Setting an example page 4
Example? - not ...
It seems like open season again, with the R555 route from Ohrigstad to Stofberg blocked at Kutullo near De Hoop Dam on Tuesday and just outside Burgersfort on Wednesday for various service delivery reasons. Nobody seems to know how to solve these issues without some form of burning or violence, and as far as could be determined, some people think self interest and/ or despair warrant the burning option as the only one ...
Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
17 Maart 2017
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
17 MAART 2017
Laughable fines for ‘MASSIVE’ drug bust R100.00 admission of guilt fines. The Leboeng SAPS held a massive Operation Thintha Lerole last weekend. The main aim of the operation was to eradicate drugs within the policing precinct with a focus on dagga. Two men and one woman aged between 35 and 44 from Leboeng Gamoraba and Gankoana villages were arrested for possession of dagga plants. The three were released after they paid R100.00 admission of guilt fines. The operation still continues and the SAPS warn those who engage in this kind of illegal activity to stop because they will face the law.
board members conducted surprise visits at the local liquor outlets to monitor if they comply with law. Four liquor outlets were charged for none compliance.
* On Wednesday 8 March 2017 the Leboeng SAPS together with Limpopo Liquor
(Information: Sergeant Sibatana Maimela Andrew)
* In order to speed up service delivery to the community the police station introduced an additional contact number, which will also open 24 hours seven days a week. This number 079 889 5326 is a direct line to the community service centre. The community should make use of this number to report any cases or if they should require any police assistance.
Winter is coming. Vehicles laden with heavy loads of wood are now spotted regularly on the roads. Electricity supply and the means to pay for that electricity is still a tender issue in many villages with residents resorting to collecting fire wood for warmth and cooking.
079 889 4294 - the number to remember in Ohrigstad The struggle to get hold of a police officer with transport to attend to crime related issues in Ohrigstad will be something of the past after launching a new cell number the public can use to reach the patrol vehicle. The police at Ohrigstad are making an appeal to all community members to take note and make use of the cellphone which is provided to the Community Service Centre vehicle on patrol. This number will come in handy when community members have an emergency and they see a police vehicle passing-by. They can quickly contact the officers in the vehicle directly through that cellphone. “We would like to encourage our community members to save the number for
easy use as we are striving to better the services we bring to them. The numbers are as follows: 079 889 4294” said Sgt. Phokane.(Information: Sgt Kholofelo Phokane, Ohrigstad SAPS.) (In Burgersfort this week the SAPS had not responded to a call-out to a break-in within 24 hours because members were engaged with soccer elsewhere. And yes, this specific incident is not the only one to go without response while house breakings are on the rise and none of it given through for coverage or warning in the newspaper. Perhaps this initiative from Ohrigstad is something to consider? Perhaps give the cell phone to the goal keeper?).
Winning at Magaba Filling Station Magaba Filling Station is running a monthly competition in which customers can stand a chance to win a shopping voucher with them to the value of R500. The February lucky winner was Mr Patrick Maunye. He received his voucher from Mr Carl Lourens of Magaba. The March competition is on and customers should remember to enter their till slips into the competition box. Perhaps you will be the next lucky winner? Look out for other promotions and competitions as well. A special promotion will also take place on 24 March. Don’t miss it!
17 MAART 2017
Towards the end of 2016 Platinum Gazette received a document from an organisation which purported to represent the community in Fetakgomo / Greater Tubatse Local Municipality. The lengthy document alleges all sorts of corruption by officials and office bearers in the municipality, especially with issues regarding alleged tender irregularities, favouritism, nepotism and non-performance as far as certain capital projects are concerned, such as the access bridge to Mafarafara. The newspaper did not swallow all the allegations and did its own little research, such as actually going to some of these projects, and seeing for ourselves that at least in some instances the opportunists were trying to use the newspaper for their own selfish agenda. We did not like that and did not entertain the matters further. Last week we received an urgent invitation to an exposé in Polokwane about corruption in the municipality. We were on deadline, and were not very exited about the issue as we are bombarded (most of it baseless) with much the same stuff every week. We did not go. Come this week, we receive the exposé in writing. Guess what - same document as the one in 2016, with minor alterations. We throw it in the dustbin (digital).Come Wednesday the municipality surfaces with the following media release about their ‘besmirchment’: Statement on Media Appearance and allegations by a Rogue Employee, Mr. Madalane. Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality notes with great concern the media appearances of Mr. Madalane in which he made unsubstantiated and spurious allegations against the Municipality, the Honourable Mayor, Municipal Manager, Trade Unions, the ANC, Service Providers and various individuals. The Municipality distances itself from the statements made by Madalane on the radio interviews. Madalane made those unsubstantiated statements in his personal capacity, and not as an employee representing the municipality. As a Cleaning Supervisor, he is not allowed nor authorised to speak on behalf of the municipality. In his choreographed radio performances accompanied by quoting of sections of the Constitution, Madalane has deliberately chosen to violate the rights of those that he made spurious allegations against on national and regional radio stations, including in writing. We really find his behaviour both unprofessional and appalling in that instead of reporting whatever issues he may have had internally via the existing channels and processes, he has chosen to go on a public smear campaign, spreading lies and making false and malicious allegations as well as insult his employer, including the Honourable Mayor – whom he called “moribund”. The Municipality, as elected by the public, takes both service delivery and the fight against corruption seriously. Internally, there is a Risk Management Department and Internal Audit Department that both report to an Independent Audit Committee which are well equipped to deal with any acts of corruption or process violations. They are actually the two units that we would have expected to be the first point of contact for Mr. Madalane if he really had credible issues to report. We would like to put on record that the Council, or any of the Municipal Departments have never sanctioned any investigation by Mr. Madalane, including the associations and organisations he purports to represent. We do not know the process and means which Mr. Madalane conducted his “investigation” to arrive at the conclusions he presented to the media. His baseless utterances unfortunately have potentially serious implications to the parties concerned as well as cause a serious damage to their reputation. He has brought the Municipality into disrepute! All our Municipal processes are above board, be it Procurement, HR, or Finance to name a few. Those processes are governed by the prescripts of the law including internal policies plus the relevant checks and balances that are in place to curtail any potential abuse of the processes. Some quarters in the media have been really disappointing in how they rushed into covering the issue without making any preliminary investigations and a fact check. Worse, one Regional Radio Station based in Polokoane seem to have made a forgone conclusion that Madalane was their credible source with which they were going to use to run a narrow agenda of besmirching the name and image of the municipality including its leadership. That type of conduct does nothing but tarnish the great image of journalism. You need to exercise balance, exceptional care and consideration your reporting of serious matters to avoid falling into a trap of joining the fake news brigade. The Municipality would like to indicate that in order to satisfy the public which it serves, it will study the allegations made by Madalane, as well as conduct an investigation on the veracity of such in order to report back to the public in due course. The Municipality, especially the Municipal Manager is committed to running a clean, transparent, and corruption free environment. Service delivery to our citizens is one of our primary objectives.
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in the Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or adverts@ (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
Cleaning Supervisor’s ‘cleaning campaign’ has municipality livid
Allow for extra time when travelling on the R36 through Ohrigstad. The road is in the process of an upgrade and there are waiting areas. This is not a municipal project, but one by SANRAL. Everything seems to be above board.
Learners taught about dream killers On 10 March 2017 Mangabane Primary School’s grade 7 learners participated in a youth campaign. The heart behind the campaign was to empower the grade 7 learners to be alert of the dream killers like peer pressure, teen pregnancy, drug abuse and many others. During the campaign, learners were taught that they are on the driving seat of their lives and speaker after speaker shared an extensive knowledge with them on how to steer their lives towards the right direction. From the Department of Health in Dilokong hospital Mrs Ruth Moropa, a nurse spoke to the learners. From the SAPS Burgersfort Constable Victoria Maluleka and Constable Skhosana addressed the group. From Social Development Mashimbye Prisca and Shivambu Confidence had an opportunity to speak to the learners. Learners were later taken to Mangabane Créche and Day Care were they were taught more about responsibilities. They were taught how to change diapers so that they can realise that the juggle between learning and parenting is a daunting task. The lessons were conducted by Mrs Manailana. The Youth coach, Lifi Tlhaka later gave each of the girl learners an egg and asked the learners to each name her egg and bath it and play along when going out to play. This was to teach them once there’s some one in your life in the form of a child, the expectations increases. “I want to thank everyone in Mangabane’s lovely team of educators for all their selfless sacrifices in making this event a success. Thank you to our cooking team and principal Mr Michal Mamabolo. To our sponsor Tubatse Eastern Chrome Mine, thank you for your continuous support. The Pick and Pay Family Store in Steelpoort - thank you for the heart that you have. All our guest from SAPS, Dilokong Hospital, Social Development, civil society, Mrs Manailana and the entire team, we really appreciate your contributions. To Zelda and her wonderful team from Kohin, thank you and much love. Everyone who contributed to our event, thank you once more,” said Tlhaka. (Information and photographs: Lifi Tlhaka).
Psalm 37:1-6 (NIV) Of David. 1 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; 2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. 3 Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: 6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
17 MARCH 2017
17 MAART 2017
Plain cigarette packs - your opinion No logo, no colour, big danger warning = less smoking? A draft bill mandating plain cigarette packaging will soon be opening for comment from the public. The packaging will have no distinguishable colours or logo on it, but will have a big warning about the dangers of smoking. One brand of cigarette’s packaging will look the same as the next. This standardized packaging is a trend happening across the globe with legislation in place in Australia, France and the United Kingdom. According to the Cancer Association of South Africa for than 44 000 South Africans die annually of tobacco related diseases. This is part of the motivation behind the Department of Health’s championing for the bill to become law despite tobacco companies saying it will cost jobs and boost the illegal cigarette trade. “You don’t want to build jobs based on people who are sick,” said Joe Maila on behalf of the department. He did not give a time frame for the draft bill to be signed into law, but added, “The process is in place and we are not apologetic about it”. According to the Tobacco Institute of Southern Africa, the supply, distribution and sale of smuggled or counterfeit tobacco products has cost the government more than R21 thousand million in lost tax revenue since 2010. British American Tobacco who operates a factory in Heidelberg, Gauteng said that the industry is already under pressure due to the illegal cigarette trade and had to cut 750 jobs in the last two years. South Africa is in the top five countries in the world when it comes to smuggling illegal cigarettes. Joe Heshu, head of external affairs in Southern African at British American Tobacco said: “Will introducing plain packaging impact consumption? We don’t believe it will. We believe that people will stop buying legal cigarettes and buy illegal cigarettes. Imagine I walk into the shop, and the only difference I see is the price. I would go for the cheapest. The illegal market will benefit from having a cheaper product”. Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi said: “Our message is that cigarettes have no place in modern life. Big cigarette companies have never won a case. I am very confident that within my lifetime there will be no smoking in the world. We will defeat it”. It is estimated that about 21% of South Africa’s teenagers are smoking cigarettes. While it is hoped that plain packaging will turn young people off smoking, the contrary has happened in Australia where smoking amongst the youth went up despite them not liking the plain packaging. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about this debate.
Mnr. Daniël Khotle sê: “Ek weet nie, maar ek glo nie die nuwe pakkies gaan werk om die mense te keer om te rook nie”.
Mr Gabriel Komane said: “I have a big concern about drug abuse and addiction. I think plain packaging is good. The big companies do not have to fear those who smoke will still buy legal cigarettes”. Left: Mr Thapelo Mokwena and Ms Salome Ntshegele said: “Companies manufacturing cigarettes will lose. People will rather buy illegal cigarettes and in the end jobs will be lost because of this. There are so many fake cigarettes all over and it will be worse if there is no branded packaging. People will continue to smoke, no matter what”.
Mr Alpha Mkhabela, Mr Silas Chiloane and Mr Donald Mosoma said: “The cigarette is the same, no matter what the packing looks like. We will not stop smoking. We are addicted. Plain packaging will also not prevent people from starting to smoke. This plan will increase the illegal cigarette trade”.
Mnr. Michael Maloney sê: “Mense rook omdat hulle wil rook. Nie oor hoe die pakkie lyk nie. Dit sal beslis die mark vir onwettige sigarette vergroot”.
Left: Mr Mpho Mokoena and Ms Karabo Mokoena said: “People who don’t smoke won’t want to start if it is plain packaged cigarettes. The ones who are already smoking will smoke less. There is a danger that people will rather buy fake or illegal cigarettes if there is no logo on the packaging”.
Mr Freddy Mokoala, Ms Lucia Molapo and Ms Boitumelo Chiloane said: “It is good. Young people will not want to start smoking. People who already smoke will also smoke less. People will still know which cigarettes are legal and which are not”. Left: Mr Vulture Mohlala said: “This is good. They must just properly stamp the name on the packaging to show it is the legal cigarette. People will want to smoke less if there is plain packaging. Young people will also not be attracked to start smoking. I support this initiative”.
Ms Pinky Mahlaku said: “People will stop smoking if the packing is just plain”. Mr Nicholas Maphoru said: “They will smoke less. If it is plain packaging smokers won’t buy so many cigarettes. People like logos on their cigarette packs. People will still buy legal cigarettes, but they will just buy less cigarettes”. Regs: Mnr. Anthony Smith sê: “Mense sal weet watter sigarette is wettig en watter is nie. Die wettige sigarette is altyd duurder. Mense sal beslis nie minder rook oor ‘n wit pakkie nie”.
Right: Mr Moses Mamogale and Ms Mmapaseka Morole said: “Yes it will work to reduce smoking. People will smoke less if there is nothing on the box. It will be less attractive. Unfortunately the illegal cigarette trade may also increase”.
17 MARCH 2017
Platinum Gazette
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Forward your news and invitations to editorial@ platinumgazette. com
The deadline for submissions is on a Wednesday 17:00
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Kennisgewings/Notices KENNISGEWING Van ‘n lisensie-aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Petroleumprodukte, 1977 (Wet nr. 120 van 1977) Kennis geskied hiermee aan alle belanghebbende of geaffekteerde partye dat KOTLOLO ENGINEERING CC, waarna hierna as “die aasoeker” verwys word, ‘n aansoek om ‘n GROOTHANDELS-LISENSIE lisensie ingedien het, aansoeknommer F2017/02/14/0002 - 275 KT PORTION 6 SHUSHUMELA, PRAKTISEER, BURGERSFORT, BURGERSFORT. Die doel van die aansoek is om ‘n lisensie aan “die aansoeker” toe te staan om groothandelspetroleumverkope te bedryf, soos in die aansoek uiteengesit is. Reëlings ter insae van die aansoekdokumentasie kan getref word deur die Kontroleur
van Petroleumprodukte te kontak by: * Telefoon: (015) 230 3600; of Faks: of E-pos: Gibson. Tshisikhawe@energy. Enige besware teen die uitreiking van die lisensie ingevolge hierdie aansoek, wat duidelik bogenoemde aansoeknommer moet toon, moet die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte binne twintig (20) werksdae van die verskyning van hierdie kennisgewing bereik. Sodanige beswaar moet by die volgende straat- of posadres ingedien word: Straatadres: Die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte, Departement van Energie, Landros Mare Straat 18A, Polokwane. Posadres: Die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte, Departement van Energie, Privaatsak X9712, Polokwane, 0700.
KENNISGEWING Van ‘n lisensie-aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Petroleumprodukte, 1977 (Wet nr. 120 van 1977) Kennis geskied hiermee aan alle belanghebbende of geaffekteerde partye dat KOTLOLO ENGINEERING CC, waarna hierna as “die aasoeker” verwys word, ‘n aansoek om ‘n PERSEEL lisensie ingedien het, aansoeknommer F2017/02/14/0001 - 275 KT PORTION 6 SHUSHUMELA, PRAKTISEER, BURGERSFORT, BURGERSFORT. Die doel van die aansoek is om ‘n lisensie aan “die aansoeker” toe te staan om groothandelspetroleumverkope te bedryf, soos in die aansoek uiteengesit is. Reëlings ter insae van die aansoekdokumentasie kan getref word deur die Kontroleur van Petroleum-
produkte te kontak by: * Telefoon: (015) 230 3600; of Faks: of E-pos: Gibson. Tshisikhawe@energy. Enige besware teen die uitreiking van die lisensie ingevolge hierdie aansoek, wat duidelik bogenoemde aansoeknommer moet toon, moet die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte binne twintig (20) werksdae van die verskyning van hierdie kennisgewing bereik. Sodanige beswaar moet by die volgende straat- of posadres ingedien word: Straatadres: Die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte, Departement van Energie, Landros Mare Straat 18A, Polokwane. Posadres: Die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte, Departement van Energie, Privaatsak X9712, Polokwane, 0700.
17 MAART 2017
Bosboktak hou boogskietdag Die Jagters Vereeniging van Suid-Afrika se Bosboktak het verlede naweek ‘n boogskietdag by Spekboom Driving Range & Bow Practice Range buite Burgersfort gehou. Daar is na teikens op verskillende afstand geskiet en ook na 3D teikens geskiet. Die dag het in goeie gees plaasgevind en die minder ervare skuts het baie geleer by die meer ervare ouens. Flippie Nortjé van Spekboom Bow Practice Range het almal bedank wat die dag ondersteun het en spesiaal Obaro vir die pryse wat geborg is. Die dag se uitslae was soos volg: Johan Grimbeek 86.76%, JB Willers 83,33%, Niel Calitz 83,33%, Rudman Botha 80%, Jaco Venter 56,67%, Flippie Nortjé 50%, Jan Graham 46,67% en Salomon Joubert 40%. (Inligting: Jagters Vereeniging Bosboktak).
Die teikens is op verskillende afstande geplaas en die skuts het punte gekry vir waar die pyle op die teiken geplaas is.
Steelies vereer vir prestasies Die volgende atlete van Steelpoort Akademie is vereer met trofees vir hul prestasies tydens die onlangse Interlaer wat op Lydenburg aangebied is. Dakalo Lebakeng – Senior Victor Ludorum, Bea du Toit – Beste Worpe en Beste Prestasie van die dag, Angel Machipi – Beste Middelafstand atleet; Tabo Thaesa – Beste Spronge seuns; Oratile Magadiri – Beste Spronge dogters. (Inligting en foto: Steelpoort Akademie - Marianie Kleynhans en Arlene Malan).
17 MARCH 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
SAPS soccer heating up The SAPS soccer teams are still competing in the SAPS Capricorn District Soccer League. On 15 March 2017 the results were as follow: SAPS Westernburg 0 vs SAPS ORS 1; SAPS Prov Office/ Supply Chain 6 vs SAPS Senwabarwana/Maleboho/Mogwadi 1; SAPS Matlala/ Mashashane 6 vs - 0 Morebeng/Sekgosese/Botlokwa; SAPS Mankweng 6 vs SAPS 10111 0; SAPS Jane Furse/ Nebo/Hlogotlou 2 vs SAPS Marble Hall/ vs Dennilton 1; SAPS Tubatse/ Mecklenburg/ Ohrigstad 0 vs SAPS Burgersfort/ Sekhukhune/ Leboeng 0. The teams will continue to play in the weekly league games and the local teams are hoping to make their stations and cluster proud.
(Information: Sergeant Mvundlela Photographs: Sergeant Phokane)
Enter the Chrome Golf Club Championships It is the time of the year when the Chrome Golf Club hosts the annual Club Championships. The competition will take place on 25 and 26 March with the tee-off starting at 07:00 in the morning. The green fee is R300. The fee includes lunch on Saturday and Sunday. As usual the fun will be part of the competition. Fun betting on the horses (players) will be taking place
just after the annual general meeting (AGM) on 24 March 2017. Last year’s winner of the bets walked away with R4000 in cash. The AGM is also very important and club members are requested to attend this important meeting to give their input and be updated on issues regarding the club. To enter the Club Championships you can contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811.
Running with the Road Warriors One of Modikwa Marathon Club’s runners, Mokaila Lawrence Tjia participated in the Sarens Edenvale Marathon last weekend. The race is organised by the Edenvale Rand Road Warriors. He competed in the 21km race and completed it in 01:55:08. He enjoyed the race and said that it was a very disciplined race with rules and regulations being enforced to ensure everything goes off well. (Photograph & Information: Willem Montgomery)