Platinum Gazette 16 August 2013

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Š Platinum Gazette

16 August 2013

NCF Limpopo champs

Tubatse Chrome Choir made history on 11 August when they won the Limpopo title of the National Choir Festival (NCF). Tubatse Chrome Choir became first choir by winning the provincial champion in its first year of participation. No choir has ever won the provincial championship in its first year of participation in the history of NCF. The competitions were held in Venda at Thohoyandou. The festival is a national choral music competition conducted at district and regional/provincial level culminating in a national final, which will be held from 6-8 December in Durban this year. It is an annual event that runs from January to December. Old Mutual has given financial backing for this project since 1988. The name National Choir Festival (NCF) is widely recognized as a brand of its own in the choral music fraternity. The project goes beyond the borders of South Africa, with choirs from Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Swaziland joining South African choirs in this music development venture. It is considered to be the biggest and best of the choir festivals and draws attendants and fans from all over the country and SADC region

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16 AUGUST 2013


On Wednesday 14 August Tubatse Police recovered a stolen vehicle loaded loaded with (suspected) stolen goats in Ga Mashamothane village at about 03:15 in the morning. The Police were busy doing their patrols along the R37 road to Polokwane when they noticed a Nissan 1400 bakkie and the they tried to stop it. The driver of the bakkie ignored the Police and tried to espcape the Polce. The Police vehicle gave chase and followed the bakkie. The bakkie was found inside a village at Mashifane Park. The occupants of the vehicle ran away. The back of the bakkie was loaded with 12 goats. Upon investigation it was found that the vehicle was reported stolen at the Tubatse Police Station in Praktiseer on 12 August (Monday). The vehicle and the goats were confiscated by the Police and are now at Tubatse Police Station. The Police urge anyone with information about the bakkie and the gots to contact them so that the suspect can be apprehended.

Know anything ?

Health to people Unemployed youths in Greater Tubatse Municipality Wards 4,5 and 19 (Riba Cross) have established a waste management cooperative. The cooperative is called Bokapi Waste Management and supply every household refuse bags to put rubbish in and collect the bags every Monday. During the week they try and clean the streets. More information about the cooperative can be obtained from Tshepo Mashoeu on 082 729 7982.

Left: In the photograph Constable Naphtally Sebyeng and Constable Mojalefa Muroa are pictured with the recovered vehicle full of goats. (Information and photograph: Tubatse Police Station)

16 AUGUST 2013



ASA Metals commemorate all Women ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine held a Women’s Day Celebration to commemorate all the ladies at the plant. Mrs Mphethi, who is a Pastor in the Mooihoek Community, was the motivational speaker at the function. The ASA Metal’s Choir entertained the ladies with their beautiful performance. Mr Lukas Pieterse, the Raw Materials Processing Manager welcomed all the ladies present, and gave a speech on empowering rural women. It was a cheerful event, and all the ladies enjoyed themselves. (Photographs and information: Asa Metals)

Ms Mphethi (top) and Mr Pieterse (bottom).



16 AUGUST 2013

Celebrating being a woman in red hot style Modikwa Platinum Mine celebrated National Women’s Day in style. All the female employees of the Mine were invited to a function with the theme Empowering Woman of Modikwa and Beyond, with colour code of Red and Black. The event was hosted on Thursday last week and the women dressed for the occasion. The Mine came alive with red and black style being spotted everywhere. The day’s programme included a message from the Modikwa Platinum Mine Business Leader, Mr Mokgosi Nkoana, a guest speaker, lucky draws and a delicious meal. Mr Nkoana (photograph top right) told the women about the influence his mother and grandmother had in his life. He also emphasised how important their role at Modikwa Platinum Mine is, adding that empowerment of women into management roles is also a priority. Mrs Christer Pandala (photograph bottom right) was the guest speaker for the day. Her message was that nobody is a mistake. Every woman is placed here for a reason and that they have important roles to fulfill. Women must strive to empower themselves, be keen to continue learning and improving their own skills and lives. She further spoke about the importance of God in a woman’s life. Adding that having a loving relationship with God will provide the strength women need to cope with daily challenges on their paths. The Modikwa woman’s day event was concluded with a series of lucky draws based on the women’s employee numbers before a menu with dishes to everyone’s taste was served. The women could chose from chicken, lamb curry, fish, vegetables, bread, pap, rice, salads and much more for the day’s lunch. Every lady also received a cap and a cute cosmetics bag as a special gift.

“There is in every true woman’s heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity” - Washington Irving

16 AUGUST 2013



Schools play sports against crime The Tubatse SAPS hosted a Sports Against Crime campaign on 8 August. The campaign was hosted at Lehlaba Secondary School at Riba Cross. The campaign was sponsored by GlencoreXstrata. Four schools were identified from four problematic areas in crime around the Tubatse policing area. The following schools were identified as: Leolo (Praktiseer), Lehlaba (Riba Cross), Batau (Ga Mashamothane) and Mmiditsi (Bothashoek). On the day the schools were competing in soccer and netball. The results were as follow: In the first game of soccer Leolo Secondary School played against Lehlaba Secondary School. Leolo won 4-1. In the second game MMiditsi played against Batau and

Mmiditsi won 5-3 on penalties after a 1 all draw. In the final Mmiditsi won 5-4 on penalties. In the first netball game Lehlaba won 9-6 against Leolo and in the second game Mmiditsi won 9-2 against Batau. In the final Mmiditsi won 4-3 against Lehlaba. The winning school in both the soccer and the netball won a prize consisting of kit, a trophy, and a soccerball. The losing schools in the finals won a soccer ball. The day was also attended by Brigadier Ledwaba and her women’s networking team from the Tubatse Cluster. (Information & Photographs: Jerial Movundlela)

The winning teams.



16 AUGUST 2013

How do you handle sms Many South Africans receive sms marketing messages on a daily basis. “ARE YOUR READY to clear your name from the BLACKLIST? We have LOANS available. For a helpline send a PLEASE CALL ME to ???, to opt out sms stop” is just one of the types used. Insurance companies, clothing chains and many other businesses try to reach consumers in this way. The Consumer Protection Act (CPA) does however give consumers a little bit of protection. According to this a company must check if recipients have already opted-out from direct marketing messages from the company sending the messages. They should also check whether recipients have opted-out by adding their details to the CPA “do not contact registry”. They should also provide a mechanism to afford each recipient the opportunity to opt-out at no cost from these marketing messages. Normally sending a SMS using the reply path will cost a consumer between 50c and 80c. Dr Pieter Streicher, MD of says that until “free opt-out becomes possible, it is technically illegal to send both unsolicited direct marketing as well as solicited direct marketing via SMS”. We asked readers whether they’ve received such direct sms marketing messages and how they deal with it.

Mr Gadson Komane said: “I used to call them. I’m always angry with those people sending the sms marketing. I now don’t respond or op’t out because those things are scams. If you sms back they make money. It must stop”.

Mr Richard Khosa, Mr Javuza Siwela and Mr Lewis Magagula said: “We keep those messages on our phones. We don’t think it is fair to be charged for a reply”. Richard added: “I do respond to some of those sms marketing things I receive”. Javuza and Lewis said: “No, we ignore those sms marketing. Those people are tsotsi’s”.

Mr Elmon Makofane said: “I’ve received ones like that but I ignore them. I don’t want those messages”. Mnr Marius du Bruyn en Me. Bianca Schutte sê: “Ja, ons kry baie van daardie sms’e - te veel!” Bianca sê: “Ek het al gereageer en gesê ‘stop’. Ek dink dis onregverdig om te moet betaal vir ‘n sms waarin jy dit stop”. Marius sê: “Ek het gister drie van dieselfde sms’e na mekaar gekry. Ek ignoreer dit net. Dit pla my nie regtig nie”.

Regs: Me. Melany Kroon sê: “Ek het dit al gekry. Ek dink nie dis regverdig dat jy moet betaal nie. ‘n Mens stel nie jou nommer beskikbaar daarvoor nie, so ek weet nie waar hulle daaraan kom nie. Nee, ek reageer nie daarop nie”.

Mr Collen Mojela said: “Ja, I do receive them. I just ignore it because those people don’t know me and my background. I’ve never responded to any of it. It is not fair that you have to pay to respond. I also warn people not to respond to that type of marketing”.

Mr Charles Mafane said: “I receive a lot of them. I never respond. I am scared that it is from people running a scam. It is not fair that they take money if you choose not to get the sms anymore. They are stealing our money”. Mr Piet Ngobeni said: “Ja, I have received that. I respond to some of them like the ones DSTV send. I don’t mind paying for a reply sms because it is not a lot of money”.

Mr Peter Ngwana said: “I receive many of them. No, I’ve never responded to any of those messages. I don’t know those people and I know they are going to cheat me somehow. It is not fair at all that we have to pay for a sms to stop them from sending messages. You lose. I delete those messages from my phone because if I keep them I know it will tempt me to respond”.

16 AUGUST 2013



marketing messages?

Mnr. Danie van Jaarsveld sê: “Ek ignoreer dit net flat. Dis net geldmors om te reageer. Hulle kan maar stuur, ek delete dit net. Dit irriteer my baie”.

Mnr. Nico de Jonge sê: “Ek het al sulke goed gekry. Ek dink hulle bevark ‘n mens. As jy terug antwoord dan kos dit jou ‘n lot geld. Dis nie regverdig nie. Hulle besteel jou”.

Ms Judy Mnisi said: “Ja, I am receiving such messages. No, I don’t respond to it. I am not sure if it is the real thing or what. If I am going to pay for them to stop sending me the messages, it is not fair”.

Mr Justice Mahasha said: “Yes, it is junk mail. I get rid of them. I’ve never responded. You never know if it is from a reliable source or someone trying to trick you into something. The marketer should definitely pay for your reply. It is not right for someone to pay if they did not initiate something”.

Mr Sibanengi Moyo said: “Ja, I’ve received some of them. No, I do not respond because I know it is a hoax. It is not fair that a reply costs money. I delete those messages. I wish they would be better regulated”.

Mr Mokowe Lesese said: “Ja, I receive them. I don’t respond because people do fraud like that. It is not fair to pay to have them stop sending the messages. I’ve changed my number because these people send messages at midnight and disturbed me when I was sleeping”.

Mr Cafrin Magabe said: “Ja, I receive it. I just ignore it. If I keep it on my phone, my inbox will be full. I just delete it. It is not fair to pay for your own response. It should be free”.

Ms Jay van der Westhuizen said: ‘I have received some of those marketing sms messages. I know of someone who responded when she received one that said she won lots of money, but it was not true. I have not responded. I play it safe. For the marketers it is fair that you pay for your response, but for me it is not. Why must I pay if they want my attention? I delete most of the messages. I have a little brother that sometimes play with the phone and I am scared he might accidentally reply or download something”.

Mr Clifford Montsthosi said: ‘Yes, I have received such sms messages. I don’t take it serious so I don’t respond. No it is not fair that they take money for you to reply that you don’t want to get the messages”. Right: Mr Andries Panyaza said: “Yes, I’ve responded to one. I was told I won something and when I called they could not give me a reference number. I’ve replied stop in die past. It is not fair that you have to pay for a reply. They should not charge you”.

Mr Jabu Mokoena (left) said: “I’ve responded to such messages. It is not fair to pay. We like the sms but not too much. They must just send it during the day. I just keep the messages on my phone”. Mr Kabello Makhubedu said: “Yes, I’ve received sms marketing messages, but not so many”.



16 AUGUST 2013

Waterval CVO is bedrywig met sport en kultuur

Leerlinge van Waterval CVO het op Groblersdal gaan skaak speel op 8 en 9 Augustus. Dit was deel van die Oos-Transvaal kampioenskappe. Voor: Thomas Bronkhosrt, Reinhardt Roberts en Raymond Roberts. Middel: Nathan Venter, Johan Bester. Agter: Heinrich Oberholzer, Kluge Bester en Jani Taljaard.

Leerlinge van Waterval CVO het onlangs aan die Oos-Transvaalse Streeks Kompetisie vir Kultuur deelgeneem. In die afdeling vir gedramatiseerde gedigte in Afrikaans en Engels is 6 A+++ toegeken. Daar is ook 7 A+, 9 A en 2 B+ simbole toegeken. In die afdeling formele gedigte in Engels en Afrikaans is 4 A++, 10A+, 6 A en 2 B+ simbole toegeken. In die afdeling vir lees in Engels en Afrikaans is 3 A+++, 5 A++, 10 A+, 4 A en 3 B+ simbole toegeken.Vir onvoorbereide lees is 4 A++ en 1 A+ ontvang. die Bybeltake wat ingedien is het 1A+, 1A, 3 B+ en 1 C+ ontvang. Voor: Megan Griesel, Liane Fouché, Shané Fourie en Eduan Herselman. Tweede ry: Raymond Robertson, Zanke Louw, CJ de Lange, Reinhard Robertson, Chanté van der Hulst, Cornelius van Antwerpen. Derde ry: Karlien Labuschagne, Clarice Greeff, Ankia Erasmus, Melissa Germishuizen, Johan Bester, Leone Stoltz en Andreas Fouché. Vierde ry: Chanelle Kotze, Marlene Venter, Marlé Labuschagne, Arno Griesel, Kluge Bester, Angelique Campher, Carla Hanekom en Aimmie Gibson.

Winterveld Fees is om die draai Johan Bester, Heinrich Oberholzer en Kluge Bester het aan die Oos-Transvaalse Landloop Kampioenskappe op Saterdag 10 Augustus deelgeneem. Hulle het in hul verskillende ouderdomskategorieë die volgende plekke behaal: Johan (tweede), Heinrich (eerste) en Kluge (tweede).

Op 30 en 31 Augustus is dit weer tyd vir die Winterveld Fees by die Winterveld Ontspanningsklub. Soos elke jaar sal daar hope pret en vermaak wees met ‘n groep kunstenaars uit die boonste rakke wat die verhoog sal vul. Daar sal ook stalletjies en die tradisionele potjiekoskompetisie wees. As jy dalk nog ‘n stalletjie wil bespreek, ‘n span vir die kaskar wedren (soapbox race) of die potjiekoskompetisie wil inskryf kontak die persone op die advertensie hier links. Die twee dae sal soos gewoonlik een van die hoogtepunte op die Winterveld Kalender wees en almal word genooi om dit saam te kom geniet. Cheree en Wynand Strydom en Ricus Nel is van die kunstenaars wat gaan optree.

16 AUGUST 2013




Shoppers win at Tubatse SUPERSPAR Shoppers at Tubatse SUPERSPAR stand the chance to win wonderful prizes and be in line for the big prize in their Win-A-Car competition. Every week a few winners will be drawn for fabulous prizes. The big prize, a VW Polo will be drawn just before Christmas. The competition details are in store. Shop, enter and you could be a winner! Left: Mr Vusi Madonsela from Burgersfort won a R500 shopping voucher. Ms Promise Phasa handed it to him. Right: Mr Madala Shabalala from Mooihoek won a Samsung Microwave. Ms Refilwe Mohlabe handed it to him.

Right: Ms Shirley Ntsie from Mashifane Park won a R500 shopping Voucher in the Tubatse SUPERSPAR WinA-Car competition. Her prize was handed to her by Ms Kedibone Lekwadu from Tubatse SUPERSPAR. Ms Sylvia Mdhluli from Motlolo was the lucky winner of a bicycle. Her prize was handed to her by Ms Precious Mabelane.

Mr Sipho Phoku won a shopping voucher. Ms Rejoice Mohlaba handed it to him. Sipho is from Ga Motodi.

DATABASE REGISTRATIONS Mr Simson Tsatsi from Praktiseer was the lucky winner of a R500 Shopping Voucher from Tubatse SUPERSPAR. His prize was handed to him by Ms Thabang Mathebula.

MINE: ASSMANG LIMITED – DWARSIVIER MINE ENQUIRY NO: DWR DB 02 All HDSA suppliers & services providers are invited to register on Dwarsrivier Mine’s HDSA database. The database will be used to give all HDSA owned & BBBEE accredited companies an equal opportunity to be considered for all tenders and general procurement enquiries. Suppliers/Service providers can only register for a maximum of 3 categories which must be clearly stated on a covering letter. Those registering for specialized services like electrical works, road construction, legal services, security services, travel agency services and others must have registration proof/certificate of the field registering for. For example, Legal services (Attorneys) must be registered with Law Society, Contractors in road with CIDB and so forth. The following registration documentations are required : · Proof of business / company registration · Tax Clearance certificate, · Proof of business/company bank account, · Original / certified BBBEE certificate or BBBEE accreditation letter from registered Auditor / Accountant · Certified ID copies of members/directors · Company profile · Proof of registration with a regulatory body (Where applicable) Already registered suppliers are requested to re-submit their details so that they can be updated on the system. The onus will be on each potential Supplier/Service provider to update their company details as and when changes occur. Applications are to be submitted at Dwarsrivier Mine’s Database box stating enquiry number DWR DB02. Enquiries can be directed to Johan Herbs on 013 230 5377 or e-mail Only original/certified copies will be accepted, no emailed or faxed responses will be considered. The closing date for registration is 23 August 2013.


16 AUGUST 2013

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous

2. Betrekking/ Vacancy Qualified Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technicians required in Burgersfort and Steelpoort Area. No chancers! Fax your cv to 086 573 3582

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation

We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

9. Te Huur/ To Let

ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.

Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats

available. Contact: 074 354 1274 Two x three bedroom flats to let with the option of buying. Situated in Burgersfort. Available immediately. Contact: 076 666 1100 Bachelor’s Flat to rent in Burgersfort. Contact: 082 922 3909 To Rent: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom house R7500 per month Burgersfort close to Tubatse Mall. Contact: Christiaan 082 808 9345

10. Te Koop/ For Sale URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704


Ward Number

Bid Number

Document Fee

1. Burgersfort Upgrading of Stormwater Drainage System





Burgersfort Rehabilitation of Internal Streets 3. Habeng Access Bridge







4. Ga-Maphopha Bridge (Re-advertisement)


MIG/LP/1577/R/13/14 R500.00

5. Tubatse Highmast Lights Installation in Rural Villages

01 to 31



Bid Closing Date Bid No. 1 to 4 close on the 05 Sept. 2013 Bid No. 5 close on the 06 Sept 2013 Compulsory Briefing Session: Greater Tubatse Municipality, Old Municipal Council Chamber, Corner Kort & Eddie Sedibe Streets, Burgersfort, on the 20/08/2013,Tuesday, at 09H00.

EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000, 2011 Procurement Regulations, responsiveness to the bid documents and on a 90/10 point system – of which 90 points is for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the BBBEE Certificate. The bidder failing to obtain 60% on Functionality, as per the scores stated in the bid document shall be regarded non-responsive and therefore disqualified for further evaluation.

CONDITIONS OF THE BID 1. This bid is restricted to professional service providers and professionals registered with CESA or ECSA professional bodies. Bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500-00 from Tuesday, the 20 August 2013, at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort, from 08H30 to 15H00 during week-days. 2. All bids will be closed and opened in public on the 05 and 06 September 2013 respectively as stated above at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope appropriately marked the name of the bid proposing-for and must be deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is accessible 24/7 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort. No late, faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or electronically-submitted bids will be accepted for consideration. 3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and /or collectively to execute the contract and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. 4. In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of the state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document shall be submitting non-responsive bids. The validity period remains 90 working days from the bid closing date. 5. Enquiries relating to the Bidding Procedure should be directed to M M Mapeka at 013 231 1224/ 1000 or and Technical Enquiries to M S Mathunyane at 013 231 1165/1000 during office hours (07H30 to 16H00). Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:


Size: 564 m² Price: R200 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765 Two x three bedroom flats for sale. Situated in Burgersfort. Brand new! Contact: 076 666 1100 FOR SALE Original DVD’s (movies) at discount prices. Display racks Popcorn machine Contact: Adri van Rooyen 0826725811

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail her at Advertising deadline is every Tuesday 17:00.

ARTISAN - MEDIATOR Providing Labour to the Industry

Required: Services of all Artisans with Mining Experience * Valid trade papers Section 13 *

URGENT: FITTERS with Winder and Compressor experience Fax CV to: 013 741 1940/086 657 2313 E-mail: Cell: 082 7745 818

16 AUGUST 2013



Jagters genooi na skietdag Die Bosbok tak van die SA Jagters hou Saterdag die 17de Augustus 2013 hulle voorlaaste amptelike skietdag van die jaar by die Lydenburg skietbaan. Die dag begin om 08:30. Almal in van Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad en Lydenburg is welkom om by die Bosbok tak aan te sluit. Enige een is welkom om te kom skiet of te net om te kyk. Die skiet sal plaasvind op Egbert Hiemstra skietbaan net

Regs: Lizl Grimbeek met ‘n rooibok wat sy gejag het met ‘n 308 Win in die Vivo Streek Limpopo. (Foto’s en inligting: Johan Grimbeek).

buite Lydenburg so 2km op Roossenekal pad aan regterkant. (Langs vliegveld) “Die grootste gedeelte van die Jagseisoen is so te se verby, en ons glo dat die dag goed bygewoon sal word,” sê Johan Grimbeek. Die Rooiboktabel gaan geskiet word, en behels 9 skote wat op onderskeidelik: 200m - Le houding (3 x skote\rondtes); 100m - Sithouding (3 x skote\rondtes); 50m - Staanhouding (3 x skote\rondtes) geskiet word. Lede sal R20 betaal en nie lede R50 per inskrywing N “Ghong” baan wat uit 5 ghonge bestaan sal ook deel wees van die skiet, wat op afstande van 50m tot 350 m geskiet gaan word. - Le houding(5 x rondtes word benodig). R10 per lid en R20 vir nie –lede per inskrywing. Ter inligting: ‘n ghong is ‘n ronde of vierkantige staal plaat 20cm in deursnee wat d.m.v. “conveyor belt “van ‘n staal raam hang. Die ghong skiet en groepering skiet kry groot aftrek en raak by die dag al hoe meer gewild onder die deursnee skuts. Dit is opmerklik dat al hoe meer vrouens en kinders die sport saam met die mans kom geniet en skiet. Navrae: Johan Grimbeek 082 378 0698 JB Willers of Leon Visser 082 808 9641.

Eastern Limb Netball Champs The Modikwa Netball team. (Photographs & Information: Modikwa Platinum Mine)

The Modikwa Netball team participated in the annual Mining News Top 17 Netball Tournament. The tournament was hosted by the West Wits Gold mine in Potchefstroom from 8 - 11 August. The Modikwa ladies made it to the semifinals of the plate trophy by beating Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum Mine 18-7. They played in the finals against

Amandelbult Dishaba Mine and lost 18-11. The team had improved their performance compared to previous years. This was the sixth time Modikwa Platinum Mine participated in the event. The top goal shooters for the Modikwa team were Bridget Molopo and Lindiwe Mdhluli. They averaged 25 goals each. Evah Lerutla was voted one of the best defenders of the tournament. “Modikwa Management would like to congratulate the team on their hard work and getting a second place in the tournament. Andy Mohloke, the sports coordinator for Modikwa Platinum Mine, also played an important role in the achievement of these outstanding results. Keep up the spirit” Mr Reginald Kgoedi, Modikwa Platinum Mine’s communication officer said.

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Phone her on 083 543 1676/013 231 7147 or e-mail to book your advertising space today.


16 AUGUST 2013

It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Tubatse Masters FC visits Alverton Tubatse Masters FC visited Alverton to play two games against local teams last weekend. One of the teams was the Dangerous Darkies. The first game ended in a draw 2-2. The goal scorers for Tubatse Masters were Alfred Motaung and Jerial Movundlela. TRT Malatjie was the best player of the game. In the second game the host team won 4-2. The goal scorers for the Tubatse Masters were Suprise Godi and Allief Modiba. Mashudu Netshilindi was the best player of the game. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela).

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Games were well supported by local who came to encourage the teams.

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