Platinum Gazette 17 June 2016

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Traffic clampdown The MEC responsible for Department of Transport, Safety, Security and Liaison, Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana together with Traffic chiefs from all districts and municipalities have agreed to step up law enforcement operation on hazardous routes and around major events to reduce road crashes and fatalities over the youth day long weekend and mid-year school holidays. The department of Transport says motorists who plan to travel for the June 16 long weekend and school holidays can expect to see traffic law enforcement every 20 kilometers during their journey. High impact operations have been planned which will see national, provincial, and municipal traffic officers working jointly with the South African Police Service to proactively deal with traffic violations and reduce collisions.

The R37 from Burgersfort to Polokwane is one of the routes identified for increased traffic enforecement during youth month. This photograph shows normal weekday afternoon peak traffic on this road just outside Burgersfort.

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

17 Junie 2016

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147

The following roads have been identified as hazardous routes that will be intensely patrolled. The routes include the N1South Gauteng to Polokwane, the N1-Norht Polokwane to Musina. R37 from Burgersfort to Polokwane,N11 from Marble Hall to Groblersberg, R81 Polokwane to Giyane and the R521 Polokwane to Dendron. Statistics collected by the Road Traffic Management Corporation indicate that the number of people dying on the roads in the month of June have been reduced by 11% in the past three years. The numbers have come down from 1262 in 2013 to 1072 in 2015. Traffic chiefs are seeking to reduce fatalities further this year by focusing their operations on the days on which most collisions occur and factors that contribute to fatalities. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are the days generally associated with a high number of collisions including pay-day weekends and long weekends. Drunk driving, speed, fatigue, uncontrolled pedestrian behaviour are some the human factors that will be addressed as they contribute majorly to collisions and fatalities. Motorists are warned that major construction on some sections of the main national roads is currently underway to improve the quality of the roads. For incident reports please contact the department transport control room at: 0800 00 66 94 and 015 295 1022




17 JUNE 2016

Opportunities for the youth On last week Friday the Sekhukhune Youth Opportunities Expo took place at Thaba Moshate Casino in Burgersfort. The event is now in its second year and is organised by the Sekhukhune District Municipality, the small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), Sekhukhune Youth Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sekhukhune Development Agency and Thaba Moshate Casino and Resort. Due to the high level op unemployement

and poverty in the area the need was identified to establish a platform that will consolidate opportunities that will empower, promote and inspire the youth of Sekhukhune to play meaningful roles in the development of the District. Large numbers of young people registered for the expo where they had the opportunity to meet with existing institutions that could help them set their dreams of becoming entrepreneurs in motion. Young entrepre-

The Sekhukhune Youth Opportunities Expo had a youthful vibe, but tackled serious issues.

neurs were also in attendance, showcasing and inspiring what can be done with hard work, dedication and careful management. Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Cllr. David Magabe encouraged the youngster to make use of the practically beneficial event medium based

on using government-wide and private sector partnerships as its foundation to tackle the challenges of unemployment and poverty.

17 JUNIE 2016



Career guidance road show

Participate in the Investment and Trade Initiative

Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines in partnership with Siyakha Education Trust embarked on an opportunity to play a vital role in the decisions that young people need to make The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) invites companies to about their future. The ‘Career Guidance’ apply for participation in the eighth Investment and Trade Initiative initiative was recently introduced to schools (ITI) to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The mission will from Tubatse and Ngwaabe Circuit. The purtake place from 12-16 September 2016 but the deadline for submispose of the Career Guidance Roadshow is to sion of applications is 20 June 2016 promote the opportunities and services that The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Mr Mzwandile Masina both Samancor Eastern Chrome and Siyakha says the objective of this mission is to increase trade and investment Learning Lab has to offer. between South Africa and DRC. 11 identified schools in the Tubatse and “South Africa is currently the number one import source for the DRC Ngwaabe area were visited during the Career at 21.40%. Bilateral trade between South Africa and the DRC exGuidance Roadshow and the Roadshow perienced an upward trend between 2011 and 2015, growing from stretched over two days. The idea behind the R7.6 billion to R12.1 billion,” says Masina. Roadshow was to motivate and encourage He adds that South Africa is committed to the implementation of learners through focusing on the Grade 9 and the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap and increasing Grade 12 pupils. partnerships with the DRC in advancing the Agenda 2063 as well The focus with the Grade 9 students was as the fourth industrial revolution. to educate, motivate and discuss the imporAccording to Masina, the mission is an ideal platform for South tance of subject choices; how Mathematics African companies who would like to export value-added products and Physical Science plays a vital role in the and services and for companies who are looking for investment lives of learners who wish to become future opportunities in the DRC. engineers and work for mining companies He says the mission will present an opportunity to implement the like Samancor. Also on the agenda was opcommitment made by President Jacob Zuma during a working visit to portunities that Samancor Eastern Chromes the DRC last year, for the two countries to continue working together Mine offer to Grade 10 students who have to strengthen relationships and build new economic partnerships. interest in becoming future Engineers through The mission is targeting companies in agro-processing including food the learnership / apprenticeship programme. and beverages as well as agricultural equipment and infrastructure. For the Grade 12 students, the primarily Companies operating in the built environment, energy, mining and focus was on the importance of career choiccapital equipment, medical equipment, solutions and supplies and es and also the importance of excelling in all electro-technical sectors are also encouraged to apply. their subjects in order Participating companies will be assisted through the dti’s Export to gain more knowlMarketing and Investment Assistance Scheme (EMIA). edge and opporE-mail enquiries can be directed to tunities to apply for financial assistance (Bursaries, Apprenticeships, Learnerships and Internships) if they wish to start a career with Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines. Siyakha’s representative on the Roadshow was Karabo Tjie, explained what Siyakha Learning Lab is all about to the Grade 9 and Grade 12 students. Career guidance and gifts from Samancor Chrome and Siyakha were distributed to the learners to thank them and encourage them to study hard during the exam time. (Information and photographs: Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines, Marsika Stickling).

2 Years fatality free Modikwa Platinum Mine recently reached the two year fatility free milestone. The last fatility at the mine was on 3 June 2014. The Mine management said: “In remembrance of Mr. Richard Hendriks we would like to urge everyone to work safely according to the rules and regulations of the mine.

We are currently sitting at 2.5 Million Fatality Free Shifts. Our next milestone is to reach 3 Million Fatality Free Shifts and many more. “Our Vision is every Employee returns home to their families safely everyday”. (Information: Modikwa Platinum Mine)



‘Please don’t kill us’

17 JUNE 2016

Youth Month - an example

Motorists that travel the R555 route from Steelpoort to Middelburg regularly know that there is a section of this road, from just before the Steel Bridge/Jane Furse turn-off till just before the concrete bridge over the Steelpoort/Tubatse River that carries a speed restriction. 80 and 60 km/h are the rules here, but nobody adheres to it, exept when traffic cops conduct speed traps on this section. Then motorists warn each other. Otherwise even trucks regularly travel at speeds in excess of 100 km/h and people gets killed because of it. This road runs through a built-up area known as Kutullo (Matepe). With lots of pedestrians and school children. Residents have taken the initiative and built their own speeds humps during the night (16 and counting). Now the traffic is much slower, but safer. The legality of the ‘project’ is certainly questionable, but the fact that there is an outcry from this community should be evident to motorists and authorities.

The traffic signs seems to have been ‘donated’ and erected illegally.

Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926) is, and has been since her accession in 1952, Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and Head of the Commonwealth. She is also Queen of 12 countries that have become independent since her accession. She is the world’s oldest reigning monarch as well as Britain’s longest-lived. In 2015, she surpassed the reign of her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, to become the longest-reigning British monarch and the longest-reigning queen regnant in world history. At 90 she displays a youthful spirit that serves as an example to the youth all over the world (as displayed by her choice of a neon green dress for the Trooping the Colour ceremony last week). This photograph was taken in October 1991 when she disembarked from the Queens Flight at Eros Airport in Windhoek, Namibia where she was met by the first Namibian president, Sam Nujoma. Platinum Gazette’s editor, then a sprightly young news editor in the employ of the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, took the photograph.

17 JUNIE 2016

1 Kings 17:14 (NIV)

Basaartyd op Ohrigstad


For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.’”

Third birthday for Bison Falls Spur Bison Falls Spur in Tubatse Crossing Mall recently celebrated their third birthday. Customers were in for a special treat as they



shared in two massive Spur-themed birthday cakes. They could also pop a balloon to get discount and other prizes. Bison Falls Spur would like to thank all their loyal clients for their support and invites everyone to visit them for friendly service and delicious food for the whole family.

Die NG Kerk Ohrigstad hou op 24 en 25 Junie hul jaarlikse basaar. Dit vind by die terrein langs die Oasis kompleks in Ohrigstad plaas. Die basaar begin op Vrydag 24 Junie om 12:00 met padverkope wat pannekoeke en worsbroodjies insluit. Saterdag is daar groot makietie en besoekers kan ‘n groot verskeidenheid produkte koop. Daar is ondermeer vleis, pannekoeke, sosaties, boereworsrolle, koeke, terte, groente, plante, handwerk en nog vele meer. Alles is heerlik vars en teen billike

pryse beskikbaar. Daar is ‘n rustige teetuin waar almal lekker gesellig kan kuier. Een van die jaarlikse hoogtepunte is natuurlik die veiling wat gehou word. Daar is iets kan alles vir oud en jonk. Ander aktiwiteite van die dag is ‘n verskeidenheid speletjies, gesigverf vir die kinders, skyfskiet, kettieskiet en nog baie meer. Die gemeente nooi almal uit om die dae saam met hulle te kom geniet. Vir enige navrae skakel die kerkkantoor by 013 238 0044.

Micah 6: 6 - 11 (NIV)

Miga 6: 6 - 11

“6 With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? 7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God. 9 Listen! The Lord is calling to the city— and to fear your name is wisdom— “Heed the rod and the One who appointed it.[b] 10 Am I still to forget your ill-gotten treasures, you wicked house, and the short ephah,[c] which is accursed? 11 Shall I acquit someone with dishonest scales, with a bag of false weights?”

“6 Wat sal ek saamvat as ek na die Here toe gaan, as ek voor die hoë God gaan kniel? Moet ek met offers na Hom toe gaan, met jaaroud kalwers? 7 Sal die Here duisende ramme aanvaar saam met tien duisende offers van olie? Moet ek my eersgeborene offer vir my sonde, hom wat uit my liggaam kom, vir my oortreding? 8 Mens, die Here het jou bekend gemaak wat goed is: Hy vra van jou dat jy reg sal laat geskied, dat jy liefde en trou sal bewys, dat jy bedagsaam sal lewe voor jou God. 9 Om die Here te dien, dit is wysheid. Die Here roep die stad; luister, leier en julle almal wat aanhou roof: 10 Goddelose plek, moet Ek die verkeerde maatlyn bly verdra, of die vals inhoudsmaat wat Ek so haat? 11 Moet Ek die eienaar van ‘n onbetroubare weegskaal vryspreek, een met ‘n sak vol vals gewigte?”

PUBLIC NOTICE (Photographs: Bison Falls Spur)

In compliance with the Provisions of Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) members of the public, civil society, Business, rate payers and Magoshi are hereby notified that Greater Tubatse has in its Council meeting held on the 27th May 2016 adopted the 2016/21 IDP and 2016/17 Budget. Copies of the document are available for inspection at the following places; • Burgersfort Library • Mapodile Library • Ohrigstad Satellite office • Praktiseer Satellite office • Burgersfort Civic centre • Municipal Website For more information please contact Mashigo MM @ 013 231 1188 and Sebaka ML @ 013 231 1185 during working hours. Mohlala JNT Municipal Manager


17 JUNE 2016


Don’t burn property

Visiting Ohrigstad police station

On 9 June 2016 the people of the Ngwaabe area flocked to attend a Crome Awareness Campaign. The event took place at Maseven village and was attended by residents, memebers of the SAPS and other stakeholders. General Maepa was the keynote speaker from the SAPS. The Youth Against Crime initiative was represented by Mr Welcome Makua. The day centred around respecting authority, other people, business and government property and how to interact with the various structures available to the community. In his message Mr Makua told the audience to refrain from inciting and participating in violence and violent acts. Violence in the area hampers development growth spurred on by economic activity at the mines. “It is improtant to respect progress,” he said. “Let us stop burning the vehicles, trucs and passing motors which is helping our economy fall. If we behave and behave in a good manner, the youth will be able to get a good education and eventually qualify for jobs at the surrounding mines, government and business. General Maepa also handed out soccer balls. Sport is always one of the ways in which the youth can constructively engage with each other while keeping away from crime. (Information and photographs: Welcome Makua, Youth Against Crime).

The Ohrigstad social crime prevention unit invited the grade 7 learners from Laerskool Ohrigstad to the police station on 3 June 2016. It formed part of activities for Child Protection week. The social crime prevention coordinator Constable Phokane welcomed the visitors and explained the purpose for the visit to them. A number of topics were discussed including sexual abuse of children, the importance of reporting child abuse to the police and how, when and where to report child abuse in order to raise awareness. The learners where also given the

opportunity to move from office to office within the police station in order to understand how the different components within the SAPS work. The learners were accompanied by their teacher Mrs. Jacobs and at the end of the session they were given pamphlets to go and read as well as a snack and soft drinks. One of the learners, Kaylen was so excited to visit the station that she wished that they could visit every Friday. (Information & photographs: Constable Kholofelo Phokane)

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

9. Te Huur/ For Rent

3. Dienste/ Services

Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available

TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel in klein

sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossiing Mall in Burgersfort. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION Two bedrooms with water/prepaid Aloe West R4000. 2 x Bedroom with water/lights/security. Aloe West. R5 000. Three bedroom available from R6000 with water/lights/ security. Viewing available after hours. Please call or what’s app 082 578 6113. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand.

Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808

Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at or fax: 013 231 7147.


Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:

Enquire about our first advert special for start-up businesses. If you’ve started a new business and would like to advertise it: E-mail: adverts@ or call Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147.

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or adverts@ (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

17 JUNIE 2016



Puma-glorie Modikwa’s Morgan brings back a silver medal vir Lohan Mpumalanga Inter Provincial Cross Country Championships

Gekies vir O/20 Currie Beker-span Lohan Bennett is onlangs gekies om in die Puma O/20 Currie Beker-span te speel. Lohan is ‘n oud-hoofseun van Laerskool Burgersfort en het altyd goed in rugby presteer op skool. “Ons het nooit gedink dat hy later in die grootmens wêreld ook in rugby sal presteer nie,” vertel sy trotse ma, Lorraine Bennett. Lohan het sedert hy skool voltooi het vir verskillende klubs gespeel en ook ‘n ruk met ‘n besering gesukkel. Verlede jaar het hy vir die Grizzlies in Pretoria-Noord gespeel toe ‘n talentsoeker van die Steval Pumas hom raakgesien het. Lohan se trotse ouers, Lorraine en Wayne Bennett is baie dankbaar vir sy talent en gee aan God die eer vir elke geleentheid en prestasie wat Lohan behaal. Hy kom nog gereeld op Burgersfort kuier maar kuiertyd is nou min want ‘speel-tyd’ het deesdae vir hom ‘n heel nuwe betekenis. (Foto: Hennie Homann, Steval Pumas).

Netbalsterre van Steelpoort Steelpoort Akademie se 0/11 en 0/12 netbalspanne het die naweek van 10 Junie 2016 aan die Mpumalanga Netbal kampioenskappe in Witbank by Laerskool Kragbron deelgeneem. Steelpoort het in die liga eerste plek behaal waar hulle teen 6 skole van Witbank en Middelburg gespeel. Die spanne se puik prestasie in die ligawedstryde het

hulle laat deurdring na die Mpumalanga kampioenskappe. Die dogters het ‘n derde plek behaal in die medium skole afdeling waar daar 6 uitspeel wedstryde was. Dit was n groot dag vir die dogters waar die hele Mpumalanga se skole teen mekaar volgens skool grootte deelgeneem het. (Inligting en foto’s: Arlene Malan)

Die 0/11 dogters voor: Boikano Maisela, Thapelo Mahlake, Ester Masinge, Angel Kgwedi, Corli Vermeulen. Agter: Hlalefa Phetla, Jennifer Matau, Tebogo Sebutsi en Juffrou Lindie Cronje.

Dogters 0/12 Voor: Mmashai Tjatji, Nokwanda Hlomuka, Karabo Kedimotse. Agter: Tshidiso Moloto, Mpho Manngo, Thato Maroga, Juffrou Ina Joubert, Matshepo Khoza en Tebadi Thupa.

Morgan Mtsweni a new member of the Modikwa Marathon Club made his team very proud after his great performance on Saturday 11 June 2016 in Witbank at the Mpumalanga Inter Provincial Cross Country Championships held at Curro Bakenveld. Morgan managed to finish second in his age group with a time of 13:29. He said the track had a few killer hills. His achievement is setting the tone for coming races. This event was one of the build up events to the South African Championships where he hopes to qualify for the South African National team. “Well done Morgan, keep up the great performances!” the Club management said. (Photograph & Information: Willem Montgomery).


17 JUNE 2016

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SPORT Local soccer community mourns Sox 13 January 1940 - 4 June 2016

Above: The late Mr Mantaboge “Sox” Thobejane.

On Sunday last week family, friends and fans in the local soccer community said their goodbyes to Mr Mantaboge “Sox” Thobejane at Serafa village. He passed away on 4 June 2016 after falling ill shortly before his death. Mr Thobejane was the third son of the late Mr Setšakadume and Mrs Mateme Thobejane. Born with a physical disability did not keep Mr Thobejane from reaching for the stars and making a difference. In 1963 he established the Motsemagolo School where children could come to attend lessons. Young women were allowed to bring their children along and youngsters looking after their live stock attended lessons between their chores. The original centre was constructed of branches and build by Mr Thobejane and the children he taught. Using what they had available education became the prime focus for Mr Thobejane or “Sox” as he was also affectionately known. His school later developed into the Setlamorago Primary School. Sox will also be remembered for his contribution towards soccer development in the area. His love for the sport was a driving force in the establishing of the Serafa Mighty Blues football club in 1968 and he remained a keen member for

many years. He was also involved with various charity and competitive tournaments in the area. He went on to form the Magadimane Kings, the Magadimane Fast XI, Makobakobe FC, the Serafa All Stars and Mabatane Classic teams. Many were touched by Sox in his lifetime. Soccer players like Dan Mashabela who played for Vaal Professionals in the NSL and Lazarus “Magic” Manyaka who played for Ria Stars and Mpumalanga Black Aces were coached by Sox. Sox leaves behind his wife, 8 sons, 3 daughters and 13 grand children. Hundreds of mourners from the community and afar showed their last respects saying: “What a legend we had... Robala Ka Khutšo Hulabela ‘a Bauba Le Mologadi. (Photographs & Information: Abram Mampa)

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