Platinum Gazette 16 January 2015

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© Platinum Gazette

16 January 2015

Nkwe woes

No thanks, no school for me!

Mangabane Primary School near Steelpoort, Wednesday morning, a race for the gate. The teacher won. As always. Grade R is not for sissies, that’s for sure! This unhappy little one is only one of a large score of pupils who started their school careers in the area this week. More pictures of the big day on pages 2 and 3.

Nkwe Platinum, the Australian Stock Exchange listed company that is trying to get its South African projects near Steelpoort and Burgersfort of the ground, has advised in a corporate update, that it has been served with an interlocutary (provisional, interim, not final) application filed by Rustenburg Platinum Mines Limited, and ARM Mining Consortium Limited, that is amongst others directed against the Minister of Mineral Resources and the DMR and other parties, including Nkwe Platinum (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd and Genorah Resources (Pty) Ltd wherein Nkwe and Genorah will be prevented from exercising any rights in any way flowing from existing mining rights granted over properties adjacent to the applicant’s Modikwa Platinum joint venture project. Nkwe says it is vigorously opposing the application and that the company and its partner, Jin Jiang Mining Ltd are proceeding with the optimisation of the company’s Garatau Mining Project to be established on some of the land in dispute. It says community consultation is significantly underway and consultation with Government is advanced and satisfactory, adding that the company is not anticipating any major delays. Meanwhile, in the same corporate update, Nkwe has announced that the company’s application for leave to appeal a decision by the Supreme Court that the company loses prospecting rights originally granted in respect of two farms at the company’s Tubatse Project, has now been dismissed by the Constitutional Court. Nkwe says it is disappointed with this outcome to the case, but emphasised that this decision has no bearing on the company’s flagship Garatau Project.


16 JANUARY 2014


Off to school for the first time Schools in the area started without major hickups this week. The first timers were mostly full of smiles and excitement to start their 12 year school career, but here and there a few tears were shed.

Above and left: Mangabane Primary School in Mangabane Village is packed with a large crowd of Grade R students. Most of them happy and keen to start learning. Right: At Steelpoort Academy.

Above, below and right: Calvin Prep School has a whole new group of faces in their Grade R class. This group was happy and still smiling while Mom and Dad hang around at the beginning of the day. They were also quick to start working with colouring a picture of a cat as their first school project.

Above: These two are part of one of the Steelpoort Academy Grade R classes. They were all smiles for the camera.

Above: Steelpoort Academy has four Grade R classes this year. Three of them are English medium and one Afrikaans. Laerskool Burgersfort (photographs above left and below) has an Afrikaans and an English class. The groups were eager to learn and almost no tears were shed when their parents left

16 JANUARIE 2015



Starting school is fun

Proverbs 4:18 “The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day”. - NIV

Left and below: At Laerskool Ohrigstad the Grade R class is sharing a teacher and classroom with the Grade 1 class. The group were ready to start learning and were busy drawing and colouring pictures when the newspaper visited them. Thanks to extensions made to the school by Hannah Game Lodge, this group is very comfortable in their class.

Last week this display of Cleome angustifolia or more commonly known as Yellow Mouse-whiskers, was photographed in Burgersfort. This slender herb grows up to 75cm tall and in large numbers provide a glorious display of colour. Variations in the species contains the word Kers in their scientific specification. This has led to some Afrikaans speaking people also calling it the Kersblom.

Above: Saying goodbye to Dad at Steelpoort Academy. In some cases the tears were rather from the parents than the kids.

Above and below: Ready to start the year at Maepa Primary School. These youngsters’ environment is now a far cry from the shack that was used as a classroom only a few years back.


16 JANUARY 2015


SDM mourns passing of Diale Nelson Letsau Diale passed away on 9 January after a long illness. He was born in the village of Ga-Masemola on 1 January 1936. Diale was one of the two remaining members of the Lethuli Detachment living in Sekhukhune. Left now is Ntate Kgwana Nkadimeng. His life can be summed up as that of a Community activist, MK member, Member of Parliament, for his excellent contribution to the struggle against apartheid and for his selfless sacrifice for the attainment of freedom for all in South Africa. For this he was awarded the Order of Luthuli

in Silver. This award was given to him by President Jacob Zuma in 2011. Diale attended school in Sekobetlane Maphutha. In 1956 he joined the ANC. Diale was active in the ANC until it was banned in 1960. He was then one of the first to be recruited to its military wind Umkhontowe Sizwe (MK). He remained in South Africa, only receiving training outside the country.In January 1964 he and his unit were arrested and detained for three months. Diale was then sent to Robben Island where he served and 8-year prison sentence. After his release in 1972 he was banned from organising activities in the community. He began working underground. In 1975 he and the whole underground network in the Northern Transvaal were rounded up. Some ended in prison while Diale was acquitted and served with internal banning orders. Diale later worked with Dr Aaron Motsoaledi in establishing the Sekhukhune Advice Office, a centre which was dedicated to helping activists, victims and their relatives financially and logistically. IN 1994 he became a member of Parliament representing the ANC. President Jacob Zuma described Diales as “a courageous freedom fighter who sacrificed a great deal of his life to the liberation struggle, fighting for freedom of the oppressed and equal opportunities for all”. The President has ordered that the National Flag be flown at half-mast in Limpopo on Sunday, the day of Diale’s funeral. Diale will receive a Provincial Official Funeral. (See block on the far right for the different types of funerals in South Africa).

Diale funeral arrangements A memoral service was held in Jane Furse during the course of the week. The Funeral at Ga-Masemola Village, Mamatshekele section will take place on Sunday 18 January 2015 at 07:00.

Official state funeral for MEC of Education Limpopo this week mourned the passing of the MEC for Education, Thembi Nwendamutswu. She passed away after a short illness. She came to the department in June last year, but will be sorely missed. Her memorial service was scheduled for yesterday in Polokwane. She received a Provincial Official Funeral following her tremendous efforts during her tenure of service the province.

Types of funerals There are three main types of funerals in South Africa’s Funeral Policy. These are the State Funeral, Official Funeral and Provincial Official Funeral. The State Funeral is divided into two categories: • State Funeral Category 1 is reserved for the President of the Republic of South Africa, the President-elect of the Republic of South Africa and Former Presidents of the Republic of South Africa. • State Funeral Category 2 is for the Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa; Acting President of the Republic of South Africa and Former/Deputy Presidents of the Republic of South Africa The Official Funeral is also divided into two categories: • Official Funeral Category 1 is for Serving Ministers, Speaker of the National Assembly, Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), Premiers of Provinces, distinguished persons specifically designated by the President of the Republic of South Africa. • Official Funeral Category 2 is for the Spouse of a serving President, the Spouse of a serving Deputy President, Deputy Ministers, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Permanent Deputy Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, Deputy Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa and The President of the Supreme Court of Appeal The Provincial Official Funeral is divided into a Provincial Official Funeral Category 1 which is for the Speaker of the Legislature and Members of the Executive Committee. The Provincial Funeral Category 2 is accorded to the Deputy Speaker of the Legislature. Distinguished persons can be granted a special Provincial Official Funeral Category. The Premier of a province sends a request to the President for consideration if they feel a resident of the province deserves such recognition.

Enter the Boxer Superstores Youth Leadership Programme competition now Year after year, Boxer Superstores brings their annual five day adventure and skills development programme to the youth of South Africa. The 2015 Boxer Youth Leadership Programme sees a third partnership, making it even better for those who will attend this year. Freedom Stationery joins forces with Boxer and Nedbank to make the thirteenth year of The Boxer Youth Leadership Programme bigger and better. This initiative was created as a tool to positively empower the minds of future leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, doctors etc, of this beautiful country. The useful skills that are imparted to young adults through a physical and intellectual capacity are phenomenal and a life changing experience. The forty-five lucky students chosen nationwide are taught how to build rafts, abseil down a mountain, cross a river safely and so much more. Over and above those fun activities, the 45 are taught the value of team work, as well as how to develop as an individual. The successful candidates will participate in discussions surrounding current affairs and will be able to express their opinions within a safe and controlled environment. Pupils will be enlightened by motivational talks and career guidance presentations and so much more. A team of experienced skills development facilitators will be present throughout the five days of fun, excitement and learning. This is an amazing opportunity for young adults from different walks of life and circumstances to build friendships and life long bonds whilst gaining a wealth of knowledge. It is a chance for students to expand their horizons; experience new challenges, explore their options and express their opinions and ideas. Entry into the Boxer Youth Leadership

Programme 2015 is as simple as it has been over its past 12 years of existence. If you are in grades 9, 10 or 11 then you can enter this exciting competition and stand a chance of being selected as one of the 45 fortunate scholars to spend a week at the Suela Zimbili Adventure centre in Zinkwazi, Kwa-Zulu Natal between the 7th of April and 12th April 2015. If you meet the entry criteria, mentioned above, and would like to be part of the Boxer Youth Leadership Programme 2015 then all you need to do is write a 500 word essay about what your dream job is and why. The Boxer Youth Leadership Programme costs are all covered by the customer focused retailer, Boxer in association with Nedbank and Freedom Stationery. Entry forms and further details are available at all Boxer stores. For more information you may contact the Boxer Customer Care line - 0860 02 6937. The closing date for all entries is the 28th of February 2014. If you are energetic, enthusiastic and excited about your future then visit your nearest Boxer stores and pick up and entry form. Visit Boxer’s Facebook page ( boxersuperstores) or their website (

16 JANUARIE 2015


A calendar year injury free at this section Modikwa South Shaft TM3 section sets the standard South Shaft TM3 section achieved an Injury Free 2014 (01 January 2014 – 31 December 2014). Injury Free means no accidents were recorded for this section for the whole of 2014 which has never happened before in Modikwa Platinum Mine. Previously this section had a dismal record with accidents being reported monthly, now is the safety flagship for Modikwa Platinum Mine. They started by being the first mining section to achieve 365 injury free days in August 2014, followed by achieving 500 injury free days in December 2014 and now they are champions of the full calendar year injury free section. This magnificent achievement comes from the section leadership taking a decision to do things differently from what it used to be. Derek Rieck, leader of this section says it started with himself. Everyone had to start looking at themselves and asking what they can do better to ensure the safety of everyone. The results speaks for themselves, the key word is CHANGE. One of the employees, Ruth Vilakazi raised her hand during the celebration when the question was posed as to how did they get so far with safety and she said: “I wish all the other mine overseers were here to hear what I’m about to say. Derek our mine overseer is different, whenever he gets to your workplace

his approach is so touching that you feel so guilty if you do not work according to standard. Though he doesn’t scream or shout. He talks to you with respect and when he leaves you as an employee, you feel so motivated and charged up to work safe and to mine standard, not because you are scared of him but because you feel human enough to take responsibility for your work”. Modikwa South Shaft TM3 will never be the same as the section employees are motivated and looking forward to exceed what they have already achieved. “I’m shocked and over the moon at the same time that South Shaft TM3 section can take a simple goal I had of an injury free day to 365, 500 and now the full January – December calendar year”. Back then Derek said this is a mine and people will be injured. I just said, not in my watch and that has been proven. A word of sincere appreciation and gratitude to the section leadership, supervisors, employees, mine’s service departments(safety, rock engineering, ventilation, etc.), organized labour, mine management and government for their contribution to this section for this achievement” Sipho Zwane the Business Area Leader Mining South Shaft said. (Photographs & information: Modikwa Communication Unit).

A helping hand from Tubatse Chrome Tubatse Chrome made January better when they delivered grocery hampers to the Thato ya Bana Creche in Tukagomo on Wednesday

Photograph & Information: Tubatse Chrome

this week. These Christmas will come in handy to ensure that the children being cared for enjoy healthy meals.




16 JANUARY 2015

What the people The start of 2015 brought new hope to many in South Africa. Platinum Gazette asked our readers where they are staying and what they hope would happen in that town or village in 2015. The wish list varies from basic services to a cleaner environment – this is what the people want.

Me. Ronel de Villiers is van Burgersfort. Sy sê: “Hulle moet asseblief iets doen aan ons paaie en die robotte wat nie werk nie. Dan wens ek ook dat hulle iets aan die misdaad by die robotte sal doen. My venster is al twee keer uitgeslaan en ons goed uit die motor gegryp”.

Mr Mpho Mothema lives in Aloe Ridge West. He said: “We have many open stands there that are filthy. There are so many snakes on those stands and the thieves hide there. I hope the municipality or the owners of those stands will do something about the state of those properties in 2015. If they do, I will be happy. Those filthy stands also influence the value of our properties in a negative way”. Mr Ralph Molatudi is staying in Motaganeng. He said: “I am a property owner. In Motaganeng there are still many open stands. I wish for neighbours in 2015. People that I can be neighbourly with – do things like ask for salt or help when it is needed. I also fear that there may be snakes on those open stands. With the security not being very active there, I am afraid that we may become victims of crime if we are only a few staying there”.

Mr Kenneth Moela is from Praktiseer. He said: “I want them to give us electricity in 2015. I also want a speed hump. A speed hump in our area will slow down the drivers and make the children safer”.

Mr. Russell Maahlo is living in Maahlashi Village. He said: “We hope for water and a football ground in 2015. We really lack the provision of water”. Ms. Elizabeth Maroga is living in Driekop. She said: “Electricity and water please. It is now a very long time that we’ve been waiting for electricity and water”.

Mr. Oscar Tladi is from Shukung Village. He said: “We have water and electricity, but we wish for sanitation – proper flushing toilets. I also wish for a tar road – the gravel is bad”. With him is Mr. Thondani Maboko.

Above: Mr. Nicholas Nonyane is from Alverton. He said: “I want the schools to be better and the children to progress well”.

Left: Ms. Pinky Digorok is from Riba Cross. She said: “I hope that government will help to give me water in 2015”.

Mr. Thabang Monareng and Mr Coleman Segapethla are from Bothashoek. “We want water and RDP houses at Bothashoek”.

Mr. Simon Masinga stays in Praktiseer. He said: “Enough is enough. Let the municipality deliver the services to the people who voted for them. The water supply is a big problem, streets are not tarred and the Apollo lights are not working – fix this please”.

16 JANUARIE 2015



2015 for their communities

Mr. Stephen Nchabeleng lives in Selala Village. He said: “There is no water there. Water must be supplied in 2015. Roads are also bad en there are not enough RDPs.

Mr. Simon Mzimba from Riba Cross said: “They promised us electricity and water, so they must please give it now. We also want storm water drainage because when it rains our houses are flooded”. Mr. Kaizer Mqiba stays in Ga-Mashamothane. He said: “I hope for water and electricity supply in 2015”.

Ms. Karabo Mashigo is from Leboeng. She said: “I want electricity, tar roads, better schools and water. They promised us this 10 years ago”.

Mr Brown Shepalane is living in Tzaneen. He said: “I am happy with everything. Ek wil nie iets by hê nie, daar is nie probleme nie”.

Mr. Norman Mnisi is from Tzaneen. He said: “I hope for more jobs in our area”. Mr Gadson Komane is from Praktiseer. He said: “We want service delivery in Praktiseer. Water and roads are our main concerns. Those are basic needs”. Mr SA Mampuru added: “They must renovate the roads and give us water and sanitation”.

Ms. Gladys Mashabela is from Apiesdoringdraai. She said: “We want electricity and water there”.

Ms Refilwe Mohlabe is from Riba Cross. She said: “I want our council to develop where we are staying. Especially roads are needed”. Mr. Karagbo Hlongwa is from Ga-Motodi. He said: “I hope that we will have water by the end of 2015. I also hope that the youth in my community will get jobs and that it will reduce the crime”.

Mr. Isaac Mmala is from Maandagshoek. He said: “I wish the surrounding mines will help our youth who just passed matric. They don’t know what to do – they should get learnerships and bursaries”. Left: Mr. Ebart Nonyane is from Ga-Manoke. He said: “I want better roads and I want water supplied in 2015”.


16 JANUARY 2015


Elliot hits the jackpot to win car Tubatse SUPERSPAR held their Hit the Jackpot competition from September last year. The big prize was a very special Limited Edition Polo Vivo. Only 100 of these vehicles were made and now Elliot Makofane from Greater Tubatse is driving around in one of them. The competition yielded various weekly winners who walked away with loads of lucky draw prizes that included many shopping vouchers and items such as hotplates, fridges and even a trailer. The draw for the car was done live on Tubatse FM. In December Tubatse SUPERSPAR also hosted their annual Christmas party for underprivileged children in the area. This was once again a huge success. The White Zulu also visited the store to encourage customers to enter the competition and to hand over some prizes to some of the winners. The management of Tubatse SUPERSPAR and the staff would like to thank every client who entered the competition and congratulates all the winners with their prizes. Tubatse SUPERSPAR is however not stopping now. Customers will still be able to walk away with weekly lucky draw prizes. This means that you could start the year on a lucky note. All you need to do is to shop at the store and enter the competition with your till slip.

Lucky man Elliot Makofane wins big Left: Elliot Makofane was the lucky customer to win the Limited edition Polo Vivo. Tubatse SUPERSPAR manager Denzil Sophie congratulates him.

Busisiwe Moraswi walked away with a Hot Plate on 13 December.

John Sekatane won a R500 shopping voucher on 13 December. Isaiah Mohubedu won a R500 shopping voucher on 13 December. The White Zulu handed it to him. Left: On 12 December Shoki Phasha won a Samsung Home theatre system.

On 12 December Happy Mabilo won a R500 shopping voucher. The White Zulu handed it to her. Thapelo Nkuna won a cot bed on 13 December. Tubatse SUPERSPAR staff member Idah Shabangu handed it to him.

Lizzy Makofane won a fan on 12 December. The White Zulu handed it to her.

Reneilwe Moloto was a winner on 12 December. She won a R500 shopping voucher which the White Zulu handed over.

16 JANUARY 2015



Winning with Tubatse SUPERSPAR Tubatse SUPERSPAR’s Hit the Jackpot competition was in full swing over December. Many lucky draw winners walked away with prizes and

Elliot Makofane won a Polo Vivo. The staff also showed they care when hosting their annual Christmas Party for underprivileged children.

Favia Malepe won a R500 shopping voucher on 14 December. Yandiswa Ndili from Spar handed it to her.

Above:The annual Christmas party for less privileged children was once again a big hit from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Genesi Malatjie won a Guitar CD Player on 14 December. The prize was handed to him by Kholofelo Mdluli from Spar.

Left: Obakeng Mashane won a fan on 3 January 2015. It was handed to him by Motatso Lekubu. Above: Jeffry Kgwete’s year started well when he won a R500 shopping voucher. Papi Makgate handed it to him.

Portia Nkambule won a Defy deep freezer on 21 December. Denzil Sophie handed it to her.

Sello Matjie won a R500 shopping voucher on 14 December. The White Zulu handed it to him.

Left: Citizen Baloyi won a trailer in the competition. His lucky day was on 14 December. It was handed to him by Promise Phasa. Right: Ndivifudza Malema won a KIC fridge on 21 December 2014. It was handed to her by Denzil Sophie.

GMC Debt Solutions’ competition winners Participants could enter at more than one shop in Burgersfort and stood a chance to win shopping vouchers.

On 19 December Bonny Makua walked away a winner with the competition. Handing her the prize is Frik Visagie from GMC and Belinda Laas from Cheap Cheap #2. All photographs and information: GMC Debt Solutions.

The winner of the draw that took place on 5 December was Christina. With her is Kengsley Makofane from GMC and Rachel Lukhuneli from OK Minimark. GMC would like to thank everyone who entered the competition and congratulates all the winners.

Paul Maleka was lucky on 21 December. He walked away with a Russell Hobbs microwave. It was handed to him by Denzil Sophie from Spar.



Adam Opel Opel Adam Adam Opel, the founder of the company that later became an automotive giant as a subsidiary of General Motors (from 1931), would have been astounded by the little gem that took his name more than a century after his death in 1895. Up until his passing on in that year, Adam’s company manufactured bicycles and sewing machines and only later on, when it became part of General Motors, did it become involved in engine driven vehicles. Talking of the engine, the Opel Adam, just released in South Africa, does not have a large one. You have a choice between a 1400 normally aspirated petrol power plant and the three cylinder 1000 with a very, very smooth turbo to propel you very, very fast into illegal territory. Want proof? We took delivery of a dark blue Adam Jam with white trim from Westvaal Steelpoort last week for a trip or two around the area. As these trips go, everything gets pushed in, pulled out, opened and pressed to see what happens and what it does. Photographing the cubby hole entails cleaning it out first, and what do we find? A fine. During its tour between dealers somebody drove it at a speed of 151 km per hour near Newcastle in KwaZulu-Natal. In a 120 km zone nogal. Experiencing the vehicle, we can believe that this was not intentional as this thing goes like a rocket for its size and the speedo has to be watched with hawk’s eyes. It can go even faster … But let’s start from the beginning. The Opel Adam is a very attractive twodoor with huge doors, lots of technology (stop-start thingy et al, with all the usual technology abbreviations built in, as well as things like park assist). Buying up and down between the standard version and top of the range vehicle will get you more luxury, but the abbreviations will remain the same, not compromising safety etc. Is it big? No. The back is cramped and there is no space for four large adults. There will be space for their bottoms, but not their legs. If you buy this, see it as a generous two plus two, or space for two kids at the back (not teenagers). The rear seatbacks can go down if you need more luggage space, but otherwise there is barely space in the boot for the school run and a litre of milk. The vehicle is very sturdy, zippy as hell and it just oodles fun and style, any way you look at it. Compared to competitors? Rather don’t do that. For us it stood on its own four wheels with a unique character. Expensive? Yes, north of R200 000, but look at the quality and performance, and it is worth it. A car for Eve? O, yes! As you can see in the photograph, she was smitten. Had a problem getting her out of the car though … Final words for Adam Opel about the Opel Adam?

Tubatse Towing

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24 Hour Towing Services, including insurance registered vehicles


Above: Ford Ranger being stripped



For Sale

Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936

Re-build engines for sale

16 JANUARY 2015

16 JANUARIE 2015



Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

2.Betrekkings/ Vacancies Male hair stylist needed for busy hair salon in Burgersfort. The candidate should have experience in cutting different styles, do relaxing,

hair re-touching, hair treatments , plaiting and the many other relevant areas of the job. The ideal person would be able to start immediately and will enhance the current team to provide an excellent standard of service. To submit a CV contact 082 569 4677 or 072 651 9751 or e-mail:

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. 2 x 2 Bedroom Flats available In Burgersfort. Contact: 076 666 1100

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Well established hardware store for sale in Burgersfort. Situated in central town. Contact: 076 666 1100

Platinum Gazette


Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Burgersfort Office Lydenburg Office Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:

Get the newspaper at these distribution spots: Mototolo Concentrator Plant Dwarsrivier Mine Sediman’s Tuckshop Kalkfontein Morena’s Tavern Kubu Tavern Glencore Training Centre Tubatse Village Winterveld Village Pick n Pay Steelpoort One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort Akademie Tingeling Kleuterskool Sasol Steelpoort Department of Education Circuit office Burgersfort Twickenham Mine Dilokong Mine Modikwa Mine Praktiseer SAPS Burgersfort

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or


16 JANUARY 2015

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Skolesport begin

IPS competition results at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club 10 January 2014 competition

The year did not kick off slow at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. The Club hosted an IPS competition on 10 January 2015 and it was well supported. The results of the competition were: 1. Johan Dreyer with 38. 2. Andre Botha with 37. 3. Izelle van Staden with 36. The Nearest to the Pin was Albert Maropane. The Jackpot Holes were 4, 6, 14 and 16. (Points 8 = Draw). Two Clubs - 5 Players (Draw). The Club is reminding players that the Jackpot is still growing as well as the Two Clubs prize that will ensure that a player’s year start on a good note. That is why the Club committee is inviting everyone to join them for the next competition.

Come join in the fun with weekend golf The Tubatse Chrome Golf Club will be running a Medal Competition on Saturday 17 January 2017.

Tee off will be between 07:00 and 10:00. Book your game with Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811.

Remember the Action Cricket Golf Day Die skole se interhuis atletiek skop sommer vroeg af. Steelpoort Akademie hou volgende week Donderdag hul interne kompetisie. Laerskool Burgersfort is Vrydag aan die

beurt en Laerskool Ohrigstad se spanne sal op Saterdag 24 Januarie teen mekaar meeding. Die publiek is welkom om die skole se atlete te gaan ondersteun.

On 31 January 2015 the Action Cricket Golf Day will take place at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. Tee of time will be at 09:00. Competition fees are R150 per person.

To book your game contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811. Come join in the fun of this annual fund raiser golf day.

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