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Laerskool Burgersfort held its annual Carols by Candlelight function last week, a sure indication that the festive season is nearing fast. These learners thoroughly immersed themselves in the spirit of Christmas during the event.
Joyous expectation
Š Platinum Gazette
15 November 2013
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine assists with lighting up villages Dwarsrivier Mine assisted Greater Tubatse Municipality to repair and do maintenance on various lights in the municipal area. The municipality is very dependent on the assistance of large companies as the budget is simply not big enough to address all the needs in the area. In many areas the high mast lights were broken and technical expertise was needed to fix them. The areas in which the mine assisted was Mashamthane, Ntoampe Sport Ground, Leboeng, Ohrigstad, Motaganeng, Tjate, Malekane Cross, Marula Mine area, Lehlaba Cross, Maphopha and Phiring. One of the problems that were discovered is the theft of electricity. Some of the high mast lights could not shine to full capacity as local residents near the poles illegally connected their homes to the supply. This is not only dangerous and illegal, but it is also causing the lights to not function at optimal levels. In some areas such as the Motaganeng cross, there was a pole but no lights or electrical connection existed. The
installation of lights and the supply of electricity was then part of the deal. The high mast lights are making it much safer in areas that were previously dark and dangerous. Dwarsrivier Mine, contractors and Greater Tubatse Municipality worked together on this project through 2013 to ensure that the necessary work could be done. On Tuesday this week the last of the lights were being fixed. This time it was at Mashamthane and a crane was brought in to assist with reaching and fixing the lights at the top. Mr Pius Monyela from Dwarsrivier Mine and Mr Moses Mosoma from Greater Tubatse Municipality were on site to make sure that things go smoothly. The municipality appealed to residents to look after the infrastructure that is being put in place and not vandalise or illegally connect to electrical points. Thanks to the partnership between Dwarsrivier Mine and Greater Tubatse Municipality the way is now lighted in many areas.
Thanks to this partnership there is light in many areas again
Mr Lesley Ndou who was contracted to work on the project with Mr Moses Mosoma from Greater Tubatse Municipality and Mr Pius Monyela from Dwarsrivier Mine. They are standing at the cross towards Motaganeng where a new light was installed to light up the area.
The work was done throughout 2013 in various villages in the Greater Tubatse Municipal area.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Twickenham case postponed
Social crime coordinator at Burgersfort Police Station, Constable Victoria Maluleka, this week made the public aware of crime on the streets, by visiting automatic teller machines (ATMs). In view of the importance of theses machines in Burgersfort, especially during the festive season, constable Maluleka said it was important to make people aware of the crimes that can take place around teller machines. She advised that should people be uncertain regarding the use of the machines, they should rather try and do their business inside the bank (although it will be very busy)! She also put up a number of safety hints the Police have at ATM’s and requested that the public take note of it. One of these tips is to never trust a stranger and also to be wary of thieves posing as Police or security personnel.
In the photograph people throng through the gate at Mecklenburg’s Court on Wednesday just before 10:00. In fact most of them (59 to be precise) appeared on charges relating to public violence, illegal gathering and intimidation of management at Anglo American Platinum’s nearby Twickenham Platinum Project. The case against the 59 was postponed to 11 December 2013 during their brief appearance. Meanwhile, spokesperson Abednico Mashabela (one of the accused, by the way) told the newspaper that a delegation comprising of community members was scheduled to engage in discussions with the mine’s management at the local municipality’s premises in Burgersfort yesterday (Thursday). “We are talking to them on neutral ground about the memorandums we gave them and the grievances we have” he said. “We do not know what wil happen with the court case, but we need to continue discussiong the issues at hand’ he added.
Much better Thanks!
Business chamber initiative on the cards A pilot meeting for the founding of a business chamber will be held on Tuesday 19 November 2013 at 18h00 (6pm) at Laerskool Burgersfort. (Parking and entrance from the Church Street side of the school, opposite Supa Save, next to Maphutha Ditshaba (building). Mr Carl Lourens, one of the organisers of the event, says Mr Corinus du Toit from the AHI will be the guest speaker and will facilitate the process. He said all formal business people in the area of Ohrigstad, Burgersfort, Steelpoort and up to Jane Furse are welcome, including Nafcoc members.
Keep 29 and 30 November open - Yellow Arum Lily Festival time! On 29 and 30 November Roossenekal will host the Yellow Arum Lily Festival. The Yellow Arum Lily is one of the most sought after indoor plants in Europe but is locally on the brink of extinction due to illegal harvesting. The festival takes place annually with the main event on Saturday 30 November. There will be stalls, Mampoer tasting, Ndebele bead work, crafts and other items manufactured by locals from Draaikraal.The festival is always a buzz with
live entertainment. This year Marius Carstens, Du Preez, Ursula Viviers, David Fours and many more will be bringing live entertainment to the event. Legally grown lilies from surrounding nurseries will be on safe on the day. The festival bus will also be taking visitors to view the flowers in their natural habitat. To book a stall or get more information contact Karin on 083 732 6332 or Christine at 082 550 6896.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Still winning at Tubatse SUPERSPAR In the Tubatse SUPERSPAR Win-A-Car competition customers are still winning in the weekly lucky draws. The big draw will be in December when one customer will win a VW Polo. There is still time to enter! Visit Tubatse SUPERSPAR, buy for R300 or more and inter in store. Left is Mr Jan Selahle from Bothashoek. He won a R500 shopping voucher from Spar. His prize was handed to him by Ms Martha Shai.
Mr Timothy Kgoete from Ga-Kgwete won a R500 shopping voucher. With him is Ms Sebotse Seotlo.
Ms Thokozile Mashinini from Steelpoort won a R500 shopping voucher. Ms Marie Mabelane handed it to her.
Ms Phindile Manzini was another one of the lucky winners in the weekly draws. She won a R500 shopping voucher from Tubatse SUPERSPAR. The voucher was handed to her by Ms Samukele Mangane.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Vlooimark by Tubatse Chroom Klub Tubatse Chroom Klub het verlede week Saterdag ‘n vlooimark gehou. Daar was ‘n groot verskeidenheid op die uitstallers se tafels. Die mark sal in 2014 gereeld plaasvind.
Carols by Candlelight at Laerskool Burgersfort Last week Thursday Laerskool Burgersfort hosted their annual Carols by Candlelight event. The programme included singing, prayer and a message from the Bible.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
No more victims on the roads
Colourful posters brought the message of road safety to motorists.
On Friday 8 November 2013 the message was clear to employees, contractors and other road users passing the cross at Two Rivers Platinum Mine towards Kennedy Vale or Mashishing (Lydenburg) – Road safety first! Many of the mines in the area has lost employees due to road accidents and has over the past few months launched an awareness campaign for road safety. Glencore’s Helena, Magareng, Thorncliffe and Mototolo Mines, Two Rivers Platinum Mine, Dwarsrivier Mine and Northam Booysendal Division all participated in the campaign. Female employees from these mines were up early on 8 November as they tried to bring the message
Employees arriving at work were greeted by a sea of red, black and white in support of road safety.
Banners encouraged motorists to show their support for the campaign.
of road safety not only to those coming to work, but also those going home after a night shift. Motorists were encouraged to honk their vehicle’s hooters in support of the cause. Colourful posters were displayed and ladies were true cheerleaders for road safety as they shouted slogans in support of safe driving. Black and red balloons marked the area, with the release of balloons at intervals. A display of smashed up vehicles provided by R&P Panelbeaters, emergency personnel and towing services finished of the impact of the event.The organisers of the campaign would like to thank everyone who participated, donated and supported the endeavour.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Caring for employees on the road Dwarsrivier Mine was one of the participating mines in the road safety campaign. At the entrance to the mine’s plant employees were greeted by friendly colleagues handing out air fresheners and license disc stickers with road safety messages. Some of the mine’s Heads of Departments joined the friendly campaigners and made sure that the vehicles employees arrived in were in a road worthy condition, had valid licenses and that everyone in the vehicle wore a seatbelt. In an environment were safety is of the utmost importance Dwarsrivier Mine would like to let their employees know that safety does not stop at work. Families want their hard working fathers and mothers back safe – not only from the mine, but also from the roads they travel. Arrive Alive!
Drivers were given stickers and air fresheners with road safety messages.
Making sure that everyone entering the mine’s premises travel in a vehicle that is road worthy and that the driver has a valid driver’s license.
At Dwarsrivier Mine the Heads of Departments within the mine joined the campaigners to bring emphasis to the seriousness of road safety.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Top Steelies vereer vir harde werk Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week hul prysuitdelingsfunksies gehou. Tydens die geleentheid is leerlinge vir hul akademiese, kultuur en sportprestasies vereer. Die nuwe hoofleiers van die skool is ook bekend gestel. Die hoërskool se toekennings is saam met die laerskool se toekennings by ‘n gala geleentheid gedoen.
Regs: Monique Language het verskeie pryse ontvang. Sy is as die skool se veelsydigste dogter aangewys. Sy is die Steelie van die Jaar. Sy het ‘n toekenning ontvang omdat sy in sewe jaar se skoolbesoek nie een dag afwesig was nie. Sy was ook die hoofdogter van 2013. Sy was deel van die skool se top 10 akademiese presteerders. Monique is as die veelsydigste sport dogter aangewys en was ook die mees toegewyde sport dogter. Sy ontvang die trofee vir die sport dogter van die jaar. Monique kry ‘n spesiale toekenning van die hoof vir haar bydrae tot Steelpoort Akademie. Sy was die beste presteerder in Kuns en Kultuur. Die beste presteerder in Lewensoriëntering, beste presteerder in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe. Monique is die dogter atleet van die jaar. Sy ontvang ook ‘n trofee omdat sy tot die Mpumalanga provinsiale netbalspan verkies is. Sy kry ook ‘n toekenning omdat sy tot die provinsiale hokkiespan verkies is. Sy word ook beloon as die hokkie speelster van die jaar. Op die foto regs ontvang sy een van haar vele toekenning vanaf Pastoor Neels Beukes.
Steelpoort Akademie se nuwe hoofleiers is: Solly Malepe (hoofseun), Maryke de Jager (hoofdogter), Tiaan de Jager (sport onderhoofseun), Nicole Language (sport onder-hoofdogter), Pieter Barkhuizen (akademiese onder-hoofseun) en Yanke Engelbrecht (akademiese onder-hoofdogter).
Kekeletso Kgwetiane het die hoogste gemiddeld van graad 8 - 9.
The top 6 achievers in the high school were: Millinium Kgoete, Nate Phetla, Lefihlile Kgoete, Darren Zeeman, Lebogang Makgolane and Kekeletso Kgwetiane.
Left: Tabalelo Maebela received a trophy as the most dedicated sport boy in the high school. Pastor Neels Beukes handed it to him.
Links: Tiaan Havenga is as die veelsydigste sport seun aangewys. Arrie Heyl is die sport Kamogelo Tshehla was die most versatile sport boy in the high school. seun van die jaar. Monique Language is die mees toegewyde en veelsydige sport dogter en die sport dogter van die jaar. Tiaan is ook die hokkiespeler en krieketspeler van die jaar en kry ‘n toekenning omdat hy provinsiaal daarvoor verkies is. Arrie is die rugbyspeler van die jaar. En word vereer vir sy verkiesing tot die Mpumalanga 7s rugbyspan.
Chris-Marie Ebersöhn ontvang ‘n trofee vir die beste gemiddeld van graad 4 - 7. Sy was deel van die skool se top 10 akademiese presteerders en het ook daarvoor ‘n balkie ontvang. Chris-Marie is die beste presteerder in die volgende vakke: English additional language, Afrikaans huistaal, Wiskunde, Natuur Wetenskap, Sosiale Wetenskap en Tegnologie. Sy is die beste presteerder in graad 7 Afrikaans medium. Sy ontvang ook ‘n wisseltrofee vir die dogter wat deurentyd volhardend sport geoefen en positief gebly het. Sy kry die Senior kultuur toekenning. Left: Telelo Nhleko was the most dedicated sport girl in the high school.
Regs: CJ Barnard is as die graad 7 Dux leerling aangewys. Hy was ook die leerling met die beste algemene kennis in die laerskool. Hy is deel van die skool se top 10 akademiese presteerders.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Prysuitdeling by Steelpoort Akademie
Andries Vorster was die veelsydigste krieketspeler. Mnr. Anton Erasmus het sy trofee oorhandig. Kghotatso Mkabela was the netball player of the year. Ms Colleen Language handed her award to her.
Monique Language ontvang ‘n spesiale toekenning van Mnr. Anton Alberts, Steelpoort Akademie se skoolhoof.
Christiaan Kruger is die seun atleet van die jaar. Mnr. Louis van Dyk het sy prys oorhandig.
AGS Steelpoort sê dankie ‘Hul eie Oscars vir die gemeenskap’ Die AGS Steelpoort gemeente het verlede week Saterdagaand ‘n spesiale funksie gehou waar daar vir verskillende besighede, individue en gemeentelede dankie gesê is vir hul bydraes gedurende die afgelope jaar. Die program se formaliteite is afgewissel deur sang en drama. “Baie mense gaan hel toe omdat Christene nie hulle werk doen nie,” het Pastoor Neels Beukes gesê.
Beste akademiese presteerders graad R - 3: Marli Vermeulen, Mashoto Moela, Anmi Esbach, Kamogela Phetla, Gideon Miller, Munei Mashamba, Megan Mey en Matshepo Khoza met hul klasvoogde.
Tabeel Zeeman was the best academic achiever in grade 7 English medium. She is also part of the top 10 academic team.
Darren Zeeman was the best academic achiever in grade 9. He also received an award for the best achievement in maths and English home language in the high school.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Tubatse Masters face Tubatse Chrome off against golf course Lebowakgomo Masters transformed The Tubatse Masters played a friendly soccer game against Lebowakgomo Masters on Sunday 10 November. The game took place at Praktiseer’s Sekhukhune FET College sports grounds. The hosts dominated the game from the first whistle and managed to score four goals in the first half. Lucky Lubisi scored 3 and Mbesuma Mabaso 1. In the second half the visitors dominated the game but failed to score. Lucky Lubisi managed to put another ball in the goalbox to make the final score 5-0 in favou rof Tubatse Masters.
Tubatse Chrome Club’s golf course is in the process of being upgraded. Work is underway to rebuild the tee boxes. This part of the job is approximately 80% completed. Large holes greet you now where there once were greens. These are being rebuild with new irrigation and shaping. The planting of the new grass for the greens is planned for middle December. Die course will reopen in January and the management of the club would like to thank the members for their patience while the work is being done.
Photographs and information: Jerial Movundlela.
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15 NOVEMBER 2013
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein
Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277. MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
5. Troeteldiere/ Pets Marmotte (Guinea Pigs) te koop. 3 maande oue Guinea pigs - R50 elk Skakel: 078 120 7198.
Looking for accommodation?
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous
10. Te Koop/ For Sale
We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R195 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765
Nuwe Restaurant en Bar in Burgersfort. Lekker kos en gesellige atmosfeer. Agter Burgersfort Drankwinkel. Kom loer gerus in! Navrae: 082 308 9221
9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.
Spacious rooms available! Caravan stands available! Contractors welcome! Place: Dresden Village - 7km outside Burgersfort. Monthly rent: Negotiable, water & electricity included. Directions: Ohrigstad road (R555) next to railway line. Contact: Joseph Mohlala, 076 566 3902.
Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats available. Stands for sale. Warehouse to let. Contact: 074 354 1274
Platinum Gazette
One bedroom flat in Burgersfort. Available 1 December 2013. Contact: 076 666 1100
Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
VIP Rentals Two and Three Bedroom Units available Please phone: 074 354 1274
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
TE KOOP Twee erwe (stands) in Ohrigstad te koop. Beide is ongeveer 630m2 en is aangrensend van mekaar. Navrae: Johan, 082 922 7617 SAMOOSAS Good quality samoosas available from Aloe Ridge East. Week days and weekends. Also cater for functions. Contact: 076 615 8607 FOR SALE Acer laptops with warranty from R3900. Contact: 074 270 0404 FOR SALE 1965 VW Beetle Running Condition. Just need some TLC. Price: R17500.00 Contact: 082 618 8332
Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool
* OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150
Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS
(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041
In case of a power failure in Burgersfort the SAPS Switchboard will not be working. Call: 082 462 2920 or 082 449 0273
Ander nood/Other emergencies: Platinum Gazette To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147 or email adverts@ platinumgazette. com Advertising deadline is on a Tuesday at 17:00.
Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566
Vacancies/Betrekkings VACANCY
NWJ Burgersfort Mall in Burgersfort is recruiting employees for the following positions: Store Manager, Assistant Store Manager & Sales Consultants (full-time & casual). Applicants must have excellent communication skills, previous jewellery/ retail/sales experience & be willing to work weekends, shifts & public holidays. CVs to be emailed to
Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
Applications close on the 22nd November 2013
Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Applicants not contacted within 2 weeks of their application to consider themselves unsuccessful.
* Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt Solutions
Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers:
Notice Platinum Gazette contact details:
* Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Magaba Garage
Position available at Indigo Naranja, Burgersfort. Position includes a fair remuneration package and housing. RESPONSIBILITES: • Manage farm workshop, equipment and tools. • Manage farm workshop personnel. • Manage farm mechanicaladministration, including mechanical repair and maintenance planning and schedules. • Manage construction of farm operational equipment. REQUIREMENTS: • Passionate about working in a farming environment. • Previous workshop management experience. Please forward your application to or fax it to 086 773 6620. Closing date for 22 November 2013.
15 NOVEMBER 2013
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Platinum Gazette
Bosbok branch hunters on course The Bosbok branch of the SA Hunters Association hosted two successful course on 25 and 26 October. It took place at Lydenburg. The one course was The Dedicated Hunter course. This course is to qualify for the legal requirements to possess more than four hunting rifles. The other course was The Competent Hunter course. This is an additional qualification that also tests the shooter’s proficiency at 200m, 100m and 50m. Only hunter who score 60% or more can gain this qualification.
One of the junior hunters, Ian Grobler (11) also qualified as a dedicated hunter. (See photograph top left). He put most of the other members to shame with a 20mm grouping of 3 shots from 100metres. All outdoor, hunting and firearm enthusiasts are welcome to attend any of teh meetings and shooting exercises held by the Bosbok branch.
Two courses were hosted by the branch and different levels of competency and proficiency tested. (Information & photographs: JB Willers)
This branch caters for Lydenbrug, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Ohrigstad and suroundings. To find out more about the branch and its activities contact JB Willers on 082 820 1748 or e-mail him at