Platinum Gazette 16 December 2011

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. - 1 John 1:7 (NIV)

Photograph: Thelma Smit and Theresa Skosana recently at a Carols by Candlelight service in Burgersfort

Š Platinum Gazette

16 December 2011

A flower for Christmas

This Baobab tree flower was photographed on the Tubatse Chrome Club golf course last week Saturday. African Baobab trees (Adansonia digitata), can become very old. Carbon dating estimates that some of these trees in Africa may be morethan 3000 years in existence, even before the birth of Christ. Trees bear flowers only after about 20 years, and when they flower, the flowers come out in the night. The interesting part is that pollenation takes place by bats and flowers wilt after only a day. You are lucky if you see them intact!



16 DECEMBER 2011

When green turns a murkier brown Graphic from the Green Drop Report available on the Department of Water Affairs’ website

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147

The state of Greater Tubatse Local Municipality’s sewerage services is dismal and so is that of the Sekhukhune District. This is the conclusion made by assessors who inspected the facilities as part of national department of Water and Environmental Affairs’ Green Drop survey. Assessors visited municipalities all over the country to determine the state of sewerage systems as part of this survey. Detailed reports were given on the state of sewerage systems on local and regional level while notes were also given on how Limpopo Province fared in comparison to other provinces. “From a regulatory viewpoint, Sekhukhune wastewater services pose a significant risk to public health and the environment. This statement is not only based in the lower Green Drop scores, but also in the fact that all 17 treatment plants reside in high and critical risk space”, the assessors concluded. Some of the green drop findings include that none of the waste water treatment plants in the district has actual flow data from which the operational capacity can be calculated. For this reason, it is assumed that all plants are exceeding its design capacity. Of the six waste water treatment plants in Greater Tubatse Municipality, only one, at Burgersfort, had an adequate monitoring programme in place. The other plants, at Mapodile, Mecklenburg, Penge and Tubatse Ponds, did not monitor the impact of their

processes on the environment and downstream use. According to the report, this presents a major vector route that holds high risk to public health and the receiving environment. Although some monitoring is being done at Steelpoort, the assessors viewed it as inadequate. According to the report this lack in monitoring does not only point to problems with the current handling of sewage, but also severely compromises future planning. The percentages scored by the individual treatment plants within in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality also reflected the poor state of its waste water services. The treatment plant at Burgersfort scored 47,9 percent, Steelpoort 51,5 percent, Mapodile 14,5 percent, Mecklenburg 17,3 percent, Penge 21 percent and Tubatse Ponds a dismal 10,3 percent. “In the majority of systems, the Water Services Authorities could not provide any proof of monitoring records, operation and maintenance rosters, operating procedures, legal authorisation of the plants, technical audits or budget and expenditure records to support a positive Green Drop score. Thus the findings of the general transgression against all Green drop requirements are considered a significant and severe risk,’ the assessors stated. Plants had to score 90 percent in order to obtain green drop status. Although the national average scored by sewerage works is 71 percent, Limpopo Province as a whole scored only 24 percent.

Platinum Gazette


Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.

16 DESEMBER 2011



Mine and care givers go green ‘ each yard, a Moringa tree has been planted’ The changing of climate is affecting everyone and everybody is warned to act responsibly towards the environment to ‘save today for tomorrow’. This is the plea from the Conference of the Parties (COP 17) held in Durban. As the leaders of the world are trying to find a way to come-up with a solution to control this harsh climate conditions, local people in and around the operation of Bokoni Platinum Mine are not just sitting on their laurels, but are doing something about it. It is believed that by planting trees and reducing the emission of dangerous gases into the sky can protect our environment. Bokoni Platinum Mine in conjunction with The Department of Agriculture are taking this call very seriously. 17 Home Based Care Givers who do voluntary work around the mine have been empowered to support COP 17’s

request. Each Home Based Care Giver has been sponsored with more than 200 vegetable and Moringa Oleifera seedlings to start home gardens. Moringa can be used as a shade as it can grow for up to 6metres high and is believed to have medicinal and nutritional properties needed in a balanced meal. On 8 December, Bokoni Platinum Mine, Department of Agriculture and GCIS embarked on visits to the Care Givers’ homes to check on progress made. They visited the following villages; Bogalatladi, Mogabane, Maropeng, Malomanye and Manametse. Collins Monakedi from The Department of Agriculture said he was impressed with what he saw. “I think there is a potential of growing these household gardens into bigger businesses as most of the garden owners followed the basics as instructed. I was also impressed to see that in each yard, a Moringa tree has been planted. ” His sentiments were echoed by Linah Maphutha from Bokoni mine who said she felt they have invested their money in the right project. “We started this project with very few resources and I am conceived that it is going to grow from strength to strength. To help motivate these garden owners, we have introduced a competition whereby the winner will walk-away with garden tools to the value of R1 500, a second prize R1 000 and third prize R500 worth of garden tools. I would like to encourage all households to follow a suit and start vegetable gardens in their yards. We cannot relentlessly relay on social grants and other hand-outs. We intent starting a big Moringa project in this area and we appeal to anyone with ideas to contact us 083 4557144.” (Information and photograph: Doc Marebane).

Competition details in store.

Lebowa Business PPark ark

OK Minimark TTel: el: (013) 231 7227


16 DECEMBER 2011


Tubatse SAPS spreads awareness The Tubatse Victim Empowerment (VEP) and Support Programme hosted an awareness day on 8 December. The day was linked to the Sixteen Days of Activism of Abuse against Women and Children. The event was hosted at Bogwasha Primary School in Praktiseer. Social workers, representatives from the Department of Justice, the SAPS, Love Life, Life Line, Home based Care workers and residents attended the day. The aim of the campaign with different stakeholders was to educate the women

and children about their rights and different abuses that happen to the families. The audience was educated on how to prevent themselves from being the victim and alerted them about the danger of using drugs. Through the campaign the stakeholders managed to inform the community about their rights. Victims of abuse can visit the VEP Centre which is based at Tubatse Police Station at the entrance. (Photographs and information: Const. J Movundlela).

Operation Duty Calls for festive season The Tubatse Police continues with their operations for Operation Duty Calls during the festive season.

They arrested 60 more people during the weekend of 2 December and 4 December 2011 and the weekend of 9 December 2011 and 11 December 2011. Those people were arrested during patrols, stop and search and roadblocks in Praktiseer, Mabocha Bothashoek, Ga Mashamothane, Ga Madiseng and Riba Cross. The arrests were for driving motor vehicles under the influence of alcohol, drinking in public, drunk in public, non-compliance of the traffic act and non-compliance to the liquor act. The Tubatse Police together with other Police stations from the cluster such as Burgersfort, Mecklenburg, Ohrigstad, Mecklenburg, Leboeng and the Traffic police from the Municipality held a road block on Tuesday 6 December 2011 at Ga Mashamothane. There they arrested 10 people for non-compliance to the road traffic act and for drinking liquor in public. The operation proceeded to Bothashoek for patrols were two more people were arrested for selling liquor without a licence and for possession of dagga. These operations are part of Operation Duty Calls aimed at reducing serious crimes during the festive season and they were led by the Cluster Commander Brigadier M.S Ledwaba. (Information and photographs: Const. J. Movundlela).

Coping with hay fever


What is hey fever? It is often a pollen allergy that will cause itching, running nose and sneezing. You may also experience a blocked nose, headaches and itching eyes. It is also called seasonal allergic rhinitis as it is often associated with the change of season when pollen is common in the air. The physician John Bostock first described hay fever in 1819 as a disease. Hay fever is categorized into two categories: seasonal and perennial. The season hey fever usually occurs during pollen season. The perennial one is throughout the year. In Western countries between 10 - 25% of people are annually affected by hay fever. Who gets hay fever? It often develops in school aged-children (6 years and older) and the teenage years. Some may out-grow the symptoms during their adult years, but others may suffer life long. Hey fever tends to run in families. People who are experiencing eczema are often also sufferers of hay fever. What are the symptoms? It can vary from person to person. Mild symptoms can come and go. Common symptoms include: a runny and itchy nose, a blocked nose, sneezing, itchy and watery red eyes and an itchy throat. Of the less common symptoms are headaches, sweats, the loss of smell and face pain. Asthma symptoms such as wheeze and breathlessness may get worse if you are an asthma sufferer. What will help? If you are able to avoid pollen in total it will reduce your symptoms. Avoid cutting grass, avoid large grassy areas, avoid camping, stay indoors as much as possible. Keep your windows and doors shut. Shower and wash your hair, especially after you’ve been outside. What treatments are commonly used? The common treatment of hay fever includes antihistamine nasal sprays, antihistamine tablets, eye drops and steroid nasal sprays. If the medication your are taking after 2-4 weeks have not reduced your symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding it is best to avoid antihistamines. When you are visiting your pharmacy or doctor, tell him or her that your are pregnant or breast-feeding so that they can provide you with a medical solution that will not endanger your baby.

16 DESEMBER 2011



Mayor‘s Christmas message Cllr Mahlake NJ Mayor Greater Tubatse Municipality That time of the year has arrived where families come together to celebrate the festive season. It is season to show love, giving to needy, showing compassion and most of all to forgive. We have emerged from the year filled with many challenges that most we have overcame. We have learnt valuable lessons that we are taking forward into the New Year. As Greater Tubatse Municipality we will continue with our quest to bring and deliver quality services to our communities. Our doors are opened for those with suggestions to make our Municipality work better. We are aware of the excitement that is brought by the Christmas period into the society. We would like to appeal to motorists and pedestrians to take extra care on the roads. We have experienced many road fatalities where we lost many lives. Let us make this Christmas special by reducing road fatalities. Let us all obey the traffic rules to enable us to arrive alive. Let us have our car checked before embarking on long trips, let us have enough rest on the road and importantly let us not drink

and drive. We must all put the road carnage aside and wish for everybody to spend time with the family. We have observed high level of criminal activities because most people will be away. We call upon our communities to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the Police. We must show that we do care for each other by protecting the properties of the fellow human being We have seen young people experimenting with alcohol and drugs during the festive seasons. We want warn that alcohol and drugs are not meant for young people and can have a serious health implications if one is abusing them. The time will come for the youth to engage drinking and to the adults please drink responsible in order to teach the youth good values. Those who are engaging in sexual activities please practise safe sex and condomise at times. It is our responsibility to reduce the high rate of HIV/AIDS which is prevalent in our communities. We would like to wish everybody merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Message for the Festive Season from Tubatse SAPS 1. Liquor can shatter lives It is an offence to: • manufacture or distribute liquor without a licence • sell or supply liquor without a licence • manufacture, sell or supply any importable substance or add an importable substance to liquor • supply liquor or methylated spirits to an employee in lieu of payment • advertise liquor in a false or misleading way • advertise liquor in a way that intends to target or attract minors (persons under 18 years) • produce, supply or import liquor if a person is a minor. You must : • report the abuse of liquor • think before you drink, before you drive • report all illegal trade of liquor • discourage the abuse of alcohol • discourage minors from drinking. Do not: • support illegal liquor outlets, drink and drive • supply or sell liquor to intoxicated persons or minors • drink during pregnancy • drink liquor in public places. Liquor outlets owners must ensure that they comply with the condition of the liquor act at all times. 2. All people who don‘t have the licence for their businesses , eg liquor licence or trading licence they must close their business. Failure to close their businesses will lead to the Police arresting them and closing those businesses. 3. MAKE YOURSELF LESS VULNERABLE AGAINST SEXUAL OFFENCES Sexual offences involve sex without consent, unwanted sexual touching or to be forced to engage in humiliating sexual activity. Mostly women and children are the targets of these offences because they are more vulnerable and in many cases financially dependent on the perpetrators. The Tubatse South African Police Service would like to make our vulnerable members of the community aware of their rights and the stepsthat they can take to make themselves less vulnerable against sexual offences. If you are going out for the night, do not leave a party or social event with someone you don not know or have just met. Do not accept drinks from strangers and keep an eye on your drink to prevent your drinks of being spiked which increases your chances of being raped. Do not walk home alone at night. Try and keep to well-lit areas or where there are people. Do not hitch-hike. Do not pick up hitchhikers. If you are at home, do not allow strangers into your home, even if he is delivering something or providing a service. Ask for an identification card and check his office or work to see whether his visit is valid.Invest in the best security gates and burglar bars you can afford, to make sure you are not surprised inside your house. The Police would once again ask children to report sexual offences to someone they can trust like a teacher, a nurse, a friend or the police. Make sure that it is reported to someone that can make it stop, no matter if the perpetrator is related to you.

4. POLICE ARE READY TO SERVE IF YOU ARE BEING ABUSED Does your husband or your boyfriend do any of these things to you? Verbal abuse: putting you down, name-calling, blaming you, yelling, belittling you. Physical abuse: pushing, slapping, punching, kicking, burning, biting or stabbing you. Forced entry: making uninvited calls and visits, refusing to leave when asked. Threats with guns or knives: or attempting to frighten or kill your children. Stalking: following you wherever you go, phoning you all the time to check where you are. Sexual abuse: having sex with you against your will, making you perform sexual acts you don’t want to do. Abusing power: always claiming to be right, telling you what to do, making decisions without consulting you. Damaging your property: tearing your clothes, burning your belongings, destroying important documents e.g. ID book/passport, damaging your furniture. Controlling your movements: keeping you locked in the house, isolating you from family and friends, monitoring your phone calls. Abusing your children: swearing, physical abuse, sexual abuse, forcingyour children to monitor your telephone calls or who visits you, using your children to steal. Economic abuse: stopping you from working, taking your money, refusing to provide enough money for the household, spending the household income on alcohol, drugs or gambling. If you are being abused you can apply for a Protection Order A Protection Order can tell: The abuser to stop abusing you, and not to tell others to abuse you either. The abuser not to enter the family home or your workplace. The abuser to pay the rent and mortgage and provide money for food and other household expenses. For more information or help with a problem of domestic violence you can: talk to a health worker at your clinic, talk to a counsellor from your local welfare office, phone the national toll-free Stop Women Abuse hotline: 0800 150 150. You can also contact your local police station 013 216 8500, or phone: SAPS emergency number 10111, SAPS Crime Stop 08600 10111, ACT: Against Crime Together and report Crime Stop 086 001 0111 ‘Tubatse Police wishes you a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. Take care, condomise or abstain’. From: Colonel Nkekolo Jane Letsoalo

Arrive Alive road safety message by GTM traffic department VISIBILITY- our traffic officers will be visible on all the main roads in order to promote road safety awareness for this festive season. We urge all people to report bad driving behaviors that they come across on the road, accidents, broken down vehicles and children that are driving without driving licenses to the Traffic department or Police Station. • DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE Drinking and driving could mean death, permanent disability or serious injury to yourself and other road users. Alcohol kills • DON’T SPEED The severity of crash increases with speed. Do not speed when driving on a wet road surface or on a rainy weather. Always switch on your lights when driving on a bad weather condition. • BUCKLE UP!!!

Fasten seatbelt; can save your life.It is the legal obligation of the driver to ensure that children buckle up. Never travel with your child on your lap. • SAFETY HINTS FOR PEDESTRAINS Always stop and look for motorists. Don’t just walk, use pedestrian facilities like the pedestrian overhead bridge at taxi rank. A pedestrian must walk as far to the right hand side of the road facing oncoming traffic. A drunk pedestrian must not use the road. On that note I Superintendent V Lekwadu wishes every motorist within Greater Tubatse Municipality a safe driving festive season. REMEMBER: YOUR SAFETY IS OUR CONCERN. ARRIVE ALIVE!!!

2 Stroke petrol chain saw - R2995-00 Ryobi 2000W Compressor lawn 100Lt mover Direct Drive R1990-00 R1895-00

Compressor Belt Drive 100 Lt R2995-00

Ca$h Ca$h Trader Behind old ABSA bank, near Cheap Cheap. Tel: (013) 231 7140


16 DECEMBER 2011


Tubatse Chrome artisans graduate On Thursday the 8th of November Tubatse Chrome had the pleasure of awarding certificates to the 2009 and 2010 artisan intakes at Tubatse Chrome Training Centre. The following prizes were issued to the best student in each category: Best Fitter - Gilbert Nkwana Best boilermaker - Kabelo & Katlego Moetanalo (Twin brothers) Best Electrician - Godwin Rikhotso Best Instrumentation Mechanician - Oscar Ramokone Tubatse Chrome General Manager, Desmond McManus congratulated the artisan graduates and encouraged them to use the skills they are now equipped with to create a better future for themselves and their families. (Photographs and information: Davida van der Walt).

Biggest loser! During 2011 Tubatse Chrome embarked on a quest to find their biggest loser. A few of the Tubatse Chrome employees took this task to heart and made a real effort. Jackie Murray, the winner of the competition lost more than 30 kilograms. Jackie won herself and her husband a 3 night trip on a boat cruise with Kurt Darren and

friends. Marike Jonker received the second prize. And a few others won commitment prizes. Even though everyone may not have lost as must weight as some, they all agree that losing excess weight, regular exercise and a healthy diet makes a tremendous difference to your quality of life!

Above: Best Electrician - Godwin Rikhotso Below: Best boilermaker - Kabelo & Katlego Moetanalo (Twin brothers)

Jackie Murray before (above) and after (left)

Best Fitter - Gilbert Nkwana

Marike Jonker before (left) and after (above). (Information and photographs supplied by: Davida van der Walt).

“A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our clients. Thank you for your support during 2011 and we look forward to do business with you in 2012” Please note that Hendrik’s Panelbeaters will be closed from 15 December 2011 until 3 January 2012.

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:

Tel: 013-231 8481/2/3 E-mail:

16 DESEMBER 2011



What do the children want this Christmas? It is almost Christmas and in many households gifts will be exchanged. The exchange of gifts at Christmas comes as a rememberance of the gift Jesus Christ gave humankind when He was born as a child to eventually die on the cross for humanity’s sins. We asked the children of the area what they want for Christmas this year. Post your letter to Father Christmas at this postal box (left) at OK Grocer. You could be a winner.

Amogelane Ntsodi (10) said: “I want a bicycle and I want us to have a Christmas tree”.

Sherrice Lourenco (12) sê: “Ek wil ‘n designer straightener en haardroër set en ‘n chain-mail jewel set hê. Ek soek ook rollerblades”.

Nandipha Mabelane (4) said: “Shoes and clothes”.

Given Diale (10) wants a cell phone for Christmas. “A Samsung M620”.

Zander Marx (5) sê: “Ek soek ‘n scooter met een wiel voor en twee wiele agter. ‘n Bloue”.

Seabelo Maunye (6) said: “I want a bicycle”. Tebatso Mathebula (10) said: “I also want a bicycle and clothes”.

Daniël Wolmarans (8) sê: “’n PSP met playstation games en PSP games”. Janine Wolmarans (16) sê: “’n Elektriese kitaar”.

Tiaan de Jager (10) sê: “Enige iets om mee te speel. Ek weet nie presies wat nie”.

Carla Hanekom (11) sê: “Ek soek ‘n Baby Born-pop”. Elze Hanekom (14) sê: “Ek het ‘n Blackberry gesoek, maar ek het dit nou al gekry. Nou soek ek net klere en skoene. Hakskoene”

Dewald Esterhuizen (12) sê: “’n Rekenaar of ‘n laptop”.

Theresho Lekoana (8) would like to get a soccer ball.

Leoné Venter (4) sê: “’n Kitaar en ‘n klavier”.

Matshepo Tjie (10) said: “I want a doll for Christmas”.


16 DECEMBER 2011


Tubatse Chrome Charity Golf Day Tubatse Chrome hosted the Tubatse Chrome Charity Golf day on Saturday last week. It was hosted at Tubatse Chrome Club. The day was in aid of the JAG Foundation and a full field and various sponsors

supported the effort. Part of the day’s fun was when JD Heyns caught the player on tape with a bit of candit camera. For some players his comments about their ability to play the game was just too much and tempers sometimes flared in front of the hidden cameras at hole number four. In the end peace was re-established and many laughs had about the unexpected commentator. The day’s winners were Izelle van Staden and Hendrik. They won with 50 points. This coming Saturday members of the Club can join the Christmas golf day. Each player brings along a gift and in the end these are used as the prizes. This is the last official club activity for 2011. The golf course will be closed on 25 December and 1 January 2012. The course will however remain open for the rest of the festive season. The first official golf day for 2012 is planned for 21 January when the Talisman Golf day will take place.

8995 CORRUGATED IRON 0.3mm x 3.6m

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FRAGRAM 2 PIECE COMBO (650W Angle Grinder & 55W Impact Drill)

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We will be open all holidays except 25, 26 December and 1 January 2012.

Tel: (013) 231 7529

08:00 - 13:00

All prices excl. delivery.

16 DESEMBER 2011



Putt, camera, action...


At the Tubatse Chrome Charity Golf day last weekend, the players were caught off guard when they were recorded on hidden cameras at hole number 4 on the course. JD Heyns, the person responsible for this, did his best to get a funny reaction or even the players’ tempers flaring. At the prizegiving, the DVD with the ‘secret’ footage was played to the amusement of the players. Tubatse Chrome thanked every player, sponsor and person who contributed towards making the day a success.

Supply Chain Management Unit 9 December 2011





1. MIG/LP1228/R/ST/11/13



2. MIG/LP1231/R/ST/11/13



(a) The following corrections are made to the original tender advertisements placed in Sowetan on the 08 December 2011 and Platinum Gazette on the 09 December 2011. (aa) The selling price for each tender document is R500.00 non-refundable (b) All other information not corrected on this ERRATUM remains valid and binding to the prospective bidders. Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467

H.L Phala Municipal Manager

Platinum Gazette’s offices will re-open on 9 January 2012.

Betrekkings/Vacancies Daar is ‘n vakante betrekking vir ‘n verkoopsman: Vereistes: Die persoon moet matriek hê, rekenaarvaardig wees en ‘n geldige bestuurslisensie hê. Vorige ondervinding as ‘n verkoopspersoon sal tot die kandidaat se voordeel wees. Die kandidaat moet goed tweetalig in Engels en Afrikaans wees. Goeie kommunikasievaardighede is noodsaaklik. ‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysings kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig word of na 086 505 3994 gefaks word. Sluitingsdatum: 31 Desember 2011 Indien u binne 21 dae na die sluitingsdatum nog niks gehoor het nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

Phelo Pele Health Day Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre, Burgersfort celebrated their

expansion of the shop with a Health Day last week Friday. The public could get their blood pressure and blood sugar tested. The Aurum Institute was also on hand to assist with HIV testing and counselling. Some of the pharmacy suppliers also attended the day and gave out pamphlets and free promotional gifts. Visit the pharmacy to experience the new enlarged shop.

Vacancies Protea Coin Group (Pty) Ltd has the following vacancies available in the Steelpoort area: 03 x Grade A Senior Mobile Supervisors 02 x Grade C Junior Supervisors 26 x Grade C Senior Access Controllers 10 x Grade D Junior Access Controllers Requirements: Registered with PSIRA, no criminal record, willing to undergo a polygraph test, relevant PSIRA certificate, drivers license code EB for Supervisor positions. Experience in the mining industry will be an advantage. Candidates may submit their CV’s via email: Closing Date: 23 December 2011. If you have not been contacted within two weeks after the closing date, please assume that your application was unsuccessful.

10 10


24DOctober 16 ESEMBER2008 2011

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale

2. Betrekking/ Vacancy

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

Reaction officers needed in Burgersfort. Drivers license is essential and a firearm will be of benefit. Fax CV to 086 525 6341.

Burgersfort. Erf in mooi area vir slegs R330 000. Ronel: 083 262 2110

9. Te Huur/ To Rent Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

9. Te Huur/ To Let 1 Bedroom Flat in Burgersfort to let. R3000 per month. Available 1 January 2012. Contact: 076 666 1100

Beds from R1000, Bedroom Suites from R1000, Home Theatre Speakers (small) from R150, 54cm TV from R450, Filing cupboard from R600, Office Chairs from R300. Much more in store! New and secondhand furniture. Visit Furniture Traders Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Erf in Ohrigstad R250 000 Kontak: Ronel 083 262 2110

Platinum Gazette

Advertising deadlines are on Tuesdays at 17:00 and editorial deadlines at 17:00 on Wednesdays. Platinum Gazette will be closed from 16 December 2011 and the office will re-open on 9 January 2012. May all our readers have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2012.

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

Wetlike kennisgewings/ Legal Notices LUQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate: 4408/2008. Surname: Mashile. Christian names: Josphina Mmakoma Identity number: 7304040740085 Description of the account: First and Final Period of inspection: 21 Days Magistrate’s Office: Praktiseer Master’s Office: Polokwane Registered number of estate: 7124/2005 Surname: Khumalo Christian names: Elijah Elmon Khumalo Identity number: 4002155384086 Last Address: GaMarota Village: Praktiseer District Limpopo Province The deceased was married in commu-

nity of property to: Poppy Betty Khumalo. Identity number: 5611060266086 Description of the account: First and Final Period of inspection: 21 Days Magistrate’s Office: Praktiseer Master’s Office: Polokwane Advertiser and address: Jeff Mathabatha Incorporated, Attorneys Notaries & Conveyancers. PO Box 2199, BURGERSFORT, 1150. Fax: 086 719 3091. E-mail: Tel: 082 4573505/013 231 7933 Date: 12 December 2011

Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151 or 013 231 7147.

16 DESEMBER 2011

BFU and Piet Retief battles it out The Burgersfort United FC hosted a soccer tournament last weekend. Teams from near and far participated in the games for juniors and seniors. The tournament stretched over two days with the final being played on Sunday, 11 December 2011. Get the results and more photographs on page 12 of this newspaper.

Hulle was algeheel derde

Schalk Grobler, Henco Erasmus, Tiaan Brits, Jacques Brits en Mnr Kallie Erasmus (Afrigter).

Laerskool Lydenburg se gholfspan het onlangs baie goed op nasionale vlak gevaar. Hulle het op 1 en 2 Desember 2011 in Kempton Park aan die Interprovinsiale Laerskole Gholf Toernooi deelgeneem. Die span was die Mpumalanga Liga-wenners uit 26 skole. Hulle het Mpumalanga verteenwoordig in dié toernooi en eindig algeheel derde. Henco Erasmus en Jacques Brits behaal Mpumalangaspan en neem op 8 en 9 Desember aan die Interprovinsiale Individuele Toernooi by Reading Gholf Klub in Alberton deel. (Foto en inligting: Neeltjie Brits)

Maatlopo ends 2011 with a smile Maatlopo United FC beat Sekhukhune Arsenal 3-1 last weekend at Moroke Stadium. The team’s goals were scored by Billy Mpaketsane, Bigboy Mosoma and Badie Malapa ga a Lekane Mohlala. It was the last game for 2011. The game between Maatlopo United FC and Tubatse United FC was postoned due to rain. The first game for 2012 will be against Makgalanoto Young Chiefs on 14 January 2012. This will be an away game. During the festive season Maatlopo FC will be in the last 32 of the GaPhasha tournament. They will play against Banareng FC on 21 December at 16:00. The team invites all sports loving people to come and support them. Enquiries: MJ Makola, 082 407 6226

Top 16 soccer final is coming The Smokey Hills Mine soccer tournament, the “Top 16 soccer tournament” is almost finished. The tournament sponsored by Phokathaba Platinum (Pty) Ltd has proved to be very popular with the local teams. On 10 December the following games were played: Sehlaku Naughty Boys won 2-1 against Balotsaneng FC. Sehlaku Black Stars won 1-0 against Motobelane FC. Maapea The Peters lost 1-4 to Sehlaku All Four One. Mamphahlane Nigeria won 6-5 against Mamphahlane Home Stars. On 18 December Sehlaku Naughty Boys will play against Mamphahlane - Nigeria at 10:00. Sehlakhu Black Stars will face Sehlaku All Four One at 12:00. The final will then take place between the winners. All the games will be played at Digabane Soccer Field at Maandagshoek. Everyone is invited to come and attend the event and support the teams. Enquiries: Joseph Mohlala, 082 925 9277.

Lydenburgers blink uit

Platinum Gazette



Platinum Gazette

This floating trophy is part of what the teams are playing for. On Sunday 18 December one of the last four teams will lift it high.


16 DESEMBER 2011

Platinum Gazette

SPORT B’fort United FC tournament hosted The annual Burgersfort United FC (BFU FC) soccer tournament was hosted on Saturday and Sunday last week. It was hosted at Laerskool Burgersfort’s sports grounds. The Abdullah family who is part of the Burgesfort United FC Management organised the day to encourage the sport and development of junior teams. The seniors also had their chance with competitors from as far as Piet Retief participating. On Saturday eight junior teams competed against each other. On Sunday the seniors

started with a game between Somali FC (a local team) and Piet Retief. Piet Retief walked away as the winners. Then Burgersfort United FC A took on Burgersfort United FC B. Burgersfort United FC A won 4-2. In the final between Burgersfort United FC A and Piet Retief the game ended with a penalty shootout after a 1-1 draw. On this Piet Retief won 4-2. Burgersfort United FC B won 3-1 against Somali FC in the losers final. They

were placed third after this game. The teams enjoyed the cooler weather with rain often soaking them while on the field. Supporters came to cheer their teams on and also get some of the mouthwatering traditional meals sold at the tuck shop. This annual tournament is fast becoming a highlight for local and development teams on the soccer calendar.

The juniors played on Saturday and the seniors on Sunday.

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