelani Bothma,Alyza Kleynhans, Juanita Bothma, Jhuan Venter, Gerhard Maree,

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail:

(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg


15 MARCH 2013


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 Bread: 076 772 7607 Gloria: 082 614 3619

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available.

Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Bargain properties for sale. Tel: 082 496 4312

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

* Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Magaba

Garage * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt Solutions * Burgersfort

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management - (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566

Read Platinum Gazette online at

Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine

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Platinum Gazette

Toyota * Two Rivers Platinum Mine * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2 Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis

* Oasis Kafee Ohrigstad * Tswelopele Cash Loans @ Platinum Centre Burgersfort * Cash Trader * Tubatse Apteek * Dr Lorna’s Surgery * Vision Meat Butchery * Pret Liquor Burgersfort * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters * Lebowa Panelbeaters * Hennie’s Towing Contractor t/a A to Z

For the startup business Are you opening your own business? Inquire about our special first time advertising rate for start-up businesses. Get your business in the public eye. Advertise it! Call: 083 543 1676 for more information.

Phone her on 083 543 1676/013 231 7147 or e-mail to book your advertising space today.

Betrekkings/Vacancies “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

15 MAART 2013

Buffels en Ohrigstad Rugbyklub sê mekaar die stryd aan Toe die Winterveld Buffels se wedstryd op Groblersdal verlede naweek deur die mat val is daar vinnig ‘n ander plan gemaak om aksie op die veld te kry. Die Buffels het toe op Ohrigstad teen die Ohrigstad Rugbyklub ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd gespeel. Die Buffels het Ohrigstad karnuffel en uiteindelik was die eindtelling 17-5 in die



guns van die Buffels. Die Buffels speel hul volgende wedstryd op 23 Maart op Polokwane.Beide die Buffels en Ohrigstad moedig rugby entoesiaste aan om met hulle te skakel en deel van die klubs te word. Navrae: Karel Beetge (Ohrigstad) 072 511 0934 of Neels Beukes (Buffels) 083 291 8005. (Foto: Mara Theunissen)

Local Pro-20 cricket fixtures The new season for the Pro-20 cricket started yesterday. Teams will be facing each other until July when the semi-finals Date 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 04-Apr 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 02-May 09-May 16-May 23-May 30-May 06-Jun 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 04-Jul 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 01-Jul 08-Aug 15-Aug 22-Aug 24-Aug

First Team Central Cowboys ( Modikwa) Team Leon Tubbies Tyre Corporation Central Cowboys ( Modikwa) Talisman Burgersfort Talisman Tubbies Team Leon Burgersfort Tyre Corporation Team Leon Central Cowboys ( Modikwa) Burgersfort Central Cowboys ( Modikwa) Burgersfort Team Leon Team Suzuki Burgersfort Team Leon Semi Finals (Position 2) Semi Finals (Position 1) ( Loser 2 & 3) Final (Winner 1st semi finals)

Dwarsrivier face-off with DMR at regional office sports day

The Dwarsrivier Netball team.

In the early morning of the 2nd of March 2013 the Dwarsrivier soccer and netball players left the mine as a united team to face the DMR Regional office for a fun filled day of soccer and netball. The tournament is the biggest event for Dwarsrivier and the DMR for 2013. To start the year on a good note and to build sustainable relationships with the DMR, Dwarsrivier Mine hosted the day at Polokwane Military base sports complex. Three games where played on the day. In the first game the “Dwarsrivier Masters” took on the “DMR Regional Masters” at 11:00. Senior General Manager, Mthi Mtshengu, Technical Manager, Silas Hlapolosa, Relieving SD Manager, Remember Mmbengwa, Relieving Metallurgical Manager, Malvern Kamusoko and some other very talented Dwarsrivier players formed part of the Master’s team who took on

the DMR regional manager and his team. The final result was DMR 6, Dwarsrivier 2. Following the Masters’ soccer match it was time for the ladies of Dwarsrivier to take on the ladies of the DMR regional office. The DMR excelled on the day and played some excellent netball. Around 15:00 Dwarsrivier and DMR faced each other in the last soccer match of the day. Dwarsrivier made sure they brought their winning team to that game and beat the DMR with a final score of 3-0. As the final whistle blew, it was time for the Dwarsrivier players and supporters to celebrate. A prize giving ceremony was held where players were handed medals and trophies. A braai followed after the prize giving ceremony for all the players and it was then decided to host this event annually. “Congratulations to the Dwarsrivier football and netball club, we are looking forward to the next event. Thank you to Remember Mmbengwa and his team for all the arrangements in making the day a success. Thanks to all the players who were committed and took part in the games, we appreciate your support” Dwarsrivier management said. (Information & photographs: Communications Unit, Dwarsrivier Mine).

Left: The Dwarsrivier football team.

and finals will follow. The public is invited to come and support the teams when they play at the Laerskool Burgersfort sportsgrounds. VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS

Second Team Burgersfort Tyre Corporation Talisman Team Suzuki Tubbies Team Suzuki Team Leon Tyre Corporation Team Suzuki Central Cowboys ( Modikwa) Talisman Tubbies Team Suzuki Talisman Tubbies Tyre Corporation Team Suzuki Talisman Central Cowboys ( Modikwa) Tyre Corporation Tubbies Semi Finals (Position 3) Semi Finals (Position 4) (Loser 1 & 4) Final (Winner 2nd semi finals)

Find out more about the cricket The games will be 20 overs per team. It will always be played on Thursdays and will start at 17:00. The games will be played on a social level, although certain rules will be enforced to keep everything flowing in a fair manner. Enquiries about the cricket can be directed towards Whity Ludick on 082 468 6332.

Maatlopo United run over Moutse West United Maatlopo United FC beat Moutse West United 3-0 in a convincing victory on their home grounds. Maatlopo played against Moutse West United on last week Saturday. Trevor Mohlala, Pharephare Mojalefa and Lupa Malatjie were the goal scorers. This week week Maatlopo will play away on Saturday. They will face Sekhukhune Arsenal in this game. On Sunday Maatlopo United will host Mpheleng Sweepers at Moroke Stadium. All sports loving people are invited to come and give their support to the teams. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226. (Information: Jimmy Makola, Maatlopo United PRO)

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


15 MARCH 2013

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Hervormde Kerk golfdag is goed ondersteun

Oud en jonk het aan die gholfdag deelgeneem. Die hitte van die dag is draaglik gemaak deur ‘n koel briesie.

Verlede Saterdag is die jaarlikse Hervormde Kerk Golfdag by Tubatse Chrome Klub gehou. Die dag is goed ondersteun en uiteindelik het J Coetzee en TR Coetzee met 25 punte eerste gekom. Tweede was T Marobane en P Mongadie, ook met 25 punte en derde was Loralyn Botha en Izelle van Staden. Die kerk bedank graag die volgende persone en besighede vir hul borgskappe en ondersteuning om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak: Tubatse Chrome, Eastern Chrome Mines, OK Grocer Burgersfort, Pick n Pay Steelpoort, Pret LIquor Burgersfort, Supa Quick Burgersfort, Electro Diesel, Steelpoort Hyper Liquor, Steelpoort Diesel, Tyre Corporation, Tubatse Service Centre, Build It Steelpoort, Merensky Real Estate, Icon Metals/Steelpoort Sewerage, Freek Gouws, M Knoetze, Swan’s Scapes, Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort en Dr Goosen. Die Tubatse Chroom Golfklub hou hierdie naweek hul Klub Kampioenskappe. Dit vind oor twee dae plaas. Alle lede word versoek om te kom deelneem.

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