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Š Platinum Gazette
18 July 2014
18 JULY 2014
Steelpoort roadworks Deep excavations and roadworks are currently underway on the R555 at Steelpoort. The stretch currently being worked on starts at the junction from Lydenburg to Steelpoort up until after the last entrance to Tubatse Chrome’s plant.The road is being widened and the deep excavations on the sides are to make provision for a strong base as this road is constantly being used by heavy vehicles. Drivers are being asked to keep to the traffic rules and please be patient while construction is underway.
No parking? No problem! A reader from Burgersfort took the photograph below and wrote this letter to the Traffic Chief in Burgersfort: “In Burgersfort if there is no parking available you can park on the pavements right in front of the shops to do your shopping, but only if you are a traffic cop though. They are allowed to do whatever they want, but expect us to obey the rules? They can
park wherever and however they want, they drive without safety belts, they are allowed to talk of their phones while driving - they are probably also allowed to drink and drive? They will pull you over and then have the audacity to ask for bribe money. No one takes these traffic cops in Burgersfort serious because of this. To me they are just one big joke!” - Janine, Burgersfort
Three expelled from Traffic College The Department of Transport in Limpopo have arrested a student at the Limpopo Traffic College at Manenu for fraud. The Internal Affairs Division of the department carried out the investigation and arrest. A case docket was opened at the Mutale SAPS. The student was expelled on 7 July after he presented a falsified Senior Certificate (Grade 12 certificate). The Department of Transport in Limpopo has appointed 250 Learner Traffic officials who are currently at Manenu College doing their training. All of them had to comply with requirements set out as advertised (medically fit, in possession of a valid drivers license, grade 12 and no criminal record). All the shortlisted candidates were called for interviews and later appointed as per the recommendation of the panels. The successful applicants were further advised that their appointment is subject to screening
and verification of their personal and academic qualification. This process of verification took place while the learners were busy with their training. It was discovered that 3 of the students were not supposed to form part of the programme because: two submitted a General Education and Training Certificate, the certificate in question is not equivalent to the Matric Certificate and did not reach the specific scores which will render it similar to grade 12. They should not have been shortlisted in the first place. The third student misrepresented his matric certificate. He used a certificate belonging to someone else and tampered with the names and ID numbers on the certificate. The tree students were expelled and the SAPS will continue the investigation into the fraud case that was opened against the one student.
Six months in prison Man sentenced for assault On 14 July Goodman Machubeng (27) was after burning of clothes sentenced to 12 months imprisonment with
The Road Traffic Act makes provision for exceeding speed limits in case of an emergency, the use of cell phones while driving and expemtion of wearing a safety belt for: “The driver of a firefighting vehicle, the driver of a rescue vehicle or ambulance, a traffic officer, a member of the South African Police Service and a member of a municipal police service both as defined in section 1 of the South African Police Service Act,
1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995), a member of the South African National Defence Force and any person driving a vehicle while engaged in civil protection in accordance with an ordinance made in terms of the Civil Protection Act, 1977 (Act. No 67 of 1977): Provided that he or she drives the vehicle concerned with due regard to the safety of other road users”. Traffic officers are thus not breaking the law while doing any of these.
On 15 July 2014 Hosea Mokoena (38) was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for malicious damage to property. He was not given the option of a fine. Mokoena burned his 38-year old partner’s clothes on 1 June 2014. He did this after they had an argument. He was arrested on the same day after the victim reported the incident to the Tubatse SAPS. (Information: Const. JS Movundlela).
an option of a R6000 fine. He was sentenced after he was found guilty of assault with the purpose to inflict grievous bodily harm. On 8 February Machubeng assaulted a 23year old woman with a glass after they had an argument. The incident happened in Praktiseer. On 9 February the incident was reported to the SAPS which led to his arrest on the same day. He was sentenced in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court. (Information: Const. JS Movundlela).
Makua Marathon gave his 67 minutes
Makua Marathon will be at work on 18 July - Nelson Mandela’s birthday and the day when Mandela Day is celebrated. This year he went on Tuesday to give his 67 minutes in honour of Mandela Day. He worked at the Mampuru Community Hall. In 2010 he game a soccer ball to children in the area. In 2011 he went to volunteer at Dilokong Hospital. In 2012 he worked in the gardens at Nkokoane Primary School. In 2013 he volunteered to work at the Mampuru clinic. He encourages everyone to give 67 minutes of their time to help make the world a better place.
18 JULIE 2014
18 JULY 2014
Do it for Tata Mandela The Sekhukhune District Municipality launched their Mandela Day activities at Ga-Motodi village on Tuesday 15 July. Getting down and dirty for a good cause was not something Executive Mayor Cllr Mogobo David Magabe and GTM local mayor, Cllr. Ralepane Mmamekwa were afraid of doing. (See photograph left). They were joined by Kgoshi Rentle Sekhukhune and led dignitaries from all over Sekhukhune on a 1.5km walk to the Bogwasha Old Age Centre in Ga-Motodi. The group painted and refurbished the Old Age Centre with the help of parolees from the Department of Correctional Services, members of the Old Age Centre and the community. The parolees saw this as an opportunity to give back to the community and their involvement was co-ordinated by the Department of Correctional Services. This also formed part of their reintroduction into society.
The Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune called on all the people of Sekhukhune to heed the call of President Jacob Zuma to help clean their communities on Friday 18 July when Mandela’s birthday is commemorated and Mandela Day officially celebrated. He also encouraged them to give help to those in need. “We have d duty, if not an obligation to realize and uphold the ideals of the most selfless human being the entire modern world has known, simply by helping those that are less fortunate than us,” Magabe said. Die district’s Mandela Day programme will culminate in a sod turning ceremony for the construction of a house for a needy family at Mpheleng village outside Marble Hall. As part of the call to clean communities on Mandela Day, the district municipality will have a clean-up at Dennilton taxi rank and at the Philadelphia Hospital volunteers will also get things sparkling clean. “We urge all members of the community to clean for Tata Mandela. All our local municipalities have programs in place meaning that everyone can play their part. Mining houses are also having programs to clean and assist the needy, so please play your part” Magabe said. Greater Tubatse Municipality will do some cleaning at Dilokong and Mecklenburg Hospitals.
18 JULIE 2014
Giving 67 minutes of your time for Mandela Day
On 18 July the world celebrates Mandela Day. In honour of the work Nelson Mandela did in his lifetime, serving others, the nation is called to each give 67 minutes of their time to help those in need or clean the communities in which we live. The Sekhukhune District Municipality got a head start on Mandela Day when they joined forces with Greater Tubatse Municipality to paint and refurbish an Old Age Centre in Ga-Motodi Village. Read more on page 4.
Load lost
On Thursday 17 July road users had to carefully negotiate the R36 near the Blyderivierpoort turn-off. A truck lost its load on the curve and vehicles had to pass in the on-coming traffic’s lane.
18 JULY 2014
Should Die Stem sections of our national The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) this week said that they will push for a motion to have Die Stem sections that has been incorporated into the national anthem, Nkosi Sikelelel iAfrica, removed. EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi called for Die Stem to be scrapped as it evoked memories of apartheid. Organisations such as the Azanian People’s Organisation and the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania do not include the sections containing Die Stem in the national anthem at their political party functions. Afrikaans singer, Steve Hofmeyr recently caused a stir at the Innibos Arts Festival in Nelspruit when he sang Die Stem as part of his performance. Afterwards in an open letter on his facebook page he clarified the following: “I still sing Nkosi Sikelelel iAfrica and I still stand up when it is being played. I have no need to have it replaced with Die Stem”. He added that he is both Afrikaner and South African and that he will continue to sing Die Stem. This he did on his tour to Adelaide, Australia in the last week. AfriForum said that Afrikaners are often feeling excluded as a minority group and removing Die Stem from the national anthem will only be a tangible act showing that they are being excluded. The ANC’s Thami Ka Plaatjie called it unfortunate that individuals want to erode the gains made in 20 years of democracy. In order to change something like the national anthem, the EFF will have to rally up support from both the DA and the ANC as a two thirds majority will be needed to amend the Constitution. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the EFF’s suggestion for removal of Die Stem from the national anthem and what their opinion is about people like Steve Hofmeyr singing it.
Mr Putiki Mohlala said: “The national anthem is alright, just keep it like it is. It is alright for Steve to sing Die Stem, just don’t try to replace Nkosi Sikelelel iAfrica as the national anthem”.
Mnr. Dion Rantho sê: “Dis reg net soos die volkslied nou is. Ek het nie ‘n probleem met die Afrikaans en Engelse dele van Die Stem daarin nie. Afrikaans en Engels is mos eintlik soos ons eerste en tweede tale. Die Stem soos Steve dit gesing het is niks. Almal sing liedjies in hulle eie taal”.
Mr Willy Seloane said: “Our national anthem joins people together. We are all together now. Just remember Mandela – he wanted us to be together – white, black, English, Afrikaans, Northern Sothu, it does not matter. We are Africans. We must be together and we must love each other. It is fine like Steve sang the song. We must remember that song. We must remember the old things. People are sensitive about Die Stem, so people who remember it must also take that into account. I have a plan! They must sing Die Stem on Mandela’s birthday and everyone singing it must give money and that must go to the poor!”
Mr Victor Malepe said: “No, they must not take Die Stem sections away from Nkosi Sikelelel iAfrica. It is part of our history. They can still sing that song (Die Stem), as long as it is not intended to replace our current national anthem. Don’t sing it to offend people”.
Ms Enicca Makofane said: “Our national anthem must stay like it is with Die Stem. We are one rainbow nation. There is no discrimination now. We are all together. No, I don’t think Steve Hofmeyr and others must sing Die Stem the way he did. It will offend people”.
Mnr Hendrik Ngele sê: “Jy kan nie Afrikaans wegvat en die ander los nie. Nee, dit is nie verkeerd soos Steve Hofmeyr sing nie. Ek het self van Steve se CDs gehad en dit baie gespeel. Ek het nie ‘n probleem met wat hy doen nie”.
Mr Petrus Molopo, Mr Lucas Ramaila and Mr Pores Mapalakanye said: “Our national anthem is joining everyone together. We are all South Africans. We must not take away Die Stem at the end. We must forget about this fighting. The national anthem must never be for one group only. We think we must only sing what we have today – people should not sing Die Stem like Steve did”.
Mnr Sam Mphogo sê: “Daai song (Nkosi Sikelelel iAfrica) is die song van die nation. Hy moet bly soos hy is. Steve Hofmeyr kan maar Die Stem sing, ek het nie ‘n probleem nie”.
Mr Thomas Mahlatji said: “The way the national anthem is, is like our culture. If they take parts of the national anthem away there will be discrimination. No, you cannot sing Die Stem anymore. You have to let it go”.
18 JULIE 2014
anthem be taken away? Your opinion...
Mr Edward Lephoi said: “Leave the national anthem like it is. It represents our rainbow nation. Everyone must feel integrated in our new South Africa. As much as apartheid was bad, it is not the fault of all white people. You must live and let live. You must know where you come from to know where you are going. Singing Die Stem like Steve Hofmeyr did? If it is not done in a malicious way it is part of his heritage – he should be allowed to sing it. If it is not meant to do harm, why not? He was not trying to promote it above our current national anthem. It is part of our heritage”.
Mr Steve Ramaila said: “The national anthem is fine the way it is. As long as the people are not inciting each other I cannot see why we cannot express ourselves. I think what Steve Hofmeyer did was to just express himself. What we don’t want is racism. Positive criticism is good, but we must strive to build our nation”.
Mr Aaron Maredi said: “It must stay the way it is (Nkosi Sikelelel iAfrica). It is very nice with that ending. We must be tolerant. We are used to our current national anthem. Die Stem can be sung when it is not intended to replace the current anthem. If Steve Hofmeyr’s intent was to entertain and give information about history, there is nothing wrong with it. Some of us don’t know all of that, so in that way it is good what he did”.
Mr Lemon Lubhimbi said: “Die Stem in our national anthem adds value. It represents us all. It unites us. Leave it as it is. That song (Die Stem) is very, very important. Steve Hofmeyr can sing it like he did as long as he does not want to replace the new anthem”.
Mr Titus Maebela and Mr Fidel Dube said: “If they take those Die Stem parts off, it will be something else. They must rather add languages such as Xhosa. We are a rainbow nation. If Steve Hofmeyr sang Die Stem simply to have it remembered there is nothing wrong with it”.
Mr Tumedi Sekhukhune said: “Our national anthem is very important because it incorporates everyone. It makes everyone feel part of South Africa. South Africa consists of all kinds of cultural groups and the message in the song (Die Stem) is not about apartheid. People can still sing it”.
Did you know? Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika was composed by a Methodist school teacher named Enoch Sontonga in 1897. Die Stem van Suid-Afrika is a poem written by CJ Langenhoven in 1918 and was set to music by Reverend Marthinus Lourens de Villiers in 1921.
Mnr. Rudi Kemp sê: “Ek dink ons volkslied moet net so bly. Dit is mos nou ‘n demokratiese land. Dit het betekenis vir ons almal – ons is mos nou een. Oor Steve? Dis maar Afrikaner wees. Dit is in sy bloed. Vir die ou garde sal Die Stem altyd onthou word”. By hom is Keegan.
Regs: Me. Daphné Rheeders en Mnr. Malan Meijer sê: “Dit moet net so bly. Almal ken dit nou al – tot oorsese mense. Met Innibos kan iemand soos Steve Die Stem maar sing. In daardie gees is dit goed. Hy het die mense moed gegee dat alles nie vergete is nie”.
18 JULY 2014
Winning is the way at Hope pret en plesier Tubatse SUPERSPAR Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag is daarvoor bekend dat daar hope vermaak is. Deel van die pret is natuurlik wanneer die grootmense met hul voertuie soos klein kindertjies speel, maar dit beteken nie die kinders word vergeet nie. Hierdie jaar sal daar ‘n Merry-Go-Round Karnaval met ‘n groot verskeidenheid pretritte wees. Daar sal ook boogskiet, windbuks skiet en paintball skiet op 3D diere wees. Soos altyd sal daar springkastele, ‘n glybaan en heerlike stalletjies wees. Daar sal weereens ‘n helikopter wees waarin besoekers ‘n draai bo-oor die dag se pret en plesier kan gaan maak. Sasko het aan die Wildevy Manne geskenkpakkies gegee wat deur die dag weggegee sal word. Arty Tots Burgersfort gaan die jongspan besig hou met vinger verf, klei speel en lekker morsige pret
Customers at Tubatse SUPERSPAR can win R500 shopping vouchers every weekend. Last weekend’s winner was Ms Priscilla Mothapo. Ms Thabang Mathebula from Spar handed her the voucher.
It is estimated that about 1.5 million South Africans are diabetics but many has not even been diagnosed.
Thabiso Mogakane is your friendly pharmacist at Greater Tubatse Pharmacy.
Diabetes occurs when the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood is too high. There are many reasons why this may happen - your body might not produce enough insulin or your body is not using the insuling it does produce effectively. Insulin is the hormone necessary to carry the blood sugar from the bloodstream into the cells where it is used for energy. There are two main types of diabetes. Type 1 (insulin dependent) and Type 2 (non-insulin dependent diabetes. The first usually affects younger people while Type 2 often develops later in life. You are at risk of developing diabetes if you are overweight, do not get enough exercise, have a family history of diabetes or developed diabetes during a pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Some symptoms include: constant thirst, passing more urine than normal, tiredness, unexplained weight loss and blurred vision. It is easy to determine your blood glucose levels. Blood taken from a finger prick is tested. Before testing you will have to fast for 8 hours. You can get your blood glucose levels tested at any Kalapeng Pharmacy. Your friendly pharmacist will refer you to your doctor should your test yield results outside the acceptable levels.
- so trek sommer ou klere aan wat maar kan vuil word. Burgersfort Animal gaan kom saam kuier en hul oulike klein perdjies en ‘n koets sal pragtige foto geleenthede bied. Die wenners van die jaarlikse inkleurkompetisie sal ook tydens die dag aangekondig word. Hierdie jaar moes die laerskool kinders hul eie prentjies teken en ‘n hele klomp oulike en kreatiewe idees het op papier verskyn. Die wenners sal om 16:00 by die hoof verhoog aangekondig word. Kom kyk, dalk is een van die top inskrywings joune? Op die prentjies regs kan van die inskrywings wat vanjaar ontvang is, gesien word.Die Wildevy Manne nooi die gemeenskap om die dag saam met hulle te kom geniet - “Kom laai die kinders by die kindervermaak af en geniet die dag!”.
18 JULIE 2014
Chev Trailblazer acres of space, comfort
Room for a ranch
Some people actually need nothing, but they can afford everything. So they buy 4 x 4 vehicles just because they can, not necessarily because they need one. Keeping up with the neighbours are also nice. Most of the time though, a 4 x 2 will do the job just as efficiently. A point in case is the Chevrolet Trailblazer 2.5 LT with manual six-speed transmission. The so-called budget offering in GM South Africa’s large bakkie-based SUV stable costs R398100. Not cheap, but certainly much more affordable than it’s 4 x 4 brethren and good value for money in this market segment overall. So OK, the dash does not look like Tokyo by night and just want to hark back to bakkie origins, but everything you need is there. Just enough info for a safe comfortable drive, infotainment system, steering wheel controls, manual air conditioner, USB and 3.5mm sockets, etc. Seven seats, four 12 volt power sockets and Isofix anchor points for child seats are all there. What do you need more? The example from Westvaal Steelpoort we got to drive on Wednesday proved that the 120 kW 380Nm Duramax diesel engine was not the most powerful in the Trailblazer range, but certainly no slouch. Where the vehicle differed most from it’s bakkie heritage is the comfortable ride, good handling and low noise, harshness and vibration levels. The long travel suspension gives a plush ride, but there is almost no wallowing in corners at speed or otherwise. Sound deadening also seemed to be improved for a more isolated cabin in comparison with previous years’ examples of the vehicle. Gravel also proved not to be a problem for the Trailblazer and the ride was smooth and comfortable. The five-link coil suspension at the back just wanted to jump with the unladen vehicle but combined with the independent front suspension setup, an overall superb ride was the result. So, you do not live in Timbuktu and do not need a 4x4 and you cannot just buy it because you want one. But you do have a lot of kids and a wife with a big suitcase and a mother-in-law that goes everywhere with her and you camp/travel/ go to the mall in strange cities a lot. You even drive on gravel quite frequently. This is the car for you. Do not fret too much about that awful/disgusting/terrible cream interior of Trailblazers past. It has been replaced with soothing/suitable dark furniture and dash in the new vehicle. Thumbs up!
18 JULY 2014
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
Platinum Gazette
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail:
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3680 of (013) 231-7899. Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel: 082 3571954 / 083 244 6005 2 Slaapkamer ten volle toegeruste rondawel beskikbaar op plaas, 10km buite Burgersfort op
Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:
Lydenburg pad vir R5500pm. Kontak Drienie 082-461-8808. 1 Bedroom Flat for rent Conveniently situated
in central Burgersfort, 45 Marone Street next to Nalito’s Restaurant. R4000 per month. R6000 deposit required. Water and lights excluded from
1 Bedroom flat available to let in Burgersfort. Safe and conveniently situated. Available immediately. Contact: 076 666 1100.
Public Notice ERRATUM ADVERTISEMENT FOR MUNICIPAL MANAGER POST (Changes to be effected on the Remuneration, Duration of Employment Contract and Closing Date) Position Remuneration
: Municipal Manager : R926, 720.00 - R1, 059,110.00 – R1, 191, 500.00 (All Inclusive Package in line with Government Notice No. 37500) Duration of Contract : 3 Years Closing Date for submission : Extended to 8 August 2014 All the other Information remains the same.
Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator
Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:
(Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Burgersfort Office Lydenburg Office Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:
A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation
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Notice Appeal of License: Atmospheric Emission License Number 12/4/12L-S5 issued on 31 May 2014, to the license holder Total SA (PTY) LTD. The license Holder, hereby inform all interested and affected parties of the following: 1
rent. Long term tenants welcome. No more than 2 people staying in flat, please. Available immediately. Contact: 082 923 4744.
That an Atmospheric Emission License has been issued to the applicant to proceed with the operation of its activities namely the receiving, storing and distribution of fuel.
2 Any appeal against the issuing of the license must be lodged with the Executive Council of Limpopo Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism (MEC) not later than 31 August 2014, by means of the following methods: By post: P/bag X9484 Polokwane 0700 By fax: 015- 291 5809
The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.
Millwright (C4) - Pelletising Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels. Role Responsibilities: Conduct fault finding, tests and switch Low and Medium motors and switch gear. Install and commission electrical measuring instruments and control devices, AC Machines and control gear. Install, Joint and terminate Low and Medium Voltage cables and conductors. Fault find and repair single/three phase AC Machines, Control gear and voltage electrical circuits. Fault find, install, test and configure Soft Start Control Drives. Fault find, install, test and operate instrumentation field equipment. Commission and fault find power transmissions, reciprocating compressors and Hydraulic/Pneumatic systems. Do basic rigging, arc welding and gas cutting. Inspect and replace bearings, gearboxes, couplings, belt/chain drives etc. Conduct continuous risk assessment in the workplace. Improve the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery. Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Millwright field. Trade Test Qualified: Millwright. At least 4 years experience in the Engineering environment as a Millwright. At least 2 years experience in a Pelletising plant environment. Valid drivers licence with own transport. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: or by fax: 086 269 5572. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
Closing date: 31 July 2014
By hand: Envridiki Towers, 19 Biccard Street, Polokwane 0700 3 The appeal must be in writing and accompanied by: · A statement setting out the grounds of appeal · Supporting documentation which is referred to in the appeal · A statement that the appellant has complied with regulation 60(2) or (3) of NEMA EIA Regulations together with copies of the notices referred to regulation 60 This public notice has been issued by Total SA Ohrigstad tel 013-238 0107.
18 JULIE 2014
Kom speel in die CVO gholfdag Golfspelers kan solank 19 Julie uitmerk vir die CVO Golfdag. Die dag se spel sal in ‘n “Two Ball Alliance” plaasvind. Inskrywingsgeld is R250 per persoon. Die dag se spel begin 08:30 vir 09:00 by Tubatse Chroom Klub.
Daar is lekker pryse soos ‘n halwe skaap en ‘n naweek weg. Belangstellende spelers kan solank vir Ansie by 082 076 0734 of Rika by 072 079 7628 kontak. Die skool nooi almal uit om in die dag se spel te kom deel.
Book your night golf space now On 8 August Tubatse Chrome Golf Club will be hosting a 9 hole night golf competition. (Mashie Course). The tee off time is 18:00 and the competition fee is R200 per person. This includes the green fees and the night golf ball. (Each team also receives a bottle of
Come ride the Wildevy Mountain Bike Race
The Wildevy Moutain Bike Race will be taking place on 26 July 2014. The starting venue will be at the Waterval CVO School on the Lydenburg road. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a fun ride. Distances vary from 2km to 70km so there are categories for all ages and fitness levels. Come join the fun and also get free entry to the Wildevy 4x4 Family Day. For enquiries e-mail: or call Pieter on 082 806 5622. Race and route enquiries can be directed to FJ on 082 873 9534.
Old Brown Sherry to ward off the cold). Players are requested to pay and book their spots before 1 August as only 32 players can be accommodated. Should all the spots not be booked the event may be cancelled. Contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811 to book.
Tubatse Masters plays Tonga FC Last week Saturday Tubatse Masters Football Club played a game against Tonga FC. Read more about this and get more photographs on page 12 of this newspaper. (Photographs: Jerial Movundlela).
18 JULY 2014
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Platinum Gazette
Tonga visits Praktiseer A friendly face-off against Tubatse Masters FC On Saturday 12 July 2014 Tubatse Masters FC hosted Tonga FC at the Sekhukhune FET College in Praktiseer to play a friendly soccer game. From the first whistle the teams showed good football skills and worked hard to create scoring opportunities. The first goal of the game was scored by the visitors but their lead was soon cancelled by Tubatse Masters striker Mbesuma Mabaso. Tubatse Masters created many other scoring opportunities but failed to convert them and they were punished for that later in the first half when the visitors scored two more goals. The half time score was 3-1. In the second half Tubatse Masters came back determined and strong. They dominated the ball possession and creating scoring opportunities paid off when Ally Maimela scored the hosts’ second goal. The Masters did not allow Tonga to penetrate their defence and with a corner kick from Steve Mashaba the Tubatse Masters managed to
level the score. In the last minutes of the game Thapelo Maredi had a good chance to schoot outside the box and managed to beat the Tonga goalkeeper to make the final score 4-3 in favour of the Masters. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela)
Tubatse Masters FC (above) played agains Tonga FC (below).
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