Platinum Gazette 17 April 2015

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

17 April 2015

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147


Hiccup for Evraz Highveld Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium Limited, with operations in Witbank and also the owner of the Mapochs Mine in Roossenekal, has on Tuesday announced to creditors, shareholders, employees and trade unions that the company’s board has decided to commence voluntary business rescue proceedings in terms of section 129 of the Companies Act, 2008 (as amended). In a Sens (Securities Exchange News Service) announcement the company says the board of directors of Highveld has resolved that the company does not have adequate funding to meet its obligations for the short term. This is primarily as a result of historical operational difficulties and sustained financial losses within a capital constrained operating environment, adding “This is despite the current operational stability achieved through the recent implementation of the company’s operational turnaround plan. Highveld’s financial position has further been negatively impacted by weakened global steel and vanadium markets and a severe reduction of domestic steel demand”. The business rescue resolution has been filed with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). The announcement says the board that implementation of voluntary business rescue will afford the business practitioner the opportunity to consider the continued implementation of the turnaround plan and successfully re-establish the Company. An application for the immediate suspension of the listing of Highveld’s shares on the JSE (Johannesburg Securities Exchange) in accordance with section 1.9(a)(iii) of the JSE Listings Requirements, was approved by the JSE. The company has also announced that a previous agreement (see front page of Platinum Gazette of 15 August 2014) to sell 34 percent of Highveld to Macrovest 147 (Pty) Ltd, has lapsed ant that the envisaged sale will no longer take place. Due to the uncertainties associated with the business rescue proceedings the company was not able to release its results as required earlier this week.

A number of pedestrians squeeze past earth moving equipment that started to dig trenches through Burgersfort this week. These trenches are for the pipes that have been dumped all through the town, and the pipes are for the Mooihoek / Burgerfor bulk water supply, meaning the government are spending money on water reticulation in the area with a view on improving service delivery. Bear with the traffic chaos that will follow, it is worth it.


17 APRIL 2015


d e v o r p p


Dwarsrivier Chrome and Everest Platinum Mine transactions approved The Competition Commission has recommended to the Competition Tribunal that the large merger whereby Assore intends to acquire Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine from African Rainbow Minerals Limited (ARM), be approved without conditions. ARM earlier this year that announced that the company intends selling it’s share in the joint venture to venture partner Assore subject to approval from the competition authorities. After the merger Assore will have sole control over Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine. Assore, through its various joint venture entities and subsidiaries, is involved in the mining of manganese, iron and chrome ores together with other industrial minerals and the manufacture of manganese and chrome alloys. Dwarsrivier Chrome is a chrome ore supplier to the global chrome market. In the same communication to the media the Competition Commission has also announced that the proposed merger between Micawber 278 Proprietary Limited (Micawber) and Everest Platinum Mine (Everest Mine) be approved by the Competition Tribunal without conditions. Further, Micawber intends to acquire and take cession of the mining right associated with the Everest Mine. After the merger Micawber will have sole control over the Everest Mine and will also own the mining right associated with the Everest Mine. Micawber is a wholly owned subsidiary of Northam Platinum Limited (Northam). Northam is an independent, mid-tier, integrated platinum group metals (PGMs) producer. The Everest Mine is active in the mining and exploration of PGM and associated mineral resources. The Everest Mine is owned by Aquarius Platinum South Africa (Pty) Ltd and the mine is currently under care and maintenance. Northam Platinum earlier this year announced the possibility to start mining after the aquisition of Everest, which will probably be renamed to Booysendal South.

“I am a plaƟnum teacher” Twickenham Mine and five school circuits in the communiƟes surrounding the operaƟon are pioneering the exploraƟon of integraƟng educaƟon technology and ConƟnuous Teacher Professional Development to address serious educaƟon challenges as the beginning of an educaƟon turnaround strategy. The pilot is led by the five Department of EducaƟon circuits and facilitated by Anglo American PlaƟnum. The first training commenced on 25 February 2015. Arrangements were made internally at Twickenham Mine

to ensure full aƩendance of Department’s representaƟves. The venue, Phokwane Centre in Sekhukhune, was sponsored by Vodacom. Rabia Awasi, Vodacom’s FoundaƟon Programme Manager; and Josine Overdevest, content manager for the Digital Classroom, conducted the training for the team of Champion Teachers and subject advisors. The training focused on the Vodacom Digital Classroom and Vodacom e-School educaƟon resources, including a wealth of educaƟon supplementary resources and tools, and how to

integrate them into daily learning and teaching to address criƟcal prioriƟes idenƟfied in a meeƟng with circuit managers: Subject Content and Pedagogical Gaps among Teachers; MiƟgate Risk to Current 2015 Learner Performance; and Supplement Learning and Teaching Support Material. The intervenƟon was sancƟoned and led by Department of EducaƟon circuits to

improve learning and teaching in their schools. The iniƟaƟve will benefit schools situated within a 50km radius of Twickenham Mine. AŌer training, evaluaƟon will be done to idenƟfy any challenges and verify whether these digital educaƟon resources are relevant and should be rolled out to the rest of the schools across the five circuits to address educaƟon prioriƟes and challenges.

Champion Teachers who aƩended the training Name of school

Surname and iniƟals


Mogolahlogo Secondary

Letsoalo ML


Motloulela Secondary

Komane PW


Malegodi Primary

Mabuza PS



Mametja HM



Mokwena KK

Dilokong Driekop


Mabilo RR


Serage KR


Ledingwe Primary

Mapea KA


Poo Secondary

Makofane SM


Dihlabakela Secondary

Matsemela MV


Bonwankwe Primary

Malatji TF


Rabia Awasi, Vodacom FoundaƟon Programme Manager.

17 APRIL 2015



NUUS On Tuesday 14 April 2015 members of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) at Twickenham Platinum Mine gathered for a feedback meeting. This meeting was a follow-up on one held in November last year. (March! page 3, Platinum Gazette, 21 November 2014). Last year a memorandum was handed over to Twickenham Platinum Mine management, addressing issues such as section 54 stoppages and the paying of bonuses. They asked the mine to give attention to excessive use of labour brokers and to focus attention on the development of employee skills as prescribed by the Skill Development Act. On Tuesday the issue of bonuses were again in the spotlight. Employees asked their representatives to assist in determining how incentive bonuses were paid over the last few months. The employees claim that as far as they could determine only people working in the engineering departments and administration offices received incentive bonuses. The group later dispersed peacefully.

38 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord�. Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)


17 APRIL 2015


Praktiseer hawker stalls almost finished The hawker stalls in Praktiseer are coming along nicely. These stalls will be equipped with doors and shutters that can lock up at night. This seems to be different from the open plan approach, happening in Burgersfort. Hawkers are still trading patiently on the sidewalks while they await completion of the stalls.

Design D Geddes

Digging up town for new water infrastructure Planning and patience will be key in the next few months while pipes are being put in place for the bulk water supply as planned by the Sekhukhune District Municipality. Burgersfort’s fast expansion has necessitated the upgrading of the current reticulation system. To install the pipes deep trenches are being dug next to the road. Contractors are working carefully not to damage any electrical cables that may be close to the trenches, moving cables where necessary. This installation process does however mean traffic chaos, sidewalks that are being lifted and disruptions in town - hopefully all worth it.

17 APRIL 2015



Parking problems

A reader took the photograph on the right last week Friday. “Is this the place to park?� he asked. Platinum Gazette has asked the same question in the past after a stormwater drain was damaged by a truck doing the same thing. According to the Traffic Department it is illegal for trucks to park like this. You can report them at 013 231 1000 with Chief Traffic Officer V. Lekwadu.

A winner at A1 Fisheries Wholesale

Youth Council going strong The Youth Council of Greater Tubatse Municipality last week hosted a media briefing. The purpose of the event was to highlight the role the council play in highlighting issues such as education and assistance

with other youth related problems in the area. Youngsters wishing to contact the Youth Council can contact their coordinator, Jeffrey Mashoeu on 076 489 1476.

A1 Fisheries Wholesale ran a competition for their clients in which a freezer could be won. Customers had to buy for R2000 or more to enter the competition which ran over two months. This week the lucky winner, Mr. Zheng Chao Cong received his prize. Ms. Wanda Pieterse, Store Manager congratulated him. She thanked him and all their loyal clients for their support.


17 APRIL 2015


First phase of Operation Mabone launched On Tuesday 14 April 2015 The Department of Energy, Mphaphuli Consulting, Greater Tubatse Municipality Respresentatives, Eskom, concerned residents from various villages and other stakeholders came together for the launch of the next phase of Operation Mabone. This project will see the electrification of 30 villages within Greater Tubatse Municipality over the next two years. The original plans included only 20 villages, this has however been adjusted to bring the power grid to more people in the area as soon as possible. The launch included a presentation of Operation Mabone, a question and an-

swer session as well as a message by Greater Tubatse Mayor, Cllr. Ralepane Simon Mamekoa. He appealed to the group to take responsibility for the project as this is not only going to bring them electricity, but is also creating much needed job opportunities in the area. During the first phase of the project deliberate damage to property of approximately R1 million caused much concern. There is still a reward for anyone who can supply information that will lead to successful prosecution of those responsible for the damage. Questions included the difference between the different Voltages, pre-paid meter installation and how to eventually access the infrastructure.

Did you know?

Greater Tubatse Municipality is one of the fastest growing areas and this places an additional amount of pressure on the electrical infrastructure and supply system.

A large number of representatives from villages in Greater Tubatse Municipality came together for the launching of the next phase of Operation Mabone.

17 APRIL 2015


Everyone is ready Launching the next phase of Operation Mabone will see 30 000 households with access to electricity in GTM.

Operation Mabone Everyone is responsible “Everyone is responsible. Operation Mabone can only be successful if everyone takes responsiblity for it. Assist where possible and work together. From the contractors and the municipality to the residents who will be affected by infrastructure installation. Making sure that theft and damage do not delay the provision of service is everyone’s responsiblity” - this was the message from GTM Mayor, Cllr. RS Mamekoa.



17 APRIL 2015


30 000 households will be electrified through Operation Mabone

Operation Mabone celebrated Service delivery in terms of electrification is a priority in Greater Tubatse. This was emphasised at the launch of the first phase of Operation Mabone. Problems experienced previously has made everyone wiser and the message this time is that working together is the key to success. Residents are encouraged to contact the project’s Steering Committee with their problems.

Dialogue on Operation Mabone Hannah Game Lodge was abuzz with activity on Tuesday morning when stakeholders met to not only celebrate but also properly communicate about Operation Mabone. Everyone had their chance to speak and ask questions or to clarify any concerns.

Going pre-paid Operation Mabone is about giving as many people as possible living in Greater Tubatse Municipality access to electricity. The pre-paid meter system will however still require residents to buy their electricity. Electricity usages vary according to what appliances are being used. Things like airconditioners are heavy electricity users while a single light is not.

17 APRIL 2015


Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

9. Te Huur/ For Rent


Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-9603689 of (013) 2317899.

2014/15 REVISED SDBIP Members of the Community, Civil society, Business, Magoshi and all interested parties are hereby notified in terms of MFMA Sections 53(3)(a) and 54(1)(c) that the Council has in its Special Council

To place your advertisement, contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147. E-mail to:

seating held on the 10th March 2015 adopted the 2014/15 Revised Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan(SDBIP) For more information contact Tshilwane MJ @ 013 231 1186 during working hours. Moja MM Acting Municipal Manager

adverts@platinumgazette. com

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

9. Te Huur/ For Rent d1B d A 2 and Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100 Bachelor and two bedroom flats to let in Burgersfort Contact: 082 922 3909 Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005

The deadline for placing advertisements is on a Tuesday 17:00. Get noticed, advertise your business now!

Betrekkings/ Vacancies

NOTICE There will be no Platinum Gazette on 1 May 2015. The office will however be open and the newspaper will be published as normal on 8 May 2015. Enquiries: 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676 or

BURGERSFORT BETREKKING/VACANCY: Verkoopsman/Salesman - Vereistes/Requirements: • Moet matriek hê/Must have matric • Moet ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie hê./Must be in possession of a valid drivers license • Vorige verkoopsondervinding sal in die persoon se guns tel/Previous sales experience will be an advantage • Moet rekenaargeletterd wees/Must be computer literate • Moet goeie kommunikasievaardighede hê en as deel van ‘n span, maar ook op eie inisiatief kan werk/Must have good communication skills and be a team player but also have the ability to work on own initiative • Moet verkoopsdoelwitte kan bereik en die ekstra myl gaan/Must be able to reach sales targets while being willing to go the extra mile. BETREKKING/VACANCY: Admin Dame/Admin Lady - Vereistes/Requirements: • Moet matriek hê/Must have matric • Vorige administrasie en kantoorwerk sal in die persoon se guns tel/Previous admin and office work experience will be an advantage • Moet rekenaargeletterd wees/Must be computer literate • Ondervinding en kennis van Pastel sal ‘n aanbeveling wees/ Experience and knowledge of Pastel will be an added advantage • Moet tweetalig wees in Engels en Afrikaans/Must be bilingual in English and Afrikaans • Moet goeie kommunikasievaardighede hê en as deel van ‘n span, maar ook op eie inisiatief kan werk/Must have good communication skills and be a team player but also have the ability to work on own initiative • Moet bereid wees om die ekstra myl te gaan/Must be willing to go the extra mile. ‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysings kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig word of gefaks word na: 086 597 9792 of e-pos na A complete CV with traceable references can be handed in at Burgersfort Supa Quick or faxed to: 086 597 9792 or e-mail to Sluitingsdatum/Closing date: 30 April 2015 Indien jy binne 21 dae nie van die maatskappy gehoor het nie was u aansoek onsuksesvol. If you have not heard from the company within 21 days from the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.



17 APRIL 2015

Hervormde Kerk se Young entrepreneurs at Joshua Generation gholfdag goed ondersteun On 20 March 2015 Joshua Generation learners participated in an Entrepreneurs Day. Grades 4 to 8 in both Steelpoort and Burgersfort had stalls with various items to sell or games to play. This is a practical way of teaching business skills from a young age. The idea is that the youngster draw up a business plan, participate in the day and be able to calculate if they’ve made profit after deducting all their costs. (Information & Photographs: Joshua Generation).

Die Hervormde Kerk het verlede week Saterdag hul jaarlikse gholfdag gehou. Die dag is goed ondersteun en die spelers het dit baie geniet. Die kerk bedank graag almal wat deelgeneem het, ‘n prys geborg het en gehelp het om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak.

Die dag se borge was: Tubatse Chrome, Pick n Pay Steelpoort, Shield Safety, 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort, JS Precast Steelpoort, Lebalelo Steelpoort, ACDC Steelpoort, Icon Metals Steelpoort, Tubatse Service Centre Steelpoort, Woodzone Burgersfort, Hinterland (Afgri) Lydenburg, Rudaman Nelspruit, Swannscapes Steelpoort. (Inligting: Hervormde Kerk Steelpoort).

17 APRIL 2015



Tubatse Cluster vs Phalaborwa The Tubatse Cluster of the South African Police Service (SAPS) played a friendly soccer and netball game against their colleagues from Phalaborwa. The players did not only visit for the fun and games, but also participated in a crime awareness campaign. Unfortunately the local team lost, but the netball players came out victorious. Read more about this on page 12. Tubatse Cluster played in the green and white.

The team from Phalaborwa played in red and blue kit.

Last week for Comrades Marathon Substitution Process The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has reminded runners who were unable to enter during the official entry period, to try and secure their place on the Start line through the Substitution process. The 2015 Comrades Marathon Substitution process opened on 1 April and closes on 21 April 2015. The rule allows for a runner who has not entered to substitute for an entrant who has withdrawn; or intends to withdraw from the 2015 Comrades Marathon. Substitutions can only take effect on a like for like basis, meaning South African runners can only substitute for SA entrants, Rest of Africa (ROA) athletes for other ROA entrants and International runners for International entrants. Athletes are encouraged to make use of the online Substitution application feature at Here runners can access the downloadable forms and view the comprehensive list of rules and regulations which govern the Substitution process. All complete applications must reach the CMA office by 21 April 2015. There will be no extension of this deadline.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beรกnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


17 APRIL 2015

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Tubatse and Phalaborwa SAPS face-off On 15 April 2015 Tubatse SAPS hosted friendly soccer and netball matches against the Phalaborwa SAPS. The games were played at the Mangabane sports grounds. Before the fun and games, the officers first participated in a crime awareness campaign in Burgersfort. They distributed pamphlets with crime prevention tips to the community. The results of the netball game were Tubatse Cluster 7 and Phalaborwa 6. The soccer was 2 for Tubatse Cluster and 5 for Phalaborwa Cluster. (Information: Const. Jerial Mvundlela

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