Platinum Gazette 16 November 2018

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Tubatse Fetakgomo Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

16 November 2018

Time and Date: Wednesday 14 November 2018, 10:48: “These cars are our cars. We are still striking because our demands are not met. We are just a few present now because the other strikers went on lunch. The meeting to suspend the mucicpal manager and Chief Financial Officer has been postponed till tomorrow� (members of South African Municipal Workers Union, employees of Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality who are striking because they were allegedly not properly amalgamated after the last local government election. They say the money to do it went into the unlawful VBS Mutual Bank investment. R230 million - read more on page 3.

VBS Mutual Bank- saga still takes centre stage

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031




Wildevy Manne sluit die jaar af Die Wildevy Manne het 2018 verlede Saterdag afgesluit. Die manne het hard gewerk gedurende 2018 en ‘n baie suksesvolle Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag aangebied. Daar is ook ‘n groot Golfdag gehou en geld wat ingesamel is gedurende die verskillende projekte word in die gemeeskap en in areas waar hulp baie nodig is, terug geploeg. Die afsluiting het die vorm van ‘n bring-en-braai aangeneem en die hele gesin het kom saam kuier. Daar is reeds vroeg die middag weggespring met ‘n toer “down memory lane”. Die Wildevy waaronder die eerste vergaderings gehou is, is besoek en Lodewyk de Jager het aan die groep ‘n bietjie geskiendenis daaroor gegee. Daar was natuurlik ook tyd vir pret by die Rooiwalle voor daar teen donker vure aangesteek en lekker saam gekuier is. Die Wildevy Manne het elke lid, hul gesinne, die borge en deelnemers aan projekte bedank vir die ondersteuning gedurende 2018.

‘n Saamtrek rondom die Wildevy in die vallei waar alles begin het. Lodewyk de Jager het aan die groep meer vertel oor waar die Wildevy Manne hulle bestaan vandaan gekry het. Oud en jonk het heerlik saam gekuier. Die vroue en kinders was deel van die dag se pret en later kuier om die vuur.

16 NOVEMBER 2018

Focus on Expanded Public Works Programme during summit Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi says the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is designed to help mitigate some of the effects of poverty, unemployment and contribute to plugging a major gap in the social security net. In a recorded message delivered at the 6th Expanded Public Works Summit underway at Saint Georges Hotel in Pretoria on Tuesday, Nxesi said the mandate of the EPWP is to provide work opportunities and income support to poor and unemployed people, through labour-intensive delivery of public and community assets and services, thereby contributing to development. Since 2010, the Department of Public Works has hosted five EPWP Summits. The 6th Summit is said to provide an opportunity to reflect on the EPWP, which is currently in its 15th year of implementation. The programme was conceived at the 2003 Growth and Development Summit, in which government agreed to grow public employment programmes (PEPs). “Consequently the programme provides poverty and income relief through temporary work for the unemployed in socially useful activities across four sectors namely infrastructure, environment and culture, non-State and social,” Nxesi said. Nxesi explained that the EPWP is positioned to contribute to government’s goals of alleviating poverty, developing local communities, providing work opportunities and enhancing social protection, as emphasised in the National Development Plan’s Vision 2030. “The EPWP Summits are not meant to be talk shops. Each summit concludes with resolutions relating to performance, protocols and polices, which include targets that have to be achieved by public bodies,” he said. Gauteng MEC for Infrastructure Development, Jacob Mamabolo, said EPWP is important for the country to create job opportunities. “The programme gives the poor and the unemployed the necessary skills to survive the harshness of our economy,” he said. EPWP participant Jerry Nkuna told SAnews that the programme was a life saver. “After completing matric in 2008, I could not secure employment and life was tough. EPWP gave me hope. Now I am able to put food on the table.” Nkuna not only supports his family but he is now able to do paving, a skill he learnt while taking part in EPWP. “I am looking forward to having my own company and employing young people who are unemployed,” he said. The EPWP is a nationwide programme covering all spheres of government and State-owned enterprises. It aims to draw significant numbers of unemployed and unskilled people into productive work so that they increase their capacity to earn an income. The participants are employed under the Ministerial Determination: Expanded Public Works Programme and Code of Good Practice.

Hebrews 11:1-3 New International Version (NIV) Faith in Action 11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

16 NOVEMBER 2018



VBS Mutual Bank Saga - where are we now?

An ‘unfolding nightmare’ Premier Mathabatha

Colourful, almost beach like or as if in lounging in the park with umbrellas in the sun. Municipal employees, members of the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) in Burgersfort were still on strike on Wednesday morning. Residents of the municipality could at the most, buy water. Nothing more. No services, zilch, nothing. As reported on page 1, the SAMWU members say there is no progress with regard to their demands regarding proper personnel amalgamation between the erstwhile Fetakgomo and Tubatse municipalities. They say there is no money to do it as the municipality unlawfully invested R230 million in VBS Mutual Bank. That bank was put under curatorship and will now be liquidated by court order. The money is gone after the looting of the bank and will probably not be recovered in any way. Last week Premier Chupu Mathabatha ordered the suspension of the Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality Municipal manager and Chief Financial Officer by council decision. That decision had not been taken by the time of going to press on Thursday 15 November 2018 morning (it is also one of the demands of the strikers), but was scheduled for later in the day. On Monday a council meeting at Apel descended into chaos instigated by council members themselves, who took an oath (if they can remember it) to actually govern. This week the Premier officially opened the Executive Council (Exco) Budget Lekgotla in Bela-Bela Municipality, Waterberg District. The Budget Lekgotla is held under the theme: Promoting fiscal sustainability in the province”. In his opening remarks, Premier Mathabatha urged delegates that “As CEOs, CFOs, HODs and Municipal Managers, we are called upon to embrace the urgency of a prudent fiscal policy that is able to respond to our developmental objectives. Such a fiscal policy that is able to assist in ending poverty, addressing the question of unemployment and bridging the ballooning gap of inequality”. He urged and warned that strategic planning meetings should never be reduced to talk-shows – this is because resource allocation always follows the work that was done in those sessions. “If your planning is not up to scratch, it would mean that resource allocation will be misdirected”, he advised. He emphasised the importance of proper planning rather than rushing into implementing half-baked plans. “This Budget Lekgotla is taking place within an environment of the negative publicity emanating from the much-talked VBS saga. Contrary to what some may want to believe or want us to believe, the VBS story is not about individuals, neither is it about politics and political point-scoring. The VBS story is about the people”, says Premier Mathabatha. “This unfolding nightmare is about ordinary men and women who work very hard to build lives for themselves and to secure the future for their children. These are the people whose confidence has been betrayed in the worst possible manner. These are the men and women whose investments have been liquidated by greed and brazen criminality. The VBS story is about the misuse of public resources. The VBS story is a story about the total disregard of the laws and prescripts that govern the use and management of public resources”, says Premier. Premier Mathabatha said that his government know that the National Treasury did warn municipalities against investing in VBS and this was not because the National Treasury was against the imperatives of transformation or against the empowerment of a Black owned Bank. “The reasons for this warning were very clear and well-articulated to the municipalities. Whilst the law permits municipalities to invest some of their resources with financial institutions, the law is very clear that such an investment should only be done with a Bank as defined in the Banks Act. We now all know that municipalities were made aware that VBS was not a registered Bank in terms of the Banks Act”, Premier Mathabatha alluded.

Sekhukhune District Makes work of IDP The Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality Cllr Keamotseng Stanley Ramaila gives a comprehensive opening remarks on the occasion of Integrated Development Programme (IDP) forum meeting earlier this week. The Executive Mayor spoke about the need for integrated planning amongst spheres of government and the need for technocrats to have visionary leadership in developing the district municipality. To give hopegives hope to its communities and continue to fight the triple challenges of Poverty, Unemployment and Inequality.


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16 NOVEMBER 2018


Steelies honoured at prize-giving ceremony Steelpoort Academy held its annual Prestige Prize-giving ceremony last week Thursday. Proud parents came to see how their children are honoured for their achievements in academics, sport and culture.

The top five academic achievers in the high school was Magadi Chiloane (87,48%), Karabo Lesenya (82%), Nogane Kgwete (81%), Thabang Shai (78,11%) and Keitumetse Motloutsi and Lisakhanya Tukela both have 74,85%. The highest average in grade 8 and 9 went to Magadi Chiloane. Links: Die graad 7 Dux leeders vir 2018 was Alyza Kleynhans en Gideon Miller.

Alyza Kleynhans is aangewys as die Steelie van die Jaar. Sy is ook die Veelsydigste dogter van die jaar - graad 7. Alyza is ook aangewys as die skool se graad 7 dogters Dux leerling en sy het die hoogste akademiese gemiddeld van graad 4 tot 7. Sy is deel van die skool se top tien en het ‘n akademiese balkie en trofee daarvoor ontvang. Sy het die beste prestasie in Lewensoriëntering, Kuns en Kultuur, Tegnologie, Wiskunde, Natuurwetenskappe, Afrikaans Eerste Taal, Engels Tweede Taal en Sosiale Wetenskappe. Sy was die beste presteerder in graad 7 Afrikaans Medium. Alyza ontvang ‘n trofee vir die dogter wat deurentyd volhardend geoefen en positief gebly het met sport. Sy kry ook die toekenning vir die beste Senior Kultuur presteerder. Lilly Gwanyanya was the best Senior Girl in Cross Country for the year. Mrs. Riekie Strydom handed over the trophy to her.

Miané Knoetze ontvang die Dr. M Kapp trofee vir Wellewendheid in die Laerskool. Regs: Henré van Niekerk het die Salomé Goosen Wissel Trofee vir Junior Kultuur prestasie ontvang. Dit is aan hom oorhandig deur Mev. Alta Schoeman.

Andre Roux is die skool se Krieketspeler van die jaar. Mnr. Armin Maritz oorhandig sy trofee.

Die nuwe hoofleiers van die skool is: Solly Malomane (hoofseun), Simoné Gouws (hoofdogter), Armand Myburgh (Onderhoofseun Akademie), Anouscha Hattingh (Onderhoofdogter Akademie), Adriaan de Jager (Onderhoofseun Buitemuurs) en Claire Graham (Onderhoofdogter Buitemuurs). In Grade 4 the best academic achievers were Bethany Kriel, Tshegofatso Ramoretli, Tshegofatso Maripane and Khutso Sekhukhune. Bethany Kriel was also the best achiever in grade 4 Afrikaans Medium and Tshegofatso Ramoretli in the English Medium.

Nkosi Mavuso was the Best Senior Cross Country Boy in the school. Left: Rati Mogodiri was the school’s Sports Girl of the Year. She was also the most versatile sports girl and the most dedicated. She was the Netball player of the year. Girls Athlete of the Year and Girls Hockey Player of the Year.

Josca Eason and Thabo Thaesa were chosen to form part of the Limpopo Athletics team.

Right: Blessing Hamandishe was the Ring ball Player of the Year. Mrs. Arlene Malan handed over his trophy to him. He was also honoured for being selected for the SA Invitational Ring Ball team.

Left: Thapelo Mahlake was the learner with the Best academic achievement in Grade 7 English Medium. She received a trophy for her achievement.

Blessing Hamandishe was the Most versatile boy in grade 7. The trophy was handed over by Mr Anton Alberts, Mr Dinkanwane and Mr Danie Koesen.

16 NOVEMBER 2018


Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beånnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beånnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Te Huur/ To Rent TO LET 3 Bedroom house in small security complex close to Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Available immediately. Deposit upfront. House equiped with alarm system that can be monitored. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954

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Seize this opportunity to join Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine, a values-driven Company that unconditionally cares for its people. Our Mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60 kilometers from Lydenburg and 40 kilometers from Burgersfort, is a world-class producer of Chrome Ore.



BeĂĄnnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in the Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regards to design and reproduction.

“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.� – Henry Ford

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Platinum Gazette

Visit your local professional art and dĂŠcor framer in Steelpoort. 24 Years experience in framing. Get the option that fits your taste and budget!Small gifts and crafts available in store. Stockists of EPA! NOW BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND - SWEET ANGELS BOUTIQUE

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(REF. DCM/FIN/PQO) The successful applicant will report to the Senior Procurement Officer or nominee. Minimum educational requirements: • Grade 12/Standard 10 Certificate with Mathematics and Science or relevant commerce subjects • Relevant Trade Test with N2 • Code 08 (EB) driver’s licence • Advantageous: National Diploma in Purchasing/ Procurement/Supply Chain Management. Experience (including but not limited to): • At least 5 years’ extensive practical experience on technical (repairs) procurement • Advantageous: At least 1-3 years’ extensive experience as a TMM Foreman. Duties (including but not limited to): • Design, manage and maintain the engineering technical quality control system and procedures in the Quality Department according to ISO standards, including on-the-job training of stakeholders • Evaluate and approve work by internal and external service providers, recommend and monitor penalties to be applied or non-conformances to be addressed • Monitor and evaluate the performance of internal and external service providers and their products, to investigate deviations and to recommend and manage corrective action • Audit and assess current and potential service providers and recommend their accreditation status • Evaluate and recommend actions pertaining to rotable components and assist and advise stakeholders during the repair process regarding quality and progress • Investigate warrantee claims by identifying the liable party and process claims until all outstanding issues are resolved • Service Level Agreements/Scope of Works: Set the standard for preparing a scope of work, review and recommend new scopes of work for approval, update and maintain scope of work databases including the regular review thereof and train stakeholders with regards to scope of work requirements • Continuously evaluate/analyse current practices and services and make recommendations for improvements/changes regarding eg quality, reliability, costs and efficiency • Receive rotable component failure report • Obtain strip and quote, compare and approve quotes, and submit recommended quote to relevant supervisor/manager or approval • Raise the order and expedite timeous delivery • Perform quality inspection upon receipt of equipment, accept/reject component, approve invoice and hand relevant documentation and component over to the Stores to GRV • Complete relevant works order and close on JDE system • File hard copy as required • Print weekly report from JDE system and present at weekly meeting • Generate ad hoc reports on request. Selection will take place according to the Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Recruitment Operating Procedure. A strong consideration will be the individual’s fit with the Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Values. The successful candidate will be appointed on the Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Conditions of Employment, which includes being certified medically fit as per the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29/1996. Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine is an equal opportunity employer, and due consideration will be taken in terms of the company’s employment equity plan including Mining Charter objectives. Preference will be given to suitably qualified black females and people living with disabilities. CVs may be submitted to Dwarsrivier Recruitment, via e-mail: or fax: 086 413 0195. Please clearly indicate the reference number on your application or In the subject line of your e-mail. All candidates must ensure that all relevant certified (certified by SAPS) qualifications, certificates, and licences are attached to their application. Short-listed candidates will be required to authenticate information provided in their CVs. Correspondence will be entered into with short-listed candidates only. Candidates may be required to undergo psychometric and other relevant assessments. Please note that criminal and credit checks may be conducted for this position. If a candidate fails to provide information or submit proof of qualifications as per the minimum requirements above the application will not be considered. No late or unsolicited applications will be considered. No recruitment agency CVs will be accepted. Closing date: 19 November 2018 at 12:00

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The Working Earth 11-22262

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16 NOVEMBER 2018

Platinum Gazette

Hard work rewarded as Burgies receive awards Laerskool Burgersfort held their annual prize-giving ceremony last week. Learners were rewarded for excellence in academic performance, but also recognised for their achievements in sport and culture. The new leaders were also introduced and the head boy and head girl for 2019 announced.

The Platinum Gazette trophy for Best Senior Boys Track Athlete went to Onkabetse Nare. Ben Fouché het die Platinum Gazette Wissel Trofee ontvang vir die Beste Senior Seun Veld Atleet. Sarah Lin was the highest achiever in academics in grade 5 with a percentage of 89,66%. She was also the netball player in the under 11 group who made the best progress.

Mafiri Phala and Fatimah Ali was the gold achievers in academics in the Grade 6 E class.

Mckayla Olivier en Hendrico Hattingh het goue toekennings vir akademie in Graad 4 A ontvang. Juanita Bothma is die skool se Veelsydigste Sport Dogter vir 2018. Sy het deelgeneem aan atletiek, swem en was deel van die skool se eerste netbalspan. Sy ontvang ‘n brons toekenning vir akademie.

Markus Moll is die skool se Veelsydigste Sport seun vir 2018. Hy het deelgeneem aan Atletiek, landloop en swem. Mnr. Koert Erasmus oorhandig die trofee aan hom.

The new prefects for 2019 are Fatimah Ali, Ricardo Cossa, Heather Fambi, Shanell Mabaso, Naome Mashishi, Onkabetse Nare, Mogale Nchabeleng, Alex Surmon, Claudia van Staden, Sloan van Tonder, Kati-Mari Venter and Hamzah Yusuf Omar. The deputy head boy is Katlego Shebu and the deputy head girl is Lesedi Shai. The head boy is Tshegofatso Masinga and the head girl is Lani Lombard. Regs: Jhanke de Beer was die enigste leerder in Graad 5 A wat ‘n goue sertifikaat vir haar akademiese prestasies gedurende die 2018 skooljaar ontvang het.

Left: Lesedi Mashego, Keamogetswe Kaloshi, Tumishang Selala and Sarah Lin all received gold certificates for their academic performance in grade 5 E during the 2018 school year. Classic Nkadimeng received the Quinton van Dyk trophy awarded to a learner who did not excel in sport or academically, but was always willing to help, even when he or she was not part of the activities. This trophy aims to motivate learners to be part of Laerskool Burgersfort. Tumi Mafahla received the Ware Burger (True Citizen) trophy. This learner stood out as an ambassador for the school and was always friendly, reliable, willing to help, loyal and neat. The school’s Dux learner was Abigail Thobakgale with an average of 84,49%.

Tshepang Malapane was the Best Junior Bowler and the Best Junior Batsman in cricket during the year. Adolf Weber was the Best Senior Bowler and he was also named the Cricket Player of the Year. Candice Kock was the Best Senior Batsman in the school. The best achievers in the different subjects in the grade 7 group. English Home Language - Motheo Morena (80,82%), Afrikaans First Additional Language - Abigail Thobakgale (87,51%), Best Bilingual Learner - Abigail Thobakgale (83,83%), Technology: Dimpho Makgamatha (80%), Mathematics - Abigail Thobakgale (85,67%), Social Science - Tshegofatso Phasha (90,67%), Economic Management Sciences - Abigail Thobakgale (84,17%), Natural Science - Motheo Morena (91,67%), Arts and Culture - Oratile Mohlala (90%) and Life Orientation - Abigail Thobakgale (87%). Abigail Thobakgale, Tshegofatso Phasha and Motheo Morena also received gold certificates for their academic achievements in grade 7 E.

Lani Lombard was die Senior Redenaar Kampioen vir 2018 en die Senior Wenner in Afrikaans vir Redenaars. Naomi Mashishi was the Senior Winner for Public Speaking in English.

16 NOVEMBER 2018



Tyron, the new champion The Chrome Masters 2018 tournament took place at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club last week. The tournament stretched over two days and saw more than 80 players compete for the ultimate title of Masters Champion 2018. Tyron Luck walked away with the prize after a Birdie on the 18th. Players enjoyed the sponsor stops along the course to make a long day’s play a little shorter. On Friday evening players were entertained by Jakkie Louw and the competitive spirit made way for the forging of new friendships that will continue in years to come. The management of Golf Club would like to thank every player, sponsor and contributor who made the day possible and ensured a successful foundation for the 2019 competition. They look forward to seeing everyone again.

Betrekkings/Vacancies VACANCY: Bookkeeper Indigo Fruit Farming (Packhouse: Nelspruit and Burgersfort, Mpumalanga) requires the services of a suitably qualified and experienced person as a Bookkeeper. The Bookkeeper will be responsible for the overseeing of financial and administrative processes in the company. We offer a competitive remuneration package with excellent career development opportunities and exposure to broaden your knowledge and experience. Qualifications and skills required: • Diploma or university degree majoring in accounting. • Minimum of 3 years’ proven experience in accounting. • Knowledge of Pastel accounting will be a pre-requisite. Competencies: • Strong communication and interpersonal skills. • Excellent problem solving, analytical and numerical abilities are crucial. • Strong organisational skills with demonstrated ability to meet deadlines. • Excellent knowledge of computer skills (Excel, MS Word, Outlook and electronic banking). • Able to work independently with minimal supervision. • Effective handling of detailed information and consistent attention to detail.

Responsibilities and duties: • Prepare, examine and analyse accounting, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness and conformance to reporting and procedural standards of the Company. • Ensure that correct procedures are followed for statutory reporting. • Assist with internal and external audits conducted in the Company. • Perform general administrative duties as requested. • Stock reconciliations, managing general ledgers and all financial input documentation. • Participation and preparation of annual budgets. • Assisting with monthly wage processing and calculations.

Candidates meeting the above criteria, may apply in confidence enclosing a detailed CV by e-mail to Please specify the application reference number in your subject heading. Application Ref No for Nelspruit: TWY001 Application Ref No for Burgersfort: NPA001 Applications close on 22 November 2018. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. If the company does not contact you within two weeks after the closing date for applications, please accept that your application was not successful.


16 NOVEMBER 2018

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Don’t miss the Laerskool Lydenburg golf day at Tubatse Club Laerskool Lydenburg will be hosting a golf day to raise funds for the school at the Tubatse Chrome Club on 30 November 2018. Players are still welcome to enter teams. It will cost R1200 for a 4 Ball and R2000 for a Waterhole Sponsor. Bookings and enquiries can be made with Amanda - 082 493 9727, Joey 082 874 5795 or Maureen - 076 061 6615. Alternatively e-mail Maureen.

TUPS growing stronger and stronger TUPS is growing in popularity in the whole of Limpopo and SUPER B has now also taken hands with the TUPS initiative. SUPER B sponsored bibs were handed over recently. A demonstration game between Team B TUPS Club and Sedupe TUPS Club also took place during the handover ceremony of the bibs. Mr Bertus Vlok gave a motivational talk to the players - many whom are currently writing their matric examinations. The day also saw Ms Lerator Charity Mampa from the Thabantsho Community Radio Station and her staff sample the sport in games against the community. In the meantime talks are ongoing to launch the Sekhukhune District TUPS Royal Cup tournament. This is aimed at encouraging communities to participate in this indigenous sport of Sekhukhune. The district tournament will be held on Monday 17 December 2018 at Black 11 Sports Ground in Ga-Seopela, Schoonoord in the Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality. The theme for the tournament will be #IREPmyROYALTY which means that TUPS players will be playing to represent their royal traditional leaders and the royal values and respect of collective development. To invite TUPS sport to start a team in your community, kindly contact Mr Puleng Mmotla on 076 360 2091.

Pulana Maroga soccer league teams playing hard Pulana Maroga Soccer league is going strong and last weekend’s results were: Saturday - Mathipa ground: Golden Spears: 0 vs Mighty Rovers:1. Barcelona: 2 vs Tearing Lions: 0. Happy Fighters: 1 vs Stone Breakers: 2. Morethe ground: Real Touch: 3 vs Lenareng: 1. Bafaladi: 2 vs Maruleng: 0. Young Dribblers: 1 vs Bull Bull: 6. Lebalelo ground: Fast 11 Jnr: 1 vs Happy Stars: 1 Mighty Blues: 0 vs Mighty Bucks: 2. Hungry Vultures: 1 vs Driekop FC: 1. Results for Sunday - Mohlophi ground: Tearing Lions: 0 vs Bafaladi: 1. Mangabane: 4 vs Young Dribblers: 0. Fast 11 Jnr: 0. Barcelona ground: Golden Spears: 7 vs Happy Fighters: 2. Mighty Blues: 3 vs Stone Breakers: 5. Barcelona: 3 vs Hungry Vultures: 3. Maruleleng ground: Real Touch: 3 vs Driekop FC: 1. Maruleng: 1 vs Mighty Rovers: 1. Lenareng: 1 vs Happystars: 0.

(Information and photographs: Pulana Maroga Soccer League)

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