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17 October 2014
Open letter - Service Delivery Protests, not an excuse for anarchy and vandalism Within the South African socio, economic and political context, the history of protests has always been synonymous with the struggle against unjust apartheid laws, economic exploitation poor living and working conditions, academic exclusion and forced removals amongst others. These protests were a response to the prevailing conditions with the intention to change them for the better. A brief historical overview can bear testimony to that, the defiance campaign which included the burning of passes by the ANC in the 1950s, using facilities intended for white people in violation of Separate Amenities Act. The Alexandra bus boycott protests against removals from Sophiatown to Soweto, school boycotts and non – attendance of classes and universities. This were some of the protests actions embarked upon by people in various conditions, including workers strikes in factories and mines, and consumer boycotts in different towns, locations and villages all over South Africa. By their very basic nature this protest actions were largely peaceful. Even the Sharpville shootings of 1960 were not followed by violent eruptions on a large scale. The situation took a different turn after the 1976 student uprising in Soweto. The change in modus operandi from peaceful to violent one was a result of state machinery unleashing the brand of its military might on an unarmed and defenceless people. In retaliation the protesters resorted to violence through burning symbols of apartheid and secondly in defence of their space and reassertion of their humanity. The above scenario was understandable given the prevailing conditions of the time. These violent protest were a response to hopeless and deplorable circumstance, which at best let to destruction of property and at worst included the loss of life. By then people were living in abject poverty in scanty living condition devoured of meaningful material resources However, since the dawn of freedom the lives of ordinary black people changed for the better. Before 1994, in many areas where black people lived there shortage of schools, roads, clinics, hospitals, electricity and many other amenities which came naturally to white suburbs and other people of colour. It is within this context that an acknowledgement has to be made that a lot still need to be done. The ANC led government is confronted by an unenviable task of bringing better basic services to all the people of this country, some of this services were unseen and unheard of in large parts of the country – like clean piped water, electricity, clinic, school and employment amongst others. This is a mammoth task, which could not be achieved within a wink of an eye by any government on this planet. To bring all this services, to all the people of the country irrespective of their geographic location and social standing. Notwithstanding the progress already made so far, some disturbing signs are beginning to emerge and are commonplace all over the country where basic service delivery protests are taking place. What is absent in the majority of these protests is public order as these activities are characterised by lawlessness, anarchy and vandalism. In the heat of these protests public violence is spiralling out of control. It is understandable that members of the community should engage in service delivery protests where they experience government neglect. But what cannot be condoned is the fact that people should destroy the little they have whilst they still demand more. It is paradoxical that people must destroy their own property and still cry neglect in the provision of services in areas where they live. It must be acknowledged that this facilities or resources come at a high cost at a snail pace. So destroying them is not helpful since it will take more time to replace. It is the resources in the position of government that are spread very thin far and wide. So destroying them is not in the best interest of anybody. Actually moswane o rereshitse ge are “KE GO IPHAHLA KA LEFEGO”, it is not understandable why should people burn a much needed clinic whilst they are protesting against lack of water. It is fool hardy for anybody to dig trenches on access roads whilst they demand electricity. It is unforgivable to stop emergency service personnel from providing services to people in die stress whilst you demand clean piped water. Equally it must be stressed that politicians and public officials must not be absolved for shirking their responsibilities, which results in people not getting their much deserved services. Where the requisite skills are available and resources plenty services must be provided to communities within a short possible space of time. Failure to do so should result in those holding high offices to account to the public, where misdeeds are detected corrective measures must be taken. Politicians and public officials cannot hide behind political rhetoric and façade of bureaucratic entanglements in the face of these public outbursts. Public officials and representatives must remain true to their ropes and do what must be done and which is what they are paid for. In certain instances this violent public service delivery protests are fuelled by perceived acts of corruptions by those holding high offices. It is generally believed that corruption where it exists delays and even stalls service delivery. Where corruption is suspected prompt investigation should be undertaken and if found justice should be applied. In conclusion members of the South African Police Service must at all times be visible and vigilant during this public service delivery protest. Whenever the law is broken they must act swiftly and within the confines of the law by arresting the perpetrators. Unlike in the case of Andries Tatane and many similar others whose deaths were in vain and are still mourned by many, members of SAPS must be seen as law enforcement officers and not as judges or prosecutors. They cannot act ultra vires. In the same breath in cases were arrests have been made as a result of these criminal acts, the granting of free or paltry bail serves to erode public confidence in the judicial systems. Furthermore it encourages high levels of anarchy and vandalism in similar future service delivery marches and protests. It is therefore against this background that the Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality Cllr Mogobo David Magabe writes this open letter to the people of Sekhukhune in particular and South Africa in general. Recently, the District Municipality experienced some disturbing trends where violent service delivery protests occurred. For example: 1. In Leeuwfontein Township of Ephraim Mogale Municipality, roads where torched as residents demanded water positioning, 2. At Ga-Nchabeleng village in Feta Kgomo municipality, water infrastructure was destroyed and roads where torched as residents where fighting with Feta Kgomo municipality over land, 3. At Driekop, France selection Greater Tubatse Municipality, residents blockade R37 road and torched a house belonging to a ward Councillor as they demanded electricity and water, 4. At Monsterlus in Elias Motsoaledi Municipality, residents blockade roads with burning tyres demanding water and other services, 5. At Mmanotwane village in Feta Kgomo Municipality, residents torched a house belonging to a Traditional leader and touched more than 24 trucks and cars after a mine operation resulted into a death of a young person. All the above incidents occurred within seven days leading to the time of printing this letter. And the issues raised are genuine, however, the manner at which they are being raised is a serious concern. In conclusion, I am making a clarion call to all South Africans to exercise restraint and believe that negotiations are the only viable solution to all the challenges confronting us. We need to draw lessons from the successful negotiated settlement that brought about our hard earned democracy and freedom. And in the spirit of our late ironic figure Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, endeavour to make peace at all times and together move South African forward. Cllr Mogobo David Magabe Executive Mayor Sekhukhune District Municipality
RoleModels Nationals in December
Last week Saturday Leboeng Police’s Youth Desk travelled to Edenvale in Gauteng with a hive of beauties from the area to participate in the Miss RoleModels beauty competitions. RoleModels South Africa presents “Purpose Driven Pageants”; creating platforms for individuals to become involved in Community Upliftment, aimed at eradicating poverty and suffering. RoleModels South Africa was established in 2005 with the objective of offering fair pageants of a high standard, serving a philanthropic purpose with the following slogan: “INSPIRING HOPE IN THE HEART OF THE COMMUNITY”. The pageants are designed to empower women, enabling them to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Four provinces entered the competitions, namely Limpopo, North West, Gauteng and
17 OCTOBER 2014
Mpumalanga. Participants from each province competed in the different categories of their own province. The categories were Miss Limpopo RoleModels, Miss Teen Limpopo RoleModels, Junior Teen Miss Limpopo RoleModels and PreTeen Miss Limpopo RoleModels. Millicent Mashele (Miss SAPS Leboeng 2013) from Kgautswana, Masakeng village, was crowned Miss Teen Limpopo RoleModels, Hilda Mashaba also from Kgautswana was crowned 1st princess Miss Teen Limpopo RoleModels. Velda Lesese from Kgautswana, Paeng, was crowned 2nd princess Junior Teen Miss Limpopo RoleModels and Joy Pako from Leboeng crowned 2nd princess Junior Teen Mpumalanga Province. (Photographs and information by constable Sibatana Maimela Andrew, Leboeng Police)
17 OKTOBER 2014
sefa engage with local business The Small Enterprise Finance Agency (sefa) held a business breakfast at Jorge Resort near Steelpoort last week Thursday. sefa’s mandate is to foster the establishment, survival and growth of SMMEs and contribute towards poverty alleviation and job creation. Through sefa SMMEs can access finance ranging from R50 000 to R5 million. A variety of finance products were showcased and these include things such as short term loans, bridge loans and project finance. Applicants seeking financial assistance for their business can access opportunities by applying at the nearest sefa regional office. Application forms will be issued to qualifying applicants. The application is then submitted to the Credit Committee for a decision. In the case that the Credit Committee approve the application, the applicant will enter into a contractual obligation with sefa after which funds will be transferred to the applicant. The event was attended by various local business owners as well as the local Business Chamber. For more information contact: 086 000 7332, visit or visit their head office at Eco Fusion 5, Block D, 1004 Teak Close, Witch-Hazel Avenue, Eco Park, Centurion.
17 OCTOBER 2014
Samancor ECM to the rescue with desk problem Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) has expanded its mission in conjuction with communities to repair, rebuild and paint school desks that were found to be in a state of disrepair. This time the focus fell on Mangabane Primary School. As part of Samancor’s training and development strategy, community members were
employed on short term contracts to attend the Generic Engineering skills programme. Once training had been completed the community learners were able to flaunt their newly acquired skills by designing the new desk tops and securing them to the repainted desk frames. Samancor’s vision with this gesture is to touch the community in a positive way, helping the schools and the community enjoy a stronger connection. It makes the learners feel more allied to their community and create a positive experience for everyone. (Information & Photographs: Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines) Learners, teachers and community learners from the ECM project with some of the refurbished school desks at Mangabane Primary School.
Itirele cricketers best in province Itirele Primary School has used a donation by Samancor ECM so well, they made the whole Sekhukhune area proud. In 2013 ECM donated cricket sets to the school. Since then the school went on to win various games. On 7 October 2014 they represented the Sekhukhune region at the
Limpopo Provincial cricket tournament for u/ 13 boys and girls. The boys came second and the girls won their category. They walked away with a trophy and medals. Ms Patricia Pitjadi, the coach of these teams would like to thank everyone who helped them reach this level.
17 OKTOBER 2014
Respect is the Youth reach key to living out to prisoners crime free The Burgersfort SAPS, Youth Against Crime and Magosi celebrated heritage month at Ikhwezi Primary School in Burgersfort. The event took place at the end of September. Constable Victoria Maluleka from the Burgersfort SAPS addressed the learners. She told them that crime these days is much worse than in the days celebrated during Heritage Month. She encouraged them to live crime free lives like their ancestors before. She added that respect is the key to reduce crime. By having respect for other people, their lives and property there will be no crime. Other speakers of the day demonstrated and celebrated the diverse culture of South Africans. (Photographs & Information: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).
(Photograph taken and submitted by Elanie FouchĂŠ)
A group of young people from the Chikhoena Church in Burgersfort visited people in the holding cells at Burgersfort police station on 8 October 2014. The group danced, prayed and talked with the inmates about chaning their ways and forgiveness for sins. (Information and photographs: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).
17 OCTOBER 2014
Should ANA be kept or discarded? At the South African Democratic Teachers Union’s (Sadtu) eighth national conference calls were given for a change in the Annual National Assessments (ANA). ANA is part of the Department of Education’s Action Plan to help improve education. These tests are written by students from Grade 1 to 6 and Grade 9. The idea is that these tests will give teachers exposure to best practice in assessments. Through this schools in need of intervention are identified. Sadtu represents more than 260 000 teachers in South Africa, has rejected the current form of the assessments. They are calling for tests to be done on a three-year cycle and not annually. Currently learners write literacy and mathematics tests every year. According to Sadtu General Secretary Mugwena Maluleke the yearly tests do not allow enough time to implement intervention plans. He added that teacher spend much time “programming” students for fear of being labelled poor teachers while schools are afraid of being called dysfunctional. ANA was introduced in 2011 and since then slight increases in performance was noted, but it essentially shows the challenges facing the education system. In 2013 only 37% of learners in Grade 9 scored over 50% for their home language and only 3% got more than 50% in mathematics. The Democratic Alliance (DA) came out in agreement with Sadtu that the ANA system is not working properly in its current format. They also acknowledged that labelling of teachers and schools are often a problem and that intervention strategies are not very successful. The however added: “These assessments are essential. They are providing the closest thing to the truth with respect to the state of education in South Africa. The solution to the problem starts with admitting a crisis, and then addressing every single aspect that contributes to the crisis. These aspects will include the teacher, school, the district and the province, and the national Department of Basic Education and of Higher Education and Training”. “It is essential that Minister Motshekga ignore Sadtu’s call to scrap ANA. It is also essential that she really hear the reason that underpin the call, and act to address the concerns,” they said. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the call to do away with ANA.
Mr Tshepiso Moakamela said: “We can complain about teachers and learners. Kids of today are not behaving well. Teachers come to school at the time they like. There are a lot of stories like this. Today education is different from the olden days”.
Mr Mike Mnisi and Mr Tsako Ndlovu said: “They should write the ANA. The teachers should be assessed through the performance of the learners. If we were teachers and our class failed, we’d make sure they improve”.
Mr Speed Kgwetiane said: “They must not take it away. In every work they assess you. In private enterprises they do it monthly. In teaching the performance of the learners show the performance of the teachers. If all your children do well, you will not be afraid of being checked. Do your job well. ANA is a good way to audit the teachers. The other issues are just what they hide behind. They must do the jobs they are paid for”.
Mr Goodwill Mabatle said: “ANA must be given a chance. Don’t be negative. Many were against it from day one. Just give it a chance”. With him is Aubrey.
Mnr. Nicky Rieger en Me. Cindy Rieger sê: “Hulle moet dit aanhou skryf. Hoe kan die ouers weet watse kwaliteit onderwysers ‘n skool het? As die helfte van die kinders aan die einde van die jaar druip sal dit ‘n oproer veroorsaak as almal gedink het dit gaan goed. Daardie toetse moet bly”.
Mr Bernard Burnet and Ms Sarina Malepe said: “They must keep it. In the past our education was very good. Now teachers attend to personal issues in working hours. They should keep the test and expose the poor performers”.
Ms Shirley Makofane said: “They must keep that test. The Department of Education should help the teachers more where it is needed. Everywhere there are tests to evaluate performance – this is right”. Right: Ms Nokuthula Kona said: “They should implement it even more! That is the only way to determine the standard of education in our schools”.
Mnr. Johan Hölscher sê: “Die inspekteursisteem het gewerk. Vat die toets weg, maar bring die inspekteurs terug. In elke werk moet jy tog ge-evalueer word”.
Mr Mahlatse Ntlwana said: “I stand with Sadtu. Some of the teachers are not performing well and they should not be labelled bad teachers because of this assessment. Our education system is not well. Government must get their schools on the level of the private schools in our country”. Left: Mr Silas Maebana and Mr Nelson Makhubedu said: “Teachers must get better support if their classes performed bad in the ANA. Keep the test but help the teachers to perform”. Left: Mr Kuziva Nyamurowa and Ms Pauline Mapuvire said: “They must have all teachers do refresher courses to add value to their teaching methods. They must not scrap ANA. It is essential to determine the standard of education”.
Mnr. Daniël Khotle sê: “Daardie toetse moet aangaan. Die ouens wat sleg doen moet maar harder werk met hul klasse. Party onderwysers gaan net skool toe, maar leer nie die kinders nie. Hulle doen soos hulle wil, tjaila soos hulle wil. Ek weet waarvan ek praat, hulle kan my maar haat. Daar naby my bly so ‘n onderwyser. Soms gaan hy eers op ‘n Dinsdag of Woensdag vir die eerste keer skool toe. Party goed soos die skole in die ou Suid-Afrika het goed gewerk. Ek weet waarvan ek praat”.
Mr Dumisa Madelane said: “I think it is good to have this type of assessment. If we don’t have that, how will we know if teachers are performing or not? The results of the children’s tests show the performance of the teacher. Sadtu should not just look after the interest of the teachers, but also of the children. If they had a problem with changes to the syllabus I would agree to scrap it, but not for this. Zimbabwe is a poor country but their education is much better than South Africa’s system. I support Sadtu as a progressive union, but I disagree on this ANA case. Before ANA, inspectors visited schools, now how will we know the performance of the schools if it is not tested? Teachers must be paid well to keep them motivated”.
Ms. Matlakala Mokwena said: “They must keep ANA. It is in the interest Mr MD Mampa said: “There is too of the children to keep the test”. much pressure on the teachers. ANA adds pressure. If teachers only had that, it would be fine, but now there are other tests and assessments as well. It is too much. I agree with Sadtu that they must do away with ANA. It is just not working”. Left: Mr Ernest Thobeyane said: “Write the test but give the teachers better support. If it is still not working, make another plan”.
17 OKTOBER 2014
Stadsjapies vir ‘n dag of wat Steelpoort Akademie se Graad 5 leerders het net voor die September vakansie Stadskool bygewoon. Die groep het ‘n paar dae in
Pretoria en Johannesburg gaan kuier. Daar het hulle aan ‘n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite deelgeneem. Daar was onder meer ‘n besoek aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, ‘n rit op die Gautrein, ‘n besoek aan die Voortrekker Monument, ‘n ysskaatservaring, ‘n besoek aan die Kgosi Mampuru tronk en ‘n prettige dag by Gold Reef City. Die groep het dit baie geniet en sommer goed “stadslim” geword. (Foto’s en inligting: Steelpoort Akademie).
Die groep het hulself gate uit geniet en soms was hul oë groot vir dit wat hulle gesien het.
17 OCTOBER 2014
Chevrolet has enhanced its passenger car line-up with the addition of a new ‘Black & White’ Sonic special edition. This edition brings sporty visual upgrades and enhanced specifications to the Chevrolet portfolio, adding extra value and appeal. Based on the popular Chevrolet Sonic 1.6 LS 5-door hatchback, the new Sonic Black & White Edition is available as a limited run of 200 units exclusively in Carbon Flash Black or Snowflake White Pearl, with side mirrors and the rear spoiler painted in contrasting ‘Orange Rock’. Value-adding standard features include the Chevrolet MyLink infotainment system and black 16inch alloy wheels. The Sonic Black & White Editions come standard with Chevrolet’s 5year/ 120 000 km warranty and roadside assistance plan as well as a 3-year/ 60 000 km service plan as standard. Taking a drive through Steelpoort’s road obstacles and then on the open road on Wednesday, the car felt very solid, build quality was exemplary and not a single squeak or funny noises could be heard during the entire trip. The ride is much the same as other Sonics and the car soaked up the bumps and corners without feeling soft. The colours obviously don’t do anything to the car’s performance, but the black 16 inch wheels added a little bit more grip around the corners without making a hard ride. The standard infotainment system (an option on other Sonics) worked well and even managed to beat road noise on harsh tarmac. The wish list for this accomplished offering? – What about a little bit thicker steering wheel and another cup holder for back seat passengers? Phone Westvaal Steelpoort if you want to spend R231 000. Remember, there will only be 200 …
Oupas en Oumas kuier by Burgies Woensdag 1 Oktober was die Oumas en Oupas genooi om die oggend saam met hul kleinkinders by Laerskool Burgersfort deur te bring. Elke klassie het ‘n kans gekry om vir hulle oupas en oumas te sing of ‘n gediggie op te sê. Die oupas en oumas was ook met eetgoed bederf met eetgoed en ietsie om te drink. Sertifikate en medaljes is verder aan die grootouers oorhandig. Die skool sê baie dankie aan elke ouma en oupa wat die dag saam met hulle kleinkinders kom deurbring het.
17 OKTOBER 2014
Platinum Gazette
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4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
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staying in flat, please. Available immediately. Contact: 082 923 4744. 2 Bedroom Flat for rent Conveniently situated in central Burgersfort, 45 Marone Street next to Nalito’s Restaurant. R5000 per month. R6000 deposit required. Water and lights excluded from rent. Long term tenants welcome. No more than 3 people staying in flat, please. Available immediately. Contact: 082 923 4744.
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. I Bedroom Flat in Burgersfort available at end October 2014. Contact: 076 666 1100
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
1 Bedroom Flat for rent Conveniently situated in central Burgersfort, 45 Marone Street next to Nalito’s Restaurant. R4000 per month. R6000 deposit required. Water and lights excluded from rent. Long term tenants welcome. No more than 2 people Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
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Kennisgewings: Stadsbeplanning/ Notices: Town Planning GREATER THUBATSE PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK VIR DIE STIGITNG VAN ‘N DORP: VOORGESTELDE RIBA CROSS INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 96(1) (a) VAN DIE ORDONNASIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986: ORD. 15 VAN 1986 Die Greater Thubatse Plaaslike Munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 96(1)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ‘n aansoek om die dorp in die bylae hierby genoem, te stig, ontvang is. Die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende normale kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder: Greater Thubatse Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, 1 Kastania Straat, Burgersfort vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Oktober 2014 tot 14 November 2014. Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken of voorleggings wil maak met betrekking tot die aansoek, moet sodanige beswaar of voorlegging op skrif rig aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Greater Thubatse Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Posbus 206, Burgersfort, 1150, op of voor 14 November 2014. BYLAE: NAAM VAN DORP: RIBA CROSS VOLLE NAAM VAN APPLIKANT: NICOLA LUDIK NAMENS ARLYN INVESTMENTS PTY LTD AANTAL ERWE IN VOORGESTELDE
DORP: 2 ERWE – BESIGHEID 1 BESKRYWING VAN GROND WAAROP DORP OPGERIG STAAN TE WORD: GEDEELTE 1 VAN DIE PLAAS DERDE GELID 278 KT LIGGING VAN VOORGESTELDE DORP: DIE PERSEEL IS GELEë SUID VAN PROVINSIALE PAD R37 (BURGERSFORT/ POLOKWANE) EN OOS VAN DIE PROVINSIALE VERBINDINGSPAD (BURGERSFORT/ STEELPOORT) TUSSEN R37 EN R555 – BY DIE R37 EN PROVINSIALE VERBINDINGSPAD INTERSEKSIE IN DIE AREA BURGERSFORT. GREATER THUBATSE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TOWNSHIP: PROPOSED RIBA CROSS IN TERMS OF SECTION 96(1) (a) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) The Greater Thubatse Local Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 96(1) (a) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986; (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that an application for the establishment of a township mentioned in the Annexure attached has been received. Particulars of the application will be open for inspection during normal office hours at
the offices of the Municipal Manager, Greater Thubatse Local Municipality, 1 Kastina Street, Burgersfort for a period of 28 days from 17 October 2014 up to 14 November 2014. Any person who wishes to object to the applications or submit representations in respect thereof must lodge the same in writing to the Municipal Manager, Greater Thubatse Local Municipality, P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 on or before 14 November 2014. ANNEXURE: NAME OF TOWNSHIP: RIBA CROSS FULL NAMES OF APPLICANT: NICOLA LUDIK ON BEHALF OF ARLYN INVESTMENTS PTY LTD NUMBER OF ERVEN IN PROPOSED TOWNSHIP: 2 ERVEN – BUSINESS 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND ON WHICH THE TOWNSHIP IS TO BE ESTABLISHED: PORTION 1 OF THE FARM DERDE GELID 278 KT LOCALITY OF THE PROPOSED TOWNSHIP: THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED SOUTH OF PROVINCIAL ROAD R37 (BURGERSFORT/ POLOKWANE) AND EAST OF THE PROVINCIAL LINK ROAD (BURGERSFORT/ STEELPOORT) BETWEEN R37 AND R555 – AT THE R37 AND PROVINCIAL LINK ROAD INTERSECTION IN THE AREA OF BURGERSFORT.
17 OCTOBER 2014
Soccer clinic for Kodi White Doves FC Mr Ike Pula, the Mamelodi Sundowns Provincial scouted held a soccer clinic with Kodi White Doves FC players at Ga-Mphana village on 10 October 2014. This forms part of the club’s Players Exposure Program and in preparation for the senior team (SAB league) to enter in the 2014/2015 season. Mr Kodi Senyane committed R110 000 as motivation for his senior team’s players to work for promotion towards the ABC Motsepe League. The club is inviting exceptional left footed players between the ages of 17 and 20 as well as players that play on centre back and are at least 1.7m tall to contact Mr Kodi on 082 344 5493 or 074 533 3712. (Photograph & Information: Kodi Senyane)
25 October 2014 On 25 October 2014 the Diggers Community Centre in Winterveld will be hosting a “Hats & Heels High Tea” for Cansa. Diggers Community Centre is a non-profit organisation and at the event Cansa branch for Steelpoort/Burgersfort and surrounding areas will be launched. Through the planned Cansa branch support will be provided to cancer patients and their family members. To help make a success of this initiative local businesses, mines and individuals are invited to become involved through contributions and support. Ways to become involved are: * Buy a ticket for the Cansa Tea on 25 October 2014. * Book a table for your employees, customers or clients. * Make a cash contribution. * Donate corporate gifts. * Any other donations that could help with making the function and branch a success. * Sponsoring lucky draw prizes or giving items to be auctioned off. * Large companies and mines are invited to match the amount raised at the Cansa Tea on 25 October 2014. The Diggers Community Centre is not only focussed on the function on 25 October, they are also busy with child cancer awareness at schools. This is done through colouring in competitions and design of a sign board for Cansa Steelpoort. (The winners of this competition will be announced at the tea). Wrapping trees in shades of pink to create awareness. Hosting shavathon events in November at different locations - if you need a group to visit your company, just contact them. Informative talks are also planned for November which is official male cancer awareness month. The aim of the “Hats & Heels Hight Tea” is to try and raise R100 000 in aid of Cansa. For more information and ticket sales contact: Alet (083 775 1438, Debbie (072 712 6905), Jurgen (082 500 9257), Reinette (081 726 7553) or Jeanette (083 541 4533).
Winning with Spar
Ms Sophy Mdhluli was the lucky winner in Tubatse SUPERSPAR’s Wild Weekend competition in the first week of the month. She received her R500 shopping voucher from Ms Masedi Morema of Spar.
Tubatse Masters vs Samancor ECM Two tired teams face off On 14 October the Tubatse Masters FC visited Eastern Chrome Mines FC at Mangabane soccer field for a friendly game. The two teams both lacked spark from the start. Players seemed to be tired. Energy came back into the game when Lekgotla Motswiane
scored a goal for Tubatse Masters. The team managed to score a second goal through Tomas Lubisi. The second half started with fresh legs for both teams. Teams also focussed on attack and ball distribution.ECM was rewarded with a goal by Mogomeleng. Tubatse Masters’ third goal was scored by Sello Skhosana. The game ended 3-1 in favour of Tubatse Masters. (Information & Photographs: Mokibelo Shine Pholoane).
Samancor ECM played in the blue and Tubatse Masters wore the yellow kit.
Mokoo in the top 10
Ernest Mokoo was one of the top 10 runners for Samancor Marathon Club. He was part of a group honoured on 3 October 2014 for their running achievements. Mr Archie Palane, Samancor’s Head of Corporate Affairs and Transformation handed him his certificate.
17 OKTOBER 2014
Dwarsrivier Mine Taking on the teams from DMR
Dwarsrivier Mine played netball and soccer games against teams from the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) in Limpopo.
These games are an annual networking and team-building event. It took place at the Military Base sports grounds in Polokwane on Saturday 11 October 2014. Teams played both trophy and fun games. Drizzle and at times pouring At the end of the day the trophy rain, did not for soccer went to the team from dampen the Dwarsrivier Mine and the one for teams’ spirits. the netball went to the team from DMR. The winning teams also received new kit branded with the Dwarsrivier and DMR logos. Mr Remember Mmbengwa from Dwarsrivier Mine handed over the trophies, medals and new kit to the winners. The day was held in good spirits an d players are looking forward Right and below: The Dwarsrivier Mine teams to the next meeting in 2015 who competed forwhen the they’ll battle it out on the trophies. sporting The soccer fields. team won their trophy game, but the ladies unfortunately lost their trophy game in the netball.
17 OCTOBER 2014
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Beating Baroka FC at home On Saturday 11 October 2014, Tubatse Masters visited Baroka FC at Mangabane village. The friendly soccer game between the teams was played at the Mangabane sports ground. In the first half both teams displayed good soccer skills and kept the goalkeepers busy with the many scoring opportunities that
were created. Unfortunately both teams failed to convert their opportunities to score. Late in the first half Lucky Lubisi from Tubatse Masters managed to score a goal for his team. This put them in the lead at half time with 1-0. In the second half the hosts were determined to get even and within a few minutes from the
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restart, they scored their first goal. Tubatse Masters dominated the ball possession in the second half, but failed to score. A few minutes before the final whistle the team broke through and scored a second goal to win the match 2-1. (Photographs: Thato Maredi; Information: Jerial Movundlela).
Tubatse Masters played in the yellow clothes while Baroka FC wore the red and black kit for the game on Saturday last week.
Next week is the annual Wenakker Golf Day There is still space for 4ball teams to enter
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On 25 October 2014 Wenakker in Lydenburg will be hosting their annual golf day at the Lydenburg golf course. The day’s play will be in American scramble drive format. Players will register at 09:00 and thre will be a gun shot start at 10:00. The prize giving ceremony is scheduled for approximately 17:00. Entry fee include
the Halfway house stop. The organisers are still looking for additional sponsors and contributors towards the day. Companies who would like to become involved for this worthy cause can contact Neeltjé on 083 456 8328. Players who would like to enter can also contact her. Her e-mail is