Platinum Gazette 16 September 2011

Page 1

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De Hoop Dam grinds to a halt

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© Platinum Gazette

16 September 2011

By the time of going to press yesterday, workers at the De Hoop Dam were still locked out of the workplace by the employer, after labour unrest at the construction terrain. But, there is hope for De Hoop, says Mr Johan van Niekerk, who is the Project Manager, who told Platinum Gazette “we will again give the workers the opportunity to talk about their grievances”. Work on the multi billion rand de Hoop Dam grinded to a halt more than a week ago when workers in the batch plant where the concrete is mixed went on strike. They had problems, according to a spokesperson the newspaper talked to, with a supervisor. The strike was declared illegal and according to Mr Van Niekerk, 108 dismissed themselves by not abiding to the terms of their employment contracts. As a result the rest of the workers (about 1000) went on strike in solidarity with the workers who lost their jobs. They were eventually locked out and were still locked out yesterday. A spokesman for the locked out workers told Platinum Gazette by telephone yesterday that they expect talks to resume on Monday when the labour forum will meet again at the dam. In the mean time the construction site remains deserted and workers remain outside. As far as can be determined the De Hoop Dam project is government’s biggest construction project at the moment, now that the Gautrain has been completed. The Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality Cllr Mogobo David Magabe says he is concerned about the ongoing strike at the construction site. “As much as this is a labour matter we are very much unsettled by the strike as the District Municipality. We are worried that further delays in the construction of the Dam will lead to delay in as far as our people getting water is concerned. Our hope is that due processes as prescribed by our labour laws should unfold towards a speedy resolution of these impasse. Ours is that all parties must find each other so that the construction of the Dam which is currently 63% complete, must commence as soon as possible so that we meet our target of completion of the Dam in October 2012”, Cllr Magabe told the media. Photographs in this page were taken on Monday.




Ga-Maroga wants their road tarred The road from ASA Metals’s plant at Dilokong to Smokey Hills was hotly debated this when the community decided to block the road with stones and debris. Platinum visited the area on Wednesday. It was cold, windy an very quiet. Vehilces moved carefully on the gravel road to miss the stones and debris, and the Ploice kept a watchful eye on the goings on at GaMaroga. Most people kept inside the houses. The atmosphere was not exactly tense, but it was if the normal goings on was severely disrupted after protests earlier in the week. Platinu,m Gazette managed to make way to a shop a ew kilometeres into this area where members of the community spoke to the newspaper.“This is not against the government, it is gainst the mines. They use this roads to transport chrome and other stuff with large trucks. The trucks do not keep to the speed limit and generate a lot

Hickup at the new Alverton - Kgautswane road

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147

“This road is for Alverton and Kgautswane, not only Alverton” said one of the members of the SMME interest group that caused work on the construction of this road to be temporarily halt last week. When Platinum Gazette arrived at the site of the main contractor in Alverton last week Friday, employees of this contractor were playing soccer next to the road they are suppoesed to be building. In front of the gate of the main contrators camp were a group toyi-toying. They were unhappy because they are smaller subcontractors who allege corruption by the community labour forum who they say, sell jobs and discriminate against SMMEs from Kgautswane (Rietfontien) against what the Limpopo MEC for Roads and Transport, Pinky Kekana, told the communities when the project was launched. “This road is for both communities and we as SMMEs must have equal opportunities. We have lodged our grievances at Road Agency Limpopo (RAL), but received no answer”. Construction resumed this week after RAL said they

of noise and dust, which is bad for our health and safety. A lot af accidents occur on this road, especially on weekends. We want the road the be tarred up to where it links up with the newly tarred section at Maandagshoek.”They say mining companies such as Platinum Australia (Smokey Hills) should build this road because they get the most economic benefit from it. “In the mean time we suffer because of the dust and the trucks and accidents. Wealso want lights next to this road, because after dark nobody is safe on this road. A lot a gangsters also use this road for their own criminal benefit.” The Department of Health and Social Development has cancelled a a District Health Care Testing and Intensified Case Findings Campaign for Mine Workers and Community in general that was due to be held at the Maroga Sports Grounds today because of “riots in the community”.

will answer to grievances in due course. When Platinum Gazette contacted the disgruntled small businessmen yesterday, they said RAL has undertook to answer them by yesterday afternoon.

Small contractors who are unhappy, pose for the camera infront of the main contactor’s gate.


Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.




Minister sends top DMR officials to Sekhukhune The Minister of Mineral Resources, Ms Susan Shabangu, MP, on Tuesday dispatched top departmental officials to the Greater Tubatse Municipality to meet with the local chiefs, members of the community as well as the mining industry operating in the area. This meeting was a follow-up to the visit of the minister to the area last year during which a number of concerns were raised including, among others: - Mines do not benefit local communities (no local employment, no learnership opportunities, no procurement and SMME opportunities for locals)

Mokutung gets signal Mokutung Village, near Echo Caves, celebrated their brand new cellphone tower and Vodacom signal last week Saturday. The vollagers slaughtered a cow and the event was attended by a large number of community members, the kgoshi from Kgautswane under which the village and local headman resort, Vodacom employees and marketing personnel, as well as

Lebowa Business PPark, ark, Burgersfort OK Minimark TTel: el: (013) 231 7227

representatives of the two schools in the village. Mr Ishmael Hlomane said on behalf of the cellphone company that the power of the internet in invaluable and connectivity has the potential to transform education and accelerate economic and job growth. Four of the company’s WebBoxes to the community in Mokutung. Webboxes such as those in Mokutung are designed to give communities basic internet access, comparable to that of a smartphone on a bigger screen. Two of the devices were donated on saturday to Kgaola Secondary School and one to the Mokutung Primary School. The other one found its way to the tribal office in Kgautswane. The base station only provides a Vodacom service, (GPRS and Edge, no 3G).

- Water and environmental pollution by some mines, caused by blasting - Lack of proper consultation and structures to engage properly with affected communities - Divisions within communities, which stifles development - The need for an Integrated Development Trust to drive development in Sekhukhune. Officials led by the Deputy Director General: Mineral Regulations, Mr Joel Raphela, met magoshi earlier Tuesday and they are also met leaders of the mining industry based in the area. One of the main decisions of the meeting with the community and the magoshi was that a workshop regarding mining issues will be arranged very soon which will also be attended by other relevant stakeholders including provincial and local government. The head of the delegation will brief the Minister after which the latter will visit the area as soon as her diary allows her to do so.




Steelpoort Akademie baie bedrywig met sport(s) Verlede Vrydag, 9 September 2011, het Steelpoort Akademie se leerders hulle plastiek handskoene aangetrek en die dorp gaan skoonmaak. Die leerders het swartsakke ontvang en die dorp ingevaar.

Elke graad het ‘n ander area skoongemaak. Die skool is baie omgewingsbewus en elke leerder het dit geniet om deel van hierdie projek te wees en sy verantwoordelikheid teenoor die gemeenskap na te kom. Die skool het Pick n Pay en Growth Point bedank vir hul borgskappe van handskoene en swartsakke. (Sien foto’s links. Foto’s geneem deur Colleen Language). Maandag het die o/13 seuns teen die ouers en onderwysers krieket gespeel (foto’s onder en regs). Dit het vir groot pret gesorg.

Links: Die O/11 Hokkiespan wat verledeweek proewe gaan speel het op Malelane. Hulle het 2 wedstryde verloor en een gewen.

Go Bokke go!

Locals showed their support for the Springbok Rugby team at the IRB World Cup in many ways during the last week. Steelpoort Academy dressed up in their Springbok jerseys last Friday before leaving to clean their town (photograph above, taken by Cornelia Ebersöhn). Supa Quick Burgersfort also dressed up on Saturday (photograph below). They were quick to show who they support when Platinum Gazette visited them.




Groot KFC Mini-krieket dag by Laerskool Burgersfort Verlede Saterdag, 10 September het Laerskool Burgersfort die KFC Mini-krieket toernooi aangebied. Altesaam 11 skole het deelgeneem. Hulle was: Mafemane, Riba, Mokgabudi, Itirele, Morwakgwadi, Steelpoort, Dipitsi, Mabotsha, Legoleng, Ohrigstad en Burgersfort. Die dag het nie gegaan oor wie wen of verloor nie. Die doel was om die kinders se belangstelling in krieket te prikkel, hulle ‘n geleentheid te gee en hulle selfvertroue op te bou terwyl hulle fisiese oefening kry.Die distriksverteenwoordiger

asook die provinsiale verteenwoordiger, Dr Mpho Mosepa het die geleentheid bygewoon. Ouers en skole kon ook minikrieketstelle teen R45 ‘n stel koop. Elke kind het ‘n medalje ontvang en hier en daar was daar gelukkiges wat ‘n speelding van KFC losgeslaan het. Die skool bedank graag Vision Meat, Charity Stores, PLM Boerdery, KFC, al die ouers en onderwysers en leerlinge vir die borgskappe, werk en ondersteuning om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak.

Die kinders het in verskillende ouderdomsgroepe deelgeneem en elke kind het ‘n beurt gekry om te boul en te kolf. Soms het die ouers en onderwysers gehelp om rigting aan die boul en kolfwerk te gee en so die kinders te leer.

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Rebuilds on sale

Volgende week hou Rusoord kermis Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes in Lydenburg se jaarlikse kermis vind op 23 en 24 September plaas. Dit begin die Vrydag met ‘n optog deur Lydenburg se strate. Dit begin om 12:30. Die Saterdag begin ontbyt reeds om 07:00 en vir R30 beloof hulle die beste ontbyt in die land. Daar sal ook ‘n reuse vleistafel wees met die beste moontlike pryse. Eetgoed, naalwerk,

groente, witolifanttafel, koektafel, tombola en nog baie meer sal ook deel van die dag vorm. Daar sal kompetisies vir hoede, babas, kleuters, tieners, oupa en ouma en vir die man met die grootste maag wees. Stalletjies is beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie. Almal is welkom om die dag te kom ondersteun en geniet. Navrae: Jeanetta Kruger by 013 235 3858/ 013 235 2146/082 759 2962.

Engines * Gearboxes


Tyres for sale

BMW, Corolla, Tazz, Citi Golf, Polo Classic, Opel Astra, Sentra, Opel Corsa, Hyundai and much more

Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936




Burgersfort Photography Club winners for August Daryll Geddes entered excellent photographs for the August competition and walked away with a few first, second and third places. Ruan Kleynhans took the month’s theme winning photograph (see photo right). The theme for August was painting with light. The Platinum Gazette challenge was local wild flowers. The theme for September is Illusions and the Platinum Gazette challenge to photograph food that can be used in a recipebook about National Braai Day. All photographs entered into the competition must be e-mailed to and must reach Platinum Gazette by 30 September 2011. The next meeting will be on 3 October 2011 and everyone is welcome to join the club. Get full details about the club in the diary on page 8. Enquiries: 083 276 1643.

Photo: Ruan Kleynhans

The monthly winner of the Photography Club theme photograph receives a R250 OK Grocer voucher.

Photo: Daryll Geddes

Photo: Daryll Geddes

September theme:

Photo: Daryll Geddes

Photo: Daryll Geddes

Illusions - Be creative and see how you can photograph things that seem impossible e.g. hold the moon in you hand or ‘leaning’ against a far-off building. Play and have fun!

Duncia dankbaar vir skenking Angle Grinders: 115mm 900W - R295 230mm 2110W - R995

Mitre Saw 120W - R795

Impact Drill: 13mm 650W - R355

Orbital Sander 180W: - R265

Get these and much more in-store!

Ca$h Trader Behind old ABSA bank, near Cheap Cheap Tel: (013) 231 7140

Die Shapes for Women van Burgersfort se vrouehet ‘n insamelings aksie van stapel gestuur om vir die Duncia Safe Haven for children ( in Lydenburg) ‘n skenking te stuur. Dit is onder leiding van Wilma Du Plooy gedoen en al die vrouehet hul harte oopgemaak vir hierdie saak. Binne n baie kort tydjie het hulle sommer heelwat nie-bederfbare produkte ingesamel.Die Duncia Safe Haven for Children is ‘n veilige hawe wat tot stand gebring is vir kinders wat a.g.v. ongunstige omstandighede uit hul ouers se sorg verwyder is deur welsyns organisasies. Duncia Safe Haven is geregistreer as ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie en is geheel en al afhanklik van bydraes en donasies van die publiek en ontvang geen subsidies nie. Finansies is dus ‘n probleem wanneer dit kom by die betaal van

water, ligte, kontant vir skool uitstappies en benodighede, huishuur, brandstof vir vervoer en onvoorsiene uitgawes. Die huis kan soveel as 8 kinders op ‘n slag huisves en hulle wissel van 2 maande tot 16 jaar oud.As daar enige iemand is wat graag ‘n bydrae wil lewer kan hulle dit persoonlik na die Duncia Safe Haven neem of hulle kan internet oorbetalings doen. Daar is ook debietorders beskikbaar vir maandelikse finansiele bydraes. Die bank besonderhede is:ABSA bank, Rekening nommer: 40724 11853, Tak Kode is : 334-351.Die huismoeder, Rika Jansen, kan gekontak word by 072 - 300 - 7730. ‘n Hartlike dankie aan al die mense van Shapes for Women wat bereid was om vir hierdie goeie saak, hul harte oop te maak! (Artikel en foto: Santie Carelse)

Rika Jansen is die huismoeder.




Are we winning against crime? “The crime statistics for 2010/2011 clearly show that we are making progress in some areas, that there are instance where we are reaching stability and there are types of crimes which are still a challenge,” was the words of Zweli Mnisi, the Chief Director of the Ministry of Police recently. According to the statistics crimes such as murder, sexual offences, assault with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm, aggravated robberies,house robberies, car hijackings, truck hijackings, burglaries at residential premises, cash-in-transit robberies, bank robberies, stock theft and the illegal possession of firearms and ammunition decreased. ATM bombings, drug-related crimes and drunken driving increased. We asked readers what they think about the statistics and whether they agree that progress is being made.

Mr Michael Makofane said: “The statistics are true. It is not like last year. We have to bring this down, but the Police can do nothing without us”. Me. Maryna de Lange sê: “Dit is nie die ware toedrag van sake nie. Mense het nie vertroue in die SAPD nie, so hulle meld nie meer sake aan nie. Kyk net na die groot hoeveelheid plaasmoorde en selfs goed soos OTM-kaarte wat gesteel word. Dit ruk hand uit. Ek weet nie waar kry hulle daai syfers nie”.

Mr Absalom Legwai said: “It is a regional thing. You’ll find somewhere crime has gone down, but at another place not. If we know people who are involved in crimes, the crimes are often not reported because of fear of being seen as a suspect or being questioned. The CPF on its own is not working. They don’t have enough power”.

Me. Lettie Lourenco sê: “Nee. Dalk word een ding minder, maar iets anders word meer. Mense meld nie meer sake aan nie, want daar word nie sake oopgemaak nie of die dockets raak weg. Mense neem daaroor nou al die wet in eie hande. Die polisie help ons nie meer nie”. By haar is Sherrice en Manny Lourence asook Zuanté Wortley. Links: Mnr. Essie Esterhuyse sê: “Dis gekook daai goed. Hulle maak dit op. Die ander kant van die saak is ook dat mense nie meer sake aanmeld nie”.

Ms Katlego Boshego said: “Die statistiek is reg. It is right according to what is reported. It is important that is right - they must know how things are. It is like a person asking you how many children you have at home and not knowing. I think about 88% of people do not report crime. We have many victims. They must start reporting the crime”.

Mr Katishi Mohlala said: “In Burgersfort there is still lots of crime. Here young people use remotes to open your car and steal everything. When you go to report it to the SAPS they don’t want to open a case. They say you were ignorant. The same if someone used a petrol card and the attendant had you pay more than on the pump or at a grocery store where the cashiers look to get your pin and work with thieves outside who steal your card. For all this they say you are ignorant. The SAPS are either lazy or involved in crime so they don’t have the true statistics”.

Mr Petrus Riba said: “People don’t report the crimes, that is the problem. If it is reported and the Police work, it can really go down. Working together we can do more”.

Mr Tiego Molatudie and Ms Provea Mashego said: “We are actually winning against crime”.

Ms Rebeccah Mmoyane, Ms Hunadi Makwana and Ms Hellen Mohlala said: “Most of the crime is not reported. When it is not reported, it is actually going up. Housebreakings are sometimes done by relatives or friends and it is not that easy to report that crime. Some of the SAPS are working, but some are friends with the criminals”.

Mr Maphuphe Mahlakoana said: “We are not winning against crime. It is increasing. The statistics are not reflecting the whole picture. They must employ more policemen and do patrols at night, not only in town, but in the villages as well”.

Me. Mercia Reinecke sê: “Ons hoor nie altyd van die misdaad nie. Ons bly op Ohrigstad, ‘n ou klein rustige plekkie en daar is nou al by dieselfde ou twee keer in ‘n kwessie van twee weke ingebreek. Daai statistieke is net om ons stil te hou. Die syfers is nie korrek nie’.




Letters / Briewe Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue.

Just in case they feel left out... They also participated in a competition (guess which one) at the Winterveld Festival two weeks ago.

Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.

Dagboek / Diary To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail) This is a free service.

Fotografie Klub Die Burgersfort Fotografie Klub se volgende vergadering vind op Maandag, 3 Oktober plaas. Alle lede sowel as belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te woon. Dit sal om 18:00 in Burgersfort gehou word. Daar word elke maand na ‘n ander aspek van fotografie gekyk en die lede leer by mekaar en oefen soms tegnieke. Die maand se foto tema is Illusions. Vir meer navrae kontak Ruan Kleynhans by 083 276 1643; Daryll Geddes by 083 612 2021; Braam Matthysen by 073 582 3654; Jaco Smith by 079 697 7356 of Mark Geddes by 083 601 6158. Foto’s wat vir beoordeling ingeskryf word, moet teen Vrydag 30 September 2011 na gestuur word. Op-Wakker-Groep padstalverkope Die Op-en-Wakker groep vir bejaardes staan weer die laaste Vrydag van die maand by die Pure Plaas plaasstal buite Ohrigstad met hul kosverkope. Daar is heerlike vetkoek, pannekoek, gemmerbier, koeksisters, vars gebak en jaffles te koop. Die fondse word tussen liefdadigheid en die bejaardes se toer na Namakwaland verdeel. Laerskool Burgersfort Golfdag Laerskool Burgersfort bied op 24 September 2011 hulle golfdag aan. Dit vind by Tubatse Chroom Klub plaas en afslaantyd is 08:30. Persone wat ‘n bof wil borg kan dit teen R1200 per bof doen - halfweghuis ingesluit. Kontak die skoolkantoor by 013 231 7606 vir enige navrae. Laerskool Ohrigstad Damesoggendtee Damesoggendtee te Hanna Lodge (Ohrigstad) vind op 15 Oktober 2011 plaas. Die dag se Gasspreker – Milan Murray. ‘n Ligte middagete sal bedien word. Koste van kaartjies beloop R150.00 Vir besprekings en verdere inligting kan die skoolkantoor gekontak word by 013 238 0020. Laerskool Ohrigstad revue Laerskool Ohrigstad bring ‘n revue op die planke op die 15de en 16de September. Almal is welkom. Kom kuier saam met ons in ‘n Franse dorpie en geniet die Kabaretmusiek. Vir besprekings en verdere inligting kan die skoolkantoor gekontak word by 013 238 0020. Calvin College Revue An evening with Calvin 2011 takes place on Friday 23 September and Saturday 24 September 2011. The concert will start at 18:30 and tickets are available the school office or at the gate on the evening of the performance. Adults will be charged R20 and Pupils R10 for entrance. Fabulous Food and Wine Fair The Fabulous Food and Wine Fair will take place on 30 September and 1 October at the Watervalsrivier Geloftefees terrein. On 30 September Claude Moller will be the guest speaker. A R250 donation per person will provide you with a four course meal, two bottles of wine per table, entrance to the session with Claude, entrance to the Fair the next day and camping facilities from Friday to Sunday. It will also include pap and sauce for Saturday evening’s braai. (Bring own meat and drinks). The alternative is a donation of R100 per person which will give you entrance to the wine tasting and stalls on Saturday 1 October. This will start at 10:30 the morning. Food stalls will include trout, Indian dishes, cakes, sweets, cheese and much more. Different Wine Estates will also showcase their wines. During the day there will also be cooking demonstrations. Children under 18: a R20 donation. They are not allowed into the hall where the wine tasting will take place. There will be kiddies entertainment. No cooler-boxes. Bring own camping chair and picknic basket. Stalls are still available at R200 each. Through this event the organisers aim to raise funds for CANSA. Enquiries: Elize, 082 416 1420 or Tubatse Ferro LAN Competition Tubatse Chrome Club will feature a sleep-depriving three day “Ferro” LAN event. This is a wired melting pot of adrenalin-filled gaming in the form of a 47-hour BYOC (Bring your own Computer) LAN. The Ferro LAN, with a maximum of 100 gamers connected to the same network for a weekend of pure gaming. Call of Duty 2, Quake 4 and DotA Tournaments. R150 per ticket. Tickets available from A Fernhout, 013 230 8210 or 072 286 4354 or

w w w

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The event is planned for 30 September to 2 October 2011.

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Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop

(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic Water & Sanitation Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) Electricity (Eskom)

(013) 2147265 (013) 615 0204 (013) 2317843 082 900 4449 0800 330 022 0860 037 566

Thought for the week "We always say that victory begets peace, but it never does." - John Dominic Crossan (IrishAmerican religious scholar)

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.




Brandweer kuier by Besige Bytjies Kleuterskool Besige Bytjies Kleuterskool in Tubatse Woongebied het op 2 September hope pret gehad toe die brandweer daar gekuier het. Die graad 0 leerlinge van Joshua Generation het ook die dag bygewoon. Die kleingoed is eers vermaak deur ‘n brand wat geblus is en hulle het ook beurte gekry om die brandslang vas te hou. Hulle het in die brandweerwa gery en daarna die warm weer benut en deur die strale water wat die wa kan spuit, gehardloop. Daarna is is daar heerlik geëet voor almal pootuit huis toe is.

Betrekkings/ Vacancies

SHEQ Administrator and Internal Auditor Role Purpose: The incumbent will be responsible for the maintenance of the Integrated SHEQ Management System and to audit compliance of current practice against the requirements. Requirements: In order to apply, you will need a grade 12 or equivalent. ISO 9001 Implementation and Auditing Certificates. ISO 14001 Implementation and Auditing Certificates. OSHAS 18001 Implementation and Auditing Certificates. At least 5 years experience of maintaining a Management System. At least 2 years experience as an Internal Auditor in the Smelter and/ or Mining Industry. Computer Literate (Microsoft Office). Medical Certificate of Fitness and a valid Code (08) driver’s license are essential requirements. Proven knowledge and experience of a SHEQ Management System in the Smelter and Mine environment. Ideal (In addition to the above): The ideal candidate would also have knowledge of MHSA. TQM Certificate. ISO 17025 Implementation Certificate. ISO 17025 Auditing Certificate. SANS 16001 Implementation Certificate. SANS 16001 Auditing Certificate. Key performance Areas: To maintain the SHEQ Management System. Evaluating ISO OHSAS Codes to ensure requirements for the system certificate are met. Identify gaps in the Integrated SHEQ Management System. Address any shortcomings of the system by revising or drafting procedures or initiating the revising and drafting procedures. Secure accessibility of documents through a systematic filing system. Conduct integrated Internal Audits on site to establish compliance. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preferance will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, quoting the post title, to the HR Office, at fax: 013 230 7793 for attention Hammar Tshego or e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days of the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

(Foto bo: Elana Pieterse)

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October 2008 16 24 SEPTEMBER 2011


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale

Advertising deadlines are on Tuesdays at 17:00 and editorial deadlines at 17:00 on a Wednesday.

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does”- Stuart Henderson

Platinum Gazette

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Betrekkings/ Vacancies REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company JOB POSTING: MINE MANAGER - LIMPOPO Reporting to: General Manager Minimum qualifications and skills: BSc. Mining Engineering or equivalent; Mine Manager’s Certificate Metalliferous mines; Knowledge of budgeting & costing; Computer literate; Excellent communication and managerial skills; Medically fit

Experience: 10 years underground production experience; 2 years experience in a senior management position within a contract mining environment; A proven track record in meeting project deadlines and adhering to financial management targets


REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company JOB POSTING: SHEQ MANAGER Reporting to: Managing Director Minimum qualifications and skills: Grade 12 or equivalent; Degree/Diploma in Safety Management; Diploma in SHEQ Lead Auditing; Mine Manager’s Certificate will be an added advantage; Valid driver’s license; Computer literate & medically fit

Experience: 5 years experience as SHEQ Manager; 10-15 years experience in underground mining environment; Risk Management Experience; SHEQ systems development and implementation; Hands on knowledge of the operation of business units; Proven ability to operate at high management level

Responsibilities: Coordinate the safety management system; Manage SHEQ requirements; Ensure compliance to SHEQT policy & procedures; Manage Human Resources

Accountability for the management of all business aspects of project site; Maintaining and improving client relationships; Building a strong motivated management team; Achieve, and where possible, exceed safety, production and financial targets Please refer to this reference number when applying for the position. REF NO: MM0207-LIM

JOB POSTING: SAFETY OFFICER - NORTHAM Reporting to: MINE/SHEQ MANAGER Minimum qualifications and skills: Matric certificate or equivalent; Blasting Certificate; National Diploma: Safety Management; First aid (level 1) certificate; Training in advanced incident investigations; Training in hazard identification and risk assessments;Valid Driver’s License; Medically fit

Experience: 5 years experience in underground mine as Safety Officer Extensive knowledge of Mine Health and Safety Act

Responsibilities: Health and Safety; Adherence to Mine Health & Safety Act; Training of staff with regard to Health and Safety; Risk assessments/audits; Reporting of Health & Safety hazards, incidents and accidents Please refer to this reference number when applying for the position.

Redpath Mining South Africa is an Equal Opportunity Employer REF NO: SFT0206-NOR CLOSING DATE: Friday, 23 September 2011 Interested applicants must forward a 2-3 PAGE RESUME to: The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 Please refer to this reference number when applying for the position. REF NO: SHQM-0198 If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.

Redpath Mining South Africa is an Equal Opportunity Employer CLOSING DATE: Friday, 30 September 2011 Interested applicants must forward a 2-3 PAGE RESUME to: The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.




Latest Inter-mines cricket log standings The Mototolo Inter-mine Cricket league is still going strong.

The most recent standings are reflected in the log below.

Twickenham soccer tournament The Twickenham soccer tournament still continues. Read more about last weekend’s action on page 12.

Titaniese Pro 20 krieketstryd Die spanne van Modikwa noord en suid skagte het mekaar dié week aangevat op die krieket veld by Laerskool Burgersfort. Hierdie langverwagte wedstryd het plaas gevind onder die wakened oë van baie ondersteuners van albei spanne. Daar het ‘n lekker feestelike atmosfeer geheers met braaivleis vure wat hoog gebrand het. Suid skag het eerste gekolf en effens gesukkel teen ‘n baie sterk boul aanval deur die manne van Noord. Na al die kolwers uitgeboul is, was besluit om al 20 boul beurte aftehandel en so is daar weer voor begin, Suid het 125 lopies aangeteken. Die manne van die Noorde wat reeds lank as ‘n span saam speel het met baie sterk

Some of the places we distribute newspapers: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Burgersfort Toyota * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters * Mecklenburg SAPS * Tubatse Village * Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court * Penge

openings kolwers gou die teiken bereik en na almal weer ‘n beurt gekry het met 156 lopies met Suid afgereken. Hierdie was ‘n baie lekker spanbou en wat almal geniet het. Die manne wil graag Laerskool Burgersfort bedank vir die gebruik van hul geriewe en pragtige klub huis. (Foto’s: Nigel Rheeder. Inligting: Willem Montgomery).

Around the World golf day On 8 October Tubatse Chrome Golf Club will be hosting their annual Around the World Golf day. This day is always much fun and is the ideal opportunity for businesses to market themselves by sponsoring a hole. At the hole a different country is represented and anything goes. Food, fun, drinks and costumes are often part of the day’s activities. If you would like to sponsor a hole, contact Martin van Rooyen on 082 816 4833.

Auto electrician, Artisans & Millwrights Fermel (Pty) Ltd Invites applicants from suitably qualified and experienced fields to apply for the above position at our various sites: Mooihoek, Northam, Amandelbuilt, Paadrekraal, Steelpoort and Rustenburg.

REQUIREMENTS Must have completed an Apprenticeship, and be in possession of a recognized appropriate Trade Test Certificate. At least 2 years proven Trackless Equipment experience in a mining environment Good proven hydraulic experience. In possession of a valid Certificate of Fitness (Red Ticket). Have valid driver’s license. Be medically fit to work underground. Be willing to work shifts.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Maintenance of trackless mining equipment all mechanical equipment and installations compliant to legal standards Standard operating procedures are applied in the execution of tasks All reports and required legal records are maintained as stipulated SHE Compliance, Good House Keeping Ensure safety and standard compliance at work PACKAGE The package will be market related. APPLICATIONS Applications to be made to Aletta Brits HCRM (Human Capital Recourses Manager) (Email: Fax Number 0866044535) CLOSING DATE The closing date for all applications is 28 September 2011 Should you not hear from us within 21 days of the closing date, you should assume that your application has not been successful.


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Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936


Platinum Gazette

SPORT Plaaslike Karate Klubs by Montrose toernooi Die Burgersfort GSKA Karate Klub het verlede Saterdag ‘n toernooi by Montrose aangebied. Meer as 50 kinders het daaraan deelgeneem. Die plaaslike klubs van Burgersfort en Steelpoort het baie goed gedoen en spog met vele goud en silwer medaljes. Me. Jolanda Hietbrink, organiseerder van die toernooi het almal bedank vir hul deelname en hulp om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak.

Twickenham soccer tournament on a roll Eight more teams won their games last weekend and will be going through to the last 16 in the tournament. They are Manchester United, Kind City, Tjate Rovers, Motene FC, Stoke City, Dynamos, Mosego and Young Chiefs. This week’s fixtures are: 17 Septermber: Evergreen vs Manchester United, Young Chiefs vs Dynamos, King City vs Motene FC, Tjate Rovers vs Widac. On 18 September: Marapong vs Cosmos, Arsenal vs Mosego, Stoke City vs Real Rovers and Tears vs Lebalelo. All the games start at 10:00 at Ntoampe Stadium. Support this tournament with prize money worth R70 000. Enquiries: Maleven Daniel Phasha, 082 438 9757. (Compiled by: NJ Makola).

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