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Bokoni Platinum - good results with a shadow
When the going gets tough ... The Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus), also called Water Leguaan or River Leguaan, is a large member of the monitor lizard family (Varanidae). They can according to Wikipedia grow to about 2.7 m in length. They have muscular bodies, strong legs and powerful jaws. The teeth are sharp and pointed in juvenile animals and become blunt and peg-like in adults. They also possess sharp claws used for climbing, digging, defense, or tearing at their prey. Like all monitors they have a forked tongue, with highly developed olfactory properties. Their nostrils are placed high on the snout, indicating that these animals are highly aquatic, but are also excellent climbers and quick runners on land. They feed on fish, snails, frogs, crocodile eggs and young, snakes, birds, small mammals, large insects, and carrion. The Nile monitor has an aggressive temperament with a powerful bite and a lashing tail , according to Wikipedia. Studying the online source it was immediately evident that the creatures normally do not lust after alcohol and should not be in a liquor outlet in Burgersfort on a Sunday afternoon, 4 November 2012. This one (head ringed with the red circle in the closed circuit camera picture, right) was. And because it was there the owners of Burgersfort Bottle Store, who were not there, suffered thousands of rand in damage when it walked around a bit. When the store was opened after the racket caused by the leguaan, the creature was nowhere to be seen, only the video evidence and the mess left by it’s visit. How it gained entrance to the shop, also remains a mystery.
© Platinum Gazette
16 November 2012
... the tough breaks the bottles
Atlatsa Resources reported this week that its Bokoni platinum mine produced 38 819 oz in the third quarter to September 30, the mine’s best production performance since the company took control of operations in July 2009. A total of 324 727 t was milled during the reporting period, when the new management team continued implementing the first phase of an Amplats-supported restructuring, refinancing and recapitalisation plan. The company reported operating profit of $93.8 million and a profit before tax of $69.9 million for the third quarter, compared with an operating loss of $14.6 million during the comparative period in 2011. No operations, other than essential services, had taken place at Bokoni since the start of strike action that started on 1 October 2012 and Atlatsa and Amplats still needed to contemplate phase two of the company’s restructuring plan. During the period of the strike action Bokoni implemented a “no work, no pay” policy and the company estimates that Bokoni will lose approximately R5 million in revenue per operating day lost during the strike period and during the period which Bokoni Mine is unable to resume normal operations. To date, Bokoni mine has lost approximately 15 000 PGM oz of production as a result of the strike action. Atlatsa says notwithstanding the community intervention and a last minute agreement between community leaders and the BLF leaders on 1 November 2012, the leaders of the Bokoni Labour Forum failed to honour the agreement and advised their members to reject the return to work offer. As a result, Bokoni has implemented termination of services affecting approximately 2,500 mine employees and commenced with administrative exit procedures for that purpose.
16 NOVEMBER 2012
American tourists explore Kgautswane If you ask a average European or US tourist what he have seen of South Africa, he will answer with the names of the big cities, the Panaroma route or the Kruger National Park. But, at least one group of tourists differs from these average ones. Under the leadership of John Epol, 22 citizens of the United States wanted to know about the real black African culture and visited, as one of many destinations in South Africa, Kgautšwane for two nights. From 7 to 9 November the group, consisting of former students of the Calvin College in the USA and attendants of the “Calvin Academy of Lifelong Learning”, experienced traditional food and dance as well as the beauty of the rural area. Clara Masinga, the manager of the Kgautšwane Community Development Centre, who hosts American tourists at least every year, welcomed them cordially to the centre. Apart from being informed about the centre’s community involvement, she told them about the area’s heritage and the tradition. They visited the Sejamagwera project and the newly opened caves. Phyllis & Ken Dornbush said “We enjoyed it here very much! We got used to what the conditions for the people here really are. The people here are very friendly and happy, we like to see how they are dancing and singing. When we came from Johannesburg, we were excited to see the rural area here. We cannot imagine people from the United States living here, but we like to visit it for a while. Generally when we travel we try to participate in tours which show us the real culture. It is our first time in South Africa and we have a good impression.”
Is your debt hurting you?
John Epol, the tour guide (bottom photograph), said “It is my twelfth time in South Africa and my sixth time in Kgautšwane. I know Clara Masinga for a long time now and I really appreciate what she is doing. Normally when white tourists come to South Africa, the only blacks they see are the waiters in the Hotel. Myself, I prefer to bring the tourists to the ‘ordinary every day people’ with the traditional food and way of living like here in Kgautšwane. Even if there occurred some things these people from the USA are not used to, they did not complain but accepted and enjoyed it as part of the experience they got here. Myself, I could enjoy to stay here for a whole year, the only thing I would miss is my family.”
Eltjen Flikkema said “It is always an experience to come to such rural areas. It is my second time here in South Africa, I was already here in 1995. Since then, fortunately things have changed a lot even if there are still some remains of Apartheid nowadays. The thing I like the most of South Africa are the people, especially when I meet the normal, regular people from the streets.” Article by Wassily Nemitz and Alexandra Hoheisel. Photographs by: Lauritz Schoo and Wassily Nemitz
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37, 38 (NIV)
“Die oes is wel groot, maar die arbeiders min. Bid dan die Here van die oes, dat Hy arbeiders in sy oes mag uitstuur.” Mattheus 9:37, 38
Tips for consumers who are experiencing financial difficulties: • Create a budget - write down everything you spend money on, then analyse all your bank accounts and make changes where necessary, meaning take out all the unnecessary ex penses. By doing this you will probably save a few rands which you can use to pay debt and save.
Stick within your means; don’t spend what you don’t have as credit costs money.
Do not cancel your short term insurance cover: if something happens to the car you may be faced with higher costs than if insured.
Should you be retrenched, inform your creditors an duse your retrenchment package to settle your debts. You have the right to settle your debts earlier. Note that if there is a difference between the outstanding about and the settlement amount. Contact your credit providers and get the settlement amount. That is what you should pay.
Try to save monthly. Avoid keeping money in non-interest earning or low-interest earning accounts. Shop around for different options.
You have a right to one free credit report annually from regis tered cred bureaux, utilise this right and know your status.
Your credit profile can affect your ability to secure certain jobs (especially those related to finance) so keep a clean record at all times.
You have a right to receive assistance when you are overindebted. Contact your credit provider to discuss your situa tion and negotiate an affordable re-payment plan; if you can not reach an agreement with your credit provider, you may contact a registered debt counsellor to assist you. Note that when you are under debt counselling you will not be able to get further credit until you have settled all your debts.
Avoid getting more debt, rather downgrade your lifestyle.
Tips from: www.
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail:
Wheat near Burgersfort on 1 November 2012 - Photograph by Elanie Fouché
16 NOVEMBER 2012
More winners at Tubatse SUPERSPAR The second round of winners in the Tubatse SUPERSPAR birthday celebrations were announced last week. Ms Matu Makofane from Mabocha won a Defy electric stove; Mr Elias Shai from Praktiseer won a Samsung LCD TV, Ms Christina Machete from Praktiseer won a R1000 shopping voucher
and Mr Sintili Bulelani from the Eastern Cape won a R1000 shopping voucher. Enter your till slip for more than R200 into the entry box in store and stand a chance to win fabulous prizes.
Miss Limpopo finalist cares Sheila Mmutle, a local beauty who is a finalist in the Miss Limpopo Beauty Contest showed her caring side this week. She chose the Nhezokuhle Driekop Youth Organisation as her charity of choice. Together with the Greater Tubatse Municipality and Tubatse
SUPERSPAR she delivered food parcels to the organisation. On the photo below are Mr Lazarus Tau (GTM), Ms Phindiwe Mnisi, Sheila Mmutle (in yellow) and Ms Hellen Mabowa from the youth organisation with some of the children. (Photo: Tubatse SUPERSPAR).
Tubatse SUPERSPAR involved with the community Tubatse SUPERSPAR donated foodparcels to the SAPS Cluster’s Women’s Network. They distribute these parcels to families in need in the area. Ms Phindiwe Mnisi (on the right) from Tubatse SUPERSPAR handed it to them. (Photograph: Tubatse SUPERSPAR)
16 NOVEMBER 2012
Wildevy Manne sluit jaar af Die Wildevy Manne Organisasie het hul jaarafsluitingsfunksie verlede Saterdagaand gehou. Daar is lekker saam gekuier terwyl daar ribbetjies en garnale gebraai is. Die nuwe bestuur is ook verkies. Die manne het hierdie jaar meer as R120 000 vir liefdadigheid ingesamel.
Die Wildevy Manne het hul nuwe bestuur vir 2013 gekies. Hulle is: Hannes Venter (Voorsitter), Vossie Voster, Jan Brits, Dirk Winterbach, Willem Montgomery (Onder-voorsitter). Afwesig: Embrich Cilliers (finansies) en Hannes Kruger.
Elke man het ‘n spesiale geskenk ontvang en hul vrouens is met sjokolade bedank vir hul ondersteuning en geduld met die Wildevy Manne.
Onthou die Geelvarkoorfees Die jaarlikse Geelvarkoorfees wat by Roossenekal gehou word vind hierdie jaar oor die naweek van 30 November tot Sondag 2 Desember plaas. Op Vrydag 30 November sal daar stalletjies wees (wat insluit varkoorplante iin blom, eetgoed, handvlyt en kralewerk van die plaaslike Ndebele vroue). Daar is ook ‘n kunstekafee waar daar puik plaaslike talent se werke uitgestal word. Daar is ook ‘n biertuin, teetuine en witblits, eie aan die omgewing. Saterdag 1 Desember tree kunstenaars soos Jay, Lianie May, Monique en Willem Botha op. Daar is ook ‘n potjiekoskompetisie waar organisasies en individue potjies kan inskryf. Die potjies word deur die 7de Laan akteurs Pieter Botha, Donnalee Roberts en Melanie DuBois beoordeel. Daar is ook ‘n Mej. Aronskelk kompetisie wat in 3 kategorieë aangebied word. Inskrywings kan by die fees gedoen word. Die Tonteldoos Donkieprojek bied donkiekarritte vir oud en jonk en daar sal ook bustoere na die geelvarkore in hul natuurlike habitat wees. Daar word ook ‘n bustoer na die byna voltooide De Hoop Dam beplan. Toegang is R60 vir volwassenes en R30 per kind. Daar is ook baie kindervermaak wat sal sorg dat die jongspan besig bly. Die Kingdom Builders van Stoffberg bied Sondagoggend ‘n Praise & Worship diens aan om die naweek af te sluit. Moet nie die naweek se pret en plesier misloop nie!
2012 ToyRun
Die Wildevy Manne ondersteun ‘Movember’ met hul snorre wat hulle laat groei.
On Sunday 25 November the annual Limpopo Valley ToyRun will take place again. In 2011 the organisers of the Limpopo Valley ToyRun distributed toys to more than 800 children in the community. Beneficiaries included: CMR Lydenburg, Thuto Ya Bana Creche, Uzunzela Orphans, Kgoro Creche, Roossenekal Home Based Care, Dikhulong Creche, Tau Ya Borwa Creche and Vuyella Pre School. They would like to support these children again and are therefore asking the support of the community. Apart from the gifts for the children, they are also trying to raise funds for one particular boy in need of medical equipment. Riaan needs this help to improve his quality of life. Every cent will make a difference. The ToyRun will be held at
Legends Sports Bar in Lydenburg. Bikers as well as non-bikers are welcome to attend. Donate new toys, non-perishable foods, toiletries and sports equipment for a worthy cause. There is a desperate need for gifts that can be given to children that are a little older as well as to teenagers. Things like sports equipment (cricket sets, basketball hoops, soccer balls, tennisballs and rugby balls are all welcome), craft kits, stationary, toiletries, make-up for the older girls. Please no toy guns. These will not be distributed. Doors will open at 09:00. For more information contact Joggie on 072 192 8276 or or Julia on 079 505 2749 or julia@mailzone.comEveryone is invited to come and join in the day’s fun for a very good cause.
Support Friend in Need Friend in Need is currently busy with their festive season project. They would like to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate children in the area through hampers consisting of food, gifts and other practical necessities. Contributions in any form are welcomed. Contact Hester Marx on or Elana Pieterse on
R10 000 each for these KFC customers The local Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet participated in a competition where customers could enter a draw and stand a chance to win R10 000. Two of the seven winners came from Burgersfort. They are Ms Monica Loretta Tebele (in pink) and Mr Lucas Makgoba (in green). With them are Mr Phillimon Rantho the manager of KFC Burgersfort, Mr Mabilu Derrick (friend of Mr Makgoba), Ms Thebogo Qibi (Ms Tebele’s sister) and Mr Brisco Matlala (also from KFC Burgersfort).
16 NOVEMBER 2012
Op die noot Lodewyk de Jager van Steelpoort Akademie het die ALMSA klavier eksamen gespeel en met eervolle vermelding geslaag. (Foto: Cornelia Ebersöhn).
Going to the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls One of the Calvin Prep School learners, Batsetsana Mathole (13) was recently chosen to attend the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls from 2013. She applied for
a bursary to attend the school and from 10 000 applications for 2013 only 15 grade 8’s were chosen. Her first trail was in Polokwane where she had to write English and Mathematics tests. In the second round there were more tests and interviews. For the third round she wento the Academy for a few days. More tests were written and interviews held. They also had to participate in specific activities and marks were given for their involvement. The bursary includes school fees, food, uniforms and boarding school. She did not get to meet Oprah during the trails, but will definitely next year when she enters an adventure of a lifetime. Calvin college is very proud of Basetsana and wishes her all the best.
Right: Tyreek GoolamHoosen was the Best Academic Achiever in the Prep School, the Best Reader, Busprefect and recieved an award for Exceptional Personal Development during 2012. He is on the photograph with Ms Sunlie Sales.
Advertising deadline: Tuesdays at 17:00 Contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 to book your advertisement.
Junior presteerders by Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort het verlede week ook in hul junior afdelings pryse uitgedeel. Die beste sportpresteerders van graad 1 - 2 was: Beste o/7 netbal Rose Tebele en Abigail Thobakgale; Beste vordering o/8 netbal - Gift Mjekula; Beste vordering o/9 netbal - Lebgang Manana; Beste vordering in die Bulletjie rugby is Adolf Weber, Jonathan Hattingh, Beste vordering in Mini-Krieket is Daniël Wolmarans. Jnr. Victrix Ludorm in swem is Dane van der Merwe. o/9 krieket is: Beste veldwagter - Pusheletso Thobakgale, Beste bouler is Bonolo Selepe en Beste kolwer is Retang Marebane. Die beste akademiese presteerders van graad 1 - 3 was Mrinal Cherian, Melissa van Emmeres, Gift Mjekulo, Phuti Rapudi, Thapelo Riba, Alyza Kleynhans en Abigail Thobagale. (Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Burgersfort).
Calvin Prep School awards On 9 November Calvin Prep School had their Awards Ceremony. On the photograph on the right are the grade 5 prefects and bus prefects. On the photograph below are the grade 4 bus prefects for the coming year. Congratulations to everyone who received a prize.
16 NOVEMBER 2012
Who do you believe when it comes Politicians from opposing parties will always try to discredit the opposition, but who do you believe? In a recent incident President Jacob Zuma stated that: “The inequality gap is not growing since 1994, it’s narrowing. In pre-1994 there were no black businesses. There were only corner shops and perhaps some butchery. Poverty was worse than what it is now”. The DA’s view was the opposite. Mr Tim Harris, the DA Shadow Minister of Finance said: “The truth is... that the latest available statistics on income inequality show that overall inequality has grown steadily”. The non-profit organisation, Africa Check which is run in partnership with amongst others the Wits’ journalism department went to check which of the two politicians were telling the truth. They found that neither Zuma or Harris was telling the truth.
‘They found that neither Zuma or Harris was telling the truth’ “The problem is that the president’s argument is about absolute levels of income, not income inequality,” said researcher Ruth Becker. She added: “And since income inequality is a measure of the difference between the richest and the poorest, an increase in income levels for the poorest will not reduce the gap if the income of the richest rise faster”. Their conclusion was that the gap between rich and poor isn’t getting worse, but it is not getting better either. According to professor Anton Harber of the Wits journalism department a service such as Africa Check is very important. He said: “It is partly to counter the quick spread of untruths. But I think it’s very much part of transparancy and a move to hold public figures accountable for what they say. “What we’re looking to do is put the correct facts out there. We all make decisions on policy and voting and things like that based on the discussion in the public arena, and if it’s illinformed, then we’re going to distort our decisions”. We asked readers how much they trust what politicians tell them and why they hold that opinion. We also asked them how much they trust companies such as Africa Check who claim to bring the truth to the people.
Mr Louis Matlakala said: “No, I do not yet trust what politicians say. They tend to just want to get support and I’ve found that they’ve lied in the past. I’ll trust some of the findings of companies checking up on the truth. If the findings are made by black people - no, I don’t trust it. If the findings are made by white people - yes, I’ll believe it”.
Me. Tina Botha sê: “Nee, ‘n mens kan politici nie vertrou nie. Ek glo net wat ek op TV sien en in koerante lees”.
Ms Tumisang Mawila said: “I don’t trust politicians at all. I do believe the findings of independent companies, but not what politicians tell us”.
Mr Silas Maebana said: “No, I don’t trust what politicians say. Many of them are full of corruption. They ask ‘Vote for me’ and then take the money for service delivery to take care of their own problems. I also don’t trust companies checking up on what is being said. They also just want money”. With him is Ms Magnecia Lesese.
Ms Etumeleng Mnisi (left) said: “I trust some individual politicians, but I don’t trust all of them. I have to say that I mostly trust the DA. I think they take care of the people and maintain their promises. I don’t trust companies checking up on the truth”. With her is Ms Yolanda Mopane.
Mr Freddy Ndindana said: “Ja, ja I do trust companies checking what politicians are saying. No, I don’t trust politicians”.
Ms Annah Mphela said: “No, I don’t trust what any politician says. I also don’t trust those companies doing research about the truth”.
Mr Gilbert Manaso said: “It is only Mandela we can trust. The politicians of today only want to feed themselves. They come to us for support before an election or before a congress, but when they are elected they forget us. It is hard to trust them. You have to scrutinise what they tell you. Ja, we really believe those companies checking up on what is the truth behind what is being said”.
16 NOVEMBER 2012
to telling the truth in South Africa?
Mr Peter Ngwana said: “I tust only Mandela because he worked his term and then allowed other people to continue. He knows what democracy is. Those companies who do fact checking have their own agenda. If they do something you must know that they will be benefiting from it”.
Me. Celesté Keulder sê: “Ek glo wat ek sien. Ek vertrou alle politici so ver as wat ek my eie neus kan sien”.
Mr Alpheus Maponya said: “I don’t trust a single politician or what they say. They are all liers. They just keep on making promises. Those companies also just want to benefit and feed themselves so I don’t believe their work”.
Mr Freddy Motswiane said: “I do trust what some politicians are saying. I trust my Ward Counsellor. Some of them do deliver what they’ve promised. We did get service delivery”.
Mnr. Neels Maree sê: “Nee, daar is nie ‘n manier waarop ek enige iets glo wat ‘n politikus sê nie. Sodra hulle ingestem is vergeet hulle wat hulle belowe het. Nee wat, ek vertrou ook nie maatskappye wat die waarheid navors nie”.
Mr Lazarus Malatsi said: “I don’t trust politicians or what they say. They lie to go and get rich. Those people who get into power get the chance to lie to get rich. I think Helen Zille drives the ANC. She keeps on telling everyone what the ANC is doing wrong, but if she gets into power the same thing will happen. The ANC will be telling the truth about what her party and the state is doing wrong. Perhaps if there comes a new party with people who have never lied to us and have never been in power, we will be able to trust them and believe what they say. Our democracy is still young and we have many problems, but we are learning”.
Mr Simon Molobela said: “I believe what politicians are saying. I’ve found that what the ANC politicians are telling me is true - so I believe them.”.
Mr Ignatius Mokonyana said: “Do your own research when you want to know something because one day you may find yourself in trouble if you just trust a politician. The rich will be rich and the poor will always be poor. Companies doing research on the ‘truth’ also have their own agenda. Where there is money there is no trust”.
Me. Janice Rheeder sê: “Nee, ek glo nie eintlik wat enige politikus sê nie. Hulle kom nie hulle beloftes na nie. Wat doen hulle nou eintlik vir ouer mense in Suid Afrika?” By haar is Jayden Moolman.
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16 NOVEMBER 2012
Proud Calvinites Calvin College hosted their annual Awards Ceremony on Thursday last week. Various awards were given out during the course of the evening. These included awards for academic achievements, cultural achievements and sporting activities. Teachers were also recognised for their
Mr Mike Roetz presents Selby Mashaba with the Calvinite of the Year award.
achievements, not only within the school but the whole circuit. The evening’s guest speaker was the headgirl from 2007, Miss Lerato Shai. Various items was also performed to keep everyone on the edge of their seats. At the end of the evening the school’s new prefects were also introduced to the parents. (They were already in the newspaper earlier this term).
The grade 11 top achiever award was presented to Jeanette Nkwana by Miss Lerato Shai (a previous Dux learner from the school and headgirl from 2007) and Mr Mike Roetz. Above: The Debate team did very well. They received certificates for their achievements during 2012. They are Keabetswe Ramaepadi, Marantha Lekwadu, Tebatso Molapo and Harmony Sefiti.
‘Work hard from day one of the school year’ - Miss Lerato Shai Right: In each grade the top five academic achievers were rewarded with certificates. The learners were encouraged not only work hard towards the end of their school career, but throughout. Here are the top
Miss Lerato Shai, headgirl of 2007 was the guest speaker at the prize giving ceremony. She just came back from Germany where she worked in the Daimler AG offices. She is now based in Centurion at the South African head office. She encouraged the learners to work hard from day one of the school year and to never give up on their dreams, but to also be realistic. She told them that you might be clever, but without hard work nothing happens. You might be the brightest in your school, but once you go out into the world, there are many strong, competent people against who you will compete for bursaries and eventually work. Above: The best male athlete in the school was Tanaka Mugweni. Mr Vandwani presented him with his award. The best academic achievers from grade 7 - 11: Jeanette Nkwana (grade 11), Harmoney Sefiti (grade 10), Mashoto Morethe (grade 9), Adam Abdullah (grade 8) and Smangele Koetsie
Below: The school celebrated their diverse culture with items from the gospel choir, the gum boots dancers and the traditional Indian dancers.
16 NOVEMBER 2012
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/ Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Te Huur/ To Let Luxurious bachelor flat to let in Burgersfort. Contact: 082 922 3909 Small office to let in Burgersfort. Contact Lionel: 082 923 4744 or 013 231 7412 Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation
Got some news? Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00 To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, e-mail or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website:
Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 Bread: 076 772 7607 Gloria: 082 614 3619
10. Te Koop/ For Sale
Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676
NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 54(2) (c) (i) of Government Notice R. 543 of 2010 promulgated in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998) as amended. The proposed activity entails the construction of an access bridge on the Farm Croydon 120 KT within Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Sekhukhune District. The project triggers Listed Activity No.11 (iii) provided for in Government Notice R.544 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998). An application for environmental authorization has been lodged on the 23rd October 2012 with the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) – LEDET REF.12/1/9/1-GS61 and NEAS No. LIM/EIA/0000521/2012 Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are invited to present written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 40 days (i.e. on or before the 17th January 2013) of the publishing of this notice.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PRACTITIONERS Vhu Hone Hawe Trading Enterprise cc Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Mr. Moifo M.L. PO. Box 2414 Tel: 015 298 9066 POLOKWANE Fax: 086 604 0476 0700 E-mail:
Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Public Notice
Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS
(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041
Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
Ander nood/Other emergencies:
Bottlestore For Sale Pret Liquor Burgersfort for sale. Serious buyers visit me at Pret Liquor Store next to CTM Burgersfort.
Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management - (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566
2012 / 2013 1ST Quarter Performance Report The First Ordinary Council Meeting held on the 31st October 2012, considered the 2012 / 2013 1st Quarter Performance Report. In order for the Council to give an oversight view on the said document, Communities, Magoshi, Ward Committees and Interested Partners are requested to give comment or input on the 2012 / 2013 1st quarter performance report. Documents will be available as from Tuesday, the 13th November 2012 at the following offices: · · · ·
Traditional Authorities Ward Committees Municipal Offices Libraries
Those who cannot read / write may come to the Speaker’s office during office hours for assistance from the Ward Councillors. Written comments or representation should be submitted on or before the 27th November 2012. Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:
H.L Phala Municipal Manager
16 NOVEMBER 2012
Tyd vir pryse by Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort het verlede week hul prysuitdeling gehou waar leerders vir hul prestasies gedurende die jaar vereer is. Die akademiese spanne het almal sertifikate gekry. Hulle is: Graad 4: Bianca Botha, Haneefa Abdul Aziz, Lethamaga Mothapo, Bonke Nkosi en Thato Sebopela. Graad 5: Keneilwe Shai en José Kleynhans. Graad 6: Ndabene Mokoena, Rynhard Mostert, Zuanté Wortley. Die beste akademiese presteerder in graad 4 - 6 was Bianca Botha met ‘n gemiddeld
Blessing Serokolo het die Platinum Gazette Wisseltrofee vir die Beste Senior Veldatleet (seuns) gekry.
Bo: Coelette Erasmus is as die Senior Beste Veld Atleet aangewys. Sy was ook die Veelsydigste Sport Dogter. Haar pa, skoolhoof, Coert Erasmus het die pryse oorhandig.
van 88,3%. Jean-Pierre Matthysen het ‘n sertifikaat vir netheid ontvang asook ‘n goud vir sy prestasies op kultuur gebied. Lelaine Pitzer het silwer en goue sertifikate ontvang vir haar prestasies in ongedramatiseerde poësie en beeldende kuns. Megan van der Merwe kry ‘n brons vir beeldende kuns. Abbey Nkwana and Patience Kobo received certificates for neatness. Petunia Tebele, Lebo Matlou, Mpho Komape, Ryan Viljoen and Patience Kobo received bronze certificates for English undramatised poetry. Sebeca Sekele received a silver in this catgory. Itumeleng Thobakgale gets a silver for her cultural achievements. Blessing Serokolo, Dullon du Plessis, Coelette Erasmus, Zelda Ludick , Johan Fourie, Wonder Takarova and Fionn Shingange received prizes for their sporting achievements. The new prefects for 2013 are: Muzaffar Abdullah, Bianca Burger, Chané du Plessis, Annelize Groenewald, Tana Jacobs, Zelda Ludick, Tokologo Malatsi, Dine-Mari Matthysen, Abigale McKinglay, Khaya Mokoena, Rynhard Mostert, Lethabo Seema, Thato Thobakgale, Nicole Truter, Tiaan Venter and Zuanté Wortley.
Bo: Blessing Serokolo het die prys vir die Veelsydigste Sportseun gekry. Hy was ook die skool se beste kolwer en beste bouler in 2012. Hy het deelgeneem aan rugby, atletiek en landloop.
Bo: Lelaine Pitzer het ‘n prys vir haar prestasie in Lewensoriëntering gekry. Sy is ook as die Ware Burger van die skool aangewys. Regs: Megan van der Merwe het 7 jaar se 100% skoolbesoek gehad en sy het die Quinton van Dyk trofee ontvang.
Regs bo: Jean-Pierre Matthysen het ‘n sertifikaat vir verdienstelikheid ontvang vir sy bywoning van die Nasionale Landsdienskamp. Hy was ook die beste presteerder in graad 7 in die volgende vakke: Beste Leerder Afrikaans Moedertaal; Beste Tweetalige Leerder; Beste leerder in Kuns en Kultuur; Beste leerder in Sosiale Wetenskappe en Beste leerder in Wiskunde. Hy was ook een van die skool se prefekte gedurende die 2012 skooljaar. Die nuwe en die ou prefekte gee die leiersfakkels na mekaar oor. Regs: Die skool se nuwe hoofleiers is: Hoofdogter: Bianca Burger (middel); Hoofseun: Lethabo Seema (regs); Zelda Ludick onderhoofdogter en Khaya Mokoena onderhoofseun. By hulle is skoolhoof, Mnr. Coert Erasmus en hul voog vir die jaar, Me. Lizbéth van Zyl.
Links: Die Graad 7 groep groet die skool met ‘n liedjie.
16 NOVEMBER 2012
Good start for Maatlopo Maatlopo United won both their games played last weekend. On Saturday they defeated Ngwaabe City Motors 3-1 and on Sunday Mooihoek 11 Experience 5-4. They collected 6 points in the first two days of the league. This was
sweet revenge for the team who was eliminated from the Nedbank Cup by 11 Experience the week before. The goals on Sunday was scored by Small Mampa (2), Wisdom Mafolo (2) and Obed Moimana.
Tubatse Chrome Golf Club and their sponsors Tubatse Chrome Golf Club hosted their annual Sponsor Golf Day. The day was filled with fun as they said thank you to the sponsors who makes taking care of the course possible. Get more photographs as well as all the results for the day on page 12 of this newspaper.
This week Maatlopo will host Leolo FC at Moroke Stadium. The game will be on 17 November and will start at 15:00. People are encouraged to come and give the teams support.
Above: Jimmy Makola, the Maatlopo PRO watched the game before leaving to go support Kaizer Chiefs. All game information provided by Jimmy.
16 NOVEMBER 2012
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Tubatse says thank you to sponsors It takes a lot of funding to keep the golf course in a pristine condition, this is only possible with the help of companies sponsoring the different holes on the course. As a token of appreciation the Tubatse Chrome Club invites its sponsors to the Yearly Sponsor Golf day. On this day they are treated to a round of golf and a lovely
meal afterwards, some refreshments are also available on course to help the players overcome the very hot conditions known at the Tubatse Chrome course. All the players commended on the good condition the golf course is in at the moment and thanked green keeper Johann Swanepoel for all the hard work he has done. This is a result of hard work and changes that was brought to the course over the past few years. “We are truly now only reaping the fruits of our labour” Johann said. “We would like to thank our loyal sponsors for their continued support of our beautiful golf course and look forward to have them back in the
new year. The sponsors of the course are – North West Recycling, Thorburn Security Solutions, Pick and Pay, Sebenza Scaffolding, Tech-North(Steelpoort), Pirtek, Tubatse Chrome, Filterman, Samancor ECM, Modikwa Platinum Mine, Minopex and Electro Diesel Steelpoort”. The day’s winners were: Winners – Team Sezbenza Scaffolding – Tim Marobane, Justice Mashego, Mack Nyundu and Bricks Mhlanga. Second Place – Team Pick n Pay – Anton Alberts, Norman Jordaan, Dries van Jaarsveld and Marius van der Merwe. Third Place – team Tubatse – Emrich Cilliers, Charl Volschenk, JJ vander Walt and Richard Daneel. Nearest to the pin no 4 – Tim Marobane. Nearest to the pin No 9 – Emrich Cilliers. Longest drive No 7/16 – Obet Mashego. Nearest to the pin second shot on
No 8 – Obet Mashego. Martin van Rooyen also won the R200 voucher Pirek put on as a prize by finding a hidden blue golf ball on the course. “Please be reminded of our yearly Xmas Golf day on the 8th of December 2012 – all players wanting play in this fun day are reminded to bring a wrapped gift to the value of R100 along on the day, this will be exchanged amongst each other !” said Willem Montgomery on behalf of the Club. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833. (Information: Willem Montgomery).
The Tubatse Chrome Golf Club Sponsor day took place last weekend.
ECM Golf Day Samancor ECM hosted their annual golf day on 2 November 2012. The purpose of the golf day was to raise funds for community projects. It was a day filled with fun and laughter when Jady Heyns caught the players with his hidden camera tricks. ECM would like to thank all the vendors and employees who participated in the golf day and who made contributions towards this cause. (Photographs & information: Mariska Stickling)