Platinum Gazette 17 July 2015

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Gazette “This is for Mandela Day 2015. We want to be first” said the cheerful group of youths when asked why and how they became involved in picking up the trash in Burgersfort earlier this week. They are part of the Greater Tubatse Municipality’s Youth Empowerment Initiative and according to them on Mandela day they will be even more involved in community work.

46664 Nelson Mandela’s prison numbers (Source: Nelson Mandela Foundation) 5 August 1962: Arrested 7 November 1962: Sentenced to five years for leaving the country without a passport and incitement. Begins serving his sentence at the Pretoria Local Prison Prisoner number: 19476/62 27 May 1963: Transferred to Robben Island 12 June 1963: Transferred back to Pretoria Local Prison Prisoner number: 11657/63 11 June 1964: Convicted of sabotage along with Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Raymond Mhlaba, Govan Mbeki, Elias Motsoaledi, Denis Goldberg and Andrew Mlangeni 12 June 1964: Sentenced to life imprisonment with Sisulu, Kathrada, Mhlaba, Mbeki, Motsoaledi, Goldberg and Mlangeni 13 June 1964: Arrives on Robben Island with Sisulu, Kathrada, Mhlaba, Mbeki, Motsoaledi and Mlangeni. Goldberg is sent to Pretoria as he is white Prisoner number: 466/64 31 March 1982: Transferred to Pollsmoor Prison with Sisulu, Mhlaba and Mlangeni. They are joined by Kathrada in October Prisoner number: 220/82 28 February 1985: Goldberg is released 5 November 1987: Mbeki is released from Robben Island 12 August 1988: Taken to Tygerberg Hospital where TB is diagnosed 31 August 1988: Transferred to Constantiaberg MediClinic 7 December 1988: Transferred to Victor Verster Prison Prisoner number: 1335/88 15 October 1989: Sisulu, Kathrada, Mhlaba, Motsoaledi and Mlangeni released with Oscar Mpetha and Jeff Masemola 11 February 1990: Madiba released from Victor Verster Prison

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

17 July 2015

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17 JULY 2015


Lekgotla slams violent service protests The Sekhukhune Mayoral Lekgotla this week resolved that while communities might have genuine service delivery concerns, violent protests taking criminal forms are not the correct approach of dealing with those concerns. This statement comes at a time when the South African Police Services is working hard in fighting continuous violent actions by some members of the public, particularly in the Greater Tubatse Municipality and Ephraim Mogale Municipality. The latest incident occurred on 15th July 2015 where motorists and general public woke up to find that the people of the Phasha Mampuru and Ngwaabe areas have blockaded roads R579 and R555 leading towards the towns of Steelpoort and Jane Furse with burning tyres, tree trunks and stones. “Whilst we appreciate that the people have genuine concerns we cannot condone the violence that is taking place. As government through the department of public works we have appointed a contractor who will be handed over to the community of Phasha Mampuru before work to tar the road commences. We are forever committed to work with our people and engage in dialogue to solve whatever concerns they may have” said Executive Mayor Cllr Mogobo David

Magabe, during the opening of the one day Mayoral Lekgotla held at Ga-Marishane village. “Having gathered here we have also learnt with sadness the burning of a vehicle belonging to one of our councillors in Phetwane village of Ephraim Mogale Municipality on 14 July 2015). We understand that some members of the community went into a rampage following a dispute over employment within a water project in the Flag Boshielo Dam. And as government we acknowledge that there were loopholes in the implementation of the project on the part of social facilitation appointed by our implementing agent, the Lepelle Northern Water, to appoint labourers. As such, we acknowledge and agree with the community that the appointment of labourers was not done accordingly. We are however, concerned that our people regard projects as job creation mechanism but like with the situation in Phetwane village, we wish to state that the primary aim of this project is to provide sustainable water to the people with jobs as secondary factor” remarked Cllr Magabe. The Executive Mayor further alluded to the fact that the Mayoral Lekgotla is held to look into progress made with regard to service delivery implementation plans and

stressed that local Mayors, Councillors, Traditional Leaders, civil society groups and all members of the community must work together for peaceful solutions to every challenge. Executive Mayor Magabe further said that government is serious about service delivery goals and will continue working with all role players to ensure that there is accountability on financial management, provisioning of basic services and achieving social unity and cohesion.“We have also noted the preliminary recommendation by the Municipal Demarcation Board that the Fetakgomo Local Municipality will be merged with Greater Tubatse Municipality after the 2016 Local government elections. And by implication this will mean that a new type of a municipality will be established in the Sekhukhune District Municipality and government needed to ready itself for this new challenge” concluded Executive Mayor Magabe. The Executive Mayor urged the South African Police Services to strengthen its hand in uprooting acts of criminality where they exist without infringing upon the human rights of other individuals. The Mayoral Lekgotla which is held every 3 months is used by the District Municipality and its five local municipalities as a platform to access government performance and enhance service delivery.

In court According to Burgersfort Police, two groups were already arrested by Wednesday for the public violence along the R555 route between Ngwaabe and Steelpoort this week. Constable Victoria Maluleka told the newspaper that six suspects (al male between 30 and 35) had been arrested and appeared in court in Burgersfort on Wednesday after they allegedly torched a vehicle carrying tiles on 12 July at around 20:40 in the evening. The incident took place on the R555 at the Dwars River bridge at Ngala Camp. The 50-year-old driver escaped before the vehicle started burning. 12 Men were secheduled to appear at the Sekhukhune Magistrate’s Court on Thursday after they allegedly took part in blocking the road to Eerstegeluk on 14 July at around 12:30. When the Police approached, people pelted them with stones. The crowd was dispersed after helicopter backup was obtained. The 12 men were arrested on the scene. The are between the ages of 25 and 29.

Eerstegeluk, this week. Photograph obtained from Facebook.

New Roads Agency Limpopo billboard seen in Burgersfort (hope you guys are not responsible for the Ga-Mampuru road - editor)

17 JULIE 2015



Operation Fiela in Lebowakgomo Lebowakgomo SAPS Cluster and other stakeholders such as the Department of Home Affairs, the South African Revenue Service (SARS), Municipal Health Inspectors and inspectors from the Department of Labour joined forces for Operation Fiela. During this operation the team tried to eradicate all possible elements that could exert criminal activities such. Raids were conducted and foreign nationals without the proper documentation, or people in possession of suspected stolen property, people who do not comply with any of the coun-

“Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” - John 14:21 (NIV) (Photograph taken on the farm Boerboomkraal this week).

try’s acts regarding labour, revenue etc. and those in possesion of illegal firearms were arrested. The team arrested 7 Chinese nationals, 1 Ethiopian, 1 person from Malawi and 1 from India. People were also arrested for possesion of dagga and two liquor outlets who were not complying with the law are now facing the consequences. 17 Plastic bags of dagga was alos found in Unit R in Lebowakgomo. The team also tried to sensitize the community about xenophobia and such attacks and threats. (Information and photographs: Const. Mpho Moloisi, Lebowakgomo SAPS).

Some of the members who participated in Operation Fiela.


17 JULY 2015


13 Arrested

The Tubatse SAPS arrested 13 suspects on 10 July in connection with public violence at Riba Cross. The SAPS received information that community members of Riba Cross were gathering at a local liquor outlet at around 07:30 on Friday morning. They broke into the business and looted some of the liquor. When the police arrived they arrested 13 people. Nine of them are male and four female. Amongst the males is a 14-year old boy. He was released into the custody of his parents. The police recovered some of the looted items. A further 11 suspects were arrested (10 women and 1 man) for possession of suspected stolen property. They appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on Monday 13 July 2015. Charges of Public Violence, Malicious Damage to Property and Theft were brought against them. The eleven suspects found to be in possession of suspected stolen property were granted bail of R500 each while the other 13 will remain in custody until 20 July for a bail application. Both cases were pstponed. The one to 27 August and the other to 1 September 2015.

In another incident the Tubatse SAPS arrested 5 men for possession of stolen property. On 5 July a liquor outlet and house were looted and burned after public violence broke out. The items recovered are suspected to be taken during that incident. The SAPS were tipped off on Friday 10 July about the suspected stolen property in Riba Cross. They recovered items such as a TV stand, speakers, a computer, liquor and other drinks. The five arrested suspects appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 13 July 2015 and they were granted bail of R500 each. Their case was postponed to 27 August 2015 for further investigation. (Information & Photographs: Const. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS).

Items stolen during public violence on 5 July were recovered by the Tubatse SAPS on 10 July after they’ve received a tip-off from the public.

New leader for Tubatse Cluster The South African Police Service Tubatse Cluster has a new chief - General M.J. Maepa. He started in Burgersfort at the beginning of June and is one of the longest serving generals in the SAPS. He started in the SAPS in 1984 and moved through the ranks without skipping. He has been station commander at various stations including Soweto Kliptown, Thohoyandou and Polokwane. He has been a general

Some of the police officer with the suspected stolen property they’ve recovered after public violence and looting took place in Riba Cross.

for the last 16 years and served as the Cluster Commander of Polokwane before moving to Burgersfort. He is already sharpening discipline in the local branches and is planning many improvements. “Everybody must be responsible and know what is expected of them and then act accordingly. We should attend to complaints in a professional manner and sharpen our reaction time. We are also dealing with the rotten apples” he told the newspaper this week. He believes in leading by example. “We should have better feedback on cases and I want us to intensify our relationship with the communities and the business sector”. He would like to establish a Business Against Crime Initiative. He is encouraging anyone with serious complaints to contact him directly on his cell phone 082 451 7205. He is a big family man and is planning to settle in Burgersfort and to move his family here.

17 JULIE 2015



Red = STOP

Burgersfort residents smiled this week as some of the traffic lights that were out of order for more than a year started working again. It does however seem that some drivers will need a refresher course on what the coloured lights are meaning as many simply

drive straight over the red lights. The traffic officers may have a break from being pointsmen, but will now have a field day fining those skipping the red lights.


17 JULY 2015


Will you be giving 67 minutes On Saturday 18 July 2015 the world will remember Nelson Mandela’s birthday by celebrating Mandela Day. On this day everyone is encouraged to give 67 minutes of his or her time to help make the world a better place. This figure is calculated by the years Mandela gave in service of humanity. Platinum Gazette asked a few readers what they plan to do on Mandela Day.

Mr. Matthews Seerane and Mr. Freddy Mzimba said: “We’ve identified a granny who stays with her grandchildren and they don’t have a toilet. They are currently using the neighbours’ toilet. On Saturday we will be going there to build her a toilet. It may be more of a project and not only 67 minutes, expanding into Sunday, but Mandela Day should be every day and we should carry his legacy forward”.

Mr. Isaac Mafane said: “I’ve got a driving school – Makakole Driving School. I’ll be giving free lessons on road signs. I’ll lecture people so we can avoid accidents. Especially the young ones buy new cars and drive without licenses and they don’t know the road signs.

Ms. Salome Mamogale said: “I’m going to help people by making tea for them next to Choppies. It will be special tea that will help encourage good health. For 67 minutes I’ll give that for free”.

Mr. Tshepho Mabilo and Mr. Tshepiso Mabilo said: “We’ll start by visiting local crèches or schools and asking there how we can help them. We like tidy places so we’ll also be cleaning in our community. We’d like to visit elderly people and ask how we can help them”.

18 July 2015 - Give 67 minutes of your time

Mr. Sydney Makoka said: “I’ll give my 67 minutes on another day. I share a birthday with the big man and I would just like to celebrate it with my family at Thaba Moshate”.

Mr. Gabriel Komane said: “I want to volunteer at a school cleaning campaign or the municipality’s cleaning campaign. It is important that we celebrate Mandela Day”.

Mr. Zakhele Jozine, Mr. David Mathebula and Mr. Tshepo Nkambule said: “We usually plan something for Mandela Day. We plan it with our company, Working on Fire. We visit grannies at the old age home. We take them some food and we do some gardening for them”.

Mr. Jacky Chuma said: “Mandela Day should be every day. I’m far away from home so I don’t really know where to help around here”.

17 JULIE 2015



of your time on Mandela Day?

Mnr. Philemon Njati en Ms. Norma Mnisi sê: “Ons gaan iets doen. Ons gaan vir ‘n groep weeskinders koekies en koeldrank vat”. Mr. Prince Shongwe said: “Mandela Day is special. Mandela gave a lot and today we live free because of him. I’ll be donating clothes to underprivileged kids. We should plan that 67 minutes with a serious attitude”.

Ms. Hettie Mkanzi said: “I’m going to celebrate Mandela’s birthday. I’ll try to clean my community”.

Me. Monica Olivier en Mnr. Drikus Crause sê: “’n Mens probeer maar elke dag ietsie doen wat ‘n verskil maak. Jy moet elke dag ‘n engeltjie op iemand se pad wees. Elke klein ietsie maak ‘n verskil. Ons het nog nie aan iets spesifiek vir Saterdag gedink nie”.

Mr. Thomas Mabelane said: “Mandela Day should be every day. One should not be doing something for fame or to be in the newspaper. Do what you do to help in the quiet. Ask yourself every day how many people’s lives did you change? I’m not planning something specific for Saturday”.

Mr. Solomon Mafologela said: “We are going to celebrate. I’ll visit some elderly people and if I can I will donate something to them”.

Ms. MG Molapo said: “I’m going to play with with the little ones. I’m a professional nurse and I work with kids every day. I’ll also give them some presents”.

Right: Mr. Kgomotso Makgata said: “I feel like visiting old people and asking them about our local history”. Below: Ms. Marcia Mamadise said: “I have to honour Mandela. Where I am today is because of him. After work I’ll visit some kids in the crèches in my community”.

Me. Marlize Jordaan sê: “’n Mens moet eintlik elke dag vir ander iets doen. Wees elke dag oop vir iets doen en ‘n verskil maak. Ek beplan nie iets spesifiek vir Saterdag nie”. By haar is Ayden en Pieter.

Ms. Yvonne Lekolwane said: “To me every day is Mandela Day. I help my mom in Polokwane where she assists with needy and poor people. This Saturday we’ll host a party for underprivileged kids”.



17 JULY 2015

Dreams bigger than houses Many people are very negative when it comes to the young people of South Africa, but there is so much talent waiting to be unearthed that excitement should be in the air. Hidden away in a small village (Ga-Moraba village) near Leboeng is Given Tshehla. He is dreaming big dreams and while he is doing that he is building scale models of what he would like to one day design and see being constructed. He is 17 years old and a grade 10 learner at Maremishe High School. He dreams of one day becoming an architect. This is not something he is taking lightly. He has a passion for the structure and measurements of design and in 2008 started creating scale models of houses with cardboard boxes and other waste materials. His family is however not in a position to make his dream of studying after school a reality. His talent was spotted by the Leboeng Police Station’s Youth Coordinator, Const. Sibatana. Sibatana were doing his duties, making sure the youth of the area is safe and not getting involved with crime during the winter holidays, when he discovered Given’s talent. People who would like to get in contact with Given or would like to assist in helping his dream to one day work as an architect become a reality, can reach him on 076 985 3216 or e-mail him at givenlegodi9@gmail. com. Alternatively contact his mother, Ms. Mamorake Selina Tshehla on 072 208 0460. (Information & photographs: Const. M.A . Sibatana)

Burning broad in daylight

Ohrigstad’s streetlights are shining brightly, even when they are not needed. This is specifically the lights leading through town and not internal street lights. The town has had problems with these lights on and off for years. Often they are not working at all and when they are working they often have the tendency to never switch off during the day. In times where load shedding is a reality, residents asked why these are left to burn during bright daylight? This photograph was taken on Saturday afternoon.

17 JULIE 2015


Platinum Gazette

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3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332

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A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100 Drie slaapkamer meenthuis met dubbel garage te huur vir R7500 per maand. Kopers ook welkom. Kontak . Skakel: 083 232 8625. Executive house to rent close to Glencore, Two Rivers,Twee fontein- and Dwarsriver Mines. (On Tweefontein Road) Contact: 082 337 3092 Two bedroom apartment available. R5000 with lights and water, Aloe Ridge West. 3 Bedroom - R6500 with water. Pre-paid electricity. Call 082 578 6113

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

Grond G d tte k koop MONTHLY OR DAILY (14hktr) 5km buite ACCOMMODATION Roossenekal met IN BURGERSFORT boorgat en JoJo tank Khadima’s Lodge @ R450 000 o/h. Mev. now open. 171 Nyala Campbell - 082 550 Street, Ext. 5, 7398. Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. TE KOOP Contact: Ohrigstad eiendom. 076 666 1100/013 231 2733vk meter. Woon8609 stel en beskadigde huis. R440 000. 9. Te Huur/ Skakel Dirk: 082 890 1986 / 013 691 1082. For Rent dirkjsmit@telkomsa. net Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

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Appelblaar Padstal & Kwekery R50 SALE Indigenous Trees Schotia brachypetala: weeping boer-bean, huilboerboon Celtis africana: white stinkwood (Eng.), witstinkhout Combretum imberbe: leadwood (Eng.); hardekool (Afr.) and More... 20th of June to 2nd of August 2015. Contact Kobus 0826082033

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Betrekkings/Vacancies A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd is a joint venture between Eastern Asia Metals Investment Co Ltd from China and the Limpopo Economic Development Enterprise of South Africa. The company’s headquarters is based in Sinosteel Plaza, Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa. The company’s mine and extensive on-site smelter and other processing facilities are located approximately 125 kilometres south of Polokwane on the eastern rim of the deposit-rich Bushveld Igneous Complex.

ORE PROCESSING MANAGER (PATERSON E BAND) ASA Metals has a vacancy for an Ore Processing Manager. The successful applicant needs to be self-driven and must be able to work in a diverse team and creatively resolve problems. The successful candidate will be responsible for managing chromite processing plants with a view to expand and grow the processing capacity of the ore processing business, which will include identification of ore sources, ensuring that the current process plants operate at their maximum capacity producing product (complying with customer requirements) and the implementation of current and new technology to expand and improve the current process equipment. The successful candidate will report to the General Manager: Smelter and be part of the Senior Smelter Management Team. Performing management functions according to the strategy of the business, he/she will ensure that the area under his/her control complies with MH&SA and company standards. To apply, candidates will need a suitable qualification to enable him/her to perform their duties, with at least 10 years’ relevant management experience. Interested applicants are requested to submit their CVs to Melga Mabuza per e-mail at For further enquiries, please contact Melga at (013) 230-7775. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidates. The company reserves the right not to make an appointment. The company offer a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Applicants who have sent their CV and have not heard from the company within 30 days of the closing date could accept that their applications were not successful.

Closing date: 24 July 2015


17 JULY 2017


Teams play at Praktiseer Tubatse SAPS Cluster plays at Lebowakgomo

(Information: Jerial Mvundlela, Photographs: Pitso Sehlabela)

On Saturday 12 July the Tubatse Masters played against Dorinkop Masters from Bothashoek. The game was played at Leolo Secondary School in Praktiseer. In the first half both teams were eager to create scoring opportunities. Tubatse was the first to score with a goal by Thabiso Molemane. A few minutes later Codesa Dibakwane levelled the score and made it 1-1. The visitors took the lead for the first time in the match when Codesa netted his second goal. Later in the first half the Tubatse Masters’ Mbesuma Mabaso managed to level the score to 2-2. Just a few minutes before half time Tubatse Masters took the lead again when Isaac Mndawe scored their third goal. The half time score was 3-2. In the second half the teams continued where they left off. Welcome Mokoo scored Tubatse Masters’ fourth goal. Tubatse Masters took most of the ball possession and their pressure paid off when Lucky Lubisi forced the Bothashoek defence to score an own goal. Kagiso Malepe also put his name on the score sheet when he scored Bothashoek’s third goal. Tubatse Masters’ Andrew Skosana score another goal just before the final whistle making the final score 6-3 in favour of the Tubatse Masters.

On Wednesday 15 July the Tubatse SAPS Cluster played a friendly soccer match against the Lebowakgomo SAPS. The match took place at the Waterberg FET College in Lebowakgomo. The Lebowakgomo team dominated the ball possession in the first half and managed to score three goals. The Tubatse team scored only one goal to make the half time score 3-1 in favour of the hosts. In the second half the Lebowakgomo team continued their dominance and scored two more goals. The Tubatse team fought very hard and improved

their ball possession in the second half. The started working to create scoring opportunities and it paid off. They scored four goals during the second half of the game. The game ended in a draw with a 5-5 score. (Photo and information: Const. S.J. Mvundlela)

Tubatse Masters at Ga-Madiseng On Saturday 11 July the Tubatse Masters soccer team visited Madiseng Green Aces F.C. for a friendly soccer match in Ga-Madiseng Village. The hosts dominated the match in the early minutes of the first half, but failed to penetrate the Masters’ defence. Late in the first half the Masters started to get more ball possession and created some clear scoring opportunities, but failed to convert. The half time score was 0-0. In the second half Tubatse Masters came back very strong and managed to score five goals. Lucky Lubisi, Pitso Sehlabela, Seun Maroga, Lekgotla Motswiane and Tomas Lubisi scored for the team. The game ended 5-0 in favour of Tubatse Masters. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela)

Come play golf on these dates! On 8 August Tubatse Chrome Golf Club will be hosting the annual Ladies Golf Day. All proceeds of the day will be donated to Cansa. This year men will also be allowed on the field, but in the spirit of Woman’s Month the men who enter are requested to wear a dress or a skirt. If not, an additional donation of R100 will be payable. The men will join the women on the ladies tee boxes and will only be allowed by use their irons. No drivers, fairway woods or rescues will be allowed. All players are also asked to wear something pink. Tee-off will be at 09:00 and the competition fees are R100 for women and R200

for men (and maybe a fine/donation if not dressed according to the competition rules). Only 9 holes will be played. To book your game contact Izelle van Staden or Loralyn Botha or alternatively contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811. * On Saturday 18 July golf players can participate in the Saturday IPS competition at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. Tee-off is at 07:00 until 09:00 and the competition fee is R120. The Two Club is now standing at R4000 winnings that is up for grabs. This is also the ideal weekend to complete your Captain’s and Better Ball Cup games. Players can book with Martin or simply show up on Saturday morning.

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For Sale


17 JULIE 2015



Manne met (wen) planne Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het hierdie seisoen plaaslike rugby weer gewild gemaak.

Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het verlede week teen Hazyview in die liga semi-finaal gespeel en gewen. Die span is deur na die finaal wat hierdie Saterdag op Komatipoort gespeel word. Lees meer op bladsy 12.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beรกnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Ohrigstad Rugby Klub se ondersteuners het in groot groepe gekom om die span te ondersteun en die manne het nie teleursgestel nie. Ohrigstad het veral in die tweede helfte van die wedstryd vir aksie gesorg terwyl hulle luidkeels aangemoedig is.


17 JULY 2015

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Platinum Gazette


Ohrigstad na finaal Ohrigstad Rugby Klub is deur na die finaal in hul liga. Die span het verlede week Saterdag teen Hazyview te staan gekom in die semi-finaal. Die eerste helfte was taai met Hazyview wat eerste punte deur ‘n strafskop aangeteken het. Teen halftyd het was die telling 9-6 in Hazyview se guns. Al die punte was deur strafskoppe aangeteken. Martin van den Berg het Ohrigstad se punte aangeteken. In die tweede helfte het Ohrigstad terug gekom met beter motivering en die span het vinnig spoed gevang. Hulle fiksheid het ook in hul guns getel. In hierdie helfte het

Ohrigstad 3 drieë gedruk en Martin van den Berg het hulle almal verdoel. Die drieë is deur Lluwellyn Richards, Riaan Steyn en Stefan Rolling gedruk. Die Agterspeler van die wedstryd was Martin van den Berg en die Voorspeler van die wedstryd was Riaan Steyn. Hierdie naweek speel die span op Komatipoort in die finaal. Komatipoort het verlede week Saterdag met Nelspruit afgereken in die ander semi-finaal. Die Ohrigstadspan verwag ‘n klipharde wedstryd. In hul vorige kragmeting het dié twee spanne gelykop gespeel. (Inligting: Quartus du Toit, Ohrigstad Rubby Klub)

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