Platinum Gazette 16 May 2014

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Community vs

Marula - p 3

Š Platinum Gazette

16 May 2014


16 MAY 2014


Two Mountains Burial Services commited to serving clients and communities Two Mountains Burial Services is committed to providing their clients with the best possible support and service during the difficult times when they have to say goodbye to a loved one. The business provides a personal and dignified way to ensure that clients will be able to know things are in good hands when they are focussed on grieving for someone that passed away. The funeral service industry is vulnerable to vandalism and despite this Two Mountains Burial Services strives to provide an excellent service to communities. Recently the company had to deal with an incident through which a family wrongfully identified someone. This led to the loss of property and a misunderstanding with community members who set some of the company’s vehicles alight after an attempt to correct the wrong burial. “Though the company feels the pain and down fall of the vandalism, we still reiterate our commitment to

the communities we serve with pride and dignity,” said Mr Masekwameng, Company CEO, this week. “We have build the business on values to serve the community and will continue to do so. Two Mountains is for the people and it is here to stay and serve its community”. The company would like to thank the Leboeng SAPS, especially Capt. Solomon Moholane for their assistance. Two Mountains has built their reputation as a professional company that is established in the funeral services industry despite ups and downs. As in any industry competition and criticism is there, but the company has shown that it will fly above negativities to continue delivering the service they started out to do. The company that started out as a coffin manufacturing business with 3 employees is currently proud to employ more than 800 staff and have a fleet of 260 vehicles. Although death is a

stark reality in the industry, the Two Mountains staff strives to offer a service at their various offices that is free of morbidity. Staff is humble and always eager to assist. They take pride in securing good relationships with clients as well as communities. That is why it is unfortunate that isolated incidents occur where damage to property is caused. The same property being damaged is used to serve the community. Two Mountains would like to thank all their loyal clients for their support. New clients are joining daily and we would like to assure everyone that they could expect only the best service and commitment with regards to them, their families and the communities in which they live. “We would also like to invite anyone interested in learning more about what Two Mountains has to offer to visit our office in Burgersfort,” said Mr Manganyi, Marketing Manager of Two Mountains Burial Services.

Contact your nearest branch Head Office Acornhoek Main Office Acornhoek Satellie Bryanston Burgersfort Main Office Burgersfort Satellite Bushbuckridge Ga-Maja Giyani Hazyview Kgapane Lenyenye Lotus Garden Lydenburg Maake Namakgale Nkowankowa Phalaborwa Satellite Polokwane Showroom The Oaks Thulamahashe Tzaneen Main office Tzaneen Satellite

015-781 6043 / 44 013-795 6918 013-795 5582 011-514 0935 / 076 544 0687 013-231 8589 013-231 7035 013-799 0427 084 769 3929 015-781 0347 013-737 7078 015-328 3783 083 691 9024 071 593 3941 013-235 2532 015-355 3065 015-769 1024 / 26 073 349 8039 015-781 7976 015-295 7579 015-781 0977 / 6431 071 631 2355 013-773 0149 015-307 1625 / 2625 015-306 0438

Our Services: Funeral Arrangements I Funeral Policies I Financial Planning I Liberty Life Products I Wreaths & Flower Arrangements I Tombstones I Transportation of Mortal Remains I Tents & Chairs I Cremation

16 MEI 2014


‘Marula SLP must be transparent’ On Tuesday morning this week the communities of Wards 8 and 10 adjacent to Impala Platinum’s Marula Platinum Mine marched on the mine to hand over a memorandum, comprising of demands about the relationship between the company and the parties that are affected by the company’s operations in the area. The memorandum, of which a copy is in possession of Platinum Gazette, inter alia requests a full report about the previous Social Labour Plan (SLP) and consultation with the affected communities regarding the current SLP as per requirement. The memorandum also demand the immediate reinstatement and recognition of the Marula Community Development Agency and the Masedi Development Agency and that the legal control of community income generating projects be headed by these structures. The group of marchers also demands deregistration of the Marula Community Trust and the removal of Marula Community Chrome. The group further demands that the tailings at the mine be utilised for the benefit of the community they represent and that the mine involve community structures when community issues are discussed. The group says engagement with traditional authorities (Magoshi) alone is not acceptable. The group also has a wish for a tarred road between Ga-Mahlokwane (Smoky Hills) and Ntswaneng. The group also has a gripe with certain individuals and they

want them not to be involved with community activities. The community group gathered from early the morning at the R37 Road and the Marula Platinum Mine T-junction from where they proceeded to the mine, some walking, some with the aid of taxis. When Platinum Gazette arrived at the scene there were a lot of singing and dancing with the Police keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings. A problem arose at noon when the memorandum was supposed to be handed over and there was no one from the company’s head office to receive it (the group claimed they requested it). To complicate matters a court interdict from the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court surfaced (with Tuesday’s date stamp on it), prohibiting the march and gathering (which apparently only arrived while the gathering was already in full swing. This interdict was kept away from the people outside the gate with a representative of the Greater Tubatse Municipality telling the newspaper that it will only complicate matters to try and enforce the order at that moment. In the end the representatives of the group agreed to hand the memorandum to Marula Platinum’s Group Protection Manager, Mr Johan Olivier, who duly received and signed it on behalf of the company and told the community that the company will respond within seven days as requested in the memorandum. Thereafter the marchers dispersed peacefully.

ASA Metal’s Mine achieved 1 500 000 Fatality Free Shifts On 7 April 2014, ASA Metal’s mine obtained 1 500 000 fatality free shifts. The last fatality at the mine was on the 18th of January 2010. The Mine Manager, Mr Hardley Ramokgadi, thanked each employee for their commitment towards Zero Harm, and their contribution in making the mine a safe place to work.




Liefde blom vir Louis en Annalize

Annalize en Louis van der Merwe is op 27 April in die AGS Kerk op Steelpoort in die huwelik bevestig. Die paartjie is in Burgersfort gevestig. (Fotograaf: Platinum Photography).

Inwoner skryf aan verkeersdepartement

16 MAY 2014

Tubatse SUPERSPAR cares

“Taxis ry net soos hulle wil,hierdie fotos is Saterdag oggend 2 Mei om 10h00 geneem by die robot by KFC, dit het my presies 25 minute gevat om in die hoofstraat te kom en ek was die tweede kar van voor af. Hulle ry net soos hulle wil,verkeersreëls word glad nie in ag geneem nie, dis nie net hier nie,dis orals in die dorp, by elke robot,stopstraat - hulle ry soos hulle wil. Twee bane word vier gemaak, hulle stop wanneer dit hulle pas,draai waar hulle wil, stop waar hulle wil en niemand doen niks daar omtrent nie. Ons as inwoners van Burgersfort is elke dag slagoffers van stampe en stoote, ons karre word gekrap en gestamp en ons moet maar net met dit saam leef want die taxis is die meerderheid en dit gee hulle dan mos die reg om padreëls te verontagsaam Waar is die gereg? O, ja wag, hulle staan buite die dorp oppad Polokwane toe onder die bome. Dit is mos waar ons probleem lê, ons het glad nie ‘n problem in die dorp nie. Ons as inwoners van die dorp raak nou moeg vir die taxis. Ons vra dat iemand vir ons sê hoekomdit so is en wat gedoen gaan word om die taxis te kry om padreëls na te kom?” Whity, Burgersfort

Tubatse SUPERSPAR in Burgersfort cares about the communities in which they operate. This week they donated food parcels to four organisations in the area looking after needy and vulnerable people. The Itirele Creché, The Sedibeng Creché, The Praktiseer Homebased Care Group and the Swaranang Old Age Home all received food parcels. Meanwhile customers are not only winning with great service and fair prices at the store, they can actually walk away with cash in their hands. This is what happened when Ms Granny Mohlala won back the R865 she spend in the store. This is part of the Win-A-Car Competition currently running in store. The Wild Weekend promotion also gives one lucky customer the opportunity to win R500 every week. Last week’s winner was Ms Julia Mnisi. Customers can still enter both competitions in store where all the competition details are also available. Visit the store where you stand a chance to win big in more than one way!

Contact Platinum Gazette with your news and events on 013 231 7147 or 083 271 9151 or e-mail: editorial@ platinumgazette. com

16 MEI 2014



Moedersdag bederf op Ohrigstad Laerskool Ohrigstad het hul jaarlikse Moedersdag “steak” braai verlede week Sondag aangebied. Hierdie geleentheid is reeds ‘n instelling op die dorp en nie net ‘n lekker kuier geleentheid nie, maar ook ‘n manier waarop daar fondse vir die skool ingesamel word. Kaartjies is verkoop en vanaf 11:30 het ouers, kinders en lede van die gemeenskap by die skool saamgetrek. Die lekker van die dag is dat die moeders bederf word

Die braaiers het gesorg dat die vleis na elkeen smaak gebraai word. Saam met die vleis was daar tuisgemaakte peper- of sampioensous. Vir nagereg is sagopoeding voorgesit.

met heerlike kos terwyl hulle saam met hul mans en ander familie kan kuier. Daar is buite en binne die skoolsaal tafels gedek en gaste kon weglê aan heerlike vleis, slaaie, aartappelgebak en tuisgebakte brode. Die sagopoeding vir nagereg was ook ‘n groot treffer. By elke sitplek is ook ‘n spesiale tuisgebakte koekie en boodskappie vir die gaste neergesit. Oud en jonk het lekker saam gekuier op die spesiale dag. Me. Ronnie Ferreira, skoolhoof by Laerskool Ohrigstad het almal bedank wat gehelp het om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak.



16 MAY 2014

Will a declline in political support As the dust settles after South Africa’s national election marking 20 years of democracy, the ANC is still the people’s favourite party. They walked away with almost 11.5 million of the 18.5 million votes cast on Wednesday last week. The party has however had a decline in support compared to previous elections. Despite a population increase, support has dropped by about 11% over the last 10 years. In Limpopo the ANC is going strong. With 79.25% of the votes cast in Greater Tubatse going towards them. The closest opposition party was the EFF with 13.50% of the votes. The DA, formerly the official opposition party slipped down to third place by securing 3.29% of the votes cast for provincial government within the Greater Tubatse Municipality. 90 083 votes were cast for provincial government in Greater Tubatse. This week readers spoke the Platinum Gazette about whether they think the slow decline in support will serve as a motivation for better service delivery in the coming 5 years or not. Many white readers declined to appear in the newspaper as they are afraid of airing their political views. One woman stating that she voted for the first time, said that she voted for the DA in the hopes that Lindiwe Mazibuku will continue to be a force to be reckoned with in parliament and so bring about better service delivery. “Now she is going to Harvard and I am stuck Helen Zille as leader who seems to prefer dancing to confronting issues”. A black reader also declined to comment for fear of his position within the ANC. He said: “I am sorry, but I cannot comment what I truly feel as I am too involved”.

Mr Godfrey Bhisamphiri said: “The ANC will do much better this time around. They will get back the votes in the next election. This is their last chance, you know. They need to improve to prove to the people they can truly deliver. They will work hard”.

Mr Dragon Maroga said: “Things will only be worse than before. They just look for our votes but after the election they forget about us, the communities. We will only see change if another party takes over. If they did not properly deliver in 20 years, how will they do anything in the next 5 years? They’ve seen a hole for money while in power, so it won’t be better”.

Ms Prudence Choma said: “A leopard never loses its spots. Especially with Jacob Zuma as the President things will not change. He is not going to change and things will never improve. The poor will remain poor. Only another party will be able to bring change”.

Mr Frans Mojela said: “They will improve on service delivery after this election. They will work hard. We learn from our mistakes. They will be scared to lose more support, so they will perform now”.

Mr Victor Mashilo said: “They are now afraid of the smaller parties, especially the EFF because of their policies. We will see amazing service delivery now because the ANC is afraid of losing power”.

Mr Phillip Mushaikwa said: “I think the loss of votes will be a motivation to improve on service delivery. People usually do well when they come from adversity. They’ll take this serious because they want to stay in power. It is good for the people because now they will work hard”.

Mr Andries Mnisi said: “I think many people think the ANC cannot deliver. I don’t think they will do better in the next 5 years. Maybe once the DA or the EFF gets into power things will change”.

Mr Duncan Maangoale said: “No, they won’t work harder than before. The ANC must reshuffle the bad elements in the party – like Zuma. They can deliver, they must just work hard. They are not too scared of losing more support, but the people want services. People have been voting for the party and not the people”.

Mr Mark Geddes said: “I think things will just continue as they did in the last 20 years. I doubt if anything will change. We’ve hoped that the opposition will get more votes so that they can pressure the ANC for better service delivery”.

Mr Reginald Mashabela said: “The ANC will improve because they’ll lose many members if they don’t”.

Mr Brian Mogakane said: “I think it will continue like in the last 20 years. The leaders are confident that the people will vote for them, but there is now a new generation that grew up after apartheid. The race card won’t stand with them anymore. Change will come in the form of a new party in power if the ANC don’t change their ways. Either they improve or the country’s leadership will change”.

16 MEI 2014



have an impact on service delivery?

Ms Johanna Selahle said: “The ANC is going to perform more and more and more. Other parties challenge them. I hope that from today onwards the ANC is going to work to deliver”.

Mnr Robbie van der Walt sê: “Ek dink tog dit sal dalk beter gaan na hierdie verkiesing. Hierdie was ‘n groot skrikmaak vir die ANC”. Mnr Michael Seatlanyane sê: “Nee, daai mense het nie skaamte nie, hulle sal nie kan beter doen nie want hulle weet nie wat beter is nie”.

Mr James Segoapa said: “They must improve themselves by delivering services. They are scared now but they must not give up. Just keep concentrating on delivering to the people”.

Me Joyce Komane en Me Thandy Moriri sê: “Die ANC sal nou eers alles uitsort wat nie reg was nie en dan sal alles beter gaan. Hulle kan nie bekostig om nog steun te verloor voor die volgende verkiesing nie”.

Mr Musa Magagula said: “It won’t have an impact. There had already been plans in place to address the concerns with regards to service delivery etc. The ANC is not concerned about votes lost to the opposition”.

Ms Mokgaetsi Moimana said: “If they don’t reduce corruption they’ll be out in the next election. People are sticking to them because of the grants. Before the election people were told they might not get the grants anymore if they don’t vote for the ANC”.

Mnr Oupa Mkhabela sê: “Zuma is nog die President, so die ANC het nie regtig geskrik nie. Hulle sal net soos altyd aangaan na hierdie verkiesing. Hulle sal eers heeltemal teen ‘n ander party moet verloor voor dinge beter sal wees”.

Ms Lily Raphela said: “By losing those votes they will now be forced to work hard. They did not think the EFF will make it and now they see they can lose votes to the EFF. The ANC will work hard to deliver. They must now work to keep the power. It is good for the people now. The ANC was relaxing every day in the past 20 years, now they see the boat can sink. This will benefit the people”.

Mr Obed Mokwena said: “I don’t think the ANC will lose support in the next 5 years. They will do better service delivery”.


16 MEI 2014

Platinum Gazette

Bespreek nou jou plek by die Wildevy 4x4 Dag Die Wildevy manne is ‘n nie winsgewende organsasie wat daargestel is deur manne uit die gemeenskap om fondse vir minderbevoorregtes in die gemeenskap in te samel. Die 4x4 gesinsdag is slegs een van die projekte wat jaarliks aangebied word. Graag wil hulle alle 4x4 entoesiaste, asook die publiek, nooi om deel te kom wees van die dag wat op 26 Julie 2014 by PLM boerderye, 10km buite Burgersfort, op die Lydenburg-R37 pad plaasvind. Die hele gemeenskap, wat besighede en mynbedrywe insluit, is betrokke by hierdie dag om dit so lekker as moontlik vir die hele familie te maak. Hierdie 4x4 dag groei elke jaar baie. In 2013 het 120 4x4 voertuie deelgeneem en ongeveer 7 000 tot 10 000 besoekers het die dag saam met ons geniet. Die baan is baie uitdagend en interesant, dit is egter nie so opgestel om normale viertrek voertuie te beskadig nie. Die roete is uiteengesit sodat hele gesin kan deelneem aan pret uitdagings soos lemoene gooi, windbuks skiet en ander 4x4 verwante uitdagings. Almal kan groot pryse wen! Na die sukses van Die Wildevy MTB bergfiets wedren in 2013 gaan alles net groter en beter! Die manne bied ‘n 70km, 35km, 10km en 2km pret trap vir kinders onder 12 jaar aan. Groot name in fietsry soos Ben-Melt Swanepoel het aan die wedren deelgeneem en daar word verwag dat hy weer gaan ry en ook ander bekende gesigte in fiets ry kringe gaan saam bring. Hierdie bergfiets wedren het ook tans gesetelde status waar fietsryers kan punte bymekaar maak op die bergfietsry punte leer te tel. Pieter Heyns kan by 082 806 5622 gekontak word vir meer inligting oor die

fietsry! Besoek ook gerus Vanjaar bied die manne ook uitstekende vermaak met bekende sangers wat gaan optree op die hoof verhoog. Sterre soos The Dixie Hillbillies sal besoekers en deelnemers betower met hul treffers! Die dag het altyd ‘n heerlike feestelike atmosfeer met verskeie stalletjies wat tuisgemaakte kos en verversings bedien. Daar is die jaar weer uitstallers wat bydra tot die kleurvolle dag.Vir die jongspan is daar ook baie pret beplan soos springkastele en skyf skiet waar pragtige pryse gewen kan word. Vir die mense wat nie deelneem aan die uitdagings nie, is daar ‘n trekker en sleepwa om hulle tussen punte te vervoer om sodoende niks van die aksie mis te loop nie. Hierdie is ‘n gratis diens aan die publiek. Daar sal ook kampgeriewe beskikbaar wees vir die mense wat van ver af kom kuier. Inskrywingsgelde vir die dag is R900.00 per voertuig wat deelneem. Dit sluit ook ‘n spesiale


hemp vir die bestuurder en sy assistent bestuurder in. Die tradisionele SHOW STOPPER, vind plaas in die middag. Dis nou waar ‘n paar uitsoek voetuie hul passies deur die modderbad sal neem. Hierdie is ‘n moet en sorg elke jaar vir hope pret. Moet dit nie misloop nie! Geen 4x4 motorfietse sal toegelaat sal word op die baan en op die plaas nie. Geen koel houers word op die terrein toegelaat nie, ‘n kroeg met baie billike pryse is beskikbaar.

Kontak gerus vir Samantha De Swardt as jy belangstel om n stalletjie te bespreek om uit te stal en of handgemaakte en ander produkte wil kom vertoon en verkoop. Vir meer inligtig besoek gerus die webwerf by of skakel Samantha De Swardt by 013 231 7498/9 of 013 231 7462 of epos by Die manne is ook as “Die Wildevy 4x4 gesinsdag” op Facebook beskikbaar. (Inligting: Wildevy Manne)

Die Dixie hillbillies sal by die Wildevy 4x4 Dag op die hoofverhoog optree. Moet dit nie misloop nie!

Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines is part of a progressive, innovative company that strive for Zero Harm to their people and the environment. The company is committed to improving the quality of life of people and communities in and around their operations.

DOCUMENT FEE: R500.00 (Non-refundable)

EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000, responsiveness to the bid document(s), and 90/10 points system.

CLOSING DATE AND OTHER CONDITIONS 1 Bid documents shall be on sale from the 15th May 2014 for a non-refundable fee of R500.00 at cashier’s office, Greater Tubatse Municipal Office, Lower ground, No1 Kastania Street Burgersfort 2 B2 Bids will be closed @ 12h00 and opened in public on the 30th May 2014 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope, appropriately marked SUPPLY OF HEAVY DUTY MACHINERY GENUINE SPARE PARTS: GTM/31/13/14 and deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is available 24/7 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipal Civic Centre No 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort. No faxed, emailed, telephonic or late bids will be accepted. No compulsory briefing session 3 The Municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and or collectively to execute the above contracts, and negotiate further conditions and requirements with successful bidder 4 In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the person(s) in the service of state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document will be submitting non-responsive bids, 90 working days after the bid closing date is our validity period. 5. Technical queries related to this bid should be directed to SM Mathunyane @ 0132311000. General queries should be directed to Mr. NJ Phasha @013-231 1293 or 1000. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:


PUBLIC NOTICE OF A COMMUNITY RESOLUTION MEETING Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines has been granted a Mining Right for the Lwala project to operate on the farms Forest Hill 117 KT and Clapham 118 KT. The process seeks to finalise a long term (30 years with a potential to extend) lease of approximately 720 hectares on Forest Hill and Clapham farms. PURPOSE To formulate a community resolution in terms of the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act of 1998 (Act31 of 1998) and related regulations that requires the consent of the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform as the nominal owner of the above-mentioned properties. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The following interested and affected parties are invited to attend: (i) Residents or community members of Mashishi, Manyaka and Kgoete Tribal Jurisdictions (ii) Members of Mashishi, Manyaka and Kgoete Tribal Councils (iii) Community Based Organizations (iv) Youth Structures (v) Business people (vi) NGO’s operating in the afore-mentioned villages (vii) Social Welfare Organizations (viii) Ward Committee members (ix) Crop Field owners on the affected portions. N.B The Community Resolution process will be facilitated by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. Enquiries: Office Number: Cell Number:

M.T Thobejane 013 230 7000 079 148 6121

MEETING SCHEDULE Community Venue Ga-Kgoete Nareng-Thokwana Tribal Office

Date 08 June 2014

Time 10H00

16 MEI 2014


Platinum Gazette

External Municipal Vacancies Greater Tubatse Municipality, situated in Limpopo Province within the Sekhukhune District, invites applications from potential candidates for the following vacancies that exist at their Municipal Offices in Burgersfort. Department 1. Position Division Remuneration

: Corporate Services : Human Resources Manager : Human Resources : Post Level 01 (R398,005.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits)

Minimum Requirements: · B Degree in Human Resources or Industrial Psychology or equivalent ·Honours Degree in Human Resources or Industrial Psychology would be an added advantage · 4 to 5 years’ experience as a Human Resources Generalist · Experience in Municipal Environment will be an added advantage · Sound Knowledge of skills development, Job Evaluation, Labour Relations in Local Government · Sound knowledge of HR Information Management Systems · Computer Literacy for the role · A valid SA motor vehicle driver’s licence Key Performance Areas : · Manage Employee benefits administration and personnel records · Manage Labour Relations · Manage Employee Wellness and Occupational Health and Safety · Manage Training and Development · Manage Work -study and Organisational Development · Manage staff allocated to the unit · Manage any Human Resource Related functions 2. Position Division Remuneration

: HR Officer (Skills Development) : Human Resources : Post level 5 (R244,709.00 – R270,178.00) basic salary excl benefits)

Minimum Requirements : · National Diploma in Human Resource Management/Training and Development or equivalent ·OD – ETDP Training would be an added advantage · Registration as a Skills Development Facilitator with LGSETA will be an added advantage · A minimum of 3 years Skills Development experience in a Municipal Environment · Knowledge of Skills Development in Local Government · Sound knowledge of Skills Development Legislation · Computer Literacy for the role · A valid SA motor vehicle driver’s licence Key Performance Areas : · Planning relevant learning programmes to address identified learning and other development needs · Compiling the annual Workplace Skills Plan(WSP) and Annual Training Report(ATR) · Interacting with SETA to obtain grants from the skills levy · Improving the return on investment in training · Evaluating the impact of training · Conducting a training needs analysis ·Conducting a Job and Skills Audit · Making a success of learner ships 3. Position Division Remuneration

: Office Cleaner x 3 : Corporate Administration : Post level 11(R108, 314.00 – R121,728.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits

Minimum Requirements: · Grade10 · Basic cleaner’s certificate would be an added advantage · Ability to clean · Good interpersonal skills · Willingness to work irregular hours Key Performance Areas · Provide cleaning services to the municipality · Ensure good upkeep of cleaning equipment and machinery · Assist with other duties deemed relevant to the position Department 4. Position Division Remuneration

: Finance : Secretary : Office of the Chief Financial Officer : Post level 8(R164,707.00 – R190,945.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits)

Minimum Requirements: · Grade 12 with Secretarial /Office Management Diploma or equivalent · 2 – 3 years extensive experience in the provision of administrative and secretarial services to senior management · 1 year experience in a municipal financial environment ·Advanced Computer Literacy · Knowledge of office management and clerical procedures · Planning and organising skills · Administrative and telephone skills · Sound communication and interpersonal skills Key Performance Areas: · Provide administrative and secretarial support to the Chief Financial Officer · Manage the Chief Financial Officer’s diary · Manage all correspondence and maintain a sound record keeping system in the office · Perform specific tasks associated with the provision of administrative and secretarial support to the office of the CFO · Provide reception /front office services for the office of the CFO · Manage logistical arrangements for the office · Perform any other tasks deemed to be relevant to the position of the secretary Department 5. Position Division Remuneration

: Technical Services : Secretary : Office of the Director – Technical Services : Post level 8 (R164,707.00 – R190,945.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits)

Minimum Requirements · Grade 12 with Secretarial /Office Management Diploma or equivalent · 2 – 3 years extensive experience in the provision of administrative and secretarial services to senior management ·1 year experience in a municipal financial environment · Advanced Computer Literacy · Knowledge of office management and clerical procedures · Planning and organising skills · Administrative and telephone skills · Sound communication and interpersonal skills Key Performance Areas : · Provide administrative and secretarial support to the Technical Services Director · Manage the Technical Services Director’s diary · Manage all correspondence and maintain a sound record keeping system in the office · Perform specific tasks associated with the provision of administrative and secretarial support to the office of the Technical Director · Provide reception /front office services for the office of the Technical Services Director · Manage logistical arrangements for the office · Perform any other tasks deemed to be relevant to the position of the secretary Department 6. Position Division Remuneration

: Community Services : Enatis Clerk x 2 : Licensing Services : Post Level 9 (R138 ,112.00 – R157,088.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits

Minimum Requirements : · Grade 12 ·Computer Literacy · Enatis Operator Certificate will be an added advantage · Relevant training to be provided Key Performance Areas: · Operate Enatis system at Vehicle Testing Station, DLTC and RA · Issuing Drivers Licences and Learners Licenses · Registering M/V · Issuing Roadworthy certificate Department 7. Position Remuneration

: Economic and Land Development : Manager - Housing, Property and Building Control division:housing, property and building control : Post Level 01 (R398,005.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits)

Minimum requirements : · B. Degree in Town and Regional Planning/Real Estate or equivalent , a post graduate qualification will be an added advantage · Registration with the relevant statutory bodies will be an added advantage · 3 years experience in local government · Valid motor vehicle driver’s licence Key Performance Areas : · Administration and facilitation of housing delivery in the municipality. · Identification and designation of suitable land for housing development · Review of Municipal Housing Chapter and engagement of stakeholders in the implementation of housing programmes. · Management of the municipalities property portfolio · Acquisition and alienation, leasing of municipal immovable property · Regulation of occupation of municipal property · Maintenance of Municipal Property and general property administration · Control and administer building inspections to ensure that building are structurally sound and comply with building regulations · Advise the Director of Economic and Land Development on issues related to the unit. 8. Department Position Division Remuneration

: Community Services : HIV/AIDS Co-ordinator : Social Services : Post Level 08(R164, 707.00 – R190, 945.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits)

Minimum Requirements: · National Diploma in Nursing/Social Sciences · Registration with applicable Nursing Council · 3 – 5 years uninterrupted practical experience in the Public Service or NGO sector · HAST and HCBC training will be an added advantage. · Knowledge of applicable HIV/AIDS legislation, strategies and frameworks · Communication and Community Facilitation skills · Report writing and basic computer literacy · Networking and Human Relation Skills · A valid RSA Driver’s License Key Performance Areas: · Co-ordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Local AIDS Council activities and programmes · Mobilization of resources for implementation of GTM local response strategy on HIV /AIDS, STIs and TB 2012-2016 · Forge linkages with partners at district and provincial levels · Public and private stakeholder mobilization · Compile quarterly reports for LAC Technical Committee 9. Position Division Remuneration

: Examiner of driving licences X 3 : Licensing Services : Post Level 8(R164, 707.00 – R190, 945.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits)

Minimum Requirements: · Grade 12 · Examiner of driving licenses Diploma Grade B · Grade A will be an added advantage · Minimum of three(3) years’ relevant experience · Computer Literacy · A valid RSA Driver’s license(Code EC) · Knowledge of relevant legislation · Interpersonal Skills Key Performance Areas: · Testing of Leaners Licenses ·Testing of Driving Licenses · Renewal of PRDPS and license forms · Performing eye tests · Issuing of Driving Licenses and Learners Licenses · Assisting applicants on completion of relevant forms 10. Position Division Remuneration

: Examiner of motor vehicles : Licensing Services : Post Level 8 (R164, 707.00 – R190, 945.00 basic salary per annum, excl benefits)

Minimum Requirements: · Grade 12 · Examiner of Motor Vehicles Diploma Grade A · Minimum of three(3) years relevant experience · E-Natis and Computer literacy · A valid RSA Driver’s Licence (Code A and EC ) · Knowledge of relevant legislation · Interpersonal Skills Key Performance Areas: · Examining motor vehicles for roadworthiness · Testing motor vehicles for roadworthiness · Issuing of roadworthiness certificates · Assisting applicants in completion of relevant forms A detailed CV accompanied by a signed covering letter indicating the position applied for, certified copies of qualifications, academic records, identity documents, and any other supporting documents should be submitted to the Greater Tubatse Municipal Offices, Human Resources Division, no. 1 Kastania street in Burgersfort, 2nd Floor, Office no 222, or they can be posted to : The Acting Municipal Manager Greater Tubatse Municipality P.O Box 206 Burgersfort 1150 No faxed or emailed applications will be considered. Closing date : Enquiries :

23 May 2014 Human Resources @ 013 231 1146/1123

The selection process will be influenced by the municipality’s Employment Equity Principles. Please note that correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Applicants who have not been contacted within 21 days after closing date must assume that their applications were unsuccessful. NB : Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to screening and background checks The municipality reserves the right not to make any appointments. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:



16 MAY 2014

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405 DRINGEND! Betroubare, Afrikaanssprekende dame van 37 is opsoek na werk en ‘n kamer te huur in Burgersfort en omgewing. Kan en is bereid om die volgende te doen: Huishulp en Oppasser werk - kan kinders oppas en oumense versorg en huis skoonmaak. Kan ook admin en sekretariële werk doen. Kan dadelik begin indien verblyf en werk gekoördineer kan word. Kontak: 074 740 8509.

9. Te Huur/ To Rent One Bedroom House to rent in Riba Cross. Available immediately. Stove, build-in cupboards, shower and toilet. R3 500 per month with water included. Pre-paid electricity. Contact: 082 859 6043

Let us know about your news and events. Contact 013 231 7147 or 083 271 9151 or fax: 013 231 7147 or email: editorial@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette

Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Minimark * Phelo Pele Pharmacy

* Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Magaba Garage * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern

* Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * GMC Debt Solutions Burgersfort * Burgersfort Toyota * Sediman Tuckshop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save

Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2 Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis * Platinum Petroleum * Wimpy Burgersfort * Nedbank Tubatse Crossing Mall * 4 U Burgersfort

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676


16 MEI 2014



Adrenalien vloei op Atok Laerskool Atokia het verlede week Saterdag een van Limpopo Atletiek se amptelike

landloop byeenkomste aangebied. Atlete van regoor die provinsie het kom deelneem en alle ouderdomsgroepe het gehardloop. Die roete het vanaf die skool, oor die golfbaan gestrek. Laerskool Atokia se ouers en onderwysers het hard gewerk om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak. Die skoolhoof, mnr. Beukes van Zyl het almal bedank vir hul bydraes tot die dag.

Van die plaaslike skole wat deelgeneem het was Laerskool Atokia (in groen en blou sportdrag) asook Laerskool Burgersfort in (in rooi en blou sportdrag).

Laerskool Burgersfort het nie net gespog met leerlinge wat deelneem nie, maar juffrou Elize Moll het ook gehardloop.

Skietdag vir maatskappye se spanne Die Bosbok tak van die SA Jagters Vereniging hou Saterdag die 17 Mei 2014 ‘n Span skietdag by Lydenburg. Die idee van die span skiet is daar gestel om skuts van die Mynbou en Privaat sektor Maatskappye te kry om teen mekaar mee te ding. Op die skietdae wat beplan is, sal die Myne, Kontrakteure en Maatskappye hulle passie vir skiet kan uitleef, netwerk geleentede gaan automaties geskep word, en daar gaan terug geploeg word in die gemeenskappe waar hulle woon en werk. Hoe gaan daar terug geploeg word met die skiet word daar gevra? Die uit einde is dat die top spanne n jagpakket sal wen, die wild sal gejag word en die vleis sal aan ouetehuise, skole ens. geskenk word. Enige span (Maatskappy, Myn of Kontrakteur) van vyf skuts is welkom om te kom skiet of te net om te kyk. Spanne bestaan gewoonlik uit twee skuts per span, myne, maatskappye ens. is welkom om meer as een span in te skryf. Saterdag 17 Mei se skiet word saam met Bosbok tak se jaarlikse Intertak kompetisie aangebied, dis vir daardie rede dat die spesifieke skietdag 5 x skuts per span gaan wees en nie twee soos gewoonlik nie. Daar was reeds April vanjaar so n kompetisie geskiet, die opkoms was goed. Baie belangstelling is deur maatskappye, myne en kontrakteurs getoon, en alle aanduidings is dat dit nog baie gaan groei. Die skiet sal plaasvind op die Egbert Hiemstra skietbaan net buite Lydenburg so 2km op die Roossenekal pad aan regterkant. (Langs vliegveld) Die Bosbok tak het dit ten doel om die hele gesin by hul aktiwiteite te betrek, wat onder andere bewaring, volhoubare benutting, opleiding, skietdae, trofeemeet en hulp te verleen met lisensiering van jagwapens insluit. Om hierdie doel word daar spesiaal ook vir die dames en juniors plek gemaak by die skiet. Op die stadium is een dames en junior span reeds ingeskryf. Die dag se skiet word soos volg gedoen: Die Rooiboktabel sonder rus vir die mans (Dames en Juniors Rooibok met rus) gaan geskiet word, en behels 9 skote wat op onderskeidelik op 200m - Lê houding (3 x skote\rondtes), 100m - Sithouding (3 x skote\rondtes) en 50m - Staanhouding (3 x skote\rondtes) geskiet word. Die vlakvark tabel is 75m - 3 x skote (Staan met skietstokke); 50m - 3 x skote (Staan) en 25m - 3 x skote snapskiet 5 x sekondes per skoot (Staan). Inskrywing: R150 per person = R750 per span van vyf. Inskrywingsgelde sluit in sertifikaat, worsbroodjie, koeldrank en Bosbok sakwapen. Navrae: Johan Grimbeek 082 378 0698; JB Willers 082 820 1748 of Leon Visser 082 808 9641.

Soccer tournament at Mangabane sports ground this weekend The BFS soccer and netball tournament is underway and this weekend the teams will square off again at Mangabane sports ground. The soccer fixtures are as follows: Tweefontein vs Tubatse Cluster (SAPS) at 09:30; Modikwa Clinic vs Thorburn at 11:20; Twickenham Platinum Mine vs Dwarsrivier Mine at 13:10; ECM vs Glencore Project Lion at 15:05. The public is welcome to come and support the teams as they try to come out tops in the tournament. Leerlinge van Laerskool Atokia moedig hul skoolmaats aan tydens die verskillende wedlope.


16 MAY 2014

It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum

Platinum Gazette


Lucky Lubisi shines for Tubatse Masters On Sunday 11 May, the Tubatse Masters FC visited Mologoane Young Tigers Masters to play a friendly soccer game at Driekop. The Tubatse Masters dominated the game from the start. They created many scoring opportunities and their first goal was scored by Lucky Lubisi. By half time the score still stood at 1-0 in favour of the Tubatse Masters. In the second half Tubatse Masters continued their domination and scored two more goals from Lucky Lubisi’s boot and one from a brace by Mashudu Netshilidzi. The hosts managed to score a consolation goal in the last minutes of the game to make the final score 4-1 in favour of Tubatse Masters.

(Photographs and information: Shine Pholoane and Jerial Movundlela).

The Tubatse Masters team.


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